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Posted to by Håkon Sagehaug <> on 2008/03/31 14:56:29 UTC

components involved in a simple HelloWorl Ws in servicemix


I've got a question about the components involved in a simple Hello World
web service I deployed.
So what i got is this
1.A http endpoint looking like this

<http:endpoint service="ns:Hello_Service"
                 soap="true" />
2.Jsr enpoint looking like this

 <jsr181:endpoint pojoClass="no.bccs.parallab.example.impl.HelloServiceImpl"
                     wsdlResource="classpath:service.wsdl" />

This endpoint is created from a wsdl file, service is just a string input
and string output, so I've got some questions regarding what is involved in
service mix when I issue a call to the web service and if this is the
correct way of doing it.

Is the correct way of thinking about the service like this
1.The http enpoint receives the message
2. Turns it into a NM and sends it to my jsr enpoint
3.The jsr enpoint gets the message and class the method
4.Then jsr enpoint then sends the response back on the bus as a NM

I succeeded with the file upload tutorial and there one had to write a
handler bean which got the file, made the NM and sent this out, is this all
taken care of by the endpoint that I have?

Is it correct that I now use the service engine of jsr181?

Also is this the "correct" way of exposing a webservice using servicemix or
is some other way recommended.

cheera, Håkon
Håkon Sagehaug
Research Assistant
Parallab, Bergen Center for Computational Science (BCCS)
UNIFOB AS (University of Bergen Research Company)