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[08/60] incubator-trafodion git commit: TRAFODION-1933 JDBC TYpe4 driver build scripts migrated to use maven instead of ant
diff --git a/core/conn/jdbc_type4/src/org/trafodion/jdbc/t4/ b/core/conn/jdbc_type4/src/org/trafodion/jdbc/t4/
deleted file mode 100644
index 49100b4..0000000
--- a/core/conn/jdbc_type4/src/org/trafodion/jdbc/t4/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2511 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
-package org.trafodion.jdbc.t4;
-import java.math.BigDecimal;
-import java.sql.DriverPropertyInfo;
-import java.sql.SQLException;
-import java.util.Locale;
-import java.util.Properties;
-import java.util.logging.FileHandler;
-import java.util.logging.Formatter;
-import java.util.logging.Level;
-import java.util.logging.Logger;
-import javax.naming.Reference;
-import javax.naming.StringRefAddr;
- * <p>
- * JDBC Type 4 driver connetion properties class.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * Description: The <code>T4Properties</code> class contains all the
- * properties associated with Type 4 connection. <code>T4Properties</code> is
- * inherited directy or indirectly by the <code>T4Driver, HPT4DataSource,
- * HPT4ConnectionPooledDataSource</code>
- * classes for configuring Type 4 connection properties.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * The properties passed to the Type 4 driver have this precedence order in
- * event of the values set through more than one option:
- * </p>
- * <blockquote>
- * <p>
- * 1. parameter in the
- * <code>DriverManager.getConnection</code> call or through
- * <code>DataSource.setXXX()</code> call.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * 2. <code></code> file properties set through
- * <code></code> option.
- * </p>
- * <p>
- * 3. Command line properties using -D option. All the system properties passed
- * through the command-line option have to be prefixed with
- * <code>t4jdbc</code>, to distinguish JDBC Type 4 driver properties
- * from other system properties. For example: property <code>user</code> when
- * specified with -D has to be qualified as
- * <code>-Dt4jdbc.user=super.super</code>.
- * </p>
- * </blockquote>
- * <p>
- *  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF)
- * </p>
- */
-public class T4Properties {
-	private String description_;
-	private String dataSourceName_;
-	private String serverDataSource_;
-	private String catalog_;
-	private String schema_;
-	private String user_;
-	private String url_;
-	private String pwd_;
-	private Locale locale_;
-	private int maxPoolSize_;
-	private int minPoolSize_;
-	private int initialPoolSize_;
-	private int maxStatements_;
-	private int loginTimeout_;
-	// private int closeConnectionTimeout_;
-	private int networkTimeout_;
-	private int connectionTimeout_;
-	private int maxIdleTime_;
-	private Level t4LogLevel;
-	private String T4LogFile_;
-	private Properties defaults_;
-	private Properties inprops_;
-	private PrintWriter logWriter_;
-	// For LOB Support - SB 9/28/04
-	static long reserveDataLocator_;
-	private int roundMode_;
-	private String language_;
-	private short fetchBufferSize_;
-	private String connectionID_;
-	private String dialogueID_;
-	private String serverID_;
-	private short ncsMajorVersion_;
-	private short ncsMinorVersion_;
-	private short sqlmxMajorVersion_;
-	private short sqlmxMinorVersion_;
-	// LOB Support 
-	String clobTableName_;
-	String blobTableName_;
-	// private short transportBufferSize_;
-	private boolean useArrayBinding_;
-	private boolean batchRecovery_;
-	private final String propPrefix_ = "t4jdbc.";
-	// Default catalog 
-	static final String DEFAULT_CATALOG = "TRAFODION";
-	// propertiy queryTimeout_ for future use.
-	private short queryTimeout_;
-	private T4Address t4addr_;
-	// Error handling while setting Type 4 properties.
-	String sqlExceptionMessage_;
-	// Logger for this connection.
-	Logger logger;
-	Logger t4Logger_;
-	// Log file handler for this connection.
-	FileHandler t4LogFileHandler_;
-	private boolean SPJEnv_ = false;
-	private boolean keepRawFetchBuffer_ = false;
-	private short cpuToUse_ = -1;
-	private String sessionName;
-	private String replacementString_;
-	private String ISO88591_;
-	private String _roleName;
-	private String _applicationName;
-	private boolean _sessionToken;
-	private boolean _fetchAhead;
-	private boolean _delayedErrorMode;
-	private boolean _compression;
-	private String _certificateDir;
-	private String _certificateFileActive;
-	private String _certificateFile;
-	private boolean _keepAlive = false;
-	private boolean _tokenAuth;
-	private static int DEFAULT_MAX_IDLE_TIMEOUT = 0; // Max idle timeout
-	// default = infinite
-	//TCP Nagle's algorithm 
-	private boolean _tcpNoDelay = true;
-	// -----------------------------------------------------------
-	//
-	// The following static members and static block are ment to
-	// establish the one and only global t4 logger for this JVM.
-	//
-	static Level t4GlobalLogLevel = null;
-	static String t4GlobalLogFile = null;
-	static Logger t4GlobalLogger = null;
-	static FileHandler t4GlobalLogFileHandler = null;
-	void initializeLogging() {
-		if (t4GlobalLogger != null) {
-			return;
-		}
-		t4GlobalLogger = Logger.getLogger("org.trafodion.jdbc.t4.logger");
-		try {
-			boolean createGlobalLogFile = false;
-			String userSpecifiedLogFile = null;
-			Level userSpecifiedLogLevel = null;
-			Properties p = getPropertiesFileValues();
-			t4GlobalLogger.setUseParentHandlers(false);
-			//
-			// See if the user specified a log file and/or log level via the
-			// properties file or the system properties.
-			//
-			if (p != null) {
-				userSpecifiedLogFile = p.getProperty("T4LogFile");
-				String temp = p.getProperty("T4LogLevel");
-				if (temp != null) {
-					userSpecifiedLogLevel = Level.parse(temp);
-				}
-			}
-			if (userSpecifiedLogFile == null) {
-				userSpecifiedLogFile = System.getProperty("t4jdbc.T4LogFile");
-			}
-			if (userSpecifiedLogLevel == null) {
-				String temp = System.getProperty("t4jdbc.T4LogLevel");
-				if (temp != null) {
-					userSpecifiedLogLevel = Level.parse(temp);
-				} else {
-					userSpecifiedLogLevel = null;
-				}
-			}
-			//
-			// At this point, if the user specified a log file and/or log level,
-			// we have captured
-			// that information.
-			//
-			//
-			// Decide if we should create a global log file now or wait until
-			// someone
-			// asks for it. That is, until a connection turns on logging and
-			// doesn't
-			// specify its own log file.
-			//
-			if (userSpecifiedLogFile != null || (userSpecifiedLogLevel != null && userSpecifiedLogLevel != Level.OFF)) {
-				createGlobalLogFile = true;
-			}
-			//
-			// Set the global log file and global log level.
-			//
-			if (userSpecifiedLogFile == null) {
-				t4GlobalLogFile = T4LoggingUtilities.getUniqueLogFileName(T4LoggingUtilities.getUniqueID());
-			} else {
-				t4GlobalLogFile = userSpecifiedLogFile;
-			}
-			if (userSpecifiedLogLevel == null) {
-				t4GlobalLogLevel = Level.OFF;
-			} else {
-				t4GlobalLogLevel = userSpecifiedLogLevel;
-			}
-			t4GlobalLogger.setLevel(t4GlobalLogLevel);
-			//
-			// If we decided to make the log file now, make the file (i.e.
-			// FileHandler) and
-			// it the global logger.
-			//
-			if (createGlobalLogFile == true) {
-				t4GlobalLogFileHandler = new FileHandler(t4GlobalLogFile);
-				t4GlobalLogger.addHandler(t4GlobalLogFileHandler);
-				Formatter ff1 = new T4LogFormatter();
-				t4GlobalLogFileHandler.setFormatter(ff1);
-			}
-		} catch (Exception e) {
-			// SQLException se = HPT4Messages.createSQLException(null, null,
-			// "problem_with_logging", e.getMessage());
-			// sqlExceptionMessage_ = se.getMessage();
-			SQLException se = HPT4Messages.createSQLException(null, null, "problem_with_logging", e.getMessage());
-			sqlExceptionMessage_ = se.getMessage();
-			// RuntimeException rte = new RuntimeException(se.getMessage(), se);
-			// throw rte;
-			// e.printStackTrace();
-			// throw HPT4Messages.createSQLException(null, null,
-			// "problem_with_logging", e.getMessage());
-		}
-	} // end initializeLogging
-	// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-	public T4Properties() {
-		initializeLogging();
-		initialize(null);
-	}
-	public T4Properties(Properties props) {
-		initializeLogging();
-		initialize(props);
-	}
-	void initialize(Properties props) {
-		sqlExceptionMessage_ = null;
-		inprops_ = props;
-		setProperties();
-	}
-	// ---------------------------------------------------------------
-	private Object getHashTableEntry(String token) {
-		Object outObj = null;
-		// if the token is present in input-props get it
-		if (inprops_ != null) {
-			outObj = inprops_.get((Object) token);
-		}
-		return outObj;
-	} // end getHashTableEntry
-	// ---------------------------------------------------------------
-	private String getProperty(String token) {
-		String ret = null;
-		// check input props first
-		if (inprops_ != null) {
-			ret = inprops_.getProperty(token);
-		}
-		// props file next
-		if (ret == null && defaults_ != null) {
-			ret = defaults_.getProperty(token);
-		}
-		// system properties with the t4jdbc prefix
-		if (ret == null) {
-			ret = System.getProperty(propPrefix_ + token);
-		}
-		return ret;
-	}
-	private void setProperties() {
-		defaults_ = null;
-		String propsFile = getProperty("properties");
-		if (propsFile != null) {
-			propsFile = propsFile.trim();
-			if (propsFile.length() != 0) {
-				FileInputStream fis = null;
-				try {
-					fis = new FileInputStream(new File(propsFile));
-					defaults_ = new Properties();
-					defaults_.load(fis);
-				} catch (Exception ex) {
-					fis = null;
-					sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Error while loading " + propPrefix_ + "properties file: " + ex.getMessage();
-				} finally {
-					try {
-						if (fis != null) {
-							fis.close();
-						}
-					} catch (IOException ioe) {
-						// ignore
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		setDescription(getProperty("description"));
-		setDataSourceName(getProperty("dataSourceName"));
-		setServerDataSource(getProperty("serverDataSource"));
-		setCatalog(getProperty("catalog"));
-		setSchema(getProperty("schema"));
-		// DriverManager passes property user. HPUX does not like
-		// property user. System properties must be prefixed with t4jdbc.
-		// For example user should be t4jdbc.user if set as system property.
-		setUser(getProperty("user"));
-		setPassword(getProperty("password"));
-		// url is special. Set it from properties only when it is not already
-		// set.
-		if (url_ == null) {
-			setUrl(getProperty("url"));
-		}
-		setMaxPoolSize(getProperty("maxPoolSize"));
-		setMinPoolSize(getProperty("minPoolSize"));
-		setInitialPoolSize(getProperty("initialPoolSize"));
-		setMaxStatements(getProperty("maxStatements"));
-		setLoginTimeout(getProperty("loginTimeout"));
-		// setCloseConnectionTimeout(getProperty("closeConnectionTimeout"));
-		setNetworkTimeout(getProperty("networkTimeout"));
-		setT4LogLevel(getProperty("T4LogLevel"));
-		setT4LogFile(getProperty("T4LogFile"));
-		setLogger(getHashTableEntry("logger"));
-		setT4LogFileHandler(getHashTableEntry("T4LogFileHandler"));
-		setUseArrayBinding(getProperty("useArrayBinding"));
-		setBatchRecovery(getProperty("batchRecovery"));
-		// setTransportBufferSize(getProperty("TransportBufferSize"));
-		setLanguage(getProperty("language"));
-		setMaxIdleTime(getProperty("maxIdleTime"));
-		setConnectionTimeout(getProperty("connectionTimeout"));
-		setFetchBufferSize(getProperty("fetchBufferSize"));
-		// For LOB Support - SB 9/28/04
-		try {
-			setClobTableName(getProperty("clobTableName"));
-		} catch (SQLException se) {
-			sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Error while reading the clobTableName property: " + se.getMessage();
-		}
-		try {
-			setBlobTableName(getProperty("blobTableName"));
-		} catch (SQLException se2) {
-			sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Error while reading the blobTableName property: " + se2.getMessage();
-		}
-		setReserveDataLocator(getProperty("reserveDataLocator"));
-		setQueryTimeout(getProperty("queryTimeout"));
-		setRoundingMode(getProperty("roundingMode"));
-		setSPJEnv(getProperty("SPJEnv"));
-		setKeepRawFetchBuffer(getProperty("keepRawFetchBuffer"));
-		setCpuToUse(getProperty("cpuToUse"));
-		setSessionName(getProperty("sessionName"));
-		setReplacementString(getProperty("replacementString"));
-		setISO88591(getProperty("ISO88591"));
-		setRoleName(getProperty("roleName"));
-		setApplicationName(getProperty("applicationName"));
-		setSessionToken(getProperty("sessionToken"));
-		setFetchAhead(getProperty("fetchAhead"));
-		setDelayedErrorMode(getProperty("delayedErrorMode"));
-		setCompression(getProperty("compression"));
-		setCertificateDir(getProperty("certificateDir"));
-		setCertificateFileActive(getProperty("certificateFileActive"));
-		setCertificateFile(getProperty("certificateFile"));
-		setKeepAlive(getProperty("keepAlive"));
-		setTokenAuth(getProperty("tokenAuth"));
-        setTcpNoDelay(getProperty("tcpNoDelay"));
-	}
-	T4Properties getT4Properties() {
-		return this;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Returns all the connection properties associated with the current Type 4
-	 * connection object in the <code>java.util.Properties</code> object.
-	 * 
-	 * @return The properties associated with the current Type 4 connection.
-	 */
-	public Properties getProperties() {
-		Properties props = new Properties();
-		if (getCatalog() != null) {
-			props.setProperty("catalog", catalog_);
-		}
-		if (getSchema() != null) {
-			props.setProperty("schema", schema_);
-		}
-		if (url_ != null) {
-			props.setProperty("url", url_);
-		}
-		props.setProperty("user", user_);
-		props.setProperty("password", pwd_);
-		props.setProperty("maxPoolSize", String.valueOf(maxPoolSize_));
-		props.setProperty("minPoolSize", String.valueOf(minPoolSize_));
-		props.setProperty("initialPoolSize", String.valueOf(initialPoolSize_));
-		props.setProperty("maxStatements", String.valueOf(maxStatements_));
-		props.setProperty("T4LogLevel", t4LogLevel.toString());
-		props.setProperty("fetchBufferSize", String.valueOf(fetchBufferSize_));
-		if (logger != null) {
-			props.put("logger", logger);
-		}
-		if (t4LogFileHandler_ != null) {
-			props.put("T4LogFileHandler", t4LogFileHandler_);
-		}
-		props.setProperty("T4LogFile", T4LogFile_);
-		props.setProperty("loginTimeout", String.valueOf(loginTimeout_));
-		// props.setProperty("closeConnectionTimeout",
-		// String.valueOf(closeConnectionTimeout_));
-		props.setProperty("networkTimeout", String.valueOf(networkTimeout_));
-		props.setProperty("connectionTimeout", String.valueOf(connectionTimeout_));
-		props.setProperty("description", description_);
-		props.setProperty("dataSourceName", dataSourceName_);
-		props.setProperty("serverDataSource", serverDataSource_);
-		// props.setProperty("transportBufferSize",
-		// String.valueOf(transportBufferSize_));
-		props.setProperty("useArrayBinding", String.valueOf(useArrayBinding_));
-		props.setProperty("batchRecovery", String.valueOf(batchRecovery_));
-		props.setProperty("maxIdleTime", String.valueOf(maxIdleTime_));
-		props.setProperty("language", language_);
-		if (getBlobTableName() != null) {
-			props.setProperty("blobTableName", blobTableName_);
-		}
-		if (getClobTableName() != null) {
-			props.setProperty("clobTableName", clobTableName_);
-		}
-		// properties queryTimeout_ for future use.
-		props.setProperty("queryTimeout", String.valueOf(queryTimeout_));
-		props.setProperty("roundingMode", String.valueOf(roundMode_));
-		props.setProperty("SPJEnv", String.valueOf(SPJEnv_));
-		props.setProperty("keepRawFetchBuffer", String.valueOf(keepRawFetchBuffer_));
-		props.setProperty("cpuToUse", String.valueOf(cpuToUse_));
-		props.setProperty("sessionName", String.valueOf(sessionName));
-		props.setProperty("replacementString", String.valueOf(replacementString_));
-		props.setProperty("ISO88591", String.valueOf(ISO88591_));
-		if (_roleName != null)
-			props.setProperty("roleName", _roleName);
-		if (_applicationName != null)
-			props.setProperty("applicationName", _applicationName);
-		props.setProperty("sessionToken", String.valueOf(_sessionToken));
-		props.setProperty("fetchAhead", String.valueOf(_fetchAhead));
-		props.setProperty("delayedErrorMode", String.valueOf(_delayedErrorMode));
-		props.setProperty("compression", String.valueOf(_compression));
-		if(_certificateDir != null) 	
-			props.setProperty("certificateDir", _certificateDir);
-		if(_certificateFileActive != null)
-			props.setProperty("certFileActive", _certificateFileActive);
-		if(_certificateFile != null)
-			props.setProperty("certificateFile", _certificateFile);
-		props.setProperty("keepAlive", String.valueOf(_keepAlive));
-		props.setProperty("tokenAuth", String.valueOf(_tokenAuth));
-        props.setProperty("tcpNoDelay", String.valueOf(_tcpNoDelay));
-		return props;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Sets the description for the current Type 4 connection.
-	 * 
-	 * @param description
-	 *            For the current Type 4 connection.
-	 * @see #getDescription()
-	 */
-	void setDescription(String description) {
-		if (description == null) {
-			description_ = "JDBC T4 DataSource.";
-		} else {
-			description_ = description;
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Returns the description associated with the current Type 4 connection.
-	 * 
-	 * @return The description associated with the current Type 4 connection.
-	 * @see #setDescription(String)
-	 */
-	String getDescription() {
-		return description_;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Sets the data source name for the current Type 4 connection.
-	 * 
-	 * @param dataSourceName
-	 *            For the client side <code>DataSource</code> object.
-	 * @see #getDataSourceName()
-	 */
-	void setDataSourceName(String dataSourceName) {
-		if (dataSourceName == null) {
-			dataSourceName_ = "";
-		} else {
-			dataSourceName_ = dataSourceName;
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Return the data source name given to the client side data source.
-	 * 
-	 * @return data source name.
-	 * @see #setDataSourceName(String)
-	 */
-	String getDataSourceName() {
-		return dataSourceName_;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Sets the data source name to use on the NDCS server side.
-	 * 
-	 * @param serverDataSource
-	 *            the data source name to use on the NDCS server side. The
-	 *            default value is a blank string.
-	 * @see #getDataSourceName()
-	 */
-	void setServerDataSource(String serverDataSource) {
-		if (serverDataSource == null) {
-			serverDataSource_ = "";
-		} else {
-			serverDataSource_ = serverDataSource;
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Returns the NDCS server side data source name used for the current Type 4
-	 * connection. The default server data source name is
-	 * <code>TDM_Defaullt_DataSource</code>.
-	 * 
-	 * @return NDCS server side data source Name.
-	 * @see #setServerDataSource(String)
-	 */
-	String getServerDataSource() {
-		return serverDataSource_;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Sets the default catalog that will be used to access SQL objects
-	 * referenced in SQL statements if the SQL objects are not fully qualified.
-	 * 
-	 * @param catalog
-	 *            Database catalog name. The default catalog name is set by
-	 *            the NDCS server side data source.
-	 * @see #getCatalog()
-	 */
-	void setCatalog(String catalog) {
-		catalog_ = catalog;
-		if (catalog_ == null) {
-			catalog_ = getProperty("catalog");
-		}
-		if (catalog_ != null) {
-			if (catalog_.length() == 0) {
-				catalog_ = DEFAULT_CATALOG;
-			} else if (!catalog_.startsWith("\"")) {
-				catalog_ = catalog_.trim().toUpperCase();
-			}
-		} else {
-			// catalog_ = null;
-			catalog_ = DEFAULT_CATALOG;
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Gets the default catalog that will be used to access SQL objects
-	 * referenced in SQL statements if the SQL objects are not fully qualified.
-	 * 
-	 * @return T4 2.0 catalog name.
-	 * @see #setCatalog(String)
-	 */
-	String getCatalog() {
-		return catalog_;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Sets the default schema that will be used to access SQL objects
-	 * referenced in SQL statements if the SQL objects are not fully qualified.
-	 * 
-	 * @param schema
-	 *            Sets the database schema name. The default schema name is set
-	 *            by the NDCS server side data source.
-	 * @see #getSchema()
-	 */
-	void setSchema(String schema) {
-		schema_ = schema;
-		if (schema_ == null) {
-			schema_ = getProperty("schema");
-		}
-		if (schema_ != null) {
-			if (!schema_.startsWith("\"")) {
-				schema_ = schema_.trim().toUpperCase();
-			}
-		} else {
-			schema_ = null;
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Gets the default schema that will be used to access SQL objects
-	 * referenced in SQL statements if the SQL objects are not fully qualified.
-	 * 
-	 * @return The schema associated with the current Type 4 connection.
-	 * @see #setSchema(String)
-	 */
-	String getSchema() {
-		return schema_;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Returns the <code>java.util.Locale</code> object associated with the
-	 * current Type 4 connection.
-	 * 
-	 * @return <code>java.util.Locale</code> object.
-	 * @see #setLanguage(String language)
-	 */
-	Locale getLocale() {
-		return locale_;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * The maximum number of physical connections that the pool (free and inuse
-	 * pool) should contain. When the maximum number of physical connections is
-	 * reached, the Type 4 driver throws an <code>SQLException
-	 * </code> with the
-	 * message "Maximum pool size reached". Specifying a value of 0 (zero)
-	 * indicates there is no maximum size for the pool. Specifying a value of -1
-	 * indicates no connection pooling is performed. The default value is -1
-	 * indicating that no pooling of physical connections is done.
-	 * 
-	 * @param maxPoolSize
-	 *            the maximum number of physical connections the pool should
-	 *            contain in the pool (free and inuse).
-	 * @see #setMaxPoolSize(int)
-	 */
-	void setMaxPoolSize(String maxPoolSize) {
-		int maxPs = -1;
-		if (maxPoolSize != null) {
-			try {
-				maxPs = Integer.parseInt(maxPoolSize);
-			} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
-				sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Incorrect maxPoolSize value set: " + maxPoolSize + ". " + ex.getMessage();
-				maxPs = -1;
-			}
-		}
-		setMaxPoolSize(maxPs);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * The maximum number of physical connections that the pool (free and inuse
-	 * pool) should contain. When the maximum number of physical connections is
-	 * reached, the Type 4 driver throws an <code>SQLException
-	 * </code> with the
-	 * message "Maximum pool size reached". Specifying a value of 0 (zero)
-	 * indicates there is no maximum size for the pool. Specifying a value of -1
-	 * indicates no connection pooling is performed. The default value is -1
-	 * indicating that no pooling of physical connections is done.
-	 * 
-	 * @param maxPoolSize
-	 *            the maximum number of physical connections the pool should
-	 *            contain in the pool (free and inuse).
-	 * @see #setMaxPoolSize(String)
-	 */
-	void setMaxPoolSize(int maxPoolSize) {
-		if (maxPoolSize < -1) {
-			// The ES says that we set maxPoolSize to -1. It doesn't say we
-			// produce an error.
-			// sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Incorrect maxPoolSize value set: " +
-			// maxPoolSize;
-			maxPoolSize_ = -1;
-		} else if (maxPoolSize > 0) {
-			if (minPoolSize_ != 0 && minPoolSize_ > maxPoolSize) {
-				maxPoolSize_ = minPoolSize_;
-			} else {
-				maxPoolSize_ = maxPoolSize;
-			}
-		} else {
-			maxPoolSize_ = maxPoolSize;
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Returns the maximum number of physical connections that the pool (free
-	 * and inuse) should contain. A value of zero (0) indicates no maximum size.
-	 * A value of -1 indicates that connection pooling is not being done.
-	 * 
-	 * @return maxPoolSize the maximum number of physical connections that the
-	 *         pool should contain.
-	 * @see #setMaxPoolSize(int)
-	 */
-	int getMaxPoolSize() {
-		return maxPoolSize_;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Sets the number of physical connections the pool should keep available at
-	 * all times.
-	 * 
-	 * @param minPoolSize
-	 *            Limits the number of physical connection that can be in the
-	 *            free pool. When the number of physical connections in the free
-	 *            pool reaches the value of minPoolSize, subsequent connections
-	 *            that are closed are physically closed and are not added to the
-	 *            free pool. Specifying a value of 0 means that the value of
-	 *            minPoolSize is the same as the value of maxPoolSize. If the
-	 *            value of maxPoolSize is -1, the value of minPoolSize is
-	 *            ignored. The default value is 0. For this data source it is
-	 *            recommended that you use the default value.
-	 * @return the number of physical connections the pool should keep available
-	 *         at all times.
-	 * @see #getMinPoolSize()
-	 * @see #setMinPoolSize(int minPoolSize)
-	 */
-	void setMinPoolSize(String minPoolSize) {
-		int minPs = -1;
-		if (minPoolSize != null) {
-			try {
-				minPs = Integer.parseInt(minPoolSize);
-			} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
-				sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Incorrect value for minPoolSize set: " + minPoolSize + ". " + ex.getMessage();
-				minPs = -1;
-			}
-		}
-		setMinPoolSize(minPs);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Sets the number of physical connections the pool should keep available at
-	 * all times.
-	 * 
-	 * @param minPoolSize
-	 *            Limits the number of physical connection that can be in the
-	 *            free pool. When the number of physical connections in the free
-	 *            pool reaches the value of minPoolSize, subsequent connections
-	 *            that are closed are physically closed and are not added to the
-	 *            free pool. Specifying a value of 0 means that the value of
-	 *            minPoolSize is the same as the value of maxPoolSize. If the
-	 *            value of maxPoolSize is -1, the value of minPoolSize is
-	 *            ignored. The default value is 0. For this data source it is
-	 *            recommended that you use the default value.
-	 * @return the number of physical connections the pool should keep available
-	 *         at all times.
-	 * @see #getMinPoolSize()
-	 * @see #setMinPoolSize(String minPoolSize)
-	 */
-	void setMinPoolSize(int minPoolSize) {
-		if (maxPoolSize_ == -1) {
-			// minPoolSize_ = minPoolSize;
-			minPoolSize_ = -1;
-			return;
-		}
-		if (minPoolSize < -1) {
-			// Swastik: Commented on 14th Feb 2005 to match behavior in
-			// setMaxPoolSize(int)
-			// sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Incorrect value for minPoolSize set: " +
-			// minPoolSize;
-			minPoolSize_ = -1;
-		} else if (minPoolSize == 0) {
-			minPoolSize_ = 0;
-		} else {
-			if (minPoolSize > 0) {
-				if (maxPoolSize_ != 0 && maxPoolSize_ < minPoolSize) {
-					minPoolSize_ = maxPoolSize_;
-				} else {
-					minPoolSize_ = minPoolSize;
-				}
-			} else {
-				minPoolSize_ = minPoolSize;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Returns the number of physical connections the pool should keep in the
-	 * free pool. A value of 0 (zero) indicates that minPoolSize is equal to
-	 * maxPoolsize. If maxPoolsize is equal to -1, the value of minPoolSize is
-	 * ignored. The default value is 0.
-	 * 
-	 * @return The number of physical connections the pool should maintain in
-	 *         the free pool.
-	 * @see #setMinPoolSize(int)
-	 * @see #setMaxPoolSize(int)
-	 */
-	int getMinPoolSize() {
-		return minPoolSize_;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * The initial number of physical connections that the pool should be
-	 * created with. Specifying a valueof 0 (zero) or less indicates that the
-	 * pool should not be created with any initial connections. The default
-	 * value is -1 indicating that no initial pool of physical connections is
-	 * created. The value can be less than minPoolSize but must be less than or
-	 * equal to the value of maxPoolSize. Specifying a value greater than
-	 * maxPoolSize will set the initialPoolSize to the value of maxPoolSize.
-	 * 
-	 * @param initialPoolSize
-	 *            the initial number of physical connections the pool should be
-	 *            created with.
-	 * @see #setInitialPoolSize(int)
-	 */
-	void setInitialPoolSize(String initialPoolSize) {
-		int initPs = -1;
-		if (initialPoolSize != null) {
-			try {
-				initPs = Integer.parseInt(initialPoolSize);
-			} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
-				sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Incorrect initialPoolSize value set: " + initialPoolSize + ". "
-						+ ex.getMessage();
-				initPs = -1;
-			}
-		}
-		setInitialPoolSize(initPs);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * The initial number of physical connections that the pool should be
-	 * created with. Specifying a valueof 0 (zero) or less indicates that the
-	 * pool should not be created with any initial connections. The default
-	 * value is -1 indicating that no initial pool of physical connections is
-	 * created. The value can be less than minPoolSize but must be less than or
-	 * equal to the value of maxPoolSize. Specifying a value greater than
-	 * maxPoolSize will set the initialPoolSize to the value of maxPoolSize.
-	 * 
-	 * @param initialPoolSize
-	 *            the initial number of physical connections the pool should be
-	 *            created with.
-	 * @see #setInitialPoolSize(String)
-	 */
-	void setInitialPoolSize(int initialPoolSize) {
-		if (initialPoolSize <= 0) {
-			initialPoolSize_ = -1;
-			return;
-		}
-		// otherwise initialPoolSize > 0
-		if (initialPoolSize > maxPoolSize_) {
-			initialPoolSize_ = maxPoolSize_;
-		} else {
-			initialPoolSize_ = initialPoolSize;
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Returns the number of physical connections that the pool should be
-	 * created with. A value of -1 indicates that the pool is not created with
-	 * any initial connections.
-	 * 
-	 * @return initialPoolSize the number of physical connections that the pool
-	 *         should be created with.
-	 * @see #setInitialPoolSize(int)
-	 */
-	int getInitialPoolSize() {
-		return initialPoolSize_;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Total number of statements that can be pooled. A value of zero (0)
-	 * indicates that caching of statements is disabled.
-	 * 
-	 * @param maxStatements
-	 *            The number of statements that can be pooled.
-	 * @see #setMaxStatements(int)
-	 */
-	void setMaxStatements(String maxStatements) {
-		int maxstmt = 0;
-		if (maxStatements != null) {
-			try {
-				maxstmt = Integer.parseInt(maxStatements);
-			} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
-				sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Incorrect value for maxStatements set: " + maxStatements + ex.getMessage();
-				maxstmt = 0;
-			}
-		}
-		setMaxStatements(maxstmt);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Total number of statements that can be pooled. A value of zero (0)
-	 * indicates that caching of statements is disabled.
-	 * 
-	 * @param maxStatements
-	 *            The number of statements that can be pooled.
-	 * @see #setMaxStatements(int)
-	 */
-	void setMaxStatements(int maxStatements) {
-		if (maxStatements < 0) {
-			sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Incorrect value for maxStatements set: " + maxStatements;
-			maxStatements_ = 0;
-		} else {
-			maxStatements_ = maxStatements;
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Returns the total number of statements that can be pooled. A value of
-	 * zero (0) indicates that pooling of statements is disabled.
-	 * 
-	 * @return The total number of statements that can be pooled.
-	 */
-	int getMaxStatements() {
-		return maxStatements_;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Returns the URL used in the current Type 4 connection. JDBC Type 4
-	 * driver URL uses the following format:-
-	 * <code>jdbc:t4jdbc://host:port/:</code>
-	 * 
-	 * @deprecated Use <code>getUrl()</code> to obtain the URL string.
-	 * @return the URL string.
-	 * @see #getUrl()
-	 */
-	String getURL() {
-		return getUrl();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Returns the URL used in the current Type 4 connection. JDBC Type 4
-	 * driver URL uses the following format:-
-	 * <code>jdbc:t4jdbc://host:port/:</code>
-	 * 
-	 * @return the URL string.
-	 * @see #setUrl(String)
-	 */
-	public String getUrl() {
-		return url_;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Sets the URL for the Type 4 connection. JDBC Type 4 driver URL uses
-	 * the following format:-
-	 * <code>jdbc:t4jdbc://host:port/:prop-name=value</code> This method
-	 * does not validate the url value.
-	 * 
-	 * @param url
-	 *            the URL.
-	 * @see #getUrl()
-	 */
-	void setUrl(String url) {
-		if (url != null) {
-			url_ = url;
-		} else {
-			url_ = "";
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Validates the input url string follows the correct jdbc:t4jdbc:<host>:<port>/:<prop-name=prop-val>;<prop-name=prop-val>
-	 * format.
-	 * 
-	 * @param url
-	 *            of the Type 4 driver.
-	 * @return <code>true</code> when the <url> is in the Type 4 driver
-	 *         format.
-	 */
-	boolean acceptsUrl(String url) {
-		try {
-			new T4Address(this, locale_, url);
-		} catch (SQLException sqlex) {
-			return false;
-		}
-		return true;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Sets the URL for the Type 4 connection. JDBC Type 4 driver URL uses
-	 * the following format:-
-	 * <code>jdbc:t4jdbc://host:port/:prop-name=value</code>. This
-	 * validates the url value and throws SQLException if the URL value is
-	 * incorrect.
-	 * 
-	 * @param url
-	 *            the URL.
-	 * @see #getUrl()
-	 */
-	Properties setURL(String url) throws SQLException {
-		String host = null;
-		String port = null;
-		Properties props = null;
-		t4addr_ = new T4Address(this, locale_, url);
-		props = t4addr_.getProps();
-		initialize(props);
-		setUrl(t4addr_.getUrl());
-		return props;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Retunrs the Type 4 <code>T4Address</code> class.
-	 * 
-	 * @return the current <code>T4Address</code> class.
-	 */
-	T4Address getAddress() {
-		return t4addr_;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Sets the Safeguard user name to be used while connecting to NDCS server
-	 * for authentication.
-	 * 
-	 * @param user
-	 *            Sets the user for the current Type 4 connection.
-	 * @see #getUser()
-	 */
-	void setUser(String user) {
-		if (user == null) {
-			user_ = "";
-		} else {
-			user_ = user;
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Returns the Safeguard user name associated with this Type 4 connection.
-	 * 
-	 * @return The user name.
-	 * @see #setUser(String)
-	 */
-	String getUser() {
-		return user_;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Sets the Safeguard password to be used for authentication when connecting
-	 * to the NDCS server.
-	 * 
-	 * @param pwd
-	 *            The Safeguard password for the current Type 4 connection.
-	 */
-	void setPassword(String pwd) {
-		if (pwd == null) {
-			pwd_ = "";
-		} else {
-			pwd_ = pwd;
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @deprecated <code>getPassword()</code> would not be supported in the
-	 *             future releases.
-	 * @return the password associated with this Type 4 connection.
-	 */
-	String getPassword() {
-		return pwd_;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Sets the login timeout in seconds for the Type 4 connection. The default
-	 * login timeout value is set to 30 minutes.
-	 * 
-	 * @param loginTimeout
-	 *            The login timeout value in seconds.
-	 * @see #setLoginTimeout(int)
-	 * @see #getLoginTimeout()
-	 */
-	void setLoginTimeout(String loginTimeout) {
-		int loginTo = 1800;
-		if (loginTimeout != null) {
-			try {
-				loginTo = Short.parseShort(loginTimeout);
-			} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
-				sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Incorrect value for loginTimeout set: " + loginTimeout + ex.getMessage();
-				loginTo = 1800;
-			}
-		}
-		setLoginTimeout(loginTo);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Sets the login timeout in seconds for the Type 4 connection. The default
-	 * login timeout value is set to 30 minutes.
-	 * 
-	 * @param loginTimeout
-	 *            The login timeout value in seconds.
-	 * @see #setLoginTimeout(String)
-	 * @see #getLoginTimeout()
-	 */
-	void setLoginTimeout(int loginTimeout) {
-		if (loginTimeout < 0) {
-			sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Incorrect value for loginTimeout set: " + loginTimeout + ".";
-			loginTimeout_ = 1800;
-		} else {
-			loginTimeout_ = loginTimeout;
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Returns the login timeout value set for the current Type 4 connection.
-	 * 
-	 * @return the login timeout value in seconds.
-	 * @see #setLoginTimeout(int)
-	 * @see #setLoginTimeout(String)
-	 */
-	int getLoginTimeout() {
-		return loginTimeout_;
-	}
-	// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-	/***************************************************************************
-	 * Start comment out seciont ************* * Sets the close connection
-	 * timeout in seconds for the Type 4 connection. The default close
-	 * connection timeout value is set to 60 seconds.
-	 * 
-	 * @param closeConnectionTimeout
-	 *            The close connection timeout value in seconds.
-	 * @see #setCloseConnectionTimeout(int)
-	 * @see #getCloseConnectionTimeout()
-	 * 
-	 * public void setCloseConnectionTimeout(String closeConnectionTimeout) {
-	 * int closeConnectionTo = 60; if (closeConnectionTimeout != null) { try {
-	 * closeConnectionTo = Integer.parseInt(closeConnectionTimeout); } catch
-	 * (NumberFormatException ex) { sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Incorrect value for
-	 * closeConnectionTimeout set: " + closeConnectionTimeout + ex.getMessage();
-	 * closeConnectionTo = 60; } } setCloseConnectionTimeout(closeConnectionTo); } *
-	 * Sets the close connection timeout in seconds for the Type 4 connection.
-	 * The default close connection timeout value is set to 60 seconds.
-	 * @param closeConnectionTimeout
-	 *            The close connection timeout value in seconds.
-	 * @see #setCloseConnectionTimeout(String)
-	 * @see #getCloseConnectionTimeout()
-	 * 
-	 * public void setCloseConnectionTimeout(int closeConnectionTimeout) { if
-	 * (closeConnectionTimeout < 0) { sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Incorrect value
-	 * for closeConnectionTimeout set: " + closeConnectionTimeout + ".";
-	 * closeConnectionTimeout_ = 60; } else { closeConnectionTimeout_ =
-	 * closeConnectionTimeout; } } * Returns the close connection timeout value
-	 * set for the current Type 4 connection.
-	 * @return the close connection timeout value in seconds.
-	 * @see #setCloseConnectionTimeout(int)
-	 * @see #setCloseConnectionTimeout(String)
-	 * 
-	 * public int getCloseConnectionTimeout() { return closeConnectionTimeout_; }
-	 **************************************************************************/
-	// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-	/**
-	 * Sets the network timeout in seconds for the Type 4 connection. The
-	 * default network timeout value is set to infinity seconds.
-	 * 
-	 * @param networkTimeout
-	 *            The network timeout value in seconds.
-	 * @see #setNetworkTimeout(int)
-	 * @see #getNetworkTimeout()
-	 */
-	void setNetworkTimeout(String networkTimeout) {
-		int networkTo = 0;
-		if (networkTimeout != null) {
-			try {
-				networkTo = Integer.parseInt(networkTimeout);
-			} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
-				sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Incorrect value for networkTimeout set: " + networkTimeout + ex.getMessage();
-				networkTo = 0;
-			}
-		}
-		setNetworkTimeout(networkTo);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Sets the network timeout in seconds for the Type 4 connection. The
-	 * default network timeout value is set to infinity seconds.
-	 * 
-	 * @param networkTimeout
-	 *            The network timeout value in seconds.
-	 * @see #setNetworkTimeout(String)
-	 * @see #getNetworkTimeout()
-	 */
-	void setNetworkTimeout(int networkTimeout) {
-		if (networkTimeout < 0) {
-			sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Incorrect value for networkTimeout set: " + networkTimeout + ".";
-			networkTimeout_ = 0;
-		} else {
-			networkTimeout_ = networkTimeout;
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Returns the network timeout value set for the current Type 4 connection.
-	 * 
-	 * @return the network timeout value in seconds.
-	 * @see #setNetworkTimeout(int)
-	 * @see #setNetworkTimeout(String)
-	 */
-	int getNetworkTimeout() {
-		return networkTimeout_;
-	}
-	// -----------------------------------------------------------------
-	/*
-	 * Sets the connection timeout value for the Type 4 connection. Set this
-	 * value to 0 for infinite timeout. The default is set to -1. A negative
-	 * value indicates the NDCS server to use the connection timeout value set
-	 * by the administrator on the NDCS data source. @param connectionTimeout
-	 * The connection timeout value in seconds.
-	 * 
-	 * @see #setConnectionTimeout(int)
-	 * @see #setServerDataSource(String)
-	 */
-	void setConnectionTimeout(String connectionTimeout) {
-		int tmpTimeout = -1;
-		if (connectionTimeout != null) {
-			try {
-				tmpTimeout = Integer.parseInt(connectionTimeout);
-			} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
-				sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Incorrect value for connectionTimeout set: " + connectionTimeout + ". "
-						+ ex.getMessage();
-				tmpTimeout = -1;
-			}
-		}
-		setConnectionTimeout(tmpTimeout);
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Sets the connection timeout value for the Type 4 connection. Set this
-	 * value to 0 for infinite timeout. The default is set to -1. A negative
-	 * value indicates the NDCS server to use the connection timeout value set
-	 * by the administrator on the NDCS data source. @param connectionTimeout
-	 * The connection timeout value in seconds.
-	 * 
-	 * @see #setConnectionTimeout(String)
-	 * @see #setServerDataSource(String)
-	 */
-	void setConnectionTimeout(int connectionTimeout) {
-		if (connectionTimeout < 0) {
-			/*
-			 * sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Incorrect value for connectionTimeout
-			 * set: " + connectionTimeout + ". ";
-			 */
-			connectionTimeout_ = -1;
-		} else {
-			connectionTimeout_ = connectionTimeout;
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Sets the max idle time value for the Type 4 connection. The default is
-	 * set to 0 (no timeout). Negative values are treated as 0.
-	 * 
-	 * @param maxIdleTime
-	 *            The timeout value in seconds.
-	 * @see #setMaxIdleTime(int)
-	 */
-	void setMaxIdleTime(String maxIdleTime) {
-		int tmpTimeout = DEFAULT_MAX_IDLE_TIMEOUT;
-		if (maxIdleTime != null) {
-			try {
-				tmpTimeout = Integer.parseInt(maxIdleTime);
-			} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
-				sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Incorrect value for maxIdleTime set: " + maxIdleTime + ". " + ex.getMessage();
-			}
-		}
-		setMaxIdleTime(tmpTimeout);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Sets the max idle time value for the Type 4 connection. The default is
-	 * set to 0 (no timeout). Negative values are treated as 0.
-	 * 
-	 * @param maxIdleTime
-	 *            The timeout value in seconds.
-	 * @see #setMaxIdleTime(String)
-	 */
-	void setMaxIdleTime(int maxIdleTime) {
-		if (maxIdleTime < 0) {
-		} else {
-			maxIdleTime_ = maxIdleTime;
-		}
-	}
-	/*
-	 * Returns the connection timeout value associated with this Type 4
-	 * connection. @return The connection timeout value in seconds.
-	 * 
-	 * @see #setConnectionTimeout(int)
-	 */
-	int getConnectionTimeout() {
-		return connectionTimeout_;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Returns the max idle time value associated with this Type 4 connection.
-	 * 
-	 * @return The connection timeout value in seconds.
-	 * @see #setMaxIdleTime(int)
-	 */
-	int getMaxIdleTime() {
-		return maxIdleTime_;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Sets the logging level for the current Type 4 connection. Default value
-	 * is OFF. Other valid values are SEVERE (highest value) WARNING INFO CONFIG
-	 * FINE FINER FINEST (lowest value).
-	 * 
-	 * @param level
-	 *            logging level.
-	 * @see #getT4LogLevel()
-	 * @see java.util.logging.Level
-	 */
-	void setT4LogLevel(String level) {
-		t4LogLevel = Level.parse("OFF");
-		if (level != null) {
-			try {
-				t4LogLevel = Level.parse(level);
-			} catch (Exception ex) {
-				SQLException se = HPT4Messages.createSQLException(null, null, "problem_with_logging", ex.getMessage());
-				sqlExceptionMessage_ = se.getMessage();
-				// throw se;
-				// RuntimeException rte = new RuntimeException(se.getMessage(),
-				// se);
-				// throw rte;
-				// sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Incorrect value for T4LogLevel set: "
-				// +
-				// level + ". " + ex.getMessage();
-				// t4LogLevel = Level.parse("INFO");
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Returns the Type 4 log level associated with the current Type 4
-	 * connection. The value returned must one of the following strings. SEVERE
-	 * (highest value) WARNING INFO CONFIG FINE FINER FINEST (lowest value).
-	 * 
-	 * @return <code>java.util.logging.Level</code> associated with the
-	 *         current Type 4 connection.
-	 * @see #setT4LogLevel(String)
-	 * @see java.util.logging.Level
-	 */
-	Level getT4LogLevel() {
-		return t4LogLevel;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Sets the location of the file to which the logging is to be done.
-	 * Changing this location after making a connection has no effect; because
-	 * the Type 4 reads this property before the connection is made. The default
-	 * name is a generated file name defined by the following pattern:
-	 * %h/t4jdbc%u.log where: "/" represents the local pathname separator "%h"
-	 * represents the value of the "user.home" system property. If %h is not
-	 * defined, then the behavior is undefined "%u" represents a unique number
-	 * to resolve conflicts
-	 * 
-	 * @param t4LogFile
-	 *            The Type 4 log file location. If the parameter is null, then
-	 *            the T4LogFile is set to the global log file.
-	 * @see #getT4LogFile()
-	 * @see java.util.logging.Logger
-	 */
-	void setT4LogFile(String t4LogFile) {
-		if (t4LogFile != null) {
-			T4LogFile_ = t4LogFile;
-		} else {
-			T4LogFile_ = t4GlobalLogFile;
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Returns the Type 4 log file location associated with the current Type 4
-	 * connection.
-	 * 
-	 * @return The Type 4 log file location.
-	 * @see #setT4LogFile(String)
-	 */
-	String getT4LogFile() {
-		return T4LogFile_;
-	}
-	String getT4GlobalLogFile() {
-		return t4GlobalLogFile;
-	}
-	void setT4GlobalLogFile(String lgf) {
-		t4GlobalLogFile = lgf;
-	}
-	// --------------------------------------------
-	FileHandler getT4GlobalLogFileHandler() {
-		return t4GlobalLogFileHandler;
-	} // end getT4GlobalLogFileHandler
-	// --------------------------------------------
-	void setT4GlobalLogFileHandler(Object fh) {
-		t4GlobalLogFileHandler = (FileHandler) fh;
-	}
-	// --------------------------------------------
-	Logger getLogger() {
-		return logger;
-	}
-	void setLogger(Object log) {
-		if (log != null) {
-			logger = (Logger) log;
-			t4Logger_ = logger;
-		} else {
-			logger = t4GlobalLogger;
-			t4Logger_ = logger;
-		}
-	}
-	// --------------------------------------------
-	/**
-	 * This method will return the log file handlder It also has the side effect
-	 * of creating a log file handler if one doesn't exist.
-	 */
-	FileHandler getT4LogFileHandler() {
-		try {
-			if (t4LogFileHandler_ == null) {
-				if (T4LogFile_.equals(t4GlobalLogFile)) {
-					t4LogFileHandler_ = t4GlobalLogFileHandler;
-				} else {
-					t4LogFileHandler_ = new FileHandler(T4LogFile_);
-					t4LogFileHandler_.setFormatter(new T4LogFormatter());
-				}
-			}
-		} catch (Exception e) {
-			e.printStackTrace();
-		}
-		return t4LogFileHandler_;
-	} // end getT4LogFileHandler
-	// --------------------------------------------
-	void setT4LogFileHandler(Object fh) {
-		t4LogFileHandler_ = (FileHandler) fh;
-	}
-	// ----------------------------------------------------------
-	/**
-	 * Returns the <code>PrintWriter</code> object associated with the current
-	 * Type 4 connection.
-	 * 
-	 * @return <code></code> object associated with current
-	 *         connection.
-	 * @throws SQLException
-	 *             when error occurs.
-	 * @see #setLogWriter(PrintWriter)
-	 * @see javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource
-	 */
-	public PrintWriter getLogWriter() throws SQLException {
-		return logWriter_;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Sets the <code>PrintWriter</code> object for the current Type 4
-	 * connection.
-	 * 
-	 * @param printWriter
-	 *            For the current Type 4 logging.
-	 * @throws SQLException
-	 *             when error occurs.
-	 * @see #getLogWriter()
-	 * @see javax.sql.ConnectionPoolDataSource
-	 */
-	public void setLogWriter(PrintWriter printWriter) throws SQLException {
-		logWriter_ = printWriter;
-	}
-	// properties queryTimeout_ for future use.
-	// setter/getter methods for queryTimeout. These methods are not public YET.
-	/**
-	 * @param queryTimeout
-	 *            Sets the query timeout value in seconds. For future use only
-	 *            this property is not supported in the current release.
-	 */
-	void setQueryTimeout(String queryTimeout) {
-		short tmpQTimeOut = 0;
-		if (queryTimeout != null) {
-			try {
-				tmpQTimeOut = Short.parseShort(queryTimeout);
-			} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
-				sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Incorrect value for queryTimeout set: " + queryTimeout + ex.getMessage();
-				tmpQTimeOut = 0;
-			}
-		}
-		setQueryTimeout(tmpQTimeOut);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @param queryTimeout
-	 *            Sets the query timeout value in seconds. For future use only
-	 *            this property is not supported in the current release.
-	 */
-	void setQueryTimeout(short queryTimeout) {
-		queryTimeout_ = queryTimeout;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @return queryTimeOut value in seconds. For future use only this property
-	 *         is not supported in the current release.
-	 */
-	short getQueryTimeout() {
-		return queryTimeout_;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Sets the value (in KB) for the size of the fetch buffer. This is used
-	 * when rows are fetched are performed from a ResultSet object after a
-	 * successful executeQuery() operation on a statement. The default size is
-	 * 4. Zero and negative values are treated as default values.
-	 * 
-	 * @param fetchBufferSize
-	 * @see #getFetchBufferSize()
-	 * @see #setFetchBufferSize(String)
-	 */
-	void setFetchBufferSize(short fetchBufferSize) {
-		fetchBufferSize_ = 512;
-		if (fetchBufferSize > 512) {
-			fetchBufferSize_ = fetchBufferSize;
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Sets the value (in KB) for the size of the fetch buffer. This is used
-	 * when rows are fetched are performed from a ResultSet object after a
-	 * successful executeQuery() operation on a statement. The default size is
-	 * 4. Zero and negative values are treated as default values.
-	 * 
-	 * @param fetchBufferSize
-	 * @see #getFetchBufferSize()
-	 * @see #setFetchBufferSize(short)
-	 */
-	void setFetchBufferSize(String fetchBufferSize) {
-		short setFetchSizeVal = 4;
-		if (fetchBufferSize != null) {
-			try {
-				setFetchSizeVal = Short.parseShort(fetchBufferSize);
-			} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
-				sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Incorrect fetchBufferSize value set: " + setFetchSizeVal + ". "
-						+ ex.getMessage();
-				setFetchSizeVal = 1;
-			}
-		}
-		setFetchBufferSize(setFetchSizeVal);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Returns the size of the fetch buffer.
-	 * 
-	 * @see #setFetchBufferSize(short)
-	 * @see #setFetchBufferSize(String)
-	 */
-	short getFetchBufferSize() {
-		return fetchBufferSize_;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Configure to use array binding feature for the Type 4 connection. Default
-	 * value is true.
-	 * 
-	 * @param useArrayBinding
-	 */
-	void setUseArrayBinding(String useArrayBinding) {
-		boolean boolUseArrayBinding = false;
-		if (useArrayBinding != null) {
-			if (useArrayBinding.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
-				boolUseArrayBinding = true;
-			}
-		}
-		setUseArrayBinding(boolUseArrayBinding);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Configure to use array binding feature for the Type 4 connection. Default
-	 * value is true.
-	 * 
-	 * @param useArrayBinding
-	 */
-	void setUseArrayBinding(boolean useArrayBinding) {
-		useArrayBinding_ = useArrayBinding;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Return whether the connection uses Database array binding feature.
-	 * 
-	 * @return useArrayBinding boolean flag indicates Database RowSet (array
-	 *         binding) feature is used or not.
-	 */
-	boolean getUseArrayBinding() {
-		return useArrayBinding_;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Configure the Type 4 connection to continue batch processing of next
-	 * commands even after errors. Default value is true.
-	 * 
-	 * @param batchRecovery
-	 */
-	void setBatchRecovery(String batchRecovery) {
-		boolean boolBatchRecovery = true;
-		if (batchRecovery != null) {
-			if (batchRecovery.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) {
-				boolBatchRecovery = false;
-			}
-		}
-		setBatchRecovery(boolBatchRecovery);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Configure the Type 4 connection to continue batch processing of next
-	 * commands even after errors. Default value is true.
-	 * 
-	 * @param batchRecovery
-	 */
-	void setBatchRecovery(boolean batchRecovery) {
-		batchRecovery_ = batchRecovery;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Return whether the Type 4 connection is configured to continue batch
-	 * processing of next commands even after errors.
-	 * 
-	 * @return batchRecovery
-	 */
-	boolean getBatchRecovery() {
-		return batchRecovery_;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Sets the buffer size in bytes used by the transport layer between Type 4
-	 * client classes and NDCS server on the NSK system.
-	 * 
-	 * @param transportBufferSize
-	 *            set the transport buffer size in bytes for the current Type 4
-	 *            connection. Default value is 32000.
-	 */
-	/*
-	 * public void setTransportBufferSize(String transportBufferSize) { short
-	 * tmpbuf = 32000; if (transportBufferSize != null) { try { tmpbuf = (new
-	 * Short(transportBufferSize)).shortValue(); } catch (Exception ex) {
-	 * sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Incorrect value for transportBufferSize set: " +
-	 * transportBufferSize + ex.getMessage(); tmpbuf = 32000; } }
-	 * setTransportBufferSize(tmpbuf); }
-	 */
-	/**
-	 * Sets the buffer size in bytes used by the transport layer between Type 4
-	 * client classes and NDCS server on the NSK system. Transport buffer
-	 * minimum acceptable size is 2000 bytes. If the value set is below 2000
-	 * default buffer size of 3200 is set instead.
-	 * 
-	 * @param transportBufferSize
-	 *            set the transport buffer size in bytes for the current
-	 *            connection. Default value for the driver is 32000 bytes.
-	 */
-	/*
-	 * public void setTransportBufferSize(short transportBufferSize) { if
-	 * (transportBufferSize < 2000) { transportBufferSize_ = 32000; } else {
-	 * transportBufferSize_ = transportBufferSize; } }
-	 */
-	/**
-	 * Returns the buffer size in bytes used by the transport layer between Type
-	 * 4 client classes and NDCS server on the NSK system.
-	 * 
-	 * @return The transport buffer size used by the current Type 4 connection.
-	 */
-	/*
-	 * public short getTransportBufferSize() { return transportBufferSize_; }
-	 */
-	/**
-	 * Sets the table name to store and retrieve the CLOB data for all CLOB
-	 * columns accessed in the connection using the data source.
-	 * 
-	 * @param clobTableName
-	 *            The clob table name which is of the format
-	 *            <code><var>catalog_name.schema_name.clob_table_name</code></var>
-	 * 
-	 * @since 1.1
-	 */
-	void setClobTableName(String clobTableName) throws SQLException {
-		int fromIndex = -1;
-		int count = 0;
-		if (clobTableName != null) {
-			while (((fromIndex = clobTableName.indexOf('.', fromIndex + 1)) != -1) && count < 2) {
-				count++;
-			}
-			if (count < 2) {
-				SQLException se = HPT4Messages.createSQLException(null, null, "no_clobTableName", null);
-				sqlExceptionMessage_ = se.getMessage();
-			}
-			clobTableName_ = clobTableName;
-		} else { // If the name is null, let it be null
-			clobTableName_ = null;
-			// throw HPT4Messages.createSQLException(null,
-			// null,"no_clobTableName",null);
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Retrieves the table name used to store CBLOB data for all CLOB columns
-	 * accessed in the connection using the data source.
-	 * 
-	 * @return the clob table name which is of the format
-	 *         <code><var>catalog_name.schema_name.clob_table_name</code></var>
-	 * 
-	 * @since 1.1
-	 */
-	String getClobTableName() {
-		return clobTableName_;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * @return any sql exception associated while setting the properties on this
-	 *         Type 4 connection. This mthod is accessed by InterfaceConnection
-	 *         to check if there is any SQL error setting the Type 4 properties.
-	 */
-	String getSQLException() {
-		// System.out.println("sqlExceptionMessage_ = " + sqlExceptionMessage_);
-		return sqlExceptionMessage_;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Sets the table name to store and retrieve the BLOB data for all BLOB
-	 * columns accessed in the connection using the data source.
-	 * 
-	 * @param blobTableName
-	 *            the blob table name which is of the format
-	 *            <code><var>catalog_name.schema_name.blob_table_name</code></var>
-	 * 
-	 * @since 1.1
-	 */
-	void setBlobTableName(String blobTableName) throws SQLException {
-		int fromIndex = -1;
-		int count = 0;
-		if (blobTableName != null) {
-			while (((fromIndex = blobTableName.indexOf('.', fromIndex + 1)) != -1) && count < 2) {
-				count++;
-			}
-			if (count < 2) {
-				SQLException se = HPT4Messages.createSQLException(null, null, "no_blobTableName", null);
-				sqlExceptionMessage_ = se.getMessage();
-			}
-			blobTableName_ = blobTableName;
-		}
-		// If the name is null, then let it be null
-		else {
-			blobTableName_ = null;
-			// throw HPT4Messages.createSQLException(null, null,
-			// "no_blobTableName", null);
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Retrieves the table name used to store BLOB data for all BLOB columns
-	 * accessed in the connection using the data source.
-	 * 
-	 * @return the blob table name which is of the format
-	 *         <code><var>catalog_name.schema_name.blob_table_name</code></var>
-	 * 
-	 * @since 1.1
-	 */
-	String getBlobTableName() {
-		return blobTableName_;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Configure to set the number of data locators to be reserved by the Type 4
-	 * connection. Default value is 100.
-	 * 
-	 * @param reserveDataLocator
-	 *            Set the value of the reserve data locator length for the
-	 *            binding) feature.
-	 * 
-	 * @since 1.1
-	 */
-	void setReserveDataLocator(String reserveDataLocator) {
-		long reserveDataLocatorLen = 100;
-		if (reserveDataLocator != null) {
-			try {
-				reserveDataLocatorLen = Long.parseLong(reserveDataLocator);
-			} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
-				sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Incorrect value for setReserveDataLocator set: " + reserveDataLocator
-						+ ex.getMessage();
-				reserveDataLocatorLen = 100;
-			}
-		}
-		setReserveDataLocator(reserveDataLocatorLen);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Configure to set the number of data locators to be reserved by the Type 4
-	 * connection. Default value is 100.
-	 * 
-	 * @param reserveDataLocatorLen
-	 *            Set the value of the reserve data locator length for the Type
-	 *            4 connection.
-	 * 
-	 * @since 1.1
-	 */
-	void setReserveDataLocator(long reserveDataLocatorLen) {
-		if (reserveDataLocatorLen < 0) {
-			sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Incorrect value for reserveDataLocator set: " + reserveDataLocatorLen + ".";
-			reserveDataLocator_ = 100;
-		} else {
-			reserveDataLocator_ = reserveDataLocatorLen;
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Return the value of the reserve data locator length.
-	 * 
-	 * @return reserveDataLocatorLength int indicates the value of the reserved
-	 *         data locator length.
-	 * 
-	 * @since 1.1
-	 */
-	long getReserveDataLocator() {
-		return reserveDataLocator_;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Returns the rounding mode set for the driver as an Integer value with one
-	 * of the following values. static int ROUND_CEILING Rounding mode to round
-	 * towards positive infinity. static int ROUND_DOWN Rounding mode to round
-	 * towards zero. static int ROUND_FLOOR Rounding mode to round towards
-	 * negative infinity. static int ROUND_HALF_DOWN Rounding mode to round
-	 * towards "nearest neighbor" unless both neighbors are equidistant, in
-	 * which case round down. static int ROUND_HALF_EVEN Rounding mode to round
-	 * towards the "nearest neighbor" unless both neighbors are equidistant, in
-	 * which case, round towards the even neighbor. static int ROUND_HALF_UP
-	 * Rounding mode to round towards "nearest neighbor" unless both neighbors
-	 * are equidistant, in which case round up. static int ROUND_UNNECESSARY
-	 * Rounding mode to assert that the requested operation has an exact result,
-	 * hence no rounding is necessary. static int ROUND_UP Rounding mode to
-	 * round away from zero.
-	 */
-	int getRoundingMode() {
-		return roundMode_;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * This method sets the round mode behaviour for the driver.
-	 * 
-	 * @param roundMode
-	 *            Integer value with one of the following values: static int
-	 *            ROUND_CEILING Rounding mode to round towards positive
-	 *            infinity. static int ROUND_DOWN Rounding mode to round towards
-	 *            zero. static int ROUND_FLOOR Rounding mode to round towards
-	 *            negative infinity. static int ROUND_HALF_DOWN Rounding mode to
-	 *            round towards "nearest neighbor" unless both neighbors are
-	 *            equidistant, in which case round down. static int
-	 *            ROUND_HALF_EVEN Rounding mode to round towards the "nearest
-	 *            neighbor" unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which
-	 *            case, round towards the even neighbor. static int
-	 *            ROUND_HALF_UP Rounding mode to round towards "nearest
-	 *            neighbor" unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case
-	 *            round up. static int ROUND_UNNECESSARY Rounding mode to assert
-	 *            that the requested operation has an exact result, hence no
-	 *            rounding is necessary. static int ROUND_UP Rounding mode to
-	 *            round away from zero. The default behaviour is to do
-	 *            ROUND_HALF_EVEN.
-	 */
-	void setRoundingMode(String roundMode) {
-		roundMode_ = Utility.getRoundingMode(roundMode);
-	}
-	/**
-	 * This method sets the round mode behaviour for the driver.
-	 * 
-	 * @param roundMode
-	 *            Integer value with one of the following values: static int
-	 *            ROUND_CEILING Rounding mode to round towards positive
-	 *            infinity. static int ROUND_DOWN Rounding mode to round towards
-	 *            zero. static int ROUND_FLOOR Rounding mode to round towards
-	 *            negative infinity. static int ROUND_HALF_DOWN Rounding mode to
-	 *            round towards "nearest neighbor" unless both neighbors are
-	 *            equidistant, in which case round down. static int
-	 *            ROUND_HALF_EVEN Rounding mode to round towards the "nearest
-	 *            neighbor" unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which
-	 *            case, round towards the even neighbor. static int
-	 *            ROUND_HALF_UP Rounding mode to round towards "nearest
-	 *            neighbor" unless both neighbors are equidistant, in which case
-	 *            round up. static int ROUND_UNNECESSARY Rounding mode to assert
-	 *            that the requested operation has an exact result, hence no
-	 *            rounding is necessary. static int ROUND_UP Rounding mode to
-	 *            round away from zero. The default behaviour is to do
-	 *            ROUND_HALF_EVEN.
-	 */
-	void setRoundingMode(int roundMode) {
-		roundMode_ = Utility.getRoundingMode(roundMode);
-	}
-	// ----------------------------------------------------------
-	void setConnectionID(String connID) {
-		connectionID_ = connID;
-	}
-	String getConnectionID() {
-		return connectionID_;
-	}
-	// ----------------------------------------------------------
-	void setDialogueID(String diaID) {
-		dialogueID_ = diaID;
-	}
-	String getDialogueID() {
-		return dialogueID_;
-	}
-	// ----------------------------------------------------------
-	void setNcsMajorVersion(short majorVer) {
-		ncsMajorVersion_ = majorVer;
-	}
-	void setNcsMajorVersion(String majorVer) {
-		short mv = 0;
-		if (majorVer != null) {
-			try {
-				mv = Short.parseShort(majorVer);
-			} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
-				sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Incorrect value for NDCS major version set: " + majorVer + ex.getMessage();
-				mv = 0;
-			}
-		}
-		setNcsMajorVersion(mv);
-		ncsMajorVersion_ = mv;
-	}
-	short getNcsMajorVersion() {
-		return ncsMajorVersion_;
-	}
-	// ----------------------------------------------------------
-	void setNcsMinorVersion(short minorVer) {
-		ncsMinorVersion_ = minorVer;
-	}
-	void setNcsMinorVersion(String minorVer) {
-		short mv = 0;
-		if (minorVer != null) {
-			try {
-				mv = Short.parseShort(minorVer);
-			} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
-				sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Incorrect value for NDCS minor version set: " + minorVer + ex.getMessage();
-				mv = 0;
-			}
-		}
-		setNcsMinorVersion(mv);
-		ncsMinorVersion_ = mv;
-	}
-	short getNcsMinorVersion() {
-		return ncsMinorVersion_;
-	}
-	void setSqlmxMajorVersion(short majorVer) {
-		sqlmxMajorVersion_ = majorVer;
-	}
-	void setSqlmxMajorVersion(String majorVer) {
-		short mv = 0;
-		if (majorVer != null) {
-			try {
-				mv = Short.parseShort(majorVer);
-			} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
-				sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Incorrect value for Database major version set: " + majorVer
-						+ ex.getMessage();
-				mv = 0;
-			}
-		}
-		setSqlmxMajorVersion(mv);
-	}
-	public void setSPJEnv(String SPJEnv) {
-		if (SPJEnv == null) {
-			SPJEnv_ = false;
-		} else {
-			SPJEnv_ = (SPJEnv.equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
-		}
-	}
-	public void setSPJEnv(boolean SPJEnv) {
-		SPJEnv_ = SPJEnv;
-	}
-	public boolean getSPJEnv() {
-		return SPJEnv_;
-	}
-	public void setKeepRawFetchBuffer(String keep) {
-		if (keep == null) {
-			keepRawFetchBuffer_ = false;
-		} else {
-			keepRawFetchBuffer_ = (keep.equalsIgnoreCase("true"));
-		}
-	}
-	public void setKeepRawFetchBuffer(boolean keep) {
-		keepRawFetchBuffer_ = keep;
-	}
-	public boolean getKeepRawFetchBuffer() {
-		return keepRawFetchBuffer_;
-	}
-	short getSqlmxMajorVersion() {
-		return sqlmxMajorVersion_;
-	}
-	public void setCpuToUse(String cpu) {
-		if (cpu == null) {
-			cpuToUse_ = -1;
-		} else {
-			cpuToUse_ = Short.parseShort(cpu);
-		}
-	}
-	public void setCpuToUse(short cpu) {
-		cpuToUse_ = cpu;
-	}
-	public short getCpuToUse() {
-		return cpuToUse_;
-	}
-	public void setSessionName(String name) {
-		if (name == null)
-			sessionName = "";
-		else {
-			sessionName = name;
-		}
-	}
-	public String getSessionName() {
-		return sessionName;
-	}
-	public void setReplacementString(String str) {
-		if (str == null) {
-			replacementString_ = "?";
-		} else {
-			replacementString_ = str;
-		}
-	}
-	public String getReplacementString() {
-		return replacementString_;
-	}
-	void setISO88591(String lang) {
-		if (lang == null) {
-			ISO88591_ = InterfaceUtilities.getCharsetName(InterfaceUtilities.SQLCHARSETCODE_ISO88591);
-		} else {
-			ISO88591_ = lang;
-		}
-	}
-	String getISO88591() {
-		return ISO88591_;
-	}
-	public String getRoleName() {
-		return _roleName;
-	}
-	public void setRoleName(String roleName) {
-		if (roleName != null && roleName.length() > 0) {
-			if (roleName.length() > 128)
-				sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Invalid RoleName.  Max length: 128";
-			}
-		this._roleName = roleName;
-	}
-	public String getApplicationName() {
-		return _applicationName;
-	}
-	public void setApplicationName(String applicationName) {
-		if (applicationName == null || applicationName.length() == 0)
-			this._applicationName = "FASTJDBC";
-		else
-			this._applicationName = applicationName;
-	}
-	public void setCertificateFileActive(String file) {
-		_certificateFileActive = file;
-	}
-	public String getCertificateFileActive() {
-		return _certificateFileActive;
-	}
-	public void setCertificateFile(String file) {
-		_certificateFile = file;
-	}
-	public String getCertificateFile() {
-		return _certificateFile;
-	}
-	public void setCertificateDir(String dir) {
-		_certificateDir = dir;
-	}
-	public String getCertificateDir() {
-		return _certificateDir;
-	}
-	public void setDelayedErrorMode(String mode) {
-		_delayedErrorMode = Boolean.valueOf(mode).booleanValue();
-	}
-	public void setDelayedErrorMode(boolean mode) {
-		_delayedErrorMode = mode;
-	}
-	public boolean getDelayedErrorMode() {
-		return _delayedErrorMode;
-	}
-	public void setCompression(String compression) {
-		_compression = Boolean.valueOf(compression).booleanValue();
-	}
-	public void setCompression(boolean compression) {
-		_compression = compression;
-	}
-	public boolean getCompression() {
-		return _compression;
-	}
-	public void setKeepAlive(String val) {
-		if(val == null) 
-		{
-			_keepAlive = true;
-		}
-		else 
-		{
-			_keepAlive = Boolean.valueOf(val).booleanValue();
-		}
-	}
-	public void setKeepAlive(boolean val) {
-		_keepAlive = val;
-	}
-	public boolean getKeepAlive() {
-		return _keepAlive;
-	}
-    public void setTcpNoDelay(String val) {
-        if(val == null) {
-            _tcpNoDelay = true;
-        }
-        else {
-            _tcpNoDelay = Boolean.valueOf(val).booleanValue();
-        }
-    }
-    public void setTcp_NoDelay(boolean val) {
-        _tcpNoDelay = val;
-    }
-    public boolean getTcpNoDelay() {
-        return _tcpNoDelay;
-    }
-	public void setTokenAuth(String val) {
-		if(val == null) 
-		{
-			_tokenAuth = true;
-		}
-		else 
-		{
-			_tokenAuth = Boolean.valueOf(val).booleanValue();
-		}
-	}
-	public void setTokenAuth(boolean val) {
-		_tokenAuth = val;
-	}
-	public boolean getTokenAuth() {
-		return _tokenAuth;
-	}
-	boolean getSessionToken() {
-		return this._sessionToken;
-	}
-	void setSessionToken(boolean sessionToken) {
-		this._sessionToken = sessionToken;
-	}
-	void setSessionToken(String sessionToken) {
-		setSessionToken(Boolean.valueOf(sessionToken).booleanValue());
-	}
-	boolean getFetchAhead() {
-		return this._fetchAhead;
-	}
-	void setFetchAhead(boolean fetchAhead) {
-		this._fetchAhead = fetchAhead;
-	}
-	void setFetchAhead(String fetchAhead) {
-		setFetchAhead(Boolean.valueOf(fetchAhead).booleanValue());
-	}
-	// ----------------------------------------------------------
-	void setSqlmxMinorVersion(short minorVer) {
-		sqlmxMinorVersion_ = minorVer;
-	}
-	void setSqlmxMinorVersion(String minorVer) {
-		short mv = 0;
-		if (minorVer != null) {
-			try {
-				mv = Short.parseShort(minorVer);
-			} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
-				sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Incorrect value for Database minor version set: " + minorVer
-						+ ex.getMessage();
-				mv = 0;
-			}
-		}
-		setSqlmxMinorVersion(mv);
-	}
-	short getSqlmxMinorVersion() {
-		return sqlmxMinorVersion_;
-	}
-	// ----------------------------------------------------------
-	BigDecimal getNcsVersion() {
-		String minor = new Short(getNcsMinorVersion()).toString();
-		String major = new Short(getNcsMajorVersion()).toString();
-		BigDecimal bigD = new BigDecimal(major + "." + minor);
-		return bigD;
-	}
-	// ----------------------------------------------------------
-	void setServerID(String serID) {
-		serverID_ = serID;
-	}
-	String getServerID() {
-		return serverID_;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Sets the language to use for the error messages.
-	 * 
-	 * @param language
-	 *            Sets the language for the current Type 4 connection. The
-	 *            default language used by the Type 4 driver is American
-	 *            English.
-	 * @see #getLanguage()
-	 */
-	void setLanguage(String language) {
-		if (language == null) {
-			locale_ = Locale.getDefault();
-		} else {
-			locale_ = new Locale(language, "", "");
-		}
-		language_ = locale_.getLanguage();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Returns the language in which to the Type 4 error messages will be
-	 * returned to the application.
-	 * 
-	 * @return The language associated with the current Type 4 connection.
-	 * @see #setLanguage(String language)
-	 */
-	String getLanguage() {
-		return language_;
-	}
-	// ----------------------------------------------------------
-	/**
-	 * @return Reference object containing all the Type 4 connection properties.
-	 *         The reference object can be used to register with naming
-	 *         services.
-	 */
-	Reference addReferences(Reference ref) {
-		ref.add(new StringRefAddr("dataSourceName", getDataSourceName()));
-		ref.add(new StringRefAddr("serverDataSource", getServerDataSource()));
-		ref.add(new StringRefAddr("description", getDescription()));
-		String val = getCatalog();
-		if (val != null) {
-			ref.add(new StringRefAddr("catalog", val));
-		}
-		val = getSchema();
-		if (val != null) {
-			ref.add(new StringRefAddr("schema", val));
-		}
-		ref.add(new StringRefAddr("language", getLanguage()));
-		ref.add(new StringRefAddr("maxPoolSize", Integer.toString(getMaxPoolSize())));
-		ref.add(new StringRefAddr("minPoolSize", Integer.toString(getMinPoolSize())));
-		ref.add(new StringRefAddr("initialPoolSize", Integer.toString(getInitialPoolSize())));
-		ref.add(new StringRefAddr("maxStatements", Integer.toString(getMaxStatements())));
-		ref.add(new StringRefAddr("connectionTimeout", Integer.toString(getConnectionTimeout())));
-		ref.add(new StringRefAddr("maxIdleTime", Integer.toString(getMaxIdleTime())));
-		ref.add(new StringRefAddr("loginTimeout", Integer.toString(getLoginTimeout())));
-		// ref.add(new StringRefAddr("closeConnectionTimeout",
-		// Integer.toString(getCloseConnectionTimeout())));
-		ref.add(new StringRefAddr("networkTimeout", Integer.toString(getNetworkTimeout())));
-		ref.add(new StringRefAddr("T4LogLevel", getT4LogLevel().toString()));
-		ref.add(new StringRefAddr("T4LogFile", getT4LogFile()));
-		ref.add(new StringRefAddr("url", getUrl()));
-		ref.add(new StringRefAddr("user", getUser()));
-		ref.add(new StringRefAddr("password", getPassword()));
-		/*
-		 * ref.add(new StringRefAddr("transportBufferSize",
-		 * Short.toString(getTransportBufferSize())));
-		 */
-		/*
-		 * ref.add(new StringRefAddr("useArrayBinding",
-		 * Boolean.toString(getUseArrayBinding())));
-		 */
-		// LOB Support - SB 9/28/04
-		val = getClobTableName();
-		if (val != null) {
-			ref.add(new StringRefAddr("clobTableName", val));
-		}
-		val = getBlobTableName();
-		if (val != null) {
-			ref.add(new StringRefAddr("blobTableName", val));
-		}
-		ref.add(new StringRefAddr("reserveDataLocator", Long.toString(reserveDataLocator_)));
-		ref.add(new StringRefAddr("roundingMode", Integer.toString(getRoundingMode())));
-		// propertiy queryTimeout_ for future use.
-		ref.add(new StringRefAddr("queryTimeout", Integer.toString(getQueryTimeout())));
-		ref.add(new StringRefAddr("fetchBufferSize", Short.toString(this.getFetchBufferSize())));
-		ref.add(new StringRefAddr("batchRecovery", Boolean.toString(this.getBatchRecovery())));
-		return ref;
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Instantiated by either <code>
-	 * Class.forName("org.trafodion.jdbc.t4.T4Driver")</code>
-	 * or by passing <code>-Djdbc.drivers=org.trafodion.jdbc.t4.T4Driver</code>
-	 * property in the command line of the JDBC program.
-	 */
-	DriverPropertyInfo[] getPropertyInfo(String url, Properties defaults) throws SQLException {
-		String level[] = { "OFF", "SEVERE", "WARNING", "INFO", "CONFIG", "FINE", "FINER", "FINEST" };
-		String roundingMode[] = { "ROUND_CEILING", "ROUND_DOWN", "ROUND_UP", "ROUND_FLOOR", "ROUND_HALF_UP",
-		Properties props = new Properties(defaults);
-		props.setProperty("url", url);
-		// catalog setting
-		DriverPropertyInfo[] propertyInfo = {
-				setPropertyInfo("catalog", props, true, "Database catalog name", null),
-				setPropertyInfo("schema", props, true, "Database schema name", null),
-				setPropertyInfo("url", props, false, "jdbc:t4jdbc://<host>:<port>/:", null),
-				setPropertyInfo("user", props, true, "NSK safeguard user name", null),
-				setPropertyInfo("password", props, true, "NSK safeguard user password", null),
-				setPropertyInfo("maxPoolSize", props, false, "Maximum connection pool size", null),
-				setPropertyInfo("minPoolSize", props, false, "Minimum connection pool size", null),
-				setPropertyInfo("initialPoolSize", props, false, "Initial connection pool size", null),
-				setPropertyInfo("maxStatements", props, false, "Maximum statement pool size", null),
-				setPropertyInfo("T4LogLevel", props, false, "Logging Level", level),
-				setPropertyInfo("T4LogFile", props, false, "Logging file location", null),
-				setPropertyInfo("loginTimeout", props, false, "Login time out in secs", null),
-				setPropertyInfo("networkTimeout", props, false, "Network time out in secs", null),
-				setPropertyInfo("connectionTimeout", props, false, "Connection time out in secs", null),
-				setPropertyInfo("maxIdleTime", props, false, "Max idle time for a free pool connection in secs", null),
-				setPropertyInfo("language", props, false, "Locale language to use", null),
-				setPropertyInfo("serverDataSource", props, false, "NDCS data source name", null),
-				setPropertyInfo("roundingMode", props, false, "Data rounding mode", roundingMode),
-				setPropertyInfo("blobTableName", props, false, "Table name to store and retrieve BLOB column data",
-						null),
-				setPropertyInfo("clobTableName", props, false, "Table name to store and retrieve CLOB column data",
-						null),
-				setPropertyInfo("reserveDataLocator", props, false,
-						"Number of data locators (for LOB) to be reserved by the connection", null),
-				setPropertyInfo("fetchBufferSize", props, false,
-						"Value (in KB) for the size of the fetch buffer to be used when rows are fetched", null),
-				setPropertyInfo("batchRecovery", props, false,
-						"Continue batch processing of next commands even after errors", null) };
-		return propertyInfo;
-	}
-	private DriverPropertyInfo setPropertyInfo(String name, Properties props, boolean required, String description,
-			String[] choices) {
-		String value = props.getProperty(name);
-		DriverPropertyInfo propertyInfo = new DriverPropertyInfo(name, value);
-		propertyInfo.required = required;
-		propertyInfo.description = description;
-		propertyInfo.choices = choices;
-		return propertyInfo;
-	}
-	// ---------------------------------------------------------------
-	static private Properties getPropertiesFileValues() {
-		Properties values = null;
-		String propsFile = System.getProperty("");
-		if (propsFile != null) {
-			FileInputStream fis = null;
-			try {
-				fis = new FileInputStream(new File(propsFile));
-				values = new Properties();
-				values.load(fis);
-			} catch (Exception ex) {
-				fis = null;
-				// sqlExceptionMessage_ = "Error while loading " +
-				// prefix_ + "properties file: " + ex.getMessage();
-			} finally {
-				if (fis != null) {
-					try {
-						fis.close();
-					} catch (IOException ioe) {
-						// ignore
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		} // end if
-		return values;
-	} // end getPropertiesFileValues
-	// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/core/conn/jdbc_type4/src/org/trafodion/jdbc/t4/ b/core/conn/jdbc_type4/src/org/trafodion/jdbc/t4/
deleted file mode 100644
index 45410c7..0000000
--- a/core/conn/jdbc_type4/src/org/trafodion/jdbc/t4/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
-package org.trafodion.jdbc.t4;
-import java.nio.charset.CharacterCodingException;
-import java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException;
-import java.sql.SQLException;
-final class T4ResultSet extends T4Connection {
-	private String m_stmtLabel;
-	static final short SQL_CLOSE = 0;
-	boolean m_processing = false;
-	T4ResultSet(InterfaceResultSet ir) throws SQLException {
-		super(ir.ic_);
-		m_stmtLabel = ir.stmtLabel_;
-		if (m_stmtLabel == null) {
-			throwInternalException();
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	 * This method will send a fetch rowset command to the server.
-	 * 
-	 * @param maxRowCnt
-	 *            the maximum rowset count to return
-	 * @param maxRowLen
-	 *            the maximum row length to return
-	 * @param sqlAsyncEnable
-	 *            a flag to enable/disable asynchronies execution
-	 * @param queryTimeout
-	 *            the number of seconds before the query times out
-	 * 
-	 * @retrun a FetchPerfReply class representing the reply from the ODBC
-	 *         server is returned
-	 * 
-	 * @exception A
-	 *                SQLException is thrown
-	 */
-	FetchReply Fetch(int sqlAsyncEnable, int queryTimeout, int stmtHandle, int stmtCharset, int maxRowCnt,
-			String cursorName, int cursorCharset, String stmtOptions) throws SQLException {
-		try {
-			getInputOutput().setTimeout(m_ic.t4props_.getNetworkTimeout());
-			LogicalByteArray wbuffer = FetchMessage.marshal(m_dialogueId, sqlAsyncEnable, queryTimeout, stmtHandle,
-					m_stmtLabel, stmtCharset, maxRowCnt, 0 // infinite row size
-					, cursorName, cursorCharset, stmtOptions, this.m_ic);
-			LogicalByteArray rbuffer = getReadBuffer(TRANSPORT.SRVR_API_SQLFETCH, wbuffer);
-			//
-			// Process output parameters
-			//
-			FetchReply frr = new FetchReply(rbuffer, m_ic);
-			return frr;
-		} // end try
-		catch (SQLException se) {
-			throw se;
-		} catch (CharacterCodingException e) {
-			SQLException se = HPT4Messages.createSQLException(m_ic.t4props_, m_locale,
-					"translation_of_parameter_failed", "FetchMessage", e.getMessage());
-			se.initCause(e);
-			throw se;
-		} catch (UnsupportedCharsetException e) {
-			SQLException se = HPT4Messages.createSQLException(m_ic.t4props_, m_locale, "unsupported_encoding", e
-					.getCharsetName());
-			se.initCause(e);
-			throw se;
-		} catch (Exception e) {
-			SQLException se = HPT4Messages.createSQLException(m_ic.t4props_, m_locale, "fetch_perf_message_error", e
-					.getMessage());
-			se.initCause(e);
-			throw se;
-		} // end catch
-	} // end FetchPerf
-	/**
-	 * This method will send an close command, which does not return any
-	 * rowsets, to the ODBC server.
-	 * 
-	 * @retrun A CloseReply class representing the reply from the ODBC server is
-	 *         returned
-	 * 
-	 * @exception A
-	 *                SQLException is thrown
-	 */
-	CloseReply Close() throws SQLException {
-		try {
-			getInputOutput().setTimeout(m_ic.t4props_.getNetworkTimeout());
-			LogicalByteArray wbuffer = CloseMessage.marshal(m_dialogueId, m_stmtLabel, SQL_CLOSE, this.m_ic);
-			LogicalByteArray rbuffer = getReadBuffer(TRANSPORT.SRVR_API_SQLFREESTMT, wbuffer);
-			CloseReply cr = new CloseReply(rbuffer, m_ncsAddress.getIPorName(), m_ic);
-			return cr;
-		} // end try
-		catch (SQLException se) {
-			throw se;
-		} catch (CharacterCodingException e) {
-			SQLException se = HPT4Messages.createSQLException(m_ic.t4props_, m_locale,
-					"translation_of_parameter_failed", "CloseMessage", e.getMessage());
-			se.initCause(e);
-			throw se;
-		} catch (UnsupportedCharsetException e) {
-			SQLException se = HPT4Messages.createSQLException(m_ic.t4props_, m_locale, "unsupported_encoding", e
-					.getCharsetName());
-			se.initCause(e);
-			throw se;
-		} catch (Exception e) {
-			SQLException se = HPT4Messages.createSQLException(m_ic.t4props_, m_locale, "close_message_error", e
-					.getMessage());
-			se.initCause(e);
-			throw se;
-		} // end catch
-	} // end Close
-	// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-	protected LogicalByteArray getReadBuffer(short odbcAPI, LogicalByteArray wbuffer) throws SQLException {
-		LogicalByteArray buf = null;
-		try {
-			m_processing = true;
-			buf = super.getReadBuffer(odbcAPI, wbuffer);
-			m_processing = false;
-		} catch (SQLException se) {
-			m_processing = false;
-			throw se;
-		}
-		return buf;
-	}