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[12/15] incubator-trafodion git commit: Major reorganization of the Client Installation Guide.
diff --git a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/jdbct4.adoc b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/jdbct4.adoc
index 3714472..43dbf73 100644
--- a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/jdbct4.adoc
+++ b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/jdbct4.adoc
@@ -1,413 +1,329 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
- * 
-= Install JDBC Type-4 Driver
-== Installation Requirements
-The {project-name} JDBC Type 4 Driver requires a Java-enabled platform that supports the Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.7 or higher.
-=== Java Environment
-The {project-name} JDBC Type 4 Driver requires that a compatible Java version be installed on the client workstation and that the Java path be set to
-the correct location. The supported Java version is 1.7 or higher.
-NOTE: If you plan to do Java-based development, install the Java Development Kit (JDK) rather than the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
-These examples use JRE.
-==== Verify Java Version
-To display the Java version of the client workstation on the screen, enter:
-java -version
-C:\> java -version
-java version "1.7.0_45" # This is the version you need to check
-Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_45-b18)
-Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 24.45-b08, mixed mode, sharing)
-The Java version should be *1.7* or higher. If the returned version is not supported, please refer to
-<<jdbct4-install-java, Installing a Supported Java Version>> below.
-If you see this message:
-'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.`
-It indicates that the Java PATH is not set. Follow one of these sets of instructions, depending on the operating system of your client
-* <<jdbct4-path-windows, Setting the PATH to a Supported Java Version on Windows>>
-* <<jdbct4-path-linux, Setting the PATH to a Supported Java Version on Linux>>
-==== Install Supported Java Version
-The supported Java version is 1.7 or higher. To install one of the supported Java versions on the client workstation,
-go to this link:
-After installing the Java version, proceed with setting the Java path. Follow one of these sets of instructions, depending on the operating
-system of your client workstation:
-* <<jdbct4-path-windows, Setting the PATH to a Supported Java Version on Windows>>
-* <<jdbct4-path-linux, Setting the PATH to a Supported Java Version on Linux>>
-==== Set Windows PATH Variable
-===== Windows 10
-1. Right-click on the Windows icon on the menu bar. Select *System*.
-2. Click on *Advanced System Settings*.
-3.  In the *System Properties* dialog box, click the *Advanced* tab.
-4.  Click the *Environment Variables* button.
-5.  Under *System* variables, select the variable named *Path*, and then click *Edit. . .*:
-image:{images}/win10_edit_path.jpg[Windows 10 Edit Path Variable]
-6.  Click *Browse. . .*. Find the directory where you installed Java and select it.
-7.  Click *OK* to close the browse window. Click *OK* to close the edit window.
-8.  Verify that the updated *Path* appears under *System* variables, and click *OK*.
-9.  In the *System Properties* dialog box, click *OK* to accept the changes.
-===== Windows 8
-1.  Open system Right-click the *Computer* icon on your desktop, and then select *Properties*. The *Control Panel > System and Security > System* window
-2. In the left navigation bar, click the *Advanced* system settings link.
-3.  In the *System Properties* dialog box, click the *Environment Variables* button.
-4.  Under *System* variables, select the variable named *Path*, and then click *Edit*:
-5.  Place the cursor at the start of the *Variable* value field and enter the path of the Java bin directory, ending with a semicolon (;):
-"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin";
-NOTE: Check that no space exists after the semicolon (;) in the path. If there are spaces in the directory name, delimit the entire directory
-path in double quotes (") before the semicolon.
-6.  Click *OK*.
-7.  Verify that the updated *Path* appears under *System* variables, and click *OK*.
-8.  In the *System Properties* dialog box, click *OK* to accept the changes.
-==== Set Linux PATH Variable
-1.  Open the user profile (`.profile` or `.bash_profile` for the Bash shell) in the `$HOME` directory.
-cd $HOME
-vi .profile
-2.  In the user profile, set the `PATH` environment variable to include the path of the Java bin 
-export PATH=/opt/java1.7/jre/bin:$PATH
-NOTE: Place the path of the Java bin directory before `$PATH`, and check that no space exists after the colon (:) in the path. In the C shell,
-use the setenv command instead of export.
-3.  To activate the changes, either log out and log in again or execute the user profile.
-. .profile
-== Installation Instructions
-You download and extract the {project-name} client package using the instructions in <<introduction-download, Download Installation Package>> above.
-=== Install JDBC Type-4 Driver
-1.  Change the directory to the `clients` subdirectory.
-2.  Extract the contents of the `` file by using the unzip command (or the extract function of your compression software):
-unzip -d $HOME/jdbc
-The content of the target directory is as follows:
-| Installation Folder                | Files                        | Description
-| /lib                               | jdbcT4.jar                   | Product JAR file.
-| /samples                           |            | Properties file that you can configure for your application environment.
-|                                    | README                       | Readme file that explains how to use the common sample set.
-| /samples/common                    |             | Sample source code for creating, populating, and dropping sample tables.
-| /samples/DBMetaSample              |            | Sample source code for getting metadata about the sample tables.
-|                                    | README                       | Readme file that explains how to use this sample set.
-| /samples/PreparedStatementSample   | | Sample code for simple or parameterized SELECT statements that are prepared.
-|                                    | README                       | Readme file that explains how to use this sample set.
-| /samples/ResultSetSample           | README                       | Readme file that explains how to use this sample set.
-|                                    |         | Sample source code for fetching rows from a result set.
-| /samples/StatementSample           | README                       | Readme file that explains how to use this sample set.
-|                                    |         | Sample source code for fetching rows from a simple SELECT statement.
-== Set Up Client Environment
-=== Java Development
-If you plan to write and run Java applications that use the {project-name} JDBC Type 4 Driver to connect to a {project-name} database, then set these
-environment variables on the client workstation, replacing `_jdk-directory_` with the location of your Java Development Kit and
-replacing `_jdbc-installation-directory_` with the name of the directory where you downloaded the JDBC Type 4 driver:
-| Environment Variable | On Windows                                                              | On Linux
-| JAVA_HOME            | set JAVA_HOME="_jdk-directory_"^1^                                      | export JAVA_HOME=_jdk-directory_
-| PATH                 | set PATH=%PATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin                                         | export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
-| CLASSPATH            | set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;_jdbc-installation-directory_\lib\jdbcT4.jar; | export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:_jdbc-installation-directory_/lib/jdbcT4.jar:
-^1^ Enclose the _jdk-directory_ in quotes to ensure that Windows can find the directory correctly. You can use the `set <variable>` command to verify the setting.
-=== Configure Applications
-Edit the `` file in the `samples` folder. Refer to the `README` file in the `samples` folder for instructions.
-Set these values for your environment:
-* _catalog_: Specify a catalog that exists in the database.
-* _schema_: Specify a schema that exists in the database.
-* _user_: Specify the name of a user who will be accessing the database.
-* _password_: Specify the password of a user who will be accessing the database.
-* _url_: Specify this string: _jdbc:t4jdbc://_host-name_:_port-number_/:_
-_host-name_ is the IP address or host name of the database platform, and _port-number_ is the location where the 
-{project-name} Database Connectivity Service (DCS) is running, which is *23400* by default. See the
-[{project-name} Database Connectivity Services Reference Guide]
-for information about how to configure the DCS port.
-In this example, {project-name} authentication has not been enabled. Therefore, you can use a dummy
-user and password. If authentication is enabled, then use your user and password information.
-catalog = TRAFODION
-schema = SEABASE
-user = usr
-password = pwd
-url = jdbc:t4jdbc://
-NOTE: The driver\u2019s class name is `org.trafodion.jdbc.t4.T4Driver`.
-== Test Programs
-The `README` file in the `samples` folder provide information for how you build and run sample Java programs.
-You can use these programs to verify the setup of the {project-name} JDBC Type-4 driver.
-See the <<jdbct4-install-driver, Install JDBC Type-4 Driver>> section above for information on the different
-sample programs that are included with the {project-name} JDBC Type-4 driver.
-Build and run the StatementSample test program to verify the JDBC Type-4 driver installation.
-C:\Development Tools\Trafodion JDBCT4\samples>cd StatementSample
-C:\Development Tools\Trafodion JDBCT4\samples\StatementSample>%JAVA_HOME%\bin\javac -classpath ..\..\lib\jdbcT4.jar *.java ..\common\*.java
-Note: ..\common\ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
-Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
-C:\Development Tools\Trafodion JDBCT4\samples\StatementSample>%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -classpath ..\..\lib\jdbcT4.jar\ StatementSample
-Mar 16, 2016 9:36:54 PM common.sampleUtils getPropertiesConnection
-INFO: DriverManager.getConnection(url, props) passed
-Inserting TimeStamp
-Simple Select
-Printing ResultSetMetaData ...
-No. of Columns 12
-Column 1 Data Type: CHAR Name: C1
-Column 2 Data Type: SMALLINT Name: C2
-Column 3 Data Type: INTEGER Name: C3
-Column 4 Data Type: BIGINT Name: C4
-Column 5 Data Type: VARCHAR Name: C5
-Column 6 Data Type: NUMERIC Name: C6
-Column 7 Data Type: DECIMAL Name: C7
-Column 8 Data Type: DATE Name: C8
-Column 9 Data Type: TIME Name: C9
-Column 10 Data Type: TIMESTAMP Name: C10
-Column 11 Data Type: REAL Name: C11
-Column 12 Data Type: DOUBLE PRECISION Name: C12
-Fetching rows...
-Printing Row 1 using getString(), getObject()
-Column 1 - Row1                ,Row1
-Column 2 - 100,100
-Column 3 - 12345678,12345678
-Column 4 - 123456789012,123456789012
-Column 5 - Selva,Selva
-Column 6 - 100.12,100.12
-Column 7 - 100.12,100.12
-Column 8 - 2000-05-06,2000-05-06
-Column 9 - 10:11:12,10:11:12
-Column 10 - 2000-05-06 10:11:12.000000,2000-05-06 10:11:12.0
-Column 11 - 100.12,100.12
-Column 12 - 100.12,100.12
-Printing Row 2 using getString(), getObject()
-Column 1 - Row2                ,Row2
-Column 2 - -100,-100
-Column 3 - -12345678,-12345678
-Column 4 - -123456789012,-123456789012
-Column 5 - Selva,Selva
-Column 6 - -100.12,-100.12
-Column 7 - -100.12,-100.12
-Column 8 - 2000-05-16,2000-05-16
-Column 9 - 10:11:12,10:11:12
-Column 10 - 2000-05-06 10:11:12.000000,2000-05-06 10:11:12.0
-Column 11 - -100.12,-100.12
-Column 12 - -100.12,-100.12
-Printing Row 3 using getString(), getObject()
-Column 1 - TimeStamp           ,TimeStamp
-Column 2 - -100,-100
-Column 3 - -12345678,-12345678
-Column 4 - -123456789012,-123456789012
-Column 5 - Selva,Selva
-Column 6 - -100.12,-100.12
-Column 7 - -100.12,-100.12
-Column 8 - 2016-03-16,2016-03-16
-Column 9 - 21:37:03,21:37:03
-Column 10 - 2016-03-16 21:37:03.053,2016-03-16 21:37:03.053
-Column 11 - -100.12,-100.12
-Column 12 - -100.12,-100.12
-End of Data
-C:\Development Tools\Trafodion JDBCT4\samples\StatementSample>
-== Uninstall JDBC Type-4 Driver
-Run one of these sets of commands to remove the {project-name} JDBC Type 4 Driver:
-* On Linux:
-rm -rf <jdbc-installation-directory>
-rm -rf ~/jdbc
-* On Windows:
-del <jdbc-installation-directory>
-rmdir <jdbc-installation-directory>
-Windows uninstall
-C:\>del /s JDBC
-C:\JDBC\, Are you sure (Y/N)? Y
-C:\JDBC\install\*, Are you sure (Y/N)? Y
-Deleted file - C:\JDBC\install\t4jdbcSanityCheck.class
-Deleted file - C:\JDBC\install\t4jdbcUninstall.class
-Deleted file - C:\JDBC\install\product.contents
-C:\JDBC\lib\*, Are you sure (Y/N)? Y
-Deleted file - C:\JDBC\lib\jdbcT4.jar
-C:\JDBC\samples\*, Are you sure (Y/N)? Y
-Deleted file - C:\JDBC\samples\
-Deleted file - C:\JDBC\samples\README
-C:\JDBC\samples\common\*, Are you sure (Y/N)? Y
-Deleted file - C:\JDBC\samples\common\
-C:\JDBC\samples\DBMetaSample\*, Are you sure (Y/N)? Y
-Deleted file - C:\JDBC\samples\DBMetaSample\
-Deleted file - C:\JDBC\samples\DBMetaSample\README
-C:\JDBC\samples\PreparedStatementSample\*, Are you sure (Y/N)? Y 
-Deleted file - C:\JDBC\samples\PreparedStatementSample\
-Deleted file - C:\JDBC\samples\PreparedStatementSample\README
-C:\JDBC\samples\ResultSetSample\*, Are you sure (Y/N)? Y
-Deleted file - C:\JDBC\samples\ResultSetSample\README
-Deleted file - C:\JDBC\samples\ResultSetSample\
-C:\JDBC\samples\StatementSample\*, Are you sure (Y/N)? Y
-Deleted file - C:\JDBC\samples\StatementSample\README
-Deleted file - C:\JDBC\samples\StatementSample\
-C:\>rmdir /s JDBC
-JDBC, Are you sure (Y/N)? Y
-== Reinstall JDBC Type-4 Driver
-1. Close all applications running on the workstation, except the Web browser.
-2. Download and extract the {project-name} client package using the instructions in <<introduction-download, Download Installation Package>> above.
-3. Install the new {project-name} JDBC Type-4 driver. See <<jdbct4-install-driver, Install JDBC Type-4 Driver>>.
-4. Set up the client environment. Please refer to: <<jdbct4-setup-env, Set Up Client Environment>>.
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
+ * 
+= Install JDBC Type-4 Driver
+== Prerequisites
+If you have not done so already, please ensure that you have <<java-setup, setup your Java environment>>
+and <<download-software, unpackaged the {project-name} client software>>.
+The examples in this chapter assumes that you have unpackaged the JDBC Type 4 driver installation files
+to `c:\trafodion\jdbct4` (Windows) or `$HOME/trafodion/jdbct4` (Linux).
+== Validate Install Directory
+The content of the `jdbct4` installation directory is as follows:
+| Installation Folder                  | Files                          | Description
+| `/lib`                               | `jdbcT4.jar`                   | Product JAR file.
+| `/samples`                           | ``            | Properties file that you can configure for your application environment.
+|                                      | `README`                       | Readme file that explains how to use the common sample set.
+| `/samples/common`                    | ``             | Sample source code for creating, populating, and dropping sample tables.
+| `/samples/DBMetaSample`              | ``            | Sample source code for getting metadata about the sample tables.
+|                                      | `README`                       | Readme file that explains how to use this sample set.
+| `/samples/PreparedStatementSample`   | `` | Sample code for simple or parameterized SELECT statements that are prepared.
+|                                      | `README`                       | Readme file that explains how to use this sample set.
+| `/samples/ResultSetSample`           | `README`                       | Readme file that explains how to use this sample set.
+|                                      | ``         | Sample source code for fetching rows from a result set.
+| `/samples/StatementSample`           | `README`                       | Readme file that explains how to use this sample set.
+|                                      | ``         | Sample source code for fetching rows from a simple SELECT statement.
+== Set Up Client Environment
+=== Java Development
+If you plan to write and run Java applications that use the {project-name} JDBC Type 4 Driver to connect to a {project-name} database, then set these
+environment variables on the client workstation, replacing `_jdk-directory_` with the location of your Java Development Kit and
+replacing `_jdbc-installation-directory_` with the name of the directory where you downloaded the JDBC Type 4 driver:
+| Environment Variable   | On Windows                                                                | On Linux
+| `JAVA_HOME`            | `set JAVA_HOME="_jdk-directory_"`^1^                                      | `export JAVA_HOME=_jdk-directory_`
+| `PATH`                 | `set PATH=%PATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin`                                         | `export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin`
+| `CLASSPATH`            | `set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;_jdbc-installation-directory_\lib\jdbcT4.jar;` | `export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:_jdbc-installation-directory_/lib/jdbcT4.jar:`
+^1^ Enclose the _jdk-directory_ in quotes to ensure that Windows can find the directory correctly. You can use the `set <variable>` command to verify the setting.
+=== Configure Applications
+Edit the `` file in the `samples` folder. Refer to the `README` file in the `samples` folder for instructions.
+Set these values for your environment:
+* `catalog`: Specify a catalog that exists in the database.
+* `schema`: Specify a schema that exists in the database.
+* `user`: Specify the name of a user who will be accessing the database.
+* `password`: Specify the password of a user who will be accessing the database.
+* `url`: Specify this string: `jdbc:t4jdbc://<host-name>:<port-number>/:`
+`<host-name>` is the IP address or host name of the database platform.
+`<port-number>` is the location where the 
+{project-name} Database Connectivity Service (DCS) is running. (Default: *23400*).
+See the[{project-name} Database Connectivity Services Reference Guide]
+for information about how to configure the DCS port.
+In this example, {project-name} authentication has not been enabled. Therefore, you can use a dummy
+user and password. If authentication is enabled, then use your user and password information.
+catalog = TRAFODION
+schema = SEABASE
+user = usr
+password = pwd
+url = jdbc:t4jdbc://
+NOTE: The driver\u2019s class name is `org.trafodion.jdbc.t4.T4Driver`.
+== Test Programs
+NOTE: You must use JDK and set up the environmental variables as documented in
+<<jdbct4-java-development, Java Development>> to build the test programs.
+The `README` file in the `samples` folder provide information for how you build and run sample Java programs.
+You can use these programs to verify the setup of the {project-name} JDBC Type-4 driver.
+See the <<jdbct4-validate-install, Validate Install Directory>> section above for information on the different
+sample programs that are included with the {project-name} JDBC Type-4 driver.
+*Windows Example*
+Build and run the StatementSample test program to verify the JDBC Type-4 driver installation.
+C:\trafodion\jdbct4\samples> cd StatementSample
+C:\trafodion\jdbct4\samples\StatementSample> %JAVA_HOME%\bin\javac -classpath ..\..\lib\jdbcT4.jar *.java ..\common\*.java
+Note: ..\common\ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
+Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
+C:\trafodion\jdbct4\samples\StatementSample> %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -classpath ..\..\lib\jdbcT4.jar;..;.\ StatementSample
+Mar 16, 2016 9:36:54 PM common.sampleUtils getPropertiesConnection
+INFO: DriverManager.getConnection(url, props) passed
+Inserting TimeStamp
+Simple Select
+Printing ResultSetMetaData ...
+No. of Columns 12
+Column 1 Data Type: CHAR Name: C1
+Column 2 Data Type: SMALLINT Name: C2
+Column 3 Data Type: INTEGER Name: C3
+Column 4 Data Type: BIGINT Name: C4
+Column 5 Data Type: VARCHAR Name: C5
+Column 6 Data Type: NUMERIC Name: C6
+Column 7 Data Type: DECIMAL Name: C7
+Column 8 Data Type: DATE Name: C8
+Column 9 Data Type: TIME Name: C9
+Column 10 Data Type: TIMESTAMP Name: C10
+Column 11 Data Type: REAL Name: C11
+Column 12 Data Type: DOUBLE PRECISION Name: C12
+Fetching rows...
+Printing Row 1 using getString(), getObject()
+Column 1 - Row1                ,Row1
+Column 2 - 100,100
+Column 3 - 12345678,12345678
+Column 4 - 123456789012,123456789012
+Column 5 - Selva,Selva
+Column 6 - 100.12,100.12
+Column 7 - 100.12,100.12
+Column 8 - 2000-05-06,2000-05-06
+Column 9 - 10:11:12,10:11:12
+Column 10 - 2000-05-06 10:11:12.000000,2000-05-06 10:11:12.0
+Column 11 - 100.12,100.12
+Column 12 - 100.12,100.12
+Printing Row 2 using getString(), getObject()
+Column 1 - Row2                ,Row2
+Column 2 - -100,-100
+Column 3 - -12345678,-12345678
+Column 4 - -123456789012,-123456789012
+Column 5 - Selva,Selva
+Column 6 - -100.12,-100.12
+Column 7 - -100.12,-100.12
+Column 8 - 2000-05-16,2000-05-16
+Column 9 - 10:11:12,10:11:12
+Column 10 - 2000-05-06 10:11:12.000000,2000-05-06 10:11:12.0
+Column 11 - -100.12,-100.12
+Column 12 - -100.12,-100.12
+Printing Row 3 using getString(), getObject()
+Column 1 - TimeStamp           ,TimeStamp
+Column 2 - -100,-100
+Column 3 - -12345678,-12345678
+Column 4 - -123456789012,-123456789012
+Column 5 - Selva,Selva
+Column 6 - -100.12,-100.12
+Column 7 - -100.12,-100.12
+Column 8 - 2016-03-16,2016-03-16
+Column 9 - 21:37:03,21:37:03
+Column 10 - 2016-03-16 21:37:03.053,2016-03-16 21:37:03.053
+Column 11 - -100.12,-100.12
+Column 12 - -100.12,-100.12
+End of Data
+*Linux Example*
+Build and run the StatementSample test program to verify the JDBC Type-4 driver installation.
+$ cd $HOME/trafodion/jdbct4/samples/StatementSample
+$ $JAVA_HOME/bin/javac -classpath ../../lib/jdbcT4.jar *.java ../common/*.java
+Note: ..\common\ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
+Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
+$ $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -classpath ../../lib/jdbcT4.jar:..:. StatementSample
+Mar 16, 2016 9:36:54 PM common.sampleUtils getPropertiesConnection
+INFO: DriverManager.getConnection(url, props) passed
+Inserting TimeStamp
+Simple Select
+Printing ResultSetMetaData ...
+No. of Columns 12
+Column 1 Data Type: CHAR Name: C1
+Column 2 Data Type: SMALLINT Name: C2
+Column 3 Data Type: INTEGER Name: C3
+Column 4 Data Type: BIGINT Name: C4
+Column 5 Data Type: VARCHAR Name: C5
+Column 6 Data Type: NUMERIC Name: C6
+Column 7 Data Type: DECIMAL Name: C7
+Column 8 Data Type: DATE Name: C8
+Column 9 Data Type: TIME Name: C9
+Column 10 Data Type: TIMESTAMP Name: C10
+Column 11 Data Type: REAL Name: C11
+Column 12 Data Type: DOUBLE PRECISION Name: C12
+Fetching rows...
+Printing Row 1 using getString(), getObject()
+Column 1 - Row1                ,Row1
+Column 2 - 100,100
+Column 3 - 12345678,12345678
+Column 4 - 123456789012,123456789012
+Column 5 - Selva,Selva
+Column 6 - 100.12,100.12
+Column 7 - 100.12,100.12
+Column 8 - 2000-05-06,2000-05-06
+Column 9 - 10:11:12,10:11:12
+Column 10 - 2000-05-06 10:11:12.000000,2000-05-06 10:11:12.0
+Column 11 - 100.12,100.12
+Column 12 - 100.12,100.12
+Printing Row 2 using getString(), getObject()
+Column 1 - Row2                ,Row2
+Column 2 - -100,-100
+Column 3 - -12345678,-12345678
+Column 4 - -123456789012,-123456789012
+Column 5 - Selva,Selva
+Column 6 - -100.12,-100.12
+Column 7 - -100.12,-100.12
+Column 8 - 2000-05-16,2000-05-16
+Column 9 - 10:11:12,10:11:12
+Column 10 - 2000-05-06 10:11:12.000000,2000-05-06 10:11:12.0
+Column 11 - -100.12,-100.12
+Column 12 - -100.12,-100.12
+Printing Row 3 using getString(), getObject()
+Column 1 - TimeStamp           ,TimeStamp
+Column 2 - -100,-100
+Column 3 - -12345678,-12345678
+Column 4 - -123456789012,-123456789012
+Column 5 - Selva,Selva
+Column 6 - -100.12,-100.12
+Column 7 - -100.12,-100.12
+Column 8 - 2016-03-16,2016-03-16
+Column 9 - 21:37:03,21:37:03
+Column 10 - 2016-03-16 21:37:03.053,2016-03-16 21:37:03.053
+Column 11 - -100.12,-100.12
+Column 12 - -100.12,-100.12
+End of Data
+== Uninstall JDBC Type-4 Driver
+Run one of these sets of commands to remove the {project-name} JDBC Type 4 Driver:
+* On Windows:
+rmdir /s /q <jdbc-installation-directory>
+rmdir /s /q c:\trafodion\jdbct4
+* On Linux:
+rm -rf <jdbc-installation-directory>
+rm -rf $HOME/trafodion/jdbct4
+NOTE: Remember to update/remove environmental variables if you've created them in th 
+<<jdbct4-java-development, Java Development>>.
diff --git a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odb.adoc b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odb.adoc
index 512a0ea..c433513 100644
--- a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odb.adoc
+++ b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odb.adoc
@@ -1,66 +1,245 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
- */
-= Install odb
-== Installation Requirements
-The odb tool runs on 64-bit Linux. On a Linux workstation, odb requires `pthread` libraries, which are usually installed by default. It also
-requires the unixODBC Driver Manager to be installed and configured on the client workstation. For more information, see the
-{docs-url}/odb/index.html[_{project-name} odb User Guide_].
-== Installation Instructions
-NOTE: Before following these installation instructions, please make sure to install and configure unixODBC on the client workstation. For more
-information, see the {docs-url}/odb/index.html[_{project-name} odb User Guide_].
-You download and extract the {project-name} client package using the instructions in <<introduction-download, Download Installation Package>> above.
-=== Install odb
-1.  Change the directory to the `clients` subdirectory.
-2.  Unpack the contents of the `odb64_linux.tar.gz` file to a location on your client workstation:
-mkdir $HOME/odb
-tar -xzf odb64_linux.tar.gz -C $HOME/odb
-The command extracts these files:
-* `/bin/odb64luo` (the odb executable)
-3.  You are now ready to run the odb executable. For more information, see the {docs-url}/odb/index.html[_{project-name} odb User Guide_].
-== Uninstall odb
-To uninstall odb, delete the `README` and `/bin/odb64luo` files from their installed location.
-rm -rf odb-installation-directory
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
+ */
+= Install odb
+If you have not done so already, please ensure that you have
+<<download-software, unpackaged the {project-name} client software>> and
+<<odbc-linux-install, setup the {project-name} Linux ODBC Driver>>.
+The examples in this chapter assumes that you have unpackaged the odb installation file 
+to `$HOME/trafodion/odb`.
+== odb Requirements
+odb requires:
+* pthread libraries (Generally installed by default)
+* unixODBC. See installation instructions <<odb-install-unixodbc, below>>.
+== Install and Configure unixODBC
+This section explains how to install and configure `unixODBC`.
+Refer to the[unixODBC documentation] for additional
+configuration information.
+1.  Obtain the source code tar ball from Use version 2.3.*_x_* or later.
+2.  Unpack the tar ball:
+$ tar -xzvf unixODBC-2.3.1.tar.gz
+3.  Configure unixODBC installation (root access required):
+$ cd unixODBC-2.3.1
+$ sudo ./configure --disable-gui --enable-threads --disable-drivers
+unixODBC is installed under `/usr/local`.
+If you don't have root privileges or you want to install unixODBC somewhere else
+then `add --prefix=<installation_path>` to the `configure` command here above.
+*Example - Install unixODBC in Alternate Location*
+$ ./configure --prefix=$HOME/trafodion/unixodbc --disable-gui --enable-threads --disable-drivers
+4.  Compile unixODBC sources:
+$ make
+5.  Install unixODBC:
+$ make install
+=== Configure unixODBC
+1.  Define environment variables.
+2.  Define data sources.
+Start with the environment variables (which you can add to your profile script):
+1. Set the `ODBCHOME` variable to the unixODBC installation directory (the one configured via `--prefix` here above).
+$ export ODBCHOME=$HOME/trafodion/unixodbc
+2. Configure the system data sources directory (the one containing `odbc.ini` and `odbcinst.ini`).
+Normally, the `etc/` directory under `$ODBCHOME`:
+3. Configure the `ODBCINI` variable to the full path of the `odbc.ini` file:
+$ export ODBCINI=$ODBCSYSINI/odbc.ini
+4. Add the unixODBC lib directory to your `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` (Linux) or `LIBPATH` (IBM AIX) or `SHLIB_PATH` (HP/UX):
+=== Configure Data Sources
+==== `odbc.ini`
+Description = DSN Description
+Driver = <odbcinst.ini corresponding section>
+Other (Driver specific) parameters
+==== `odbcinst.ini`
+[<Driver name in odbc.ini>]
+Description = Driver description
+Driver = <ODBC driver>
+FileUsage = 1
+UsageCount = 1
+*{project-name} Example*
+$ cat odbc.ini
+Description = traf DSN 
+Driver = Trafodion 
+Catalog = TRAFODION 
+Schema = QA 
+DataLang = 0 
+FetchBufferSize = SYSTEM_DEFAULT 
+Server = TCP:<server-name>:<port-no> 
+$ cat odbcinst.ini
+Description = {project-name} ODBC Stand Alone Driver
+Driver = /<dir-name>/conn/clients/odbc/
+FileUsage = 1 
+UsageCount = 1 
+Threading = 1 
+Trace = Off 
+Tracefile = uodbc.trc
+The `Threading` setting is defined as follows
+(extracted from unixODBC sources `DriverManager/handles.c`):
+* ...
+* If compiled with thread support the DM allows four different
+* thread strategies
+* Level 0 - Only the DM internal structures are protected
+* the driver is assumed to take care of it's self
+* Level 1 - The driver is protected down to the statement level
+* each statement will be protected, and the same for the connect
+* level for connect functions, note that descriptors are considered
+* equal to statements when it comes to thread protection.
+* Level 2 - The driver is protected at the connection level. only
+* one thread can be in a particular driver at one time
+* Level 3 - The driver is protected at the env level, only one thing
+* at a time.
+* By default the driver open connections with a lock level of 0,
+* drivers should be expected to be thread safe now.
+* this can be changed by adding the line
+* Threading = N
+* to the driver entry in odbcinst.ini, where N is the locking level
+== Verify odb Installation
+`$HOME/trafodion/odb` should contain the following files.
+* `/bin/odb64luo` (the odb executable)
+See the {docs-url}/odb/index.html[{project-name} odb User Guide] for information how to use odb.
+== Uninstall odb
+To uninstall odb, delete the `README` and `/bin/odb64luo` files from their installed location.
+rm -rf $HOME/trafodion/odb
diff --git a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odbc_linux.adoc b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odbc_linux.adoc
index 6838df8..0321ace 100644
--- a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odbc_linux.adoc
+++ b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odbc_linux.adoc
@@ -1,302 +1,399 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
- */
-= Install Linux ODBC Driver
-== Installation Requirements
-The driver for Linux requires `libgcc 3.4.3` and `libstd++ 6.0`.
-If you are building ODBC applications, please use the preferred build platform, RedHat 6.x or CentOS 6.x.
-== Installation Instructions
-You download and extract the {project-name} client package using the instructions in <<introduction-download, Download Installation Package>> above.
-The package file contains the {project-name} ODBC distribution file, `TRAF_ODBC_Linux_Driver_64.tar.gz`, which is extracted to the `clients` subdirectory.
-It contains the following files:
-By default, a new version of the {project-name} ODBC driver is installed in the following directories unless you specify a different directory
-during installation:
-* `/usr/lib64`
-* `/etc/odbc`
-NOTE: The following header files are not packaged with the {project-name} ODBC driver: +
- +
-- `sql.h` +
-- `sqlext.h` +
-- `sqltypes.h` +
-- `sqlucode.h` +
- +
-To install those header files, <<win_odbc_client_env, Setting Up the Client Environment>>..
-=== Install/Reinstall Linux ODBC Driver
-NOTE: You must have root access to install the {project-name} ODBC Driver for Linux at the default system location.
-1.  Change the directory to the clients subdirectory, and decompress the `.tar.gz` distribution file:
-gunzip TRAF_ODBC_Linux_Driver_64.tar.gz
-2.  Extract the contents of the `.tar` file. A directory called `PkgTmp` is created.
-tar \u2013xvf TRAF_ODBC_Linux_Driver_64.tar
-3.  Install the product by entering these commands:
-cd PkgTmp 
-sudo ./
-Except for the sample file, the `` script saves a copy (`.SAV`) of your previous installation files if they exist.
-4.  Accept the terms of the license agreement by entering *yes*.
-5.  Enter a directory for the library files, or press Enter to use the default directory (`/usr/lib64`).
-6.  Enter a directory for the data-source template file, or press *Enter* to use the default directory (`/etc/odbc`).
-7.  Enter a directory for the sample program, or press *Enter* to use the default directory (`/etc/odbc`).
-=== Set Up Client Environment
-If you selected default options during installation, ensure that:
-* The libraries are located in the `/usr/lib64` directory.
-* A `TRAFDSN` file is in the `/etc/odbc` directory.
-If you select non-default locations during installation, ensure that the files are installed in the directories that you specified during
-The driver expects the `TRAFDSN` file to be present in either the default location (`/etc/odbc`) or the current working directory (`CWD`) of the
-If you are building ODBC applications, you need to install these header files in your build environment:
-* `sql.h`
-* `sqlext.h`
-* `sqltypes.h`
-* `sqlucode.h`
-To install those header files from the latest packages, run this `yum` command:
-sudo yum -y install libiodbc libiodbc-devel
-The `yum` command automatically installs the header files in the `/usr/include` and `/usr/include/libiodbc` directories.
-=== Enable Compression
-When compression is enabled in the ODBC driver, the ODBC driver can send and receive large volumes of data quickly and efficiently to and from
-the {project-name} Database Connectivity Services (DCS) server over a TCP/IP network. By default, compression is disabled.
-To enable compression in the ODBC driver or to change the compression setting, follow these steps:
-* If you are using the {project-name} ODBC driver manager, add
-Compression = compression-level
-to the `DSN` section of `TRAFDSN` file.
-* If you are using a third-party driver manager, such as unixODBC, add
-Compression = compression-level
-to the `DSN` section of the `odbc.ini` file.
-The `_compression-level_` is one of these values:
-* `SYSTEM_DEFAULT`, which is the same as no compression
-* `no compression`
-* `best speed`
-* `best compression`
-* `balance`
-* An integer from `0` to `9`, with `0` being `no compression` and `9` being the `maximum available compression`
-=== Use Third-Party Driver Manager
-NOTE: For better performance, we recommend that you use at least version `2.3._x_` of unixODBC.
-* If you are using an external driver manager, then you must point to `` and not to ``.
-* The driver, ``, has been verified with iODBC and unixODBC driver managers.
-* These driver managers, as well as documentation, can be found at these Web sites:
-* For information on the necessary data-source configuration options, you will need to add to the respective configuration files (for example,
-to `odbc.ini`).
-=== Run Sample Program (`connect_test`)
-NOTE: The examples after each step assume that you have default installation directories.
-If you have a previous version of the {project-name} ODBC driver installed, you need to re-link your existing application to ensure that you pick up
-the correct version of the driver. If you are unsure of the version, check the version of your application with this command:
-ldd object-file
-1.  Move to the directory where you installed the sample program:
-cd /etc/odbc
-2.  Set the environment variable `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`:
-export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<path-to-odbc-library-files or /usr/lib64>
-export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64
-3.  In the `/etc/odbc/TRAFDSN` file, add the correct IP address to the `Server` parameter for the `Default_DataSource`.
-Description = Default Data Source
-Catalog = TRAFODION
-Schema = SEABASE
-DataLang = 0
-FetchBufferSize = SYSTEM_DEFAULT
-Server = TCP: <- _Set IP Address_
-4.  Compile the sample program.
-sudo g++ -g connect_test.cpp -L/usr/lib64 -I/usr/include/odbc -ltrafodbc64 -o connect_test
-5.  Run the sample program:
-./connect_test -d Default_DataSource -u username -p password
-If the sample program runs successfully, you should see output similar to the following:
-Using Connect String: DSN=Default_DataSource;UID=username;PWD=****;
-Connect Test Passed...
-=== Run Sample Program (`basicsql`)
-NOTE: The Basic SQL sample program is not currently bundled with the ODBC Linux driver. To obtain the source code for this program, see
-<<odbc_sample_program, `basicsql` (Sample ODBC Program)>>.
-If you have a previous version of the {project-name} ODBC driver installed, you need to re-link your existing application to ensure that you pick up
-the correct version of the driver. If you are unsure of the version, check the version of your application with this command:
-ldd object-file
-1.  Move to the directory where you put the `basicsql.cpp` file.
-2.  Set the environment variable `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`:
-export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<path-to-odbc-driver-dlls>
-3.  In the `/etc/odbc/TRAFDSN` file, add the correct IP address to the `Server` parameter for the `Default_DataSource`. For example:
-Description = Default Data Source
-Catalog = TRAFODION
-Schema = SEABASE
-DataLang = 0
-FetchBufferSize = SYSTEM_DEFAULT
-Server = TCP: 
-4.  Compile the sample program.
-g++ -g basicsql.cpp -L. -I. -ltrafodbc64 -o basicsql
-5.  Run the sample program:
-basicsql Default_DataSource <username> <password>
-If the sample program runs successfully, you should see output similar to the following:
-Using Connect String: DSN=Default_DataSource;UID=user1;PWD=pwd1;
-Successfully connected using SQLDriverConnect.
-Drop sample table if it exists... Creating sample table TASKS...
-Table TASKS created using SQLExecDirect.
-Inserting data using SQLBindParameter, SQLPrepare, SQLExecute Data
-Data inserted.
-Fetching data using SQLExecDirect, SQLFetch, SQLGetData
-Data selected: 1000 CREATE REPORTS 2014-3-22
-Basic SQL ODBC Test Passed!
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
+ */
+= Install Linux ODBC Driver
+== Installation Requirements
+If you have not done so already, please ensure that you have <<download-software, unpackaged the {project-name}
+client software>>.
+In addition, the ODBC driver for Linux requires `libgcc 3.4.3` and `libstd++ 6.0`.
+If you are building ODBC applications, please use the preferred build platform, RedHat 6.x or CentOS 6.x.
+The examples in this chapter assumes that you have unpackaged the JDBC Type for installation files
+to `$HOME/trafodion/odbc`.
+== Validate Install Directory
+`$HOME/trafodion/odbc/PkgTmp` should contain:
+By default, a new version of the {project-name} ODBC driver is installed in the following directories
+unless you specify a different directory during installation:
+* `/usr/lib64`
+* `/etc/odbc`
+NOTE: The following header files are not packaged with the {project-name} ODBC driver: +
+ +
+- `sql.h` +
+- `sqlext.h` +
+- `sqltypes.h` +
+- `sqlucode.h` +
+ +
+To install those header files, <<linux_odbc_client_env, Set Up Client Environment>> below.
+== Install/Reinstall Linux ODBC Driver
+NOTE: You must have root (`sudo`) access to install the {project-name} ODBC Driver for Linux at the default system location.
+If you don't have such access, the install the ODBC driver to an alternate location; for example: `$HOME/trafodion/odbc`.
+. Install the product by entering these commands:
+*With `sudo` Access*
+cd $HOME/trafodion/odbc/PkgTmp 
+sudo ./
+*Without `sudo` Access*
+cd $HOME/trafodion/odbc/PkgTmp 
+Except for the sample file, the `` script saves a copy (`.SAV`) of your previous installation files if they exist.
+.  Accept the terms of the license agreement by entering *yes*.
+NOTE: Don't use environmental variables when specifying alternative location. Instead, use
+the full path. For example, specify `/opt/user/trafodion/odbc` instead of `$HOME/trafodion/odbc`.
+. Enter a directory for the library files, or press Enter to use the default directory (`/usr/lib64`).
+. Enter a directory for the data-source template file, or press *Enter* to use the default directory (`/etc/odbc`).
+. Enter a directory for the sample program, or press *Enter* to use the default directory (`/etc/odbc`).
+. If you installed the library files, data-source template file, and the sample program in an
+  alternative location, then verify the directory content:
+=== Set Up Client Environment
+If you selected default options during installation, ensure that:
+* The libraries are located in the `/usr/lib64` directory.
+* A `TRAFDSN` file is in the `/etc/odbc` directory.
+If you select non-default locations during installation, ensure that the files are installed
+in the directories that you specified during installation:
+$ cd $HOME/trafodion/odbc
+$ ls
+connect_test.cpp    PkgTmp  TRAFDSN  MD5SUM
+The driver expects the `TRAFDSN` file to be present in either the default location (`/etc/odbc`)
+or the current working direct or (`CWD`) of the application. As a best practice, copy
+the `TRAFDSN` file to the application directory.
+Edit the `TRAFDSN` file. Make changes to the `Default_DataSource` section. At a minimum,
+change the value for `Server` to the address of the host you are connecting to.
+Description                 = Default Data Source
+Catalog                     = TRAFODION
+Schema                      = SEABASE
+DataLang                    = 0
+FetchBufferSize             = SYSTEM_DEFAULT
+Server                      = TCP:
+Description                 = Default Data Source
+Catalog                     = TRAFODION
+Schema                      = SEABASE
+DataLang                    = 0
+FetchBufferSize             = SYSTEM_DEFAULT
+Server                      =
+If you are building ODBC applications, you need to install these header files in your build environment:
+* `sql.h`
+* `sqlext.h`
+* `sqltypes.h`
+* `sqlucode.h`
+To install those header files from the latest packages, run this `yum` command:
+sudo yum -y install libiodbc libiodbc-devel
+The `yum` command automatically installs the header files in the `/usr/include` and `/usr/include/libiodbc` directories.
+=== Enable Compression
+When compression is enabled in the ODBC driver, the ODBC driver can send and receive large volumes of data quickly and efficiently to and from
+the {project-name} Database Connectivity Services (DCS) server over a TCP/IP network. By default, compression is disabled.
+To enable compression in the ODBC driver or to change the compression setting, follow these steps:
+* If you are using the {project-name} ODBC driver manager, add
+Compression = compression-level
+to the `DSN` section of `TRAFDSN` file.
+* If you are using a third-party driver manager, such as unixODBC, add
+Compression = compression-level
+to the `DSN` section of the `odbc.ini` file.
+The `_compression-level_` is one of these values:
+* `SYSTEM_DEFAULT`, which is the same as no compression
+* `no compression`
+* `best speed`
+* `best compression`
+* `balance`
+* An integer from `0` to `9`, with `0` being `no compression` and `9` being the `maximum available compression`
+Description                 = Default Data Source
+Catalog                     = TRAFODION
+Schema                      = SEABASE
+DataLang                    = 0
+FetchBufferSize             = SYSTEM_DEFAULT
+Server                      =
+Compression                 = Best Compression
+== Use Third-Party Driver Manager
+NOTE: For better performance, we recommend that you use at least version `2.3._x_` of unixODBC.
+* If you are using an external driver manager, then you must point to `` and not to ``.
+* The driver, ``, has been verified with iODBC and unixODBC driver managers.
+* These driver managers, as well as documentation, can be found at these Web sites:
+* For information on the necessary data-source configuration options, you will need to add to the respective configuration files (for example,
+to `odbc.ini`).
+== Run Sample Program (`connect_test`)
+NOTE: The examples after each step assume that you have default installation directories.
+If you have a previous version of the {project-name} ODBC driver installed,
+you need to re-link your existing application to ensure that you pick up
+the correct version of the driver. If you are unsure of the version,
+check the version of your application with this command:
+ldd object-file
+.  Move to the directory where you installed the sample program:
+cd /etc/odbc
+.  Set the environment variable `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`:
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<path-to-odbc-library-files or /usr/lib64>
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64
+.  In the `/etc/odbc/TRAFDSN` file, add the correct IP address to the `Server` parameter for the `Default_DataSource`.
+*Example (connecting to ``)*
+Description                 = Default Data Source
+Catalog                     = TRAFODION
+Schema                      = SEABASE
+DataLang                    = 0
+FetchBufferSize             = SYSTEM_DEFAULT
+Server                      = 
+Compression                 = Best Compression
+.  Compile the sample program.
+*Default Installation*
+g++ -g connect_test.cpp -L/usr/lib64 -I/usr/include/odbc -ltrafodbc64 -o connect_test
+*Alterntiave Installation*
+g++ -g connect_test.cpp -L$HOME/trafodion/odbc -I/usr/include/odbc -ltrafodbc64 -o connect_test
+.  Run the sample program:
+./connect_test -d Default_DataSource -u username -p password
+If the sample program runs successfully, you should see output similar to the following:
+Using Connect String: DSN=Default_DataSource;UID=username;PWD=****;
+Connect Test Passed...
+== Run Sample Program (`basicsql`)
+NOTE: The Basic SQL sample program is not currently bundled with the ODBC Linux driver. To obtain the source code for this program, see
+<<odbc_sample_program, `basicsql` (Sample ODBC Program)>>.
+If you have a previous version of the {project-name} ODBC driver installed,
+you need to re-link your existing application to ensure that you pick up
+the correct version of the driver.
+If you are unsure of the version, check the version of your application with this command:
+ldd object-file
+.  Move to the directory where you put the `basicsql.cpp` file.
+.  Set the environment variable `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`:
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<path-to-odbc-driver-dlls>
+.  In the `/etc/odbc/TRAFDSN` file, add the correct IP address to the `Server` parameter for the `Default_DataSource`. For example:
+*Example (connecting to ``)*
+Description                 = Default Data Source
+Catalog                     = TRAFODION
+Schema                      = SEABASE
+DataLang                    = 0
+FetchBufferSize             = SYSTEM_DEFAULT
+Server                      = 
+Compression                 = Best Compression
+.  Compile the sample program.
+*Default Installation*
+g++ -g basicsql.cpp -L/usr/lib64 -I/usr/include/odbc -ltrafodbc64 -o basicsql
+*Alterntiave Installation*
+g++ -g basicsql.cpp -L$HOME/trafodion/odbc -I/usr/include/odbc -ltrafodbc64 -o basicsql
+.  Run the sample program:
+./basicsql Default_DataSource <username> <password>
+If the sample program runs successfully, you should see output similar to the following:
+Using Connect String: DSN=Default_DataSource;UID=user1;PWD=pwd1;
+Successfully connected using SQLDriverConnect.
+Drop sample table if it exists... Creating sample table TASKS...
+Table TASKS created using SQLExecDirect.
+Inserting data using SQLBindParameter, SQLPrepare, SQLExecute Data
+Data inserted.
+Fetching data using SQLExecDirect, SQLFetch, SQLGetData
+Data selected: 1000 CREATE REPORTS 2014-3-22
+Basic SQL ODBC Test Passed!
diff --git a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odbc_windows.adoc b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odbc_windows.adoc
index 48435ff..67e2d6d 100644
--- a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odbc_windows.adoc
+++ b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odbc_windows.adoc
@@ -1,244 +1,246 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
- */
-= Install Windows ODBC Driver
-WARNING: License issues prevent us from including the ODBC Driver for Windows in this release. Contact the
-{project-name} user e-mail list ({project-support}) for help obtaining the driver.
-== Installation Requirements
-| Item             | Requirement
-| Computer         | Windows compatible PC workstation
-| Memory           | Recommended minimum 32 MB
-| Disk Space       | Minimum 30 MB additional free space
-| Operating System | x64 Edition of Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, or Windows Server 2008
-| Network Software | TCP/IP
-== Installation Instructions
-=== Install Windows ODBC Driver
-NOTE: To install the driver on your PC, you must be logged on with a user ID that has administrator privileges.
-You download and extract the {project-name} client package using the instructions in <<introduction-download, Download Installation Package>> above.
-The ODBC client installation file, `TFODBC64-*.exe`, which installs or links to multiple client components:
-| This client component&#8230; | Does this&#8230;
-| Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager | Manages access to ODBC drivers for applications. The driver manager loads and unloads drivers and passes calls for ODBC functions to the
-correct driver.
-| Trafodion ODBC driver | Implements ODBC function calls to enable an ODBC client application to access the {project-name} database.
-| Microsoft ODBC Administrator | Adds, configures, and removes ODBC data sources on client workstations.
-By default, a new version of the ODBC driver is installed in this directory and its folders unless you specify a different directory
-during installation:
-| Default Installation Directory    | Client Operating System
-| C:\Program Files\Trafodion\TRAF   | ODBC _version_ Windows 64-bit
-=== Start the InstallShield wizard
-The InstallShield wizard walks you through the steps to install the client components ({project-name} ODBC 1.0) on your workstation. You can
-perform the installation in _interactive mode_, in which you provide input or accept defaults when prompted as ODBC is installed. 
-Please refer to <<win_odbc_interactive_mode,Interactive Mode Installation>> below.
-==== Interactive Mode Installation
-1.  Double-click the `TFODBC64-*.exe` distribution file to start the InstallShield wizard.
-2.  On the *Welcome* page, click *Next*.
-3.  Read and select the *I accept the agreement* radio button. Click *Next*. 
-4.  On the *Destination Folder* page, click *Install* to select the default location: `C:\Program Files\Trafodion\TRAF ODBC _version_\` 
-This location is the installation directory for ODBC header and help files. All other ODBC files are installed in `%SYSTEMROOT%\system32`.
-5. Read and accept the Microsoft C++ license agreement by checking the *I agree to the license terms and conditions*. Click *Install*.
-6. Click *Close*.
-7. Click *Finish* to exit the installation wizard.
-=== Add a client data source
-1.  Start the Microsoft ODBC Administrator:
-* On Windows 7: *Start>All Programs>{project-name} ODBC _version_>MS ODBC Administrator*
-* On Windows 8: Right-click the *{project-name} ODBC _version_* icon on the desktop and select MS ODBC Administrator.
-* On Windows 10: Right-click the Windows icon in the menu bar. Select *Settings*. Search for *Set up ODBC data sources (64-bit)*. Click on the found item. 
-2.  In the *ODBC Data Source Administrator* dialog box, click *Add*.
-3.  Select *TRAF ODBC _version_*, and then click *Finish* to start the *Create a New {project-name} ODBC Data Source* wizard.
-4.  Enter the data source name (for example, `Default_DataSource_Schema1`) and an optional description, and click *Next*.
-5.  Enter the `IP address` or `host name` for the database platform. Enter the default port number as *23400*^1^. Leave the defaults as is, and click *Next*.
-6.  Enter the schema name. The default schema name is `SEABASE`. Click *Next*.
-7.  Enter the translate DLL name and its option, if you have one. If not, leave it blank. Leave the localization defaults as is.
-The Replacement Character replaces any character that is incompatible for translation when retrieving data. It is one character (one or two
-bytes long). The Replacement Character is assumed to be in the character set specified in the Client/Server Character Set Interaction. If it is not specified, `?` is used as the default.
-Click *Finish*.
-8.  The wizard gives you an opportunity to test the connection. Click *Test Connection* and click *OK*.
-9.  The server ID and schema are filled in for you. Enter a valid user name and password, and click *OK*.
-The wizard attempts to connect to the data source and displays a message stating whether it was successful or not.
-10.  Click *OK* to save the data source, or click *Cancel* _twice_ to quit the *Create Data Source* wizard.
-^1^ Your specific installation may use a different port number. Check with your {project-name} administrator.
-=== Set Up Client Environment
-All client data sources connect to the pre-configured server data source on the database platform, which is `Default_DataSource`. 
-You can configure one data source only, `Default_DataSource`, on the database platform, but you can create other data source 
-definitions on the workstation. 
-For example, if you have more than one schema on the database platform and you want to connect 
-to each of those schemas on the database platform, you can create a client data source for each of those schemas. 
-Instead of changing the schema definition in the data source definition on the workstation, you can create multiple data source 
-definitions with different schemas on the workstation. The client data source will use the specified schema but will connect to 
-`Default_DataSource` on the database platform.
-To create a data source on the client workstation, follow these steps:
-1.  Launch the *MS ODBC Administrator*. 
-* On Windows 7: *Start>All Programs>{project-name} ODBC _version_>MS ODBC Administrator*
-* On Windows 8: Right-click the *{project-name} ODBC _version_* icon on the desktop and select MS ODBC Administrator.
-* On Windows 10: Right-click the Windows icon in the menu bar. Select *Settings*. Search for *Set up ODBC data sources (64-bit)*. Click on the found item. 
-2.  In the *ODBC Data Source Administrator* dialog box, select the *User DSN* tab, and click *Add*.
-3.  Select the *TRAF ODBC _version_* driver, and then click *Finish*.
-A new dialog box appears, prompting you to create a new data source.
-4.  Enter the name of the data source, `Default_DataSource`, and click *Next* to continue.
-5.  Enter the IP address and port number of the {project-name} system to which will be connecting. By default, the port number is *23400*^1^. 
-Click *Next* to continue.
-6.  Select the default schema. If you do not select a schema, the default is `SEABASE`. Click *Next* to continue.
-7.  If desired, configure the *translate dll*, which translates data from one character set to another, and configure the localization. By
-default, the client error message language is English, and the client\u2019s local character set is used. Click *Finish* to continue.
-The *Test {project-name} ODBC Connection* dialog box appears, allowing you to test the connection using the data source that you created.
-8.  Click *Test Connection*.
-9.  When prompted, enter your user name and password, and, optionally, schema. Click *OK*.
-If the connection is successful, you will see `Connected Successfully` in the *Test {project-name} ODBC Connection* dialog box.
-10.  Click *OK* to save the data source, or click *Cancel* _twice_ to quit the *Create Data Source* wizard.
-^1^ Your specific installation may use a different port number. Check with your {project-name} administrator.
-=== Enable Compression
-When compression is enabled in the ODBC driver, the ODBC driver can send and receive large volumes of data quickly and efficiently to and from
-the {project-name} Database Connectivity Services (DCS) server over a TCP/IP network. By default, compression is disabled.
-To enable compression in the ODBC driver or to change the compression setting, follow these steps:
-1.  Launch the MS ODBC Administrator. 
-* On Windows 7: *Start>All Programs>{project-name} ODBC _version_>MS ODBC Administrator*
-* On Windows 8: Right-click the *{project-name} ODBC _version_* icon on the desktop and select MS ODBC Administrator.
-* On Windows 10: Right-click the Windows icon in the menu bar. Select *Settings*. Search for *Set up ODBC data sources (64-bit)*. Click on the found item. 
-2.  In the *ODBC Data Source Administrator* dialog box, select the *User DSN* tab, select the name of your data source under 
-*User Data Sources*, and click *Configure*. If you did not create a data source, please refer to 
-<<win_odbc_client_env, Setting Up the Client Environment>>.
-A new dialog box appears, showing the configuration of your data source.
-3.  Select the *Network* tab, and then select one of these values for *Compression*:
-* `SYSTEM_DEFAULT`, which is the same as no compression
-* `no compression`
-* `best speed`
-* `best compression`
-* `balance`
-* An integer from 0 to 9, with 0 being no compression and 9 being the
-maximum available compression
-4.  Click *OK* to accept the change.
-5.  Click *OK* to exit the *ODBC Data Source Administrator* dialog box.
-=== Run Sample Program (`basicsql`)
-NOTE: The Basic SQL sample program is not currently bundled with the ODBC Windows driver. To obtain the source code and the build and run
-files for this program, please refer to  <<odbc_sample_program, ODBC Sample Program>>.
-To build and run the executable file, follow these steps:
-1.  Open a Visual Studio x64 Win64 Command Prompt. Make sure to select the x64 version of the command prompt. For example, on Windows 7, select
-*Start>All Programs>Microsoft Visual Studio 2010>Visual Studio Tools>Visual Studio x64 Win64 Command Prompt*.
-2.  At the command prompt, move to the directory where you put the `basicsql.cpp` and build files.
-3.  Run build at the command prompt. You will see `basicsql.exe` created in the same directory as the source file.
-4.  Before running the sample program, create a {project-name} data source named `Default_DataSource` on the client workstation using MS ODBC
-Administrator. For instructions, please refer to <<win_odbc_client_env,Set Up Client Environment>>.
-5.  From the command prompt, run the sample program by entering either run or this command:
-basicsql DefaultDataSource <username> <password>
-If the sample program executes successfully, you should see this output:
-Using Connect String: DSN=Default_DataSource;UID=user1;PWD=pwd1;
-Successfully connected using SQLDriverConnect.
-Drop sample table if it exists...
-Creating sample table TASKS...
-Table TASKS created using SQLExecDirect.
-Inserting data using SQLBindParameter, SQLPrepare, SQLExecute
-Data inserted.
-Fetching data using SQLExecDirect, SQLFetch, SQLGetData
-Data selected: 1000 CREATE REPORTS 2014-3-22
-Basic SQL ODBC Test Passed!
-== Reinstall Windows ODBC Driver
-To reinstall the driver, we recommend that you fully remove your ODBC driver and then install the new version. Please refer to
-<<win_odbc_uninstall,Uninstalling the {project-name} ODBC Driver for Windows>> and then <<win_odbc_install, Installing the {project-name} ODBC Driver for Windows>>.
-== Uninstalling Windows ODBC Driver
-1.  Start to remove the ODBC driver:
-* On Windows 7: *Start>All Programs>{project-name} ODBC _version_>Remove TRAF ODBC _version_*
-* On Windows 8: Right-click the *{project-name} ODBC _version_* icon on the desktop and select *Remove TRAF ODBC _version_*.
-* On Windows 10: Right-click the Windows icon in the menu bar. Select *Control Panel*. Click on *Uninstall a program*. Locate *{project-name} ODBC64 _version_* and select it. Click on *Uninstall*.
-2.  When the *Windows Installer* dialog box asks you if you want to uninstall this product, click *Yes*.
-3.  The *{project-name} ODBC _version_* dialog box displays the status and asks you to wait while `Windows configures {project-name} ODBC _version_` (that is, removes
-the {project-name} ODBC Driver from your Windows workstation).
-After this dialog box disappears, {project-name} ODBC _version_ is no longer on your workstation.
-NOTE: Uninstalling the ODBC driver does not remove pre-existing data source definitions from the Windows registry.
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
+ */
+= Install Windows ODBC Driver
+WARNING: License issues prevent us from including the ODBC Driver for Windows in this release. Contact the
+{project-name} user e-mail list ({project-support}) for help obtaining the driver.
+If you have not done so already, please ensure that you have unpackaged the
+<<download-software, unpackaged the {project-name} client software>>.
+The examples in this chapter assumes that you have unpackaged the installation files
+to `c:\trafodion\odbc`.
+== Installation Requirements
+| Item             | Requirement
+| Computer         | Windows compatible PC workstation
+| Memory           | Recommended minimum 32 MB
+| Disk Space       | Minimum 30 MB additional free space
+| Operating System | x64 Edition of Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, or Windows Server 2008
+| Network Software | TCP/IP
+== Installation Instructions
+NOTE: To install the driver on your PC, you must be logged on with a user ID that has administrator privileges.
+The ODBC client installation file (`c:\trafodion\odbc\TFODBC64-*.exe`) installs or links to
+multiple client components:
+| This client component&#8230; | Does this&#8230;
+| Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager | Manages access to ODBC drivers for applications. The driver manager loads and unloads drivers and passes calls for ODBC functions to the
+correct driver.
+| Trafodion ODBC driver | Implements ODBC function calls to enable an ODBC client application to access the {project-name} database.
+| Microsoft ODBC Administrator | Adds, configures, and removes ODBC data sources on client workstations.
+By default, a new version of the ODBC driver is installed in this directory and its folders unless you specify a different directory
+during installation:
+| Default Installation Directory    | Client Operating System
+| C:\Program Files\Trafodion\TRAF   | ODBC _version_ Windows 64-bit
+To install the {project-name} ODBC driver, do the following:
+1.  Double-click the `TFODBC64-*.exe` distribution file to start the InstallShield wizard.
+2.  On the *Welcome* page, click *Next*.
+image:{images}/winodbc_welcome.jpg[Windows ODBC Installer Welcome Screen]
+3.  Read and select the *I accept the agreement* radio button. Click *Next*. 
+image:{images}/winodbc_license.jpg[Windows ODBC Installer License Screen]
+4.  On the *Destination Folder* page, click *Install* to select the default location: `C:\Program Files\Trafodion\TRAF ODBC _version_\` 
+image:{images}/winodbc_destination.jpg[Windows ODBC Installer Destination Screen]
+This location is the installation directory for ODBC header and help files. All other ODBC files are installed in `%SYSTEMROOT%\system32`.
+5. Validate the Destination and click *Install*.
+image:{images}/winodbc_ready_to_install.jpg[Windows ODBC Ready to Install Screen]
+6. The Windows ODBC driver is installed. Click *Finish* to exit the installation wizard.
+image:{images}/winodbc_install_finished.jpg[Windows ODBC Install Finished Screen]
+== Set Up ODBC Data Source
+1.  Start the Microsoft ODBC Administrator:
+* On Windows 7: *Start>All Programs>{project-name} ODBC _version_>MS ODBC Administrator*
+* On Windows 8: Right-click the *{project-name} ODBC _version_* icon on the desktop and select MS ODBC Administrator.
+* On Windows 10: Click the Windows icon in the menu bar. Type *Set up ODBC data sources (64-bit)*. Click on the found item. 
+image:{images}/winodbc_admin_intro.jpg[Windows ODBC Admin Intro Screen]
+2.  In the *ODBC Data Source Administrator* dialog box, click *Add*.
+image:{images}/winodbc_admin_add.jpg[Windows ODBC Admin Create Data Source Screen]
+3.  Select *TRAF ODBC _version_*, and then click *Finish* to start the *Create a New {project-name} ODBC Data Source* wizard.
+image:{images}/winodbc_admin_add_general.jpg[Windows ODBC Admin Create Data Source General Screen]
+4.  Enter the data source name (for example, `Default_DataSource_Schema1`) and an optional description, and click *Next*.
+image:{images}/winodbc_admin_add_general_edited.jpg[Windows ODBC Admin Create Data Source Edited General Screen]
+5.  Enter the `IP address` or `host name` for the database platform. Enter the default port number as *23400*^1^. Leave the defaults as is, and click *Next*.
+image:{images}/winodbc_admin_add_network.jpg[Windows ODBC Admin Create Data Source Network Screen]
+6.  Enter the schema name. The default schema name is `SEABASE`. Click *Next*.
+image:{images}/winodbc_admin_add_schema.jpg[Windows ODBC Admin Create Data Source Schema Screen]
+7.  Enter the translate DLL name and its option, if you have one. If not, leave it blank. Leave the localization defaults as is.
+image:{images}/winodbc_admin_add_translate_dll.jpg[Windows ODBC Admin Create Data Source Translate DLL Screen]
+The Replacement Character replaces any character that is incompatible for translation when retrieving data. It is one character (one or two
+bytes long). The Replacement Character is assumed to be in the character set specified in the Client/Server Character Set Interaction. If it is not specified, `?` is used as the default.
+Click *Finish*.
+8.  The wizard gives you an opportunity to test the connection. Click *Test Connection* and click *OK*.
+9.  The server ID and schema are filled in for you. Enter a valid user name and password, and click *OK*.
+image:{images}/winodbc_admin_add_test_connection.jpg[Windows ODBC Admin Create Data Source Test Connection Screen]
+The wizard attempts to connect to the data source and displays a message stating whether it was successful or not.
+10.  Click *OK* to save the data source, or click *Cancel* _twice_ to quit the *Create Data Source* wizard.
+^1^ Your specific installation may use a different port number. Check with your {project-name} administrator.
+=== Enable Compression
+When compression is enabled in the ODBC driver, the ODBC driver can send and receive large volumes of data quickly and efficiently to and from
+the {project-name} Database Connectivity Services (DCS) server over a TCP/IP network. By default, compression is disabled.
+To enable compression in the ODBC driver or to change the compression setting, follow these steps:
+1.  Launch the MS ODBC Administrator. 
+* On Windows 7: *Start>All Programs>{project-name} ODBC _version_>MS ODBC Administrator*
+* On Windows 8: Right-click the *{project-name} ODBC _version_* icon on the desktop and select MS ODBC Administrator.
+* On Windows 10: Right-click the Windows icon in the menu bar. Select *Settings*. Search for *Set up ODBC data sources (64-bit)*. Click on the found item. 
+2.  In the *ODBC Data Source Administrator* dialog box, select the *User DSN* tab, select the name of your data source under 
+*User Data Sources*, and click *Configure*. If you did not create a data source, please refer to 
+<<win_odbc_client_env, Setting Up the Client Environment>>.
+A new dialog box appears, showing the configuration of your data source.
+3.  Select the *Network* tab, and then select one of these values for *Compression*:
+* `SYSTEM_DEFAULT`, which is the same as no compression
+* `no compression`
+* `best speed`
+* `best compression`
+* `balance`
+* An integer from 0 to 9, with 0 being no compression and 9 being the
+maximum available compression
+4.  Click *OK* to accept the change.
+5.  Click *OK* to exit the *ODBC Data Source Administrator* dialog box.
+== Run Sample Program (`basicsql`)
+NOTE: The Basic SQL sample program is not currently bundled with the ODBC Windows driver. To obtain the source code and the build and run
+files for this program, please refer to  <<odbc_sample_program, ODBC Sample Program>>.
+To build and run the executable file, follow these steps:
+1.  Open a Visual Studio x64 Win64 Command Prompt. Make sure to select the x64 version of the command prompt. For example, on Windows 7, select
+*Start>All Programs>Microsoft Visual Studio 2010>Visual Studio Tools>Visual Studio x64 Win64 Command Prompt*.
+2.  At the command prompt, move to the directory where you put the `basicsql.cpp` and build files.
+3.  Run build at the command prompt. You will see `basicsql.exe` created in the same directory as the source file.
+4.  Before running the sample program, create a {project-name} data source named `Default_DataSource` on the client workstation using MS ODBC
+Administrator. For instructions, please refer to <<win_odbc_client_env,Set Up Client Environment>>.
+5.  From the command prompt, run the sample program by entering either run or this command:
+basicsql DefaultDataSource <username> <password>
+If the sample program executes successfully, you should see this output:
+Using Connect String: DSN=Default_DataSource;UID=user1;PWD=pwd1;
+Successfully connected using SQLDriverConnect.
+Drop sample table if it exists...
+Creating sample table TASKS...
+Table TASKS created using SQLExecDirect.
+Inserting data using SQLBindParameter, SQLPrepare, SQLExecute
+Data inserted.
+Fetching data using SQLExecDirect, SQLFetch, SQLGetData
+Data selected: 1000 CREATE REPORTS 2014-3-22
+Basic SQL ODBC Test Passed!
+== Reinstall Windows ODBC Driver
+To reinstall the driver, we recommend that you fully remove your ODBC driver and then install the new version. Please refer to
+<<win_odbc_uninstall,Uninstalling the {project-name} ODBC Driver for Windows>> and then <<win_odbc_install, Installing the {project-name} ODBC Driver for Windows>>.
+== Uninstalling Windows ODBC Driver
+1.  Start to remove the ODBC driver:
+* On Windows 7: *Start>All Programs>{project-name} ODBC _version_>Remove TRAF ODBC _version_*
+* On Windows 8: Right-click the *{project-name} ODBC _version_* icon on the desktop and select *Remove TRAF ODBC _version_*.
+* On Windows 10: Right-click the Windows icon in the menu bar. Select *Control Panel*. Click on *Uninstall a program*. Locate *{project-name} ODBC64 _version_* and select it. Click on *Uninstall*.
+2.  When the *Windows Installer* dialog box asks you if you want to uninstall this product, click *Yes*.
+3.  The *{project-name} ODBC _version_* dialog box displays the status and asks you to wait while `Windows configures {project-name} ODBC _version_` (that is, removes
+the {project-name} ODBC Driver from your Windows workstation).
+After this dialog box disappears, {project-name} ODBC _version_ is no longer on your workstation.
+NOTE: Uninstalling the ODBC driver does not remove pre-existing data source definitions from the Windows registry.