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[30/56] [abbrv] libcloud git commit: Removed sdist
diff --git a/apache-libcloud-1.0.0rc2/libcloud/compute/drivers/ b/apache-libcloud-1.0.0rc2/libcloud/compute/drivers/
deleted file mode 100644
index 19a3856..0000000
--- a/apache-libcloud-1.0.0rc2/libcloud/compute/drivers/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2311 +0,0 @@
-# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
-# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
-# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
-# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
-# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-# limitations under the License.
-Dimension Data Driver
-    from lxml import etree as ET
-except ImportError:
-    from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
-from libcloud.compute.base import NodeDriver, Node, NodeAuthPassword
-from libcloud.compute.base import NodeSize, NodeImage, NodeLocation
-from libcloud.common.dimensiondata import dd_object_to_id
-from libcloud.common.dimensiondata import DimensionDataAPIException
-from libcloud.common.dimensiondata import (DimensionDataConnection,
-                                           DimensionDataStatus)
-from libcloud.common.dimensiondata import DimensionDataNetwork
-from libcloud.common.dimensiondata import DimensionDataNetworkDomain
-from libcloud.common.dimensiondata import DimensionDataVlan
-from libcloud.common.dimensiondata import DimensionDataServerCpuSpecification
-from libcloud.common.dimensiondata import DimensionDataServerDisk
-from libcloud.common.dimensiondata import DimensionDataServerVMWareTools
-from libcloud.common.dimensiondata import DimensionDataPublicIpBlock
-from libcloud.common.dimensiondata import DimensionDataFirewallRule
-from libcloud.common.dimensiondata import DimensionDataFirewallAddress
-from libcloud.common.dimensiondata import DimensionDataNatRule
-from libcloud.common.dimensiondata import DimensionDataAntiAffinityRule
-from libcloud.common.dimensiondata import NetworkDomainServicePlan
-from libcloud.common.dimensiondata import API_ENDPOINTS, DEFAULT_REGION
-from libcloud.common.dimensiondata import TYPES_URN
-from libcloud.common.dimensiondata import SERVER_NS, NETWORK_NS, GENERAL_NS
-from libcloud.utils.py3 import urlencode
-from libcloud.utils.xml import fixxpath, findtext, findall
-from libcloud.utils.py3 import basestring
-from libcloud.compute.types import NodeState, Provider
-# Node state map is a dictionary with the keys as tuples
-# These tuples represent:
-# (<state_of_node_from_didata>, <is node started?>, <action happening>)
-    ('NORMAL', 'true', None):
-        NodeState.RUNNING,
-    ('NORMAL', 'false', None):
-        NodeState.STOPPED,
-    ('PENDING_CHANGE', 'true', 'START_SERVER'):
-        NodeState.STARTING,
-    ('PENDING_ADD', 'true', 'DEPLOY_SERVER'):
-        NodeState.STARTING,
-        NodeState.STARTING,
-        NodeState.STOPPING,
-        NodeState.STOPPING,
-        NodeState.REBOOTING,
-    ('PENDING_CHANGE', 'true', 'RESET_SERVER'):
-        NodeState.REBOOTING,
-        NodeState.RECONFIGURING,
-class DimensionDataNodeDriver(NodeDriver):
-    """
-    DimensionData node driver.
-    """
-    selected_region = None
-    connectionCls = DimensionDataConnection
-    name = 'DimensionData'
-    website = ''
-    type = Provider.DIMENSIONDATA
-    features = {'create_node': ['password']}
-    api_version = 1.0
-    def __init__(self, key, secret=None, secure=True, host=None, port=None,
-                 api_version=None, region=DEFAULT_REGION, **kwargs):
-        if region not in API_ENDPOINTS:
-            raise ValueError('Invalid region: %s' % (region))
-        self.selected_region = API_ENDPOINTS[region]
-        super(DimensionDataNodeDriver, self).__init__(key=key, secret=secret,
-                                                      secure=secure, host=host,
-                                                      port=port,
-                                                      api_version=api_version,
-                                                      region=region,
-                                                      **kwargs)
-    def _ex_connection_class_kwargs(self):
-        """
-            Add the region to the kwargs before the connection is instantiated
-        """
-        kwargs = super(DimensionDataNodeDriver,
-                       self)._ex_connection_class_kwargs()
-        kwargs['region'] = self.selected_region
-        return kwargs
-    def create_node(self, name, image, auth, ex_description,
-                    ex_network=None, ex_network_domain=None,
-                    ex_vlan=None, ex_primary_ipv4=None,
-                    ex_memory_gb=None,
-                    ex_cpu_specification=None,
-                    ex_is_started=True, ex_additional_nics_vlan=None,
-                    ex_additional_nics_ipv4=None, **kwargs):
-        """
-        Create a new DimensionData node
-        :keyword    name:   String with a name for this new node (required)
-        :type       name:   ``str``
-        :keyword    image:  OS Image to boot on node. (required)
-        :type       image:  :class:`NodeImage` or ``str``
-        :keyword    auth:   Initial authentication information for the
-                            node. (If this is a customer LINUX
-                            image auth will be ignored)
-        :type       auth:   :class:`NodeAuthPassword` or ``str`` or ``None``
-        :keyword    ex_description:  description for this node (required)
-        :type       ex_description:  ``str``
-        :keyword    ex_network:  Network to create the node within
-                                 (required unless using ex_network_domain
-                                 or ex_primary_ipv4)
-        :type       ex_network: :class:`DimensionDataNetwork` or ``str``
-        :keyword    ex_network_domain:  Network Domain to create the node
-                                        (required unless using network
-                                        or ex_primary_ipv4)
-        :type       ex_network_domain: :class:`DimensionDataNetworkDomain`
-                                        or ``str``
-        :keyword    ex_primary_ipv4: Primary nics IPv4 Address
-                                     MCP1: (required unless ex_network)
-                                     MCP2: (required unless ex_vlan)
-        :type       ex_primary_ipv4: ``str``
-        :keyword    ex_vlan:  VLAN to create the node within
-                              (required unless using network)
-        :type       ex_vlan: :class:`DimensionDataVlan` or ``str``
-        :keyword    ex_memory_gb:  The amount of memory in GB for the server
-        :type       ex_memory_gb: ``int``
-        :keyword    ex_cpu_specification: The spec of CPU to deploy (optional)
-        :type       ex_cpu_specification:
-            :class:`DimensionDataServerCpuSpecification`
-        :keyword    ex_is_started:  Start server after creation? default
-                                   true (required)
-        :type       ex_is_started:  ``bool``
-        :keyword    ex_additional_nics_vlan: (MCP2 Only) List of additional
-                                              nics to add by vlan
-        :type       ex_additional_nics_vlan: ``list`` of
-            :class:`DimensionDataVlan` or ``list`` of ``str``
-        :keyword    ex_additional_nics_ipv4: (MCP2 Only) List of additional
-                                              nics to add by ipv4 address
-        :type       ex_additional_nics_ipv4: ``list`` of ``str``
-        :return: The newly created :class:`Node`.
-        :rtype: :class:`Node`
-        """
-        password = None
-        image_needs_auth = self._image_needs_auth(image)
-        if image_needs_auth:
-            if isinstance(auth, basestring):
-                auth_obj = NodeAuthPassword(password=auth)
-                password = auth
-            else:
-                auth_obj = self._get_and_check_auth(auth)
-                password = auth_obj.password
-        if (ex_network_domain is None and
-                ex_network is None and
-                ex_primary_ipv4 is None):
-            raise ValueError("One of ex_network_domain, ex_network, "
-                             "or ex_ipv6_primary must be specified")
-        server_elm = ET.Element('deployServer', {'xmlns': TYPES_URN})
-        ET.SubElement(server_elm, "name").text = name
-        ET.SubElement(server_elm, "description").text = ex_description
-        image_id = self._image_to_image_id(image)
-        ET.SubElement(server_elm, "imageId").text = image_id
-        ET.SubElement(server_elm, "start").text = str(ex_is_started).lower()
-        if password is not None:
-            ET.SubElement(server_elm, "administratorPassword").text = password
-        if ex_cpu_specification is not None:
-            cpu = ET.SubElement(server_elm, "cpu")
-            cpu.set('speed', ex_cpu_specification.performance)
-            cpu.set('count', str(ex_cpu_specification.cpu_count))
-            cpu.set('coresPerSocket',
-                    str(ex_cpu_specification.cores_per_socket))
-        if ex_memory_gb is not None:
-            ET.SubElement(server_elm, "memoryGb").text = str(ex_memory_gb)
-        if ex_network is not None:
-            network_elm = ET.SubElement(server_elm, "network")
-            network_id = self._network_to_network_id(ex_network)
-            ET.SubElement(network_elm, "networkId").text = network_id
-        elif ex_network_domain is None and ex_primary_ipv4 is not None:
-            network_elm = ET.SubElement(server_elm, "network")
-            ET.SubElement(network_elm, "privateIpv4").text = ex_primary_ipv4
-        elif ex_network_domain is not None:
-            net_domain_id = self._network_domain_to_network_domain_id(
-                ex_network_domain)
-            network_inf_elm = ET.SubElement(
-                server_elm, "networkInfo",
-                {'networkDomainId': net_domain_id}
-            )
-            if ex_vlan is not None:
-                vlan_id = self._vlan_to_vlan_id(ex_vlan)
-                pri_nic = ET.SubElement(network_inf_elm, "primaryNic")
-                ET.SubElement(pri_nic, "vlanId").text = vlan_id
-            elif ex_primary_ipv4 is not None:
-                pri_nic = ET.SubElement(network_inf_elm, "primaryNic")
-                ET.SubElement(pri_nic, "privateIpv4").text = ex_primary_ipv4
-            else:
-                raise ValueError("One of ex_vlan or ex_primary_ipv4 "
-                                 "must be specified")
-            if isinstance(ex_additional_nics_ipv4, (list, tuple)):
-                for ipv4_nic in ex_additional_nics_ipv4:
-                    add_nic = ET.SubElement(network_inf_elm, "additionalNic")
-                    ET.SubElement(add_nic, "privateIpv4").text = ipv4_nic
-            elif ex_additional_nics_ipv4 is not None:
-                raise TypeError("ex_additional_nics_ipv4 must "
-                                "be None or a tuple/list")
-            if isinstance(ex_additional_nics_vlan, (list, tuple)):
-                for vlan_nic in ex_additional_nics_vlan:
-                    add_nic = ET.SubElement(network_inf_elm, "additionalNic")
-                    ET.SubElement(add_nic, "vlanId").text = vlan_nic
-            elif ex_additional_nics_vlan is not None:
-                raise TypeError("ex_additional_nics_vlan"
-                                "must be None or tuple/list")
-        response = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'server/deployServer',
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(server_elm)).object
-        node_id = None
-        for info in findall(response, 'info', TYPES_URN):
-            if info.get('name') == 'serverId':
-                node_id = info.get('value')
-        node = self.ex_get_node_by_id(node_id)
-        if image_needs_auth:
-            if getattr(auth_obj, "generated", False):
-                node.extra['password'] = auth_obj.password
-        return node
-    def destroy_node(self, node):
-        """
-        Deletes a node, node must be stopped before deletion
-        :keyword node: The node to delete
-        :type    node: :class:`Node`
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        request_elm = ET.Element('deleteServer',
-                                 {'xmlns': TYPES_URN, 'id':})
-        body = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'server/deleteServer',
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(request_elm)).object
-        response_code = findtext(body, 'responseCode', TYPES_URN)
-        return response_code in ['IN_PROGRESS', 'OK']
-    def reboot_node(self, node):
-        """
-        Reboots a node by requesting the OS restart via the hypervisor
-        :keyword node: The node to reboot
-        :type    node: :class:`Node`
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        request_elm = ET.Element('rebootServer',
-                                 {'xmlns': TYPES_URN, 'id':})
-        body = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'server/rebootServer',
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(request_elm)).object
-        response_code = findtext(body, 'responseCode', TYPES_URN)
-        return response_code in ['IN_PROGRESS', 'OK']
-    def list_nodes(self, ex_location=None, ex_name=None,
-                   ex_ipv6=None, ex_ipv4=None, ex_vlan=None,
-                   ex_image=None, ex_deployed=None,
-                   ex_started=None, ex_state=None,
-                   ex_network=None, ex_network_domain=None):
-        """
-        List nodes deployed for your organization.
-        :keyword ex_location: Filters the node list to nodes that are
-                              located in this location
-        :type    ex_location: :class:`NodeLocation` or ``str``
-        :keyword ex_name: Filters the node list to nodes that have this name
-        :type    ex_name ``str``
-        :keyword ex_ipv6: Filters the node list to nodes that have this
-                          ipv6 address
-        :type    ex_ipv6: ``str``
-        :keyword ex_ipv4: Filters the node list to nodes that have this
-                          ipv4 address
-        :type    ex_ipv4: ``str``
-        :keyword ex_vlan: Filters the node list to nodes that are in this VLAN
-        :type    ex_vlan: :class:`DimensionDataVlan` or ``str``
-        :keyword ex_image: Filters the node list to nodes that have this image
-        :type    ex_image: :class:`NodeImage` or ``str``
-        :keyword ex_deployed: Filters the node list to nodes that are
-                              deployed or not
-        :type    ex_deployed: ``bool``
-        :keyword ex_started: Filters the node list to nodes that are
-                             started or not
-        :type    ex_started: ``bool``
-        :keyword ex_state: Filters the node list by nodes that are in
-                           this state
-        :type    ex_state: ``str``
-        :keyword ex_network: Filters the node list to nodes in this network
-        :type    ex_network: :class:`DimensionDataNetwork` or ``str``
-        :keyword ex_network_domain: Filters the node list to nodes in this
-                                    network domain
-        :type    ex_network_domain: :class:`DimensionDataNetworkDomain`
-                                    or ``str``
-        :return: a list of `Node` objects
-        :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`Node`
-        """
-        node_list = []
-        for nodes in self.ex_list_nodes_paginated(
-                location=ex_location,
-                name=ex_name, ipv6=ex_ipv6,
-                ipv4=ex_ipv4, vlan=ex_vlan,
-                image=ex_image, deployed=ex_deployed,
-                started=ex_started, state=ex_state,
-                network=ex_network,
-                network_domain=ex_network_domain):
-            node_list.extend(nodes)
-        return node_list
-    def list_images(self, location=None):
-        """
-        List images available
-        Note:  Currently only returns the default 'base OS images'
-               provided by DimensionData. Customer images (snapshots)
-               are not yet supported.
-        :keyword ex_location: Filters the node list to nodes that are
-                              located in this location
-        :type    ex_location: :class:`NodeLocation` or ``str``
-        :return: List of images available
-        :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`NodeImage`
-        """
-        params = {}
-        if location is not None:
-            params['datacenterId'] = self._location_to_location_id(location)
-        return self._to_images(
-            self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-                'image/osImage',
-                params=params)
-            .object)
-    def list_sizes(self, location=None):
-        """
-        return a list of available sizes
-            Currently, the size of the node is dictated by the chosen OS base
-            image, they cannot be set explicitly.
-        @inherits: :class:`NodeDriver.list_sizes`
-        """
-        return [
-            NodeSize(id=1,
-                     name="default",
-                     ram=0,
-                     disk=0,
-                     bandwidth=0,
-                     price=0,
-                     driver=self.connection.driver),
-        ]
-    def list_locations(self, ex_id=None):
-        """
-        List locations (datacenters) available for instantiating servers and
-        networks.
-        :keyword ex_id: Filters the location list to this id
-        :type    ex_id: ``str``
-        :return:  List of locations
-        :rtype:  ``list`` of :class:`NodeLocation`
-        """
-        params = {}
-        if ex_id is not None:
-            params['id'] = ex_id
-        return self._to_locations(
-            self.connection
-            .request_with_orgId_api_2(
-                'infrastructure/datacenter',
-                params=params
-            ).object
-        )
-    def list_networks(self, location=None):
-        """
-        List networks deployed across all data center locations for your
-        organization.  The response includes the location of each network.
-        :keyword location: The location
-        :type    location: :class:`NodeLocation` or ``str``
-        :return: a list of DimensionDataNetwork objects
-        :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`DimensionDataNetwork`
-        """
-        url_ext = ''
-        if location is not None:
-            url_ext = '/' + self._location_to_location_id(location)
-        return self._to_networks(
-            self.connection
-            .request_with_orgId_api_1('networkWithLocation%s' % url_ext)
-            .object)
-    def ex_list_nodes_paginated(self, name=None, location=None,
-                                ipv6=None, ipv4=None, vlan=None,
-                                image=None, deployed=None, started=None,
-                                state=None, network=None, network_domain=None):
-        """
-        Return a generator which yields node lists in pages
-        :keyword location: Filters the node list to nodes that are
-                           located in this location
-        :type    location: :class:`NodeLocation` or ``str``
-        :keyword name: Filters the node list to nodes that have this name
-        :type    name ``str``
-        :keyword ipv6: Filters the node list to nodes that have this
-                       ipv6 address
-        :type    ipv6: ``str``
-        :keyword ipv4: Filters the node list to nodes that have this
-                       ipv4 address
-        :type    ipv4: ``str``
-        :keyword vlan: Filters the node list to nodes that are in this VLAN
-        :type    vlan: :class:`DimensionDataVlan` or ``str``
-        :keyword image: Filters the node list to nodes that have this image
-        :type    image: :class:`NodeImage` or ``str``
-        :keyword deployed: Filters the node list to nodes that are
-                           deployed or not
-        :type    deployed: ``bool``
-        :keyword started: Filters the node list to nodes that are
-                          started or not
-        :type    started: ``bool``
-        :keyword state: Filters the node list to nodes that are in
-                        this state
-        :type    state: ``str``
-        :keyword network: Filters the node list to nodes in this network
-        :type    network: :class:`DimensionDataNetwork` or ``str``
-        :keyword network_domain: Filters the node list to nodes in this
-                                 network domain
-        :type    network_domain: :class:`DimensionDataNetworkDomain`
-                                 or ``str``
-        :return: a list of `Node` objects
-        :rtype: ``generator`` of `list` of :class:`Node`
-        """
-        params = {}
-        if location is not None:
-            params['datacenterId'] = self._location_to_location_id(location)
-        if ipv6 is not None:
-            params['ipv6'] = ipv6
-        if ipv4 is not None:
-            params['privateIpv4'] = ipv4
-        if state is not None:
-            params['state'] = state
-        if started is not None:
-            params['started'] = started
-        if deployed is not None:
-            params['deployed'] = deployed
-        if name is not None:
-            params['name'] = name
-        if network_domain is not None:
-            params['networkDomainId'] = \
-                self._network_domain_to_network_domain_id(network_domain)
-        if network is not None:
-            params['networkId'] = self._network_to_network_id(network)
-        if vlan is not None:
-            params['vlanId'] = self._vlan_to_vlan_id(vlan)
-        if image is not None:
-            params['sourceImageId'] = self._image_to_image_id(image)
-        nodes_obj = self._list_nodes_single_page(params)
-        yield self._to_nodes(nodes_obj)
-        while nodes_obj.get('pageCount') >= nodes_obj.get('pageSize'):
-            params['pageNumber'] = int(nodes_obj.get('pageNumber')) + 1
-            nodes_obj = self._list_nodes_single_page(params)
-            yield self._to_nodes(nodes_obj)
-    def ex_start_node(self, node):
-        """
-        Powers on an existing deployed server
-        :param      node: Node which should be used
-        :type       node: :class:`Node`
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        request_elm = ET.Element('startServer',
-                                 {'xmlns': TYPES_URN, 'id':})
-        body = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'server/startServer',
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(request_elm)).object
-        response_code = findtext(body, 'responseCode', TYPES_URN)
-        return response_code in ['IN_PROGRESS', 'OK']
-    def ex_shutdown_graceful(self, node):
-        """
-        This function will attempt to "gracefully" stop a server by
-        initiating a shutdown sequence within the guest operating system.
-        A successful response on this function means the system has
-        successfully passed the request into the operating system.
-        :param      node: Node which should be used
-        :type       node: :class:`Node`
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        request_elm = ET.Element('shutdownServer',
-                                 {'xmlns': TYPES_URN, 'id':})
-        body = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'server/shutdownServer',
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(request_elm)).object
-        response_code = findtext(body, 'responseCode', TYPES_URN)
-        return response_code in ['IN_PROGRESS', 'OK']
-    def ex_power_off(self, node):
-        """
-        This function will abruptly power-off a server.  Unlike
-        ex_shutdown_graceful, success ensures the node will stop but some OS
-        and application configurations may be adversely affected by the
-        equivalent of pulling the power plug out of the machine.
-        :param      node: Node which should be used
-        :type       node: :class:`Node`
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        request_elm = ET.Element('powerOffServer',
-                                 {'xmlns': TYPES_URN, 'id':})
-        body = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'server/powerOffServer',
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(request_elm)).object
-        response_code = findtext(body, 'responseCode', TYPES_URN)
-        return response_code in ['IN_PROGRESS', 'OK']
-    def ex_reset(self, node):
-        """
-        This function will abruptly reset a server.  Unlike
-        reboot_node, success ensures the node will restart but some OS
-        and application configurations may be adversely affected by the
-        equivalent of pulling the power plug out of the machine.
-        :param      node: Node which should be used
-        :type       node: :class:`Node`
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        request_elm = ET.Element('resetServer',
-                                 {'xmlns': TYPES_URN, 'id':})
-        body = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'server/resetServer',
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(request_elm)).object
-        response_code = findtext(body, 'responseCode', TYPES_URN)
-        return response_code in ['IN_PROGRESS', 'OK']
-    def ex_update_vm_tools(self, node):
-        """
-        This function triggers an update of the VMware Tools
-        software running on the guest OS of a Server.
-        :param      node: Node which should be used
-        :type       node: :class:`Node`
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        request_elm = ET.Element('updateVmwareTools',
-                                 {'xmlns': TYPES_URN, 'id':})
-        body = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'server/updateVmwareTools',
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(request_elm)).object
-        response_code = findtext(body, 'responseCode', TYPES_URN)
-        return response_code in ['IN_PROGRESS', 'OK']
-    def ex_update_node(self, node, name=None, description=None,
-                       cpu_count=None, ram_mb=None):
-        """
-        Update the node, the name, CPU or RAM
-        :param      node: Node which should be used
-        :type       node: :class:`Node`
-        :param      name: The new name (optional)
-        :type       name: ``str``
-        :param      description: The new description (optional)
-        :type       description: ``str``
-        :param      cpu_count: The new CPU count (optional)
-        :type       cpu_count: ``int``
-        :param      ram_mb: The new Memory in MB (optional)
-        :type       ram_mb: ``int``
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        data = {}
-        if name is not None:
-            data['name'] = name
-        if description is not None:
-            data['description'] = description
-        if cpu_count is not None:
-            data['cpuCount'] = str(cpu_count)
-        if ram_mb is not None:
-            data['memory'] = str(ram_mb)
-        body = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_1(
-            'server/%s' % (,
-            method='POST',
-            data=urlencode(data, True)).object
-        response_code = findtext(body, 'result', GENERAL_NS)
-        return response_code in ['IN_PROGRESS', 'SUCCESS']
-    def ex_create_anti_affinity_rule(self, node_list):
-        """
-        Create an anti affinity rule given a list of nodes
-        Anti affinity rules ensure that servers will not reside
-        on the same VMware ESX host
-        :param node_list: The list of nodes to create a rule for
-        :type  node_list: ``list`` of :class:`Node` or
-                          ``list`` of ``str``
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        if not isinstance(node_list, (list, tuple)):
-            raise TypeError("Node list must be a list or a tuple.")
-        anti_affinity_xml_request = ET.Element('NewAntiAffinityRule',
-                                               {'xmlns': SERVER_NS})
-        for node in node_list:
-            ET.SubElement(anti_affinity_xml_request, 'serverId').text = \
-                self._node_to_node_id(node)
-        result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_1(
-            'antiAffinityRule',
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(anti_affinity_xml_request)).object
-        response_code = findtext(result, 'result', GENERAL_NS)
-        return response_code in ['IN_PROGRESS', 'SUCCESS']
-    def ex_delete_anti_affinity_rule(self, anti_affinity_rule):
-        """
-        Remove anti affinity rule
-        :param anti_affinity_rule: The anti affinity rule to delete
-        :type  anti_affinity_rule: :class:`DimensionDataAntiAffinityRule` or
-                                   ``str``
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        rule_id = self._anti_affinity_rule_to_anti_affinity_rule_id(
-            anti_affinity_rule)
-        result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_1(
-            'antiAffinityRule/%s?delete' % (rule_id),
-            method='GET').object
-        response_code = findtext(result, 'result', GENERAL_NS)
-        return response_code in ['IN_PROGRESS', 'SUCCESS']
-    def ex_list_anti_affinity_rules(self, network=None, network_domain=None,
-                                    node=None, filter_id=None,
-                                    filter_state=None):
-        """
-        List anti affinity rules for a network, network domain, or node
-        :param network: The network to list anti affinity rules for
-                        One of network, network_domain, or node is required
-        :type  network: :class:`DimensionDataNetwork` or ``str``
-        :param network_domain: The network domain to list anti affinity rules
-                               One of network, network_domain,
-                               or node is required
-        :type  network_domain: :class:`DimensionDataNetworkDomain` or ``str``
-        :param node: The node to list anti affinity rules for
-                     One of network, netwok_domain, or node is required
-        :type  node: :class:`Node` or ``str``
-        :param filter_id: This will allow you to filter the rules
-                          by this node id
-        :type  filter_id: ``str``
-        :type  filter_state: This will allow you to filter rules by
-                             node state (i.e. NORMAL)
-        :type  filter_state: ``str``
-        :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`DimensionDataAntiAffinityRule`
-        """
-        not_none_arguments = [key
-                              for key in (network, network_domain, node)
-                              if key is not None]
-        if len(not_none_arguments) != 1:
-            raise ValueError("One and ONLY one of network, "
-                             "network_domain, or node must be set")
-        params = {}
-        if network_domain is not None:
-            params['networkDomainId'] = \
-                self._network_domain_to_network_domain_id(network_domain)
-        if network is not None:
-            params['networkId'] = \
-                self._network_to_network_id(network)
-        if node is not None:
-            params['serverId'] = \
-                self._node_to_node_id(node)
-        if filter_id is not None:
-            params['id'] = filter_id
-        if filter_state is not None:
-            params['state'] = filter_state
-        paged_result = self.connection.paginated_request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'server/antiAffinityRule',
-            method='GET',
-            params=params
-        )
-        rules = []
-        for result in paged_result:
-            rules.extend(self._to_anti_affinity_rules(result))
-        return rules
-    def ex_attach_node_to_vlan(self, node, vlan=None, private_ipv4=None):
-        """
-        Attach a node to a VLAN by adding an additional NIC to
-        the node on the target VLAN. The IP will be automatically
-        assigned based on the VLAN IP network space. Alternatively, provide
-        a private IPv4 address instead of VLAN information, and this will
-        be assigned to the node on corresponding NIC.
-        :param      node: Node which should be used
-        :type       node: :class:`Node`
-        :param      vlan: VLAN to attach the node to
-                          (required unless private_ipv4)
-        :type       vlan: :class:`DimensionDataVlan`
-        :keyword    private_ipv4: Private nic IPv4 Address
-                                  (required unless vlan)
-        :type       private_ipv4: ``str``
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        request = ET.Element('addNic',
-                             {'xmlns': TYPES_URN})
-        ET.SubElement(request, 'serverId').text =
-        nic = ET.SubElement(request, 'nic')
-        if vlan is not None:
-            ET.SubElement(nic, 'vlanId').text =
-        elif private_ipv4 is not None:
-            ET.SubElement(nic, 'privateIpv4').text = private_ipv4
-        else:
-            raise ValueError("One of vlan or primary_ipv4 "
-                             "must be specified")
-        response = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'server/addNic',
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(request)).object
-        response_code = findtext(response, 'responseCode', TYPES_URN)
-        return response_code in ['IN_PROGRESS', 'OK']
-    def ex_destroy_nic(self, nic_id):
-        """
-        Remove a NIC on a node, removing the node from a VLAN
-        :param      nic_id: The identifier of the NIC to remove
-        :type       nic_id: ``str``
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        request = ET.Element('removeNic',
-                             {'xmlns': TYPES_URN,
-                              'id': nic_id})
-        response = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'server/removeNic',
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(request)).object
-        response_code = findtext(response, 'responseCode', TYPES_URN)
-        return response_code in ['IN_PROGRESS', 'OK']
-    def ex_list_networks(self, location=None):
-        """
-        List networks deployed across all data center locations for your
-        organization.  The response includes the location of each network.
-        :param location: The target location
-        :type  location: :class:`NodeLocation` or ``str``
-        :return: a list of DimensionDataNetwork objects
-        :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`DimensionDataNetwork`
-        """
-        return self.list_networks(location=location)
-    def ex_create_network(self, location, name, description=None):
-        """
-        Create a new network in an MCP 1.0 location
-        :param   location: The target location (MCP1)
-        :type    location: :class:`NodeLocation` or ``str``
-        :param   name: The name of the network
-        :type    name: ``str``
-        :param   description: Additional description of the network
-        :type    description: ``str``
-        :return: A new instance of `DimensionDataNetwork`
-        :rtype:  Instance of :class:`DimensionDataNetwork`
-        """
-        network_location = self._location_to_location_id(location)
-        create_node = ET.Element('NewNetworkWithLocation',
-                                 {'xmlns': NETWORK_NS})
-        ET.SubElement(create_node, "name").text = name
-        if description is not None:
-            ET.SubElement(create_node, "description").text = description
-        ET.SubElement(create_node, "location").text = network_location
-        self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_1(
-            'networkWithLocation',
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(create_node))
-        # MCP1 API does not return the ID, but name is unique for location
-        network = list(
-            filter(lambda x: == name,
-                   self.ex_list_networks(location)))[0]
-        return network
-    def ex_delete_network(self, network):
-        """
-        Delete a network from an MCP 1 data center
-        :param  network: The network to delete
-        :type   network: :class:`DimensionDataNetwork`
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        response = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_1(
-            'network/%s?delete' %,
-            method='GET').object
-        response_code = findtext(response, 'result', GENERAL_NS)
-        return response_code == "SUCCESS"
-    def ex_rename_network(self, network, new_name):
-        """
-        Rename a network in MCP 1 data center
-        :param  network: The network to rename
-        :type   network: :class:`DimensionDataNetwork`
-        :param  new_name: The new name of the network
-        :type   new_name: ``str``
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        response = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_1(
-            'network/%s' %,
-            method='POST',
-            data='name=%s' % new_name).object
-        response_code = findtext(response, 'result', GENERAL_NS)
-        return response_code == "SUCCESS"
-    def ex_get_network_domain(self, network_domain_id):
-        """
-        Get an individual Network Domain, by identifier
-        :param      network_domain_id: The identifier of the network domain
-        :type       network_domain_id: ``str``
-        :rtype: :class:`DimensionDataNetworkDomain`
-        """
-        locations = self.list_locations()
-        net = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'network/networkDomain/%s' % network_domain_id).object
-        return self._to_network_domain(net, locations)
-    def ex_list_network_domains(self, location=None, name=None,
-                                service_plan=None, state=None):
-        """
-        List networks domains deployed across all data center locations
-        for your organization.
-        The response includes the location of each network domain.
-        :param      location: Only network domains in the location (optional)
-        :type       location: :class:`NodeLocation` or ``str``
-        :param      name: Only network domains of this name (optional)
-        :type       name: ``str``
-        :param      service_plan: Only network domains of this type (optional)
-        :type       service_plan: ``str``
-        :param      state: Only network domains in this state (optional)
-        :type       state: ``str``
-        :return: a list of `DimensionDataNetwork` objects
-        :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`DimensionDataNetwork`
-        """
-        params = {}
-        if location is not None:
-            params['datacenterId'] = self._location_to_location_id(location)
-        if name is not None:
-            params['name'] = name
-        if service_plan is not None:
-            params['type'] = service_plan
-        if state is not None:
-            params['state'] = state
-        response = self.connection \
-            .request_with_orgId_api_2('network/networkDomain',
-                                      params=params).object
-        return self._to_network_domains(response)
-    def ex_create_network_domain(self, location, name, service_plan,
-                                 description=None):
-        """
-        Deploy a new network domain to a data center
-        :param      location: The data center to list
-        :type       location: :class:`NodeLocation` or ``str``
-        :param      name: The name of the network domain to create
-        :type       name: ``str``
-        :param      service_plan: The service plan, either "ESSENTIALS"
-            or "ADVANCED"
-        :type       service_plan: ``str``
-        :param      description: An additional description of
-                                 the network domain
-        :type       description: ``str``
-        :return: an instance of `DimensionDataNetworkDomain`
-        :rtype: :class:`DimensionDataNetworkDomain`
-        """
-        create_node = ET.Element('deployNetworkDomain', {'xmlns': TYPES_URN})
-        ET.SubElement(
-            create_node,
-            "datacenterId"
-        ).text = self._location_to_location_id(location)
-        ET.SubElement(create_node, "name").text = name
-        if description is not None:
-            ET.SubElement(create_node, "description").text = description
-        ET.SubElement(create_node, "type").text = service_plan
-        response = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'network/deployNetworkDomain',
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(create_node)).object
-        network_domain_id = None
-        for info in findall(response, 'info', TYPES_URN):
-            if info.get('name') == 'networkDomainId':
-                network_domain_id = info.get('value')
-        return DimensionDataNetworkDomain(
-            id=network_domain_id,
-            name=name,
-            description=description,
-            location=location,
-            status=NodeState.RUNNING,
-            plan=service_plan
-        )
-    def ex_update_network_domain(self, network_domain):
-        """
-        Update the properties of a network domain
-        :param      network_domain: The network domain with updated properties
-        :type       network_domain: :class:`DimensionDataNetworkDomain`
-        :return: an instance of `DimensionDataNetworkDomain`
-        :rtype: :class:`DimensionDataNetworkDomain`
-        """
-        edit_node = ET.Element('editNetworkDomain', {'xmlns': TYPES_URN})
-        edit_node.set('id',
-        ET.SubElement(edit_node, "name").text =
-        if network_domain.description is not None:
-            ET.SubElement(edit_node, "description").text \
-                = network_domain.description
-        ET.SubElement(edit_node, "type").text = network_domain.plan
-        self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'network/editNetworkDomain',
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(edit_node)).object
-        return network_domain
-    def ex_delete_network_domain(self, network_domain):
-        """
-        Delete a network domain
-        :param      network_domain: The network domain to delete
-        :type       network_domain: :class:`DimensionDataNetworkDomain`
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        delete_node = ET.Element('deleteNetworkDomain', {'xmlns': TYPES_URN})
-        delete_node.set('id',
-        result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'network/deleteNetworkDomain',
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(delete_node)).object
-        response_code = findtext(result, 'responseCode', TYPES_URN)
-        return response_code in ['IN_PROGRESS', 'OK']
-    def ex_create_vlan(self,
-                       network_domain,
-                       name,
-                       private_ipv4_base_address,
-                       description=None,
-                       private_ipv4_prefix_size=24):
-        """
-        Deploy a new VLAN to a network domain
-        :param      network_domain: The network domain to add the VLAN to
-        :type       network_domain: :class:`DimensionDataNetworkDomain`
-        :param      name: The name of the VLAN to create
-        :type       name: ``str``
-        :param      private_ipv4_base_address: The base IPv4 address
-            e.g.
-        :type       private_ipv4_base_address: ``str``
-        :param      description: An additional description of the VLAN
-        :type       description: ``str``
-        :param      private_ipv4_prefix_size: The size of the IPv4
-            address space, e.g 24
-        :type       private_ipv4_prefix_size: ``int``
-        :return: an instance of `DimensionDataVlan`
-        :rtype: :class:`DimensionDataVlan`
-        """
-        create_node = ET.Element('deployVlan', {'xmlns': TYPES_URN})
-        ET.SubElement(create_node, "networkDomainId").text =
-        ET.SubElement(create_node, "name").text = name
-        if description is not None:
-            ET.SubElement(create_node, "description").text = description
-        ET.SubElement(create_node, "privateIpv4BaseAddress").text = \
-            private_ipv4_base_address
-        ET.SubElement(create_node, "privateIpv4PrefixSize").text = \
-            str(private_ipv4_prefix_size)
-        response = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'network/deployVlan',
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(create_node)).object
-        vlan_id = None
-        for info in findall(response, 'info', TYPES_URN):
-            if info.get('name') == 'vlanId':
-                vlan_id = info.get('value')
-        return self.ex_get_vlan(vlan_id)
-    def ex_get_vlan(self, vlan_id):
-        """
-        Get a single VLAN, by it's identifier
-        :param   vlan_id: The identifier of the VLAN
-        :type    vlan_id: ``str``
-        :return: an instance of `DimensionDataVlan`
-        :rtype: :class:`DimensionDataVlan`
-        """
-        locations = self.list_locations()
-        vlan = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'network/vlan/%s' % vlan_id).object
-        return self._to_vlan(vlan, locations)
-    def ex_update_vlan(self, vlan):
-        """
-        Updates the properties of the given VLAN
-        Only name and description are updated
-        :param      vlan: The VLAN to update
-        :type       vlan: :class:`DimensionDataNetworkDomain`
-        :return: an instance of `DimensionDataVlan`
-        :rtype: :class:`DimensionDataVlan`
-        """
-        edit_node = ET.Element('editVlan', {'xmlns': TYPES_URN})
-        edit_node.set('id',
-        ET.SubElement(edit_node, "name").text =
-        if vlan.description is not None:
-            ET.SubElement(edit_node, "description").text \
-                = vlan.description
-        self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'network/editVlan',
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(edit_node)).object
-        return vlan
-    def ex_expand_vlan(self, vlan):
-        """
-        Expands the VLAN to the prefix size in private_ipv4_range_size
-        The expansion will
-        not be permitted if the proposed IP space overlaps with an
-        already deployed VLANs IP space.
-        :param      vlan: The VLAN to update
-        :type       vlan: :class:`DimensionDataNetworkDomain`
-        :return: an instance of `DimensionDataVlan`
-        :rtype: :class:`DimensionDataVlan`
-        """
-        edit_node = ET.Element('expandVlan', {'xmlns': TYPES_URN})
-        edit_node.set('id',
-        ET.SubElement(edit_node, "privateIpv4PrefixSize").text =\
-            vlan.private_ipv4_range_size
-        self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'network/expandVlan',
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(edit_node)).object
-        return vlan
-    def ex_delete_vlan(self, vlan):
-        """
-        Deletes an existing VLAN
-        :param      vlan: The VLAN to delete
-        :type       vlan: :class:`DimensionDataNetworkDomain`
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        delete_node = ET.Element('deleteVlan', {'xmlns': TYPES_URN})
-        delete_node.set('id',
-        result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'network/deleteVlan',
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(delete_node)).object
-        response_code = findtext(result, 'responseCode', TYPES_URN)
-        return response_code in ['IN_PROGRESS', 'OK']
-    def ex_list_vlans(self, location=None, network_domain=None, name=None,
-                      ipv4_address=None, ipv6_address=None, state=None):
-        """
-        List VLANs available, can filter by location and/or network domain
-        :param      location: Only VLANs in this location (optional)
-        :type       location: :class:`NodeLocation` or ``str``
-        :param      network_domain: Only VLANs in this domain (optional)
-        :type       network_domain: :class:`DimensionDataNetworkDomain`
-        :param      name: Only VLANs with this name (optional)
-        :type       name: ``str``
-        :param      ipv4_address: Only VLANs with this ipv4 address (optional)
-        :type       ipv4_address: ``str``
-        :param      ipv6_address: Only VLANs with this ipv6 address  (optional)
-        :type       ipv6_address: ``str``
-        :param      state: Only VLANs with this state (optional)
-        :type       state: ``str``
-        :return: a list of DimensionDataVlan objects
-        :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`DimensionDataVlan`
-        """
-        params = {}
-        if location is not None:
-            params['datacenterId'] = self._location_to_location_id(location)
-        if network_domain is not None:
-            params['networkDomainId'] = \
-                self._network_domain_to_network_domain_id(network_domain)
-        if name is not None:
-            params['name'] = name
-        if ipv4_address is not None:
-            params['privateIpv4Address'] = ipv4_address
-        if ipv6_address is not None:
-            params['ipv6Address'] = ipv6_address
-        if state is not None:
-            params['state'] = state
-        response = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2('network/vlan',
-                                                            params=params) \
-                                  .object
-        return self._to_vlans(response)
-    def ex_add_public_ip_block_to_network_domain(self, network_domain):
-        add_node = ET.Element('addPublicIpBlock', {'xmlns': TYPES_URN})
-        ET.SubElement(add_node, "networkDomainId").text =\
-        response = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'network/addPublicIpBlock',
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(add_node)).object
-        block_id = None
-        for info in findall(response, 'info', TYPES_URN):
-            if info.get('name') == 'ipBlockId':
-                block_id = info.get('value')
-        return self.ex_get_public_ip_block(block_id)
-    def ex_list_public_ip_blocks(self, network_domain):
-        params = {}
-        params['networkDomainId'] =
-        response = self.connection \
-            .request_with_orgId_api_2('network/publicIpBlock',
-                                      params=params).object
-        return self._to_ip_blocks(response)
-    def ex_get_public_ip_block(self, block_id):
-        locations = self.list_locations()
-        block = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'network/publicIpBlock/%s' % block_id).object
-        return self._to_ip_block(block, locations)
-    def ex_delete_public_ip_block(self, block):
-        delete_node = ET.Element('removePublicIpBlock', {'xmlns': TYPES_URN})
-        delete_node.set('id',
-        result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'network/removePublicIpBlock',
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(delete_node)).object
-        response_code = findtext(result, 'responseCode', TYPES_URN)
-        return response_code in ['IN_PROGRESS', 'OK']
-    def ex_get_node_by_id(self, id):
-        node = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'server/server/%s' % id).object
-        return self._to_node(node)
-    def ex_list_firewall_rules(self, network_domain, page_size=50,
-                               page_number=1):
-        params = {'pageSize': page_size, 'pageNumber': page_number}
-        params['networkDomainId'] = self._network_domain_to_network_domain_id(
-            network_domain)
-        response = self.connection \
-            .request_with_orgId_api_2('network/firewallRule',
-                                      params=params).object
-        return self._to_firewall_rules(response, network_domain)
-    def ex_create_firewall_rule(self, network_domain, rule, position,
-                                position_relative_to_rule=None):
-        """
-        Creates a firewall rule
-        :param network_domain: The network domain in which to create
-                                the firewall rule
-        :type  network_domain: :class:`DimensionDataNetworkDomain` or ``str``
-        :param rule: The rule in which to create
-        :type  rule: :class:`DimensionDataFirewallRule`
-        :param position: The position in which to create the rule
-                         There are two types of positions
-                         with position_relative_to_rule arg and without it
-                         With: 'BEFORE' or 'AFTER'
-                         Without: 'FIRST' or 'LAST'
-        :type  position: ``str``
-        :param position_relative_to_rule: The rule or rule name in
-                                          which to decide positioning by
-        :type  position_relative_to_rule:
-            :class:`DimensionDataFirewallRule` or ``str``
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        positions_without_rule = ('FIRST', 'LAST')
-        positions_with_rule = ('BEFORE', 'AFTER')
-        create_node = ET.Element('createFirewallRule', {'xmlns': TYPES_URN})
-        ET.SubElement(create_node, "networkDomainId").text = \
-            self._network_domain_to_network_domain_id(network_domain)
-        ET.SubElement(create_node, "name").text =
-        ET.SubElement(create_node, "action").text = rule.action
-        ET.SubElement(create_node, "ipVersion").text = rule.ip_version
-        ET.SubElement(create_node, "protocol").text = rule.protocol
-        # Setup source port rule
-        source = ET.SubElement(create_node, "source")
-        source_ip = ET.SubElement(source, 'ip')
-        if rule.source.any_ip:
-            source_ip.set('address', 'ANY')
-        else:
-            source_ip.set('address', rule.source.ip_address)
-            if rule.source.ip_prefix_size is not None:
-                source_ip.set('prefixSize', str(rule.source.ip_prefix_size))
-            if rule.source.port_begin is not None:
-                source_port = ET.SubElement(source, 'port')
-                source_port.set('begin', rule.source.port_begin)
-            if rule.source.port_end is not None:
-                source_port.set('end', rule.source.port_end)
-        # Setup destination port rule
-        dest = ET.SubElement(create_node, "destination")
-        dest_ip = ET.SubElement(dest, 'ip')
-        if rule.destination.any_ip:
-            dest_ip.set('address', 'ANY')
-        else:
-            dest_ip.set('address', rule.destination.ip_address)
-            if rule.destination.ip_prefix_size is not None:
-                dest_ip.set('prefixSize', rule.destination.ip_prefix_size)
-            if rule.destination.port_begin is not None:
-                dest_port = ET.SubElement(dest, 'port')
-                dest_port.set('begin', rule.destination.port_begin)
-            if rule.destination.port_end is not None:
-                dest_port.set('end', rule.destination.port_end)
-        # Set up positioning of rule
-        ET.SubElement(create_node, "enabled").text = str(rule.enabled).lower()
-        placement = ET.SubElement(create_node, "placement")
-        if position_relative_to_rule is not None:
-            if position not in positions_with_rule:
-                raise ValueError("When position_relative_to_rule is specified"
-                                 " position must be %s"
-                                 % ', '.join(positions_with_rule))
-            if isinstance(position_relative_to_rule,
-                          DimensionDataFirewallRule):
-                rule_name =
-            else:
-                rule_name = position_relative_to_rule
-            placement.set('relativeToRule', rule_name)
-        else:
-            if position not in positions_without_rule:
-                raise ValueError("When position_relative_to_rule is not"
-                                 " specified position must be %s"
-                                 % ', '.join(positions_without_rule))
-        placement.set('position', position)
-        response = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'network/createFirewallRule',
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(create_node)).object
-        rule_id = None
-        for info in findall(response, 'info', TYPES_URN):
-            if info.get('name') == 'firewallRuleId':
-                rule_id = info.get('value')
- = rule_id
-        return rule
-    def ex_get_firewall_rule(self, network_domain, rule_id):
-        locations = self.list_locations()
-        rule = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'network/firewallRule/%s' % rule_id).object
-        return self._to_firewall_rule(rule, locations, network_domain)
-    def ex_set_firewall_rule_state(self, rule, state):
-        """
-        Change the state (enabled or disabled) of a rule
-        :param rule: The rule to delete
-        :type  rule: :class:`DimensionDataFirewallRule`
-        :param state: The desired state enabled (True) or disabled (False)
-        :type  state: ``bool``
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        update_node = ET.Element('editFirewallRule', {'xmlns': TYPES_URN})
-        update_node.set('id',
-        ET.SubElement(update_node, 'enabled').text = str(state).lower()
-        result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'network/editFirewallRule',
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(update_node)).object
-        response_code = findtext(result, 'responseCode', TYPES_URN)
-        return response_code in ['IN_PROGRESS', 'OK']
-    def ex_delete_firewall_rule(self, rule):
-        """
-        Delete a firewall rule
-        :param rule: The rule to delete
-        :type  rule: :class:`DimensionDataFirewallRule`
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        update_node = ET.Element('deleteFirewallRule', {'xmlns': TYPES_URN})
-        update_node.set('id',
-        result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'network/deleteFirewallRule',
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(update_node)).object
-        response_code = findtext(result, 'responseCode', TYPES_URN)
-        return response_code in ['IN_PROGRESS', 'OK']
-    def ex_create_nat_rule(self, network_domain, internal_ip, external_ip):
-        """
-        Create a NAT rule
-        :param  network_domain: The network domain the rule belongs to
-        :type   network_domain: :class:`DimensionDataNetworkDomain`
-        :param  internal_ip: The IPv4 address internally
-        :type   internal_ip: ``str``
-        :param  external_ip: The IPv4 address externally
-        :type   external_ip: ``str``
-        :rtype: :class:`DimensionDataNatRule`
-        """
-        create_node = ET.Element('createNatRule', {'xmlns': TYPES_URN})
-        ET.SubElement(create_node, 'networkDomainId').text =
-        ET.SubElement(create_node, 'internalIp').text = internal_ip
-        ET.SubElement(create_node, 'externalIp').text = external_ip
-        result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'network/createNatRule',
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(create_node)).object
-        rule_id = None
-        for info in findall(result, 'info', TYPES_URN):
-            if info.get('name') == 'natRuleId':
-                rule_id = info.get('value')
-        return DimensionDataNatRule(
-            id=rule_id,
-            network_domain=network_domain,
-            internal_ip=internal_ip,
-            external_ip=external_ip,
-            status=NodeState.RUNNING
-        )
-    def ex_list_nat_rules(self, network_domain):
-        """
-        Get NAT rules for the network domain
-        :param  network_domain: The network domain the rules belongs to
-        :type   network_domain: :class:`DimensionDataNetworkDomain`
-        :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`DimensionDataNatRule`
-        """
-        params = {}
-        params['networkDomainId'] =
-        response = self.connection \
-            .request_with_orgId_api_2('network/natRule',
-                                      params=params).object
-        return self._to_nat_rules(response, network_domain)
-    def ex_get_nat_rule(self, network_domain, rule_id):
-        """
-        Get a NAT rule by ID
-        :param  network_domain: The network domain the rule belongs to
-        :type   network_domain: :class:`DimensionDataNetworkDomain`
-        :param  rule_id: The ID of the NAT rule to fetch
-        :type   rule_id: ``str``
-        :rtype: :class:`DimensionDataNatRule`
-        """
-        rule = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'network/natRule/%s' % rule_id).object
-        return self._to_nat_rule(rule, network_domain)
-    def ex_delete_nat_rule(self, rule):
-        """
-        Delete an existing NAT rule
-        :param  rule: The rule to delete
-        :type   rule: :class:`DimensionDataNatRule`
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        update_node = ET.Element('deleteNatRule', {'xmlns': TYPES_URN})
-        update_node.set('id',
-        result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'network/deleteNatRule',
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(update_node)).object
-        response_code = findtext(result, 'responseCode', TYPES_URN)
-        return response_code in ['IN_PROGRESS', 'OK']
-    def ex_get_location_by_id(self, id):
-        """
-        Get location by ID.
-        :param  id: ID of the node location which should be used
-        :type   id: ``str``
-        :rtype: :class:`NodeLocation`
-        """
-        location = None
-        if id is not None:
-            location = self.list_locations(ex_id=id)[0]
-        return location
-    def ex_wait_for_state(self, state, func, poll_interval=2,
-                          timeout=60, *args, **kwargs):
-        """
-        Wait for the function which returns a instance
-        with field status to match
-        Keep polling func until one of the desired states is matched
-        :param state: Either the desired state (`str`) or a `list` of states
-        :type  state: ``str`` or ``list``
-        :param  func: The function to call, e.g. ex_get_vlan
-        :type   func: ``function``
-        :param  poll_interval: The number of seconds to wait between checks
-        :type   poll_interval: `int`
-        :param  timeout: The total number of seconds to wait to reach a state
-        :type   timeout: `int`
-        :param  args: The arguments for func
-        :type   args: Positional arguments
-        :param  kwargs: The arguments for func
-        :type   kwargs: Keyword arguments
-        """
-        return self.connection.wait_for_state(state, func, poll_interval,
-                                              timeout, *args, **kwargs)
-    def ex_enable_monitoring(self, node, service_plan="ESSENTIALS"):
-        """
-        Enables cloud monitoring on a node
-        :param   node: The node to monitor
-        :type    node: :class:`Node`
-        :param   service_plan: The service plan, one of ESSENTIALS or
-                               ADVANCED
-        :type    service_plan: ``str``
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        update_node = ET.Element('enableServerMonitoring',
-                                 {'xmlns': TYPES_URN})
-        update_node.set('id',
-        ET.SubElement(update_node, 'servicePlan').text = service_plan
-        result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'server/enableServerMonitoring',
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(update_node)).object
-        response_code = findtext(result, 'responseCode', TYPES_URN)
-        return response_code in ['IN_PROGRESS', 'OK']
-    def ex_update_monitoring_plan(self, node, service_plan="ESSENTIALS"):
-        """
-        Updates the service plan on a node with monitoring
-        :param   node: The node to monitor
-        :type    node: :class:`Node`
-        :param   service_plan: The service plan, one of ESSENTIALS or
-                               ADVANCED
-        :type    service_plan: ``str``
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        update_node = ET.Element('changeServerMonitoringPlan',
-                                 {'xmlns': TYPES_URN})
-        update_node.set('id',
-        ET.SubElement(update_node, 'servicePlan').text = service_plan
-        result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'server/changeServerMonitoringPlan',
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(update_node)).object
-        response_code = findtext(result, 'responseCode', TYPES_URN)
-        return response_code in ['IN_PROGRESS', 'OK']
-    def ex_disable_monitoring(self, node):
-        """
-        Disables cloud monitoring for a node
-        :param   node: The node to stop monitoring
-        :type    node: :class:`Node`
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        update_node = ET.Element('disableServerMonitoring',
-                                 {'xmlns': TYPES_URN})
-        update_node.set('id',
-        result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'server/disableServerMonitoring',
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(update_node)).object
-        response_code = findtext(result, 'responseCode', TYPES_URN)
-        return response_code in ['IN_PROGRESS', 'OK']
-    def ex_add_storage_to_node(self, node, amount, speed='STANDARD'):
-        """
-        Add storage to the node
-        :param  node: The server to add storage to
-        :type   node: :class:`Node`
-        :param  amount: The amount of storage to add, in GB
-        :type   amount: ``int``
-        :param  speed: The disk speed type
-        :type   speed: ``str``
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_1(
-            'server/%s?addLocalStorage&amount=%s&speed=%s' %
-            (, amount, speed)).object
-        response_code = findtext(result, 'result', GENERAL_NS)
-        return response_code in ['IN_PROGRESS', 'SUCCESS']
-    def ex_remove_storage_from_node(self, node, disk_id):
-        """
-        Remove storage from a node
-        :param  node: The server to add storage to
-        :type   node: :class:`Node`
-        :param  disk_id: The ID of the disk to remove
-        :type   disk_id: ``str``
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_1(
-            'server/%s/disk/%s?delete' %
-            (, disk_id)).object
-        response_code = findtext(result, 'result', GENERAL_NS)
-        return response_code in ['IN_PROGRESS', 'SUCCESS']
-    def ex_change_storage_speed(self, node, disk_id, speed):
-        """
-        Change the speed (disk tier) of a disk
-        :param  node: The server to change the disk speed of
-        :type   node: :class:`Node`
-        :param  disk_id: The ID of the disk to change
-        :type   disk_id: ``str``
-        :param  speed: The disk speed type e.g. STANDARD
-        :type   speed: ``str``
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        create_node = ET.Element('ChangeDiskSpeed', {'xmlns': SERVER_NS})
-        ET.SubElement(create_node, 'speed').text = speed
-        result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_1(
-            'server/%s/disk/%s/changeSpeed' %
-            (, disk_id),
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(create_node)).object
-        response_code = findtext(result, 'result', GENERAL_NS)
-        return response_code in ['IN_PROGRESS', 'SUCCESS']
-    def ex_change_storage_size(self, node, disk_id, size):
-        """
-        Change the size of a disk
-        :param  node: The server to change the disk of
-        :type   node: :class:`Node`
-        :param  disk_id: The ID of the disk to resize
-        :type   disk_id: ``str``
-        :param  size: The disk size in GB
-        :type   size: ``int``
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        create_node = ET.Element('ChangeDiskSize', {'xmlns': SERVER_NS})
-        ET.SubElement(create_node, 'newSizeGb').text = str(size)
-        result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_1(
-            'server/%s/disk/%s/changeSize' %
-            (, disk_id),
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(create_node)).object
-        response_code = findtext(result, 'result', GENERAL_NS)
-        return response_code in ['IN_PROGRESS', 'SUCCESS']
-    def ex_reconfigure_node(self, node, memory_gb, cpu_count, cores_per_socket,
-                            cpu_performance):
-        """
-        Reconfigure the virtual hardware specification of a node
-        :param  node: The server to change
-        :type   node: :class:`Node`
-        :param  memory_gb: The amount of memory in GB (optional)
-        :type   memory_gb: ``int``
-        :param  cpu_count: The number of CPU (optional)
-        :type   cpu_count: ``int``
-        :param  cores_per_socket: Number of CPU cores per socket (optional)
-        :type   cores_per_socket: ``int``
-        :param  cpu_performance: CPU Performance type (optional)
-        :type   cpu_performance: ``str``
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        update = ET.Element('reconfigureServer', {'xmlns': TYPES_URN})
-        update.set('id',
-        if memory_gb is not None:
-            ET.SubElement(update, 'memoryGb').text = str(memory_gb)
-        if cpu_count is not None:
-            ET.SubElement(update, 'cpuCount').text = str(cpu_count)
-        if cpu_performance is not None:
-            ET.SubElement(update, 'cpuSpeed').text = cpu_performance
-        if cores_per_socket is not None:
-            ET.SubElement(update, 'coresPerSocket').text = \
-                str(cores_per_socket)
-        result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'server/reconfigureServer',
-            method='POST',
-            data=ET.tostring(update)).object
-        response_code = findtext(result, 'responseCode', TYPES_URN)
-        return response_code in ['IN_PROGRESS', 'OK']
-    def ex_clone_node_to_image(self, node, image_name, image_description=None):
-        """
-        Clone a server into a customer image.
-        :param  node: The server to clone
-        :type   node: :class:`Node`
-        :param  image_name: The name of the clone image
-        :type   image_name: ``str``
-        :param  description: The description of the image
-        :type   description: ``str``
-        :rtype: ``bool``
-        """
-        if image_description is None:
-            image_description = ''
-        result = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_1(
-            'server/%s?clone=%s&desc=%s' %
-            (, image_name, image_description)).object
-        response_code = findtext(result, 'result', GENERAL_NS)
-        return response_code in ['IN_PROGRESS', 'SUCCESS']
-    def ex_list_customer_images(self, location=None):
-        """
-        Return a list of customer imported images
-        :param location: The target location
-        :type  location: :class:`NodeLocation` or ``str``
-        :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`NodeImage`
-        """
-        params = {}
-        if location is not None:
-            params['datacenterId'] = self._location_to_location_id(location)
-        return self._to_images(
-            self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-                'image/customerImage',
-                params=params)
-            .object, 'customerImage')
-    def ex_get_base_image_by_id(self, id):
-        """
-        Gets a Base image in the Dimension Data Cloud given the id
-        :param id: The id of the image
-        :type  id: ``str``
-        :rtype: :class:`NodeImage`
-        """
-        image = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'image/osImage/%s' % id).object
-        return self._to_image(image)
-    def ex_get_customer_image_by_id(self, id):
-        """
-        Gets a Customer image in the Dimension Data Cloud given the id
-        :param id: The id of the image
-        :type  id: ``str``
-        :rtype: :class:`NodeImage`
-        """
-        image = self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'image/customerImage/%s' % id).object
-        return self._to_image(image)
-    def ex_get_image_by_id(self, id):
-        """
-        Gets a Base/Customer image in the Dimension Data Cloud given the id
-        Note: This first checks the base image
-              If it is not a base image we check if it is a customer image
-              If it is not in either of these a DimensionDataAPIException
-              is thrown
-        :param id: The id of the image
-        :type  id: ``str``
-        :rtype: :class:`NodeImage`
-        """
-        try:
-            return self.ex_get_base_image_by_id(id)
-        except DimensionDataAPIException as e:
-            if e.code != 'RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND':
-                raise e
-        return self.ex_get_customer_image_by_id(id)
-    def _list_nodes_single_page(self, params={}):
-        return self.connection.request_with_orgId_api_2(
-            'server/server', params=params).object
-    def _to_images(self, object, el_name='osImage'):
-        images = []
-        locations = self.list_locations()
-        for element in object.findall(fixxpath(el_name, TYPES_URN)):
-            images.append(self._to_image(element, locations))
-        return images
-    def _to_image(self, element, locations=None):
-        location_id = element.get('datacenterId')
-        if locations is None:
-            locations = self.list_locations(location_id)
-        location = list(filter(lambda x: == location_id,
-                               locations))[0]
-        cpu_spec = self._to_cpu_spec(element.find(fixxpath('cpu', TYPES_URN)))
-        os_el = element.find(fixxpath('operatingSystem', TYPES_URN))
-        if element.tag.endswith('customerImage'):
-            is_customer_image = True
-        else:
-            is_customer_image = False
-        extra = {
-            'description': findtext(element, 'description', TYPES_URN),
-            'OS_type': os_el.get('family'),
-            'OS_displayName': os_el.get('displayName'),
-            'cpu': cpu_spec,
-            'memoryGb': findtext(element, 'memoryGb', TYPES_URN),
-            'osImageKey': findtext(element, 'osImageKey', TYPES_URN),
-            'created': findtext(element, 'createTime', TYPES_URN),
-            'location': location,
-            'isCustomerImage': is_customer_image
-        }
-        return NodeImage(id=element.get('id'),
-                         name=str(findtext(element, 'name', TYPES_URN)),
-                         extra=extra,
-                         driver=self.connection.driver)
-    def _to_nat_rules(self, object, network_domain):
-        rules = []
-        for element in findall(object, 'natRule', TYPES_URN):
-            rules.append(
-                self._to_nat_rule(element, network_domain))
-        return rules
-    def _to_nat_rule(self, element, network_domain):
-        return DimensionDataNatRule(
-            id=element.get('id'),
-            network_domain=network_domain,
-            internal_ip=findtext(element, 'internalIp', TYPES_URN),
-            external_ip=findtext(element, 'externalIp', TYPES_URN),
-            status=findtext(element, 'state', TYPES_URN))
-    def _to_anti_affinity_rules(self, object):
-        rules = []
-        for element in findall(object, 'antiAffinityRule', TYPES_URN):
-            rules.append(
-                self._to_anti_affinity_rule(element))
-        return rules
-    def _to_anti_affinity_rule(self, element):
-        node_list = []
-        for node in findall(element, 'serverSummary', TYPES_URN):
-            node_list.append(node.get('id'))
-        return DimensionDataAntiAffinityRule(
-            id=element.get('id'),
-            node_list=node_list
-        )
-    def _to_firewall_rules(self, object, network_domain):
-        rules = []
-        locations = self.list_locations()
-        for element in findall(object, 'firewallRule', TYPES_URN):
-            rules.append(
-                self._to_firewall_rule(element, locations, network_domain))
-        return rules
-    def _to_firewall_rule(self, element, locations, network_domain):
-        location_id = element.get('datacenterId')
-        location = list(filter(lambda x: == location_id,
-                               locations))[0]
-        return DimensionDataFirewallRule(
-            id=element.get('id'),
-            network_domain=network_domain,
-            name=findtext(element, 'name', TYPES_URN),
-            action=findtext(element, 'action', TYPES_URN),
-            ip_version=findtext(element, 'ipVersion', TYPES_URN),
-            protocol=findtext(element, 'protocol', TYPES_URN),
-            enabled=findtext(element, 'enabled', TYPES_URN),
-            source=self._to_firewall_address(
-                element.find(fixxpath('source', TYPES_URN))),
-            destination=self._to_firewall_address(
-                element.find(fixxpath('destination', TYPES_URN))),
-            location=location,
-            status=findtext(element, 'state', TYPES_URN))
-    def _to_firewall_address(self, element):
-        ip = element.find(fixxpath('ip', TYPES_URN))
-        port = element.find(fixxpath('port', TYPES_URN))
-        return DimensionDataFirewallAddress(
-            any_ip=ip.get('address') == 'ANY',
-            ip_address=ip.get('address'),
-            ip_prefix_size=ip.get('prefixSize'),
-            port_begin=port.get('begin') if port is not None else None,
-            port_end=port.get('end') if port is not None else None
-        )
-    def _to_ip_blocks(self, object):
-        blocks = []
-        locations = self.list_locations()
-        for element in findall(object, 'publicIpBlock', TYPES_URN):
-            blocks.append(self._to_ip_block(element, locations))
-        return blocks
-    def _to_ip_block(self, element, locations):
-        location_id = element.get('datacenterId')
-        location = list(filter(lambda x: == location_id,
-                               locations))[0]
-        return DimensionDataPublicIpBlock(
-            id=element.get('id'),
-            network_domain=self.ex_get_network_domain(
-                findtext(element, 'networkDomainId', TYPES_URN)
-            ),
-            base_ip=findtext(element, 'baseIp', TYPES_URN),
-            size=findtext(element, 'size', TYPES_URN),
-            location=location,
-            status=findtext(element, 'state', TYPES_URN))
-    def _to_networks(self, object):
-        networks = []
-        locations = self.list_locations()
-        for element in findall(object, 'network', NETWORK_NS):
-            networks.append(self._to_network(element, locations))
-        return networks
-    def _to_network(self, element, locations):
-        multicast = False
-        if findtext(element, 'multicast', NETWORK_NS) == 'true':
-            multicast = True
-        status = self._to_status(element.find(fixxpath('status', NETWORK_NS)))
-        location_id = findtext(element, 'location', NETWORK_NS)
-        location = list(filter(lambda x: == location_id,
-                               locations))[0]
-        return DimensionDataNetwork(
-            id=findtext(element, 'id', NETWORK_NS),
-            name=findtext(element, 'name', NETWORK_NS),
-            description=findtext(element, 'description',
-                                 NETWORK_NS),
-            location=location,
-            private_net=findtext(element, 'privateNet',
-                                 NETWORK_NS),
-            multicast=multicast,
-            status=status)
-    def _to_network_domains(self, object):
-        network_domains = []
-        locations = self.list_locations()
-        for element in findall(object, 'networkDomain', TYPES_URN):
-            network_domains.append(self._to_network_domain(element, locations))
-        return network_domains
-    def _to_network_domain(self, element, locations):
-        location_id = element.get('datacenterId')
-        location = list(filter(lambda x: == location_id,
-                               locations))[0]
-        plan = findtext(element, 'type', TYPES_URN)
-        if plan is 'ESSENTIALS':
-            plan_type = NetworkDomainServicePlan.ESSENTIALS
-        else:
-            plan_type = NetworkDomainServicePlan.ADVANCED
-        return DimensionDataNetworkDomain(
-            id=element.get('id'),
-            name=findtext(element, 'name', TYPES_URN),
-            description=findtext(element, 'description', TYPES_URN),
-            plan=plan_type,
-            location=location,
-            status=findtext(element, 'state', TYPES_URN))
-    def _to_vlans(self, object):
-        vlans = []
-        locations = self.list_locations()
-        for element in findall(object, 'vlan', TYPES_URN):
-            vlans.append(self._to_vlan(element, locations=locations))
-        return vlans
-    def _to_vlan(self, element, locations):
-        location_id = element.get('datacenterId')
-        location = list(filter(lambda x: == location_id,
-                               locations))[0]
-        ip_range = element.find(fixxpath('privateIpv4Range', TYPES_URN))
-        ip6_range = element.find(fixxpath('ipv6Range', TYPES_URN))
-        network_domain_el = element.find(
-            fixxpath('networkDomain', TYPES_URN))
-        network_domain = self.ex_get_network_domain(
-            network_domain_el.get('id'))
-        return DimensionDataVlan(
-            id=element.get('id'),
-            name=findtext(element, 'name', TYPES_URN),
-            description=findtext(element, 'description',
-                                 TYPES_URN),
-            network_domain=network_domain,
-            private_ipv4_range_address=ip_range.get('address'),
-            private_ipv4_range_size=int(ip_range.get('prefixSize')),
-            ipv6_range_address=ip6_range.get('address'),
-            ipv6_range_size=int(ip6_range.get('prefixSize')),
-            ipv4_gateway=findtext(
-                element,
-                'ipv4GatewayAddress',
-                TYPES_URN),
-            ipv6_gateway=findtext(
-                element,
-                'ipv6GatewayAddress',
-                TYPES_URN),
-            location=location,
-            status=findtext(element, 'state', TYPES_URN))
-    def _to_locations(self, object):
-        locations = []
-        for element in object.findall(fixxpath('datacenter', TYPES_URN)):
-            locations.append(self._to_location(element))
-        return locations
-    def _to_location(self, element):
-        l = NodeLocation(id=element.get('id'),
-                         name=findtext(element, 'displayName', TYPES_URN),
-                         country=findtext(element, 'country', TYPES_URN),
-                         driver=self)
-        return l
-    def _to_cpu_spec(self, element):
-        return DimensionDataServerCpuSpecification(
-            cpu_count=int(element.get('count')),
-            cores_per_socket=int(element.get('coresPerSocket')),
-            performance=element.get('speed'))
-    def _to_vmware_tools(self, element):
-        return DimensionDataServerVMWareTools(
-            status=element.get('runningStatus'),
-            version_status=element.get('versionStatus'),
-            api_version=element.get('apiVersion'))
-    def _to_disks(self, object):
-        disk_elements = object.findall(fixxpath('disk', TYPES_URN))
-        return [self._to_disk(el) for el in disk_elements]
-    def _to_disk(self, element):
-        return DimensionDataServerDisk(
-            id=element.get('id'),
-            scsi_id=int(element.get('scsiId')),
-            size_gb=int(element.get('sizeGb')),
-            speed=element.get('speed'),
-            state=element.get('state')
-        )
-    def _to_nodes(self, object):
-        node_elements = object.findall(fixxpath('server', TYPES_URN))
-        return [self._to_node(el) for el in node_elements]
-    def _to_node(self, element):
-        started = findtext(element, 'started', TYPES_URN)
-        status = self._to_status(element.find(fixxpath('progress', TYPES_URN)))
-        dd_state = findtext(element, 'state', TYPES_URN)
-        node_state = self._get_node_state(dd_state, started, status.action)
-        has_network_info \
-            = element.find(fixxpath('networkInfo', TYPES_URN)) is not None
-        cpu_spec = self._to_cpu_spec(element.find(fixxpath('cpu', TYPES_URN)))
-        disks = self._to_disks(element)
-        vmware_tools = self._to_vmware_tools(
-            element.find(fixxpath('vmwareTools', TYPES_URN)))
-        extra = {
-            'description': findtext(element, 'description', TYPES_URN),
-            'sourceImageId': findtext(element, 'sourceImageId', TYPES_URN),
-            'networkId': findtext(element, 'networkId', TYPES_URN),
-            'networkDomainId':
-                element.find(fixxpath('networkInfo', TYPES_URN))
-                .get('networkDomainId')
-                if has_network_info else None,
-            'datacenterId': element.get('datacenterId'),
-            'deployedTime': findtext(element, 'createTime', TYPES_URN),
-            'cpu': cpu_spec,
-            'memoryMb': int(findtext(
-                element,
-                'memoryGb',
-                TYPES_URN)) * 1024,
-            'OS_id': element.find(fixxpath(
-                'operatingSystem',
-                TYPES_URN)).get('id'),
-            'OS_type': element.find(fixxpath(
-                'operatingSystem',
-                TYPES_URN)).get('family'),
-            'OS_displayName': element.find(fixxpath(
-                'operatingSystem',
-                TYPES_URN)).get('displayName'),
-            'status': status,
-            'disks': disks,
-            'vmWareTools': vmware_tools
-        }
-        public_ip = findtext(element, 'publicIpAddress', TYPES_URN)
-        private_ip = element.find(
-            fixxpath('networkInfo/primaryNic', TYPES_URN)) \
-            .get('privateIpv4') \
-            if has_network_info else \
-            element.find(fixxpath('nic', TYPES_URN)).get('privateIpv4')
-        extra['ipv6'] = element.find(
-            fixxpath('networkInfo/primaryNic', TYPES_URN)) \
-            .get('ipv6') \
-            if has_network_info else \
-            element.find(fixxpath('nic', TYPES_URN)).get('ipv6')
-        n = Node(id=element.get('id'),
-                 name=findtext(element, 'name', TYPES_URN),
-                 state=node_state,
-                 public_ips=[public_ip] if public_ip is not None else [],
-                 private_ips=[private_ip] if private_ip is not None else [],
-                 driver=self.connection.d