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ambari git commit: AMBARI-15083: Add Stack Advisor validations for hawq_global_rm_type property in HAWQ (bhuvnesh2703 via jaoki)

Repository: ambari
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/trunk dccacb952 -> 32173ff17

AMBARI-15083: Add Stack Advisor validations for hawq_global_rm_type property in HAWQ (bhuvnesh2703 via jaoki)


Branch: refs/heads/trunk
Commit: 32173ff17642b8cdca6f0fdd5318683b633bb681
Parents: dccacb9
Author: Jun Aoki <>
Authored: Fri Feb 19 13:37:08 2016 -0800
Committer: Jun Aoki <>
Committed: Fri Feb 19 13:37:08 2016 -0800

 .../stacks/HDP/2.3/services/    | 32 +++++++-------
 .../stacks/2.3/common/     | 46 ++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDP/2.3/services/ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDP/2.3/services/
index b354378..34e4cfa 100644
--- a/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDP/2.3/services/
+++ b/ambari-server/src/main/resources/stacks/HDP/2.3/services/
@@ -943,31 +943,31 @@ class HDP23StackAdvisor(HDP22StackAdvisor):
                                 "HAWQ Master or Standby Master cannot use the port 5432 when installed on the same host as the Ambari Server. Ambari Postgres DB uses the same port. Please choose a different value (e.g. 10432)")})
     # 2. Check if any data directories are pointing to root dir '/'
-    prop_name = 'hawq_master_directory'
-    display_name = 'HAWQ Master directory'
-    self.validateIfRootDir (properties, validationItems, prop_name, display_name)
-    prop_name = 'hawq_master_temp_directory'
-    display_name = 'HAWQ Master temp directory'
-    self.validateIfRootDir (properties, validationItems, prop_name, display_name)
-    prop_name = 'hawq_segment_directory'
-    display_name = 'HAWQ Segment directory'
-    self.validateIfRootDir (properties, validationItems, prop_name, display_name)
-    prop_name = 'hawq_segment_temp_directory'
-    display_name = 'HAWQ Segment temp directory'
-    self.validateIfRootDir (properties, validationItems, prop_name, display_name)
+    directories = {
+                    'hawq_master_directory': 'HAWQ Master directory',
+                    'hawq_master_temp_directory': 'HAWQ Master temp directory',
+                    'hawq_segment_directory': 'HAWQ Segment directory',
+                    'hawq_segment_temp_directory': 'HAWQ Segment temp directory'
+                  }
+    for property_name, display_name in directories.iteritems():
+      self.validateIfRootDir(properties, validationItems, property_name, display_name)
     # 3. Check YARN RM address properties
+    YARN = "YARN"
     servicesList = [service["StackServices"]["service_name"] for service in services["services"]]
-    if "YARN" in servicesList and "yarn-site" in configurations:
+    if YARN in servicesList and "yarn-site" in configurations:
       yarn_site = getSiteProperties(configurations, "yarn-site")
       for hs_prop, ys_prop in self.getHAWQYARNPropertyMapping().items():
         if hs_prop in hawq_site and ys_prop in yarn_site and hawq_site[hs_prop] != yarn_site[ys_prop]:
           message = "Expected value: {0} (this property should have the same value as the property {1} in yarn-site)".format(yarn_site[ys_prop], ys_prop)
           validationItems.append({"config-name": hs_prop, "item": self.getWarnItem(message)})
+    # 4. Check HAWQ Resource Manager type
+    HAWQ_GLOBAL_RM_TYPE = "hawq_global_rm_type"
+    if YARN not in servicesList and HAWQ_GLOBAL_RM_TYPE in hawq_site and hawq_site[HAWQ_GLOBAL_RM_TYPE].upper() == YARN:
+      message = "{0} must be set to none if YARN service is not installed".format(HAWQ_GLOBAL_RM_TYPE)
+      validationItems.append({"config-name": HAWQ_GLOBAL_RM_TYPE, "item": self.getErrorItem(message)})
     return self.toConfigurationValidationProblems(validationItems, "hawq-site")
diff --git a/ambari-server/src/test/python/stacks/2.3/common/ b/ambari-server/src/test/python/stacks/2.3/common/
index 545a2b5..03ae6cc 100644
--- a/ambari-server/src/test/python/stacks/2.3/common/
+++ b/ambari-server/src/test/python/stacks/2.3/common/
@@ -1630,6 +1630,7 @@ class TestHDP23StackAdvisor(TestCase):
   def test_validateHAWQConfigurations(self):
     services = self.load_json("services-hawq-3-hosts.json")
     # setup default configuration values
+    # Test hawq_rm_yarn_address and hawq_rm_scheduler_address are set correctly
     configurations = services["configurations"]
     configurations["hawq-site"] = {"properties": {"hawq_rm_yarn_address": "localhost:8032",
                                                   "hawq_rm_yarn_scheduler_address": "localhost:8030"}}
@@ -1664,3 +1665,48 @@ class TestHDP23StackAdvisor(TestCase):
     self.assertEqual(len(problems), 2)
     self.assertEqual(problems_dict, expected_warnings)
+    # Test hawq_global_rm_type validation
+    services = {
+                 "services" : [
+                   {
+                     "StackServices" : {
+                     "service_name" : "HAWQ"
+                     },
+                     "components": []
+                   } ],
+                 "configurations":
+                   {
+                     "hawq-site": {
+                       "properties": {
+                         "hawq_global_rm_type": "yarn"
+                       }
+                     }
+                   }
+                }
+    properties = services["configurations"]["hawq-site"]["properties"]
+    # case 1: hawq_global_rm_type is set as yarn, but YARN service is not installed. Validation error expected.
+    """
+    Validation error expected is as below:
+                    [ {
+                          "config-type": "hawq-site",
+                          "message": "hawq_global_rm_type must be set to none if YARN service is not installed",
+                          "type": "configuration",
+                          "config-name": "hawq_global_rm_type",
+                          "level": "ERROR"
+                    } ]
+    """
+    problems = self.stackAdvisor.validateHAWQConfigurations(properties, defaults, services["configurations"], services, hosts)
+    self.assertEqual(len(problems), 1)
+    self.assertEqual(problems[0]["config-type"], "hawq-site")
+    self.assertEqual(problems[0]["message"], "hawq_global_rm_type must be set to none if YARN service is not installed")
+    self.assertEqual(problems[0]["type"], "configuration")
+    self.assertEqual(problems[0]["config-name"], "hawq_global_rm_type")
+    self.assertEqual(problems[0]["level"], "ERROR")
+    # case 2: hawq_global_rm_type is set as yarn, and YARN service is installed. No validation errors expected.
+    services["services"].append({"StackServices" : {"service_name" : "YARN"}, "components":[]})
+    problems = self.stackAdvisor.validateHAWQConfigurations(properties, defaults, services["configurations"], services, hosts)
+    self.assertEqual(len(problems), 0)