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Posted to by Duo Zhang <> on 2020/04/08 02:14:26 UTC

[REPORT] HBase Quarterly report Jan-Mar 2020

Hi all,

HBase submits a report to the ASF board once a quarter, to inform the board
about project health. I'm sending the report to the user@ and dev@ mailing
lists because you are the project, and for transparency. If you have any
questions about the report or the running of the project, you can post them
to any PMC member or committer, or send an email to
which every PMC member subscribes to.

*Special notice: Apache HBase was founded at 2010-4-21, so 2020-4-21 is our

## Description:
Apache HBase is an open-source, distributed, versioned, non-relational
database. Apache HBase gives you low latency random access to billions of
with millions of columns atop non-specialized hardware.

hbase-thirdparty is a set of internal artifacts used by the project to
mitigate the impact of our dependency choices on the wider ecosystem.

hbase-connectors is a collection of integration points with other projects.
The initial release includes artifacts for use with Apache Kafka and Apache

hbase-filesystem contains HBase project-specific implementations of the
Hadoop FileSystem API. It is currently experimental and internal to the

hbase-operator-tools is a collection of tools for HBase operators. Now it is
mainly for hosting HBCK2.

hbase-native-client is a client library in C/C++, in its early days.

## Issues:
There are no issues requiring board attention.

## Membership Data:
Apache HBase was founded 2010-04-21 (10 years ago)
There are currently 88 committers and 52 PMC members in this project.
The Committer-to-PMC ratio is roughly 3:2.

Community changes, past quarter:
- No new PMC members. Last addition was Guangxu Cheng on 2019-12-09.
- Bharath Vissapragada was added as committer on 2020-02-06

## Project Activity:
Apache HBase was founded at 2010-4-21, so 2020-4-21 is our 10th anniversary!

Recent releases:

2.2.4 was released on 2020-03-11.
1.6.0 was released on 2020-03-06.
1.4.13 was released on 2020-02-29.
2.1.9 was released on 2020-02-17.
2.2.3 was released on 2020-01-10.

We finally cut branch-2.3 and will mark branch-2.1 as EOL after the final
2.1.10 release.

We moved stable pointer to 2.2.x, and created a stable-1 pointer to 1.4.x.
And after reconsideration, we decided to remove the stable-1 pointer.

There was a discussion about the release plan of 3.0.0

We created a user-zh mailing list for users to communicate with Chinese.

## Community Health:
- Mailing list activity:
986 subscribers(990 in the previous quarter)
1262 emails sent to list(1157 in the previous quarter)
2100 subscribers(2121 in the previous quarter)
174 emails sent to list(144 in the previous quarter)
49 subscribers
21 emails sent to list

- JIRA activity:
455 issues opened in JIRA, past quarter (26% increase)
280 issues closed in JIRA, past quarter (8% increase)

- Commit activity:
1400 commits in the past quarter (45% increase)
68 code contributors in the past quarter (-6% decrease)

- GitHub PR activity:
437 PRs opened on GitHub, past quarter (32% increase)
407 PRs closed on GitHub, past quarter (32% increase)

The mailing list activity remained, it is a good news that we did not suffer
too much from the COVID-19. The development activity had a significant
increasing. This is because we were preparing the 2.3.0 release, and the
stabilizing work introduced a lot of commits.