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-                <h1 id="apache-apex-command-line-interface">Apache Apex Command Line Interface</h1>
-<p>dtCli, the Apache Apex command line interface, can be used to launch, monitor, and manage Apache Apex applications.  It provides a developer friendly way of interacting with Apache Apex platform.  Another advantage of dtCli is to provide scope, by connecting and executing commands in a context of specific application.  dtCli enables easy integration with existing enterprise toolset for automated application monitoring and management.  Currently the following high level tasks are supported.</p>
-<li>Launch or kill applications</li>
-<li>View system metrics including load, throughput, latency, etc.</li>
-<li>Start or stop tuple recording</li>
-<li>Read operator, stream, port properties and attributes</li>
-<li>Write to operator properties</li>
-<li>Dynamically change the application logical plan</li>
-<li>Create custom macros</li>
-<h2 id="dtcli-commands">dtcli Commands</h2>
-<p>dtCli can be launched by running following command</p>
-<p>Help on all commands is available via “help” command in the CLI</p>
-<h3 id="global-commands">Global Commands</h3>
-alias alias-name command
-    Create a command alias
-begin-macro name
-    Begin Macro Definition ($1...$9 to access parameters and type 'end' to end the definition)
-connect app-id
-    Connect to an app
-dump-properties-file out-file jar-file class-name
-    Dump the properties file of an app class
-echo [arg ...]
-    Echo the arguments
-    Exit the CLI
-get-app-info app-id
-    Get the information of an app
-get-app-package-info app-package-file
-    Get info on the app package file
-get-app-package-operator-properties app-package-file operator-class
-    Get operator properties within the given app package
-get-app-package-operators [options] app-package-file [search-term]
-    Get operators within the given app package
-    Options:
-            -parent    Specify the parent class for the operators
-get-config-parameter [parameter-name]
-    Get the configuration parameter
-get-jar-operator-classes [options] jar-files-comma-separated [search-term]
-    List operators in a jar list
-    Options:
-            -parent    Specify the parent class for the operators
-get-jar-operator-properties jar-files-comma-separated operator-class-name
-    List properties in specified operator
-help [command]
-    Show help
-kill-app app-id [app-id ...]
-    Kill an app
-  launch [options] jar-file/json-file/properties-file/app-package-file [matching-app-name]
-    Launch an app
-    Options:
-            -apconf &lt;app package configuration file&gt;        Specify an application
-                                                            configuration file
-                                                            within the app
-                                                            package if launching
-                                                            an app package.
-            -archives &lt;comma separated list of archives&gt;    Specify comma
-                                                            separated archives
-                                                            to be unarchived on
-                                                            the compute machines.
-            -conf &lt;configuration file&gt;                      Specify an
-                                                            application
-                                                            configuration file.
-            -D &lt;property=value&gt;                             Use value for given
-                                                            property.
-            -exactMatch                                     Only consider
-                                                            applications with
-                                                            exact app name
-            -files &lt;comma separated list of files&gt;          Specify comma
-                                                            separated files to
-                                                            be copied on the
-                                                            compute machines.
-            -ignorepom                                      Do not run maven to
-                                                            find the dependency
-            -libjars &lt;comma separated list of libjars&gt;      Specify comma
-                                                            separated jar files
-                                                            or other resource
-                                                            files to include in
-                                                            the classpath.
-            -local                                          Run application in
-                                                            local mode.
-            -originalAppId &lt;application id&gt;                 Specify original
-                                                            application
-                                                            identifier for restart.
-            -queue &lt;queue name&gt;                             Specify the queue to
-                                                            launch the application
-    Lists the application attributes
-list-apps [pattern]
-    List applications
-    Lists the operator attributes
-    Lists the port attributes
-set-pager on/off
-    Set the pager program for output
-show-logical-plan [options] jar-file/app-package-file [class-name]
-    List apps in a jar or show logical plan of an app class
-    Options:
-            -exactMatch                                Only consider exact match
-                                                       for app name
-            -ignorepom                                 Do not run maven to find
-                                                       the dependency
-            -libjars &lt;comma separated list of jars&gt;    Specify comma separated
-                                                       jar/resource files to
-                                                       include in the classpath.
-shutdown-app app-id [app-id ...]
-    Shutdown an app
-source file
-    Execute the commands in a file
-<h3 id="commands-after-connecting-to-an-application">Commands after connecting to an application</h3>
-    Begin Logical Plan Change
-dump-properties-file out-file [jar-file] [class-name]
-    Dump the properties file of an app class
-get-app-attributes [attribute-name]
-    Get attributes of the connected app
-get-app-info [app-id]
-    Get the information of an app
-get-operator-attributes operator-name [attribute-name]
-    Get attributes of an operator
-get-operator-properties operator-name [property-name]
-    Get properties of a logical operator
-get-physical-operator-properties [options] operator-id
-    Get properties of a physical operator
-    Options:
-            -propertyName &lt;property name&gt;    The name of the property whose
-                                             value needs to be retrieved
-            -waitTime &lt;wait time&gt;            How long to wait to get the result
-get-port-attributes operator-name port-name [attribute-name]
-    Get attributes of a port
-get-recording-info [operator-id] [start-time]
-    Get tuple recording info
-kill-app [app-id ...]
-    Kill an app
-kill-container container-id [container-id ...]
-    Kill a container
-    List containers
-list-operators [pattern]
-    List operators
-set-operator-property operator-name property-name property-value
-    Set a property of an operator
-set-physical-operator-property operator-id property-name property-value
-    Set a property of an operator
-show-logical-plan [options] [jar-file/app-package-file] [class-name]
-    Show logical plan of an app class
-    Options:
-            -exactMatch                                Only consider exact match
-                                                       for app name
-            -ignorepom                                 Do not run maven to find
-                                                       the dependency
-            -libjars &lt;comma separated list of jars&gt;    Specify comma separated
-                                                       jar/resource files to
-                                                       include in the classpath.
-    Show physical plan
-shutdown-app [app-id ...]
-    Shutdown an app
-start-recording operator-id [port-name] [num-windows]
-    Start recording
-stop-recording operator-id [port-name]
-    Stop recording
-wait timeout
-    Wait for completion of current application
-<h3 id="commands-when-changing-the-logical-plan">Commands when changing the logical plan</h3>
-<pre><code>COMMANDS WHEN CHANGING LOGICAL PLAN (via begin-logical-plan-change):
-    Abort the plan change
-add-stream-sink stream-name to-operator-name to-port-name
-    Add a sink to an existing stream
-create-operator operator-name class-name
-    Create an operator
-create-stream stream-name from-operator-name from-port-name to-operator-name to-port-name
-    Create a stream
-help [command]
-    Show help
-remove-operator operator-name
-    Remove an operator
-remove-stream stream-name
-    Remove a stream
-set-operator-attribute operator-name attr-name attr-value
-    Set an attribute of an operator
-set-operator-property operator-name property-name property-value
-    Set a property of an operator
-set-port-attribute operator-name port-name attr-name attr-value
-    Set an attribute of a port
-set-stream-attribute stream-name attr-name attr-value
-    Set an attribute of a stream
-    Show the queue of the plan change
-    Submit the plan change
-<h2 id="examples">Examples</h2>
-<p>An example of defining a custom macro.  The macro updates a running application by inserting a new operator.  It takes three parameters and executes a logical plan changes.</p>
-<pre><code>dt&gt; begin-macro add-console-output
-macro&gt; begin-logical-plan-change
-macro&gt; create-operator $1
-macro&gt; create-stream stream_$1 $2 $3 $1 in
-macro&gt; submit
-<p>Then execute the <code>add-console-output</code> macro like this</p>
-<pre><code>dt&gt; add-console-output xyz opername portname
-<p>This macro then expands to run the following command</p>
-create-operator xyz
-create-stream stream_xyz opername portname xyz in
-<p><em>Note</em>:  To perform runtime logical plan changes, like ability to add new operators,
-they must be part of the jar files that were deployed at application launch time.</p>
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