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Posted to by Apache Wiki <> on 2012/03/19 18:39:50 UTC

[Lucene-java Wiki] Update of "ReleaseNote36" by MikeMcCandless

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The "ReleaseNote36" page has been changed by MikeMcCandless:

Initial list of changes

  Lucene 3.6.0 Release Highlights:
-  * TODO
+   * TypeTokenFilter filters tokens based on their TypeAttribute.
+   * HTMLStripCharFilter strips HTML markup.
+   * Added phonetic encoders: Metaphone, Soundex, Caverphone,
+     Beider-Morse, etc.
+   * CJKBigramFilter and CJKWidthFilter replace CJKTokenizer.
+   * Kuromoji morphological analyzer tokenizes Japanese text, producing
+     both compound words and their segmentation.
+   * Static index pruning (Carmel pruning) removes postings with low
+     within-document term frequency.
+   * QueryParser now interprets * as an open end for range
+     queries.
+   * FieldValueFilter excludes documents missing the specified field.
+   * CheckIndex and IndexUpgrader allow you to specify the
+     specific FSDirectory implementation to use with the new -dir-impl
+     command-line option.
+   * FSTs can now do reverse lookup (by output) in certain cases and
+     can be packed to reduce their size.  There is now a method to
+     retrieve top N shortest paths from a start node in an FST.
+   * New WFSTCompletionLookup suggester supports finer-grained
+     ranking for suggestions.
+   * FST based suggesters now use an offline (disk-based) sort, instead
+     of in-memory sort, when pre-sorting the suggestions.
+   * ToChildBlockJoinQuery joins in the opposite direction (parent down
+     to child documents).
+   * New query-time joining is more flexible (but less performant) than
+     index-time joins.
+   * Many bug fixes...
  Note: The Apache Software Foundation uses an extensive mirroring network for
  distributing releases.  It is possible that the mirror you are using may not