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Posted to by on 2010/02/10 23:57:45 UTC

svn commit: r908724 - /incubator/libcloud/trunk/libcloud/drivers/

Author: pquerna
Date: Wed Feb 10 22:57:45 2010
New Revision: 908724

refomat with unix line endings and cleanup whitespace, no functional changes


Modified: incubator/libcloud/trunk/libcloud/drivers/
--- incubator/libcloud/trunk/libcloud/drivers/ (original)
+++ incubator/libcloud/trunk/libcloud/drivers/ Wed Feb 10 22:57:45 2010
@@ -1,219 +1,219 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Voxel VoxCloud driver
-from libcloud.providers import Provider
-from libcloud.types import NodeState, InvalidCredsException
-from libcloud.base import Node, Response, ConnectionUserAndKey, NodeDriver, NodeSize, NodeImage, NodeLocation
-import datetime
-import hashlib
-from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
-from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
-class VoxelResponse(Response):
-   def parse_body(self):
-       if not self.body:
-           return None
-       return ET.XML(self.body)
-   def parse_error(self):
-       try:
-           err_list = []
-           for err in ET.XML(self.body).findall('err'):
-               code = err.attrib["code"]
-               message = err.attrib["msg"]
-               err_list.append("%s: %s" % (code.text, message.text))
-           return "\n".join(err_list)
-       except ExpatError:
-           return self.body
-class VoxelConnection(ConnectionUserAndKey):
-   host = VOXEL_API_HOST
-   responseCls = VoxelResponse
-   def add_default_params(self, params):
-       params["key"] = self.user_id
-       params["timestamp"] = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()+"+0000"
-       for param in params.keys():
-         if params[param] is None:
-           del params[param]
-       keys = params.keys()
-       keys.sort()
-       md5 = hashlib.md5()
-       md5.update(self.key)
-       for key in keys:
-         if params[key]:
-           if not params[key] is None:
-             md5.update("%s%s"% (key, params[key]))
-           else:
-             md5.update(key)
-       params['api_sig'] = md5.hexdigest()
-       return params
-RAM_PER_CPU = 2048
-                  'SUCCEEDED': NodeState.RUNNING,
-                  'shutting-down': NodeState.TERMINATED,
-                  'terminated': NodeState.TERMINATED }
-class VoxelNodeDriver(NodeDriver):
-   connectionCls = VoxelConnection
-   type = Provider.VOXEL
-   name = 'Voxel VoxCLOUD'
-   def initialize_instance_types():
-       for cpus in range(1,14):
-           if cpus == 1:
-               name = "Single CPU"
-           else:
-               name = "%d CPUs" % cpus
-           id = "%dcpu" % cpus
-           ram = cpus * RAM_PER_CPU
-           VOXEL_INSTANCE_TYPES[id]= { 
-                        'id': id,
-                        'name': name,
-                        'ram': ram,
-                        'disk': None,
-                        'bandwidth': None,
-                        'price': None}
-   features = {"create_node": [],
-               "list_sizes":  ["variable_disk"]}
-   initialize_instance_types()
-   def list_nodes(self):
-       params = {"method": "voxel.devices.list"}
-       result = self.connection.request('', params=params).object        
-       return self._to_nodes(result)
-   def list_sizes(self, location=None):
-       return [ NodeSize(driver=self.connection.driver, **i) 
-                   for i in VOXEL_INSTANCE_TYPES.values() ]
-   def list_images(self, location=None):
-       params = {"method": "voxel.images.list"}
-       result = self.connection.request('', params=params).object
-       return self._to_images(result)
-   def create_node(self, **kwargs):
-       size = kwargs["size"]
-       cores = size.ram / RAM_PER_CPU
-       params = {'method':           'voxel.voxcloud.create',
-                 'hostname':         kwargs["name"],
-                 'disk_size':        int(kwargs["disk"])/1024,
-                 'processing_cores': cores,
-                 'facility':         kwargs["location"].id,
-                 'image_id':         kwargs["image"],
-                 'backend_ip':       kwargs.get("privateip", None),
-                 'frontend_ip':      kwargs.get("publicip", None),
-                 'admin_password':   kwargs.get("rootpass", None),
-                 'console_password': kwargs.get("consolepass", None),
-                 'ssh_username':     kwargs.get("sshuser", None),
-                 'ssh_password':     kwargs.get("sshpass", None),
-                 'voxel_access':     kwargs.get("voxel_access", None)}
-       object = self.connection.request('', params=params).object
-       if self._getstatus(object):
-           return Node(id = object.findtext("device/id"),
-                       name = kwargs["name"],
-                       state = NODE_STATE_MAP[object.findtext("devices/status")],
-                       public_ip = public_ip,
-                       private_ip = private_ip,
-                       driver = self.connection.driver)
-       else:
-         return None
-   def reboot_node(self, node):
-       """
-       Reboot the node by passing in the node object
-       """
-       params = {'method': 'voxel.devices.power',
-                 'device_id':,
-                 'power_action': 'reboot'}
-       return _getstatus(self.connection.request('', params=params).object)
-   def destroy_node(self, node):
-       """
-       Destroy node by passing in the node object
-       """
-       params = {'method': 'voxel.voxcloud.delete',
-                 'device_id':}
-       return _getstatus(self.connection.request('', params=params).object)
-   def list_locations(self):
-       params = {"method": "voxel.voxcloud.facilities.list"}
-       result = self.connection.request('', params=params).object        
-       nodes = self._to_locations(result)
-       return nodes
-   def _getstatus(self, element):
-     status = element.attrib["stat"]
-     return status == "ok"
-   def _to_locations(self, object):
-       return [NodeLocation(element.attrib["label"],
-                            element.findtext("description"),
-                            element.findtext("description"),
-                            self) for element in object.findall('facilities/facility')]
-   def _to_nodes(self, object):
-       nodes = []
-       for element in object.findall('devices/device'):
-           if element.findtext("type") == "Virtual Server":
-               try:
-                   state = self.NODE_STATE_MAP[element.attrib['status']]
-               except KeyError:
-                   state = NodeState.UNKNOWN
-               public_ip = private_ip = None
-               ipassignments = element.findall("ipassignments/ipassignment")
-               for ip in ipassignments:
-                   if ip.attrib["type"] =="frontend":
-                       public_ip = ip.text
-                   elif ip.attrib["type"] == "backend":
-                       private_ip = ip.text
-               nodes.append(Node(id= element.attrib['id'],
-                                name=element.attrib['label'],
-                                state=state,
-                                public_ip= public_ip,
-                                private_ip= private_ip,
-                                driver=self.connection.driver))
-       return nodes
-   def _to_images(self, object):
-       images = []
-       for element in object.findall("images/image"):
-           images.append(NodeImage(id = element.attrib["id"],
-                                   name = element.attrib["summary"],
-                                   driver = self.connection.driver))
-       return images
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+Voxel VoxCloud driver
+from libcloud.providers import Provider
+from libcloud.types import NodeState, InvalidCredsException
+from libcloud.base import Node, Response, ConnectionUserAndKey, NodeDriver, NodeSize, NodeImage, NodeLocation
+import datetime
+import hashlib
+from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
+from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
+class VoxelResponse(Response):
+   def parse_body(self):
+       if not self.body:
+           return None
+       return ET.XML(self.body)
+   def parse_error(self):
+       try:
+           err_list = []
+           for err in ET.XML(self.body).findall('err'):
+               code = err.attrib["code"]
+               message = err.attrib["msg"]
+               err_list.append("%s: %s" % (code.text, message.text))
+           return "\n".join(err_list)
+       except ExpatError:
+           return self.body
+class VoxelConnection(ConnectionUserAndKey):
+   host = VOXEL_API_HOST
+   responseCls = VoxelResponse
+   def add_default_params(self, params):
+       params["key"] = self.user_id
+       params["timestamp"] = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()+"+0000"
+       for param in params.keys():
+         if params[param] is None:
+           del params[param]
+       keys = params.keys()
+       keys.sort()
+       md5 = hashlib.md5()
+       md5.update(self.key)
+       for key in keys:
+         if params[key]:
+           if not params[key] is None:
+             md5.update("%s%s"% (key, params[key]))
+           else:
+             md5.update(key)
+       params['api_sig'] = md5.hexdigest()
+       return params
+RAM_PER_CPU = 2048
+                  'SUCCEEDED': NodeState.RUNNING,
+                  'shutting-down': NodeState.TERMINATED,
+                  'terminated': NodeState.TERMINATED }
+class VoxelNodeDriver(NodeDriver):
+   connectionCls = VoxelConnection
+   type = Provider.VOXEL
+   name = 'Voxel VoxCLOUD'
+   def initialize_instance_types():
+       for cpus in range(1,14):
+           if cpus == 1:
+               name = "Single CPU"
+           else:
+               name = "%d CPUs" % cpus
+           id = "%dcpu" % cpus
+           ram = cpus * RAM_PER_CPU
+           VOXEL_INSTANCE_TYPES[id]= {
+                        'id': id,
+                        'name': name,
+                        'ram': ram,
+                        'disk': None,
+                        'bandwidth': None,
+                        'price': None}
+   features = {"create_node": [],
+               "list_sizes":  ["variable_disk"]}
+   initialize_instance_types()
+   def list_nodes(self):
+       params = {"method": "voxel.devices.list"}
+       result = self.connection.request('', params=params).object
+       return self._to_nodes(result)
+   def list_sizes(self, location=None):
+       return [ NodeSize(driver=self.connection.driver, **i) 
+                   for i in VOXEL_INSTANCE_TYPES.values() ]
+   def list_images(self, location=None):
+       params = {"method": "voxel.images.list"}
+       result = self.connection.request('', params=params).object
+       return self._to_images(result)
+   def create_node(self, **kwargs):
+       size = kwargs["size"]
+       cores = size.ram / RAM_PER_CPU
+       params = {'method':           'voxel.voxcloud.create',
+                 'hostname':         kwargs["name"],
+                 'disk_size':        int(kwargs["disk"])/1024,
+                 'processing_cores': cores,
+                 'facility':         kwargs["location"].id,
+                 'image_id':         kwargs["image"],
+                 'backend_ip':       kwargs.get("privateip", None),
+                 'frontend_ip':      kwargs.get("publicip", None),
+                 'admin_password':   kwargs.get("rootpass", None),
+                 'console_password': kwargs.get("consolepass", None),
+                 'ssh_username':     kwargs.get("sshuser", None),
+                 'ssh_password':     kwargs.get("sshpass", None),
+                 'voxel_access':     kwargs.get("voxel_access", None)}
+       object = self.connection.request('', params=params).object
+       if self._getstatus(object):
+           return Node(id = object.findtext("device/id"),
+                       name = kwargs["name"],
+                       state = NODE_STATE_MAP[object.findtext("devices/status")],
+                       public_ip = public_ip,
+                       private_ip = private_ip,
+                       driver = self.connection.driver)
+       else:
+         return None
+   def reboot_node(self, node):
+       """
+       Reboot the node by passing in the node object
+       """
+       params = {'method': 'voxel.devices.power',
+                 'device_id':,
+                 'power_action': 'reboot'}
+       return _getstatus(self.connection.request('', params=params).object)
+   def destroy_node(self, node):
+       """
+       Destroy node by passing in the node object
+       """
+       params = {'method': 'voxel.voxcloud.delete',
+                 'device_id':}
+       return _getstatus(self.connection.request('', params=params).object)
+   def list_locations(self):
+       params = {"method": "voxel.voxcloud.facilities.list"}
+       result = self.connection.request('', params=params).object
+       nodes = self._to_locations(result)
+       return nodes
+   def _getstatus(self, element):
+     status = element.attrib["stat"]
+     return status == "ok"
+   def _to_locations(self, object):
+       return [NodeLocation(element.attrib["label"],
+                            element.findtext("description"),
+                            element.findtext("description"),
+                            self) for element in object.findall('facilities/facility')]
+   def _to_nodes(self, object):
+       nodes = []
+       for element in object.findall('devices/device'):
+           if element.findtext("type") == "Virtual Server":
+               try:
+                   state = self.NODE_STATE_MAP[element.attrib['status']]
+               except KeyError:
+                   state = NodeState.UNKNOWN
+               public_ip = private_ip = None
+               ipassignments = element.findall("ipassignments/ipassignment")
+               for ip in ipassignments:
+                   if ip.attrib["type"] =="frontend":
+                       public_ip = ip.text
+                   elif ip.attrib["type"] == "backend":
+                       private_ip = ip.text
+               nodes.append(Node(id= element.attrib['id'],
+                                name=element.attrib['label'],
+                                state=state,
+                                public_ip= public_ip,
+                                private_ip= private_ip,
+                                driver=self.connection.driver))
+       return nodes
+   def _to_images(self, object):
+       images = []
+       for element in object.findall("images/image"):
+           images.append(NodeImage(id = element.attrib["id"],
+                                   name = element.attrib["summary"],
+                                   driver = self.connection.driver))
+       return images