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Posted to by Dean Gaudet <> on 1999/09/08 01:00:19 UTC

memory allocation (was Re: Why bother with APR?)

so i'm thinking that it may not be possible to decide ahead of time what
type of memory allocation should be associated with a particular pool.
that is to say -- some users of a pool may want palloc-style allocation,
which isn't freed until pool destruction, and other users may want
malloc/free style which can be freed at will. 

there's two reasons i'm thinking along these lines -- the first is that
some users of a pool may be a cache, and could be hidden behind a library
interface.  the second reason is that i don't like lots of conditionals ;) 

i think of a pool as really a place to store cleanups.  in essence, a pool
could just be a list of cleanups. 

then ap_palloc() would register a cleanup the first time it is used. 

and ap_malloc() could register a cleanup for the list of malloc/free

and ap_shmalloc() could register a cleanup for the shared mem

this way the same pool can be used for any combination of the three types
of allocations (and other allocations) without knowing ahead of time what
style of pool it is. 


Re: memory allocation (was Re: Why bother with APR?)

Posted by Tony Finch <>.
I was speaking to Dan Sheppard on Saturday night about his memory
allocator, and some of his work seems in quite close alignment with
what Apache has done in the past and the direction it is moving in
now. You might want to look at his page at

f.a.n.finch    e pluribus unix

Re: memory allocation (was Re: Why bother with APR?)

Posted by Manoj Kasichainula <>.
On Tue, Sep 21, 1999 at 02:07:25AM -0700, Dean Gaudet wrote:
> it'd be cool if we could stop calling the memory allocator a pool, it
> confuses things...

Well, we need another name for it, then. 1.3pool? 

> - or you could adjust the malloc size by sizeof(void *) and stick a
>   back pointer to the cleanup in it... but if you're going to do this,
>   you might as well adjust the malloc size by sizeof(struct mem)
>   where struct mem { mem *next; mem *prev };.  this way free() is
>   O(1).

The only (minor) problem with this is that we may tend to malloc in
powers of 2 (I should look, but I'm lazy), and this addition might
cause memory to be wasted. It would in the basic mallocs I learned
about in school.

> - don't use malloc/free to implement ap_malloc/ap_free.  instead grab
>   some malloc implementation (such as *bsd's) and modify it to
>   use ap_palloc underneath instead of going through brk()/sbrk().

Other than having to bundle our own malloc, this sounds very cool.

> - ap_malloc and ap_free are not associated with pools at all, the users
>   of them have to do their own resource management.  this is exactly
>   the route i've taken already if you look around at the few malloc()s
>   i put in.

For the shared cache case, this is no big deal. We'd have to maintain
reference counts to ensure that a cached object isn't pulled out from
under anyone anyway. Any automatic cleanup scheme would only serve to
hide bugs in the reference counting algorithms.

Manoj Kasichainula - manojk at io dot com -

Memory allocation (controversial)

Posted by David Reid <>.
Oh learned and guru-type people of the ASF,

I'm sure this will result in some flames, but here goes anyhow...

OK, so the ongoing discussion is interesting, but it seems to be going round
in circles...

Maybe I'm sticking my nose in where it shouldn't be, but it strikes me we
should at the beginning (or at least where I think the beginning is/was/used
to be/etc)

APR was developed to provide a platform independent library upon which
Apache can sit.  APR now incorporates the memory management stuff as it was
brought over with a lot of the other ap_ functions.  The question in my mind
is have we paused to consider if this is still the best way of
allocating/cleaning up memory for -2.0?  If there is a different way of
doing things, should we look at it now before APR gets too much older?  I
don't mean simply should we change the structures like this and then call
them that,  I mean we should re-examine and spell out what we want from our
memory management?

BTW I happen to think that a lot of the memory management stuff in Apache
already works well and am not trying to say "let's rip it all out and start
over", just asking if some rational debate on the subject would be a good
idea at this point in time.

It would be nice to have a single set of calls that could use malloc,
pre-allocated memory blocks, mmap whatever as required with no need for the
user to know/care.  The CZone stuff that Tony pointed out looks interesting
if unfinished.  There must be other people out there with work that's

Shouldn't we spend a bit of time looking at these now and considering if the
way we do things presently is the best way for -2.0?  If we conclude that it
is, great!  If not, then at least we've got a new starting point.

I realise that the stuff in -1.3 was developed over a long period, but -2.0
isn't -1.3 and as a lot has already changed maybe we should consider this as


Just my thoughts on it, so if you think this is stupid/pointless just ignore
it :-)


Re: memory allocation (was Re: Why bother with APR?)

Posted by Dean Gaudet <>.
On Tue, 21 Sep 1999, Rodent of Unusual Size wrote:

> Dean Gaudet wrote:
> > 
> >                    a pool is just a place to hang cleanups in
> > my opinion
> Well, my opinion, at least, differs.  That happens to be a
> feature of pools to my mind, but not their raison d'ĂȘtre.

ok, would you agree that memory and child subprocesses are examples
of resources?  these happen to be the only two resources (1.x) which
require a little extra state information on a per-pool basis.

would you agree that pools are used when resources need to be tracked,
and destroyed as a group?

would you agree that palloc is a memory allocator with the property
that allocations can only be freed as one large unit?  this is a common
abstraction by the way -- it's present in other programs, under different
names.  most frequently present for fixed-size allocations, but i digress.

you guys notice a new abstraction which is useful -- you notice that
it's useful to abstract per-pool state.  that's great, it is.  in fact,
if you study the 1.x pools you'll see we already have two examples of
per-pool state: palloc and child subprocesses.  but you didn't notice
that, so you went about creating a structure which looks like this:

    struct context {
	abstract per-context state information;

	struct pool {
	    abstract resource cleanup information;

	    not abstracted palloc allocator information;
	    not abstracted subprocess information;

at this point it should be obvious that those two resource trackers should
use the abstract per-context state information.  and you're left with:

    struct context {
	abstract per-context state information;

	struct pool {
	    abstract resource cleanup information;

ok, maybe pools are going to be used on their own somewhere without the
context.  but, that isn't the case.  ryan has just gone through the
code and done a search and replace changing context to pool.  there's
absolutely no reason for the pool to exist on its own.  so in fact
perhaps you'll all realise that a logical next step is this:

    struct context {
	abstract per-context state information;
	abstract resource cleanup information;

bye bye pools.  in retrospect you might realise now that you've essentially
forced every single apache author to learn a new concept... when really,
only 1% of them (us mainly) needed to care about the per-context state
information.  furthermore, you've changed the name from something with
a lot of overloaded meaning, pool, but with a lot of history within apache,
to something which has even more overloaded meanings: context.  this is
a step backwards in readability.

*and furthermore* the code now has bloody confusing crap like this
segment spread all over the place:

    ap_context_t *tmp;

    ap_create_context(p, NULL, &tmp);

you guys get 10 points for figuring out the per-pool state abstraction.

but you lose about 100 points for the boneheaded moves which followed


Re: memory allocation (was Re: Why bother with APR?)

Posted by Rodent of Unusual Size <Ke...@Golux.Com>.
Dean Gaudet wrote:
>                    a pool is just a place to hang cleanups in
> my opinion

Well, my opinion, at least, differs.  That happens to be a
feature of pools to my mind, but not their raison d'ĂȘtre.
#ken    P-)}

Ken Coar                    <http://Web.Golux.Com/coar/>
Apache Software Foundation  <>
"Apache Server for Dummies" <http://ASFD.MeepZor.Com/>

Re: malloc/free ...

Posted by Ben Hyde <>.
I think I'm happy.  I've been using subpools to fill in for
malloc/free.  It's very sweet and addictive.  I rarely build data
structures that are just contiguous memory, in fact I'm embaressed 
when I do.

It might be better to be fixated on enhancing the performance of or
creating variants of these two operations in place of adding another
memory abstraction.

I have accumulated a large amount of code where when ever I want to
create a "object" or an "abstract data type" or a "data structure"
I give each instance it's own pool.  This tends to look like this,

   #define MAKE_INSTANCE(pool, type) ((type*)ap_palloc(pool,sizeof(type)))

   typedef struct foo_s foo;

   struct foo_s { ap_pool *pool;... };
   void destroy_foo(foo *)

   foo *create_foo(ap_pool p, ...p1
       ap_pool foo_pool = ap_make_sub_pool(p);
       foo *result = MAKE_INSTANCE(p, foo_pool);

       result->pool = foo_pool;
       result->p1 = p1;
       result->pn = pn;
       ... further initialize foo ...
       ... cleanup for foo in foo_pool ...

   foo operationX_foo(foo *f ...)
       foo_element *e = MAKE_INSTANCE(f->pool, foo_element);
       e->next = f->whatever;
       f->whatever = z;
       ... more what ever ...

I particularly like the transparent semantics of the destroy 
operation, and that the enclosing pool/object folds my cleaning
into his destruction.  That is _so_ much better than the 
ad hoc cleanup strategies so commonly found in systems.

This example glosses over some details.  For example my create_foo
rarely takes a pool explicitly, but instead takes an "activity"
object and a "parent" object and then use the activity's pool to
create the child and then it will stow the child into the parent
object.  Then cleaning is a little subtle since the termination
of the parent child or activity can triger it.  Getting the
various unhooking and ordering right reminds one of why a
free operation is such an incredible thorn the foot.

  - ben

Re: memory allocation (was Re: Why bother with APR?)

Posted by Dean Gaudet <>.
On Tue, 21 Sep 1999, Manoj Kasichainula wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 09:43:27AM -0700, Dean Gaudet wrote:
> > note:  when i was suggesting adding cleanups for malloc'd memory i really
> > wasn't suggesting that a cleanup be added for each piece of malloc'd
> > memory.  that will consume a fair bit more memory per allocation... i was
> > actually thinking the solution would be to prefix the malloc allocation
> > with a struct mem { mem *next; mem *prev }; ... and having a single
> > cleanup which walks the entire list of malloc allocations.
> Sounds like a pool to me. :) What's the advantage of this? If the list
> is short, we're reverting closer to the one-malloc-per-cleanup case.
> If the list is long, pools start looking really good. Or am I missing
> something?

it'd be cool if we could stop calling the memory allocator a pool, it
confuses things... a pool is just a place to hang cleanups in my opinion
(which gets us back to the "why create contexts" debate, because contexts
appear to just be pools with an extra void *, but i digress).

i'm not sure what piece you're missing... but here's the main points:

- we're debating on adding an ap_malloc() and a companion ap_free() --
  malloc returns something which lives until a free or the pool is
  cleared, whichever comes first.  we want this for various reasons i've
  already mentioned (shared caches being the main case).

- cleanups are a singly linked list.  if you have a cleanup for each
  malloced bit of ram, then you get wonderful O(n^2) behaviours depending
  on the free() patterns.

- if you make cleanups a doubly-linked list then you're still stuck with
  O(n^2) behaviour for free because you still need to find which
  cleanup is associated with the piece of memory.

- or you could adjust the malloc size by sizeof(void *) and stick a
  back pointer to the cleanup in it... but if you're going to do this,
  you might as well adjust the malloc size by sizeof(struct mem)
  where struct mem { mem *next; mem *prev };.  this way free() is

- this last case also has the advantage that an ap_malloc() only
  requires one call to malloc(), not two (one for the result, one
  for the cleanup).

Or, another alternative:

- don't use malloc/free to implement ap_malloc/ap_free.  instead grab
  some malloc implementation (such as *bsd's) and modify it to
  use ap_palloc underneath instead of going through brk()/sbrk().

- this way you don't need any cleanups for the ap_malloc -- you assume
  that the caller will always call ap_free() with the right pool.

Or, another alternative:

- ap_malloc and ap_free are not associated with pools at all, the users
  of them have to do their own resource management.  this is exactly
  the route i've taken already if you look around at the few malloc()s
  i put in.


Re: memory allocation (was Re: Why bother with APR?)

Posted by Manoj Kasichainula <>.
On Tue, Sep 14, 1999 at 09:43:27AM -0700, Dean Gaudet wrote:
> note:  when i was suggesting adding cleanups for malloc'd memory i really
> wasn't suggesting that a cleanup be added for each piece of malloc'd
> memory.  that will consume a fair bit more memory per allocation... i was
> actually thinking the solution would be to prefix the malloc allocation
> with a struct mem { mem *next; mem *prev }; ... and having a single
> cleanup which walks the entire list of malloc allocations.

Sounds like a pool to me. :) What's the advantage of this? If the list
is short, we're reverting closer to the one-malloc-per-cleanup case.
If the list is long, pools start looking really good. Or am I missing

Manoj Kasichainula - manojk at io dot com -

Re: memory allocation (was Re: Why bother with APR?)

Posted by Dean Gaudet <>.

On Mon, 13 Sep 1999, Manoj Kasichainula wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 04:00:19PM -0700, Dean Gaudet wrote:
> > so i'm thinking that it may not be possible to decide ahead of time what
> > type of memory allocation should be associated with a particular pool.
> > that is to say -- some users of a pool may want palloc-style allocation,
> > which isn't freed until pool destruction, and other users may want
> > malloc/free style which can be freed at will. 
> > 
> > there's two reasons i'm thinking along these lines -- the first is that
> > some users of a pool may be a cache, and could be hidden behind a library
> > interface.  the second reason is that i don't like lots of conditionals ;) 
> If pools will support malloc/free, I'd like to add another function to
> the pool interface:
> ap_run_cleanups(struct context_t *p, void *data);
> It would work like ap_run_cleanup, but it would execute all the
> cleanups for a given pointer. With this addition, it becomes possible
> to support malloc/free-mode and the current system without the app
> actually having to care which was used.
> If an app wants to support freeing a pointer's memory on-demand, it
> simply calls ap_run_all_cleanups on the pointer. If the pool used its
> own memory chunk to allocate the memory, it won't do anything because
> no actual cleanups were registered. But if malloc was used, the memory
> will get freed. And anything missed by the application will get freed
> when the pool is cleaned out in both cases.

note:  when i was suggesting adding cleanups for malloc'd memory i really
wasn't suggesting that a cleanup be added for each piece of malloc'd
memory.  that will consume a fair bit more memory per allocation... i was
actually thinking the solution would be to prefix the malloc allocation
with a struct mem { mem *next; mem *prev }; ... and having a single
cleanup which walks the entire list of malloc allocations.

although at some point here we start arguing about how to implement
generic linked list support ;)


Re: memory allocation (was Re: Why bother with APR?)

Posted by Manoj Kasichainula <>.
On Tue, Sep 07, 1999 at 04:00:19PM -0700, Dean Gaudet wrote:
> so i'm thinking that it may not be possible to decide ahead of time what
> type of memory allocation should be associated with a particular pool.
> that is to say -- some users of a pool may want palloc-style allocation,
> which isn't freed until pool destruction, and other users may want
> malloc/free style which can be freed at will. 
> there's two reasons i'm thinking along these lines -- the first is that
> some users of a pool may be a cache, and could be hidden behind a library
> interface.  the second reason is that i don't like lots of conditionals ;) 

If pools will support malloc/free, I'd like to add another function to
the pool interface:

ap_run_cleanups(struct context_t *p, void *data);

It would work like ap_run_cleanup, but it would execute all the
cleanups for a given pointer. With this addition, it becomes possible
to support malloc/free-mode and the current system without the app
actually having to care which was used.

If an app wants to support freeing a pointer's memory on-demand, it
simply calls ap_run_all_cleanups on the pointer. If the pool used its
own memory chunk to allocate the memory, it won't do anything because
no actual cleanups were registered. But if malloc was used, the memory
will get freed. And anything missed by the application will get freed
when the pool is cleaned out in both cases.

> i think of a pool as really a place to store cleanups.  in essence,
> a pool could just be a list of cleanups. 

That's how I've always thought of it. The memory allocation stuff is
just a nice performance tweak.

> and ap_shmalloc() could register a cleanup for the shared mem
> allocations...

Apparently, supporting pool-like operations in shared memory isn't
portable once you aren't in Unixland anymore.

Manoj Kasichainula - manojk at io dot com -