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Posted to by Stuart McCulloch <> on 2011/07/11 14:45:13 UTC

[ANN] Felix maven-bundle-plugin version 2.3.5 and Bundle Repository 1.6.6 Released

The Felix team is pleased to announce the release of maven-bundle-plugin
version 2.3.5 and Bundle Repository 1.6.6

The maven-bundle-plugin is based on the tool
from Peter Kriens and lets you create OSGi bundles for new and existing
Maven projects:

The Felix Bundle Repository provides a service to query, install, and update
a bundle (along with its deployment dependencies) from one or more OSGi
bundle repositories:

The releases are available from Maven:



Release Notes:

  maven-bundle-plugin version 2.3.5

   - [FELIX-3011 <>] - Add a
   new goal to save the bnd instructions that would be passed onto bnd, to
   allow people to use other toolchains such as bndtools
   - [FELIX-344 <>] -
   Generate standard maven documentation for the maven-bundle-plugin
   - [FELIX-1836 <>] - Maven
   resource filtering support for obr.xml
   - [FELIX-1039 <>] -
   Inconsistency packaging vs. type
   - [FELIX-1571 <>] -
   Bundle-ClassPath without "." while using maven-bundle-plugin in a war
   project confuses the plugin
   - [FELIX-1734 <>] - The
   _donotcopy is ignored
   - [FELIX-1985 <>] - Error
   when Include-Resource instruction contains duplicate paths.
   - [FELIX-2346 <>] - mvn
   bundle:clean removes all, even the existing resources
   - [FELIX-2427 <>] - maven
   site crashes
   - [FELIX-2435 <>] -
   <supportedProjectType> on a WAR file will switch the project to generate jar
   - [FELIX-2449 <>] -
   Resource filtering does not use Maven properties specified on the mvn
   command line via -D command line switches
   - [FELIX-2656 <>] -
   Maven-bundle-plugin identified as not thread-safe in Maven 3.0
   - [FELIX-2722 <>] - With
   an empty organization like this <organization/>, maven bundle plugin raises
   a NPE.
   - [FELIX-2765 <>] -
   bundle plugin throw IllegalArgumentException while do the install
   - [FELIX-2819 <>] -
   packageinfo files in src/main/java are ignored
   - [FELIX-2820 <>] -
   Provide a default value when using <_wab/>
   - [FELIX-2884 <>] - The
   multiplicity isn't taken into account by the maven bundle plugin and
   bundlerepository when generating the repository xml
   - [FELIX-2914 <>] -
   Nullpointer exception on mvn install if the pom contains organization/url
   but not organization/name
   - [FELIX-2934 <>] -
   Bundle-ClassPath contains "." despite using _wab instruction

  Bundle Repository 1.6.6

   - [FELIX-2612 <>] - [OBR]
   Doesn't work on Java 1.4 due to use of Boolean.parseBoolean()
   - [FELIX-2884 <>] - The
   multiplicity isn't taken into account by the maven bundle plugin and
   bundlerepository when generating the repository xml
   - [FELIX-2912 <>] - Host
   name is lost in exceptions when dealing with Windows shared drives
   - [FELIX-2958 <>] -
   Unable to remove previously added repository from OBR


-The Felix team

Cheers, Stuart