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Posted to by on 2004/05/05 02:00:03 UTC

[WIKI-UPDATE] Main Wed May 5 02:00:02 2004

Page: , version: 399 on Mon May  4 23:38:42 2004 by

- Welcome to the Cocoon docume Wiki. It is not large, it is not small, it is simply available to anyone actually feeling like adding some info to complement what's on the [main Cocoon web site|]. Type away! Explore the publicist in you! This wiki is generally a "jumping point" for bringing new documentation into the project.
+ Welcome to the Cocoon documentation Wiki. It is not large, it is not small, it is simply available to anyone actually feeling like adding some info to complement what's on the [main Cocoon web site|]. Type away! Explore the publicist in you! This wiki is generally a "jumping point" for bringing new documentation into the project.
?                             +++++++