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Posted to by liooil <> on 2004/10/22 16:15:07 UTC

tiles and exceptions

Hello world,

My webapp is getting a little bit bigger every day?.
On the same rythm grows my struts knowlegde.
But a this point i'm stuck with managing exceptions in my tiles element.

I made little test. I gather all my tiles authenticationLayout defined
this way in a single jsp (authentication_test.jsp). Obviously, i also
made some modification in my struts-config.xml (tiles layout became
became real for path and input elements of my action and

<definition name="rootLayout" path="/tiles-layouts/rootLayout.jsp">
   <put name="header"  value="/tiles-components/header.jsp"/>
   <put name="top"  value="/tiles-components/top.jsp"/>
   <put name="body"  value="/tiles-components/body.jsp"/>
   <put name="footer"  value="/tiles-components/footer.jsp"/>

<definition name="authenticationLayout" extends="rootLayout"> 
  <put name="body"    value="/tiles-components/authentication.jsp"/>

And i'm not sure to understand why the jsp catch the exception (my
pretty error appears in the rendered html page) and the tiles element
does not (the whole body is blank).

Is there a soul to explain that to me? 
What about a work-around?


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