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Posted to by Alex Karasulu <> on 2008/07/29 19:35:05 UTC

[ApacheDS] Should InheritedSettings be injected into tests if member present.

Some test cases for core-integ and server-integ may want to access the
InheritedSettings and ServerInheritedSettings respectively to access
settings such as the current test name via the test description etc.  JUnit
4 is horrible at telling you which test is currently being executed which
makes it painful to do things in @Before methods based on the test being

I was thinking of injecting the InheritedSettings into a class member like
settings.  This static member would be updated for each test run and hence
would be accessible to @Before methods which are themselves static.

Anyways thought having this information available may help in some respects
but I don't know for sure.   Either way it's a trivial thing.



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