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[10/21] flink git commit: [FLINK-2844] [web frontend] Remove old web interface
diff --git a/flink-runtime/src/main/resources/web-docs-infoserver/js/jobmanagerFrontend.js b/flink-runtime/src/main/resources/web-docs-infoserver/js/jobmanagerFrontend.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 63d287c..0000000
--- a/flink-runtime/src/main/resources/web-docs-infoserver/js/jobmanagerFrontend.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,470 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-var jsonGlobal;
-var widthProgressbar = 120;
-// For coloring the dependency graph
-var colors = [ "#37485D", "#D9AADC", "#4F7C61", "#8F9C6A", "#BC8E88" ];
-var timestamp = 0;
-var recentjobs = new Array();
- * Initializes global job table
- */
-function init() {
-	$.ajax({ url : "jobsInfo", type : "GET", cache: false, success : function(json) {
-		// If no job running, poll for new jobs
-		if(json == "")
-			setTimeout(function() {init()}, 2000);
-	    jsonGlobal = json
-	    // Fill Table	
-	    fillTable("#jobs", json)
-	}, dataType : "json",
-	});
-// Init once on page load
- * Pools for updates on currently running jobs
- */
-function poll(jobId) {
-	$.ajax({ url : "jobsInfo?get=updates&job="+jobId, type : "GET", cache: false, success : function(json) {
-		// Call init of no more jobs are running
-		$.each(json.recentjobs, function(j, job) {
-			if(!$.inArray(job.jobid, recentjobs)) {
-				init();
-			}
-		});
-		updateTable(json);
-	}, dataType : "json",
-	});
- * Polls the job history on page load
- */
-(function pollArchive() {
-	$.ajax({ url : "jobsInfo?get=archive", cache: false, type : "GET",
-	    success : function(json) {
-		// Fill Table	
-		fillTableArchive("#jobsArchive", json)
-	    }, dataType : "json",
-	});
- * Polls the job execution counts on page load and every 2 seconds
- */
-(function pollJobCounts() {
-	$.ajax({ url : "jobsInfo?get=jobcounts", cache: false, type : "GET",
-	    success : function(json) {
-		$("#jobs-finished").html(json.finished);
-		$("#jobs-canceled").html(json.canceled);
-		$("#jobs-failed").html(json.failed);
-	    }, dataType : "json",
-	});
-	setTimeout(pollJobCounts, 2000);
- * Polls the number of taskmanagers on page load
- */
-(function pollTaskmanagers() {
-	$.ajax({ url : "jobsInfo?get=taskmanagers", cache: false, type : "GET",
-	    success : function(json) {
-		$("#stat-taskmanagers").html(json.taskmanagers);
-		$("#stat-slots").html(json.slots);
-	    }, dataType : "json",
-	});
- * Toggle ExecutionVectors
- */
-$(document).on("click", ".opensub", function() {
-	var id = $(this).data("open");
-	$("#" + id).toggle();
-	drawDependencies();
- * Cancels a job
- */
-$(document).on("click", ".cancel", function() {
-	var id = $(this).attr("job");
-	$.ajax({ url : "jobsInfo?get=cancel&job=" + id, cache: false, type : "GET",
-	    success : function(json) {
-	    }
-	});
- * Draw graph on left side beside table
- */
-function drawDependencies() {
-	$.each(jsonGlobal, function(i, job) {
-		$("#dependencies" + job.jobid).clearCanvas();
-		$("#dependencies" + job.jobid).attr("height", 10);
-		$("#dependencies" + job.jobid).attr("height", ($("#" + job.jobid).height()-$("#sum").height()-14));
-		edgeCount = -1;
-		$.each(job.groupvertices, function(j, groupvertex) {
-			$.each(groupvertex.backwardEdges, function(k, edge) {
-				var y1 = ($("#" + edge.groupvertexid).offset().top - $("#dependencies"+ job.jobid).offset().top) + 15;
-				var y2 = ($("#" + groupvertex.groupvertexid).offset().top - $("#dependencies" + job.jobid).offset().top) + 15;
-				var cy1 = y1 + (y2 - y1) / 2;
-				var cx1 = 0;
-				edgeCount++;
-				var strokeWidth = 2;
-				if (edge.channelType == "NETWORK")
-					var strokeWidth = 3;
-				$("#dependencies" + job.jobid).drawQuadratic({
-					strokeStyle : colors[edgeCount % 5],
-					strokeWidth : strokeWidth,
-					rounded : true,
-					endArrow : true,
-					arrowRadius : 10,
-					arrowAngle : 40,
-					x1 : 95,
-					y1 : y1, // Start point
-					cx1 : cx1,
-					cy1 : cy1, // Control point
-					x2 : 95,
-					y2 : y2
-				// End point
-				});
-			});
-		});
-	});
- * Creates and fills the global running jobs table
- */
-function fillTable(table, json) {
-	$(table).html("");
-	$.each(json, function(i, job) {
-		$("#rJpH").hide();
-		var countGroups = 0;
-		var countTasks = 0;
-		var countStarting = 0;
-		var countRunning = 0;
-		var countFinished = 0;
-		var countCanceling = 0;
-		var countCanceled = 0;
-		var countFailed = 0;
-		recentjobs.push(job.jobid);
-		poll(job.jobid);
-		if(parseInt(job.time) > timestamp)
-			timestamp = parseInt(job.time);
-		$(table).append(
-						"<h2 id=\""+job.jobid+"_title\">"+ job.jobname
-								+ " ("+ formattedTimeFromTimestamp(job.time) + ")"
-								+"</h2>"
-								+"<a id=\""+job.jobid+"_cancel\" class=\"cancel btn btn-warning\" href=\"#\" job=\""+job.jobid+"\" style=\"margin-bottom: 0.5cm\">cancel</a><br />");
-		var jobtable;
-		jobtable = "<div class=\"table-responsive\">";
-		jobtable += "<table class=\"table table-bordered table-hover table-striped\" id=\""+job.jobid+"\" jobname=\""+job.jobname+"\">\
-						<tr>\
-							<th>Name</th>\
-							<th>Tasks</th>\
-							<th>Starting</th>\
-							<th>Running</th>\
-							<th>Finished</th>\
-							<th>Canceling</th>\
-							<th>Canceled</th>\
-							<th>Failed</th>\
-						</tr>";
-		$.each(job.groupvertices, function(j, groupvertex) {
-			countGroups++;
-			countTasks += groupvertex.numberofgroupmembers;
-			starting = (groupvertex.CREATED + groupvertex.SCHEDULED + groupvertex.DEPLOYING);
-			countStarting += starting;
-			countRunning += groupvertex.RUNNING;
-			countFinished += groupvertex.FINISHED;
-			countCanceling += groupvertex.CANCELING;
-			countCanceled += groupvertex.CANCELED;
-			countFailed += groupvertex.FAILED;
-			jobtable += "<tr>\
-							<td id=\""+groupvertex.groupvertexid+"\">\
-								<span class=\"opensub\" data-open=\"_"+groupvertex.groupvertexid+"\">"
-									+ groupvertex.groupvertexname
-								+ "</span>\
-							</td>\
-							<td class=\"nummembers\">"+ groupvertex.numberofgroupmembers+ "</td>";
-			jobtable += progressBar(groupvertex.numberofgroupmembers, starting, 'starting');
-			jobtable += progressBar(groupvertex.numberofgroupmembers, groupvertex.RUNNING, 'running');
-			jobtable += progressBar(groupvertex.numberofgroupmembers, (groupvertex.FINISHED), 'success finished');
-			jobtable += progressBar(groupvertex.numberofgroupmembers, (groupvertex.CANCELING), 'warning canceling');
-			jobtable += progressBar(groupvertex.numberofgroupmembers, (groupvertex.CANCELED), 'warning canceled');
-			jobtable += progressBar(groupvertex.numberofgroupmembers, groupvertex.FAILED, 'danger failed');
-			jobtable +=	"</tr><tr>\
-						<td colspan=8 id=\"_"+groupvertex.groupvertexid+"\" style=\"display:none\">\
-								<div class =\"table-responsive\">\
-								<table class=\"table table-bordered table-hover table-striped tablesorter\">\
-							  	<tr>\
-							  		<th>Name</th>\
-							  		<th>status</th>\
-							  		<th>instancename</th>\
-							  		<th>instancetype</th>\
-							  	</tr>";
-							$.each(groupvertex.groupmembers, function(k, vertex) {
-								jobtable += "<tr id="+vertex.vertexid+" lastupdate=\""+job.time+"\">\
-       								<td>"+ vertex.vertexname + "</td>\
-       								<td class=\"status\">"+ vertex.vertexstatus + "</td>\
-       								<td>"+ vertex.vertexinstancename + "</td>\
-       								<td>"+ vertex.vertexinstancetype + "</td>\
-       							</tr>";
-							});
-							jobtable += "</table></div>\
-						</td></tr>";
-		});
-		jobtable += "<tr id=\"sum\">\
-						<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\">Sum</td>\
-						<td class=\"nummebembers\">"+ countTasks + "</td>";
-		jobtable += progressBar(countTasks, countStarting, 'starting');
-		jobtable += progressBar(countTasks, countRunning, 'running');
-		jobtable += progressBar(countTasks, countFinished, 'success finished');
-		jobtable += progressBar(countTasks, countCanceling, 'warning canceling');
-		jobtable += progressBar(countTasks, countCanceled, 'warning canceled');
-		jobtable += progressBar(countTasks, countFailed, 'danger failed');
-		jobtable += "</tr>";
-		jobtable += "</table></div>"
-		$(table).append(jobtable);
-		$("#" + job.jobid).prepend(
-						"<tr><td width=\"100\" rowspan=" + (countGroups * 2 + 2)+ " style=\"overflow:hidden\">\
-							<canvas id=\"dependencies" + job.jobid+ "\" height=\"10\" width=\"100\"></canvas>\
-						</td></tr>");
-	});
-	drawDependencies(json);
- * Generates the progress bars
- */
-function progressBar(maximum, input, classVal) {
-	if (input != 0) {
-		return "<td class=\""+classVal+"\" val=\""+input+"\"><div class=\"progress\"><div class=\"progress-bar progress-bar-success\" role=\"progressbar\""
-		 			+ "aria-valuemin=\"0\" aria-valuemax=\""+widthProgressbar+"\" style=\"width:"
-					+ (20 + 80*input/maximum) + "%;\">"
-					+ input
-					+ "</div></div></td>";
-	} else {
-		return "<td class=\""+classVal+"\" val=\""+input+"\">"+input+"</td>";
-	}
- * Generates the progress bar without the class val
- */
-function progressBar2(maximum, input) {
-	if (input != 0) {
-		return "<div class=\"progress\"><div class=\"progress-bar progress-bar-success\" role=\"progressbar\""
-		 			+ "aria-valuemin=\"0\" aria-valuemax=\""+widthProgressbar+"\" style=\"width:"
-					+ (20 + 80*input/maximum) + "%;\">"
-					+ input
-					+ "</div></div>";
-	}
- * Returns the new width for a progress bar
- */
-function newWidth(maximum, val) {
-	return (20 + 80*val/maximum);
- * Updates the global running job table with newest events
- */
-function updateTable(json) {
-	var pollfinished = false;
-	$.each(json.vertexevents , function(i, event) {
-		if(parseInt($("#"+event.vertexid).attr("lastupdate")) < event.timestamp)
-		{
-			// not very nice
-			var oldstatus = ""+$("#"+event.vertexid).children(".status").html();
-			if (oldstatus == "CREATED" ||  oldstatus == "SCHEDULED" ||  oldstatus == "DEPLOYING")
-				oldstatus = "starting";
-			var newstate = event.newstate;
-			if(newstate == "CREATED" ||  newstate == "SCHEDULED" || newstate == "DEPLOYING")
-				newstate = "starting";
-			// update detailed state
-			$("#"+event.vertexid).children(".status").html(event.newstate);
-			// update timestamp
-			$("#"+event.vertexid).attr("lastupdate", event.timestamp);
-			var nummembers = parseInt($("#"+event.vertexid).parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().prev().children(".nummembers").html());
-			var summembers = parseInt($("#sum").children(".nummebembers").html());
-			if(oldstatus.toLowerCase() != newstate.toLowerCase()) {
-				// adjust groupvertex
-				var oldcount = parseInt($("#"+event.vertexid).parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().prev().children("."+oldstatus.toLowerCase()).attr("val"));
-				var oldcount2 = parseInt($("#"+event.vertexid).parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().prev().children("."+newstate.toLowerCase()).attr("val"));
-				$("#"+event.vertexid).parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().prev().children("."+oldstatus.toLowerCase()).attr("val", oldcount-1);
-				$("#"+event.vertexid).parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().prev().children("."+newstate.toLowerCase()).attr("val", oldcount2+1);
-				//adjust progressbars nummembers
-				if (oldcount == 1) {
-					$("#"+event.vertexid).parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().prev().children("."+oldstatus.toLowerCase()).children().first().remove();
-					$("#"+event.vertexid).parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().prev().children("."+oldstatus.toLowerCase()).html("0");
-				} else if (oldcount > 1) {
-					$("#"+event.vertexid).parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().prev().children("."+oldstatus.toLowerCase()).first().children().first().children().first().css("width", newWidth(nummembers, (oldcount-1))+"%").html(oldcount-1);
-				}
-				if (oldcount2 == 0) {
-					$("#"+event.vertexid).parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().prev().children("."+newstate.toLowerCase()).html(progressBar2(nummembers, 1, newstate.toLowerCase()));
-				} else if (oldcount2 > 0) {
-					$("#"+event.vertexid).parent().parent().parent().parent().parent().prev().children("."+newstate.toLowerCase()).first().children().first().children().first().css("width", newWidth(nummembers, (oldcount2+1))+"%").html(oldcount2+1);
-				}			
-				// adjust sum
-				oldcount = parseInt($("#sum").children("."+oldstatus.toLowerCase()).attr("val"));
-				oldcount2 = parseInt($("#sum").children("."+newstate.toLowerCase()).attr("val"));
-				$("#sum").children("."+oldstatus.toLowerCase()).attr("val", oldcount-1);
-				$("#sum").children("."+newstate.toLowerCase()).attr("val", oldcount2+1);
-				//adjust progressbars summembers
-				if (oldcount == 1) {
-					$("#sum").children("."+oldstatus.toLowerCase()).children().first().remove();
-					$("#sum").children("."+oldstatus.toLowerCase()).html("0");
-				} else if (oldcount > 1) {
-					$("#sum").children("."+oldstatus.toLowerCase()).first().children().first().children().first().css("width", newWidth(summembers, (oldcount-1))+"%").html(oldcount-1);
-				}
-				if (oldcount2 == 0) {
-					$("#sum").children("."+newstate.toLowerCase()).first().html(progressBar2(summembers, 1, newstate.toLowerCase()));
-				} else if (oldcount2 > 0) {
-					$("#sum").children("."+newstate.toLowerCase()).first().children().first().children().first().css("width", newWidth(summembers, (oldcount2+1))+"%").html(oldcount2+1);
-				}
-		}
-		}
-	});
-	// handle jobevents
-	$.each(json.jobevents , function(i, event) {
-		console.log(event.newstate);
-		if(event.newstate == "FINISHED" || event.newstate == "FAILED" || event.newstate == "CANCELED") {
-			// stop polling
-			pollfinished = true;
-			// delete table
-			var jobname = $("#"+json.jobid).attr("jobname");
-			$("#"+json.jobid).remove();
-			$("#"+json.jobid+"_title").remove();
-			$("#"+json.jobid+"_cancel").remove();
-			// remove from internal list
-			for(var i in recentjobs){
-			    if(recentjobs[i]==json.jobid){
-			    	recentjobs.splice(i,1);
-			        break;
-			    }
-			}
-			//display message if all jobs are done
-			if(recentjobs.length == 0) {
-				$("#rJpH").show();
-			}
-			// add to history
-			setTimeout(function() {
-				var jobjson = {};
-				jobjson.jobid = json.jobid;
-				jobjson.jobname = jobname;
-				jobjson.time = event.timestamp;
-				jobjson.status = event.newstate;
-				_fillTableArchive("#jobsArchive", jobjson, true);
-			}, 8000);
-		}
-	});
-	if(!pollfinished)
-		 setTimeout(function() {poll(json.jobid)}, 2000);
-	else if(recentjobs.length == 0) {
-		// wait long enough for job to be completely removed on server side before new init
-		setTimeout(init, 5000);
-	}
- * Creates job history table
- */
-function fillTableArchive(table, json) {
-	$(table).html("");
-	$.each(json, function(i, job) {
-		_fillTableArchive(table, job, false)
-	});
- * Adds one row to job history table
- */
-function _fillTableArchive(table, job, prepend) {
-	// no duplicates
-	if($("#"+job.jobid+"_archive").length > 0) {
-		return false;
-	}
-	if(prepend)
-		$(table).prepend(
-				"<li id=\""+job.jobid+"_archive\"><a href=\"analyze.html?job=" + job.jobid + "\">"
-						+ job.jobname + " ("
-						+ formattedTimeFromTimestamp(parseInt(job.time))
-						+ ")</a></li>");
-	else
-		$(table).append(
-				"<li><a href=\"analyze.html?job=" + job.jobid + "\">"
-						+ job.jobname + " ("
-						+ formattedTimeFromTimestamp(parseInt(job.time))
-						+ ")</a></li>");