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[07/39] incubator-griffin git commit: remove public
diff --git a/service/src/main/resources/public/bower_components/spin.js/spin.js b/service/src/main/resources/public/bower_components/spin.js/spin.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a3258d..0000000
--- a/service/src/main/resources/public/bower_components/spin.js/spin.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2011-2014 Felix Gnass
- * Licensed under the MIT license
- *
- *
- * Example:
-    var opts = {
-      lines: 12             // The number of lines to draw
-    , length: 7             // The length of each line
-    , width: 5              // The line thickness
-    , radius: 10            // The radius of the inner circle
-    , scale: 1.0            // Scales overall size of the spinner
-    , corners: 1            // Roundness (0..1)
-    , color: '#000'         // #rgb or #rrggbb
-    , opacity: 1/4          // Opacity of the lines
-    , rotate: 0             // Rotation offset
-    , direction: 1          // 1: clockwise, -1: counterclockwise
-    , speed: 1              // Rounds per second
-    , trail: 100            // Afterglow percentage
-    , fps: 20               // Frames per second when using setTimeout()
-    , zIndex: 2e9           // Use a high z-index by default
-    , className: 'spinner'  // CSS class to assign to the element
-    , top: '50%'            // center vertically
-    , left: '50%'           // center horizontally
-    , shadow: false         // Whether to render a shadow
-    , hwaccel: false        // Whether to use hardware acceleration (might be buggy)
-    , position: 'absolute'  // Element positioning
-    }
-    var target = document.getElementById('foo')
-    var spinner = new Spinner(opts).spin(target)
- */
-;(function (root, factory) {
-  /* CommonJS */
-  if (typeof module == 'object' && module.exports) module.exports = factory()
-  /* AMD module */
-  else if (typeof define == 'function' && define.amd) define(factory)
-  /* Browser global */
-  else root.Spinner = factory()
-}(this, function () {
-  "use strict"
-  var prefixes = ['webkit', 'Moz', 'ms', 'O'] /* Vendor prefixes */
-    , animations = {} /* Animation rules keyed by their name */
-    , useCssAnimations /* Whether to use CSS animations or setTimeout */
-    , sheet /* A stylesheet to hold the @keyframe or VML rules. */
-  /**
-   * Utility function to create elements. If no tag name is given,
-   * a DIV is created. Optionally properties can be passed.
-   */
-  function createEl (tag, prop) {
-    var el = document.createElement(tag || 'div')
-      , n
-    for (n in prop) el[n] = prop[n]
-    return el
-  }
-  /**
-   * Appends children and returns the parent.
-   */
-  function ins (parent /* child1, child2, ...*/) {
-    for (var i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) {
-      parent.appendChild(arguments[i])
-    }
-    return parent
-  }
-  /**
-   * Creates an opacity keyframe animation rule and returns its name.
-   * Since most mobile Webkits have timing issues with animation-delay,
-   * we create separate rules for each line/segment.
-   */
-  function addAnimation (alpha, trail, i, lines) {
-    var name = ['opacity', trail, ~~(alpha * 100), i, lines].join('-')
-      , start = 0.01 + i/lines * 100
-      , z = Math.max(1 - (1-alpha) / trail * (100-start), alpha)
-      , prefix = useCssAnimations.substring(0, useCssAnimations.indexOf('Animation')).toLowerCase()
-      , pre = prefix && '-' + prefix + '-' || ''
-    if (!animations[name]) {
-      sheet.insertRule(
-        '@' + pre + 'keyframes ' + name + '{' +
-        '0%{opacity:' + z + '}' +
-        start + '%{opacity:' + alpha + '}' +
-        (start+0.01) + '%{opacity:1}' +
-        (start+trail) % 100 + '%{opacity:' + alpha + '}' +
-        '100%{opacity:' + z + '}' +
-        '}', sheet.cssRules.length)
-      animations[name] = 1
-    }
-    return name
-  }
-  /**
-   * Tries various vendor prefixes and returns the first supported property.
-   */
-  function vendor (el, prop) {
-    var s =
-      , pp
-      , i
-    prop = prop.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prop.slice(1)
-    if (s[prop] !== undefined) return prop
-    for (i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) {
-      pp = prefixes[i]+prop
-      if (s[pp] !== undefined) return pp
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Sets multiple style properties at once.
-   */
-  function css (el, prop) {
-    for (var n in prop) {
-[vendor(el, n) || n] = prop[n]
-    }
-    return el
-  }
-  /**
-   * Fills in default values.
-   */
-  function merge (obj) {
-    for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
-      var def = arguments[i]
-      for (var n in def) {
-        if (obj[n] === undefined) obj[n] = def[n]
-      }
-    }
-    return obj
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns the line color from the given string or array.
-   */
-  function getColor (color, idx) {
-    return typeof color == 'string' ? color : color[idx % color.length]
-  }
-  // Built-in defaults
-  var defaults = {
-    lines: 12             // The number of lines to draw
-  , length: 7             // The length of each line
-  , width: 5              // The line thickness
-  , radius: 10            // The radius of the inner circle
-  , scale: 1.0            // Scales overall size of the spinner
-  , corners: 1            // Roundness (0..1)
-  , color: '#000'         // #rgb or #rrggbb
-  , opacity: 1/4          // Opacity of the lines
-  , rotate: 0             // Rotation offset
-  , direction: 1          // 1: clockwise, -1: counterclockwise
-  , speed: 1              // Rounds per second
-  , trail: 100            // Afterglow percentage
-  , fps: 20               // Frames per second when using setTimeout()
-  , zIndex: 2e9           // Use a high z-index by default
-  , className: 'spinner'  // CSS class to assign to the element
-  , top: '50%'            // center vertically
-  , left: '50%'           // center horizontally
-  , shadow: false         // Whether to render a shadow
-  , hwaccel: false        // Whether to use hardware acceleration (might be buggy)
-  , position: 'absolute'  // Element positioning
-  }
-  /** The constructor */
-  function Spinner (o) {
-    this.opts = merge(o || {}, Spinner.defaults, defaults)
-  }
-  // Global defaults that override the built-ins:
-  Spinner.defaults = {}
-  merge(Spinner.prototype, {
-    /**
-     * Adds the spinner to the given target element. If this instance is already
-     * spinning, it is automatically removed from its previous target b calling
-     * stop() internally.
-     */
-    spin: function (target) {
-      this.stop()
-      var self = this
-        , o = self.opts
-        , el = self.el = createEl(null, {className: o.className})
-      css(el, {
-        position: o.position
-      , width: 0
-      , zIndex: o.zIndex
-      , left: o.left
-      , top:
-      })
-      if (target) {
-        target.insertBefore(el, target.firstChild || null)
-      }
-      el.setAttribute('role', 'progressbar')
-      self.lines(el, self.opts)
-      if (!useCssAnimations) {
-        // No CSS animation support, use setTimeout() instead
-        var i = 0
-          , start = (o.lines - 1) * (1 - o.direction) / 2
-          , alpha
-          , fps = o.fps
-          , f = fps / o.speed
-          , ostep = (1 - o.opacity) / (f * o.trail / 100)
-          , astep = f / o.lines
-        ;(function anim () {
-          i++
-          for (var j = 0; j < o.lines; j++) {
-            alpha = Math.max(1 - (i + (o.lines - j) * astep) % f * ostep, o.opacity)
-            self.opacity(el, j * o.direction + start, alpha, o)
-          }
-          self.timeout = self.el && setTimeout(anim, ~~(1000 / fps))
-        })()
-      }
-      return self
-    }
-    /**
-     * Stops and removes the Spinner.
-     */
-  , stop: function () {
-      var el = this.el
-      if (el) {
-        clearTimeout(this.timeout)
-        if (el.parentNode) el.parentNode.removeChild(el)
-        this.el = undefined
-      }
-      return this
-    }
-    /**
-     * Internal method that draws the individual lines. Will be overwritten
-     * in VML fallback mode below.
-     */
-  , lines: function (el, o) {
-      var i = 0
-        , start = (o.lines - 1) * (1 - o.direction) / 2
-        , seg
-      function fill (color, shadow) {
-        return css(createEl(), {
-          position: 'absolute'
-        , width: o.scale * (o.length + o.width) + 'px'
-        , height: o.scale * o.width + 'px'
-        , background: color
-        , boxShadow: shadow
-        , transformOrigin: 'left'
-        , transform: 'rotate(' + ~~(360/o.lines*i + o.rotate) + 'deg) translate(' + o.scale*o.radius + 'px' + ',0)'
-        , borderRadius: (o.corners * o.scale * o.width >> 1) + 'px'
-        })
-      }
-      for (; i < o.lines; i++) {
-        seg = css(createEl(), {
-          position: 'absolute'
-        , top: 1 + ~(o.scale * o.width / 2) + 'px'
-        , transform: o.hwaccel ? 'translate3d(0,0,0)' : ''
-        , opacity: o.opacity
-        , animation: useCssAnimations && addAnimation(o.opacity, o.trail, start + i * o.direction, o.lines) + ' ' + 1 / o.speed + 's linear infinite'
-        })
-        if (o.shadow) ins(seg, css(fill('#000', '0 0 4px #000'), {top: '2px'}))
-        ins(el, ins(seg, fill(getColor(o.color, i), '0 0 1px rgba(0,0,0,.1)')))
-      }
-      return el
-    }
-    /**
-     * Internal method that adjusts the opacity of a single line.
-     * Will be overwritten in VML fallback mode below.
-     */
-  , opacity: function (el, i, val) {
-      if (i < el.childNodes.length) el.childNodes[i].style.opacity = val
-    }
-  })
-  function initVML () {
-    /* Utility function to create a VML tag */
-    function vml (tag, attr) {
-      return createEl('<' + tag + ' xmlns="" class="spin-vml">', attr)
-    }
-    // No CSS transforms but VML support, add a CSS rule for VML elements:
-    sheet.addRule('.spin-vml', 'behavior:url(#default#VML)')
-    Spinner.prototype.lines = function (el, o) {
-      var r = o.scale * (o.length + o.width)
-        , s = o.scale * 2 * r
-      function grp () {
-        return css(
-          vml('group', {
-            coordsize: s + ' ' + s
-          , coordorigin: -r + ' ' + -r
-          })
-        , { width: s, height: s }
-        )
-      }
-      var margin = -(o.width + o.length) * o.scale * 2 + 'px'
-        , g = css(grp(), {position: 'absolute', top: margin, left: margin})
-        , i
-      function seg (i, dx, filter) {
-        ins(
-          g
-        , ins(
-            css(grp(), {rotation: 360 / o.lines * i + 'deg', left: ~~dx})
-          , ins(
-              css(
-                vml('roundrect', {arcsize: o.corners})
-              , { width: r
-                , height: o.scale * o.width
-                , left: o.scale * o.radius
-                , top: -o.scale * o.width >> 1
-                , filter: filter
-                }
-              )
-            , vml('fill', {color: getColor(o.color, i), opacity: o.opacity})
-            , vml('stroke', {opacity: 0}) // transparent stroke to fix color bleeding upon opacity change
-            )
-          )
-        )
-      }
-      if (o.shadow)
-        for (i = 1; i <= o.lines; i++) {
-          seg(i, -2, 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Blur(pixelradius=2,makeshadow=1,shadowopacity=.3)')
-        }
-      for (i = 1; i <= o.lines; i++) seg(i)
-      return ins(el, g)
-    }
-    Spinner.prototype.opacity = function (el, i, val, o) {
-      var c = el.firstChild
-      o = o.shadow && o.lines || 0
-      if (c && i + o < c.childNodes.length) {
-        c = c.childNodes[i + o]; c = c && c.firstChild; c = c && c.firstChild
-        if (c) c.opacity = val
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (typeof document !== 'undefined') {
-    sheet = (function () {
-      var el = createEl('style', {type : 'text/css'})
-      ins(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0], el)
-      return el.sheet || el.styleSheet
-    }())
-    var probe = css(createEl('group'), {behavior: 'url(#default#VML)'})
-    if (!vendor(probe, 'transform') && probe.adj) initVML()
-    else useCssAnimations = vendor(probe, 'animation')
-  }
-  return Spinner
diff --git a/service/src/main/resources/public/bower_components/spin.js/spin.min.js b/service/src/main/resources/public/bower_components/spin.js/spin.min.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bd3ae4f..0000000
--- a/service/src/main/resources/public/bower_components/spin.js/spin.min.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-!function(a,b){"object"==typeof module&&module.exports?module.exports=b():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(b):a.Spinner=b()}(this,function(){"use strict";function a(a,b){var c,d=document.createElement(a||"div");for(c in b)d[c]=b[c];return d}function b(a){for(var b=1,c=arguments.length;c>b;b++)a.appendChild(arguments[b]);return a}function c(a,b,c,d){var e=["opacity",b,~~(100*a),c,d].join("-"),f=.01+c/d*100,g=Math.max(1-(1-a)/b*(100-f),a),h=j.substring(0,j.indexOf("Animation")).toLowerCase(),i=h&&"-"+h+"-"||"";return m[e]||(k.insertRule("@"+i+"keyframes "+e+"{0%{opacity:"+g+"}"+f+"%{opacity:"+a+"}"+(f+.01)+"%{opacity:1}"+(f+b)%100+"%{opacity:"+a+"}100%{opacity:"+g+"}}",k.cssRules.length),m[e]=1),e}function d(a,b){var c,d,;if(b=b.charAt(0).toUpperCase()+b.slice(1),void 0!==e[b])return b;for(d=0;d<l.length;d++)if(c=l[d]+b,void 0!==e[c])return c}function e(a,b){for(var c in b)[d(a,c)||c]=b[c];return a}function f(a){for(var b=1;b<arguments.length;b++){var c=arg
 uments[b];for(var d in c)void 0===a[d]&&(a[d]=c[d])}return a}function g(a,b){return"string"==typeof a?a:a[b%a.length]}function h(a){this.opts=f(a||{},h.defaults,n)}function i(){function c(b,c){return a("<"+b+' xmlns="" class="spin-vml">',c)}k.addRule(".spin-vml","behavior:url(#default#VML)"),h.prototype.lines=function(a,d){function f(){return e(c("group",{coordsize:k+" "+k,coordorigin:-j+" "+-j}),{width:k,height:k})}function h(a,h,i){b(m,b(e(f(),{rotation:360/d.lines*a+"deg",left:~~h}),b(e(c("roundrect",{arcsize:d.corners}),{width:j,height:d.scale*d.width,left:d.scale*d.radius,top:-d.scale*d.width>>1,filter:i}),c("fill",{color:g(d.color,a),opacity:d.opacity}),c("stroke",{opacity:0}))))}var i,j=d.scale*(d.length+d.width),k=2*d.scale*j,l=-(d.width+d.length)*d.scale*2+"px",m=e(f(),{position:"absolute",top:l,left:l});if(d.shadow)for(i=1;i<=d.lines;i++)h(i,-2,"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Blur(pixelradius=2,makeshadow=1,shadowopacity=.3)");for(i=1;i<=d.l
 ines;i++)h(i);return b(a,m)},h.prototype.opacity=function(a,b,c,d){var e=a.firstChild;d=d.shadow&&d.lines||0,e&&b+d<e.childNodes.length&&(e=e.childNodes[b+d],e=e&&e.firstChild,e=e&&e.firstChild,e&&(e.opacity=c))}}var j,k,l=["webkit","Moz","ms","O"],m={},n={lines:12,length:7,width:5,radius:10,scale:1,corners:1,color:"#000",opacity:.25,rotate:0,direction:1,speed:1,trail:100,fps:20,zIndex:2e9,className:"spinner",top:"50%",left:"50%",shadow:!1,hwaccel:!1,position:"absolute"};if(h.defaults={},f(h.prototype,{spin:function(b){this.stop();var c=this,d=c.opts,f=c.el=a(null,{className:d.className});if(e(f,{position:d.position,width:0,zIndex:d.zIndex,left:d.left,}),b&&b.insertBefore(f,b.firstChild||null),f.setAttribute("role","progressbar"),c.lines(f,c.opts),!j){var g,h=0,i=(d.lines-1)*(1-d.direction)/2,k=d.fps,l=k/d.speed,m=(1-d.opacity)/(l*d.trail/100),n=l/d.lines;!function o(){h++;for(var a=0;a<d.lines;a++)g=Math.max(1-(h+(d.lines-a)*n)%l*m,d.opacity),c.opacity(f,a*d.direction+i,g,
 d);c.timeout=c.el&&setTimeout(o,~~(1e3/k))}()}return c},stop:function(){var a=this.el;return a&&(clearTimeout(this.timeout),a.parentNode&&a.parentNode.removeChild(a),this.el=void 0),this},lines:function(d,f){function h(b,c){return e(a(),{position:"absolute",width:f.scale*(f.length+f.width)+"px",height:f.scale*f.width+"px",background:b,boxShadow:c,transformOrigin:"left",transform:"rotate("+~~(360/f.lines*k+f.rotate)+"deg) translate("+f.scale*f.radius+"px,0)",borderRadius:(f.corners*f.scale*f.width>>1)+"px"})}for(var i,k=0,l=(f.lines-1)*(1-f.direction)/2;k<f.lines;k++)i=e(a(),{position:"absolute",top:1+~(f.scale*f.width/2)+"px",transform:f.hwaccel?"translate3d(0,0,0)":"",opacity:f.opacity,animation:j&&c(f.opacity,f.trail,l+k*f.direction,f.lines)+" "+1/f.speed+"s linear infinite"}),f.shadow&&b(i,e(h("#000","0 0 4px #000"),{top:"2px"})),b(d,b(i,h(g(f.color,k),"0 0 1px rgba(0,0,0,.1)")));return d},opacity:function(a,b,c){b<a.childNodes.length&&(a.childNodes[b].style.opacity=c)}}),"undefi
 ned"!=typeof document){k=function(){var c=a("style",{type:"text/css"});return b(document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],c),c.sheet||c.styleSheet}();var o=e(a("group"),{behavior:"url(#default#VML)"});!d(o,"transform")&&o.adj?i():j=d(o,"animation")}return h});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/service/src/main/resources/public/build.xml b/service/src/main/resources/public/build.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dd24cd..0000000
--- a/service/src/main/resources/public/build.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-<assembly xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
-	<id>resources</id>
-	<formats>
-		<format>zip</format>
-	</formats>
-	<fileSets>
-		<fileSet>
-			<directory>/Users/yueguo/repo.ebay/incubator-griffin/ui</directory><!--
-			<includes>
-				<include>apidocs/**</include>
-				<include>bower_components/**</include>
-				<include>**/**</include>
-			</includes>
-			-->	
-			<excludes>
-				<exclude>**/node_modules/**</exclude>
-				<exclude>**/tests/**</exclude>
-				<exclude>target/**</exclude>
-				<exclude>pom.xml</exclude>
-				<exclude>build.xml</exclude>
-			</excludes>
-			<useDefaultExcludes>true</useDefaultExcludes>
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/service/src/main/resources/public/css/main.css b/service/src/main/resources/public/css/main.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 745b483..0000000
--- a/service/src/main/resources/public/css/main.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1053 +0,0 @@
- * BLOCKS - Responsive Dashboard Theme
- *
- * Hey! Thanks for download this theme!
- * This bootstrap theme is totally free. You can edit, share, distribute, use and whatever you want.
- * Credits are always appreciated.
- * Please, feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding this theme.
- *
- *
- * Copyright 2013
- * Created by: Carlos Alvarez
- * URL:
- * Designed and built based on Twitter Bootstrap.
- */
- /*
- 	Copyright (c) 2016 eBay Software Foundation.
- 	Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- 	you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- 	You may obtain a copy of the License at
- 	Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- 	distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- 	See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- 	limitations under the License.
- */
-- #1f1f1f (Background Color)
-- #3d3d3d (Dash-unit and half-unit Section)
-- #262626 (Footer)
-- #fa1d2d (Red - Used in selectors, parragraphs, bars and other)
-- #b2c831 (Green - Used in titles, badges, bars and other)
-- #bdbdbd & #fff (Font colors)
-/**********BASE CONFIGURATIONS**********/
-body {
-  background:#1f1f1f;
-    font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
-    height: 100%;
-  height: 100%;
-h1 {
-font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif;}
-h3,h4 , h5 {
-  font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
-  font-weight:lighter;
-  font-size:22px;
-h3 {
-  font-size:46px;
-  color:#b2c831
-h5 {
-  color:#b2c831;
-  margin-left:5px;
-/***********BLOCKS & WRAPS***********/
-/*--- Dash Unit / Used in Dashboard page ---*/
-.dash-unit {
-  margin-bottom: 30px;
-  padding-bottom:10px;
-  border: 1px solid #383737;
-  background-image:url('../img/sep-half.png');
-  background-color: #3d3d3d;
-  color:white;
-  height:290px;
-.dash-unit:hover {
-  background-color: #4f4f4f;
-  -moz-box-shadow:    3px 3px 2px 0px #151515;
-    -webkit-box-shadow: 3px 3px 2px 0px #151515;
-    box-shadow:         3px 3px 2px 0px #151515;
-.dash-unit dtitle {
-  font-size:11px;
-  text-transform:uppercase;
-  color:#ffffff;
-  margin:8px;
-  padding:0px;
-  height:inherit
-  }
-.dash-unit hr {
-    border: 0;
-    border-top: 1px solid #151515;
-    border-top-style: dashed;
-  margin-top:3px;
-.dash-unit h1 {
-  font-family: 'Raleway', sans-serif;
-  font-weight:300;
-  font-size: 20px;
-  line-height: 2px;
-  letter-spacing: 0px;
-  color: #ffffff;
-  padding-top:10px;
-  padding-left:5px;
-  margin-top:2px;
-  text-align:center;
-.dash-unit h2 {
-  font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
-  font-weight: bold;
-  font-size: 30px;
-  line-height: 26px;
-  letter-spacing: 0px;
-  color: #ffffff;
-  padding-top:10px;
-  padding-left:5px;
-  margin-top:2px;
-  text-align:center;
-.dash-unit h3 {
-  font-weight:300;
-  font-size: 15px;
-  line-height: 2px;
-  letter-spacing: 0px;
-  color: #b2c831;
-  padding-top:10px;
-  padding-left:5px;
-  margin-top:2px;
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-.dash-unit p {
-  font-size: 14px;
-  font-weight: 200;
-  line-height: 16px;
-  color: inherit;
-  margin: 0 0 10px;
-  padding:5px;
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-  font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
-  font-size:26px;
-  font-weight:bold;
-  color:#fff;
-  vertical-align:middle;
-/**********Half-Unit / Used in index.html**********/
-.half-unit {
-  margin-bottom: 30px;
-  padding-bottom: 4px;
-  border: 1px solid #383737;
-  background-image:url('../img/sep-half.png');
-  background-color: #3d3d3d;
-  color:white;
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-.half-unit:hover {
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-  color:#ffffff;
-  margin:8px;
-  padding:0px;
-  height:inherit
-  }
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-    border-top-style: dashed;
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-  font-weight:300;
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-  line-height: 1;
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-  color: #ffffff;
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-  padding-left:5px;
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-  letter-spacing: 0px;
-  color: #fff;
-.half-unit bold{
-  font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;
-  font-size:26px;
-  font-weight:bold;
-  color:#fff;
-  vertical-align:middle;
-/**********Styling Elements**********/
-.cont {
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-  margin-top:30px;
-.cont ok {
-  color:#b2c831;
-.cont bad {
-  color:#fa1d2d;
-.cont2 {
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-  font-size:12px;
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-/***********Bootstrap Default Modifications***********/
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-.modal-header {
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-  background-color: #4f4f4f;
-  color:#fff;
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-  padding: 18px;
-  width: 100%;
-  text-indent: 0;
-.textarea-container { margin: 0 18px; }
-.textarea-container textarea { margin-left: -18px; }
-#contact textarea { width: 100%; height: 45px; }
-.progress-bar {
-  background-color: #b2c831;
-/***********LineIcons Styles***********/
- {
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-  font-size: 24px;
-  color: #b2c831;
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-.fs1:hover {
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-  cursor:pointer
-.fs2 {
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-/**********Clock Configuration**********/
-digiclock {
-  font-size: 30px;
-  color: #fff;
-  text-align: center;
-  line-height: 60px;
-  margin-left: auto
-.clockcenter {
-  text-align:center;
-/**********Mail Style Configuration**********/
-.framemail {
-    cursor: default;
-.framemail .window {
-    font-size: 0;
-    margin-top: -1px;
-    overflow: hidden;
-    margin-left: -18px;
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-    background-image:         linear-gradient(hsla(0,0%,100%,.05), hsla(0,0%,0%,.05));
-    border-top: 1px solid #888;
-    position: relative;
-    margin-left:-18px;
-.framemail .window .mail li:first-child {
-    border-top: none;
-.framemail .window .mail li:hover {
-    background-color: #5d5b5b;
-.framemail .window .mail li:after,
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-    border-top: 8px solid #df6;
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-.framemail .window .mail li:before {
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-.framemail .window .mail li i {
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-    width: 6px;
-.framemail .window .mail li .read {
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-.framemail .window .mail li .unread {
-    background: #b2c831;
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-    background: #819da2;
-    border-radius: 2px;
-    height: 36px;
-    left: 12px;
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-    top: 6px;
-    width: 36px;
-.framemail .window .mail li p {
-    font: 13px/24px sans-serif;
-    left: 56px;
-    position: absolute;
-    top: 3px;
-.framemail .window .mail li .sender {
-    color: #e9e8e8;
-    font-weight: bold;
-    text-shadow: 0 1px 1px hsla(0,0%,100%,.5);
-.framemail .window .mail li .message {
-    color: #999;
-    overflow: hidden;
-    text-overflow: ellipsis;
-    top: 21px;
-    white-space: nowrap;
-.framemail .window .mail li .message strong {
-    color: #999;
-.framemail .window .mail li .actions {
-    height: 16px;
-    position: absolute;
-    right: 19px;
-    text-align: right;
-    top: 0;
-    width: 96px;
-.framemail .window .mail li .actions img {
-    background: none;
-    display: inline-block;
-    height: 16px;
-    margin-left: 6px;
-    opacity: .1;
-    position: relative;
-    width: 16px;
-.framemail .window .mail li:hover .actions img {
-    opacity: .25;
-.framemail .window .mail li .actions img:hover {
-    opacity: .75;
-/**********DONUT CHARTS STYLES**********/
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-  height: 11.313em;
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-  border-radius: 5px;
-  margin-bottom: 1.063em;
-  background-position: center center;
-  margin:auto;
-#space {
-  width: 11.313em;
-  height: 11.313em;
-  -moz-border-radius: 5px;
-  border-radius: 5px;
-  margin-bottom: 1.063em;
-  background-position: center center;
-  margin:auto;
-/**********LINE AND BARS**********/
-.section-graph {
-  position: relative;
-  height: 130px;
-  color: #fff;
-  background-image: linear-gradient(color-stops(#b2c831, #b2c831 50%, #b2c831 50%));
-  margin-bottom:20px;
-.section-graph .graph-info {
-  z-index: 99;
-  position: absolute;
-  font-weight: bold;
-  margin-top: 12px;
-  margin-left: 21px;
-  width: 100px;
-.section-graph .graph-info .graph-arrow {
-  width: 0;
-  height: 0;
-  margin-top: 18px;
-  border-left: 4px solid transparent;
-  border-right: 4px solid transparent;
-  border-bottom: 4px solid white;
-  float: left;
-.section-graph .graph-info .graph-info-big {
-  font-size: 24px;
-  float: left;
-  margin-left: 3px;
-.section-graph .graph-info .graph-info-small {
-  margin-left: 3px;
-  font-size: 12px;
-  font-weight: normal;
-  color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5);
-  clear: left;
-  margin-left: 8px;
- * Info Section
- */ {
-  text-align: center;
-} ul {
-  margin-left:30%;
-} li {
-  margin: 0;
-  display: block;
-  width: 9px;
-  height: 40px;
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-  position: relative;
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-  display: block;
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-} li {
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-/**********TWITTER WIDGET **********/
-#jstwitter ul li{
-  color:#bdbdbd;
-  padding:.5em .75em;
-#jstwitter ul{
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-  font-style:italic;
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-/********** CUSTOMIZED BUTTON **********/
-.btnnew {
-  display: inline-block;
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-  border-right: 0 none #707070;
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-    cursor: pointer;
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-  *background-color: #5a5a5a;
-    background-repeat: repeat-x;
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-     -moz-border-radius: 4px;
-          border-radius: 4px;
-    zoom: 1;
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-  -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);
-  box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);
-  background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #707070, #707070);*
-/********** SWITCH BUTTON **********/
-.switch {
-  position: relative;
-  margin: 20px auto;
-  height: 26px;
-  width: 120px;
-  background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
-  border-radius: 3px;
-  -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
-  box-shadow: inset 0 1px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);
-.switch-label {
-  position: relative;
-  z-index: 2;
-  float: left;
-  width: 58px;
-  line-height: 26px;
-  font-size: 11px;
-  color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.35);
-  text-align: center;
-  text-shadow: 0 1px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.45);
-  cursor: pointer;
-.switch-label:active {
-  font-weight: bold;
-.switch-label-off {
-  padding-left: 2px;
-.switch-label-on {
-  padding-right: 2px;
- * Note: using adjacent or general sibling selectors combined with
- *       pseudo classes doesn't work in Safari 5.0 and Chrome 12.
- *       See this article for more info and a potential fix:
- *
- */
-.switch-input {
-  display: none;
-.switch-input:checked + .switch-label {
-  font-weight: bold;
-  color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.65);
-  text-shadow: 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.25);
-  -webkit-transition: 0.15s ease-out;
-  -moz-transition: 0.15s ease-out;
-  -o-transition: 0.15s ease-out;
-  transition: 0.15s ease-out;
-.switch-input:checked + .switch-label-on ~ .switch-selection {
-  left: 60px;
-  /* Note: left: 50% doesn't transition in WebKit */
-.switch-selection {
-  display: block;
-  position: absolute;
-  z-index: 1;
-  top: 2px;
-  left: 2px;
-  width: 58px;
-  height: 22px;
-  background: #b2c831;
-  border-radius: 3px;
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-  background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #b6c753, #b2c831);
-  background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #b6c753, #b2c831);
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-  box-shadow: inset 0 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5), 0 0 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
-  -webkit-transition: left 0.15s ease-out;
-  -moz-transition: left 0.15s ease-out;
-  -o-transition: left 0.15s ease-out;
-  transition: left 0.15s ease-out;
-.switch-blue .switch-selection {
-  background: #3aa2d0;
-  background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #4fc9ee, #3aa2d0);
-  background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #4fc9ee, #3aa2d0);
-  background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #4fc9ee, #3aa2d0);
-  background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #4fc9ee, #3aa2d0);
-.switch-yellow .switch-selection {
-  background: #fa1d2d;
-  background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #f93e4b, #fa1d2d);
-  background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #f93e4b, #fa1d2d);
-  background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #f93e4b, #fa1d2d);
-  background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #f93e4b, #fa1d2d);
-/**********Gauge Chart**********/
-#canvas {
-  display: block;
-  width: 150px;
-  margin: 30px auto;
-/**********Accordion Styling**********/
-.accordion-group {
-  border: 1px solid #222;
-.accordion-heading {
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-  *background-color: #5a5a5a;
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-  box-shadow: inset 0 1px 0 rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);
-  background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #707070, #707070);*
-/**********Link Styling**********/
-a {
-  color: #b2c831;
-  text-decoration: none;
-a:hover {
-  color: #dff948;
-  text-decoration: none;
-.bark-link {
-  color: #b2c831;
-  text-decoration: underline;
-.bark-link:hover {
-  color: #dff948;
-  text-decoration: none;
-/**navigation bar**/{
-  margin:10px 0;
-  border-radius:20px;
-  background:#626262;
-  vertical-align:middle;
-  padding:4px 0 4px 10px;
- input{
-  background:#626262;
-  border:0
- input:focus{
-  outline:none;
-  color:#fff;
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-    position: relative;
-    float: left;
-    margin-top: 14px;
-    margin-bottom: 0;
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-    color: #ffffff;
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-    -webkit-transition: none;
-    -moz-transition: none;
-    -ms-transition: none;
-    -o-transition: none;
-    transition: none;
-.navbar-search .search-query:disabled{
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-    color: #cccccc;
-.navbar-search .search-query::-webkit-input-placeholder {
-    color: #cccccc;
-.navbar-search .search-query:focus,.navbar-search .search-query.focused {
-    padding: 5px 10px;
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-/**********FooterWrap Section**********/
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-@keyframes scrolling {
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-/***********FULLCALENDAR STYLE***********/
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-  padding: 0 10px;
-  border: 1px solid #8b8b8a;
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-#external-events h4 {
-  font-size: 16px;
-  margin-top: 0;
-  padding-top: 1em;
-  }
-.external-event { /* try to mimick the look of a real event */
-  margin: 10px 0;
-  padding: 2px 4px;
-  background: #b2c831;
-  color: #fff;
-  font-size: .85em;
-  cursor: pointer;
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-  margin: 0;
-  vertical-align: middle;
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-  }
-.symbol.required:before {
-    content: "*";
-    display: inline;
-    color: #E6674A;
-.has-success .symbol:before {
-    content: "\f00c";
-    display: inline;
-    font-family: FontAwesome;
-    color: #468847
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-    content: "\f00d";
-    display: inline;
-    font-family: FontAwesome;
-    color: #C82E29
-.text-small {
-    font-size: 12px!important
-.has-error .error {
-    color: #a94442;
-/**********Media Styles**********/
-@media (max-width: 360px){
-/*Calendar Adsjustments*/
-.fc-header {margin-top:15px;}
-.fc-header-title h2{font-size:10px; }
-.fc-header-right {display:none}
-/* portrait tablet */
-@media (min-width: 767px) and (max-width: 768px) {
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-      margin-left:10px;
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-  .info-aapl ul {
-      margin-left:40%;
-  }
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-  .modal-xg {
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-  }
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deleted file mode 100644
index abf44ae..0000000
--- a/service/src/main/resources/public/css/sidebar.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-	Copyright (c) 2016 eBay Software Foundation.
-	Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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-	You may obtain a copy of the License at
-	Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-	distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-	See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-	limitations under the License.
-/*side-bar start*/
-	padding:10px 0;
-	display: flex;
-	align-items: center
-	max-width:24px;
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-.well .faChevron{
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-	border-radius: 10px;
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-.well .side-metrics{
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-	color:black;
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-	color: white;
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-	color: #b2c831;
-	/*position: absolute;*/
-	/*left: 210px;*/
-	/*margin-left: 20px;*/
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-	color: #f00;
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-  top:5px;
-  clip: rect(0, 50px, 50px, 0);
-  top: -8px;
-  /* clip: shape(top, right, bottom, left); NB 'rect' is the only available option */
-	padding:0px;
-	background:#262626;
-	border:0px;
-	position:relative;
-.vcenter {
-    display: inline-block;
-    vertical-align: middle;
-    float: none;
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-/* led start */
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-    height: 12px;
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-    margin-left: 180px;*/
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-    height: 12px;
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-    border-radius: 50%;
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-    margin-left: 180px;*/
-    width: 12px;
-    height: 12px;
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-    border-radius: 50%;
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-		display: block;
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-		height: 180px;
-		display: flex;
-		align-items: center;
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\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 971b874..0000000
--- a/service/src/main/resources/public/css/treeview-check.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-	Copyright (c) 2016 eBay Software Foundation.
-	Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-	you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-	You may obtain a copy of the License at
-	Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-	distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-	See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-	limitations under the License.
-div[angular-treeviewcheck] {
-  /* prevent user selection */
-  -moz-user-select: -moz-none;
-  -khtml-user-select: none;
-  -webkit-user-select: none;
-  -ms-user-select: none;
-  user-select: none;
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-  font-size:13px;
-  color: #555;*/
-  font-size:14px;
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-  position: relative;
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-div[tree-model-check] li>span:hover {
-  color:#ffffff;
-div[tree-model-check] li .expanded {
-  padding: 1px 8px;
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-div[tree-model-check] li .collapsed {
-  padding: 1px 10px;
-  /*background-image: url("../img/folder-closed.png");*/
- /*background-image: url("");*/
-  background-repeat: no-repeat;
-div[tree-model-check] li .normal {
-  padding: 1px 10px;
-  /*background-image: url("../img/file.png");*/
-  /*background-image: url("");*/
-  background-repeat: no-repeat;
-div[tree-model-check] li i, div[tree-model-check] li span {
-  cursor: pointer;
-div[tree-model-check] li .selected {
-  background-color: #aaddff;
-  font-weight: bold;
-  /*background-color: #D9F40E;*/
-  color:#000000;
-  padding: 1px 5px;
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index a5e4fbc..0000000
--- a/service/src/main/resources/public/css/treeview.css
+++ /dev/null
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-	Copyright (c) 2016 eBay Software Foundation.
-	Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-	you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-	You may obtain a copy of the License at
-	Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-	distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-	See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-	limitations under the License.
-div[angular-treeview] {
-  /* prevent user selection */
-  -moz-user-select: -moz-none;
-  -khtml-user-select: none;
-  -webkit-user-select: none;
-  -ms-user-select: none;
-  user-select: none;
-  /* default */
-  /*font-family: Tahoma;
-  font-size:13px;
-  color: #555;*/
-  font-size:14px;
-  text-decoration: none;
-div[tree-model] ul {
-  margin: 0;
-  padding: 0;
-  list-style: none;
-  border: none;
-  overflow: hidden;
-div[tree-model] li {
-  position: relative;
-  padding: 0 0 0 20px;
-  color:#ffffff
-  line-height: 20px;
-div[tree-model] li>span:hover {
-  color:#ffffff;
-div[tree-model] li .expanded {
-  padding: 1px 8px;
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-  background-repeat: no-repeat;
-div[tree-model] li .collapsed {
-  padding: 1px 10px;
-  /*background-image: url("../img/folder-closed.png");*/
- /*background-image: url("");*/
-  background-repeat: no-repeat;
-div[tree-model] li .normal {
-  padding: 1px 10px;
-  /*background-image: url("../img/file.png");*/
-  /*background-image: url("");*/
-  background-repeat: no-repeat;
-div[tree-model] li i, div[tree-model] li span {
-  cursor: pointer;
-div[tree-model] li .selected {
-  background-color: #aaddff;
-  font-weight: bold;
-  /*background-color: #D9F40E;*/
-  color:#000000;
-  padding: 1px 5px;
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Binary files a/service/src/main/resources/public/img/sidebar1.png and /dev/null differ
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Binary files a/service/src/main/resources/public/img/yoy.png and /dev/null differ
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index 6f79eb1..0000000
--- a/service/src/main/resources/public/index.html
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@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
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diff --git a/service/src/main/resources/public/js/app.js b/service/src/main/resources/public/js/app.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e2dc9fe..0000000
--- a/service/src/main/resources/public/js/app.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-	Copyright (c) 2016 eBay Software Foundation.
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-	limitations under the License.
-    'angular',
-    './controllers/index',
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-    './filters/index',
-    './services/index',
-    'ngSmartTable',
-    'angularRoute',
-    'ngToaster',
-    'ngCookies',
-    'angularSpinner',
-    'echarts',
-    'echarts-dark'
-], function (angular) {
-    'use strict';
-    return angular.module('app', [
-        '',
-        'app.controllers',
-        'smart-table',
-        'app.filters',
-        'app.directives',
-        'ngRoute',
-        'toaster',
-        'ngCookies',
-        'angularSpinner'
-    ]);
diff --git a/service/src/main/resources/public/js/bs.js b/service/src/main/resources/public/js/bs.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f6f67d3..0000000
--- a/service/src/main/resources/public/js/bs.js
+++ /dev/null
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-	Copyright (c) 2016 eBay Software Foundation.
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-    'require',
-    'jquery',
-    'bootstrap',
-    'angular',
-    'app',
-    'routes'
-], function (require, $, bootstrap, angular) {
-    'use strict';
-   require(['domReady!'], function (document) {
-        $('#mainWindow').height($('#mainContent').height());
-        angular.bootstrap(document, ['app']);
-    });
diff --git a/service/src/main/resources/public/js/controllers/bigChart-ctrl.js b/service/src/main/resources/public/js/controllers/bigChart-ctrl.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5525cd2..0000000
--- a/service/src/main/resources/public/js/controllers/bigChart-ctrl.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-	Copyright (c) 2016 eBay Software Foundation.
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-	limitations under the License.
-define(['./module'], function(controllers) {
-    'use strict';
-    controllers.controller('BigChartCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', '$config', '$filter', '$timeout', '$compile', '$routeParams', '$barkChart', '$rootScope', function($scope, $http, $config, $filter, $timeout, $compile, $routeParams, $barkChart, $rootScope) {
-      var echarts = require('echarts');
-      pageInit();
-      function pageInit() {
-        resizeBigChart();
-        $scope.bigChart = echarts.init($('#bigChartDiv').get(0), 'dark');
-      }
-      function resizeBigChart() {
-        document.getElementById('bigChartDiv').style.width = window.innerWidth+'px';
-        document.getElementById('bigChartDiv').style.height = window.innerHeight+'px';
-      }
-      $scope.closeBigChart = function(){
-        console.log('close big chart!');
-        $('#bigChartContainer').hide();
-        // $('#mainWindow').show();
-      }
-      $scope.downloadSample = function() {
-        $rootScope.$broadcast('downloadSample', $scope.selectedModel);
-      }
-      $(window).resize(function() {
-        console.log('big chart resize');
-          resizeBigChart();
-          $scope.bigChart.resize();
-      });
-      $rootScope.showBigChart = function(option) {
-        $scope.selectedModel = option.title.text;
-        $('#bigChartContainer').show();
-        // $('#mainWindow').hide();
-        $scope.bigChart.clear();
-        $scope.bigChart.setOption(option);
-      }
-    }]);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/service/src/main/resources/public/js/controllers/createdataasset-ctrl.js b/service/src/main/resources/public/js/controllers/createdataasset-ctrl.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d951851..0000000
--- a/service/src/main/resources/public/js/controllers/createdataasset-ctrl.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-	Copyright (c) 2016 eBay Software Foundation.
-	Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-	you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-	You may obtain a copy of the License at
-	Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-	distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-	See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-	limitations under the License.
-define(['./module'], function (controllers) {
-    'use strict';
-    controllers.controller('CreateDataAssetCtrl', ['$scope', '$http', '$config', '$location', 'toaster', '$timeout', '$route', '$filter', function ($scope, $http, $config, $location, toaster, $timeout, $route, $filter) {
-        $scope.currentStep = 1;
-        // $scope.platformOptions = ['Teradata', 'Apollo'];
-        // $scope.systemOptions = ['Sojourner', 'SiteSpeed', 'Bullseye', 'PDS', 'GPS'];
-        //$scope.assetTypeOptions = ['hdfsfile', 'hivetable'];
-        $scope.assetTypeOptions = ['hivetable'];
-        $scope.formatTypeOptions = ['yyyyMMdd', 'yyyy-MM-dd','HH'];
-        $scope.regex = '^\\/(?:[0-9a-zA-Z\\_\\-\\.]+\\/?)+';
-        // $scope.regex = new RegExp('^\\/(?:[0-9a-zA-Z\\_\\-\\.]+\\/?)+');
-        var allModels = $config.uri.dbtree;
-        $http.get(allModels).success(function(data) {
-            $scope.platformOptions = data;
-        });
-        //$scope.platformOptions = [{"id":null,"platform":"Teradata","systems":[{"id":null,"name":"gdw_tables","assets":[{"id":108,"name":"dw_bid"},{"id":109,"name":"dw_trans"}]}]},{"id":null,"platform":"Apollo","systems":[{"id":null,"name":"Sojourner","assets":[{"id":22,"name":"ubi_event"}]},{"id":null,"name":"SiteSpeed","assets":[{"id":21,"name":"sitespeed"}]},{"id":null,"name":"PDS","assets":[{"id":20,"name":"last_categories_accessed"}]},{"id":null,"name":"Bullseye","assets":[{"id":1,"name":"be_view_event_queue"},{"id":2,"name":"be_search_event_queue"},{"id":3,"name":"be_item_watch_event_queue"},{"id":4,"name":"be_bid_event_queue"},{"id":5,"name":"be_transaction_event_queue"},{"id":6,"name":"dmg"},{"id":7,"name":"loyaltysgmnt"},{"id":8,"name":"cust_dna_cat_score"},{"id":9,"name":"badge_interest"},{"id":10,"name":"cust_dna_vq_feed"},{"id":11,"name":"user_dna"},{"id":12,"name":"adchoice_user_pref"},{"id":13,"name":"cust_dna_vq_cat_feed"},{"id":14,"name":"cpcp_dealsv17"},{"id":15,"n
-        $scope.systemOptions = $filter('strarr')('modelsystem');//['Bullseye', 'GPS', 'Hadoop', 'PDS', 'IDLS', 'Pulsar', 'Kafka'];
-        // $scope.getSystemOptions = function(platformIndex){
-        //     if(platformIndex==undefined){
-        //         $scope.systemOptions = [];
-        //     }else{
-        //         $scope.systemOptions = $scope.platformOptions[platformIndex].systems;
-        //     }
-        // };
-        $scope.updateHdfsPath = function(typeIndex){
-            if(typeIndex != 0 ){
-                $scope.form.basic.path = '';
-            }
-        };
-	    $scope.addSchema = function() {
-	        $scope.form.basic.schema.push({
-	            name: '',
-	            type: 'string',
-	            desc: '',
-	            sample: ''
-	        });
-	    };
-      $scope.addPatitionColumn = function() {
-	        $scope.form.basic.partitions.push({
-	            name: '',
-	            format: "yyyyMMdd"
-	        });
-	    };
-	    $scope.deleteSchema = function(index) {
-	        $scope.form.basic.schema.splice(index, 1);
-	    };
-      $scope.deletePartition = function(index) {
-	        $scope.form.basic.partitions.splice(index, 1);
-	    };
-        $scope.$on('$viewContentLoaded', function() {
-            $scope.$emit('initReq');
-            resizeWindow();
-        });
-        $scope.$on('resizeHandler', function(e) {
-            if ($route.current.$$route.controller == "CreateDataAssetCtrl") {
-                resizeWindow();
-            }
-        });
-        function resizeWindow() {
-                    $('.formStep').height(window.innerHeight  -  $('.formStep').offset().top - $('#footerwrap').outerHeight()-20);
-                    $('fieldset').height(window.innerHeight  -  $('fieldset').offset().top - $('#footerwrap').outerHeight()- $('.btn-container').height() -80);
-                    $('.y-scrollable').css({
-                        'max-height': $('fieldset').height()
-                    });
-        }
-	    // Initial Value
-        $scope.form = {
-            basic: {
-                platform: 'Apollo',
-                schema: [{
-                    name: '',
-                    type: 'string',
-                    desc: '',
-                    sample: ''
-                }],
-                partitions: []
-            },
-            submit: function(form) {
-                if (!form.$valid) {
-                    var field = null
-                      , firstError = null ;
-                    for (field in form) {
-                        if (field[0] != '$') {
-                            if (firstError === null  && !form[field].$valid) {
-                                firstError = form[field].$name;
-                            }
-                            if (form[field].$invalid) {
-                                form[field].$dirty = true;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    angular.element('.ng-invalid[name=' + firstError + ']').focus();
-                    errorMessage($scope.currentStep);
-                } else {
-                    form.$setPristine();
-          {
-                      basic: this.basic
-                    };
-           +="/"?'':'/';
-                    // += (this.basic.folderFormat==undefined?"":this.basic.folderFormat);
-                    $('#confirm-pu').modal('show');
-                }
-            },
-            save: function() {
-                var msg = {
-                	'system' : $scope.systemOptions[$scope.form.basic.system],
-                	'assetType' : $scope.assetTypeOptions[$scope.form.basic.type],
-                  'assetName' : $scope.form.basic.assetName,
-                	'assetHDFSPath' : $ + ($"":$,
-                	'platform' : $scope.form.basic.platform,
-                	'schema' : $scope.form.basic.schema,
-                  'partitions' : $scope.form.basic.partitions,
-                  'owner' : $scope.form.basic.owner
-                }
-                $$config.uri.adddataasset, msg).success(function() {
-                    $('#confirm-pu').on('', function(e) {
-                        $('#confirm-pu').off('');
-                        $location.path('/dataassets');
-                        $scope.$apply();
-                    });
-	                  $('#confirm-pu').modal('hide');
-                }).error(function(data){
-                  toaster.pop('error', 'Save data asset failed, please try again!', data.message);
-                });
-            },
-        };
-        var errorMessage = function(i, msg) {
-            var errorMsgs = ['Please input valid values'];
-            if (!msg) {
-                toaster.pop('error', 'Error', errorMsgs[i - 1], 0);
-            } else {
-                toaster.pop('error', 'Error', msg, 0);
-            }
-        };
-    }]);