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diff --git a/obs4MIPs/Tables/CMIP5_Omon b/obs4MIPs/Tables/CMIP5_Omon
deleted file mode 100755
index 7f2d133..0000000
--- a/obs4MIPs/Tables/CMIP5_Omon
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4514 +0,0 @@
-table_id: Table Omon
-modeling_realm: ocean
-frequency: mon
-cmor_version: 2.5.0 ! minimum version of CMOR that can read this table
-cf_version:   1.4         ! version of CF that output conforms to
-project_id:   CMIP5  ! project id
-table_date:   06 January 2011 ! date this table was constructed
-missing_value: 1.e20      ! value used to indicate a missing value
-                          !   in arrays output by netCDF as 32-bit IEEE 
-                          !   floating-point numbers (float or real)
-product: output
-required_global_attributes: creation_date tracking_id forcing model_id parent_experiment_id parent_experiment_rip branch_time contact institute_id ! space separated required global attribute 
-forcings:   N/A Nat Ant GHG SD SI SA TO SO Oz LU Sl Vl SS Ds BC MD OC AA
-expt_id_ok: '10- or 30-year run initialized in year XXXX' 'decadalXXXX'
-expt_id_ok: 'volcano-free hindcast initialized in year XXXX' 'noVolcXXXX'
-expt_id_ok: 'prediction with 2010 volcano' 'volcIn2010'
-expt_id_ok: 'pre-industrial control' 'piControl'
-expt_id_ok: 'historical' 'historical'
-expt_id_ok: 'historical extension' 'historicalExt'
-expt_id_ok: 'mid-Holocene' 'midHolocene'
-expt_id_ok: 'last glacial maximum' 'lgm'
-expt_id_ok: 'last millennium' 'past1000'
-expt_id_ok: 'RCP4.5' 'rcp45'
-expt_id_ok: 'RCP8.5' 'rcp85'
-expt_id_ok: 'RCP2.6' 'rcp26'
-expt_id_ok: 'RCP6' 'rcp60'
-expt_id_ok: 'ESM pre-industrial control' 'esmControl'
-expt_id_ok: 'ESM historical' 'esmHistorical'
-expt_id_ok: 'ESM RCP8.5' 'esmrcp85'
-expt_id_ok: 'ESM fixed climate 1' 'esmFixClim1'
-expt_id_ok: 'ESM fixed climate 2' 'esmFixClim2'
-expt_id_ok: 'ESM feedback 1' 'esmFdbk1'
-expt_id_ok: 'ESM feedback 2' 'esmFdbk2'
-expt_id_ok: '1 percent per year CO2' '1pctCO2'
-expt_id_ok: 'abrupt 4XCO2' 'abrupt4xCO2'
-expt_id_ok: 'natural-only' 'historicalNat'
-expt_id_ok: 'GHG-only' 'historicalGHG'
-expt_id_ok: 'AMIP' 'amip'
-expt_id_ok: '2030 time-slice' 'sst2030'
-expt_id_ok: 'control SST climatology' 'sstClim'
-expt_id_ok: 'CO2 forcing' 'sstClim4xCO2'
-expt_id_ok: 'all aerosol forcing' 'sstClimAerosol'
-expt_id_ok: 'sulfate aerosol forcing' 'sstClimSulfate'
-expt_id_ok: '4xCO2 AMIP' 'amip4xCO2'
-expt_id_ok: 'AMIP plus patterned anomaly' 'amipFuture'
-expt_id_ok: 'aqua planet control' 'aquaControl'
-expt_id_ok: '4xCO2 aqua planet' 'aqua4xCO2'
-expt_id_ok: 'aqua planet plus 4K anomaly' 'aqua4K'
-expt_id_ok: 'AMIP plus 4K anomaly' 'amip4K'
-approx_interval:  30.000000     ! approximate spacing between successive time
-                          !   samples (in units of the output time 
-                          !   coordinate.
-generic_levels:   olevel
-axis_entry: longitude
-! Axis attributes:
-standard_name:    longitude
-units:            degrees_east
-axis:             X             ! X, Y, Z, T (default: undeclared)
-long_name:        longitude
-! Additional axis information:
-out_name:         lon
-valid_min:        0.0         
-valid_max:        360.0 
-stored_direction: increasing
-type:             double
-must_have_bounds: yes
-axis_entry: latitude
-! Axis attributes:
-standard_name:    latitude
-units:            degrees_north
-axis:             Y             ! X, Y, Z, T (default: undeclared)
-long_name:        latitude
-! Additional axis information:
-out_name:         lat
-valid_min:        -90.0         
-valid_max:        90.0 
-stored_direction: increasing
-type:             double
-must_have_bounds: yes
-axis_entry: time
-! Axis attributes:
-standard_name:    time
-units:            days since ?
-axis:             T             ! X, Y, Z, T (default: undeclared)
-long_name:        time
-! Additional axis information:
-out_name:         time
-stored_direction: increasing
-type:             double
-must_have_bounds: yes
-axis_entry: basin
-! Axis attributes:
-standard_name:    region
-long_name:        ocean basin
-! Additional axis information:
-out_name:         basin
-type:             character
-requested:        atlantic_arctic_ocean indian_pacific_ocean global_ocean        ! space-separated list of requested coordinates 
-must_have_bounds: no
-coords_attrib:    region
-axis_entry: rho
-! Axis attributes:
-standard_name:    sea_water_potential_density
-units:            kg m-3
-axis:             Z             ! X, Y, Z, T (default: undeclared)
-positive:         down         ! up or down (default: undeclared)
-long_name:        potential density referenced to 2000 dbar
-! Additional axis information:
-out_name:         rho
-stored_direction: increasing
-type:             double
-must_have_bounds: yes
-axis_entry: oline
-! Axis attributes:
-standard_name:    region
-long_name:        ocean passage 
-! Additional axis information:
-out_name:         line
-type:             character
-requested:        barents_opening bering_strait canadian_archipelago denmark_strait drake_passage english_channel pacific_equatorial_undercurrent faroe_scotland_channel florida_bahamas_strait fram_strait iceland_faroe_channel indonesian_throughflow mozambique_channel taiwan_luzon_straits windward_passage        ! space-separated list of requested coordinates 
-must_have_bounds: no
-coords_attrib:    passage
-axis_entry: olayer100m
-! Axis attributes:
-standard_name:    depth
-units:            m
-axis:             Z             ! X, Y, Z, T (default: undeclared)
-positive:         down         ! up or down (default: undeclared)
-long_name:        depth
-! Additional axis information:
-out_name:         depth
-valid_min:        0.0         
-valid_max:        100.0 
-stored_direction: increasing
-type:             double
-value:            50.            ! of scalar (singleton) dimension 
-bounds_values:    0. 100.    ! of scalar (singleton) dimension bounds
-must_have_bounds: no
-axis_entry: depth100m
-! Axis attributes:
-standard_name:    depth
-units:            m
-axis:             Z             ! X, Y, Z, T (default: undeclared)
-positive:         down         ! up or down (default: undeclared)
-long_name:        depth
-! Additional axis information:
-out_name:         depth
-valid_min:        80.0         
-valid_max:        120.0 
-stored_direction: increasing
-type:             double
-value:            100.            ! of scalar (singleton) dimension 
-must_have_bounds: no
-axis_entry: depth0m
-! Axis attributes:
-standard_name:    depth
-units:            m
-axis:             Z             ! X, Y, Z, T (default: undeclared)
-positive:         down         ! up or down (default: undeclared)
-long_name:        depth
-! Additional axis information:
-out_name:         depth
-valid_min:        0.0         
-valid_max:        100.0 
-stored_direction: increasing
-type:             double
-value:            0.            ! of scalar (singleton) dimension 
-must_have_bounds: no
-axis_entry: depth_coord
-!  This vertical coordinate is used in z-coordinate models 
-!   The units are meters (m), and it has a value of 0. at the surface
-!   and becomes more and more positive with depth.
-! Axis attributes:
-standard_name:    depth
-units:            m
-axis:             Z
-positive:	  down 
-long_name:        ocean depth coordinate
-! Additional axis information:
-out_name:         lev
-must_have_bounds: yes
-stored_direction: decreasing
-valid_min:        0.
-valid_max:        12000.
-axis_entry: ocean_double_sigma
-! Axis attributes:
-standard_name:    ocean_double_sigma
-axis:             Z
-positive:	  up
-long_name:        ocean double sigma coordinate
-! Additional axis information:
-out_name:         lev
-must_have_bounds: yes
-formula:          for k <= k_c:\n z= sigma*f \n for k > k_c:\n z= f + (sigma-1)*(depth-f) \n f= 0.5*(z1+ z2) + 0.5*(z1-z2)* tanh(2*a/(z1-z2)*(depth-href))
-z_factors:        sigma: sigma depth: depth z1: z1 z2: z2 a: a_coeff href: href k_c: k_c
-z_bounds_factors: sigma: sigma_bnds depth: depth z1: z1 z2: z2 a: a href: href k_c: k_c
-axis_entry: ocean_sigma_z
-! Axis attributes:
-standard_name:    ocean_sigma_z
-axis:             Z
-long_name:        ocean sigma over z coordinate
-! Additional axis information:
-out_name:         lev
-must_have_bounds: yes
-formula:          for k <= nsigma: z = eta + sigma*(min(depth_c,depth)+eta) ; for k > nsigma: z = zlev
-z_factors:        sigma: sigma eta: eta depth: depth depth_c: depth_c nsigma: nsigma zlev: zlev
-z_bounds_factors: sigma: sigma_bnds eta: eta depth: depth depth_c: depth_c nsigma: nsigma zlev: zlev_bnds
-axis_entry: ocean_s
-!  This coordinate is dimensionless and varies from 0 at the surface to -1. at the ocean floor.
-!  The values of s, which appears in the formula below, should be stored as ocean_s.  
-!  Note that in the netCDF file the variable will be named "lev", not ocean_s.
-! Axis attributes:
-standard_name:    ocean_s_coordinate
-axis:             Z
-positive:	  up
-long_name:        ocean s-coordinate
-! Additional axis information:
-out_name:         lev
-must_have_bounds: yes
-stored_direction: decreasing
-valid_min:        -1.
-valid_max:        0.
-formula:          z = eta*(1+s) + depth_c*s + (depth-depth_c)*C \n where \n C=(1-b)*sinh(a*s)/sinh(a) +\n           b*(tanh(a*(s+0.5))/(2*tanh(0.5*a)) - 0.5)
-z_factors:        s: lev eta: eta depth: depth a: a_coeff b: b_coeff depth_c: depth_c
-z_bounds_factors: s: lev_bnds eta: eta depth: depth a: a b: b depth_c: depth_c
-axis_entry: ocean_sigma
-!  This coordinate is dimensionless and varies from 0 at the surface to -1. at the ocean floor.
-!  The values of sigma, which appears in the formula below, should be stored as ocean_sigma.  
-!  Note that in the netCDF file the variable will be named "lev", not ocean_sigma.
-! Axis attributes:
-standard_name:    ocean_sigma_coordinate
-axis:             Z
-positive:	  up
-long_name:        ocean sigma coordinate
-! Additional axis information:
-out_name:         lev
-must_have_bounds: yes
-stored_direction: decreasing
-valid_min:        -1.
-valid_max:        0.
-formula:          z = eta + sigma*(depth+eta)
-z_factors:        sigma: lev eta: eta depth: depth
-z_bounds_factors: sigma: lev_bnds eta: eta depth: depth
-! ***************************************************************
-! Vertical coordinate formula_terms:
-! ***************************************************************
-variable_entry: eta
-! Variable attributes:
-units:            m
-cell_methods:     time: mean
-long_name:        Sea Surface Height
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:      longitude latitude time
-type:      real
-variable_entry: depth
-! Variable attributes:
-units:        m
-long_name:    Sea Floor Depth
-comment:      Ocean bathymetry.
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:      longitude latitude
-out_name:        depth
-type:            real
-valid_min:        0.
-valid_max:        12000.
-ok_min_mean_abs:  2000.
-ok_max_mean_abs:  5000.
-variable_entry: sigma
-! Variable attributes:
-long_name:   vertical coordinate formula term: sigma(k)
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:         olevel
-type:               double
-variable_entry: sigma_bnds
-! Variable attributes:
-long_name:   vertical coordinate formula term: sigma(k+1/2)
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:         olevel
-type:               double
-variable_entry: zlev
-! Variable attributes:
-long_name:   vertical coordinate formula term: zlev(k)
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:         olevel
-type:               double
-variable_entry: zlev_bnds
-! Variable attributes:
-long_name:   vertical coordinate formula term: zlev(k+1/2)
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:         olevel
-type:               double
-variable_entry: depth_c
-! Variable attributes:
-long_name:   vertical coordinate formula term: depth_c
-! Additional variable information:
-type:               double
-variable_entry: a
-! Variable attributes:
-long_name:   vertical coordinate formula term: coefficient a
-! Additional variable information:
-type:               double
-variable_entry: b
-! Variable attributes:
-long_name:   vertical coordinate formula term: coefficient b
-! Additional variable information:
-type:               double
-variable_entry: nsigma
-! Variable attributes:
-long_name:   vertical coordinate formula term: nsigma
-! Additional variable information:
-type:               integer
-variable_entry: z1
-! Variable attributes:
-long_name:   vertical coordinate formula term: z1
-! Additional variable information:
-type:               double
-variable_entry: z2
-! Variable attributes:
-long_name:   vertical coordinate formula term: z2
-! Additional variable information:
-type:               double
-variable_entry: href
-! Variable attributes:
-long_name:   vertical coordinate formula term: href
-! Additional variable information:
-type:               double
-variable_entry: k_c
-! Variable attributes:
-long_name:   vertical coordinate formula term: k_c
-! Additional variable information:
-type:               integer
-variable_entry:    dissic
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_dissolved_inorganic_carbon_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Concentration at Surface
-comment:           Dissolved inorganic carbon (CO3+HCO3+H2CO3) concentration
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          dissic
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    dissoc
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_dissolved_organic_carbon_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration at Surface
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          dissoc
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    phyc
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_phytoplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Phytoplankton Carbon Concentration at Surface
-comment:           sum of phytoplankton carbon component concentrations.  In most (all?) cases this is the sum of phycdiat and phycmisc (i.e., ""Diatom Carbon Concentration"" and ""Non-Diatom Phytoplankton Carbon Concentration""
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          phyc
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    zooc
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_zooplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Zooplankton Carbon Concentration at Surface
-comment:           sum of zooplankton carbon component concentrations
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          zooc
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    bacc
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_bacteria_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Bacterial Carbon Concentration at Surface
-comment:           sum of bacterial carbon component concentrations
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          bacc
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    detoc
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_organic_detritus_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Detrital Organic Carbon Concentration at Surface
-comment:           sum of detrital organic carbon component concentrations
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          detoc
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    calc
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_calcite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Calcite Concentration at Surface
-comment:           sum of particulate calcite component concentrations (e.g. Phytoplankton, Detrital, etc.)
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          calc
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    arag
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_aragonite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Aragonite Concentration at Surface
-comment:           sum of particulate aragonite components (e.g. Phytoplankton, Detrital, etc.)
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          arag
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    phydiat
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_diatoms_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Mole Concentration of Diatoms expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface
-comment:           carbon from the diatom phytoplankton component concentration alone
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          phydiat
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    phydiaz
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_diazotrophs_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Mole Concentration of Diazotrophs Expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface
-comment:           carbon concentration from the diazotrophic phytoplankton component alone
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          phydiaz
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    phycalc
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_calcareous_phytoplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Mole Concentration of Calcareous Phytoplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface
-comment:           carbon concentration from calcareous (calcite-producing) phytoplankton component alone
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          phycalc
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    phypico
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_picophytoplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Mole Concentration of Picophytoplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface
-comment:           carbon concentration from the picophytoplankton (<2 um) component alone
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          phypico
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    phymisc
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_miscellaneous_phytoplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Mole Concentration of Miscellaneous Phytoplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface
-comment:           carbon concentration from additional phytoplankton component alone
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          phymisc
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    zmicro
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_microzooplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Mole Concentration of Microzooplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface
-comment:           carbon  concentration from the microzooplankton (<20 um) component alone
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          zmicro
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    zmeso
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_mesozooplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Mole Concentration of Mesozooplankton expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface
-comment:           carbon  concentration from mesozooplankton (20-200 um) component alone
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          zmeso
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    zoocmisc
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_miscellaneous_zooplankton_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Other Zooplankton Carbon Concentration at Surface
-comment:           carbon from additional zooplankton component concentrations alone (e.g. Micro, meso).  Since the models all have different numbers of components, this variable has been included to provide a check for intercomparison between models since some phytoplankton groups are supersets.
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          zoocmisc
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    talk
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     sea_water_alkalinity_expressed_as_mole_equivalent
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Total Alkalinity at Surface
-comment:           total alkalinity equivalent concentration (including carbonate, nitrogen, silicate, and borate components)
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          talk
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    ph
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     sea_water_ph_reported_on_total_scale
-units:             1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         pH at Surface
-comment:           negative log of hydrogen ion concentration with the concentration expressed as mol H kg-1.
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          ph
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    o2
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Dissolve Oxygen Concentration at Surface
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          o2
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    no3
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_nitrate_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Dissolved Nitrate Concentration at Surface
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          no3
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    nh4
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_ammonium_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Dissolved Ammonium Concentration at Surface
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          nh4
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    po4
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_phosphate_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Dissolved Phosphate Concentration at Surface
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          po4
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    dfe
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_dissolved_iron_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Dissolved Iron Concentration at Surface
-comment:           dissolved iron in sea water is meant to include both Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions (but not, e.g., particulate detrital iron)
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          dfe
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    si
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_silicate_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Dissolved Silicate Concentration at Surface
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          si
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    chl
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mass_concentration_of_phytoplankton_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water
-units:             kg m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Total Chlorophyll Mass Concentration at Surface
-comment:           sum of chlorophyll from all phytoplankton group concentrations.  In most models this is equal to chldiat+chlmisc, that is the sum of ""Diatom Chlorophyll Mass Concentration"" plus ""Other Phytoplankton Chlorophyll Mass Concentration""
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          chl
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    chldiat
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mass_concentration_of_diatoms_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water
-units:             kg m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Diatom Chlorophyll Mass Concentration at Surface
-comment:           chlorophyll from diatom phytoplankton component concentration alone
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          chldiat
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    chldiaz
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mass_concentration_of_diazotrophs_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water
-units:             kg m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Mass Concentration of Diazotrophs expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water at Surface
-comment:           chlorophyll concentration from the diazotrophic phytoplankton component alone
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          chldiaz
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    chlcalc
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mass_concentration_of_calcareous_phytoplankton_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water
-units:             kg m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Mass Concentration of Calcareous Phytoplankton expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water at Surface
-comment:           chlorophyll concentration from the calcite-producing phytoplankton component alone
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          chlcalc
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    chlpico
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mass_concentration_of_picophytoplankton_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water
-units:             kg m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Mass Concentration of Picophytoplankton expressed as Chlorophyll in Sea Water at Surface
-comment:           chlorophyll concentration from the picophytoplankton (<2 um) component alone
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          chlpico
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    chlmisc
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mass_concentration_of_miscellaneous_phytoplankton_expressed_as_chlorophyll_in_sea_water
-units:             kg m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Other Phytoplankton Chlorophyll Mass Concentration at Surface
-comment:           chlorophyll from additional phytoplankton component concentrations alone
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          chlmisc
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    pon
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_nitrogen_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Particulate Organic Nitrogen Concentration at Surface
-comment:           sum of particulate organic nitrogen component concentrations
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          pon
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    pop
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_phosphorus_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Particulate Organic Phosphorus Concentration at Surface
-comment:           sum of particulate organic phosphorus component concentrations
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          pop
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    bfe
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_iron_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Particulate Biogenic Iron Concentration at Surface
-comment:           sum of particulate organic iron component concentrations
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          bfe
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    bsi
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_particulate_matter_expressed_as_silicon_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Particulate Biogenic Silica Concentration at Surface
-comment:           sum of particulate silica component concentrations
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          bsi
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    phyn
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_phytoplankton_expressed_as_nitrogen_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Phytoplankton Nitrogen Concentration at Surface
-comment:           sum of phytoplankton nitrogen component concentrations
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          phyn
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    phyp
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_phytoplankton_expressed_as_phosphorus_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Phytoplankton Phosphorus Concentration at Surface
-comment:           sum of phytoplankton phosphorus components
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          phyp
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    phyfe
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_phytoplankton_expressed_as_iron_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Phytoplankton Iron Concentration at Surface
-comment:           sum of phytoplankton iron component concentrations
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          phyfe
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    physi
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_phytoplankton_expressed_as_silicon_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Phytoplankton Silica Concentration at Surface
-comment:           sum of phytoplankton silica component concentrations
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          physi
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    dms
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_dimethyl_sulfide_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Dimethyl Sulphide Concentration at Surface
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          dms
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    co3
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_carbonate_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Mole Concentration of Carbonate expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Surface
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          co3
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    co3satcalc
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_calcite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_at_saturation
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Mole Concentration of Calcite expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Saturation at Surface
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          co3satcalc
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    co3satarag
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_aragonite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water_at_saturation
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea 
-cell_measures:     area: areacello volume: volcello
-long_name:         Mole Concentration of Aragonite expressed as Carbon in Sea Water at Saturation at Surface
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth0m
-out_name:          co3satarag
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    intpp
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     net_primary_mole_productivity_of_carbon_by_phytoplankton
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Primary Organic Carbon Production by All Types of Phytoplankton
-comment:           Vertically integrated total primary (organic carbon) production by phytoplankton.  This should equal the sum of intpdiat+intpphymisc, but those individual components may be unavailable in some models.
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time
-out_name:          intpp
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    intpnitrate
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     net_primary_mole_productivity_of_carbon_due_to_nitrate_utilization
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Primary Organic Carbon Production by Phytoplankton Based on Nitrate Uptake Alone
-comment:           Vertically integrated primary (organic carbon) production by phytoplankton based on nitrate uptake alone
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time
-out_name:          intpnitrate
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    intpdiat
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     net_primary_mole_productivity_of_carbon_by_diatoms
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Primary Organic Carbon Production by Diatoms
-comment:           Vertically integrated primary (organic carbon) production by the diatom phytoplankton component alone
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time
-out_name:          intpdiat
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    intpdiaz
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     net_primary_mole_productivity_of_carbon_by_diazotrophs
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Net Primary Mole Productivity of Carbon by Diazotrophs
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time
-out_name:          intpdiaz
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    intpcalc
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     net_primary_mole_productivity_of_carbon_by_calcareous_phytoplankton
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Net Primary Mole Productivity of Carbon by Calcareous Phytoplankton
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time
-out_name:          intpcalc
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    intppico
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     net_primary_mole_productivity_of_carbon_by_picophytoplankton
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Net Primary Mole Productivity of Carbon by Picophytoplankton
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time
-out_name:          intppico
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    intpmisc
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     net_primary_mole_productivity_of_carbon_by_miscellaneous_phytoplankton
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Primary Organic Carbon Production by Other Phytoplankton
-comment:           Vertically integrated total primary (organic carbon) production by other phytoplankton components alone
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time
-out_name:          intpmisc
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    intpbfe
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_iron_due_to_biological_production
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Iron Production
-comment:           Vertically integrated biogenic iron production
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time
-out_name:          intpbfe
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    intpbsi
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_silicon_due_to_biological_production
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Silica Production
-comment:           Vertically integrated biogenic silica production
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time
-out_name:          intpbsi
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    intpcalcite
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_calcite_expressed_as_carbon_due_to_biological_production
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Calcite Production
-comment:           Vertically integrated calcite production
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time
-out_name:          intpcalcite
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    intparag
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_aragonite_expressed_as_carbon_due_to_biological_production
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Aragonite Production
-comment:           Vertically integrated aragonite production
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time
-out_name:          intparag
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    epc100
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     sinking_mole_flux_of_particulate_organic_matter_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Downward Flux of Particle Organic Carbon
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth100m
-out_name:          epc100
-type:              real
-positive:          down
-variable_entry:    epfe100
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     sinking_mole_flux_of_particulate_iron_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Downward Flux of Particulate Iron
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth100m
-out_name:          epfe100
-type:              real
-positive:          down
-variable_entry:    epsi100
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     sinking_mole_flux_of_particulate_silicon_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Downward Flux of Particulate Silica
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth100m
-out_name:          epsi100
-type:              real
-positive:          down
-variable_entry:    epcalc100
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     sinking_mole_flux_of_calcite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Downward Flux of Calcite
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth100m
-out_name:          epcalc100
-type:              real
-positive:          down
-variable_entry:    eparag100
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     sinking_mole_flux_of_aragonite_expressed_as_carbon_in_sea_water
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Downward Flux of Aragonite
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time depth100m
-out_name:          eparag100
-type:              real
-positive:          down
-variable_entry:    intdic
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     ocean_mass_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_carbon
-units:             kg m-2
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Content
-comment:           Vertically integrated DIC
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time
-out_name:          intdic
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    spco2
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     surface_partial_pressure_of_carbon_dioxide_in_sea_water
-units:             Pa
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Surface Aqueous Partial Pressure of CO2
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time
-out_name:          spco2
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    dpco2
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     surface_carbon_dioxide_partial_pressure_difference_between_sea_water_and_air
-units:             Pa
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Delta PCO2
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time
-out_name:          dpco2
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    dpo2
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     surface_molecular_oxygen_partial_pressure_difference_between_sea_water_and_air
-units:             Pa
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Delta PO2
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time
-out_name:          dpo2
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    fgco2
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     surface_downward_mass_flux_of_carbon_dioxide_expressed_as_carbon
-units:             kg m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Surface Downward CO2 Flux
-comment:           Gas exchange flux of CO2 (positive into ocean)
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time
-out_name:          fgco2
-type:              real
-positive:          down
-variable_entry:    fgo2
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     surface_downward_mole_flux_of_molecular_oxygen
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Surface Downward O2 Flux
-comment:           Gas exchange flux of O2 (positive into ocean)
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time
-out_name:          fgo2
-type:              real
-positive:          down
-variable_entry:    fgdms
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     surface_upward_mole_flux_of_dimethyl_sulfide
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Surface Upward DMS Flux
-comment:           Gas exchange flux of DMS (positive into atmosphere)
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time
-out_name:          fgdms
-type:              real
-positive:          up
-variable_entry:    fsc
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_carbon_due_to_runoff_and_sediment_dissolution
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Flux of Carbon Into Ocean Surface by Runoff and Sediment Dissolution
-comment:           Carbon supply to ocean through runoff and sediment dissolution (neglects gas exchange)
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time
-out_name:          fsc
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    frc
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_carbon_due_to_sedimentation
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Downward Carbon Flux at Ocean Bottom
-comment:           Carbon loss to sediments
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time
-out_name:          frc
-type:              real
-positive:          down
-variable_entry:    intpn2
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_elemental_nitrogen_due_to_fixation
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Nitrogen Fixation Rate in Ocean
-comment:           Vertically integrated nitrogen fixation
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time
-out_name:          intpn2
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    fsn
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_elemental_nitrogen_due_to_deposition_and_fixation_and_runoff
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Surface Downward Net Flux of Nitrogen
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time
-out_name:          fsn
-type:              real
-positive:          down
-variable_entry:    frn
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_elemental_nitrogen_due_to_denitrification_and_sedimentation
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Nitrogen Loss to Sediments and through Denitrification
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time
-out_name:          frn
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    fsfe
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_iron_due_to_deposition_and_runoff_and_sediment_dissolution
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Surface Downward Net Flux of Iron
-comment:           Iron supply through deposition flux onto sea surface, runoff, coasts, sediments, etc
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time
-out_name:          fsfe
-type:              real
-positive:          down
-variable_entry:    frfe
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_iron_due_to_sedimentation
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Iron Loss to Sediments
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time
-out_name:          frfe
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    o2min
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water_at_shallowest_local_minimum_in_vertical_profile
-units:             mol m-3
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: where sea depth: minimum
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Oxygen Minimum Concentration
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time
-out_name:          o2min
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    zo2min
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     depth_at_shallowest_local_minimum_in_vertical_profile_of_mole_concentration_of_dissolved_molecular_oxygen_in_sea_water
-units:             m
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Depth of Oxygen Minimum Concentration
-comment:           Depth of vertical minimum concentration of dissolved oxygen gas (if two, then the shallower)
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time
-out_name:          zo2min
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    zsatcalc
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     minimum_depth_of_calcite_undersaturation_in_sea_water
-units:             m
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Calcite Saturation Depth
-comment:           Depth of calcite saturation horizon (0 if < surface, ""missing"" if > bottom, if two, then the shallower)
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time
-out_name:          zsatcalc
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    zsatarag
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     minimum_depth_of_aragonite_undersaturation_in_sea_water
-units:             m
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Aragonite Saturation Depth
-comment:           Depth of aragonite saturation horizon (0 if < surface, ""missing""  if > bottom, if two, then the shallower)
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time
-out_name:          zsatarag
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    fddtdic
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_carbon
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Rate of Change of Net Dissolved Inorganic Carbon
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time olayer100m
-out_name:          fddtdic
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    fddtdin
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_nitrogen
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Rate of Change of Net Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen
-comment:           Net time rate of change of nitrogen nutrients (e.g. NO3+NH4) 
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time olayer100m
-out_name:          fddtdin
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    fddtdip
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_phosphorus
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Rate of Change of Net Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate
-comment:           vertical integral of net  time rate of change of phosphate 
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time olayer100m
-out_name:          fddtdip
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    fddtdife
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_iron
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Rate of Change of Net Dissolved Inorganic Iron
-comment:           vertical integral of net time rate of change of dissolved inorganic iron 
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time olayer100m
-out_name:          fddtdife
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    fddtdisi
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_silicon
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Rate of Change of Net Dissolved Inorganic Silicate
-comment:           vertical integral of net time rate of change of dissolved inorganic silicate 
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time olayer100m
-out_name:          fddtdisi
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    fddtalk
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     integral_wrt_depth_of_tendency_of_sea_water_alkalinity_expressed_as_mole_equivalent
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Rate of Change of Alkalinity
-comment:           vertical integral of net time rate of change of alkalinity 
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time olayer100m
-out_name:          fddtalk
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    fbddtdic
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_carbon_due_to_biological_processes
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon due to Biological Activity
-comment:           vertical integral of net biological terms in time rate of change of dissolved inorganic carbon 
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time olayer100m
-out_name:          fbddtdic
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    fbddtdin
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_nitrogen_due_to_biological_processes
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Nitrogen due to Biological Activity
-comment:           vertical integral of net biological terms in time rate of change of nitrogen nutrients (e.g. NO3+NH4) 
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time olayer100m
-out_name:          fbddtdin
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    fbddtdip
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_phosphorus_due_to_biological_processes
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Phosphate due to Biological Activity
-comment:           vertical integral of net biological terms in time rate of change of phosphate 
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time olayer100m
-out_name:          fbddtdip
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    fbddtdife
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_iron_due_to_biological_processes
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Iron due to Biological Activity
-comment:           vertical integral of net biological terms in time rate of change of dissolved inorganic iron 
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time olayer100m
-out_name:          fbddtdife
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    fbddtdisi
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     tendency_of_ocean_mole_content_of_dissolved_inorganic_silicon_due_to_biological_processes
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Rate of Change of Dissolved Inorganic Silicate due to Biological Activity
-comment:           vertical integral of net biological terms in time rate of change of dissolved inorganic silicate 
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time olayer100m
-out_name:          fbddtdisi
-type:              real
-variable_entry:    fbddtalk
-modeling_realm:    ocnBgchem
-! Variable attributes:
-standard_name:     integral_wrt_depth_of_tendency_of_sea_water_alkalinity_expressed_as_mole_equivalent_due_to_biological_processes
-units:             mol m-2 s-1
-cell_methods:      time: mean area: mean where sea
-cell_measures:     area: areacello
-long_name:         Rate of Change of Biological Alkalinity due to Biological Activity
-comment:           vertical integral of net biological terms in time rate of change of alkalinity 
-! Additional variable information:
-dimensions:        longitude latitude time olayer100m
-out_name:          fbddtalk
-type:              real