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[5/6] couch commit: updated refs/heads/45918-pluggable-storage-engines to 0211034

Implement pluggable storage engines

This change moves the main work of storage engines to run through the
new couch_db_engine behavior. This allows us to replace the storage
engine with different implementations that can be tailored to specific
work loads and environments.


Branch: refs/heads/45918-pluggable-storage-engines
Commit: 9c4b8432891a633d5f72f45ab87b465dd6324038
Parents: 4c9fbb5
Author: Paul J. Davis <>
Authored: Fri Feb 5 12:04:20 2016 -0600
Committer: Paul J. Davis <>
Committed: Wed Aug 3 13:11:24 2016 -0500

 include/couch_db.hrl                     |   38 +-
 src/couch_att.erl                        |  132 ++-
 src/couch_auth_cache.erl                 |   17 +-
 src/couch_changes.erl                    |   25 +-
 src/couch_compaction_daemon.erl          |   32 +-
 src/couch_db.erl                         |  759 ++++++++-------
 src/couch_db_engine.erl                  |    3 -
 src/couch_db_updater.erl                 | 1275 ++++++-------------------
 src/couch_httpd_db.erl                   |    8 +-
 src/couch_httpd_misc_handlers.erl        |   13 -
 src/couch_lru.erl                        |   10 +-
 src/couch_server.erl                     |  333 +++++--
 src/couch_server_int.hrl                 |   23 +
 src/couch_stream.erl                     |  256 ++---
 src/couch_util.erl                       |   40 +-
 test/couch_stream_tests.erl              |   30 +-
 test/couchdb_compaction_daemon_tests.erl |    4 +-
 test/couchdb_views_tests.erl             |   45 +-
 18 files changed, 1330 insertions(+), 1713 deletions(-)
diff --git a/include/couch_db.hrl b/include/couch_db.hrl
index e7cd85d..03d7cc4 100644
--- a/include/couch_db.hrl
+++ b/include/couch_db.hrl
@@ -78,7 +78,8 @@
     update_seq = 0,
     deleted = false,
     rev_tree = [],
-    sizes = #size_info{}
+    sizes = #size_info{},
+    meta = []
 -record(httpd, {
@@ -129,30 +130,29 @@
 -record(db, {
+    name,
+    filepath,
+    engine = {couch_bt_engine, undefined},
     main_pid = nil,
     compactor_pid = nil,
-    instance_start_time, % number of microsecs since jan 1 1970 as a binary string
-    fd,
-    fd_monitor,
-    header = couch_db_header:new(),
-    id_tree,
-    seq_tree,
-    local_tree,
-    update_seq,
-    name,
-    filepath,
-    validate_doc_funs = undefined,
-    security = [],
-    security_ptr = nil,
+    instance_start_time, % number of microsecs since jan 1 1970 as a binary string
     user_ctx = #user_ctx{},
+    security = [],
+    validate_doc_funs = undefined,
+    before_doc_update = nil, % nil | fun(Doc, Db) -> NewDoc
+    after_doc_read = nil,    % nil | fun(Doc, Db) -> NewDoc
     waiting_delayed_commit = nil,
-    revs_limit = 1000,
-    fsync_options = [],
     options = [],
-    compression,
-    before_doc_update = nil, % nil | fun(Doc, Db) -> NewDoc
-    after_doc_read = nil    % nil | fun(Doc, Db) -> NewDoc
+    compression
 -record(view_fold_helper_funs, {
diff --git a/src/couch_att.erl b/src/couch_att.erl
index 9d38cfa..8ea1e45 100644
--- a/src/couch_att.erl
+++ b/src/couch_att.erl
@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
-    transform/3
+    transform/3,
+    copy/2
@@ -233,6 +234,14 @@ transform(Field, Fun, Att) ->
     store(Field, NewValue, Att).
+copy(Att, DstStream) ->
+    [{stream, SrcStream}, AttLen, OldMd5] = fetch([data, att_len, md5], Att),
+    ok = couch_stream:copy(SrcStream, DstStream),
+    {NewStream, AttLen, _, NewMd5, _} = couch_stream:close(DstStream),
+    couch_util:check_md5(OldMd5, NewMd5),
+    store(data, {stream, NewStream}, Att).
 is_stub(Att) ->
     stub == fetch(data, Att).
@@ -292,11 +301,12 @@ size_info(Atts) ->
 %% as safe as possible, avoiding the need for complicated disk versioning
 %% schemes.
 to_disk_term(#att{} = Att) ->
-    {_, StreamIndex} = fetch(data, Att),
+    {stream, StreamEngine} = fetch(data, Att),
+    {ok, Sp} = couch_stream:to_disk_term(StreamEngine),
         fetch(name, Att),
         fetch(type, Att),
-        StreamIndex,
+        Sp,
         fetch(att_len, Att),
         fetch(disk_len, Att),
         fetch(revpos, Att),
@@ -309,9 +319,13 @@ to_disk_term(Att) ->
             (data, {Props, Values}) ->
                 case lists:keytake(data, 1, Props) of
-                    {value, {_, {_Fd, Sp}}, Other} -> {Other, [Sp | Values]};
-                    {value, {_, Value}, Other} -> {Other, [Value | Values]};
-                    false -> {Props, [undefined |Values ]}
+                    {value, {_, {stream, StreamEngine}}, Other} ->
+                        {ok, Sp} = couch_stream:to_disk_term(StreamEngine),
+                        {Other, [Sp | Values]};
+                    {value, {_, Value}, Other} ->
+                        {Other, [Value | Values]};
+                    false ->
+                        {Props, [undefined |Values ]}
             (Key, {Props, Values}) ->
                 case lists:keytake(Key, 1, Props) of
@@ -332,9 +346,11 @@ to_disk_term(Att) ->
 %% compression to remove these sorts of common bits (block level compression
 %% with something like a shared dictionary that is checkpointed every now and
 %% then).
-from_disk_term(Fd, {Base, Extended}) when is_tuple(Base), is_list(Extended) ->
-    store(Extended, from_disk_term(Fd, Base));
-from_disk_term(Fd, {Name,Type,Sp,AttLen,DiskLen,RevPos,Md5,Enc}) ->
+from_disk_term(StreamSrc, {Base, Extended})
+        when is_tuple(Base), is_list(Extended) ->
+    store(Extended, from_disk_term(StreamSrc, Base));
+from_disk_term(StreamSrc, {Name,Type,Sp,AttLen,DiskLen,RevPos,Md5,Enc}) ->
+    {ok, Stream} = open_stream(StreamSrc, Sp),
@@ -342,10 +358,11 @@ from_disk_term(Fd, {Name,Type,Sp,AttLen,DiskLen,RevPos,Md5,Enc}) ->
-        data={Fd,Sp},
+        data={stream, Stream},
-from_disk_term(Fd, {Name,Type,Sp,AttLen,RevPos,Md5}) ->
+from_disk_term(StreamSrc, {Name,Type,Sp,AttLen,RevPos,Md5}) ->
+    {ok, Stream} = open_stream(StreamSrc, Sp),
@@ -353,9 +370,10 @@ from_disk_term(Fd, {Name,Type,Sp,AttLen,RevPos,Md5}) ->
-        data={Fd,Sp}
+        data={stream, Stream}
-from_disk_term(Fd, {Name,{Type,Sp,AttLen}}) ->
+from_disk_term(StreamSrc, {Name,{Type,Sp,AttLen}}) ->
+    {ok, Stream} = open_stream(StreamSrc, Sp),
@@ -363,7 +381,7 @@ from_disk_term(Fd, {Name,{Type,Sp,AttLen}}) ->
         md5= <<>>,
-        data={Fd,Sp}
+        data={stream, Stream}
@@ -477,32 +495,18 @@ to_json(Att, OutputData, DataToFollow, ShowEncoding) ->
     {Name, {Props ++ DigestProp ++ DataProps ++ EncodingProps ++ HeadersProp}}.
-flush(Fd, Att) ->
-    flush_data(Fd, fetch(data, Att), Att).
+flush(Db, Att) ->
+    flush_data(Db, fetch(data, Att), Att).
-flush_data(Fd, {Fd0, _}, Att) when Fd0 == Fd ->
-    % already written to our file, nothing to write
-    Att;
-flush_data(Fd, {OtherFd, StreamPointer}, Att) ->
-    [InMd5, InDiskLen] = fetch([md5, disk_len], Att),
-    {NewStreamData, Len, _IdentityLen, Md5, IdentityMd5} =
-        couch_stream:copy_to_new_stream(OtherFd, StreamPointer, Fd),
-    couch_db:check_md5(IdentityMd5, InMd5),
-    store([
-        {data, {Fd, NewStreamData}},
-        {md5, Md5},
-        {att_len, Len},
-        {disk_len, InDiskLen}
-    ], Att);
-flush_data(Fd, Data, Att) when is_binary(Data) ->
-    couch_db:with_stream(Fd, Att, fun(OutputStream) ->
+flush_data(Db, Data, Att) when is_binary(Data) ->
+    couch_db:with_stream(Db, Att, fun(OutputStream) ->
         couch_stream:write(OutputStream, Data)
-flush_data(Fd, Fun, Att) when is_function(Fun) ->
+flush_data(Db, Fun, Att) when is_function(Fun) ->
     case fetch(att_len, Att) of
         undefined ->
-            couch_db:with_stream(Fd, Att, fun(OutputStream) ->
+            couch_db:with_stream(Db, Att, fun(OutputStream) ->
                 % Fun(MaxChunkSize, WriterFun) must call WriterFun
                 % once for each chunk of the attachment,
@@ -523,11 +527,11 @@ flush_data(Fd, Fun, Att) when is_function(Fun) ->
                     end, ok)
         AttLen ->
-            couch_db:with_stream(Fd, Att, fun(OutputStream) ->
+            couch_db:with_stream(Db, Att, fun(OutputStream) ->
                 write_streamed_attachment(OutputStream, Fun, AttLen)
-flush_data(Fd, {follows, Parser, Ref}, Att) ->
+flush_data(Db, {follows, Parser, Ref}, Att) ->
     ParserRef = erlang:monitor(process, Parser),
     Fun = fun() ->
         Parser ! {get_bytes, Ref, self()},
@@ -541,9 +545,23 @@ flush_data(Fd, {follows, Parser, Ref}, Att) ->
-        flush_data(Fd, Fun, store(data, Fun, Att))
+        flush_data(Db, Fun, store(data, Fun, Att))
         erlang:demonitor(ParserRef, [flush])
+    end;
+flush_data(Db, {stream, StreamEngine}, Att) ->
+    case couch_db:is_active_stream(Db, StreamEngine) of
+        true ->
+            % Already written
+            Att;
+        false ->
+            NewAtt = couch_db:with_stream(Db, Att, fun(OutputStream) ->
+                couch_stream:copy(StreamEngine, OutputStream)
+            end),
+            InMd5 = fetch(md5, Att),
+            OutMd5 = fetch(md5, NewAtt),
+            couch_util:check_md5(OutMd5, InMd5),
+            NewAtt
@@ -572,9 +590,9 @@ foldl(Att, Fun, Acc) ->
 foldl(Bin, _Att, Fun, Acc) when is_binary(Bin) ->
     Fun(Bin, Acc);
-foldl({Fd, Sp}, Att, Fun, Acc) ->
+foldl({stream, StreamEngine}, Att, Fun, Acc) ->
     Md5 = fetch(md5, Att),
-    couch_stream:foldl(Fd, Sp, Md5, Fun, Acc);
+    couch_stream:foldl(StreamEngine, Md5, Fun, Acc);
 foldl(DataFun, Att, Fun, Acc) when is_function(DataFun) ->
     Len = fetch(att_len, Att),
     fold_streamed_data(DataFun, Len, Fun, Acc);
@@ -599,14 +617,15 @@ foldl({follows, Parser, Ref}, Att, Fun, Acc) ->
 range_foldl(Att, From, To, Fun, Acc) ->
-    {Fd, Sp} = fetch(data, Att),
-    couch_stream:range_foldl(Fd, Sp, From, To, Fun, Acc).
+    {stream, StreamEngine} = fetch(data, Att),
+    couch_stream:range_foldl(StreamEngine, From, To, Fun, Acc).
 foldl_decode(Att, Fun, Acc) ->
     case fetch([data, encoding], Att) of
-        [{Fd, Sp}, Enc] ->
-            couch_stream:foldl_decode(Fd, Sp, fetch(md5, Att), Enc, Fun, Acc);
+        [{stream, StreamEngine}, Enc] ->
+            couch_stream:foldl_decode(
+                    StreamEngine, fetch(md5, Att), Enc, Fun, Acc);
         [Fun2, identity] ->
             fold_streamed_data(Fun2, fetch(att_len, Att), Fun, Acc)
@@ -620,7 +639,7 @@ to_binary(Bin, _Att) when is_binary(Bin) ->
 to_binary(Iolist, _Att) when is_list(Iolist) ->
-to_binary({_Fd,_Sp}, Att) ->
+to_binary({stream, _StreamEngine}, Att) ->
         lists:reverse(foldl(Att, fun(Bin,Acc) -> [Bin|Acc] end, []))
@@ -680,9 +699,25 @@ upgrade_encoding(false) -> identity;
 upgrade_encoding(Encoding) -> Encoding.
+open_stream(StreamSrc, Data) ->
+    case couch_db:is_db(StreamSrc) of
+        true ->
+            couch_db:open_read_stream(StreamSrc, Data);
+        false ->
+            case is_function(StreamSrc, 1) of
+                true ->
+                    StreamSrc(Data);
+                false ->
+                    erlang:error({invalid_stream_source, StreamSrc})
+            end
+    end.
+% Eww...
 %% Test utilities
@@ -737,7 +772,7 @@ attachment_disk_term_test_() ->
         {disk_len, 0},
         {md5, <<212,29,140,217,143,0,178,4,233,128,9,152,236,248,66,126>>},
         {revpos, 4},
-        {data, {fake_fd, fake_sp}},
+        {data, {stream, {couch_bt_engine_stream, {fake_fd, fake_sp}}}},
         {encoding, identity}
     BaseDiskTerm = {
@@ -751,11 +786,14 @@ attachment_disk_term_test_() ->
     Headers = [{<<"X-Foo">>, <<"bar">>}],
     ExtendedAttachment = store(headers, Headers, BaseAttachment),
     ExtendedDiskTerm = {BaseDiskTerm, [{headers, Headers}]},
+    FakeDb = #db{
+        engine = {couch_bt_engine, #st{fd = fake_fd}}
+    },
     {"Disk term tests", [
         ?_assertEqual(BaseDiskTerm, to_disk_term(BaseAttachment)),
-        ?_assertEqual(BaseAttachment, from_disk_term(fake_fd, BaseDiskTerm)),
+        ?_assertEqual(BaseAttachment, from_disk_term(FakeDb, BaseDiskTerm)),
         ?_assertEqual(ExtendedDiskTerm, to_disk_term(ExtendedAttachment)),
-        ?_assertEqual(ExtendedAttachment, from_disk_term(fake_fd, ExtendedDiskTerm))
+        ?_assertEqual(ExtendedAttachment, from_disk_term(FakeDb, ExtendedDiskTerm))
diff --git a/src/couch_auth_cache.erl b/src/couch_auth_cache.erl
index 32d706d..003edae 100644
--- a/src/couch_auth_cache.erl
+++ b/src/couch_auth_cache.erl
@@ -327,15 +327,12 @@ refresh_entries(AuthDb) ->
     nil ->
     AuthDb2 ->
-        case AuthDb2#db.update_seq > AuthDb#db.update_seq of
+        OldSeq = couch_db:get_update_seq(AuthDb),
+        NewSeq = couch_db:get_update_seq(AuthDb2),
+        case NewSeq > OldSeq of
         true ->
-            {ok, _, _} = couch_db:enum_docs_since(
-                AuthDb2,
-                AuthDb#db.update_seq,
-                fun(DocInfo, _, _) -> refresh_entry(AuthDb2, DocInfo) end,
-                AuthDb#db.update_seq,
-                []
-            ),
+            Fun = fun(DocInfo, _) -> refresh_entry(AuthDb2, DocInfo) end,
+            {ok, _} = couch_db:fold_changes(AuthDb2, OldSeq, Fun, nil),
             true = ets:insert(?STATE, {auth_db, AuthDb2});
         false ->
@@ -391,7 +388,9 @@ cache_needs_refresh() ->
             nil ->
             AuthDb2 ->
-                AuthDb2#db.update_seq > AuthDb#db.update_seq
+                OldSeq = couch_db:get_update_seq(AuthDb),
+                NewSeq = couch_db:get_update_seq(AuthDb2),
+                NewSeq > OldSeq
diff --git a/src/couch_changes.erl b/src/couch_changes.erl
index b37aabf..0e2a12a 100644
--- a/src/couch_changes.erl
+++ b/src/couch_changes.erl
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@ configure_filter("_view", Style, Req, Db) ->
             catch _:_ ->
-            case Db#db.id_tree of
+            case Db#db.main_pid of
                 undefined ->
                     DIR = fabric_util:doc_id_and_rev(DDoc),
                     {fetch, FilterType, Style, DIR, VName};
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ configure_filter(FilterName, Style, Req, Db) ->
         [DName, FName] ->
             {ok, DDoc} = open_ddoc(Db, <<"_design/", DName/binary>>),
             check_member_exists(DDoc, [<<"filters">>, FName]),
-            case Db#db.id_tree of
+            case Db#db.main_pid of
                 undefined ->
                     DIR = fabric_util:doc_id_and_rev(DDoc),
                     {fetch, custom, Style, Req, DIR, FName};
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ check_selector(_Selector) ->
     throw({bad_request, "Selector error: expected a JSON object"}).
-open_ddoc(#db{name=DbName, id_tree=undefined}, DDocId) ->
+open_ddoc(#db{name=DbName, main_pid=undefined}, DDocId) ->
     case ddoc_cache:open_doc(mem3:dbname(DbName), DDocId) of
         {ok, _} = Resp -> Resp;
         Else -> throw(Else)
@@ -514,7 +514,8 @@ send_changes(Acc, Dir, FirstRound) ->
                 {#mrview{}, {fast_view, _, _, _}} ->
                     couch_mrview:view_changes_since(View, StartSeq, DbEnumFun, [{dir, Dir}], Acc);
                 {undefined, _} ->
-                    couch_db:changes_since(Db, StartSeq, DbEnumFun, [{dir, Dir}], Acc);
+                    Opts = [doc_info, {dir, Dir}],
+                    couch_db:fold_changes(Db, StartSeq, DbEnumFun, Acc, Opts);
                 {#mrview{}, _} ->
                     ViewEnumFun = fun view_changes_enumerator/2,
                     {Go, Acc0} = couch_mrview:view_changes_since(View, StartSeq, ViewEnumFun, [{dir, Dir}], Acc),
@@ -549,20 +550,24 @@ can_optimize(_, _) ->
 send_changes_doc_ids(Db, StartSeq, Dir, Fun, Acc0, {doc_ids, _Style, DocIds}) ->
-    Lookups = couch_btree:lookup(Db#db.id_tree, DocIds),
+    Results = couch_db:open_docs(Db, DocIds, [full_doc_info]),
     FullInfos = lists:foldl(fun
-        ({ok, FDI}, Acc) -> [FDI | Acc];
+        (#full_doc_info{}=FDI, Acc) -> [FDI | Acc];
         (not_found, Acc) -> Acc
-    end, [], Lookups),
+    end, [], Results),
     send_lookup_changes(FullInfos, StartSeq, Dir, Db, Fun, Acc0).
 send_changes_design_docs(Db, StartSeq, Dir, Fun, Acc0, {design_docs, _Style}) ->
-    FoldFun = fun(FullDocInfo, _, Acc) ->
+    FoldFun = fun(FullDocInfo, Acc) ->
         {ok, [FullDocInfo | Acc]}
-    KeyOpts = [{start_key, <<"_design/">>}, {end_key_gt, <<"_design0">>}],
-    {ok, _, FullInfos} = couch_btree:fold(Db#db.id_tree, FoldFun, [], KeyOpts),
+    KeyOpts = [
+        include_deleted,
+        {start_key, <<"_design/">>},
+        {end_key_gt, <<"_design0">>}
+    ],
+    {ok, FullInfos} = couch_db:fold_docs(Db, FoldFun, [], KeyOpts),
     send_lookup_changes(FullInfos, StartSeq, Dir, Db, Fun, Acc0).
diff --git a/src/couch_compaction_daemon.erl b/src/couch_compaction_daemon.erl
index 7888eb4..8d167a7 100644
--- a/src/couch_compaction_daemon.erl
+++ b/src/couch_compaction_daemon.erl
@@ -232,17 +232,18 @@ maybe_compact_views(DbName, [DDocName | Rest], Config) ->
 db_ddoc_names(Db) ->
-    {ok, _, DDocNames} = couch_db:enum_docs(
-        Db,
-        fun(#full_doc_info{id = <<"_design/", _/binary>>, deleted = true}, _, Acc) ->
-            {ok, Acc};
-        (#full_doc_info{id = <<"_design/", Id/binary>>}, _, Acc) ->
-            {ok, [Id | Acc]};
-        (_, _, Acc) ->
-            {stop, Acc}
-        end, [], [{start_key, <<"_design/">>}, {end_key_gt, <<"_design0">>}]),
+    FoldFun = fun ddoc_name/2,
+    Opts = [{start_key, <<"_design/">>}],
+    {ok, DDocNames} = couch_db:fold_docs(Db, FoldFun, [], Opts),
+ddoc_name(#full_doc_info{id = <<"_design/", _/binary>>, deleted = true}, Acc) ->
+    {ok, Acc};
+ddoc_name(#full_doc_info{id = <<"_design/", Id/binary>>}, Acc) ->
+    {ok, [Id | Acc]};
+ddoc_name(_, Acc) ->
+    {stop, Acc}.
 maybe_compact_view(DbName, GroupId, Config) ->
     DDocId = <<"_design/", GroupId/binary>>,
@@ -387,21 +388,22 @@ check_frag(Threshold, Frag) ->
 frag(Props) ->
-    FileSize = couch_util:get_value(disk_size, Props),
+    {Sizes} = couch_util:get_value(sizes, Props),
+    FileSize = couch_util:get_value(file, Sizes),
     MinFileSize = list_to_integer(
         config:get("compaction_daemon", "min_file_size", "131072")),
     case FileSize < MinFileSize of
     true ->
         {0, FileSize};
     false ->
-        case couch_util:get_value(data_size, Props) of
-        null ->
-            {100, FileSize};
+        case couch_util:get_value(active, Sizes) of
         0 ->
             {0, FileSize};
-        DataSize ->
+        DataSize when is_integer(DataSize), DataSize > 0 ->
             Frag = round(((FileSize - DataSize) / FileSize * 100)),
-            {Frag, space_required(DataSize)}
+            {Frag, space_required(DataSize)};
+        _ ->
+            {100, FileSize}
diff --git a/src/couch_db.erl b/src/couch_db.erl
index 3eff99f..6c1c8c0 100644
--- a/src/couch_db.erl
+++ b/src/couch_db.erl
@@ -13,30 +13,40 @@
--export([start_compact/1, cancel_compact/1]).
+-export([start_compact/1, start_compact/2, cancel_compact/1]).
 -export([wait_for_compaction/1, wait_for_compaction/2]).
+-export([open_doc/2,open_doc/3,open_doc_revs/4, open_docs/2, open_docs/3]).
+-export([get_user_ctx/1, set_user_ctx/2]).
 -export([get_uuid/1, get_epochs/1, get_compacted_seq/1]).
+-export([fold_docs/3, fold_docs/4]).
+-export([fold_changes/4, fold_changes/5, count_changes_since/2]).
 -export([check_is_admin/1, is_admin/1, check_is_member/1, get_doc_count/1]).
--export([reopen/1, is_system_db/1, compression/1, make_doc/5]).
--export([check_md5/2, with_stream/3]).
+-export([reopen/1, is_system_db/1, make_doc/5]).
+-export([load_validation_funs/1, reload_validation_funs/1]).
+-export([open_write_stream/2, open_read_stream/2, is_active_stream/2]).
+-export([get_before_doc_update/1, get_after_doc_read/1]).
@@ -44,38 +54,9 @@
     "(\\.[0-9]{10,})?$" % but allow an optional shard timestamp at the end
-start_link(DbName, Filepath, Options) ->
-    case open_db_file(Filepath, Options) of
-    {ok, Fd} ->
-        {ok, UpdaterPid} = gen_server:start_link(couch_db_updater, {DbName,
-            Filepath, Fd, Options}, []),
-        unlink(Fd),
-        gen_server:call(UpdaterPid, get_db);
-    Else ->
-        Else
-    end.
-open_db_file(Filepath, Options) ->
-    case couch_file:open(Filepath, Options) of
-    {ok, Fd} ->
-        {ok, Fd};
-    {error, enoent} ->
-        % couldn't find file. is there a compact version? This can happen if
-        % crashed during the file switch.
-        case couch_file:open(Filepath ++ ".compact", [nologifmissing]) of
-        {ok, Fd} ->
-            couch_log:info("Found ~s~s compaction file, using as primary"
-                           " storage.", [Filepath, ".compact"]),
-            ok = file:rename(Filepath ++ ".compact", Filepath),
-            ok = couch_file:sync(Fd),
-            {ok, Fd};
-        {error, enoent} ->
-            {not_found, no_db_file}
-        end;
-    Error ->
-        Error
-    end.
+start_link(Engine, DbName, Filepath, Options) ->
+    Arg = {Engine, DbName, Filepath, Options},
+    proc_lib:start_link(couch_db_updater, init, [Arg]).
 create(DbName, Options) ->
     couch_server:create(DbName, Options).
@@ -87,7 +68,7 @@ open_int(DbName, Options) ->
 % this should be called anytime an http request opens the database.
 % it ensures that the http userCtx is a valid reader
-open(DbName, Options) ->
+open(DbName, Options) when is_binary(DbName) ->
     case couch_server:open(DbName, Options) of
         {ok, Db} ->
@@ -98,23 +79,49 @@ open(DbName, Options) ->
-        Else -> Else
-    end.
+        Else ->
+            Else
+    end;
+open(DbName, Options) ->
+    open(iolist_to_binary(DbName), Options).
+reopen(#db{} = Db) ->
+    % We could have just swapped out the storage engine
+    % for this database during a compaction so we just
+    % reimplement this as a close/open pair now.
+    close(Db),
+    open(, [{user_ctx, Db#db.user_ctx} | Db#db.options]).
-reopen(#db{main_pid = Pid, fd = Fd, fd_monitor = OldRef, user_ctx = UserCtx}) ->
-    {ok, #db{fd = NewFd} = NewDb} = gen_server:call(Pid, get_db, infinity),
-    case NewFd =:= Fd of
-    true ->
-        {ok, NewDb#db{user_ctx = UserCtx}};
-    false ->
-        erlang:demonitor(OldRef, [flush]),
-        NewRef = erlang:monitor(process, NewFd),
-        {ok, NewDb#db{user_ctx = UserCtx, fd_monitor = NewRef}}
-    end.
+% You shouldn't call this. Its part of the ref counting between
+% couch_server and couch_db instances.
+incref(#db{} = Db) ->
+    couch_db_engine:incref(Db).
+close(#db{} = Db) ->
+    ok = couch_db_engine:decref(Db).
+shutdown(#db{} = Db) ->
+    couch_util:shutdown_sync(Db#db.main_pid).
+is_db(#db{}) -> true;
+is_db(_Else) -> false.
+pid(#db{} = Db) ->
+    Db#db.main_pid.
+compactor_pid(#db{} = Db) ->
+    Db#db.compactor_pid.
 is_system_db(#db{options = Options}) ->
     lists:member(sys_db, Options).
+get_path(#db{filepath = Path}) ->
+    Path.
 ensure_full_commit(#db{main_pid=Pid, instance_start_time=StartTime}) ->
     ok = gen_server:call(Pid, full_commit, infinity),
     {ok, StartTime}.
@@ -124,30 +131,35 @@ ensure_full_commit(Db, RequiredSeq) ->
     ok = gen_server:call(Pid, {full_commit, RequiredSeq}, infinity),
     {ok, StartTime}.
-close(#db{fd_monitor=Ref}) ->
-    erlang:demonitor(Ref, [flush]),
-    ok.
 is_idle(#db{compactor_pid=nil, waiting_delayed_commit=nil} = Db) ->
     monitored_by(Db) == [];
 is_idle(_Db) ->
 monitored_by(Db) ->
-    case erlang:process_info(Db#db.fd, monitored_by) of
-    undefined ->
-        [];
-    {monitored_by, Pids} ->
-        PidTracker = whereis(couch_stats_process_tracker),
-        Pids -- [Db#db.main_pid, PidTracker]
+    case couch_db_engine:monitored_by(Db) of
+        Pids when is_list(Pids) ->
+            PidTracker = whereis(couch_stats_process_tracker),
+            Pids -- [Db#db.main_pid, PidTracker];
+        undefined ->
+            []
 monitor(#db{main_pid=MainPid}) ->
     erlang:monitor(process, MainPid).
-start_compact(#db{main_pid=Pid}) ->
-    gen_server:call(Pid, start_compact).
+start_compact(#db{} = Db) ->
+    start_compact(Db, []).
+start_compact(#db{} = Db, Opts) ->
+    case lists:keyfind(notify, 1, Opts) of
+        {notify, Pid, Term} ->
+            Db#db.main_pid ! {'$gen_call', {Pid, Term}, start_compact},
+            ok;
+        _ ->
+            gen_server:call(Db#db.main_pid, start_compact)
+    end.
 cancel_compact(#db{main_pid=Pid}) ->
     gen_server:call(Pid, cancel_compact).
@@ -198,6 +210,14 @@ open_doc(Db, Id, Options) ->
+open_docs(Db, Id) ->
+    open_docs(Db, Id, []).
+open_docs(Db, Ids, _Options) ->
+    % TODO: Add support for returning other
+    % types of docs beyond #full_doc_info{}
+    couch_db_engine:open_docs(Db, Ids).
 apply_open_options({ok, Doc},Options) ->
 apply_open_options(Else,_Options) ->
@@ -247,7 +267,8 @@ get_missing_revs(Db, IdRevsList) ->
 find_missing([], []) ->
-find_missing([{Id, Revs}|RestIdRevs], [{ok, FullInfo} | RestLookupInfo]) ->
+find_missing([{Id, Revs}|RestIdRevs], [FullInfo | RestLookupInfo])
+        when is_record(FullInfo, full_doc_info) ->
     case couch_key_tree:find_missing(FullInfo#full_doc_info.rev_tree, Revs) of
     [] ->
         find_missing(RestIdRevs, RestLookupInfo);
@@ -275,8 +296,8 @@ find_missing([{Id, Revs}|RestIdRevs], [not_found | RestLookupInfo]) ->
 get_doc_info(Db, Id) ->
     case get_full_doc_info(Db, Id) of
-    {ok, DocInfo} ->
-        {ok, couch_doc:to_doc_info(DocInfo)};
+    #full_doc_info{} = FDI ->
+        {ok, couch_doc:to_doc_info(FDI)};
     Else ->
@@ -287,10 +308,7 @@ get_full_doc_info(Db, Id) ->
 get_full_doc_infos(Db, Ids) ->
-    couch_btree:lookup(Db#db.id_tree, Ids).
-increment_update_seq(#db{main_pid=Pid}) ->
-    gen_server:call(Pid, increment_update_seq).
+    couch_db_engine:open_docs(Db, Ids).
 purge_docs(#db{main_pid=Pid}, IdsRevs) ->
     gen_server:call(Pid, {purge_docs, IdsRevs}).
@@ -298,56 +316,56 @@ purge_docs(#db{main_pid=Pid}, IdsRevs) ->
 get_committed_update_seq(#db{committed_update_seq=Seq}) ->
-    Seq.
+get_user_ctx(#db{} = Db) ->
+    Db#db.user_ctx.
+set_user_ctx(#db{} = Db, #user_ctx{} = UserCtx) ->
+    {ok, Db#db{user_ctx = UserCtx}}.
+get_update_seq(#db{} = Db)->
+    couch_db_engine:get(Db, update_seq).
 get_purge_seq(#db{}=Db) ->
-    couch_db_header:purge_seq(Db#db.header).
+    {ok, couch_db_engine:get(Db, purge_seq)}.
 get_last_purged(#db{}=Db) ->
-    case couch_db_header:purged_docs(Db#db.header) of
-        nil ->
-            {ok, []};
-        Pointer ->
-            couch_file:pread_term(Db#db.fd, Pointer)
-    end.
+    {ok, couch_db_engine:get(Db, last_purged)}.
 get_doc_count(Db) ->
-    {ok, {Count, _, _}} = couch_btree:full_reduce(Db#db.id_tree),
-    {ok, Count}.
+    {ok, couch_db_engine:get(Db, doc_count)}.
+get_del_doc_count(Db) ->
+    {ok, couch_db_engine:get(Db, del_doc_count)}.
 get_uuid(#db{}=Db) ->
-    couch_db_header:uuid(Db#db.header).
+    couch_db_engine:get(Db, uuid).
 get_epochs(#db{}=Db) ->
-    couch_db_header:epochs(Db#db.header).
+    couch_db_engine:get(Db, epochs).
 get_compacted_seq(#db{}=Db) ->
-    couch_db_header:compacted_seq(Db#db.header).
+    couch_db_engine:get(Db, compacted_seq).
+get_instance_start_time(#db{}=Db) ->
+    Db#db.instance_start_time.
+get_before_doc_update(#db{} = Db) ->
+    Db#db.before_doc_update.
+get_after_doc_read(#db{} = Db) ->
+    Db#db.after_doc_read.
 get_db_info(Db) ->
-    #db{fd=Fd,
-        header=Header,
-        compactor_pid=Compactor,
-        update_seq=SeqNum,
-        name=Name,
-        instance_start_time=StartTime,
-        committed_update_seq=CommittedUpdateSeq,
-        id_tree = IdBtree
+    #db{
+        name = Name,
+        compactor_pid = Compactor,
+        instance_start_time = StartTime,
+        committed_update_seq=CommittedUpdateSeq
     } = Db,
-    {ok, FileSize} = couch_file:bytes(Fd),
-    {ok, DbReduction} = couch_btree:full_reduce(IdBtree),
-    SizeInfo0 = element(3, DbReduction),
-    SizeInfo = case SizeInfo0 of
-        SI when is_record(SI, size_info) ->
-            SI;
-        {AS, ES} ->
-            #size_info{active=AS, external=ES};
-        AS ->
-            #size_info{active=AS}
-    end,
-    ActiveSize = active_size(Db, SizeInfo),
-    DiskVersion = couch_db_header:disk_version(Header),
+    {ok, DocCount} = get_doc_count(Db),
+    {ok, DelDocCount} = get_del_doc_count(Db),
+    SizeInfo = couch_db_engine:get(Db, size_info),
+    DiskVersion = couch_db_engine:get(Db, disk_version),
     Uuid = case get_uuid(Db) of
         undefined -> null;
         Uuid0 -> Uuid0
@@ -358,63 +376,33 @@ get_db_info(Db) ->
     InfoList = [
         {db_name, Name},
-        {doc_count, element(1, DbReduction)},
-        {doc_del_count, element(2, DbReduction)},
-        {update_seq, SeqNum},
-        {purge_seq, couch_db:get_purge_seq(Db)},
-        {compact_running, Compactor/=nil},
-        {disk_size, FileSize}, % legacy
-        {other, {[{data_size, SizeInfo#size_info.external}]}}, % legacy
-        {data_size, ActiveSize}, % legacy
-        {sizes, {[
-            {file, FileSize},
-            {active, ActiveSize},
-            {external, SizeInfo#size_info.external}
-        ]}},
+        {engine, couch_db_engine:get(Db, engine)},
+        {doc_count, DocCount},
+        {doc_del_count, DelDocCount},
+        {update_seq, get_update_seq(Db)},
+        {purge_seq, couch_db_engine:get(Db, purge_seq)},
+        {compact_running, Compactor /= nil},
+        {sizes, {SizeInfo}},
         {instance_start_time, StartTime},
         {disk_format_version, DiskVersion},
         {committed_update_seq, CommittedUpdateSeq},
         {compacted_seq, CompactedSeq},
         {uuid, Uuid}
-        ],
+    ],
     {ok, InfoList}.
-active_size(#db{}=Db, Size) when is_integer(Size) ->
-    active_size(Db, #size_info{active=Size});
-active_size(#db{}=Db, #size_info{}=SI) ->
-    Trees = [
-        Db#db.id_tree,
-        Db#db.seq_tree,
-        Db#db.local_tree
-    ],
-    lists:foldl(fun(T, Acc) ->
-        case couch_btree:size(T) of
-            _ when Acc == null ->
-                null;
-            undefined ->
-                null;
-            Size ->
-                Acc + Size
-        end
-    end,, Trees).
 get_design_docs(#db{name = <<"shards/", _:18/binary, DbName/binary>>}) ->
     {_, Ref} = spawn_monitor(fun() -> exit(fabric:design_docs(DbName)) end),
     receive {'DOWN', Ref, _, _, Response} ->
-get_design_docs(#db{id_tree = IdBtree}) ->
-    FoldFun = pipe([fun skip_deleted/4], fun
-        (#full_doc_info{deleted = true}, _Reds, Acc) ->
-            {ok, Acc};
-        (#full_doc_info{id= <<"_design/",_/binary>>}=FullDocInfo, _Reds, Acc) ->
-            {ok, [FullDocInfo | Acc]};
-        (_, _Reds, Acc) ->
-            {stop, Acc}
-    end),
-    KeyOpts = [{start_key, <<"_design/">>}, {end_key_gt, <<"_design0">>}],
-    {ok, _, Docs} = couch_btree:fold(IdBtree, FoldFun, [], KeyOpts),
-    {ok, Docs}.
+get_design_docs(#db{} = Db) ->
+    FoldFun = fun(FDI, Acc) -> {ok, [FDI | Acc]} end,
+    {ok, Docs} = fold_design_docs(Db, FoldFun, [], []),
+    {ok, lists:reverse(Docs)}.
 check_is_admin(#db{user_ctx=UserCtx}=Db) ->
@@ -539,8 +527,8 @@ validate_names_and_roles({Props}) when is_list(Props) ->
-get_revs_limit(#db{revs_limit=Limit}) ->
-    Limit.
+get_revs_limit(#db{} = Db) ->
+    couch_db_engine:get(Db, revs_limit).
 set_revs_limit(#db{main_pid=Pid}=Db, Limit) when Limit > 0 ->
@@ -548,12 +536,10 @@ set_revs_limit(#db{main_pid=Pid}=Db, Limit) when Limit > 0 ->
 set_revs_limit(_Db, _Limit) ->
 name(#db{name=Name}) ->
-compression(#db{compression=Compression}) ->
-    Compression.
 update_doc(Db, Doc, Options) ->
     update_doc(Db, Doc, Options, interactive_edit).
@@ -683,6 +669,9 @@ load_validation_funs(#db{main_pid=Pid}=Db) ->
     gen_server:cast(Pid, {load_validation_funs, Funs}),
+reload_validation_funs(#db{} = Db) ->
+    gen_server:cast(Db#db.main_pid, {load_validation_funs, undefined}).
 prep_and_validate_update(Db, #doc{id=Id,revs={RevStart, Revs}}=Doc,
         OldFullDocInfo, LeafRevsDict, AllowConflict) ->
     case Revs of
@@ -749,7 +738,7 @@ prep_and_validate_updates(Db, [DocBucket|RestBuckets], [not_found|RestLookups],
     prep_and_validate_updates(Db, RestBuckets, RestLookups, AllowConflict,
             [PreppedBucket | AccPrepped], AccErrors3);
 prep_and_validate_updates(Db, [DocBucket|RestBuckets],
-        [{ok, #full_doc_info{rev_tree=OldRevTree}=OldFullDocInfo}|RestLookups],
+        [#full_doc_info{rev_tree=OldRevTree}=OldFullDocInfo|RestLookups],
         AllowConflict, AccPrepped, AccErrors) ->
     Leafs = couch_key_tree:get_all_leafs(OldRevTree),
     LeafRevsDict = dict:from_list([
@@ -800,13 +789,14 @@ prep_and_validate_replicated_updates(Db, [Bucket|RestBuckets], [OldInfo|RestOldI
             {[], AccErrors}, Bucket),
         prep_and_validate_replicated_updates(Db, RestBuckets, RestOldInfo, [ValidatedBucket | AccPrepped], AccErrors3);
-    {ok, #full_doc_info{rev_tree=OldTree}} ->
+    #full_doc_info{rev_tree=OldTree} ->
+        RevsLimit = get_revs_limit(Db),
         OldLeafs = couch_key_tree:get_all_leafs_full(OldTree),
         OldLeafsLU = [{Start, RevId} || {Start, [{RevId, _}|_]} <- OldLeafs],
         NewRevTree = lists:foldl(
             fun(NewDoc, AccTree) ->
                 {NewTree, _} = couch_key_tree:merge(AccTree,
-                    couch_doc:to_path(NewDoc), Db#db.revs_limit),
+                    couch_doc:to_path(NewDoc), RevsLimit),
             OldTree, Bucket),
@@ -932,7 +922,7 @@ update_docs(Db, Docs0, Options, replicated_changes) ->
         DocErrors = [],
         DocBuckets3 = DocBuckets
-    DocBuckets4 = [[doc_flush_atts(check_dup_atts(Doc), Db#db.fd)
+    DocBuckets4 = [[doc_flush_atts(Db, check_dup_atts(Doc))
             || Doc <- Bucket] || Bucket <- DocBuckets3],
     {ok, []} = write_and_commit(Db, DocBuckets4, [], [merge_conflicts | Options]),
     {ok, DocErrors};
@@ -986,8 +976,8 @@ update_docs(Db, Docs0, Options, interactive_edit) ->
         Options2 = if AllOrNothing -> [merge_conflicts];
                 true -> [] end ++ Options,
         DocBuckets3 = [[
-                doc_flush_atts(set_new_att_revpos(
-                        check_dup_atts(Doc)), Db#db.fd)
+                doc_flush_atts(Db, set_new_att_revpos(
+                        check_dup_atts(Doc)))
                 || Doc <- B] || B <- DocBuckets2],
         {DocBuckets4, IdRevs} = new_revs(DocBuckets3, [], []),
@@ -1071,7 +1061,7 @@ write_and_commit(#db{main_pid=Pid, user_ctx=Ctx}=Db, DocBuckets1,
             % compaction. Retry by reopening the db and writing to the current file
             {ok, Db2} = open(, [{user_ctx, Ctx}]),
             DocBuckets2 = [
-                [doc_flush_atts(Doc, Db2#db.fd) || Doc <- Bucket] ||
+                [doc_flush_atts(Db2, Doc) || Doc <- Bucket] ||
                 Bucket <- DocBuckets1
             % We only retry once
@@ -1090,18 +1080,24 @@ write_and_commit(#db{main_pid=Pid, user_ctx=Ctx}=Db, DocBuckets1,
 prepare_doc_summaries(Db, BucketList) ->
-        fun(#doc{body = Body, atts = Atts} = Doc) ->
+        fun(#doc{atts = Atts} = Doc0) ->
             DiskAtts = [couch_att:to_disk_term(Att) || Att <- Atts],
             {ok, SizeInfo} = couch_att:size_info(Atts),
-            AttsFd = case Atts of
-            [Att | _] ->
-                {Fd, _} = couch_att:fetch(data, Att),
-                Fd;
-            [] ->
-                nil
+            AttsStream = case Atts of
+                [Att | _] ->
+                    {stream, StreamEngine} = couch_att:fetch(data, Att),
+                    StreamEngine;
+                [] ->
+                    nil
-            SummaryChunk = couch_db_updater:make_doc_summary(Db, {Body, DiskAtts}),
-            Doc#doc{body = {summary, SummaryChunk, SizeInfo, AttsFd}}
+            Doc1 = Doc0#doc{
+                atts = DiskAtts,
+                meta = [
+                    {size_info, SizeInfo},
+                    {atts_stream, AttsStream}
+                ] ++ Doc0#doc.meta
+            },
+            couch_db_engine:serialize_doc(Db, Doc1)
         Bucket) || Bucket <- BucketList].
@@ -1126,12 +1122,8 @@ set_new_att_revpos(#doc{revs={RevPos,_Revs},atts=Atts0}=Doc) ->
     Doc#doc{atts = Atts}.
-doc_flush_atts(Doc, Fd) ->
-    Doc#doc{atts=[couch_att:flush(Fd, Att) || Att <- Doc#doc.atts]}.
-check_md5(_NewSig, <<>>) -> ok;
-check_md5(Sig, Sig) -> ok;
-check_md5(_, _) -> throw(md5_mismatch).
+doc_flush_atts(Db, Doc) ->
+    Doc#doc{atts=[couch_att:flush(Db, Att) || Att <- Doc#doc.atts]}.
 compressible_att_type(MimeType) when is_binary(MimeType) ->
@@ -1161,21 +1153,24 @@ compressible_att_type(MimeType) ->
 % is present in the request, but there is no Content-MD5
 % trailer, we're free to ignore this inconsistency and
 % pretend that no Content-MD5 exists.
-with_stream(Fd, Att, Fun) ->
+with_stream(Db, Att, Fun) ->
     [InMd5, Type, Enc] = couch_att:fetch([md5, type, encoding], Att),
     BufferSize = list_to_integer(
         config:get("couchdb", "attachment_stream_buffer_size", "4096")),
-    {ok, OutputStream} = case (Enc =:= identity) andalso
-        compressible_att_type(Type) of
-    true ->
-        CompLevel = list_to_integer(
-            config:get("attachments", "compression_level", "0")
-        ),
-        couch_stream:open(Fd, [{buffer_size, BufferSize},
-            {encoding, gzip}, {compression_level, CompLevel}]);
-    _ ->
-        couch_stream:open(Fd, [{buffer_size, BufferSize}])
+    Options = case (Enc =:= identity) andalso compressible_att_type(Type) of
+        true ->
+            CompLevel = list_to_integer(
+                config:get("attachments", "compression_level", "0")
+            ),
+            [
+                {buffer_size, BufferSize},
+                {encoding, gzip},
+                {compression_level, CompLevel}
+            ];
+        _ ->
+            [{buffer_size, BufferSize}]
+    {ok, OutputStream} = open_write_stream(Db, Options),
     ReqMd5 = case Fun(OutputStream) of
         {md5, FooterMd5} ->
             case InMd5 of
@@ -1185,9 +1180,9 @@ with_stream(Fd, Att, Fun) ->
         _ ->
-    {StreamInfo, Len, IdentityLen, Md5, IdentityMd5} =
+    {StreamEngine, Len, IdentityLen, Md5, IdentityMd5} =
-    check_md5(IdentityMd5, ReqMd5),
+    couch_util:check_md5(IdentityMd5, ReqMd5),
     {AttLen, DiskLen, NewEnc} = case Enc of
     identity ->
         case {Md5, IdentityMd5} of
@@ -1209,7 +1204,7 @@ with_stream(Fd, Att, Fun) ->
-        {data, {Fd,StreamInfo}},
+        {data, {stream, StreamEngine}},
         {att_len, AttLen},
         {disk_len, DiskLen},
         {md5, Md5},
@@ -1217,89 +1212,101 @@ with_stream(Fd, Att, Fun) ->
     ], Att).
-enum_docs_since_reduce_to_count(Reds) ->
-    couch_btree:final_reduce(
-            fun couch_db_updater:btree_by_seq_reduce/2, Reds).
+open_write_stream(Db, Options) ->
+    couch_db_engine:open_write_stream(Db, Options).
-enum_docs_reduce_to_count(Reds) ->
-    FinalRed = couch_btree:final_reduce(
-            fun couch_db_updater:btree_by_id_reduce/2, Reds),
-    element(1, FinalRed).
-changes_since(Db, StartSeq, Fun, Acc) ->
-    changes_since(Db, StartSeq, Fun, [], Acc).
+open_read_stream(Db, AttState) ->
+    couch_db_engine:open_read_stream(Db, AttState).
-changes_since(Db, StartSeq, Fun, Options, Acc) when is_record(Db, db) ->
-    changes_since(Db#db.seq_tree, StartSeq, Fun, Options, Acc);
-changes_since(SeqTree, StartSeq, Fun, Options, Acc) ->
-    Wrapper = fun(FullDocInfo, _Offset, Acc2) ->
-        DocInfo = case FullDocInfo of
-            #full_doc_info{} ->
-                couch_doc:to_doc_info(FullDocInfo);
-            #doc_info{} ->
-                FullDocInfo
-        end,
-        Fun(DocInfo, Acc2)
-    end,
-    {ok, _LastReduction, AccOut} = couch_btree:fold(SeqTree,
-        Wrapper, Acc, [{start_key, StartSeq + 1}] ++ Options),
-    {ok, AccOut}.
-count_changes_since(Db, SinceSeq) ->
-    BTree = Db#db.seq_tree,
-    {ok, Changes} =
-    couch_btree:fold_reduce(BTree,
-        fun(_SeqStart, PartialReds, 0) ->
-            {ok, couch_btree:final_reduce(BTree, PartialReds)}
-        end,
-        0, [{start_key, SinceSeq + 1}]),
-    Changes.
-enum_docs_since(Db, SinceSeq, InFun, Acc, Options) ->
-    {ok, LastReduction, AccOut} = couch_btree:fold(
-        Db#db.seq_tree, InFun, Acc,
-            [{start_key, SinceSeq + 1} | Options]),
-    {ok, enum_docs_since_reduce_to_count(LastReduction), AccOut}.
-enum_docs(Db, InFun, InAcc, Options0) ->
-    {NS, Options} = extract_namespace(Options0),
-    enum_docs(Db, NS, InFun, InAcc, Options).
-enum_docs(Db, undefined, InFun, InAcc, Options) ->
-    FoldFun = pipe([fun skip_deleted/4], InFun),
-    {ok, LastReduce, OutAcc} = couch_btree:fold(
-        Db#db.id_tree, FoldFun, InAcc, Options),
-    {ok, enum_docs_reduce_to_count(LastReduce), OutAcc};
-enum_docs(Db, <<"_local">>, InFun, InAcc, Options) ->
-    FoldFun = pipe([fun skip_deleted/4], InFun),
-    {ok, _LastReduce, OutAcc} = couch_btree:fold(
-        Db#db.local_tree, FoldFun, InAcc, Options),
-    {ok, 0, OutAcc};
-enum_docs(Db, NS, InFun, InAcc, Options0) ->
-    FoldFun = pipe([
-        fun skip_deleted/4,
-        stop_on_leaving_namespace(NS)], InFun),
-    Options = set_namespace_range(Options0, NS),
-    {ok, LastReduce, OutAcc} = couch_btree:fold(
-        Db#db.id_tree, FoldFun, InAcc, Options),
-    {ok, enum_docs_reduce_to_count(LastReduce), OutAcc}.
-extract_namespace(Options0) ->
-    case proplists:split(Options0, [namespace]) of
-        {[[{namespace, NS}]], Options} ->
-            {NS, Options};
-        {_, Options} ->
-            {undefined, Options}
+is_active_stream(Db, StreamEngine) ->
+    couch_db_engine:is_active_stream(Db, StreamEngine).
+fold_docs(Db, Fun, Acc) ->
+    fold_docs(Db, Fun, Acc, []).
+fold_docs(Db, UserFun, UserAcc, Options) ->
+    case lists:keyfind(namespace, 1, Options) of
+        {namespace, <<"_design">>} ->
+            fold_design_docs(Db, UserFun, UserAcc, Options);
+        {namespace, <<"_local">>} ->
+            fold_local_docs(Db, UserFun, UserAcc, Options);
+        _Else ->
+            fold_all_docs(Db, UserFun, UserAcc, Options)
+fold_changes(Db, StartSeq, Fun, Acc) ->
+    fold_changes(Db, StartSeq, Fun, Acc, []).
+fold_changes(Db, StartSeq, UserFun, UserAcc, Opts) ->
+    Fun = get_doc_type_conv(Opts),
+    Acc1 = {Db, UserFun, UserAcc},
+    {ok, Acc2} = couch_db_engine:fold_changes(Db, StartSeq, Fun, Acc1, Opts),
+    {_, _, FinalUserAcc} = Acc2,
+    {ok, FinalUserAcc}.
+count_changes_since(Db, SinceSeq) ->
+    couch_db_engine:count_changes_since(Db, SinceSeq).
 %%% Internal function %%%
+fold_all_docs(Db, UserFun, UserAcc, Options) ->
+    % We'll have to figure out a different implementation
+    % for the _all_docs handler which is the only thing that
+    % uses include_reductions.
+    case lists:member(include_reductions, Options) of
+        true ->
+            couch_db_engine:fold_docs(Db, UserFun, UserAcc, Options);
+        false ->
+            Fun = get_doc_type_conv(Options),
+            Acc1 = {Db, UserFun, UserAcc},
+            {ok, Acc2} = couch_db_engine:fold_docs(Db, Fun, Acc1, Options),
+            {_, _, FinalUserAcc} = Acc2,
+            {ok, FinalUserAcc}
+    end.
+fold_design_docs(Db, UserFun, UserAcc, Options1) ->
+    Options2 = set_design_doc_keys(Options1),
+    % FIXME: Same as above. couch_mrview is doing
+    % terribleness here.
+    case lists:member(include_reductions, Options2) of
+        true ->
+            couch_db_engine:fold_docs(Db, UserFun, UserAcc, Options2);
+        false ->
+            Fun1 = get_doc_type_conv(Options1),
+            Fun2 = fun only_ddoc_fold/2,
+            Acc1 = {Fun1, {Db, UserFun, UserAcc}},
+            {ok, Acc2} = couch_db_engine:fold_docs(Db, Fun2, Acc1, Options2),
+            {_, {_, _, FinalUserAcc}} = Acc2,
+            {ok, FinalUserAcc}
+    end.
+fold_local_docs(Db, UserFun, UserAcc, Options) ->
+    Fun = get_doc_type_conv(Options),
+    Acc1 = {Fun, {Db, UserFun, UserAcc}},
+    {ok, Acc2} = couch_db_engine:fold_local_docs(Db, Fun, Acc1, Options),
+    {_, {_, _, FinalUserAcc}} = Acc2,
+    {ok, FinalUserAcc}.
 open_doc_revs_int(Db, IdRevs, Options) ->
     Ids = [Id || {Id, _Revs} <- IdRevs],
     LookupResults = get_full_doc_infos(Db, Ids),
         fun({Id, Revs}, Lookup) ->
             case Lookup of
-            {ok, #full_doc_info{rev_tree=RevTree}} ->
+            #full_doc_info{rev_tree=RevTree} ->
                 {FoundRevs, MissingRevs} =
                 case Revs of
                 all ->
@@ -1333,9 +1340,8 @@ open_doc_revs_int(Db, IdRevs, Options) ->
         IdRevs, LookupResults).
 open_doc_int(Db, <<?LOCAL_DOC_PREFIX, _/binary>> = Id, Options) ->
-    case couch_btree:lookup(Db#db.local_tree, [Id]) of
-    [{ok, {_, {Rev, BodyData}}}] ->
-        Doc = #doc{id=Id, revs={0, [?l2b(integer_to_list(Rev))]}, body=BodyData},
+    case couch_db_engine:open_local_docs(Db, [Id]) of
+    [#doc{} = Doc] ->
         apply_open_options({ok, Doc}, Options);
     [not_found] ->
         {not_found, missing}
@@ -1354,7 +1360,7 @@ open_doc_int(Db, #full_doc_info{id=Id,rev_tree=RevTree}=FullDocInfo, Options) ->
         {ok, Doc#doc{meta=doc_meta_info(DocInfo, RevTree, Options)}}, Options);
 open_doc_int(Db, Id, Options) ->
     case get_full_doc_info(Db, Id) of
-    {ok, FullDocInfo} ->
+    #full_doc_info{} = FullDocInfo ->
         open_doc_int(Db, FullDocInfo, Options);
     not_found ->
         {not_found, missing}
@@ -1400,8 +1406,8 @@ doc_meta_info(#doc_info{high_seq=Seq,revs=[#rev_info{rev=Rev}|RestInfo]}, RevTre
     true -> [{local_seq, Seq}]
-read_doc(#db{fd=Fd}, Pos) ->
-    couch_file:pread_term(Fd, Pos).
+read_doc(#db{} = Db, Ptr) ->
+    couch_db_engine:read_doc(Db, Ptr).
 make_doc(_Db, Id, Deleted, nil = _Bp, RevisionPath) ->
@@ -1412,34 +1418,31 @@ make_doc(_Db, Id, Deleted, nil = _Bp, RevisionPath) ->
         atts = [],
         deleted = Deleted
-make_doc(#db{fd=Fd}=Db, Id, Deleted, Bp, RevisionPath) ->
-    {BodyData, Atts0} = case Bp of
-        nil ->
-            {[], []};
-        _ ->
-            case read_doc(Db, Bp) of
-                {ok, {BodyData0, Atts1}} when is_binary(Atts1) ->
-                    {BodyData0, couch_compress:decompress(Atts1)};
-                {ok, {BodyData0, Atts1}} when is_list(Atts1) ->
-                    % pre 1.2 format
-                    {BodyData0, Atts1}
-            end
-    end,
-    Atts = [couch_att:from_disk_term(Fd, T) || T <- Atts0],
-    Doc = #doc{
+make_doc(#db{} = Db, Id, Deleted, Bp, RevisionPath) ->
+    Doc0 = couch_db_engine:read_doc_body(Db, #doc{
         id = Id,
         revs = RevisionPath,
-        body = BodyData,
-        atts = Atts,
+        body = Bp,
         deleted = Deleted
-    },
-    after_doc_read(Db, Doc).
+    }),
+    Doc1 = case Doc0#doc.atts of
+        BinAtts when is_binary(BinAtts) ->
+            Doc0#doc{
+                atts = couch_compress:decompress(BinAtts)
+            };
+        ListAtts when is_list(ListAtts) ->
+            Doc0
+    end,
+    after_doc_read(Db, Doc1#doc{
+        atts = [couch_att:from_disk_term(Db, T) || T <- Doc1#doc.atts]
+    }).
 after_doc_read(#db{} = Db, Doc) ->
     DocWithBody = couch_doc:with_ejson_body(Doc),
     couch_db_plugin:after_doc_read(Db, DocWithBody).
 increment_stat(#db{options = Options}, Stat) ->
     case lists:member(sys_db, Options) of
     true ->
@@ -1448,71 +1451,6 @@ increment_stat(#db{options = Options}, Stat) ->
-skip_deleted(traverse, LK, {Undeleted, _, _} = Reds, Acc) when Undeleted == 0 ->
-    {skip, LK, Reds, Acc};
-skip_deleted(Case, A, B, C) ->
-    {Case, A, B, C}.
-stop_on_leaving_namespace(NS) ->
-    fun
-        (visit, #full_doc_info{id = Key} = FullInfo, Reds, Acc) ->
-            case has_prefix(Key, NS) of
-                true ->
-                    {visit, FullInfo, Reds, Acc};
-                false ->
-                    {stop, FullInfo, Reds, Acc}
-            end;
-        (Case, KV, Reds, Acc) ->
-            {Case, KV, Reds, Acc}
-    end.
-has_prefix(Bin, Prefix) ->
-    S = byte_size(Prefix),
-    case Bin of
-        <<Prefix:S/binary, "/", _/binary>> ->
-            true;
-        _Else ->
-            false
-    end.
-pipe(Filters, Final) ->
-    Wrap =
-        fun
-            (visit, KV, Reds, Acc) ->
-                Final(KV, Reds, Acc);
-            (skip, _KV, _Reds, Acc) ->
-                {skip, Acc};
-            (stop, _KV, _Reds, Acc) ->
-                {stop, Acc};
-            (traverse, _, _, Acc) ->
-                {ok, Acc}
-        end,
-    do_pipe(Filters, Wrap).
-do_pipe([], Fun) -> Fun;
-do_pipe([Filter|Rest], F0) ->
-    F1 = fun(C0, KV0, Reds0, Acc0) ->
-        {C, KV, Reds, Acc} = Filter(C0, KV0, Reds0, Acc0),
-        F0(C, KV, Reds, Acc)
-    end,
-    do_pipe(Rest, F1).
-set_namespace_range(Options, undefined) -> Options;
-set_namespace_range(Options, NS) ->
-    %% FIXME depending on order we might need to swap keys
-    SK = select_gt(
-           proplists:get_value(start_key, Options, <<"">>),
-           <<NS/binary, "/">>),
-    EK = select_lt(
-           proplists:get_value(end_key, Options, <<NS/binary, "0">>),
-           <<NS/binary, "0">>),
-    [{start_key, SK}, {end_key_gt, EK}].
-select_gt(V1, V2) when V1 < V2 -> V2;
-select_gt(V1, _V2) -> V1.
-select_lt(V1, V2) when V1 > V2 -> V2;
-select_lt(V1, _V2) -> V1.
 -spec normalize_dbname(list() | binary()) -> binary().
@@ -1555,6 +1493,117 @@ is_systemdb(DbName) when is_list(DbName) ->
 is_systemdb(DbName) when is_binary(DbName) ->
     lists:member(dbname_suffix(DbName), ?SYSTEM_DATABASES).
+get_doc_type_conv(Options) ->
+    lists:foldl(fun(Opt, Acc) ->
+        case Opt of
+            doc ->
+                fun conv_to_doc/2;
+            doc_info ->
+                fun conv_to_doc_info/2;
+            full_doc_info ->
+                fun conv_to_full_doc_info/2;
+            _ ->
+                Acc
+        end
+    end, fun conv_to_full_doc_info/2, Options).
+conv_to_doc(#full_doc_info{}=FDI, {Db, UserFun, UserAcc}) ->
+    #full_doc_info{
+        id = Id,
+        rev_tree = RevTree
+    } = FDI,
+    #doc_info{
+        revs = [#rev_info{deleted = IsDeleted, rev = Rev, body_sp = Bp} | _]
+    } = couch_doc:to_doc_info(FDI),
+    {[{_, RevPath}], []} = couch_key_tree:get(RevTree, [Rev]),
+    Doc = make_doc(Db, Id, IsDeleted, Bp, RevPath),
+    {Go, NewUserAcc} = UserFun(Doc, UserAcc),
+    {Go, {Db, UserFun, NewUserAcc}}.
+conv_to_doc_info(#full_doc_info{} = FDI, {Db, UserFun, UserAcc}) ->
+    DocInfo = couch_doc:to_doc_info(FDI),
+    {Go, NewUserAcc} = UserFun(DocInfo, UserAcc),
+    {Go, {Db, UserFun, NewUserAcc}}.
+conv_to_full_doc_info(#full_doc_info{} = FDI, {Db, UserFun, UserAcc}) ->
+    {Go, NewUserAcc} = UserFun(FDI, UserAcc),
+    {Go, {Db, UserFun, NewUserAcc}}.
+set_design_doc_keys(Options1) ->
+    Dir = case lists:keyfind(dir, 1, Options1) of
+        {dir, D0} -> D0;
+        _ -> fwd
+    end,
+    Options2 = set_design_doc_start_key(Options1, Dir),
+    set_design_doc_end_key(Options2, Dir).
+-define(FIRST_DDOC_KEY, <<"_design/">>).
+-define(LAST_DDOC_KEY, <<"_design0">>).
+set_design_doc_start_key(Options, fwd) ->
+    Key1 = couch_util:get_value(start_key, Options, ?FIRST_DDOC_KEY),
+    Key2 = case Key1 < ?FIRST_DDOC_KEY of
+        true -> ?FIRST_DDOC_KEY;
+        false -> Key1
+    end,
+    lists:keystore(start_key, 1, Options, {start_key, Key2});
+set_design_doc_start_key(Options, rev) ->
+    Key1 = couch_util:get_value(start_key, Options, ?LAST_DDOC_KEY),
+    Key2 = case Key1 > ?LAST_DDOC_KEY of
+        true -> ?LAST_DDOC_KEY;
+        false -> Key1
+    end,
+    lists:keystore(start_key, 1, Options, {start_key, Key2}).
+set_design_doc_end_key(Options, fwd) ->
+    case couch_util:get_value(end_key_gt, Options) of
+        undefined ->
+            Key1 = couch_util:get_value(end_key, Options, ?LAST_DDOC_KEY),
+            Key2 = case Key1 > ?LAST_DDOC_KEY of
+                true -> ?LAST_DDOC_KEY;
+                false -> Key1
+            end,
+            lists:keystore(end_key, 1, Options, {end_key, Key2});
+        EKeyGT ->
+            Key2 = case EKeyGT > ?LAST_DDOC_KEY of
+                true -> ?LAST_DDOC_KEY;
+                false -> EKeyGT
+            end,
+            lists:keystore(end_key_gt, 1, Options, {end_key_gt, Key2})
+    end;
+set_design_doc_end_key(Options, rev) ->
+    case couch_util:get_value(end_key_gt, Options) of
+        undefined ->
+            Key1 = couch_util:get_value(end_key, Options, ?LAST_DDOC_KEY),
+            Key2 = case Key1 < ?FIRST_DDOC_KEY of
+                true -> ?FIRST_DDOC_KEY;
+                false -> Key1
+            end,
+            lists:keystore(end_key, 1, Options, {end_key, Key2});
+        EKeyGT ->
+            Key2 = case EKeyGT < ?FIRST_DDOC_KEY of
+                true -> ?FIRST_DDOC_KEY;
+                false -> EKeyGT
+            end,
+            lists:keystore(end_key_gt, 1, Options, {end_key_gt, Key2})
+    end.
+only_ddoc_fold(#full_doc_info{id = <<"_design/", _/binary>>}=FDI, {Fun, Acc}) ->
+    {Go, NewAcc} = Fun(FDI, Acc),
+    {Go, {Fun, NewAcc}};
+only_ddoc_fold(_, _) ->
+    erlang:error(invalid_design_doc_fold).
diff --git a/src/couch_db_engine.erl b/src/couch_db_engine.erl
index d9ccd18..f22c66f 100644
--- a/src/couch_db_engine.erl
+++ b/src/couch_db_engine.erl
@@ -475,9 +475,6 @@
         {ok, CompactedDbHandle::db_handle()}.