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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2019/11/26 07:03:03 UTC

[GitHub] [airflow] efedotova commented on a change in pull request #6585: More GSOD improvements

efedotova commented on a change in pull request #6585: More GSOD improvements

 File path: TESTING.rst
 @@ -0,0 +1,712 @@
+ .. Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+    or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+    distributed with this work for additional information
+    regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+    to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+    "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+    with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ ..
+ .. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+    software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+    KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+    specific language governing permissions and limitations
+    under the License.
+.. contents:: :local:
+Airflow Test Infrastructure
+* **Unit tests** are Python ``nose`` tests launched with ``run-tests``.
+  Unit tests are available both in the `Breeze environment <BREEZE.rst>`__
+  and local virtualenv.
+* **Integration tests** include static code checks such as pre-commit hooks
+  (pylint, flake, mypy, etc). By default, Airflow integration tests are
+  available in the Breeze development environment.
+* **System tests** are automatic tests that use external systems like
+  Google Cloud Platform. These tests are intended for an end-to-end DAG execution.
+  Note that automated execution of these tests is still `work in progress <>`_.
+Airflow Unit Tests
+All unit tests for Apache Airflow are run via the ``run-tests`` utility that can be launched as
+a command in the Breeze environment, as a script, or via IDE interface.
+Running Unit Tests from IDE
+To run unit tests from the IDE, create the `local virtualenv <LOCAL_VRTUALENV.rst>`_,
+select it as the default project's environment, and run unit tests as follows:
+.. image:: images/running_unittests.png
+    :align: center
+    :alt: Running unit tests
+Some of the core tests use dags defined in ``tests/dags`` folder. Those tests should have
+``AIRFLOW__CORE__UNIT_TEST_MODE`` set to True. You can set it up in your test configuration:
+.. image:: images/airflow_unit_test_mode.png
+    :align: center
+    :alt: Airflow Unit test mode
+Note that you can run the unit tests in the standalone local virtualenv
+(with no Breeze installed) if they do not have dependencies such as
+Running Unit Tests from Breeze
+Tu run unit tests from the Breeze:
+1. Enter Airflow Breeze environment.
+2. Use ``run-tests``.
+   To pass extra parameters to ``nose``, precede them with '--'.
+The tests run ``airflow db reset`` and ``airflow db init`` the first time you
+launch them in a running container, so you can count on the database being initialized.
+All subsequent test executions within the same container will run without database
+You can also optionally add the ``--with-db-init`` flag if you want to re-initialize
+the database.
+.. code-block:: bash
+   run-tests --with-db-init tests.core:TestCore.test_check_operators -- -s --logging-level=DEBUG
+* Execute the "core" unit tests and pass extra parameters to ``nose``:
+  ``run-tests tests.core:TestCore -- -s --logging-level=DEBUG``
+* Execute a single test method:
+  ``run-tests tests.core:TestCore.test_check_operators -- -s --logging-level=DEBUG``
+Running Tests for a Specified Target
+If you wish to only run tests and not to drop into shell, you can do this by providing the
+``-t``, ``--test-target`` flag. You can add extra nosetest flags after ``--`` in the command line.
+.. code-block:: bash
+     ./breeze --test-target tests/hooks/ -- --logging-level=DEBUG
+You can run the whole test suite with a special '.' test target:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    ./breeze --test-target .
+You can also specify individual tests or a group of tests:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    ./breeze --test-target tests.core:TestCore
+Airflow Integration Tests
+Airflow integration tests are static code checks that require
+a Docker Compose environment and can be only run in the Breeze environment.
+The Breeze environment is exactly the same as used in CI
+so once the tests pass in Breeze, they should also work in CI.
+All these tests run in Python 3.6 environment.
+The first time you run the checks, it may take some time to rebuild
+the Docker images. But all the subsequent runs will be much faster
+since the build phase will just check whether your code has changed
+and rebuild as needed.
+The static code checks launched in the Breeze environment do not need
+a special environment preparation and provide the same results as
+the similar tests launched in Travis CI.
+Pre-commit Hooks
+Pre-commit hooks help speed up your local development cycle
+and place less burden on the CI infrastructure. Consider installing
+the pre-commit hooks as a necessary prerequisite.
+In Airflow, we have the following pre-commit hooks:
+=================================== =======================================================
+**Hooks**                             **Description**
+=================================== =======================================================
+``check-apache-license``              Checks compatibility with Apache License requirements.
+----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
+``check-executables-have-shebangs``   Checks that executables have shebang.
+----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
+``check-hooks-apply``                 Checks which hooks are applicable to the repository.
+----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
+``check-merge-conflict``              Checks if a merge conflict is committed.
+----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
+``check-xml``                         Checks XML files with xmllint.
+----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
+``detect-private-key``                Detects if private key is added to the repository.
+----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
+``doctoc``                            Refreshes the table of contents for md files.
+----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
+``end-of-file-fixer``                 Makes sure that there is an empty line at the end.
+----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
+``flake8``                            Runs flake8.
+----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
+``forbid-tabs``                       Fails if tabs are used in the project.
+----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
+``insert-license``                    Adds licenses for most file types.
+----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
+``isort``                             Sorts imports in python files.
+----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
+``lint-dockerfile``                   Lints a dockerfile.
+----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
+``mixed-line-ending``                 Detects if mixed line ending is used (\r vs. \r\n).
+----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
+``mypy``                              Runs mypy.
+----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
+``pylint``                            Runs pylint.
+----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
+``shellcheck``                        Checks shell files with shellcheck.
+----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------
+``yamllint``                          Checks yaml files with yamllint.
+=================================== =======================================================
+The pre-commit hooks only check the files you are currently working on and make
+them fast. Yet, these checks use exactly the same environment as the CI tests
+use. So, you can be sure your modifications will also work for CI if they pass
+pre-commit hooks.
+We have integrated the fantastic `pre-commit <>`__ framework
+in our development workflow. To install and use it, you need Python 3.6 locally.
+It is the best to use pre-commit hooks when you have your local virtualenv for
+Airflow activated since then pre-commit hooks and other dependencies are
+automatically installed. You can also install the pre-commit hooks manually
+using ``pip install``.
+The pre-commit hooks require the Docker Engine to be configured as the static
+checks are executed in the Docker environment. You should build the images
+locally before installing pre-commit checks as described in `BREEZE.rst <BREEZE.rst>`__.
+In case you do not have your local images built, the
+pre-commit hooks fail and provide instructions on what needs to be done.
+Prerequisites for Pre-commit Hooks
+The pre-commit hooks use several external linters that need to be installed before pre-commit is run.
+Each of the checks installs its own environment, so you do not need to install those, but there are some
+checks that require locally installed binaries. On Linux, you typically install
+them with ``sudo apt install``, on macOS - with ``brew install``.
+The current list of prerequisites:
+-   ``xmllint``:
+    on Linux, install via ``sudo apt install xmllint``;
+    on macOS, install via ``brew install xmllint``
+Enabling Pre-commit Hooks
+To turn on pre-commit checks for ``commit`` operations in git, enter:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    pre-commit install
+To install the checks also for ``pre-push`` operations, enter:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    pre-commit install -t pre-push
+For details on advanced usage of the install method, use:
+.. code-block:: bash
+   pre-commit install --help
+Using Docker Images for Pre-commit Hooks
+Before running the pre-commit hooks, you must first build the Docker images as
+described in `BREEZE.rst <BREEZE.rst>`__.
+Sometimes your image is outdated and needs to be rebuilt because some
+dependencies have been changed. In such case the Docker-based pre-commit will
+inform you that you should rebuild the image.
+Using Pre-commit Hooks
+After installation, pre-commit hooks are run automatically when you commit the
+code. But you can run pre-commit hooks manually as needed.
+-   Run all checks on your staged files by using:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    pre-commit run
+-   Run only mypy check on your staged files by using:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    pre-commit run mypy
+-   Run only mypy checks on all files by using:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    pre-commit run mypy --all-files
+-   Run all checks on all files by using:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    pre-commit run --all-files
+-   Skip one or more of the checks by specifying a comma-separated list of
+    checks to skip in the SKIP variable:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    SKIP=pylint,mypy pre-commit run --all-files
+You can always skip running the tests by providing ``--no-verify`` flag to the
+``git commit`` command.
+To check other usage types of the pre-commit framework, see `Pre-commit website <>`__.
+Pylint Checks
+We are in the process of fixing code flagged with pylint checks for the whole Airflow project.
+This is a huge task so we implemented an incremental approach for the process.
+Currently most of the code is excluded from pylint checks via scripts/ci/pylint_todo.txt.
+We have an open JIRA issue AIRFLOW-4364 which has a number of sub-tasks for each of
+the modules that should be made compatible. Fixing problems identified with pylint is one of
+straightforward and easy tasks to do (but time-consuming), so if you are a first-time
+contributor to Airflow, you can choose one of the sub-tasks as your first issue to fix.
+To fix a pylint issue, do the following:
+1.  Remove module/modules from the
+    `scripts/ci/pylint_todo.txt <scripts/ci/pylint_todo.txt>`__.
+2.  Run `scripts/ci/ <scripts/ci/>`__ and
+    `scripts/ci/ <scripts/ci/>`__.
+3.  Fix all the issues reported by pylint.
+4.  Re-run `scripts/ci/ <scripts/ci/>`__ and
+    `scripts/ci/ <scripts/ci/>`__.
+5.  If you see "success", submit a PR following
+    `Pull Request guidelines <#pull-request-guidelines>`__.
+These are guidelines for fixing errors reported by pylint:
+-   Fix the errors rather than disable pylint checks. Often you can easily
+    refactor the code (IntelliJ/PyCharm might be helpful when extracting methods
+    in complex code or moving methods around).
+-   If disabling a particular problem, make sure to disable only that error by
+    using the symbolic name of the error as reported by pylint.
+.. code-block:: python
+    import airflow.*  # pylint: disable=wildcard-import
+-   If there is a single line where you need to disable a particular error,
+    consider adding a comment to the line that causes the problem. For example:
+.. code-block:: python
+    def  MakeSummary(pcoll, metric_fn, metric_keys): # pylint: disable=invalid-name
+-   For multiple lines/block of code, to disable an error, you can surround the
+    block with ``pylint:disable/pylint:enable`` comment lines. For example:
+.. code-block:: python
+    # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
+    class  LoginForm(Form):
+        """Form for the user"""
+        username = StringField('Username', [InputRequired()])
+        password = PasswordField('Password', [InputRequired()])
+    # pylint: enable=too-few-public-methods
+Running Selected Integration Tests
+You run the static  code checks via ``-S``, ``--static-check`` flags or ``-F``,
+``--static-check-all-files``. The former ones run appropriate
+checks only for files changed and staged locally, the latter ones
+run checks on all files.
+Note that it may take a lot of time to run checks for all files with pylint on macOS due to a slow
+filesystem for macOS Docker. As a workaround, you can add their arguments after ``--`` as extra arguments.
+You cannot pass the ``--files`` flag if you select the ``--static-check-all-files`` option.
+You can see the list of available static checks either via ``--help`` flag or by using the autocomplete
+option. Note that the ``all`` static check runs all configured static checks. Also since pylint tests take
+a lot of time, you can run a special ``all-but-pylint`` check that skips pylint checks.
+Run the ``mypy`` check for the currently staged changes:
+.. code-block:: bash
+     ./breeze  --static-check mypy
+Run the ``mypy`` check for all files:
+.. code-block:: bash
+     ./breeze --static-check-all-files mypy
+Run the ``flake8`` check for the ```` file with verbose output:
+.. code-block:: bash
+     ./breeze  --static-check flake8 -- --files tests/ --verbose
+Run the ``flake8`` check for the ``tests.core`` package with verbose output:
+.. code-block:: bash
+     ./breeze  --static-check mypy -- --files tests/hooks/
+Run all tests for the currently staged files:
+.. code-block:: bash
+     ./breeze  --static-check all
+Run all tests for all files:
+.. code-block:: bash
+     ./breeze  --static-check-all-files all
+Run all tests but pylint for all files:
+.. code-block:: bash
+     ./breeze  --static-check-all-files all-but-pylint
+Run pylint checks for all changed files:
+.. code-block:: bash
+     ./breeze  --static-check pylint
+Run pylint checks for selected files:
+.. code-block:: bash
+     ./breeze  --static-check pylint -- --files airflow/
+Run pylint checks for all files:
+.. code-block:: bash
+     ./breeze --static-check-all-files pylint
+The ``license`` check is run via a separate script and a separate Docker image containing the
+Apache RAT verification tool that checks for Apache-compatibility of licenses within the codebase.
+It does not take pre-commit parameters as extra arguments.
+.. code-block:: bash
+     ./breeze --static-check-all-files licenses
+Running Static Code Checks from the Host
+You can trigger the static checks from the host environment, without entering the Docker container. To do
+this, run the following scripts (the same is done in Travis CI):
+* `<scripts/ci/>`_ - checks the licenses.
+* `<scripts/ci/>`_ - checks that documentation can be built without warnings.
+* `<scripts/ci/>`_ - runs Flake8 source code style enforcement tool.
+* `<scripts/ci/>`_ - runs lint checker for the Dockerfile.
+* `<scripts/ci/>`_ - runs a check for mypy type annotation consistency.
+* `<scripts/ci/>`_ - runs pylint static code checker for main files.
+* `<scripts/ci/>`_ - runs pylint static code checker for tests.
+The scripts may ask you to rebuild the images, if needed.
+You can force rebuilding the images by deleting the ``.build`` directory. This directory keeps cached
+information about the images already built and you can safely delete it if you want to start from scratch.
+After documentation is built, the HTML results are available in the ``docs/_build/html``
+folder. This folder is mounted from the host so you can access those files on your host as well.
+Running Static Code Checks in the Docker
+If you are already in the Breeze Docker environment (by running the ``./breeze`` command),
+you can also run the same static checks from the container:
+* Mypy: ``./scripts/ci/in_container/ airflow tests``
+* Pylint for main files: ``./scripts/ci/in_container/``
+* Pylint for test files: ``./scripts/ci/in_container/``
+* Flake8: ``./scripts/ci/in_container/``
+* License check: ``./scripts/ci/in_container/``
+* Documentation: ``./scripts/ci/in_container/``
+Running Static Code Analysis for Selected Files
+In all static check scripts, both in the container and host versions, you can also pass a module/file path as
+parameters of the scripts to only check selected modules or files. For example:
+In the Docker container:
+.. code-block::
+  ./scripts/ci/in_container/ ./airflow/example_dags/
+.. code-block::
+  ./scripts/ci/in_container/ ./airflow/example_dags/
+On the host:
+.. code-block::
+  ./scripts/ci/ ./airflow/example_dags/
+.. code-block::
+  ./scripts/ci/ ./airflow/example_dags/
+Running Test Suites via Scripts
+To run all tests with default settings (Python 3.6, Sqlite backend, "docker" environment), enter:
+.. code-block::
+  ./scripts/ci/
+To select Python 3.6 version, Postgres backend, and a ``docker`` environment, specify:
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   does it mean "edit the .sh script"? or is this an input for the script we launched?

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