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[50/51] [partial] atlas-website git commit: Updated REST docs for 1.x releases
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+      <h1 class="page-header">AtlasAttributeDef <small>Data Type</small></h1>
+      <p>class that captures details of a struct-attribute.</p>
+      <dl class="dl-horizontal">
+      </dl>
+      <table class="table datatype-properties">
+        <caption>Properties</caption>
+        <thead>
+        <tr>
+          <th>name</th>
+          <th>data type</th>
+          <th>description</th>
+        </tr>
+        </thead>
+        <tbody>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-cardinality" class="property-name">cardinality</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference"><a href="json_Cardinality.html">Cardinality</a>
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-constraints" class="property-name">constraints</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">array of <a href="json_AtlasConstraintDef.html">AtlasConstraintDef</a>
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-defaultValue" class="property-name">defaultValue</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">string
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-description" class="property-name">description</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">string
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-includeInNotification" class="property-name">includeInNotification</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">boolean
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-isIndexable" class="property-name">isIndexable</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">boolean
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-isOptional" class="property-name">isOptional</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">boolean
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-isUnique" class="property-name">isUnique</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">boolean
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-name" class="property-name">name</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">string
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-options" class="property-name">options</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">map of string
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-typeName" class="property-name">typeName</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">string
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-valuesMaxCount" class="property-name">valuesMaxCount</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">number
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-valuesMinCount" class="property-name">valuesMinCount</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">number
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        </tbody>
+      </table>
+      <p class="lead">Example</p>
+      <pre class="prettyprint language-js example">{
+  &quot;cardinality&quot; : &quot;SET&quot;,
+  &quot;constraints&quot; : [ {
+    &quot;params&quot; : {
+      &quot;property1&quot; : { },
+      &quot;property2&quot; : { }
+    },
+    &quot;type&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+  }, {
+    &quot;params&quot; : {
+      &quot;property1&quot; : { },
+      &quot;property2&quot; : { }
+    },
+    &quot;type&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+  } ],
+  &quot;defaultValue&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+  &quot;description&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+  &quot;includeInNotification&quot; : true,
+  &quot;isIndexable&quot; : true,
+  &quot;isOptional&quot; : true,
+  &quot;isUnique&quot; : true,
+  &quot;name&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+  &quot;options&quot; : {
+    &quot;property1&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;property2&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+  },
+  &quot;typeName&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+  &quot;valuesMaxCount&quot; : 12345,
+  &quot;valuesMinCount&quot; : 12345
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+      <h1 class="page-header">AtlasBaseModelObject <small>Data Type</small></h1>
+      <p></p>
+      <dl class="dl-horizontal">
+        <dt>Abstract Type</dt>
+        <dd></dd>
+        <dt>Subtypes</dt>
+        <dd><a href="json_AtlasGlossaryBaseObject.html">AtlasGlossaryBaseObject</a>, <a href="json_AtlasUserSavedSearch.html">AtlasUserSavedSearch</a>, <a href="json_AtlasGlossary.html">AtlasGlossary</a>, <a href="json_AtlasGlossaryCategory.html">AtlasGlossaryCategory</a>, <a href="json_AtlasGlossaryExtInfo.html">AtlasGlossaryExtInfo</a>, <a href="json_AtlasGlossaryTerm.html">AtlasGlossaryTerm</a></dd>
+      </dl>
+      <table class="table datatype-properties">
+        <caption>Properties</caption>
+        <thead>
+        <tr>
+          <th>name</th>
+          <th>data type</th>
+          <th>description</th>
+        </tr>
+        </thead>
+        <tbody>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-guid" class="property-name">guid</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">string
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        </tbody>
+      </table>
+      <p class="lead">Example</p>
+      <div class="alert alert-warning">This data type is abstract. The example below may be incomplete. More accurate examples can be found in subtypes pages.</div>
+      <pre class="prettyprint language-js example">{
+  &quot;guid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
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+      <h1 class="page-header">AtlasBaseTypeDef <small>Data Type</small></h1>
+      <p>Base class that captures common-attributes for all Atlas types.</p>
+      <dl class="dl-horizontal">
+        <dt>Abstract Type</dt>
+        <dd></dd>
+        <dt>Subtypes</dt>
+        <dd><a href="json_AtlasEntityDef.html">AtlasEntityDef</a>, <a href="json_AtlasEnumDef.html">AtlasEnumDef</a>, <a href="json_AtlasStructDef.html">AtlasStructDef</a>, <a href="json_AtlasRelationshipDef.html">AtlasRelationshipDef</a>, <a href="json_AtlasClassificationDef.html">AtlasClassificationDef</a></dd>
+      </dl>
+      <table class="table datatype-properties">
+        <caption>Properties</caption>
+        <thead>
+        <tr>
+          <th>name</th>
+          <th>data type</th>
+          <th>description</th>
+        </tr>
+        </thead>
+        <tbody>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-category" class="property-name">category</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference"><a href="json_TypeCategory.html">TypeCategory</a>
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-createTime" class="property-name">createTime</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">number
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-createdBy" class="property-name">createdBy</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">string
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-dateFormatter" class="property-name">dateFormatter</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference"><a href="json_DateFormat.html">DateFormat</a>
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-description" class="property-name">description</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">string
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-guid" class="property-name">guid</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">string
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-name" class="property-name">name</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">string
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-options" class="property-name">options</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">map of string
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-typeVersion" class="property-name">typeVersion</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">string
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-updateTime" class="property-name">updateTime</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">number
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-updatedBy" class="property-name">updatedBy</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">string
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-version" class="property-name">version</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">number
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        </tbody>
+      </table>
+      <p class="lead">Example</p>
+      <div class="alert alert-warning">This data type is abstract. The example below may be incomplete. More accurate examples can be found in subtypes pages.</div>
+      <pre class="prettyprint language-js example">{
+  &quot;category&quot; : &quot;PRIMITIVE&quot;,
+  &quot;createTime&quot; : 12345,
+  &quot;createdBy&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+  &quot;dateFormatter&quot; : {
+    &quot;availableLocales&quot; : [ &quot;...&quot;, &quot;...&quot; ],
+    &quot;calendar&quot; : 12345,
+    &quot;dateInstance&quot; : { },
+    &quot;dateTimeInstance&quot; : { },
+    &quot;instance&quot; : { },
+    &quot;lenient&quot; : true,
+    &quot;numberFormat&quot; : {
+      &quot;availableLocales&quot; : [ &quot;...&quot;, &quot;...&quot; ],
+      &quot;currency&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;currencyInstance&quot; : { },
+      &quot;groupingUsed&quot; : true,
+      &quot;instance&quot; : { },
+      &quot;integerInstance&quot; : { },
+      &quot;maximumFractionDigits&quot; : 12345,
+      &quot;maximumIntegerDigits&quot; : 12345,
+      &quot;minimumFractionDigits&quot; : 12345,
+      &quot;minimumIntegerDigits&quot; : 12345,
+      &quot;numberInstance&quot; : { },
+      &quot;parseIntegerOnly&quot; : true,
+      &quot;percentInstance&quot; : { },
+      &quot;roundingMode&quot; : &quot;UNNECESSARY&quot;
+    },
+    &quot;timeInstance&quot; : { },
+    &quot;timeZone&quot; : {
+      &quot;DSTSavings&quot; : 12345,
+      &quot;ID&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;availableIDs&quot; : [ &quot;...&quot;, &quot;...&quot; ],
+      &quot;default&quot; : { },
+      &quot;displayName&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;rawOffset&quot; : 12345
+    }
+  },
+  &quot;description&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+  &quot;guid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+  &quot;name&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+  &quot;options&quot; : {
+    &quot;property1&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;property2&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+  },
+  &quot;typeVersion&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+  &quot;updateTime&quot; : 12345,
+  &quot;updatedBy&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+  &quot;version&quot; : 12345
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@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
-          <td>  <span class="property-name">entityGuid</span>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-entityGuid" class="property-name">entityGuid</span>
           <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">string
@@ -88,7 +88,16 @@
-          <td>  <span class="property-name">propagate</span>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-entityStatus" class="property-name">entityStatus</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference"><a href="json_Status.html">Status</a>
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-propagate" class="property-name">propagate</span>
           <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">boolean
@@ -97,7 +106,16 @@
-          <td>  <span class="property-name">validityPeriods</span>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-removePropagationsOnEntityDelete" class="property-name">removePropagationsOnEntityDelete</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">boolean
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-validityPeriods" class="property-name">validityPeriods</span>
           <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">array of <a href="json_TimeBoundary.html">TimeBoundary</a>
@@ -111,14 +129,14 @@
-          <td><span class="property-name">typeName</span></td>
-          <td><span class="datatype-reference">string
+          <td><span class="property-name">attributes</span></td>
+          <td><span class="datatype-reference">map of object
           <td><span class="property-description"></span></td>
-          <td><span class="property-name">attributes</span></td>
-          <td><span class="datatype-reference">map of object
+          <td><span class="property-name">typeName</span></td>
+          <td><span class="datatype-reference">string
           <td><span class="property-description"></span></td>
@@ -129,21 +147,23 @@
       <pre class="prettyprint language-js example">{
   &quot;entityGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+  &quot;entityStatus&quot; : &quot;ACTIVE&quot;,
   &quot;propagate&quot; : true,
+  &quot;removePropagationsOnEntityDelete&quot; : true,
   &quot;validityPeriods&quot; : [ {
-    &quot;startTime&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
     &quot;endTime&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;startTime&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
     &quot;timeZone&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
   }, {
-    &quot;startTime&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
     &quot;endTime&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;startTime&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
     &quot;timeZone&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
   } ],
-  &quot;typeName&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
   &quot;attributes&quot; : {
     &quot;property1&quot; : { },
     &quot;property2&quot; : { }
-  }
+  },
+  &quot;typeName&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
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+      <h1 class="page-header">AtlasClassificationDef <small>Data Type</small></h1>
+      <p>class that captures details of a classification-type.</p>
+      <dl class="dl-horizontal">
+      </dl>
+      <table class="table datatype-properties">
+        <caption>Properties</caption>
+        <thead>
+        <tr>
+          <th>name</th>
+          <th>data type</th>
+          <th>description</th>
+        </tr>
+        </thead>
+        <tbody>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-entityTypes" class="property-name">entityTypes</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">array of string
+          <td>  <span class="property-description">Specifying a list of entityType names in the classificationDef, ensures that classifications can
+only be applied to those entityTypes.
+<li>Any subtypes of the entity types inherit the restriction</li>
+<li>Any classificationDef subtypes inherit the parents entityTypes restrictions</li>
+<li>Any classificationDef subtypes can further restrict the parents entityTypes restrictions by specifying a subset of the entityTypes</li>
+<li>An empty entityTypes list when there are no parent restrictions means there are no restrictions</li>
+<li>An empty entityTypes list when there are parent restrictions means that the subtype picks up the parents restrictions</li>
+<li>If a list of entityTypes are supplied, where one inherits from another, this will be rejected. This should encourage cleaner classificationsDefs</li>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-subTypes" class="property-name">subTypes</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">array of string
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-superTypes" class="property-name">superTypes</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">array of string
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        </tbody>
+        <tr>
+          <td colspan="3"><h5 class="text-muted">Properties inherited from <a href="json_AtlasStructDef.html">AtlasStructDef</a></h5></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tbody>
+        <tr>
+          <td><span class="property-name">attributeDefs</span></td>
+          <td><span class="datatype-reference">array of <a href="json_AtlasAttributeDef.html">AtlasAttributeDef</a>
+          <td><span class="property-description"></span></td>
+        </tr>
+        </tbody>
+        <tr>
+          <td colspan="3"><h5 class="text-muted">Properties inherited from <a href="json_AtlasBaseTypeDef.html">AtlasBaseTypeDef</a></h5></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tbody>
+        <tr>
+          <td><span class="property-name">category</span></td>
+          <td><span class="datatype-reference"><a href="json_TypeCategory.html">TypeCategory</a>
+          <td><span class="property-description"></span></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td><span class="property-name">createTime</span></td>
+          <td><span class="datatype-reference">number
+          <td><span class="property-description"></span></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td><span class="property-name">createdBy</span></td>
+          <td><span class="datatype-reference">string
+          <td><span class="property-description"></span></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td><span class="property-name">dateFormatter</span></td>
+          <td><span class="datatype-reference"><a href="json_DateFormat.html">DateFormat</a>
+          <td><span class="property-description"></span></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td><span class="property-name">description</span></td>
+          <td><span class="datatype-reference">string
+          <td><span class="property-description"></span></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td><span class="property-name">guid</span></td>
+          <td><span class="datatype-reference">string
+          <td><span class="property-description"></span></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td><span class="property-name">name</span></td>
+          <td><span class="datatype-reference">string
+          <td><span class="property-description"></span></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td><span class="property-name">options</span></td>
+          <td><span class="datatype-reference">map of string
+          <td><span class="property-description"></span></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td><span class="property-name">typeVersion</span></td>
+          <td><span class="datatype-reference">string
+          <td><span class="property-description"></span></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td><span class="property-name">updateTime</span></td>
+          <td><span class="datatype-reference">number
+          <td><span class="property-description"></span></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td><span class="property-name">updatedBy</span></td>
+          <td><span class="datatype-reference">string
+          <td><span class="property-description"></span></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td><span class="property-name">version</span></td>
+          <td><span class="datatype-reference">number
+          <td><span class="property-description"></span></td>
+        </tr>
+        </tbody>
+      </table>
+      <p class="lead">Example</p>
+      <pre class="prettyprint language-js example">{
+  &quot;entityTypes&quot; : [ &quot;...&quot;, &quot;...&quot; ],
+  &quot;subTypes&quot; : [ &quot;...&quot;, &quot;...&quot; ],
+  &quot;superTypes&quot; : [ &quot;...&quot;, &quot;...&quot; ],
+  &quot;attributeDefs&quot; : [ {
+    &quot;cardinality&quot; : &quot;SINGLE&quot;,
+    &quot;constraints&quot; : [ {
+      &quot;params&quot; : {
+        &quot;property1&quot; : { },
+        &quot;property2&quot; : { }
+      },
+      &quot;type&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+    }, {
+      &quot;params&quot; : {
+        &quot;property1&quot; : { },
+        &quot;property2&quot; : { }
+      },
+      &quot;type&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+    } ],
+    &quot;defaultValue&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;description&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;includeInNotification&quot; : true,
+    &quot;isIndexable&quot; : true,
+    &quot;isOptional&quot; : true,
+    &quot;isUnique&quot; : true,
+    &quot;name&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;options&quot; : {
+      &quot;property1&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;property2&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+    },
+    &quot;typeName&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;valuesMaxCount&quot; : 12345,
+    &quot;valuesMinCount&quot; : 12345
+  }, {
+    &quot;cardinality&quot; : &quot;SINGLE&quot;,
+    &quot;constraints&quot; : [ {
+      &quot;params&quot; : {
+        &quot;property1&quot; : { },
+        &quot;property2&quot; : { }
+      },
+      &quot;type&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+    }, {
+      &quot;params&quot; : {
+        &quot;property1&quot; : { },
+        &quot;property2&quot; : { }
+      },
+      &quot;type&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+    } ],
+    &quot;defaultValue&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;description&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;includeInNotification&quot; : true,
+    &quot;isIndexable&quot; : true,
+    &quot;isOptional&quot; : true,
+    &quot;isUnique&quot; : true,
+    &quot;name&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;options&quot; : {
+      &quot;property1&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;property2&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+    },
+    &quot;typeName&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;valuesMaxCount&quot; : 12345,
+    &quot;valuesMinCount&quot; : 12345
+  } ],
+  &quot;category&quot; : &quot;STRUCT&quot;,
+  &quot;createTime&quot; : 12345,
+  &quot;createdBy&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+  &quot;dateFormatter&quot; : {
+    &quot;availableLocales&quot; : [ &quot;...&quot;, &quot;...&quot; ],
+    &quot;calendar&quot; : 12345,
+    &quot;dateInstance&quot; : { },
+    &quot;dateTimeInstance&quot; : { },
+    &quot;instance&quot; : { },
+    &quot;lenient&quot; : true,
+    &quot;numberFormat&quot; : {
+      &quot;availableLocales&quot; : [ &quot;...&quot;, &quot;...&quot; ],
+      &quot;currency&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;currencyInstance&quot; : { },
+      &quot;groupingUsed&quot; : true,
+      &quot;instance&quot; : { },
+      &quot;integerInstance&quot; : { },
+      &quot;maximumFractionDigits&quot; : 12345,
+      &quot;maximumIntegerDigits&quot; : 12345,
+      &quot;minimumFractionDigits&quot; : 12345,
+      &quot;minimumIntegerDigits&quot; : 12345,
+      &quot;numberInstance&quot; : { },
+      &quot;parseIntegerOnly&quot; : true,
+      &quot;percentInstance&quot; : { },
+      &quot;roundingMode&quot; : &quot;UNNECESSARY&quot;
+    },
+    &quot;timeInstance&quot; : { },
+    &quot;timeZone&quot; : {
+      &quot;DSTSavings&quot; : 12345,
+      &quot;ID&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;availableIDs&quot; : [ &quot;...&quot;, &quot;...&quot; ],
+      &quot;default&quot; : { },
+      &quot;displayName&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;rawOffset&quot; : 12345
+    }
+  },
+  &quot;description&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+  &quot;guid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+  &quot;name&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+  &quot;options&quot; : {
+    &quot;property1&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;property2&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+  },
+  &quot;typeVersion&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+  &quot;updateTime&quot; : 12345,
+  &quot;updatedBy&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+  &quot;version&quot; : 12345
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+      <h1 class="page-header">AtlasClassifications <small>Data Type</small></h1>
+      <p>REST serialization friendly list.</p>
+      <dl class="dl-horizontal">
+      </dl>
+      <table class="table datatype-properties">
+        <caption>Properties</caption>
+        <thead>
+        <tr>
+          <th>name</th>
+          <th>data type</th>
+          <th>description</th>
+        </tr>
+        </thead>
+        <tbody>
+        </tbody>
+        <tr>
+          <td colspan="3"><h5 class="text-muted">Properties inherited from <a href="json_PList.html">PList</a></h5></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tbody>
+        <tr>
+          <td><span class="property-name">list</span></td>
+          <td><span class="datatype-reference">array of object
+          <td><span class="property-description"></span></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td><span class="property-name">pageSize</span></td>
+          <td><span class="datatype-reference">number
+          <td><span class="property-description"></span></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td><span class="property-name">sortBy</span></td>
+          <td><span class="datatype-reference">string
+          <td><span class="property-description"></span></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td><span class="property-name">sortType</span></td>
+          <td><span class="datatype-reference"><a href="json_SortType.html">SortType</a>
+          <td><span class="property-description"></span></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td><span class="property-name">startIndex</span></td>
+          <td><span class="datatype-reference">number
+          <td><span class="property-description"></span></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td><span class="property-name">totalCount</span></td>
+          <td><span class="datatype-reference">number
+          <td><span class="property-description"></span></td>
+        </tr>
+        </tbody>
+      </table>
+      <p class="lead">Example</p>
+      <pre class="prettyprint language-js example">{
+  &quot;list&quot; : [ { }, { } ],
+  &quot;pageSize&quot; : 12345,
+  &quot;sortBy&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+  &quot;sortType&quot; : &quot;ASC&quot;,
+  &quot;startIndex&quot; : 12345,
+  &quot;totalCount&quot; : 12345
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+      <h1 class="page-header">AtlasConstraintDef <small>Data Type</small></h1>
+      <p>class that captures details of a constraint.</p>
+      <dl class="dl-horizontal">
+      </dl>
+      <table class="table datatype-properties">
+        <caption>Properties</caption>
+        <thead>
+        <tr>
+          <th>name</th>
+          <th>data type</th>
+          <th>description</th>
+        </tr>
+        </thead>
+        <tbody>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-params" class="property-name">params</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">map of object
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-type" class="property-name">type</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">string
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        </tbody>
+      </table>
+      <p class="lead">Example</p>
+      <pre class="prettyprint language-js example">{
+  &quot;params&quot; : {
+    &quot;property1&quot; : { },
+    &quot;property2&quot; : { }
+  },
+  &quot;type&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
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+      <h1 class="page-header">AtlasEntitiesWithExtInfo <small>Data Type</small></h1>
+      <p>An instance of an entity along with extended info - like hive_table, hive_database.</p>
+      <dl class="dl-horizontal">
+      </dl>
+      <table class="table datatype-properties">
+        <caption>Properties</caption>
+        <thead>
+        <tr>
+          <th>name</th>
+          <th>data type</th>
+          <th>description</th>
+        </tr>
+        </thead>
+        <tbody>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-entities" class="property-name">entities</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">array of <a href="json_AtlasEntity.html">AtlasEntity</a>
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        </tbody>
+        <tr>
+          <td colspan="3"><h5 class="text-muted">Properties inherited from <a href="json_AtlasEntityExtInfo.html">AtlasEntityExtInfo</a></h5></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tbody>
+        <tr>
+          <td><span class="property-name">referredEntities</span></td>
+          <td><span class="datatype-reference">map of <a href="json_AtlasEntity.html">AtlasEntity</a>
+          <td><span class="property-description"></span></td>
+        </tr>
+        </tbody>
+      </table>
+      <p class="lead">Example</p>
+      <pre class="prettyprint language-js example">{
+  &quot;entities&quot; : [ {
+    &quot;classifications&quot; : [ {
+      &quot;entityGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;entityStatus&quot; : &quot;DELETED&quot;,
+      &quot;propagate&quot; : true,
+      &quot;removePropagationsOnEntityDelete&quot; : true,
+      &quot;validityPeriods&quot; : [ { }, { } ],
+      &quot;attributes&quot; : {
+        &quot;property1&quot; : { },
+        &quot;property2&quot; : { }
+      },
+      &quot;typeName&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+    }, {
+      &quot;entityGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;entityStatus&quot; : &quot;ACTIVE&quot;,
+      &quot;propagate&quot; : true,
+      &quot;removePropagationsOnEntityDelete&quot; : true,
+      &quot;validityPeriods&quot; : [ { }, { } ],
+      &quot;attributes&quot; : {
+        &quot;property1&quot; : { },
+        &quot;property2&quot; : { }
+      },
+      &quot;typeName&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+    } ],
+    &quot;createTime&quot; : 12345,
+    &quot;createdBy&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;guid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;homeId&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;meanings&quot; : [ {
+      &quot;confidence&quot; : 12345,
+      &quot;createdBy&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;description&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;displayText&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;expression&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;relationGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;source&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;status&quot; : &quot;DEPRECATED&quot;,
+      &quot;steward&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;termGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+    }, {
+      &quot;confidence&quot; : 12345,
+      &quot;createdBy&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;description&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;displayText&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;expression&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;relationGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;source&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;status&quot; : &quot;OTHER&quot;,
+      &quot;steward&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;termGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+    } ],
+    &quot;proxy&quot; : true,
+    &quot;relationshipAttributes&quot; : {
+      &quot;property1&quot; : { },
+      &quot;property2&quot; : { }
+    },
+    &quot;status&quot; : &quot;DELETED&quot;,
+    &quot;updateTime&quot; : 12345,
+    &quot;updatedBy&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;version&quot; : 12345,
+    &quot;attributes&quot; : {
+      &quot;property1&quot; : { },
+      &quot;property2&quot; : { }
+    },
+    &quot;typeName&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+  }, {
+    &quot;classifications&quot; : [ {
+      &quot;entityGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;entityStatus&quot; : &quot;DELETED&quot;,
+      &quot;propagate&quot; : true,
+      &quot;removePropagationsOnEntityDelete&quot; : true,
+      &quot;validityPeriods&quot; : [ { }, { } ],
+      &quot;attributes&quot; : {
+        &quot;property1&quot; : { },
+        &quot;property2&quot; : { }
+      },
+      &quot;typeName&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+    }, {
+      &quot;entityGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;entityStatus&quot; : &quot;ACTIVE&quot;,
+      &quot;propagate&quot; : true,
+      &quot;removePropagationsOnEntityDelete&quot; : true,
+      &quot;validityPeriods&quot; : [ { }, { } ],
+      &quot;attributes&quot; : {
+        &quot;property1&quot; : { },
+        &quot;property2&quot; : { }
+      },
+      &quot;typeName&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+    } ],
+    &quot;createTime&quot; : 12345,
+    &quot;createdBy&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;guid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;homeId&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;meanings&quot; : [ {
+      &quot;confidence&quot; : 12345,
+      &quot;createdBy&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;description&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;displayText&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;expression&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;relationGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;source&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;status&quot; : &quot;OBSOLETE&quot;,
+      &quot;steward&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;termGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+    }, {
+      &quot;confidence&quot; : 12345,
+      &quot;createdBy&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;description&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;displayText&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;expression&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;relationGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;source&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;status&quot; : &quot;DEPRECATED&quot;,
+      &quot;steward&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;termGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+    } ],
+    &quot;proxy&quot; : true,
+    &quot;relationshipAttributes&quot; : {
+      &quot;property1&quot; : { },
+      &quot;property2&quot; : { }
+    },
+    &quot;status&quot; : &quot;DELETED&quot;,
+    &quot;updateTime&quot; : 12345,
+    &quot;updatedBy&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;version&quot; : 12345,
+    &quot;attributes&quot; : {
+      &quot;property1&quot; : { },
+      &quot;property2&quot; : { }
+    },
+    &quot;typeName&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+  } ],
+  &quot;referredEntities&quot; : {
+    &quot;property1&quot; : {
+      &quot;classifications&quot; : [ {
+        &quot;entityGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;entityStatus&quot; : &quot;DELETED&quot;,
+        &quot;propagate&quot; : true,
+        &quot;removePropagationsOnEntityDelete&quot; : true,
+        &quot;validityPeriods&quot; : [ { }, { } ],
+        &quot;attributes&quot; : {
+          &quot;property1&quot; : { },
+          &quot;property2&quot; : { }
+        },
+        &quot;typeName&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+      }, {
+        &quot;entityGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;entityStatus&quot; : &quot;ACTIVE&quot;,
+        &quot;propagate&quot; : true,
+        &quot;removePropagationsOnEntityDelete&quot; : true,
+        &quot;validityPeriods&quot; : [ { }, { } ],
+        &quot;attributes&quot; : {
+          &quot;property1&quot; : { },
+          &quot;property2&quot; : { }
+        },
+        &quot;typeName&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+      } ],
+      &quot;createTime&quot; : 12345,
+      &quot;createdBy&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;guid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;homeId&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;meanings&quot; : [ {
+        &quot;confidence&quot; : 12345,
+        &quot;createdBy&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;description&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;displayText&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;expression&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;relationGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;source&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;status&quot; : &quot;DEPRECATED&quot;,
+        &quot;steward&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;termGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+      }, {
+        &quot;confidence&quot; : 12345,
+        &quot;createdBy&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;description&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;displayText&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;expression&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;relationGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;source&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;status&quot; : &quot;OTHER&quot;,
+        &quot;steward&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;termGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+      } ],
+      &quot;proxy&quot; : true,
+      &quot;relationshipAttributes&quot; : {
+        &quot;property1&quot; : { },
+        &quot;property2&quot; : { }
+      },
+      &quot;status&quot; : &quot;ACTIVE&quot;,
+      &quot;updateTime&quot; : 12345,
+      &quot;updatedBy&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;version&quot; : 12345,
+      &quot;attributes&quot; : {
+        &quot;property1&quot; : { },
+        &quot;property2&quot; : { }
+      },
+      &quot;typeName&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+    },
+    &quot;property2&quot; : {
+      &quot;classifications&quot; : [ {
+        &quot;entityGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;entityStatus&quot; : &quot;DELETED&quot;,
+        &quot;propagate&quot; : true,
+        &quot;removePropagationsOnEntityDelete&quot; : true,
+        &quot;validityPeriods&quot; : [ { }, { } ],
+        &quot;attributes&quot; : {
+          &quot;property1&quot; : { },
+          &quot;property2&quot; : { }
+        },
+        &quot;typeName&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+      }, {
+        &quot;entityGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;entityStatus&quot; : &quot;DELETED&quot;,
+        &quot;propagate&quot; : true,
+        &quot;removePropagationsOnEntityDelete&quot; : true,
+        &quot;validityPeriods&quot; : [ { }, { } ],
+        &quot;attributes&quot; : {
+          &quot;property1&quot; : { },
+          &quot;property2&quot; : { }
+        },
+        &quot;typeName&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+      } ],
+      &quot;createTime&quot; : 12345,
+      &quot;createdBy&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;guid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;homeId&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;meanings&quot; : [ {
+        &quot;confidence&quot; : 12345,
+        &quot;createdBy&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;description&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;displayText&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;expression&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;relationGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;source&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;status&quot; : &quot;DISCOVERED&quot;,
+        &quot;steward&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;termGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+      }, {
+        &quot;confidence&quot; : 12345,
+        &quot;createdBy&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;description&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;displayText&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;expression&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;relationGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;source&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;status&quot; : &quot;OBSOLETE&quot;,
+        &quot;steward&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+        &quot;termGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+      } ],
+      &quot;proxy&quot; : true,
+      &quot;relationshipAttributes&quot; : {
+        &quot;property1&quot; : { },
+        &quot;property2&quot; : { }
+      },
+      &quot;status&quot; : &quot;DELETED&quot;,
+      &quot;updateTime&quot; : 12345,
+      &quot;updatedBy&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;version&quot; : 12345,
+      &quot;attributes&quot; : {
+        &quot;property1&quot; : { },
+        &quot;property2&quot; : { }
+      },
+      &quot;typeName&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+    }
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+      <h1 class="page-header">AtlasEntity <small>Data Type</small></h1>
+      <p>An instance of an entity - like hive_table, hive_database.</p>
+      <dl class="dl-horizontal">
+      </dl>
+      <table class="table datatype-properties">
+        <caption>Properties</caption>
+        <thead>
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+          <th>name</th>
+          <th>data type</th>
+          <th>description</th>
+        </tr>
+        </thead>
+        <tbody>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-classifications" class="property-name">classifications</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">array of <a href="json_AtlasClassification.html">AtlasClassification</a>
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-createTime" class="property-name">createTime</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">number
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-createdBy" class="property-name">createdBy</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">string
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-guid" class="property-name">guid</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">string
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-homeId" class="property-name">homeId</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">string
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-meanings" class="property-name">meanings</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">array of <a href="json_AtlasTermAssignmentHeader.html">AtlasTermAssignmentHeader</a>
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-proxy" class="property-name">proxy</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">boolean
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-relationshipAttributes" class="property-name">relationshipAttributes</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">map of object
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-status" class="property-name">status</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference"><a href="json_Status.html">Status</a>
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-updateTime" class="property-name">updateTime</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">number
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-updatedBy" class="property-name">updatedBy</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">string
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td>  <span id="prop-version" class="property-name">version</span>
+          <td>  <span class="datatype-reference">number
+          <td>  <span class="property-description"></span>
+        </tr>
+        </tbody>
+        <tr>
+          <td colspan="3"><h5 class="text-muted">Properties inherited from <a href="json_AtlasStruct.html">AtlasStruct</a></h5></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tbody>
+        <tr>
+          <td><span class="property-name">attributes</span></td>
+          <td><span class="datatype-reference">map of object
+          <td><span class="property-description"></span></td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr>
+          <td><span class="property-name">typeName</span></td>
+          <td><span class="datatype-reference">string
+          <td><span class="property-description"></span></td>
+        </tr>
+        </tbody>
+      </table>
+      <p class="lead">Example</p>
+      <pre class="prettyprint language-js example">{
+  &quot;classifications&quot; : [ {
+    &quot;entityGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;entityStatus&quot; : &quot;DELETED&quot;,
+    &quot;propagate&quot; : true,
+    &quot;removePropagationsOnEntityDelete&quot; : true,
+    &quot;validityPeriods&quot; : [ {
+      &quot;endTime&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;startTime&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;timeZone&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+    }, {
+      &quot;endTime&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;startTime&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;timeZone&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+    } ],
+    &quot;attributes&quot; : {
+      &quot;property1&quot; : { },
+      &quot;property2&quot; : { }
+    },
+    &quot;typeName&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+  }, {
+    &quot;entityGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;entityStatus&quot; : &quot;ACTIVE&quot;,
+    &quot;propagate&quot; : true,
+    &quot;removePropagationsOnEntityDelete&quot; : true,
+    &quot;validityPeriods&quot; : [ {
+      &quot;endTime&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;startTime&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;timeZone&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+    }, {
+      &quot;endTime&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;startTime&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+      &quot;timeZone&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+    } ],
+    &quot;attributes&quot; : {
+      &quot;property1&quot; : { },
+      &quot;property2&quot; : { }
+    },
+    &quot;typeName&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+  } ],
+  &quot;createTime&quot; : 12345,
+  &quot;createdBy&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+  &quot;guid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+  &quot;homeId&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+  &quot;meanings&quot; : [ {
+    &quot;confidence&quot; : 12345,
+    &quot;createdBy&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;description&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;displayText&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;expression&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;relationGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;source&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;status&quot; : &quot;PROPOSED&quot;,
+    &quot;steward&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;termGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+  }, {
+    &quot;confidence&quot; : 12345,
+    &quot;createdBy&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;description&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;displayText&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;expression&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;relationGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;source&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;status&quot; : &quot;OBSOLETE&quot;,
+    &quot;steward&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+    &quot;termGuid&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
+  } ],
+  &quot;proxy&quot; : true,
+  &quot;relationshipAttributes&quot; : {
+    &quot;property1&quot; : { },
+    &quot;property2&quot; : { }
+  },
+  &quot;status&quot; : &quot;ACTIVE&quot;,
+  &quot;updateTime&quot; : 12345,
+  &quot;updatedBy&quot; : &quot;...&quot;,
+  &quot;version&quot; : 12345,
+  &quot;attributes&quot; : {
+    &quot;property1&quot; : { },
+    &quot;property2&quot; : { }
+  },
+  &quot;typeName&quot; : &quot;...&quot;
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