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Posted to by RK...@MICROS.COM on 2002/08/05 21:37:32 UTC

Use of ArrayDeserializer in Custom Deserializer

Does anyone know how to deserialize an array within a custom deserializer?

My serializer is as follows:

public class TaxInformationVOSerializer implements Serializer
    public static final QName myTypeQName = new QName("myofficeNS",

    public void serialize(QName name, Attributes attributes, Object value,
SerializationContext context)
    throws IOException
        if (!(value instanceof TaxInformationVO))
            throw new IOException("Can't serialize a " +
value.getClass().getName() + " with a " + this.getClass().getName());

        TaxInformationVO data = (TaxInformationVO) value;

        context.startElement(name, attributes);
	context.serialize(new QName("", "taxInformationId"       ), null,
data.getTaxInformationId()       , Long.class);
	context.serialize(new QName("", "addWithholdingAmtState" ), null,
data.getAddWithholdingAmtState() , BigDecimal.class);

            // Convert TaxProgramAssignments collection to typed array
           Collection               taxProgramAsgnCol   =
           TaxProgramAssignmentVO[] classArray          = new
           TaxProgramAssignmentVO[] taxProgramAsgnArray = null;
           // Remember .NET prefers empty arrays as null
           if (taxProgramAsgnCol.size() > 0)
              taxProgramAsgnArray = new
        context.serialize(new QName("", "taxProgramAssignments"), null,
taxProgramAsgnArray, classArray.getClass());


    public String getMechanismType() { return Constants.AXIS_SAX; }
    public boolean writeSchema(Types types) throws Exception
        return false;

This code will property serial an object for transmission between an AXIS
Beta 3 Webservice and a .NET client.

My problem is deserializing the result from the client.

Here is my deserializer:

public class TaxInformationVODeserializer extends DeserializerImpl
    public static final QName myTypeQName = new QName("myofficeNS",

    private Hashtable typesByMemberName = new Hashtable();

    public TaxInformationVODeserializer()
        typesByMemberName.put("taxInformationId"       ,
	typesByMemberName.put("employeeId"             ,
	typesByMemberName.put("addWithholdingAmtState" ,
     	typesByMemberName.put("taxProgramAssignments"  ,

        value = new TaxInformationVO();

    public SOAPHandler onStartChild(String namespace, String localName,
String prefix,Attributes attributes,DeserializationContext context)
     throws SAXException
        QName typeQName = (QName)typesByMemberName.get(localName);
        if (typeQName == null)
            throw new SAXException("Invalid element in " +
value.getClass().getName() + " - " + localName);

        // Thesew can come in either order.
        Deserializer dSer = context.getDeserializerForType(typeQName);

            dSer.registerValueTarget(new FieldTarget(value, localName));
        catch (NoSuchFieldException e)
            throw new SAXException(e);

        if (dSer == null)
            throw new SAXException("No deserializer for a " + typeQName +

        return (SOAPHandler) dSer;

Any ideas why I cannot deserialize the array.  It is a typed array of value
objects and the value object has been registered in the WSDD file.

Rick Kellogg