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Posted to by Bertrand Delacretaz <> on 2003/06/12 07:54:14 UTC

Re: TeX to PDF serializator (ExternalProcessSerializer?)

Le Jeudi, 12 juin 2003, à 03:49 Europe/Zurich, Conal Tuohy a écrit :

> ...In any case - isn't TeX a text format? If so then a well-formed XML 
> document like <TeX>blah blah blah ... </TeX> could be serialised to 
> TeX by the TextSerializer, couldn't it?...

Or better, just write a serializer that is a wrapper around the TeX 
processor, strips out the <Tex> elements and sends the "plain TeX" to 
the processor. This sounds fairly easy to implement, and it would allow 
the high output quality of TeX to be made available in Cocoon.

This mechanism could be generalized by a serializer that can call any 
external process, pass to it a possibly filtered version of the 
serializer's input, and send the output of the process to the Cocoon 
client with a configurable mime-type, allowing Cocoon to cache this 
output on the way to the client.

An ExternalProcessSerializer? Paves the way for all kinds of hacks ;-)

OTOH, the idea of a serializer taking an "XMLized" version of TeX as 
input would be a much stronger integration of TeX in Cocoon, but 
apparently such a format has to be invented, and converted back to TeX 
by the serializer.

If anyone is ready to "vote with their code" I'd be happy to test the 
results of either option ;-)


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