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Posted to by Jorge Valdes <> on 2004/08/21 17:02:40 UTC

Another Method for PerMsgStatus.PM

Hi all,

I use mimedefang to call SpamAssassin (v2.63) to check the contents for 
SPAM, and wanted to modify the X-Spam-Status header, which I append to 
*all* messages that get scanned with the scores of each test that hit. 
This way I could check headers to see the scores in case a message 
squeeked by below my required hits threshold.

Since there is no method to do this, I implemented the following method 


=item $list = $status->get_scores_of_tests_hit ()

After a mail message has been checked, this methid can be called. It will
return a comma-separated string, listing all the symbolic test names
of the tests which were trigged by the mail with the test score separated
by '='.


sub get_scores_of_tests_hit { 

   my ($self) = @_;
   my $line = '';
   foreach my $test (sort @{$self->{test_names_hit}}) {
     $line .= ',' if ($line);
     $line .= $test . "=" . $self->{conf}->{scores}->{$test};
   return $line;


I have this in a production system and now get the following header:

X-Spam-Status: No, hits=0.6 required=7.5

Which gives me more information which I can log and generate nice stats 
of the test *with* scores.

Jorge Valdes
Intercom El Salvador

Re: Another Method for PerMsgStatus.PM

Posted by Ryan Thompson <>.
Jorge Valdes wrote to

> Hi all,
> I use mimedefang to call SpamAssassin (v2.63) to check the contents
> for SPAM, and wanted to modify the X-Spam-Status header, which I
> append to *all* messages that get scanned with the scores of each test
> that hit. This way I could check headers to see the scores in case a
> message squeeked by below my required hits threshold.
> Since there is no method to do this, I implemented the following
> method in

We wanted the same thing. Since I didn't want to maintain local changes
to SpamAssassin code, I modified mimedefang-filter to parse the long SA
report from $status->get_report(). Since mimedefang-filter is part of
the local config, it won't get blown away when either SA or MD are

>    $line .= $test . "=" . $self->{conf}->{scores}->{$test};

Also, your approach won't catch AWL scores, since they're scored
dynamically. Add this to filter-end. Assumes you've already fetched
$hits, $req, $autolearn, and $report.

         # Catch everything before the rule details
         my $ind = rindex($report, "Content analysis details:");
         my $tempreport = ($ind > -1) ? substr($report, $ind) : "";

         my $spamstatus = ($hits >= $req) ? 'Yes' : 'No';

         my ($rulestats);
         foreach my $line (split /\n/, $tempreport) {
             next unless ($line =~ /^\s*(\-?\d+\.\d+)\s+(\S+)/);
             $rulestats .= ",$2=$1";
         $rulestats = substr($rulestats,1); # Remove leading comma

         my $XSpamStatus = "$spamstatus, hits=$hits required=$req "
             . "tests=$rulestats autolearn=$autolearn version="
             . $Mail::SpamAssassin::VERSION . "-"
             . $Mail::SpamAssassin::EXTRA_VERSION[0];

         # Fold the header to 72 columns on commas or spaces
         $XSpamStatus =~ s/([^\n\t]{32,64})([, ])/$1\n\t/g;

         action_change_header("X-Spam-Status", $XSpamStatus);

This, as far as I can see, exactly duplicates the behavious of the SA
X-Spam-Status header when using _TESTSSCORES(,)_.

- Ryan

   Ryan Thompson <>

   SaskNow Technologies -
   901-1st Avenue North - Saskatoon, SK - S7K 1Y4

         Tel: 306-664-3600   Fax: 306-244-7037   Saskatoon
   Toll-Free: 877-727-5669     (877-SASKNOW)     North America