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cvs commit: httpd-apreq-2/glue/perl/xsbuilder/Apache/Request Request_pod

joes        2003/06/29 16:42:30

  Added:       glue/perl/xsbuilder/Apache/Cookie Cookie_pod
               glue/perl/xsbuilder/Apache/Request Request_pod
  Add apreq-1 docs with '[STATUS]' annotations on each section
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  httpd-apreq-2/glue/perl/xsbuilder/Apache/Cookie/Cookie_pod
  Index: Cookie_pod
  =head1 NAME
  Apache::Cookie - HTTP Cookies Class
  =head1 SYNOPSIS
      use Apache::Cookie ();
      my $r = Apache->request;
      my $cookie = Apache::Cookie->new($r, ...);
  The Apache::Cookie module is a Perl interface to the cookie routines
  in I<libapreq>.  The interface is based on Lincoln Stein's CGI::Cookie
  =head1 METHODS
  I<Apache::Cookie> does not export any symbols to the caller's namespace.
  Except for the request object passed to C<Apache::Cookie::new>, the OO
  interface is identical to I<CGI::Cookie>.  Please consult the L<CGI::Cookie>
  documentation for more details.
  =over 4
  =head2 new [OK]
  Just like CGI::Cookie::new, but requires an I<Apache> request object:
          my $cookie = Apache::Cookie->new($r,
                               -name    =>  'foo', 
                               -value   =>  'bar', 
                               -expires =>  '+3M', 
                               -domain  =>  '', 
                               -path    =>  '/cgi-bin/database',
                               -secure  =>  1 
  =head2 bake
  Put cookie in the oven to bake. 
  (Add a I<Set-Cookie> header to the outgoing headers table.) 
  =head2 parse [BIZARRE: should be a class function: sub parse { fetch shift } ]
  This method parses the given string if present, otherwise, the incoming 
  I<Cookie> header:
      my $cookies = $cookie->parse; #hash ref
      my %cookies = $cookie->parse;
      my %cookies = $cookie->parse($cookie_string);
  =head2 fetch [WRONG: requires explicit $r argument now]
  Fetch and parse the incoming I<Cookie> header:
      my $cookies = Apache::Cookie->fetch; #hash ref
      my %cookies = Apache::Cookie->fetch;
  =head2 as_string [OK]
  Format the cookie object as a string:
   #same as $cookie->bake
   $r->err_headers_out->add("Set-Cookie" => $cookie->as_string);
  =head2 name [OK]
  Get or set the name of the cookie:
   my $name = $cookie->name;
  =head2 value [TODO: serialize/marshal raw cookies: "set" is a PITA]
  Get or set the values of the cookie:
   my $value = $cookie->value;
   my @values = $cookie->value;
  =head2 domain [OK]
  Get or set the domain for the cookie:
   my $domain = $cookie->domain;
  =head2 path [OK]
  Get or set the path for the cookie:
   my $path = $cookie->path;
  =head2 expires [OK]
  Get or set the expire time for the cookie:
   my $expires = $cookie->expires;
  =head2 secure [OK]
  Get or set the secure flag for the cookie:
   my $secure = $cookie->secure;
  =head1 CAVEATS
  =over 4 [WRONG- this section is unnecessary now]
  The underlying C code for the Apache::Cookie module
  presents some unexpected results for Perl programmers
  when dealing with null bytes ('\0's) inside cookies.
  Native C commonly uses "null-terminated strings" when
  storing scalar string values. This means that C uses
  a '\0' byte to mark the end of the string(EOS). What
  this means for Perl programmers is that if you wish to
  create a cookie with a '\0' byte, the underlying C library
  will simply truncate the value at the '\0' byte.  A cookie
  with the value '\0' will similarly simply be ignored, as
  the C library will not detect any content whatsoever.
  This problem is solved in the libapreq-2.0 library.
  =head1 BUGS
  =over 4 
  =item RFC 2964-5 are not fully implemented. [WRONG- implemented now]
  =item C<value> should also accept a hash ref as argument. [TODO]
  =head1 SEE ALSO
  Apache(3), Apache::Request(3), CGI::Cookie(3)
  =head1 AUTHOR
  Doug MacEachern, updated for v1.0 by Joe Schaefer
  updated for v1.1 by Issac Goldstand
  Apache::Cookie::Jar, Apache::Cookie::Table
  1.1                  httpd-apreq-2/glue/perl/xsbuilder/Apache/Request/Request_pod
  Index: Request_pod
  =head1 NAME
  Apache::Request - Methods for dealing with client request data
  =head1 SYNOPSIS
      use Apache::Request;
      my $req = Apache::Request->new($r);
  I<Apache::Request> is a subclass of the I<Apache> class, which adds methods
  for parsing B<GET> requests and B<POST> requests where I<Content-type>
  is one of I<application/x-www-form-urlencoded> or 
  I<multipart/form-data>. See the libapreq(3) manpage for more details.
  =head1 Apache::Request METHODS
  The interface is designed to mimic 's routines for parsing
  query parameters. The main differences are 
  =over 4
  =item * C<Apache::Request::new> takes an Apache object as (second) argument.
  =item * The query parameters are stored as Apache::Table objects,
  and are therefore parsed using case-insensitive keys.
  =item * C<-attr =E<gt> $val> -type arguments are not supported. [WRONG- this works now]
  =item * The query string is always parsed, even for POST requests.
  =over 4
  =head2 new [NEEDS REWRITE: No longer require Apache* objects]
  Create a new I<Apache::Request> object with an I<Apache::RequestRec> object $r:
      my $apr = Apache::Request->new($r);
  All methods from the I<Apache::RequestRec> class are inherited.
  The following attributes are optional:
  =over 4
  =item POST_MAX [OK]
  Limit the size of POST data (in bytes).  I<Apache::Request::parse> will 
  return an error code if the size is exceeded:
   my $apr = Apache::Request->new($r, POST_MAX => 1024);
   my $status = $apr->parse;
   if ($status) {
       my $errmsg = $apr->notes("error-notes");
       return $status;
  Disable file uploads.  I<Apache::Request::parse> will return an
  error code if a file upload is attempted:
   my $apr = Apache::Request->new($r, DISABLE_UPLOADS => 1);
   my $status = $apr->parse;
   if ($status) {
       my $errmsg = $apr->notes("error-notes");
       return $status;
  =item TEMP_DIR [OK]
  Sets the directory where upload files are spooled.  On a *nix-like
  that supports link(2), the TEMP_DIR should be located on the same
  file system as the final destination file:
   my $apr = Apache::Request->new($r, TEMP_DIR => "/home/httpd/tmp");
   my $upload = $apr->upload('file');
   $upload->link("/home/user/myfile") || warn "link failed: $!";
  =item HOOK_DATA [TODO]
  Extra configuration info passed to an upload hook.
  See the description for the next item, I<UPLOAD_HOOK>.
  Sets up a callback to run whenever file upload data is read. This
  can be used to provide an upload progress meter during file uploads.
  Apache will automatically continue writing the original data to
  $upload->fh after the hook exits.
   my $transparent_hook = sub {
     my ($upload, $buf, $len, $hook_data) = @_;
     warn "$hook_data: got $len bytes for " . $upload->name;
   my $apr = Apache::Request->new($r, 
                                  HOOK_DATA => "Note",
                                  UPLOAD_HOOK => $transparent_hook,
  =head2 instance [DEPRECATED]
  The instance() class method allows Apache::Request to be a singleton.
  This means that whenever you call Apache::Request->instance() within a
  single request you always get the same Apache::Request object back.
  This solves the problem with creating the Apache::Request object twice
  within the same request - the symptoms being that the second
  Apache::Request object will not contain the form parameters because
  they have already been read and parsed.
    my $apr = Apache::Request->instance($r, DISABLE_UPLOADS => 1);
  Note that C<instance()> call will take the same parameters as the above
  call to C<new()>, however the parameters will only have an effect the
  first time C<instance()> is called within a single request. Extra
  parameters will be ignored on subsequent calls to C<instance()> within
  the same request.
  Subrequests receive a new Apache::Request object when they call
  instance() - the parent request's Apache::Request object is not copied
  into the subrequest.
  Also note that it is unwise to use the C<parse()> method when using
  C<instance()> because you may end up trying to call it twice, and
  detecting errors where there are none.
  =head2 parse [TODO]
  The I<parse> method does the actual work of parsing the request.
  It is called for you by the accessor methods, so it is not required but
  can be useful to provide a more user-friendly message should an error 
      my $r = shift;
      my $apr = Apache::Request->new($r); 
      my $status = $apr->parse; 
      unless ($status == OK) { 
  	$apr->custom_response($status, $apr->notes("error-notes")); 
  	return $status; 
  =head2 param [TODO scalar PREFETCH]
  Get or set request parameters (using case-insensitive keys) by
  mimicing the OO interface of C<CGI::param>.  Unlike the version,
  Apache::Request's param method is I<very> fast- it's now quicker than even
  mod_perl's native Apache->args method.  However,'s
  C<-attr =E<gt> $val> type arguments are not supported.
      # similar to
      my $value = $apr->param('foo');
      my @values = $apr->param('foo');
      my @params = $apr->param;
      # the following differ slightly from
      # assigns multiple values to 'foo'
      $apr->param('foo' => [qw(one two three)]);
      # returns ref to underlying apache table object
      my $table = $apr->param; # identical to $apr->parms - see below
  =head2 parms [DEPRECATED]
  Get or set the underlying apache parameter table of the I<Apache::Request>
  object.  When invoked without arguments, C<parms> returns a reference
  to an I<Apache::Table> object that is tied to the Apache::Request
  object's parameter table.  If called with an Apache::Table reference
  as as argument, the Apache::Request object's parameter table is
  replaced by the argument's table.
     # $apache_table references an Apache::Table object
     $apr->parms($apache_table); # sets $apr's parameter table
     # returns ref to Apache::Table object provided by $apache_table
     my $table = $apr->parms;
  =head2 upload [WRONG: $req->upload similar to $req->param now]
  Returns a single I<Apache::Upload> object in a scalar context or
  all I<Apache::Upload> objects in a list context: 
      my $upload = $apr->upload;
      my $fh = $upload->fh;
      my $lines = 0; 
      while(<$fh>) { 
  An optional name parameter can be passed to return the I<Apache::Upload>
  object associated with the given name:
      my $upload = $apr->upload($name);
  =head1 SUBCLASSING Apache::Request [WRONG- This is unnecessary now]
  The Apache::Request class cannot be subclassed directly because its constructor
  method does not bless new objects into the invocant class. Instead, it always
  blesses them into the Apache::Request class itself.
  However, there are two main ways around this.
  One way is to have a constructor method in your subclass that invokes the
  superclass constructor method and then re-blesses the new object into itself
  before returning it:
  	package MySubClass;
  	use Apache::Request;
  	our @ISA = qw(Apache::Request);
  	sub new {
  		my($class, @args) = @_;
  		return bless $class->SUPER::new(@args), $class;
  The other way is to aggregate and delegate: store an Apache::Request object in
  each instance of your subclass, and delegate any Apache::Request methods that
  you are not overriding to it:
  	package MySubClass;
  	use Apache::Request;
  	sub new {
  		my($class, @args) = @_;
  		return bless { r => Apache::Request->new(@args) }, $class;
  	sub AUTOLOAD {
  		my $proto = shift;
  		return unless ref $proto;
  		our $AUTOLOAD;
  		my $name = $AUTOLOAD;
  		$name =~ s/^.*:://;
  		return $proto->{r}->$name(@_);
  A fancier AUTOLOAD() subroutine could be written to handle class methods too if
  required, but we leave that as an exercise for the reader because in fact the
  Apache::Request class provides some magic that makes the aggregate/delegate
  solution much easier.
  If the instances of your subclass are hash references then you can actually
  inherit from Apache::Request as long as the Apache::Request object is stored in
  an attribute called "r" or "_r". (The Apache::Request class effectively does the
  delegation for you automagically, as long as it knows where to find the
  Apache::Request object to delegate to.)
  Thus, the second example above can be simplified as:
  	package MySubClass;
  	use Apache::Request;
  	our @ISA = qw(Apache::Request);
  	sub new {
  		my($class, @args) = @_;
  		return bless { r => Apache::Request->new(@args) }, $class;
  =head1 Apache::Upload METHODS
  =over 4
  =head2 name [OK]
  The name of the filefield parameter:
      my $name = $upload->name;
  =head2 filename [OK]
  The filename of the uploaded file:
      my $filename = $upload->filename;
  =head2 fh [DEPRECATED: should use brigade API instead]
  The filehandle pointing to the uploaded file:
      my $fh = $upload->fh;
      while (<$fh>) {
  =head2 size [TODO]
  The size of the file in bytes:
      my $size = $upload->size;
  =head2 info [TODO]
  The additional header information for the uploaded file.
  Returns a hash reference tied to the I<Apache::Table> class.
  An optional I<key> argument can be passed to return the value of 
  a given header rather than a hash reference.  Examples:
      my $info = $upload->info;
      while (my($key, $val) = each %$info) {
      my $val = $upload->info("Content-type");
  =head2 type [TODO]
  Returns the I<Content-Type> for the given I<Apache::Upload> object:
      my $type = $upload->type;
      #same as
      my $type = $upload->info("Content-Type");
  =head2 next [WRONG : uploads are table entries now, not linked lists]
  Upload objects are implemented as a linked list by libapreq; the
  I<next> method provides an alternative to using the I<Apache::Request>
  I<upload> method in a list context:
      for (my $upload = $apr->upload; $upload; $upload = $upload->next) {
      #functionally the same as:
      for my $upload ($apr->upload) {
  =head2 tempname [XXX- Does this mesh with brigade API?]
  Provides the name of the spool file. This method is reserved for
  debugging purposes, and is possibly subject to change in a future
  version of Apache::Request.
  =head2 link [OK]
  To avoid recopying the spool file on a *nix-like system,
  I<link> will create a hard link to it:
    my $upload = $apr->upload('file');
    $upload->link("/path/to/newfile") or
        die sprintf "link from '%s' failed: $!", $upload->tempname;
  Typically the new name must lie on the same file system as the
  spool file. Check your system's link(2) manpage for details.
  =head1 SEE ALSO
  libapreq(3), APR::Table(3)
  =head1 CREDITS
  This interface is based on the original pure Perl version by Lincoln Stein.
  =head1 AUTHOR
  Doug MacEachern, updated for v1.0 by Joe Schaefer
  $req->args, $req->body, $req->config, Apache::Request::Table,
  Apache::Upload::Table, $upload->bb.