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Posted to by kushal sheth <> on 2011/06/23 14:13:27 UTC

Overlapping issue is coming when try to set value using PDFBox

Hi All,

I am facing overlapping issue when i try to set value inside text box. Text
is getting overlapped.

This is the code that i have written  to set values

PDDocument testDocument = null;

File input = new File("input.pdf");

testDocument = PDDocument.load(input);

PDDocumentCatalog documentCatalog = testDocument.getDocumentCatalog();
PDAcroForm acroForm = documentCatalog.getAcroForm();

 PDField fieldFromDocument1 = acroForm.getField("testName");
 fieldFromDocument1.setValue("Test Name");

 PDDocument updatedTestDocument = testDocument;"output.pdf");

Can anyone give suggestions to resolve this issue?
