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Posted to by andrei tchijov <> on 2001/11/07 14:36:57 UTC

DOM 3 isSameNode substitute (org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.dom2dtm.DOM2DTM.getHandleOfNode)

        In org.apache.xml.dtm.ref.dom2dtm.DOM2DTM.getHandleOfNode "==" 
used to test for two nodes been the same.  In the comment just before 
this method definition it is stated that this is "flaky" solution, and I 
can not agree more.  The question is, what is wrong with using "equals" 
instead of "=="?  I do realize that "equals" is not part of the DOM, but 
same is true for "==".

Andrei Tchijov

PS These are snipets of code I am talking about

  public int getHandleOfNode(Node node)
    if (null != node)
      // Is Node actually within the same document? If not, don't search!
      // This would be easier if m_root was always the Document node, but
      // we decided to allow wrapping a DTM around a subtree.
*        /*
         * hyperNOC fix.
         * used to be
      if((m_root==node) ||
         (m_root.getNodeType()==DOCUMENT_NODE &&
          m_root==node.getOwnerDocument()) ||
         (m_root.getNodeType()!=DOCUMENT_NODE &&
      if((m_root==node) ||
         (m_root.getNodeType()==DOCUMENT_NODE &&
          m_root.equals( node.getOwnerDocument())) ||
         (m_root.getNodeType()!=DOCUMENT_NODE &&
          m_root.getOwnerDocument().equals( node.getOwnerDocument()))
*          // If node _is_ in m_root's tree, find its handle
          // %OPT% This check may be improved significantly when DOM
          // Level 3 nodeKey and relative-order tests become
          // available!
          for(Node cursor=node;
                ? cursor.getParentNode()
                : ((org.w3c.dom.Attr)cursor).getOwnerElement())
                 * hyperNOC fix.
                 * used to be
              if(cursor.equals( m_root ))
                // We know this node; find its handle.
                return getHandleFromNode(node);
            } // for ancestors of node
        } // if node and m_root in same Document
    } // if node!=null

    return DTM.NULL;

Same is true for getHandleFromNode

  private int getHandleFromNode(Node node)
    if (null != node)
      int len = m_nodes.size();       
      boolean isMore;
      int i = 0;
        for (; i < len; i++)
*            /*
             * hyperNOC fix
             * used to be
          if (m_nodes.elementAt(i) == node)
          if (m_nodes.elementAt(i).equals( node ))
            return i | m_dtmIdent;        
*        }

        isMore = nextNode();
        len = m_nodes.size();
      while(isMore || i < len);
    return DTM.NULL;