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Posted to by on 2010/12/08 13:17:14 UTC

svn commit: r1043381 - in /couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb: couch_db.erl couch_db_updater.erl couch_doc.erl couch_file.erl couch_stream.erl couch_view_group.erl

Author: fdmanana
Date: Wed Dec  8 12:17:14 2010
New Revision: 1043381

Removed all the code that upgrades database files from version 0.9.
Also reorganized the export declarations in couch_file and couch_stream to be more readable and not exceed 80 characters per line.


Modified: couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_db.erl
--- couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_db.erl (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_db.erl Wed Dec  8 12:17:14 2010
@@ -1138,9 +1138,6 @@ doc_meta_info(#doc_info{high_seq=Seq,rev
     true -> [{local_seq, Seq}]
-read_doc(#db{fd=Fd}, OldStreamPointer) when is_tuple(OldStreamPointer) ->
-    % 09 UPGRADE CODE
-    couch_stream:old_read_term(Fd, OldStreamPointer);
 read_doc(#db{fd=Fd}, Pos) ->
     couch_file:pread_term(Fd, Pos).

Modified: couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_db_updater.erl
--- couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_db_updater.erl (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_db_updater.erl Wed Dec  8 12:17:14 2010
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ init({MainPid, DbName, Filepath, Fd, Opt
         RootDir = couch_config:get("couchdb", "database_dir", "."),
         couch_file:delete(RootDir, Filepath ++ ".compact");
     false ->
-        ok = couch_file:upgrade_old_header(Fd, <<$g, $m, $k, 0>>), % 09 UPGRADE CODE
         case couch_file:read_header(Fd) of
         {ok, Header} ->
@@ -298,19 +297,7 @@ btree_by_seq_join(KeySeq, {Id, RevInfos,
             [#rev_info{rev=Rev,seq=Seq,deleted=false,body_sp = Bp} ||
                 {Rev, Seq, Bp} <- RevInfos] ++
             [#rev_info{rev=Rev,seq=Seq,deleted=true,body_sp = Bp} ||
-                {Rev, Seq, Bp} <- DeletedRevInfos]};
-btree_by_seq_join(KeySeq,{Id, Rev, Bp, Conflicts, DelConflicts, Deleted}) ->
-    % 09 UPGRADE CODE
-    % this is the 0.9.0 and earlier by_seq record. It's missing the body pointers
-    % and individual seq nums for conflicts that are currently in the index,
-    % meaning the filtered _changes api will not work except for on main docs.
-    % Simply compact a 0.9.0 database to upgrade the index.
-    #doc_info{
-        id=Id,
-        high_seq=KeySeq,
-        revs = [#rev_info{rev=Rev,seq=KeySeq,deleted=Deleted,body_sp=Bp}] ++
-            [#rev_info{rev=Rev1,seq=KeySeq,deleted=false} || Rev1 <- Conflicts] ++
-            [#rev_info{rev=Rev2,seq=KeySeq,deleted=true} || Rev2 <- DelConflicts]}.
+                {Rev, Seq, Bp} <- DeletedRevInfos]}.
 btree_by_id_split(#full_doc_info{id=Id, update_seq=Seq,
         deleted=Deleted, rev_tree=Tree}) ->
@@ -329,14 +316,7 @@ btree_by_id_join(Id, {HighSeq, Deleted, 
         fun(_RevId, {IsDeleted, BodyPointer, UpdateSeq}) ->
             {IsDeleted == 1, BodyPointer, UpdateSeq};
         (_RevId, ?REV_MISSING) ->
-            ?REV_MISSING;
-        (_RevId, {IsDeleted, BodyPointer}) ->
-            % 09 UPGRADE CODE
-            % this is the 0.9.0 and earlier rev info record. It's missing the seq
-            % nums, which means couchdb will sometimes reexamine unchanged
-            % documents with the _changes API.
-            % This is fixed by compacting the database.
-            {IsDeleted == 1, BodyPointer, HighSeq}
+            ?REV_MISSING
         end, DiskTree),
     #full_doc_info{id=Id, update_seq=HighSeq, deleted=Deleted==1, rev_tree=Tree}.
@@ -363,14 +343,16 @@ simple_upgrade_record(Old, New) when tup
         lists:sublist(tuple_to_list(New), OldSz + 1, tuple_size(New) - OldSz),
     list_to_tuple(tuple_to_list(Old) ++ NewValuesTail).
+    "Database files from versions smaller than 0.10.0 are no longer supported").
 init_db(DbName, Filepath, Fd, ReaderFd, Header0, Options) ->
     Header1 = simple_upgrade_record(Header0, #db_header{}),
     Header =
     case element(2, Header1) of
-    1 -> Header1#db_header{unused = 0, security_ptr = nil}; % 0.9
-    2 -> Header1#db_header{unused = 0, security_ptr = nil}; % post 0.9 and pre 0.10
-    3 -> Header1#db_header{security_ptr = nil}; % post 0.9 and pre 0.10
+    1 -> throw({database_disk_version_error, ?OLD_DISK_VERSION_ERROR});
+    2 -> throw({database_disk_version_error, ?OLD_DISK_VERSION_ERROR});
+    3 -> throw({database_disk_version_error, ?OLD_DISK_VERSION_ERROR});
     4 -> Header1#db_header{security_ptr = nil}; % 0.10 and pre 0.11
     ?LATEST_DISK_VERSION -> Header1;
     _ -> throw({database_disk_version_error, "Incorrect disk header version"})
@@ -736,28 +718,11 @@ commit_data(Db, _) ->
-copy_doc_attachments(#db{updater_fd = SrcFd} = SrcDb, {Pos,_RevId},
-    SrcSp, DestFd) ->
+copy_doc_attachments(#db{updater_fd = SrcFd} = SrcDb, SrcSp, DestFd) ->
     {ok, {BodyData, BinInfos}} = couch_db:read_doc(SrcDb, SrcSp),
     % copy the bin values
     NewBinInfos = lists:map(
-        fun({Name, {Type, BinSp, AttLen}}) when is_tuple(BinSp) orelse BinSp == null ->
-            % 09 UPGRADE CODE
-            {NewBinSp, AttLen, AttLen, Md5, _IdentityMd5} =
-                couch_stream:old_copy_to_new_stream(SrcFd, BinSp, AttLen, DestFd),
-            {Name, Type, NewBinSp, AttLen, AttLen, Pos, Md5, identity};
-        ({Name, {Type, BinSp, AttLen}}) ->
-            % 09 UPGRADE CODE
-            {NewBinSp, AttLen, AttLen, Md5, _IdentityMd5} =
-                couch_stream:copy_to_new_stream(SrcFd, BinSp, DestFd),
-            {Name, Type, NewBinSp, AttLen, AttLen, Pos, Md5, identity};
-        ({Name, Type, BinSp, AttLen, _RevPos, <<>>}) when
-            is_tuple(BinSp) orelse BinSp == null ->
-            % 09 UPGRADE CODE
-            {NewBinSp, AttLen, AttLen, Md5, _IdentityMd5} =
-                couch_stream:old_copy_to_new_stream(SrcFd, BinSp, AttLen, DestFd),
-            {Name, Type, NewBinSp, AttLen, AttLen, AttLen, Md5, identity};
-        ({Name, Type, BinSp, AttLen, RevPos, Md5}) ->
+        fun({Name, Type, BinSp, AttLen, RevPos, Md5}) ->
             % 010 UPGRADE CODE
             {NewBinSp, AttLen, AttLen, Md5, _IdentityMd5} =
                 couch_stream:copy_to_new_stream(SrcFd, BinSp, DestFd),
@@ -781,8 +746,8 @@ copy_doc_attachments(#db{updater_fd = Sr
 copy_rev_tree_attachments(SrcDb, DestFd, Tree) ->
-        fun(Rev, {IsDel, Sp, Seq}, leaf) ->
-            DocBody = copy_doc_attachments(SrcDb, Rev, Sp, DestFd),
+        fun(_Rev, {IsDel, Sp, Seq}, leaf) ->
+            DocBody = copy_doc_attachments(SrcDb, Sp, DestFd),
             {IsDel, DocBody, Seq};
         (_, _, branch) ->

Modified: couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_doc.erl
--- couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_doc.erl (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_doc.erl Wed Dec  8 12:17:14 2010
@@ -310,9 +310,6 @@ to_doc_info_path(#full_doc_info{id=Id,re
 att_foldl(#att{data=Bin}, Fun, Acc) when is_binary(Bin) ->
     Fun(Bin, Acc);
-att_foldl(#att{data={Fd,Sp},att_len=Len}, Fun, Acc) when is_tuple(Sp) orelse Sp == null ->
-    % 09 UPGRADE CODE
-    couch_stream:old_foldl(Fd, Sp, Len, Fun, Acc);
 att_foldl(#att{data={Fd,Sp},md5=Md5}, Fun, Acc) ->
     couch_stream:foldl(Fd, Sp, Md5, Fun, Acc);
 att_foldl(#att{data=DataFun,att_len=Len}, Fun, Acc) when is_function(DataFun) ->

Modified: couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_file.erl
--- couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_file.erl (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_file.erl Wed Dec  8 12:17:14 2010
@@ -18,16 +18,20 @@
 -define(SIZE_BLOCK, 4096).
 -record(file, {
-    fd,
-    tail_append_begin = 0 % 09 UPGRADE CODE
-    }).
--export([open/1, open/2, close/1, bytes/1, sync/1, append_binary/2,old_pread/3]).
--export([append_term/2, pread_term/2, pread_iolist/2, write_header/2]).
--export([pread_binary/2, read_header/1, truncate/2, upgrade_old_header/2]).
--export([init/1, terminate/2, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, code_change/3, handle_info/2]).
+    fd
+% public API
+-export([open/1, open/2, close/1, bytes/1, sync/1, truncate/2]).
+-export([pread_term/2, pread_iolist/2, pread_binary/2]).
+-export([append_binary/2, append_binary_md5/2]).
+-export([append_term/2, append_term_md5/2]).
+-export([write_header/2, read_header/1]).
+-export([delete/2, delete/3, init_delete_dir/1]).
+% gen_server callbacks
+-export([init/1, terminate/2, code_change/3]).
+-export([handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2]).
 %% Args:   Valid Options are [create] and [create,overwrite].
@@ -190,16 +194,6 @@ init_delete_dir(RootDir) ->
         end, ok).
-old_pread(Fd, Pos, Len) ->
-    {ok, <<RawBin:Len/binary>>, false} = gen_server:call(Fd, {pread, Pos, Len}, infinity),
-    {ok, RawBin}.
-upgrade_old_header(Fd, Sig) ->
-    gen_server:call(Fd, {upgrade_old_header, Sig}, infinity).
 read_header(Fd) ->
     case gen_server:call(Fd, find_header, infinity) of
     {ok, Bin} ->
@@ -313,16 +307,17 @@ handle_call({pread_iolist, Pos}, _From, 
         IoList = maybe_read_more_iolist(RestRawData, Len, NextPos, File),
         {reply, {ok, IoList}, File}
-handle_call({pread, Pos, Bytes}, _From, #file{fd=Fd,tail_append_begin=TailAppendBegin}=File) ->
-    {ok, Bin} = file:pread(Fd, Pos, Bytes),
-    {reply, {ok, Bin, Pos >= TailAppendBegin}, File};
 handle_call(bytes, _From, #file{fd = Fd} = File) ->
     {reply, file:position(Fd, eof), File};
 handle_call(sync, _From, #file{fd=Fd}=File) ->
     {reply, file:sync(Fd), File};
 handle_call({truncate, Pos}, _From, #file{fd=Fd}=File) ->
     {ok, Pos} = file:position(Fd, Pos),
     {reply, file:truncate(Fd), File};
 handle_call({append_bin, Bin}, _From, #file{fd = Fd} = File) ->
     {ok, Pos} = file:position(Fd, eof),
     Blocks = make_blocks(Pos rem ?SIZE_BLOCK, Bin),
@@ -332,6 +327,7 @@ handle_call({append_bin, Bin}, _From, #f
     Error ->
         {reply, Error, File}
 handle_call({write_header, Bin}, _From, #file{fd = Fd} = File) ->
     {ok, Pos} = file:position(Fd, eof),
     BinSize = byte_size(Bin),
@@ -344,135 +340,13 @@ handle_call({write_header, Bin}, _From, 
     FinalBin = [Padding, <<1, BinSize:32/integer>> | make_blocks(5, [Bin])],
     {reply, file:write(Fd, FinalBin), File};
-handle_call({upgrade_old_header, Prefix}, _From, #file{fd=Fd}=File) ->
-    case (catch read_old_header(Fd, Prefix)) of
-    {ok, Header} ->
-        {ok, TailAppendBegin} = file:position(Fd, eof),
-        Bin = term_to_binary(Header),
-        Md5 = couch_util:md5(Bin),
-        % now we assemble the final header binary and write to disk
-        FinalBin = <<Md5/binary, Bin/binary>>,
-        {reply, ok, _} = handle_call({write_header, FinalBin}, ok, File),
-        ok = write_old_header(Fd, <<"upgraded">>, TailAppendBegin),
-        {reply, ok, File#file{tail_append_begin=TailAppendBegin}};
-    _Error ->
-        case (catch read_old_header(Fd, <<"upgraded">>)) of
-        {ok, TailAppendBegin} ->
-            {reply, ok, File#file{tail_append_begin = TailAppendBegin}};
-        _Error2 ->
-            {reply, ok, File}
-        end
-    end;
 handle_call(find_header, _From, #file{fd = Fd} = File) ->
     {ok, Pos} = file:position(Fd, eof),
     {reply, find_header(Fd, Pos div ?SIZE_BLOCK), File}.
--define(HEADER_SIZE, 2048). % size of each segment of the doubly written header
-read_old_header(Fd, Prefix) ->
-    {ok, Bin} = file:pread(Fd, 0, 2*(?HEADER_SIZE)),
-    <<Bin1:(?HEADER_SIZE)/binary, Bin2:(?HEADER_SIZE)/binary>> = Bin,
-    Result =
-    % read the first header
-    case extract_header(Prefix, Bin1) of
-    {ok, Header1} ->
-        case extract_header(Prefix, Bin2) of
-        {ok, Header2} ->
-            case Header1 == Header2 of
-            true ->
-                % Everything is completely normal!
-                {ok, Header1};
-            false ->
-                % To get here we must have two different header versions with signatures intact.
-                % It's weird but possible (a commit failure right at the 2k boundary). Log it and take the first.
-                ?LOG_INFO("Header version differences.~nPrimary Header: ~p~nSecondary Header: ~p", [Header1, Header2]),
-                {ok, Header1}
-            end;
-        Error ->
-            % error reading second header. It's ok, but log it.
-            ?LOG_INFO("Secondary header corruption (error: ~p). Using primary header.", [Error]),
-            {ok, Header1}
-        end;
-    Error ->
-        % error reading primary header
-        case extract_header(Prefix, Bin2) of
-        {ok, Header2} ->
-            % log corrupt primary header. It's ok since the secondary is still good.
-            ?LOG_INFO("Primary header corruption (error: ~p). Using secondary header.", [Error]),
-            {ok, Header2};
-        _ ->
-            % error reading secondary header too
-            % return the error, no need to log anything as the caller will be responsible for dealing with the error.
-            Error
-        end
-    end,
-    case Result of
-    {ok, {pointer_to_header_data, Ptr}} ->
-        pread_term(Fd, Ptr);
-    _ ->
-        Result
-    end.
-extract_header(Prefix, Bin) ->
-    SizeOfPrefix = size(Prefix),
-    SizeOfTermBin = ?HEADER_SIZE -
-                    SizeOfPrefix -
-                    16,     % md5 sig
-    <<HeaderPrefix:SizeOfPrefix/binary, TermBin:SizeOfTermBin/binary, Sig:16/binary>> = Bin,
-    % check the header prefix
-    case HeaderPrefix of
-    Prefix ->
-        % check the integrity signature
-        case couch_util:md5(TermBin) == Sig of
-        true ->
-            Header = binary_to_term(TermBin),
-            {ok, Header};
-        false ->
-            header_corrupt
-        end;
-    _ ->
-        unknown_header_type
-    end.
-write_old_header(Fd, Prefix, Data) ->
-    TermBin = term_to_binary(Data),
-    % the size of all the bytes written to the header, including the md5 signature (16 bytes)
-    FilledSize = byte_size(Prefix) + byte_size(TermBin) + 16,
-    {TermBin2, FilledSize2} =
-    case FilledSize > ?HEADER_SIZE of
-    true ->
-        % too big!
-        {ok, Pos} = append_binary(Fd, TermBin),
-        PtrBin = term_to_binary({pointer_to_header_data, Pos}),
-        {PtrBin, byte_size(Prefix) + byte_size(PtrBin) + 16};
-    false ->
-        {TermBin, FilledSize}
-    end,
-    ok = file:sync(Fd),
-    % pad out the header with zeros, then take the md5 hash
-    PadZeros = <<0:(8*(?HEADER_SIZE - FilledSize2))>>,
-    Sig = couch_util:md5([TermBin2, PadZeros]),
-    % now we assemble the final header binary and write to disk
-    WriteBin = <<Prefix/binary, TermBin2/binary, PadZeros/binary, Sig/binary>>,
-    ?HEADER_SIZE = size(WriteBin), % sanity check
-    DblWriteBin = [WriteBin, WriteBin],
-    ok = file:pwrite(Fd, 0, DblWriteBin),
-    ok = file:sync(Fd).
 handle_cast(close, Fd) ->
 code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
     {ok, State}.
@@ -523,17 +397,11 @@ maybe_read_more_iolist(Buffer, DataSize,
     {Data::iolist(), CurPos::non_neg_integer()}.
 read_raw_iolist_int(Fd, {Pos, _Size}, Len) -> % 0110 UPGRADE CODE
     read_raw_iolist_int(Fd, Pos, Len);
-read_raw_iolist_int(#file{fd=Fd, tail_append_begin=TAB}, Pos, Len) ->
+read_raw_iolist_int(#file{fd = Fd}, Pos, Len) ->
     BlockOffset = Pos rem ?SIZE_BLOCK,
     TotalBytes = calculate_total_read_len(BlockOffset, Len),
     {ok, <<RawBin:TotalBytes/binary>>} = file:pread(Fd, Pos, TotalBytes),
-    if Pos >= TAB ->
-        {remove_block_prefixes(BlockOffset, RawBin), Pos + TotalBytes};
-    true ->
-        % 09 UPGRADE CODE
-        <<ReturnBin:Len/binary, _/binary>> = RawBin,
-        {[ReturnBin], Pos + Len}
-    end.
+    {remove_block_prefixes(BlockOffset, RawBin), Pos + TotalBytes}.
 -spec extract_md5(iolist()) -> {binary(), iolist()}.
 extract_md5(FullIoList) ->

Modified: couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_stream.erl
--- couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_stream.erl (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_stream.erl Wed Dec  8 12:17:14 2010
@@ -24,11 +24,14 @@
 -define(DEFAULT_STREAM_CHUNK, 16#00100000). % 1 meg chunks when streaming data
--export([open/1, open/3, close/1, write/2, foldl/4, foldl/5, range_foldl/6, foldl_decode/6,
-        old_foldl/5,old_copy_to_new_stream/4]).
--export([init/1, terminate/2, handle_call/3]).
+% public API
+-export([open/1, open/3, close/1]).
+-export([foldl/4, foldl/5, foldl_decode/6, range_foldl/6]).
+-export([copy_to_new_stream/3, write/2]).
+% gen_server callbacks
+-export([init/1, terminate/2, code_change/3]).
+-export([handle_cast/2, handle_call/3, handle_info/2]).
@@ -68,23 +71,6 @@ copy_to_new_stream(Fd, PosList, DestFd) 
         end, ok),
-old_copy_to_new_stream(Fd, Pos, Len, DestFd) ->
-    {ok, Dest} = open(DestFd),
-    old_foldl(Fd, Pos, Len,
-        fun(Bin, _) ->
-            ok = write(Dest, Bin)
-        end, ok),
-    close(Dest).
-old_foldl(_Fd, null, 0, _Fun, Acc) ->
-    Acc;
-old_foldl(Fd, OldPointer, Len, Fun, Acc) when is_tuple(OldPointer)->
-    {ok, Acc2, _} = old_stream_data(Fd, OldPointer, Len, ?DEFAULT_STREAM_CHUNK, Fun, Acc),
-    Acc2.
 foldl(_Fd, [], _Fun, Acc) ->
 foldl(Fd, [Pos|Rest], Fun, Acc) ->
@@ -317,41 +303,3 @@ code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
 handle_info(_Info, State) ->
     {noreply, State}.
-old_read_term(Fd, Sp) ->
-    {ok, <<TermLen:(?STREAM_OFFSET_BITS)>>, Sp2}
-        = old_read(Fd, Sp, ?STREAM_OFFSET_BYTES),
-    {ok, Bin, _Sp3} = old_read(Fd, Sp2, TermLen),
-    {ok, binary_to_term(Bin)}.
-old_read(Fd, Sp, Num) ->
-    {ok, RevBin, Sp2} = old_stream_data(Fd, Sp, Num, ?HUGE_CHUNK, fun(Bin, Acc) -> [Bin | Acc] end, []),
-    Bin = list_to_binary(lists:reverse(RevBin)),
-    {ok, Bin, Sp2}.
-old_stream_data(_Fd, Sp, 0, _MaxChunk, _Fun, Acc) ->
-    {ok, Acc, Sp};
-old_stream_data(Fd, {Pos, 0}, Num, MaxChunk, Fun, Acc) ->
-    {ok, <<NextPos:(?FILE_POINTER_BITS), NextOffset:(?STREAM_OFFSET_BITS)>>}
-        = couch_file:old_pread(Fd, Pos, ?FILE_POINTER_BYTES + ?STREAM_OFFSET_BYTES),
-    Sp = {NextPos, NextOffset},
-    % Check NextPos is past current Pos (this is always true in a stream)
-    % Guards against potential infinite loops caused by corruption.
-    case NextPos > Pos of
-        true -> ok;
-        false -> throw({error, stream_corruption})
-    end,
-    old_stream_data(Fd, Sp, Num, MaxChunk, Fun, Acc);
-old_stream_data(Fd, {Pos, Offset}, Num, MaxChunk, Fun, Acc) ->
-    ReadAmount = lists:min([MaxChunk, Num, Offset]),
-    {ok, Bin} = couch_file:old_pread(Fd, Pos, ReadAmount),
-    Sp = {Pos + ReadAmount, Offset - ReadAmount},
-    old_stream_data(Fd, Sp, Num - ReadAmount, MaxChunk, Fun, Fun(Bin, Acc)).
-% Tests moved to tests/etap/050-stream.t

Modified: couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_view_group.erl
--- couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_view_group.erl (original)
+++ couchdb/trunk/src/couchdb/couch_view_group.erl Wed Dec  8 12:17:14 2010
@@ -396,8 +396,6 @@ prepare_group({RootDir, DbName, #group{s
                 % this can happen if we missed a purge
                 {ok, reset_file(Db, Fd, DbName, Group)};
             true ->
-                % 09 UPGRADE CODE
-                ok = couch_file:upgrade_old_header(Fd, <<$r, $c, $k, 0>>),
                 case (catch couch_file:read_header(Fd)) of
                 {ok, {Sig, HeaderInfo}} ->
                     % sigs match!