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[3/7] android commit: CB-11550 Updated and checked-in node_modules
diff --git a/node_modules/semver/test/gtr.js b/node_modules/semver/test/gtr.js
deleted file mode 100644
index bbb8789..0000000
--- a/node_modules/semver/test/gtr.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-var tap = require('tap');
-var test = tap.test;
-var semver = require('../semver.js');
-var gtr = semver.gtr;
-test('\ngtr tests', function(t) {
-  // [range, version, loose]
-  // Version should be greater than range
-  [
-    ['~1.2.2', '1.3.0'],
-    ['~0.6.1-1', '0.7.1-1'],
-    ['1.0.0 - 2.0.0', '2.0.1'],
-    ['1.0.0', '1.0.1-beta1'],
-    ['1.0.0', '2.0.0'],
-    ['<=2.0.0', '2.1.1'],
-    ['<=2.0.0', '3.2.9'],
-    ['<2.0.0', '2.0.0'],
-    ['0.1.20 || 1.2.4', '1.2.5'],
-    ['2.x.x', '3.0.0'],
-    ['1.2.x', '1.3.0'],
-    ['1.2.x || 2.x', '3.0.0'],
-    ['2.*.*', '5.0.1'],
-    ['1.2.*', '1.3.3'],
-    ['1.2.* || 2.*', '4.0.0'],
-    ['2', '3.0.0'],
-    ['2.3', '2.4.2'],
-    ['~2.4', '2.5.0'], // >=2.4.0 <2.5.0
-    ['~2.4', '2.5.5'],
-    ['~>3.2.1', '3.3.0'], // >=3.2.1 <3.3.0
-    ['~1', '2.2.3'], // >=1.0.0 <2.0.0
-    ['~>1', '2.2.4'],
-    ['~> 1', '3.2.3'],
-    ['~1.0', '1.1.2'], // >=1.0.0 <1.1.0
-    ['~ 1.0', '1.1.0'],
-    ['<1.2', '1.2.0'],
-    ['< 1.2', '1.2.1'],
-    ['1', '2.0.0beta', true],
-    ['~v0.5.4-pre', '0.6.0'],
-    ['~v0.5.4-pre', '0.6.1-pre'],
-    ['=0.7.x', '0.8.0'],
-    ['=0.7.x', '0.8.0-asdf'],
-    ['<0.7.x', '0.7.0'],
-    ['~1.2.2', '1.3.0'],
-    ['1.0.0 - 2.0.0', '2.2.3'],
-    ['1.0.0', '1.0.1'],
-    ['<=2.0.0', '3.0.0'],
-    ['<=2.0.0', '2.9999.9999'],
-    ['<=2.0.0', '2.2.9'],
-    ['<2.0.0', '2.9999.9999'],
-    ['<2.0.0', '2.2.9'],
-    ['2.x.x', '3.1.3'],
-    ['1.2.x', '1.3.3'],
-    ['1.2.x || 2.x', '3.1.3'],
-    ['2.*.*', '3.1.3'],
-    ['1.2.*', '1.3.3'],
-    ['1.2.* || 2.*', '3.1.3'],
-    ['2', '3.1.2'],
-    ['2.3', '2.4.1'],
-    ['~2.4', '2.5.0'], // >=2.4.0 <2.5.0
-    ['~>3.2.1', '3.3.2'], // >=3.2.1 <3.3.0
-    ['~1', '2.2.3'], // >=1.0.0 <2.0.0
-    ['~>1', '2.2.3'],
-    ['~1.0', '1.1.0'], // >=1.0.0 <1.1.0
-    ['<1', '1.0.0'],
-    ['1', '2.0.0beta', true],
-    ['<1', '1.0.0beta', true],
-    ['< 1', '1.0.0beta', true],
-    ['=0.7.x', '0.8.2'],
-    ['<0.7.x', '0.7.2']
-  ].forEach(function(tuple) {
-    var range = tuple[0];
-    var version = tuple[1];
-    var loose = tuple[2] || false;
-    var msg = 'gtr(' + version + ', ' + range + ', ' + loose + ')';
-    t.ok(gtr(version, range, loose), msg);
-  });
-  t.end();
-test('\nnegative gtr tests', function(t) {
-  // [range, version, loose]
-  // Version should NOT be greater than range
-  [
-    ['~0.6.1-1', '0.6.1-1'],
-    ['1.0.0 - 2.0.0', '1.2.3'],
-    ['1.0.0 - 2.0.0', '0.9.9'],
-    ['1.0.0', '1.0.0'],
-    ['>=*', '0.2.4'],
-    ['', '1.0.0', true],
-    ['*', '1.2.3'],
-    ['*', 'v1.2.3-foo'],
-    ['>=1.0.0', '1.0.0'],
-    ['>=1.0.0', '1.0.1'],
-    ['>=1.0.0', '1.1.0'],
-    ['>1.0.0', '1.0.1'],
-    ['>1.0.0', '1.1.0'],
-    ['<=2.0.0', '2.0.0'],
-    ['<=2.0.0', '1.9999.9999'],
-    ['<=2.0.0', '0.2.9'],
-    ['<2.0.0', '1.9999.9999'],
-    ['<2.0.0', '0.2.9'],
-    ['>= 1.0.0', '1.0.0'],
-    ['>=  1.0.0', '1.0.1'],
-    ['>=   1.0.0', '1.1.0'],
-    ['> 1.0.0', '1.0.1'],
-    ['>  1.0.0', '1.1.0'],
-    ['<=   2.0.0', '2.0.0'],
-    ['<= 2.0.0', '1.9999.9999'],
-    ['<=  2.0.0', '0.2.9'],
-    ['<    2.0.0', '1.9999.9999'],
-    ['<\t2.0.0', '0.2.9'],
-    ['>=0.1.97', 'v0.1.97'],
-    ['>=0.1.97', '0.1.97'],
-    ['0.1.20 || 1.2.4', '1.2.4'],
-    ['0.1.20 || >1.2.4', '1.2.4'],
-    ['0.1.20 || 1.2.4', '1.2.3'],
-    ['0.1.20 || 1.2.4', '0.1.20'],
-    ['>=0.2.3 || <0.0.1', '0.0.0'],
-    ['>=0.2.3 || <0.0.1', '0.2.3'],
-    ['>=0.2.3 || <0.0.1', '0.2.4'],
-    ['||', '1.3.4'],
-    ['2.x.x', '2.1.3'],
-    ['1.2.x', '1.2.3'],
-    ['1.2.x || 2.x', '2.1.3'],
-    ['1.2.x || 2.x', '1.2.3'],
-    ['x', '1.2.3'],
-    ['2.*.*', '2.1.3'],
-    ['1.2.*', '1.2.3'],
-    ['1.2.* || 2.*', '2.1.3'],
-    ['1.2.* || 2.*', '1.2.3'],
-    ['1.2.* || 2.*', '1.2.3'],
-    ['*', '1.2.3'],
-    ['2', '2.1.2'],
-    ['2.3', '2.3.1'],
-    ['~2.4', '2.4.0'], // >=2.4.0 <2.5.0
-    ['~2.4', '2.4.5'],
-    ['~>3.2.1', '3.2.2'], // >=3.2.1 <3.3.0
-    ['~1', '1.2.3'], // >=1.0.0 <2.0.0
-    ['~>1', '1.2.3'],
-    ['~> 1', '1.2.3'],
-    ['~1.0', '1.0.2'], // >=1.0.0 <1.1.0
-    ['~ 1.0', '1.0.2'],
-    ['>=1', '1.0.0'],
-    ['>= 1', '1.0.0'],
-    ['<1.2', '1.1.1'],
-    ['< 1.2', '1.1.1'],
-    ['1', '1.0.0beta', true],
-    ['~v0.5.4-pre', '0.5.5'],
-    ['~v0.5.4-pre', '0.5.4'],
-    ['=0.7.x', '0.7.2'],
-    ['>=0.7.x', '0.7.2'],
-    ['=0.7.x', '0.7.0-asdf'],
-    ['>=0.7.x', '0.7.0-asdf'],
-    ['<=0.7.x', '0.6.2'],
-    ['>0.2.3 >0.2.4 <=0.2.5', '0.2.5'],
-    ['>=0.2.3 <=0.2.4', '0.2.4'],
-    ['1.0.0 - 2.0.0', '2.0.0'],
-    ['^1', '0.0.0-0'],
-    ['^3.0.0', '2.0.0'],
-    ['^1.0.0 || ~2.0.1', '2.0.0'],
-    ['^0.1.0 || ~3.0.1 || 5.0.0', '3.2.0'],
-    ['^0.1.0 || ~3.0.1 || 5.0.0', '1.0.0beta', true],
-    ['^0.1.0 || ~3.0.1 || 5.0.0', '5.0.0-0', true],
-    ['^0.1.0 || ~3.0.1 || >4 <=5.0.0', '3.5.0']
-  ].forEach(function(tuple) {
-    var range = tuple[0];
-    var version = tuple[1];
-    var loose = tuple[2] || false;
-    var msg = '!gtr(' + version + ', ' + range + ', ' + loose + ')';
-    t.notOk(gtr(version, range, loose), msg);
-  });
-  t.end();
diff --git a/node_modules/semver/test/index.js b/node_modules/semver/test/index.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 47c3f5f..0000000
--- a/node_modules/semver/test/index.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,698 +0,0 @@
-'use strict';
-var tap = require('tap');
-var test = tap.test;
-var semver = require('../semver.js');
-var eq = semver.eq;
-var gt =;
-var lt =;
-var neq = semver.neq;
-var cmp = semver.cmp;
-var gte = semver.gte;
-var lte = semver.lte;
-var satisfies = semver.satisfies;
-var validRange = semver.validRange;
-var inc =;
-var diff = semver.diff;
-var replaceStars = semver.replaceStars;
-var toComparators = semver.toComparators;
-var SemVer = semver.SemVer;
-var Range = semver.Range;
-test('\ncomparison tests', function(t) {
-  // [version1, version2]
-  // version1 should be greater than version2
-  [['0.0.0', '0.0.0-foo'],
-    ['0.0.1', '0.0.0'],
-    ['1.0.0', '0.9.9'],
-    ['0.10.0', '0.9.0'],
-    ['0.99.0', '0.10.0'],
-    ['2.0.0', '1.2.3'],
-    ['v0.0.0', '0.0.0-foo', true],
-    ['v0.0.1', '0.0.0', true],
-    ['v1.0.0', '0.9.9', true],
-    ['v0.10.0', '0.9.0', true],
-    ['v0.99.0', '0.10.0', true],
-    ['v2.0.0', '1.2.3', true],
-    ['0.0.0', 'v0.0.0-foo', true],
-    ['0.0.1', 'v0.0.0', true],
-    ['1.0.0', 'v0.9.9', true],
-    ['0.10.0', 'v0.9.0', true],
-    ['0.99.0', 'v0.10.0', true],
-    ['2.0.0', 'v1.2.3', true],
-    ['1.2.3', '1.2.3-asdf'],
-    ['1.2.3', '1.2.3-4'],
-    ['1.2.3', '1.2.3-4-foo'],
-    ['1.2.3-5-foo', '1.2.3-5'],
-    ['1.2.3-5', '1.2.3-4'],
-    ['1.2.3-5-foo', '1.2.3-5-Foo'],
-    ['3.0.0', '2.7.2+asdf'],
-    ['1.2.3-a.10', '1.2.3-a.5'],
-    ['1.2.3-a.b', '1.2.3-a.5'],
-    ['1.2.3-a.b', '1.2.3-a'],
-    ['1.2.3-a.b.c.10.d.5', '1.2.3-a.b.c.5.d.100'],
-    ['1.2.3-r2', '1.2.3-r100'],
-    ['1.2.3-r100', '1.2.3-R2']
-  ].forEach(function(v) {
-    var v0 = v[0];
-    var v1 = v[1];
-    var loose = v[2];
-    t.ok(gt(v0, v1, loose), "gt('" + v0 + "', '" + v1 + "')");
-    t.ok(lt(v1, v0, loose), "lt('" + v1 + "', '" + v0 + "')");
-    t.ok(!gt(v1, v0, loose), "!gt('" + v1 + "', '" + v0 + "')");
-    t.ok(!lt(v0, v1, loose), "!lt('" + v0 + "', '" + v1 + "')");
-    t.ok(eq(v0, v0, loose), "eq('" + v0 + "', '" + v0 + "')");
-    t.ok(eq(v1, v1, loose), "eq('" + v1 + "', '" + v1 + "')");
-    t.ok(neq(v0, v1, loose), "neq('" + v0 + "', '" + v1 + "')");
-    t.ok(cmp(v1, '==', v1, loose), "cmp('" + v1 + "' == '" + v1 + "')");
-    t.ok(cmp(v0, '>=', v1, loose), "cmp('" + v0 + "' >= '" + v1 + "')");
-    t.ok(cmp(v1, '<=', v0, loose), "cmp('" + v1 + "' <= '" + v0 + "')");
-    t.ok(cmp(v0, '!=', v1, loose), "cmp('" + v0 + "' != '" + v1 + "')");
-  });
-  t.end();
-test('\nequality tests', function(t) {
-  // [version1, version2]
-  // version1 should be equivalent to version2
-  [['1.2.3', 'v1.2.3', true],
-    ['1.2.3', '=1.2.3', true],
-    ['1.2.3', 'v 1.2.3', true],
-    ['1.2.3', '= 1.2.3', true],
-    ['1.2.3', ' v1.2.3', true],
-    ['1.2.3', ' =1.2.3', true],
-    ['1.2.3', ' v 1.2.3', true],
-    ['1.2.3', ' = 1.2.3', true],
-    ['1.2.3-0', 'v1.2.3-0', true],
-    ['1.2.3-0', '=1.2.3-0', true],
-    ['1.2.3-0', 'v 1.2.3-0', true],
-    ['1.2.3-0', '= 1.2.3-0', true],
-    ['1.2.3-0', ' v1.2.3-0', true],
-    ['1.2.3-0', ' =1.2.3-0', true],
-    ['1.2.3-0', ' v 1.2.3-0', true],
-    ['1.2.3-0', ' = 1.2.3-0', true],
-    ['1.2.3-1', 'v1.2.3-1', true],
-    ['1.2.3-1', '=1.2.3-1', true],
-    ['1.2.3-1', 'v 1.2.3-1', true],
-    ['1.2.3-1', '= 1.2.3-1', true],
-    ['1.2.3-1', ' v1.2.3-1', true],
-    ['1.2.3-1', ' =1.2.3-1', true],
-    ['1.2.3-1', ' v 1.2.3-1', true],
-    ['1.2.3-1', ' = 1.2.3-1', true],
-    ['1.2.3-beta', 'v1.2.3-beta', true],
-    ['1.2.3-beta', '=1.2.3-beta', true],
-    ['1.2.3-beta', 'v 1.2.3-beta', true],
-    ['1.2.3-beta', '= 1.2.3-beta', true],
-    ['1.2.3-beta', ' v1.2.3-beta', true],
-    ['1.2.3-beta', ' =1.2.3-beta', true],
-    ['1.2.3-beta', ' v 1.2.3-beta', true],
-    ['1.2.3-beta', ' = 1.2.3-beta', true],
-    ['1.2.3-beta+build', ' = 1.2.3-beta+otherbuild', true],
-    ['1.2.3+build', ' = 1.2.3+otherbuild', true],
-    ['1.2.3-beta+build', '1.2.3-beta+otherbuild'],
-    ['1.2.3+build', '1.2.3+otherbuild'],
-    ['  v1.2.3+build', '1.2.3+otherbuild']
-  ].forEach(function(v) {
-    var v0 = v[0];
-    var v1 = v[1];
-    var loose = v[2];
-    t.ok(eq(v0, v1, loose), "eq('" + v0 + "', '" + v1 + "')");
-    t.ok(!neq(v0, v1, loose), "!neq('" + v0 + "', '" + v1 + "')");
-    t.ok(cmp(v0, '==', v1, loose), 'cmp(' + v0 + '==' + v1 + ')');
-    t.ok(!cmp(v0, '!=', v1, loose), '!cmp(' + v0 + '!=' + v1 + ')');
-    t.ok(!cmp(v0, '===', v1, loose), '!cmp(' + v0 + '===' + v1 + ')');
-    t.ok(cmp(v0, '!==', v1, loose), 'cmp(' + v0 + '!==' + v1 + ')');
-    t.ok(!gt(v0, v1, loose), "!gt('" + v0 + "', '" + v1 + "')");
-    t.ok(gte(v0, v1, loose), "gte('" + v0 + "', '" + v1 + "')");
-    t.ok(!lt(v0, v1, loose), "!lt('" + v0 + "', '" + v1 + "')");
-    t.ok(lte(v0, v1, loose), "lte('" + v0 + "', '" + v1 + "')");
-  });
-  t.end();
-test('\nrange tests', function(t) {
-  // [range, version]
-  // version should be included by range
-  [['1.0.0 - 2.0.0', '1.2.3'],
-    ['^1.2.3+build', '1.2.3'],
-    ['^1.2.3+build', '1.3.0'],
-    ['1.2.3-pre+asdf - 2.4.3-pre+asdf', '1.2.3'],
-    ['1.2.3pre+asdf - 2.4.3-pre+asdf', '1.2.3', true],
-    ['1.2.3-pre+asdf - 2.4.3pre+asdf', '1.2.3', true],
-    ['1.2.3pre+asdf - 2.4.3pre+asdf', '1.2.3', true],
-    ['1.2.3-pre+asdf - 2.4.3-pre+asdf', '1.2.3-pre.2'],
-    ['1.2.3-pre+asdf - 2.4.3-pre+asdf', '2.4.3-alpha'],
-    ['1.2.3+asdf - 2.4.3+asdf', '1.2.3'],
-    ['1.0.0', '1.0.0'],
-    ['>=*', '0.2.4'],
-    ['', '1.0.0'],
-    ['*', '1.2.3'],
-    ['*', 'v1.2.3', true],
-    ['>=1.0.0', '1.0.0'],
-    ['>=1.0.0', '1.0.1'],
-    ['>=1.0.0', '1.1.0'],
-    ['>1.0.0', '1.0.1'],
-    ['>1.0.0', '1.1.0'],
-    ['<=2.0.0', '2.0.0'],
-    ['<=2.0.0', '1.9999.9999'],
-    ['<=2.0.0', '0.2.9'],
-    ['<2.0.0', '1.9999.9999'],
-    ['<2.0.0', '0.2.9'],
-    ['>= 1.0.0', '1.0.0'],
-    ['>=  1.0.0', '1.0.1'],
-    ['>=   1.0.0', '1.1.0'],
-    ['> 1.0.0', '1.0.1'],
-    ['>  1.0.0', '1.1.0'],
-    ['<=   2.0.0', '2.0.0'],
-    ['<= 2.0.0', '1.9999.9999'],
-    ['<=  2.0.0', '0.2.9'],
-    ['<    2.0.0', '1.9999.9999'],
-    ['<\t2.0.0', '0.2.9'],
-    ['>=0.1.97', 'v0.1.97', true],
-    ['>=0.1.97', '0.1.97'],
-    ['0.1.20 || 1.2.4', '1.2.4'],
-    ['>=0.2.3 || <0.0.1', '0.0.0'],
-    ['>=0.2.3 || <0.0.1', '0.2.3'],
-    ['>=0.2.3 || <0.0.1', '0.2.4'],
-    ['||', '1.3.4'],
-    ['2.x.x', '2.1.3'],
-    ['1.2.x', '1.2.3'],
-    ['1.2.x || 2.x', '2.1.3'],
-    ['1.2.x || 2.x', '1.2.3'],
-    ['x', '1.2.3'],
-    ['2.*.*', '2.1.3'],
-    ['1.2.*', '1.2.3'],
-    ['1.2.* || 2.*', '2.1.3'],
-    ['1.2.* || 2.*', '1.2.3'],
-    ['*', '1.2.3'],
-    ['2', '2.1.2'],
-    ['2.3', '2.3.1'],
-    ['~2.4', '2.4.0'], // >=2.4.0 <2.5.0
-    ['~2.4', '2.4.5'],
-    ['~>3.2.1', '3.2.2'], // >=3.2.1 <3.3.0,
-    ['~1', '1.2.3'], // >=1.0.0 <2.0.0
-    ['~>1', '1.2.3'],
-    ['~> 1', '1.2.3'],
-    ['~1.0', '1.0.2'], // >=1.0.0 <1.1.0,
-    ['~ 1.0', '1.0.2'],
-    ['~ 1.0.3', '1.0.12'],
-    ['>=1', '1.0.0'],
-    ['>= 1', '1.0.0'],
-    ['<1.2', '1.1.1'],
-    ['< 1.2', '1.1.1'],
-    ['~v0.5.4-pre', '0.5.5'],
-    ['~v0.5.4-pre', '0.5.4'],
-    ['=0.7.x', '0.7.2'],
-    ['<=0.7.x', '0.7.2'],
-    ['>=0.7.x', '0.7.2'],
-    ['<=0.7.x', '0.6.2'],
-    ['~1.2.1 >=1.2.3', '1.2.3'],
-    ['~1.2.1 =1.2.3', '1.2.3'],
-    ['~1.2.1 1.2.3', '1.2.3'],
-    ['~1.2.1 >=1.2.3 1.2.3', '1.2.3'],
-    ['~1.2.1 1.2.3 >=1.2.3', '1.2.3'],
-    ['~1.2.1 1.2.3', '1.2.3'],
-    ['>=1.2.1 1.2.3', '1.2.3'],
-    ['1.2.3 >=1.2.1', '1.2.3'],
-    ['>=1.2.3 >=1.2.1', '1.2.3'],
-    ['>=1.2.1 >=1.2.3', '1.2.3'],
-    ['>=1.2', '1.2.8'],
-    ['^1.2.3', '1.8.1'],
-    ['^0.1.2', '0.1.2'],
-    ['^0.1', '0.1.2'],
-    ['^1.2', '1.4.2'],
-    ['^1.2 ^1', '1.4.2'],
-    ['^1.2.3-alpha', '1.2.3-pre'],
-    ['^1.2.0-alpha', '1.2.0-pre'],
-    ['^0.0.1-alpha', '0.0.1-beta']
-  ].forEach(function(v) {
-    var range = v[0];
-    var ver = v[1];
-    var loose = v[2];
-    t.ok(satisfies(ver, range, loose), range + ' satisfied by ' + ver);
-  });
-  t.end();
-test('\nnegative range tests', function(t) {
-  // [range, version]
-  // version should not be included by range
-  [['1.0.0 - 2.0.0', '2.2.3'],
-    ['1.2.3+asdf - 2.4.3+asdf', '1.2.3-pre.2'],
-    ['1.2.3+asdf - 2.4.3+asdf', '2.4.3-alpha'],
-    ['^1.2.3+build', '2.0.0'],
-    ['^1.2.3+build', '1.2.0'],
-    ['^1.2.3', '1.2.3-pre'],
-    ['^1.2', '1.2.0-pre'],
-    ['>1.2', '1.3.0-beta'],
-    ['<=1.2.3', '1.2.3-beta'],
-    ['^1.2.3', '1.2.3-beta'],
-    ['=0.7.x', '0.7.0-asdf'],
-    ['>=0.7.x', '0.7.0-asdf'],
-    ['1', '1.0.0beta', true],
-    ['<1', '1.0.0beta', true],
-    ['< 1', '1.0.0beta', true],
-    ['1.0.0', '1.0.1'],
-    ['>=1.0.0', '0.0.0'],
-    ['>=1.0.0', '0.0.1'],
-    ['>=1.0.0', '0.1.0'],
-    ['>1.0.0', '0.0.1'],
-    ['>1.0.0', '0.1.0'],
-    ['<=2.0.0', '3.0.0'],
-    ['<=2.0.0', '2.9999.9999'],
-    ['<=2.0.0', '2.2.9'],
-    ['<2.0.0', '2.9999.9999'],
-    ['<2.0.0', '2.2.9'],
-    ['>=0.1.97', 'v0.1.93', true],
-    ['>=0.1.97', '0.1.93'],
-    ['0.1.20 || 1.2.4', '1.2.3'],
-    ['>=0.2.3 || <0.0.1', '0.0.3'],
-    ['>=0.2.3 || <0.0.1', '0.2.2'],
-    ['2.x.x', '1.1.3'],
-    ['2.x.x', '3.1.3'],
-    ['1.2.x', '1.3.3'],
-    ['1.2.x || 2.x', '3.1.3'],
-    ['1.2.x || 2.x', '1.1.3'],
-    ['2.*.*', '1.1.3'],
-    ['2.*.*', '3.1.3'],
-    ['1.2.*', '1.3.3'],
-    ['1.2.* || 2.*', '3.1.3'],
-    ['1.2.* || 2.*', '1.1.3'],
-    ['2', '1.1.2'],
-    ['2.3', '2.4.1'],
-    ['~2.4', '2.5.0'], // >=2.4.0 <2.5.0
-    ['~2.4', '2.3.9'],
-    ['~>3.2.1', '3.3.2'], // >=3.2.1 <3.3.0
-    ['~>3.2.1', '3.2.0'], // >=3.2.1 <3.3.0
-    ['~1', '0.2.3'], // >=1.0.0 <2.0.0
-    ['~>1', '2.2.3'],
-    ['~1.0', '1.1.0'], // >=1.0.0 <1.1.0
-    ['<1', '1.0.0'],
-    ['>=1.2', '1.1.1'],
-    ['1', '2.0.0beta', true],
-    ['~v0.5.4-beta', '0.5.4-alpha'],
-    ['=0.7.x', '0.8.2'],
-    ['>=0.7.x', '0.6.2'],
-    ['<0.7.x', '0.7.2'],
-    ['<1.2.3', '1.2.3-beta'],
-    ['=1.2.3', '1.2.3-beta'],
-    ['>1.2', '1.2.8'],
-    ['^1.2.3', '2.0.0-alpha'],
-    ['^1.2.3', '1.2.2'],
-    ['^1.2', '1.1.9'],
-    ['*', 'v1.2.3-foo', true],
-    // invalid ranges never satisfied!
-    ['blerg', '1.2.3'],
-    ['git+', '123.0.0', true],
-    ['^1.2.3', '2.0.0-pre']
-  ].forEach(function(v) {
-    var range = v[0];
-    var ver = v[1];
-    var loose = v[2];
-    var found = satisfies(ver, range, loose);
-    t.ok(!found, ver + ' not satisfied by ' + range);
-  });
-  t.end();
-test('\nincrement versions test', function(t) {
-//  [version, inc, result, identifier]
-//  inc(version, inc) -> result
-  [['1.2.3', 'major', '2.0.0'],
-    ['1.2.3', 'minor', '1.3.0'],
-    ['1.2.3', 'patch', '1.2.4'],
-    ['1.2.3tag', 'major', '2.0.0', true],
-    ['1.2.3-tag', 'major', '2.0.0'],
-    ['1.2.3', 'fake', null],
-    ['1.2.0-0', 'patch', '1.2.0'],
-    ['fake', 'major', null],
-    ['1.2.3-4', 'major', '2.0.0'],
-    ['1.2.3-4', 'minor', '1.3.0'],
-    ['1.2.3-4', 'patch', '1.2.3'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.0.beta', 'major', '2.0.0'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.0.beta', 'minor', '1.3.0'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.0.beta', 'patch', '1.2.3'],
-    ['1.2.4', 'prerelease', '1.2.5-0'],
-    ['1.2.3-0', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-1'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.0', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-alpha.1'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.1', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-alpha.2'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.2', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-alpha.3'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.0.beta', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-alpha.1.beta'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.1.beta', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-alpha.2.beta'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.2.beta', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-alpha.3.beta'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.10.0.beta', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-alpha.10.1.beta'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.10.1.beta', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-alpha.10.2.beta'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.10.2.beta', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-alpha.10.3.beta'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.10.beta.0', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-alpha.10.beta.1'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.10.beta.1', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-alpha.10.beta.2'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.10.beta.2', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-alpha.10.beta.3'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.9.beta', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-alpha.10.beta'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.10.beta', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-alpha.11.beta'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.11.beta', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-alpha.12.beta'],
-    ['1.2.0', 'prepatch', '1.2.1-0'],
-    ['1.2.0-1', 'prepatch', '1.2.1-0'],
-    ['1.2.0', 'preminor', '1.3.0-0'],
-    ['1.2.3-1', 'preminor', '1.3.0-0'],
-    ['1.2.0', 'premajor', '2.0.0-0'],
-    ['1.2.3-1', 'premajor', '2.0.0-0'],
-    ['1.2.0-1', 'minor', '1.2.0'],
-    ['1.0.0-1', 'major', '1.0.0'],
-    ['1.2.3', 'major', '2.0.0', false, 'dev'],
-    ['1.2.3', 'minor', '1.3.0', false, 'dev'],
-    ['1.2.3', 'patch', '1.2.4', false, 'dev'],
-    ['1.2.3tag', 'major', '2.0.0', true, 'dev'],
-    ['1.2.3-tag', 'major', '2.0.0', false, 'dev'],
-    ['1.2.3', 'fake', null, false, 'dev'],
-    ['1.2.0-0', 'patch', '1.2.0', false, 'dev'],
-    ['fake', 'major', null, false, 'dev'],
-    ['1.2.3-4', 'major', '2.0.0', false, 'dev'],
-    ['1.2.3-4', 'minor', '1.3.0', false, 'dev'],
-    ['1.2.3-4', 'patch', '1.2.3', false, 'dev'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.0.beta', 'major', '2.0.0', false, 'dev'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.0.beta', 'minor', '1.3.0', false, 'dev'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.0.beta', 'patch', '1.2.3', false, 'dev'],
-    ['1.2.4', 'prerelease', '1.2.5-dev.0', false, 'dev'],
-    ['1.2.3-0', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-dev.0', false, 'dev'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.0', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-dev.0', false, 'dev'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.0', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-alpha.1', false, 'alpha'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.0.beta', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-dev.0', false, 'dev'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.0.beta', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-alpha.1.beta', false, 'alpha'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.10.0.beta', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-dev.0', false, 'dev'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.10.0.beta', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-alpha.10.1.beta', false, 'alpha'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.10.1.beta', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-alpha.10.2.beta', false, 'alpha'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.10.2.beta', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-alpha.10.3.beta', false, 'alpha'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.10.beta.0', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-dev.0', false, 'dev'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.10.beta.0', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-alpha.10.beta.1', false, 'alpha'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.10.beta.1', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-alpha.10.beta.2', false, 'alpha'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.10.beta.2', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-alpha.10.beta.3', false, 'alpha'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.9.beta', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-dev.0', false, 'dev'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.9.beta', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-alpha.10.beta', false, 'alpha'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.10.beta', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-alpha.11.beta', false, 'alpha'],
-    ['1.2.3-alpha.11.beta', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-alpha.12.beta', false, 'alpha'],
-    ['1.2.0', 'prepatch', '1.2.1-dev.0', false, 'dev'],
-    ['1.2.0-1', 'prepatch', '1.2.1-dev.0', false, 'dev'],
-    ['1.2.0', 'preminor', '1.3.0-dev.0', false, 'dev'],
-    ['1.2.3-1', 'preminor', '1.3.0-dev.0', false, 'dev'],
-    ['1.2.0', 'premajor', '2.0.0-dev.0', false, 'dev'],
-    ['1.2.3-1', 'premajor', '2.0.0-dev.0', false, 'dev'],
-    ['1.2.0-1', 'minor', '1.2.0', false, 'dev'],
-    ['1.0.0-1', 'major', '1.0.0', false, 'dev'],
-    ['', 'prerelease', '1.2.3-dev.0', false, 'dev']
-  ].forEach(function(v) {
-    var pre = v[0];
-    var what = v[1];
-    var wanted = v[2];
-    var loose = v[3];
-    var id = v[4];
-    var found = inc(pre, what, loose, id);
-    var cmd = 'inc(' + pre + ', ' + what + ', ' + id + ')';
-    t.equal(found, wanted, cmd + ' === ' + wanted);
-    var parsed = semver.parse(pre, loose);
-    if (wanted) {
-, id);
-      t.equal(parsed.version, wanted, cmd + ' object version updated');
-      t.equal(parsed.raw, wanted, cmd + ' object raw field updated');
-    } else if (parsed) {
-      t.throws(function () {
-, id)
-      })
-    } else {
-      t.equal(parsed, null)
-    }
-  });
-  t.end();
-test('\ndiff versions test', function(t) {
-//  [version1, version2, result]
-//  diff(version1, version2) -> result
-  [['1.2.3', '0.2.3', 'major'],
-    ['1.4.5', '0.2.3', 'major'],
-    ['1.2.3', '2.0.0-pre', 'premajor'],
-    ['1.2.3', '1.3.3', 'minor'],
-    ['1.0.1', '1.1.0-pre', 'preminor'],
-    ['1.2.3', '1.2.4', 'patch'],
-    ['1.2.3', '1.2.4-pre', 'prepatch'],
-    ['0.0.1', '0.0.1-pre', 'prerelease'],
-    ['0.0.1', '0.0.1-pre-2', 'prerelease'],
-    ['1.1.0', '1.1.0-pre', 'prerelease'],
-    ['1.1.0-pre-1', '1.1.0-pre-2', 'prerelease'],
-    ['1.0.0', '1.0.0', null]
-  ].forEach(function(v) {
-    var version1 = v[0];
-    var version2 = v[1];
-    var wanted = v[2];
-    var found = diff(version1, version2);
-    var cmd = 'diff(' + version1 + ', ' + version2 + ')';
-    t.equal(found, wanted, cmd + ' === ' + wanted);
-  });
-  t.end();
-test('\nvalid range test', function(t) {
-  // [range, result]
-  // validRange(range) -> result
-  // translate ranges into their canonical form
-  [['1.0.0 - 2.0.0', '>=1.0.0 <=2.0.0'],
-    ['1.0.0', '1.0.0'],
-    ['>=*', '*'],
-    ['', '*'],
-    ['*', '*'],
-    ['*', '*'],
-    ['>=1.0.0', '>=1.0.0'],
-    ['>1.0.0', '>1.0.0'],
-    ['<=2.0.0', '<=2.0.0'],
-    ['1', '>=1.0.0 <2.0.0'],
-    ['<=2.0.0', '<=2.0.0'],
-    ['<=2.0.0', '<=2.0.0'],
-    ['<2.0.0', '<2.0.0'],
-    ['<2.0.0', '<2.0.0'],
-    ['>= 1.0.0', '>=1.0.0'],
-    ['>=  1.0.0', '>=1.0.0'],
-    ['>=   1.0.0', '>=1.0.0'],
-    ['> 1.0.0', '>1.0.0'],
-    ['>  1.0.0', '>1.0.0'],
-    ['<=   2.0.0', '<=2.0.0'],
-    ['<= 2.0.0', '<=2.0.0'],
-    ['<=  2.0.0', '<=2.0.0'],
-    ['<    2.0.0', '<2.0.0'],
-    ['<	2.0.0', '<2.0.0'],
-    ['>=0.1.97', '>=0.1.97'],
-    ['>=0.1.97', '>=0.1.97'],
-    ['0.1.20 || 1.2.4', '0.1.20||1.2.4'],
-    ['>=0.2.3 || <0.0.1', '>=0.2.3||<0.0.1'],
-    ['>=0.2.3 || <0.0.1', '>=0.2.3||<0.0.1'],
-    ['>=0.2.3 || <0.0.1', '>=0.2.3||<0.0.1'],
-    ['||', '||'],
-    ['2.x.x', '>=2.0.0 <3.0.0'],
-    ['1.2.x', '>=1.2.0 <1.3.0'],
-    ['1.2.x || 2.x', '>=1.2.0 <1.3.0||>=2.0.0 <3.0.0'],
-    ['1.2.x || 2.x', '>=1.2.0 <1.3.0||>=2.0.0 <3.0.0'],
-    ['x', '*'],
-    ['2.*.*', '>=2.0.0 <3.0.0'],
-    ['1.2.*', '>=1.2.0 <1.3.0'],
-    ['1.2.* || 2.*', '>=1.2.0 <1.3.0||>=2.0.0 <3.0.0'],
-    ['*', '*'],
-    ['2', '>=2.0.0 <3.0.0'],
-    ['2.3', '>=2.3.0 <2.4.0'],
-    ['~2.4', '>=2.4.0 <2.5.0'],
-    ['~2.4', '>=2.4.0 <2.5.0'],
-    ['~>3.2.1', '>=3.2.1 <3.3.0'],
-    ['~1', '>=1.0.0 <2.0.0'],
-    ['~>1', '>=1.0.0 <2.0.0'],
-    ['~> 1', '>=1.0.0 <2.0.0'],
-    ['~1.0', '>=1.0.0 <1.1.0'],
-    ['~ 1.0', '>=1.0.0 <1.1.0'],
-    ['^0', '>=0.0.0 <1.0.0'],
-    ['^ 1', '>=1.0.0 <2.0.0'],
-    ['^0.1', '>=0.1.0 <0.2.0'],
-    ['^1.0', '>=1.0.0 <2.0.0'],
-    ['^1.2', '>=1.2.0 <2.0.0'],
-    ['^0.0.1', '>=0.0.1 <0.0.2'],
-    ['^0.0.1-beta', '>=0.0.1-beta <0.0.2'],
-    ['^0.1.2', '>=0.1.2 <0.2.0'],
-    ['^1.2.3', '>=1.2.3 <2.0.0'],
-    ['^1.2.3-beta.4', '>=1.2.3-beta.4 <2.0.0'],
-    ['<1', '<1.0.0'],
-    ['< 1', '<1.0.0'],
-    ['>=1', '>=1.0.0'],
-    ['>= 1', '>=1.0.0'],
-    ['<1.2', '<1.2.0'],
-    ['< 1.2', '<1.2.0'],
-    ['1', '>=1.0.0 <2.0.0'],
-    ['>01.02.03', '>1.2.3', true],
-    ['>01.02.03', null],
-    ['~1.2.3beta', '>=1.2.3-beta <1.3.0', true],
-    ['~1.2.3beta', null],
-    ['^ 1.2 ^ 1', '>=1.2.0 <2.0.0 >=1.0.0 <2.0.0']
-  ].forEach(function(v) {
-    var pre = v[0];
-    var wanted = v[1];
-    var loose = v[2];
-    var found = validRange(pre, loose);
-    t.equal(found, wanted, 'validRange(' + pre + ') === ' + wanted);
-  });
-  t.end();
-test('\ncomparators test', function(t) {
-  // [range, comparators]
-  // turn range into a set of individual comparators
-  [['1.0.0 - 2.0.0', [['>=1.0.0', '<=2.0.0']]],
-    ['1.0.0', [['1.0.0']]],
-    ['>=*', [['']]],
-    ['', [['']]],
-    ['*', [['']]],
-    ['*', [['']]],
-    ['>=1.0.0', [['>=1.0.0']]],
-    ['>=1.0.0', [['>=1.0.0']]],
-    ['>=1.0.0', [['>=1.0.0']]],
-    ['>1.0.0', [['>1.0.0']]],
-    ['>1.0.0', [['>1.0.0']]],
-    ['<=2.0.0', [['<=2.0.0']]],
-    ['1', [['>=1.0.0', '<2.0.0']]],
-    ['<=2.0.0', [['<=2.0.0']]],
-    ['<=2.0.0', [['<=2.0.0']]],
-    ['<2.0.0', [['<2.0.0']]],
-    ['<2.0.0', [['<2.0.0']]],
-    ['>= 1.0.0', [['>=1.0.0']]],
-    ['>=  1.0.0', [['>=1.0.0']]],
-    ['>=   1.0.0', [['>=1.0.0']]],
-    ['> 1.0.0', [['>1.0.0']]],
-    ['>  1.0.0', [['>1.0.0']]],
-    ['<=   2.0.0', [['<=2.0.0']]],
-    ['<= 2.0.0', [['<=2.0.0']]],
-    ['<=  2.0.0', [['<=2.0.0']]],
-    ['<    2.0.0', [['<2.0.0']]],
-    ['<\t2.0.0', [['<2.0.0']]],
-    ['>=0.1.97', [['>=0.1.97']]],
-    ['>=0.1.97', [['>=0.1.97']]],
-    ['0.1.20 || 1.2.4', [['0.1.20'], ['1.2.4']]],
-    ['>=0.2.3 || <0.0.1', [['>=0.2.3'], ['<0.0.1']]],
-    ['>=0.2.3 || <0.0.1', [['>=0.2.3'], ['<0.0.1']]],
-    ['>=0.2.3 || <0.0.1', [['>=0.2.3'], ['<0.0.1']]],
-    ['||', [[''], ['']]],
-    ['2.x.x', [['>=2.0.0', '<3.0.0']]],
-    ['1.2.x', [['>=1.2.0', '<1.3.0']]],
-    ['1.2.x || 2.x', [['>=1.2.0', '<1.3.0'], ['>=2.0.0', '<3.0.0']]],
-    ['1.2.x || 2.x', [['>=1.2.0', '<1.3.0'], ['>=2.0.0', '<3.0.0']]],
-    ['x', [['']]],
-    ['2.*.*', [['>=2.0.0', '<3.0.0']]],
-    ['1.2.*', [['>=1.2.0', '<1.3.0']]],
-    ['1.2.* || 2.*', [['>=1.2.0', '<1.3.0'], ['>=2.0.0', '<3.0.0']]],
-    ['1.2.* || 2.*', [['>=1.2.0', '<1.3.0'], ['>=2.0.0', '<3.0.0']]],
-    ['*', [['']]],
-    ['2', [['>=2.0.0', '<3.0.0']]],
-    ['2.3', [['>=2.3.0', '<2.4.0']]],
-    ['~2.4', [['>=2.4.0', '<2.5.0']]],
-    ['~2.4', [['>=2.4.0', '<2.5.0']]],
-    ['~>3.2.1', [['>=3.2.1', '<3.3.0']]],
-    ['~1', [['>=1.0.0', '<2.0.0']]],
-    ['~>1', [['>=1.0.0', '<2.0.0']]],
-    ['~> 1', [['>=1.0.0', '<2.0.0']]],
-    ['~1.0', [['>=1.0.0', '<1.1.0']]],
-    ['~ 1.0', [['>=1.0.0', '<1.1.0']]],
-    ['~ 1.0.3', [['>=1.0.3', '<1.1.0']]],
-    ['~> 1.0.3', [['>=1.0.3', '<1.1.0']]],
-    ['<1', [['<1.0.0']]],
-    ['< 1', [['<1.0.0']]],
-    ['>=1', [['>=1.0.0']]],
-    ['>= 1', [['>=1.0.0']]],
-    ['<1.2', [['<1.2.0']]],
-    ['< 1.2', [['<1.2.0']]],
-    ['1', [['>=1.0.0', '<2.0.0']]],
-    ['1 2', [['>=1.0.0', '<2.0.0', '>=2.0.0', '<3.0.0']]],
-    ['1.2 - 3.4.5', [['>=1.2.0', '<=3.4.5']]],
-    ['1.2.3 - 3.4', [['>=1.2.3', '<3.5.0']]],
-    ['1.2.3 - 3', [['>=1.2.3', '<4.0.0']]],
-    ['>*', [['<0.0.0']]],
-    ['<*', [['<0.0.0']]]
-  ].forEach(function(v) {
-    var pre = v[0];
-    var wanted = v[1];
-    var found = toComparators(v[0]);
-    var jw = JSON.stringify(wanted);
-    t.equivalent(found, wanted, 'toComparators(' + pre + ') === ' + jw);
-  });
-  t.end();
-test('\ninvalid version numbers', function(t) {
-  ['',
-   'NOT VALID',
-   1.2,
-   null,
-   'Infinity.NaN.Infinity'
-  ].forEach(function(v) {
-    t.throws(function() {
-      new SemVer(v);
-    }, {name:'TypeError', message:'Invalid Version: ' + v});
-  });
-  t.end();
-test('\nstrict vs loose version numbers', function(t) {
-  [['=1.2.3', '1.2.3'],
-    ['01.02.03', '1.2.3'],
-    ['1.2.3-beta.01', '1.2.3-beta.1'],
-    ['   =1.2.3', '1.2.3'],
-    ['1.2.3foo', '1.2.3-foo']
-  ].forEach(function(v) {
-    var loose = v[0];
-    var strict = v[1];
-    t.throws(function() {
-      new SemVer(loose);
-    });
-    var lv = new SemVer(loose, true);
-    t.equal(lv.version, strict);
-    t.ok(eq(loose, strict, true));
-    t.throws(function() {
-      eq(loose, strict);
-    });
-    t.throws(function() {
-      new SemVer(strict).compare(loose);
-    });
-  });
-  t.end();
-test('\nstrict vs loose ranges', function(t) {
-  [['>=01.02.03', '>=1.2.3'],
-    ['~1.02.03beta', '>=1.2.3-beta <1.3.0']
-  ].forEach(function(v) {
-    var loose = v[0];
-    var comps = v[1];
-    t.throws(function() {
-      new Range(loose);
-    });
-    t.equal(new Range(loose, true).range, comps);
-  });
-  t.end();
-test('\nmax satisfying', function(t) {
-  [[['1.2.3', '1.2.4'], '1.2', '1.2.4'],
-    [['1.2.4', '1.2.3'], '1.2', '1.2.4'],
-    [['1.2.3', '1.2.4', '1.2.5', '1.2.6'], '~1.2.3', '1.2.6'],
-    [['1.1.0', '1.2.0', '1.2.1', '1.3.0', '2.0.0b1', '2.0.0b2', '2.0.0b3', '2.0.0', '2.1.0'], '~2.0.0', '2.0.0', true]
-  ].forEach(function(v) {
-    var versions = v[0];
-    var range = v[1];
-    var expect = v[2];
-    var loose = v[3];
-    var actual = semver.maxSatisfying(versions, range, loose);
-    t.equal(actual, expect);
-  });
-  t.end();
diff --git a/node_modules/semver/test/ltr.js b/node_modules/semver/test/ltr.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f7167d..0000000
--- a/node_modules/semver/test/ltr.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
-var tap = require('tap');
-var test = tap.test;
-var semver = require('../semver.js');
-var ltr = semver.ltr;
-test('\nltr tests', function(t) {
-  // [range, version, loose]
-  // Version should be less than range
-  [
-    ['~1.2.2', '1.2.1'],
-    ['~0.6.1-1', '0.6.1-0'],
-    ['1.0.0 - 2.0.0', '0.0.1'],
-    ['1.0.0-beta.2', '1.0.0-beta.1'],
-    ['1.0.0', '0.0.0'],
-    ['>=2.0.0', '1.1.1'],
-    ['>=2.0.0', '1.2.9'],
-    ['>2.0.0', '2.0.0'],
-    ['0.1.20 || 1.2.4', '0.1.5'],
-    ['2.x.x', '1.0.0'],
-    ['1.2.x', '1.1.0'],
-    ['1.2.x || 2.x', '1.0.0'],
-    ['2.*.*', '1.0.1'],
-    ['1.2.*', '1.1.3'],
-    ['1.2.* || 2.*', '1.1.9999'],
-    ['2', '1.0.0'],
-    ['2.3', '2.2.2'],
-    ['~2.4', '2.3.0'], // >=2.4.0 <2.5.0
-    ['~2.4', '2.3.5'],
-    ['~>3.2.1', '3.2.0'], // >=3.2.1 <3.3.0
-    ['~1', '0.2.3'], // >=1.0.0 <2.0.0
-    ['~>1', '0.2.4'],
-    ['~> 1', '0.2.3'],
-    ['~1.0', '0.1.2'], // >=1.0.0 <1.1.0
-    ['~ 1.0', '0.1.0'],
-    ['>1.2', '1.2.0'],
-    ['> 1.2', '1.2.1'],
-    ['1', '0.0.0beta', true],
-    ['~v0.5.4-pre', '0.5.4-alpha'],
-    ['~v0.5.4-pre', '0.5.4-alpha'],
-    ['=0.7.x', '0.6.0'],
-    ['=0.7.x', '0.6.0-asdf'],
-    ['>=0.7.x', '0.6.0'],
-    ['~1.2.2', '1.2.1'],
-    ['1.0.0 - 2.0.0', '0.2.3'],
-    ['1.0.0', '0.0.1'],
-    ['>=2.0.0', '1.0.0'],
-    ['>=2.0.0', '1.9999.9999'],
-    ['>=2.0.0', '1.2.9'],
-    ['>2.0.0', '2.0.0'],
-    ['>2.0.0', '1.2.9'],
-    ['2.x.x', '1.1.3'],
-    ['1.2.x', '1.1.3'],
-    ['1.2.x || 2.x', '1.1.3'],
-    ['2.*.*', '1.1.3'],
-    ['1.2.*', '1.1.3'],
-    ['1.2.* || 2.*', '1.1.3'],
-    ['2', '1.9999.9999'],
-    ['2.3', '2.2.1'],
-    ['~2.4', '2.3.0'], // >=2.4.0 <2.5.0
-    ['~>3.2.1', '2.3.2'], // >=3.2.1 <3.3.0
-    ['~1', '0.2.3'], // >=1.0.0 <2.0.0
-    ['~>1', '0.2.3'],
-    ['~1.0', '0.0.0'], // >=1.0.0 <1.1.0
-    ['>1', '1.0.0'],
-    ['2', '1.0.0beta', true],
-    ['>1', '1.0.0beta', true],
-    ['> 1', '1.0.0beta', true],
-    ['=0.7.x', '0.6.2'],
-    ['=0.7.x', '0.7.0-asdf'],
-    ['^1', '1.0.0-0'],
-    ['>=0.7.x', '0.7.0-asdf'],
-    ['1', '1.0.0beta', true],
-    ['>=0.7.x', '0.6.2'],
-    ['>1.2.3', '1.3.0-alpha']
-  ].forEach(function(tuple) {
-    var range = tuple[0];
-    var version = tuple[1];
-    var loose = tuple[2] || false;
-    var msg = 'ltr(' + version + ', ' + range + ', ' + loose + ')';
-    t.ok(ltr(version, range, loose), msg);
-  });
-  t.end();
-test('\nnegative ltr tests', function(t) {
-  // [range, version, loose]
-  // Version should NOT be less than range
-  [
-    ['~ 1.0', '1.1.0'],
-    ['~0.6.1-1', '0.6.1-1'],
-    ['1.0.0 - 2.0.0', '1.2.3'],
-    ['1.0.0 - 2.0.0', '2.9.9'],
-    ['1.0.0', '1.0.0'],
-    ['>=*', '0.2.4'],
-    ['', '1.0.0', true],
-    ['*', '1.2.3'],
-    ['>=1.0.0', '1.0.0'],
-    ['>=1.0.0', '1.0.1'],
-    ['>=1.0.0', '1.1.0'],
-    ['>1.0.0', '1.0.1'],
-    ['>1.0.0', '1.1.0'],
-    ['<=2.0.0', '2.0.0'],
-    ['<=2.0.0', '1.9999.9999'],
-    ['<=2.0.0', '0.2.9'],
-    ['<2.0.0', '1.9999.9999'],
-    ['<2.0.0', '0.2.9'],
-    ['>= 1.0.0', '1.0.0'],
-    ['>=  1.0.0', '1.0.1'],
-    ['>=   1.0.0', '1.1.0'],
-    ['> 1.0.0', '1.0.1'],
-    ['>  1.0.0', '1.1.0'],
-    ['<=   2.0.0', '2.0.0'],
-    ['<= 2.0.0', '1.9999.9999'],
-    ['<=  2.0.0', '0.2.9'],
-    ['<    2.0.0', '1.9999.9999'],
-    ['<\t2.0.0', '0.2.9'],
-    ['>=0.1.97', 'v0.1.97'],
-    ['>=0.1.97', '0.1.97'],
-    ['0.1.20 || 1.2.4', '1.2.4'],
-    ['0.1.20 || >1.2.4', '1.2.4'],
-    ['0.1.20 || 1.2.4', '1.2.3'],
-    ['0.1.20 || 1.2.4', '0.1.20'],
-    ['>=0.2.3 || <0.0.1', '0.0.0'],
-    ['>=0.2.3 || <0.0.1', '0.2.3'],
-    ['>=0.2.3 || <0.0.1', '0.2.4'],
-    ['||', '1.3.4'],
-    ['2.x.x', '2.1.3'],
-    ['1.2.x', '1.2.3'],
-    ['1.2.x || 2.x', '2.1.3'],
-    ['1.2.x || 2.x', '1.2.3'],
-    ['x', '1.2.3'],
-    ['2.*.*', '2.1.3'],
-    ['1.2.*', '1.2.3'],
-    ['1.2.* || 2.*', '2.1.3'],
-    ['1.2.* || 2.*', '1.2.3'],
-    ['1.2.* || 2.*', '1.2.3'],
-    ['*', '1.2.3'],
-    ['2', '2.1.2'],
-    ['2.3', '2.3.1'],
-    ['~2.4', '2.4.0'], // >=2.4.0 <2.5.0
-    ['~2.4', '2.4.5'],
-    ['~>3.2.1', '3.2.2'], // >=3.2.1 <3.3.0
-    ['~1', '1.2.3'], // >=1.0.0 <2.0.0
-    ['~>1', '1.2.3'],
-    ['~> 1', '1.2.3'],
-    ['~1.0', '1.0.2'], // >=1.0.0 <1.1.0
-    ['~ 1.0', '1.0.2'],
-    ['>=1', '1.0.0'],
-    ['>= 1', '1.0.0'],
-    ['<1.2', '1.1.1'],
-    ['< 1.2', '1.1.1'],
-    ['~v0.5.4-pre', '0.5.5'],
-    ['~v0.5.4-pre', '0.5.4'],
-    ['=0.7.x', '0.7.2'],
-    ['>=0.7.x', '0.7.2'],
-    ['<=0.7.x', '0.6.2'],
-    ['>0.2.3 >0.2.4 <=0.2.5', '0.2.5'],
-    ['>=0.2.3 <=0.2.4', '0.2.4'],
-    ['1.0.0 - 2.0.0', '2.0.0'],
-    ['^3.0.0', '4.0.0'],
-    ['^1.0.0 || ~2.0.1', '2.0.0'],
-    ['^0.1.0 || ~3.0.1 || 5.0.0', '3.2.0'],
-    ['^0.1.0 || ~3.0.1 || 5.0.0', '1.0.0beta', true],
-    ['^0.1.0 || ~3.0.1 || 5.0.0', '5.0.0-0', true],
-    ['^0.1.0 || ~3.0.1 || >4 <=5.0.0', '3.5.0'],
-    ['^1.0.0alpha', '1.0.0beta', true],
-    ['~1.0.0alpha', '1.0.0beta', true],
-    ['^1.0.0-alpha', '1.0.0beta', true],
-    ['~1.0.0-alpha', '1.0.0beta', true],
-    ['^1.0.0-alpha', '1.0.0-beta'],
-    ['~1.0.0-alpha', '1.0.0-beta'],
-    ['=0.1.0', '1.0.0']
-  ].forEach(function(tuple) {
-    var range = tuple[0];
-    var version = tuple[1];
-    var loose = tuple[2] || false;
-    var msg = '!ltr(' + version + ', ' + range + ', ' + loose + ')';
-    t.notOk(ltr(version, range, loose), msg);
-  });
-  t.end();
diff --git a/node_modules/semver/test/major-minor-patch.js b/node_modules/semver/test/major-minor-patch.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e9d4039..0000000
--- a/node_modules/semver/test/major-minor-patch.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-var tap = require('tap');
-var test = tap.test;
-var semver = require('../semver.js');
-test('\nmajor tests', function(t) {
-  // [range, version]
-  // Version should be detectable despite extra characters
-  [
-    ['1.2.3', 1],
-    [' 1.2.3 ', 1],
-    [' 2.2.3-4 ', 2],
-    [' 3.2.3-pre ', 3],
-    ['v5.2.3', 5],
-    [' v8.2.3 ', 8],
-    ['\t13.2.3', 13],
-    ['=21.2.3', 21, true],
-    ['v=34.2.3', 34, true]
-  ].forEach(function(tuple) {
-    var range = tuple[0];
-    var version = tuple[1];
-    var loose = tuple[2] || false;
-    var msg = 'major(' + range + ') = ' + version;
-    t.equal(semver.major(range, loose), version, msg);
-  });
-  t.end();
-test('\nminor tests', function(t) {
-  // [range, version]
-  // Version should be detectable despite extra characters
-  [
-    ['1.1.3', 1],
-    [' 1.1.3 ', 1],
-    [' 1.2.3-4 ', 2],
-    [' 1.3.3-pre ', 3],
-    ['v1.5.3', 5],
-    [' v1.8.3 ', 8],
-    ['\t1.13.3', 13],
-    ['=1.21.3', 21, true],
-    ['v=1.34.3', 34, true]
-  ].forEach(function(tuple) {
-    var range = tuple[0];
-    var version = tuple[1];
-    var loose = tuple[2] || false;
-    var msg = 'minor(' + range + ') = ' + version;
-    t.equal(semver.minor(range, loose), version, msg);
-  });
-  t.end();
-test('\npatch tests', function(t) {
-  // [range, version]
-  // Version should be detectable despite extra characters
-  [
-    ['1.2.1', 1],
-    [' 1.2.1 ', 1],
-    [' 1.2.2-4 ', 2],
-    [' 1.2.3-pre ', 3],
-    ['v1.2.5', 5],
-    [' v1.2.8 ', 8],
-    ['\t1.2.13', 13],
-    ['=1.2.21', 21, true],
-    ['v=1.2.34', 34, true]
-  ].forEach(function(tuple) {
-    var range = tuple[0];
-    var version = tuple[1];
-    var loose = tuple[2] || false;
-    var msg = 'patch(' + range + ') = ' + version;
-    t.equal(semver.patch(range, loose), version, msg);
-  });
-  t.end();
diff --git a/node_modules/shelljs/package.json b/node_modules/shelljs/package.json
index c959b63..a5ede86 100644
--- a/node_modules/shelljs/package.json
+++ b/node_modules/shelljs/package.json
@@ -1,8 +1,16 @@
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-      "shelljs@^0.5.3",
-      "D:\\Cordova\\cordova-android"
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+        "name": "shelljs",
+        "rawSpec": "^0.5.3",
+        "spec": ">=0.5.3 <0.6.0",
+        "type": "range"
+      },
+      "d:\\cordova\\cordova-android"
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@@ -12,16 +20,17 @@
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-    "name": "artur"
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-    "name": "shelljs",
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@@ -33,10 +42,10 @@
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-  "_where": "D:\\Cordova\\cordova-android",
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-    "email": "",
-    "name": "Artur Adib"
+    "name": "Artur Adib",
+    "email": ""
   "bin": {
     "shjs": "./bin/shjs"
@@ -71,8 +80,8 @@
   "main": "./shell.js",
   "maintainers": [
-      "email": "",
-      "name": "artur"
+      "name": "artur",
+      "email": ""
   "name": "shelljs",
diff --git a/node_modules/underscore/package.json b/node_modules/underscore/package.json
index 1572901..cee029f 100644
--- a/node_modules/underscore/package.json
+++ b/node_modules/underscore/package.json
@@ -1,8 +1,16 @@
   "_args": [
-      "underscore@^1.8.3",
-      "D:\\Cordova\\cordova-android\\node_modules\\cordova-common"
+      {
+        "raw": "underscore@^1.8.3",
+        "scope": null,
+        "escapedName": "underscore",
+        "name": "underscore",
+        "rawSpec": "^1.8.3",
+        "spec": ">=1.8.3 <2.0.0",
+        "type": "range"
+      },
+      "d:\\cordova\\cordova-android\\node_modules\\cordova-common"
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@@ -11,16 +19,17 @@
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-    "rawSpec": "^1.8.3",
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     "spec": ">=1.8.3 <2.0.0",
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@@ -31,10 +40,10 @@
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-  "_where": "D:\\Cordova\\cordova-android\\node_modules\\cordova-common",
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   "author": {
-    "email": "",
-    "name": "Jeremy Ashkenas"
+    "name": "Jeremy Ashkenas",
+    "email": ""
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@@ -73,8 +82,8 @@
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   "maintainers": [
-      "email": "",
-      "name": "jashkenas"
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-    "name": "walling"
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+    "email": ""
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-    "name": "unorm",
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-    "rawSpec": "^1.3.3",
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+    "rawSpec": "^1.3.3",
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@@ -31,26 +40,26 @@
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-  "_where": "D:\\Cordova\\cordova-android\\node_modules\\cordova-common",
+  "_where": "d:\\cordova\\cordova-android\\node_modules\\cordova-common",
   "author": {
-    "email": "",
-    "name": "Bjarke Walling"
+    "name": "Bjarke Walling",
+    "email": ""
   "bugs": {
     "url": ""
   "contributors": [
-      "email": "",
-      "name": "Bjarke Walling"
+      "name": "Bjarke Walling",
+      "email": ""
-      "email": "",
-      "name": "Oleg Grenrus"
+      "name": "Oleg Grenrus",
+      "email": ""
-      "email": "",
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