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Posted to by Apache Wiki <> on 2010/02/05 15:35:51 UTC

[Cassandra Wiki] Update of "ClientExamples" by JonathanEllis

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The "ClientExamples" page has been changed by JonathanEllis.
The comment on this change is: r/m ruby example using 3rd party client; this page is only for Thrift examples.


  A caveat of doing things this way is that a client cannot go up and down, and then up again without shutting down the entire VM.  I.e., you can't initClient(), stopClient() and then initClient() again.
- == Ruby ==
- Install the Thrift gem that will take advantage of the native libraries (previously installed. Reference [[|Using Cassandra's Thrift Interface with Ruby]])
- `shell> sudo gem install thrift`
- Navigate to your Cassandra install’s interface directory (cassandra/interface) and build the ruby code:
- `shell> thrift --gen rb:new_style cassandra.thrift`
- {{{
- #!/usr/bin/env ruby require './cassandra' require './cassandra_constants' require './cassandra_types' require 'pp'
- transport ="localhost", "9160"))
- client =
- keyspace = "Keyspace1" key = "dude_login" columnPath = => "Standard1", :column => "email") value = " " t = timestamp = t.to_i * 1_000_000 + t.usec
- client.insert(keyspace, key ,columnPath, value, timestamp, CassandraThrift::ConsistencyLevel::ZERO)
- begin
-  . pp client.get(keyspace, key, columnPath, CassandraThrift::ConsistencyLevel::ONE)
- rescue CassandraThrift::NotFoundException => e
-  . puts "Key not found."
- end 
- }}}
  == Python ==