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Posted to by Brian Behlendorf <> on 1996/01/20 19:53:47 UTC

Re: cvs commit: CVSROOT modules (fwd)

Ack, sorry about no sending this sooner - it bounced because I had sent 
the maxlength for posts to new-httpd to 25K, and this was greater than 
that.  It's now set at 250K.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 1996 11:05:43 +0000 (GMT)
From: Paul Richards <>
Subject: Re: cvs commit: CVSROOT modules

In reply to Brian Behlendorf who said
> On Tue, 16 Jan 1996, Paul Richards wrote:
> > Ohh, wow. I didn't realise Brian had enable cvs mail to come here.
> I enabled "", from whom that message came.
> > Well, here's your first commit message folks :-)
> > And it looks like remote commits are working fine.
> I've created "apache-cvs", another majordomo-ized mailing list run 
> through ("subscribe apache-cvs"), where these 
> commits can be mailed to.

Ok, I'm trying to subscribe to this now. Can people start subscribing to it
and sending a quick ack to it so I can see people arrive.

Anyone who wants to be involved in development will need to subscribe to
this list so they can see commit messages. Things are basically ready to
go, once I see a fair number of people subscribed I'll open the doors.

Being on that list *doesn't* mean you'll automatically have access to the
cvs tree. Anyone can subscribe to it to track what's going on. Who has
cvs access is something we still need to work out, as far as I'm concerned
my condition will be a basic knowledge of how to use cvs. 

I still have to tag and branch the tree to have a stable and development

Here's a basic cvs FAQ. I'll hunt around for better docs but if you can
grasp the basics of checking code in and out, which you should be able to
from this FAQ, then I'll be happy to let you loose.

The Basic Usage section is what's relevant to users but reading the whole
lot will give you an idea of what cvs is. This tutorial doesn't cover
remote access. It works exactly the same as local access but your
CVSROOT env variable needs to be set to,
for local use it is just /export/home/cvs. For remote access you need to
have rsh working, if rsh fails then remote cvs access will

Also, *VERY IMPORTANT* we're using /usr/local/bin/cvs and NOT the default
cvs. Please make sure you path is set appropriately.

A further note: it's not vanilla cvs that's running on hyperreal, the binaries
are but there are lots of added scripts that I "borrowed" from FreeBSD that
do all the nice mail logging and so forth so things might be a little 
different to cvs setups you might have used before. As far as the
cvs command line is concerned it's the same so there shouldn't be any problems,
you'll just see other things happening at commit time which you may not be 
familiar with.

When you checkin code on hyperreal you'll see this template.

Reviewed by:
Submitted by:
Obtained from:
CVS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
CVS: Obtained from:
CVS:   If this change has been taken from another system, such as NCSA,
CVS:   then name the system in this line, otherwise delete it.
CVS: Reviewed by:
CVS:   Before committing changes please have someone check your work and
CVS:   include their name here. If the change is trivial and you have not
CVS:   had it reviewed then delete this line.
CVS: Submitted by:
CVS:   If this code has been contributed to Apache by someone else; i.e.,
CVS:   they sent us a patch or a new module, then include their name/email
CVS:   address here. If this is your work then delete this line.

Read these instructions and fill the lines as appropriate, this is important
from a credibilty point of view, attribute the people who really did the
work since it'll be common to commit code from people who don't have direct
access to cvs and it's their code not yours :-)

For remote commits you won't see this template, you'll see the plain default
template (talking to someone about whether this can be changed, I'm not sure
yet). If you only see the plain template then *ADD THESE LINES YOURSELF* if
necessary. If the field is left blank then it'll automatically be deleted by
the checkin script, the instructions are slightly out of date in that regard
since you won't need to delete them by hand.

General working rule no 1.
	Build, install and test your checked out copy of the code before
	you commit it back to the tree. Breaking the tree to the extent
	that it doesn't compile will be looked upon poorly. There will
	be occasional exceptions, particularly across platforms.

Umm, OK, I think that's enough for now.

Things that definately aren't resolved:

1) Tagging and branching the tree for stable and development. No-one can
   actually commit code until I do this so I'll do it tonight.
2) Access from behind firewalls. I haven't installed Ben's code yet for
3) I haven't tried using ssh but that should be easy enough.

$Id: cvs_tutorial,v 1.5 1992/09/21 18:22:51 gray Exp $


This file is designed to give you a bird's eye view of the workings of the
Concurrent Versions System (CVS).  It is based (loosely) around cvs version
1.3.  It is recommended that you make sure the cvs your are working with is
this version before continuing.

Please send me comments/additions/questions about this tutorial.  It needs more
input from folks.  Novices can help by pointing out confusing sections or by
sending me questions not covered by this file.  Masters can help by first
verifying that the information here is sane, by sending their own tutorials,
and by generally providing intelligent feedback.


Section:		Description:
Introduction:		basic description of the CVS system.
Terms:			some basic words and descriptions (needs more entries!)
Basic CVS Commands:	a look at the CVS basic command set.
Getting Started:	the things to do before using CVS.
Basic Usage:		a "real-life" example of the usage of CVS.
General Help:		how to get more information about CVS commands.
RCS and CVS...		explains what's the difference between the two.
General Questions:	some questions about cvs and some (often weak) answers.
Experienced Questions:	some questions for people more experiences with CVS.
Contributions:		list of some of the folks that have provided feedback.
Mkmodules Patch:	a patch for mkmodules to make it know about cvsignore



CVS is a system that lets groups of people work simultaneously on groups of
files (for instance program sources).

It works by holding a central 'repository' of the most recent version of the
files.  You may at any time create a personal copy of these files by 'checking
out' the files from the reposity into one of your directories.  If at a later
date newer versions of the files are put in the repository, you can 'update'
your copy.

You may edit your copy of the files freely. If new versions of the files have
been put in the repository in the meantime, doing an update merges the changes
in the central copy into your copy.

When you are satisfied with the changes you have made in your copy of the
files, you can 'commit' them into the central repository.

When you are finally done with your personal copy of the files, you can release
them and then remove them.



Repository:		The directory storing the master copies of the files.
			The main or master repository is a tree of directories.
Module:			A specific directory in the main repository.  Modules
			are defined in the cvs modules file.

RCS:			Revision Control System.  A lower-level set of
			utilities on which CVS is layered.

Check out:		To make a copy of a file from its repository that can
			be worked on or examined.

Revision:		A numerical tag identifying the version of a file.


Most of the below commands should be executing while in the directory you
checked out.  If you did a 'cvs checkout malloc' then you should be in the
malloc sub-directory to execute most of these commands.  'cvs release' is
different and must be executed from the directory above.


To make a local copy of a module's files from the repository execute 'cvs
checkout module' where module is an entry in your modules file (see below).
This will create a sub-directory module and check-out the files from the
repository into the sub-directory for you to work on.


To update your copy of a module with any changes from the central repository,
execute 'cvs update'.  This will tell you which files have been updated (their
names are displayed with a U before them), and which have been modified by you
and not yet committed (preceded by an M).

It can be that when you do an update, the changes in the central copy clash
with changes you have made in your own copy.  You will be warned of any files
that contain clashes, the clashes will be marked in the file surrounded by
lines of the form <<<< and >>>>.  You have to resolve the clashes in your copy.
After an update where there have been clashes, your original version of the
file is saved as .#file.version.

To lose your changes and go back to the version from the repository, delete the
file and do an update.


When you think your files are ready to be merged back into the repository for
the rest of your developers to see, execute 'cvs commit'.  You will be put in
an editor to make a message that describes the changes that you have made (for
future reference). Your changes will then be added to the central copy.

When you do a commit, if you haven't updated to the most recent version of the
files, cvs tells you this; then you have to first update, resolve any possible
clashes, and then redo the commit.


It can be that the changes you want to make involve a completely new file, or
removing an existing one. The commands to use here are:

	cvs add <filename>
	cvs remove <filename>

You still have to do a commit after these commands to make the additions and
removes actually take affect.  You may make any number of new files in your
copy of the repository, but they will not be committed to the central copy
unless you do a 'cvs add'.


When you are done with your local copy of the files for the time being and
want to remove your local copy use 'cvs release module'.  This must be done
in the directory about the module sub-directory you which to release.

If you wish to have CVS also remove the module sub-directory and your local
copy of the files then your 'cvs release -d module'.

Take your time here.  CVS will inform you of files that may have changed or it
does not know about (watch for the ? lines) and then with ask you to confirm
this action.  Make sure you want to do this.


To see the commit messages for files, and who made them, use:

	cvs log [filenames]


To see the differences between your version of the files and the version in the
repository do:

	cvs diff [filenames]


One of the exciting features of CVS is its ability to mark all the files in a
module at once with a symbolic name.  You can say 'this copy of my files is
version 3'.  And then later say 'this file I am working on looked better
in version 3 so check out the copy that I marked as version 3.'

Use 'cvs tag' to tag the version of the files that you have checked out.  You
can then at a later date retrieve this version of the files with the tag.

	cvs tag tag-name [filenames]

Later you can do:

	cvs co -r tag-name module


Like tag, rtag marks the current versions of files but it does not work on your
local copies but on the files in the repository.  To tag all my libraries with
a version name I can do:

	cvs tag LIBRARY_2_0 lib

This is one of the most use features of cvs (IMHO).  Use this feature if you
about to release a copy of the files to the outside world or just want to mark
a point in the developmental progression of the files.


To find out information about your cvs repositories use the 'cvs history'
command.  By default history will show you all the entries that correspond to
you.  Use the -a optiont to show information about everyone.

	cvs history -a -o	shows you (a)ll the checked (o)ut modules
	cvs history -a -T	reports (a)ll the r(T)ags for the modules (!!!)
	cvs history -a -e	reports (a)ll the information about (e)verthing



Make sure all your developers have the CVSROOT environmental variable set to
the directory that is to hold your main file repository (mine is set to

Run the cvsinit script that comes with cvs to initialize the repository tree.

Encourage all your developers to make a working directory where they will be
working on the files (mine is ~/src/work).

Edit the modules file to add the local "modules".

	Either cd to ${CVSROOT}/CVSROOT and 'co -l modules' and then edit it.
	Or better, cd to your working directory and do a 'cvs co modules'.

		NOTE: co is an alias for checkout

	Add your modules to the file.  I add the below lines to my file:

		# libraries
		lib		antaire/lib

		db		antaire/lib/db
		dt		antaire/lib/dt
		inc		antaire/lib/inc
		lwp		antaire/lib/lwp
		malloc		antaire/lib/malloc
		inter		antaire/lib/inter
		prt		antaire/lib/inter/prt

	The above entries now allow me to 'cvs co malloc' which will create a
		directory malloc where I am and check out the files from
		${CVSROOT}/antaire/lib/db into that directory.

	'cvs co lib' will check out all my libraries and make a whole tree
		under lib: lib/db/*, lib/dt/*, lib/inc/*, etc

Create a cvsignore file in ${CVSROOT}/CVSROOT:

	This file contains the local files that you want cvs to ignore.  If you
	have standard temporary files, or log files, etc. that you would never
	want cvs to notice then you need to create this file.

	The first time you should go into the CVSROOT directory, edit the
		file and 'ci -u cvsignore' to check it in.

	You should apply the mkmodules.patch (included at the end of this
		file) and recompile and install the mkmodules file and add the
		below line to your modules file (see above) so you can use cvs
		to edit the file in the future.
		cvsignore	-i mkmodules CVSROOT cvsignore

	I have in my file:


	CVS ignores a number of common temp files (*~, #*, RCS, SCCS, etc..)
		automatically.  (see cvs(5)).

	WARNING: cvs is good at this. :-)  any files in the cvsignore file will
		be ignored completely without a single warning.

Add your files into their respective module directories:

	cd into your current directory which holds the files.
	Build clean/clobber and make sure that only the files you want to
		be checked into the repository are in the current directory.

	Execute:    cvs import -m 'comment' repository vendortag releasetag

		The comment is for you to document the module

		The repository should be a path under ${CVSROOT}.
			My malloc library is checked into antaire/lib/malloc

		Vendortag is a "release tag" that the vendor assigned to
			the files.  If you are the vendor then put whatever
			you want there: (PRT_INITIAL, MALLOC_1_01, etc);

		Releasetag is your local tag for this copy of the files.
			(PRT_1, malloc_1_01, etc);


cd to your work directory (I do 'cd ~/src/work')

Execute 'cvs co module' where module is an entry from the modules file (see

	I do 'cvs co malloc' to get my malloc library.  It will create the
		sub-directory malloc and will load the files into this new

	Edit the files to your heart's content.

	If you add any new files to the directory that you want the
		repository to know about you need to do a

		cvs add file1 [file2 ...]

	If you remove any files you need to do a

		cvs remove file1 [file2...]

	If you rename you need to do a combination remove and then add.

	Execute 'cvs update' to pull in the changes from the repository that
		others made.  It will resolve conflicts semi-automatically.
		It will tell you about the files it updates. U means updated,
		C means there was a conflict that it could not automatically
		resolve.  You need to edit the file by hand, look for the
		<<<<< and >>>>> lines and figure out how the file should look.

	Execute 'cvs commit' inside the directory you checked out to apply your
		changes to the repository so others can use them (if they have
		the module in question checked out already, they need to do a
		'cvs update' to see your changes).

When you are done with the files (for the time being) you cd .. to the above
	directory and do a 'cvs release [-d] module-name' which will "check-in"
	the files.  The optional -d will remove the directory and files from
	your work directory when it is done releasing them.
	The release command will inform you if your made modifications to the
		files and if there are files it doesn't know about that you may
		have forgotten to add.  watch for '? file' lines printed.  You
		may have to stop the release and commit or cvs add/remove
		the files.

	WARNING: release -d is unrecoverable.  Make sure you take your time

	Don't worry, release should ask whether you really want to do this
		before doing anything.



All cvs commands take a -H option to give help:

	'cvs -H' shows you the options and commands in cvs.
	'cvs history -H' shows you the options for cvs history.

All the cvs commands mentioned also accept a flag '-n', that doesn't do the
	action, but lets you see what would happen. For instance, you can use
	'cvs -n update' to see which files would be updated.

To get more information, see the manual page 'man cvs' for full (and much
	more complicated) details.

A basic knowledge of the Revision Control System (RCS) on which CVS is
	layered may also be of some assistance.  see 'man co' or 'man ci' for
	more details.


RCS and CVS - what's the difference?

Collection of files

One of the strong points about CVS is that it does not only lets you retrieve
old versions of specific files. You can collect some files (or directories of
files) into ``modules'' and a lot of the CVS commands can operate on an entire
module at once. The RCS history files of all modules are kept at a central
place in the file system hierarchy. When someone wants to work an a certain
module he just types "cvs checkout bugtrack" which causes the directory
``bugtrack'' to be created and populated with the files that make up the
bugtrack project.

With "cvs tag bugtrack-1.0" you can give the symbolic tag "bugtrack-1.0" to all
the versions of the file in the bugtrack module.  Later on, you can do "cvs
checkout -r bugtrack-1.0 bugtrack" to retrieve the files that make up the 1.0
release of bugtrack. You can even do things like "cvs diff -c -r bugtrack-1.0
-r bugtrack-1.5" to get a context diff of all files that have changed between
release 1.0 and release 1.5!

No locking

If you work in a group of programmer you have probably often wanted to edit the
function foo() in bar.c, but Joe had locked bar.c because he is editing

CVS does not lock files. Instead, both you and Joe can edit bar.c. The first
one to check in it won't realize that the other have been editing it. (So if
you are quicker than Joe you wont have any trouble at all). Poor Joe just have
to do "cvs update bar.c" to merge in your changes in his copy of the file. As
long as you changing different sections of the file the merge is totally
automatic. If you change the same lines you will have to resolve the conflicts

Friendlier user interface

If you don't remember the syntax of "cvs diff" you just type "cvs -H diff" and
you will get a short description of all the flags. Just "cvs -H" lists all the
sub-commands. I find the commands less cryptic than the RCS equivalents.
Compare "cvs checkout module" (which can be abbreviated to "cvs co
module") with "co -l RCS/*,v" (or whatever it is you are supposed to say -
it was a year since I used RCS seriously).



When I say 'cvs checkout module/sub-directory' and then
	'cvs release module/sub-directory' it says unknown module name.  why?

	- because module/sub-directory is not a module in the modules file.
	- cvs release module *should* work with this.

Because of incorrect releasing of directories, I noticed that 'cvs history'
	reports that modules are still checked out.  how do I correct this?

	- by editing $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/history VERY carefully
	- I do not know the correct way of doing this but the O lines are
		for checking Out modules.  Removing the last O line that
		corresponds to the module is question may work.

If I just typoed and started to check out a tree I did not want to.  Can I
	hit control-c?  What are the ramifications?

	- don't know exactly

I screw up and removed the tree that I was about to start working on.
	How do I tell cvs that I want to release it if I don't have it anymore?

	- maybe you can't
	- you need to edit $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/history VERY carefully to fix this
		problem (see above)
	- FEATURE: an option to release to assure it that no changes were made
		and the status of the directory can be released

What is the proper way to configure cvs for multi-user operations?  What sort
	of file directory modes are appropriate aside from 770 modes
	everywhere.  Any setgid support?

	- normal 770 directory modes should work.
	- set your default umask to 027
	- make your $CVSROOT directories set-gid all with a common group
		(src would make sense) and mode 770
	- make sure all your developers are in the src group.

I am constantly running into different library modules to fix problems or add
	need features.  This may not be a good practice but how does cvs fit
	in this scenario.  Should I checkout the modules I need and once and
	a while commit them?

	- yes.

I have 4 releases of my debug malloc subsystem.  They are 1.01, 1.02, 1.03,
	1.05.  Should I:

	cvs import -b 1.1.1 -m 'Malloc 1.01' MALLOC_1_01 malloc_1_01
	cvs import -b 1.1.2 -m 'Malloc 1.02' MALLOC_1_02 malloc_1_02
	cvs import -b 1.1.3 -m 'Malloc 1.03' MALLOC_1_03 malloc_1_03
	cvs import -b 1.1.5 -m 'Malloc 1.05' MALLOC_1_05 malloc_1_05

	for each set of files?  Are these sane incantations?

	- not really.  cvs import may not be the right may to do this.
	- you should cvs import the *first* set of files then for each
		release you should:

		- copy in the new version
		- cvs add/remove the files that have been added/deleted
		- cvs commit the new version
		- cvs tag the files with the appropriate release-tag
		- repeat

When I say 'cvs checkout malloc' I do not get 1.05 files.  I get them all.
	I have to say 'cvs checkout -r malloc_1_05 malloc to do this.  Is this
	correct?  Do I need to 'cvs remove' the files that have been removed
	between the different versions?

	- yes, you need to cvs add/remove files to have the repository know
		about them.  the files that are removed are placed in the Attic
		so that old-revisions can find them.

Is there a cvs feature to tell me what files have changed, what are new
	what have been removed from the current directory?

	- when you do a cvs release, cvs will inform you of the missing
		files and the new files.
	- FEATURE: cvs commit with an option should tell you the files that
		are missing or added.

If I had fileX at one point, then I 'cvs remove' it, then I recreate it.
	How can I re-add it.  It complains that it is in the attic.  Can it
	live there for old versions but have a new copy also?

	- I believe you can move the file out of the Attic directory by hand.
		this seems to work fine.



CVS handled binary files but it seems to corrupt them once and while?

	CVS uses RCS and RCS looks for certain sequences of characters like
	$Id: cvs_tutorial,v 1.5 1992/09/21 18:22:51 gray Exp $ and replaces them with version information.  So what if a keyword
	sequence just happens to occur in a binary file since any sequence of
	ASCII characters is possible?  CVS will update any keyword sequences it
	finds and will corrupt any binary files in which these sequences occur.

	So keyword substitution must be prevented in binary files by added info
	to the rcs files for each binary file.  I also prevent it in any files
	in which I don't plan to insert rcs keywords just to reduce checkout
	time.  This can be done in the repository using the rcs command:

		rcs -ko <filenames,v>

How can I use the $Log: cvs_tutorial,v $
# Revision 1.5  1992/09/21  18:22:51  gray
# .
# Revision 1.4  1992/09/21  18:09:48  gray
# .
# Revision 1.3  1992/09/21  18:07:16  gray
# Merged in a number of people's information.
# keyword with CVS with Objective-C and // comments?

	RCS (and therefore CVS) doesn't know about Objective-C "//" comments by
	default.  I must inform RCS so that when it expands its $Log: cvs_tutorial,v $
# Revision 1.5  1992/09/21  18:22:51  gray
# .
# Revision 1.4  1992/09/21  18:09:48  gray
# .
# Revision 1.3  1992/09/21  18:07:16  gray
# Merged in a number of people's information.
# keyword,
	it will prepend the proper comment characters.

		rcs -c"// " <filenames,v>



	Steven Pemberton, CWI, Amsterdam;
	Per Cederqvist,
	Art Isbell, isbell@cats.UCSC.EDU



*** mkmodules.c~	Tue Mar 31 16:56:20 1992
--- mkmodules.c	Sat Sep 19 14:30:19 1992
*** 183,188 ****
--- 183,202 ----
  	    "a %s file can be used to configure 'cvs commit' checking",
      (void) unlink_file (temp);
+     /*
+      * Now, check out the "cvsignore" file, so that it is always up-to-date
+      * in the CVSROOT directory.
+      */
+     make_tempfile (temp);
+     if (checkout_file (CVSROOTADM_IGNORE, temp) == 0)
+ 	rename_rcsfile (temp, CVSROOTADM_IGNORE);
+     else
+ 	error (0, 0,
+ 	    "a %s file can be used to list files that cvs should ignore",
+     (void) unlink_file (temp);
      return (0);

  Paul Richards. Originative Solutions Ltd.
  Phone: 0370 462071 (Mobile), +44 1225 447500 (work)