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Posted to by on 2003/10/29 14:42:49 UTC

cvs commit: avalon/fortress/new/xdocs cli.xml design-notes.xml features.xml fortress_logo.gif getting-started.xml index.xml lifecycle-extensions.xml navigation.xml servlet.xml swing.xml using-meta-info.xml

mcconnell    2003/10/29 05:42:49

  Added:       fortress/new .cvsignore README.TXT maven.xml
               fortress/new/etc site.jsl stylesheet.css
               fortress/new/xdocs cli.xml design-notes.xml features.xml
                        fortress_logo.gif getting-started.xml index.xml
                        lifecycle-extensions.xml navigation.xml servlet.xml
                        swing.xml using-meta-info.xml
  Build content.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  avalon/fortress/new/.cvsignore
  Index: .cvsignore
  1.1                  avalon/fortress/new/README.TXT
  This directory contains an Anika version of the Fortress docs.
  To build the docs you should do the following:
  $ cd frotress/new
  $ maven avalon:build
  $ maven site
  1.1                  avalon/fortress/new/maven.xml
  Index: maven.xml
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  1.1                  avalon/fortress/new/
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  maven.xdoc.jsl = file:/${basedir}/etc/site.jsl
  maven.javadoc.stylesheet =${basedir}/etc/stylesheet.css
  # Declaration of the remote links to assign on javadoc generation.
  # Link declarations can be overriden in the user's
  # file.
  # = =
  maven.javadoc.links = ${},${}
  1.1                  avalon/fortress/new/project.xml
  Index: project.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <name>Apache Software Foundation</name>
  Contains the sources to, and the means to generate, the
  Avalon-Fortress website.
  1.1                  avalon/fortress/new/etc/site.jsl
  Index: site.jsl
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                              <a href="${relativePath}/team-list.html">Project Team</a>
                              <a href="${relativePath}/dependencies.html">Dependencies</a>
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                                <a href="${relativePath}/cvs-usage.html">Source Repository</a>
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                       | Check to see if we need to include the report
                       | links in this document.  The only time we
                       | need to do this is when the current document
                       | either the maven-reports.xml doc (the page
                       | is displayed when clicking on Project
                       | Reports) or when the current document is one
                       | of the actual reports (in which case we want
                       | to leave the project report links expanded.
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                       | If we need to include the report links, then
                       | do so.  This is determined by the above
                       | block.
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          <!-- FIXME: this is copied from tr - there must be a way of
               calling templates in jsl? -->
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  1.1                  avalon/fortress/new/etc/stylesheet.css
  Index: stylesheet.css
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  1.1                  avalon/fortress/new/xdocs/cli.xml
  Index: cli.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <title>Avalon Fortress - Overview</title>
      <author email="">Avalon Documentation Team</author>
      <section name="Command Line Tools">
          Command Line Tools are the class of tools or applications that are
          run from a command shell.  Typical examples are the ANT build tool,
          Turbine Maven, Apache Forrest, etc.  They have a definite begining
          and a definite end.  As a result, we don't have to do any trickery
          with threads or synchronizing the startup and shutdown of the
          A typical example of creating a Fortress CLI application will follow
          the pattern outlined below:
  <!--      <source>
  public int main(String [] args)
      // You would have to implement the referenced method here...
      FortressConfig config = configWithArgs( args );
      ContainerManager cm = new DefaultContainerManager( config.getContext() );
      ContainerUtil.initialize( cm );
      // Get the root container and use it
      MyCLIContainer container = (MyCLIContainer) cm.getContainer();
      // Clean up after ourselves
      ContainerUtil.dispose( cm );
          As you can see, there are three major portions of working with
          Fortress: startup, useage, and shutdown;  The Startup and shutdown
          portions are not likely to change at all.  What will change is how
          you plan on interacting with your container.
  1.1                  avalon/fortress/new/xdocs/design-notes.xml
  Index: design-notes.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <title>Avalon Fortress - Design Notes</title>
      <author email="">Avalon Documentation Team</author>
      <section name="Fortress Design Notes">
          Fortress has two design goals: facilitate heirarchical containers and
          take management functions outside of the critical path. The critical
          path is the code execution path that is required to find and use a
          component. Fortress assumes that the developer has explicit knowledge of
          his domain--which Fortress itself would never have any knowledge of. It
          also assumes that there is one root container, although it does not
          force that upon the developer.
        <subsection name="Asynchronous Management">
            Due to the long startup times of certain components like the
            DataSourceComponent ECM based code suffered from slowness. The problem
            was also made worse by the delayed loading and running of components.
            Components would only be instantiated when they were first looked
            up--which made problems for components that needed to be started
            Fortress makes use of the Event package's CommandManager so that all
            components can be started up immediately, but it is done in the
            background. That means that components are still starting while
            Fortress is ready to work. If a component hasn't been started yet
            before it is needed, then Fortress will make sure it starts before it
            turns over the requested component. It will also make sure no
            component gets started twice.
            All component pool sizing and management is done by background threads
            so that as Fortress responds to requests for components, it manages
            resources without adding that cost to the client code. That means the
            critical path (the code that actually does the work of the system) is
            not delayed unnecessarily.
        <subsection name="Hierarchical Containers">
            Part of the design concept for Fortress heirarchical containers is to
            use a ContainerManager to make sure all the necessary services are set
            up and running. For example, the Fortress container needs a
            CommandManager--so the ContainerManager checks to see if it is already
            set up and uses it. That way we can have one Container that has one or
            more ContainerManagers that all use the kernel level services of the
            parent container.
            The kernel level services are: CommandManager, InstrumentManager,
            LoggerManager and ThreadManager. The actual setup and configuration of
            these services are done using a Context. The choice for the Context
            object was a conscious decision because we didn't want to extend the
            objects in a proprietary manner (LoggerManageable, etc.) like the ECM
            did. By passing the kernel services in the context, the kernel
            services can be forwarded to any child containers.
            To assist in the setup of the Context, Fortress uses a ContextManager.
            The ContextManager will either set up the context based on a Context
            passed in, or from a default context. Once the ContextManager assists
            the ContainerManager to set up any missing kernel services, you can
            get the Container from the ContainerManager and start using it.
      <section name="Why Not Set Up a Standard Container Interface?">
              Each domain has its own needs. For instance, Cocoon is based on a
              request/response processing model. Component based tools are based
              on a useage model. Swing based Apps are based on other models. There
              is no one size fits all solution, and Fortress can be used in all of
              these solutions. As an interim solution, the DefaultContainer does
              have one public method exposed: <code>getServiceManager()</code>.
      <section name="Why Not Use a Central Kernel?">
              This was actually planned in a future release. There are some issues
              to work out with a central kernel though. Those issues include how
              to detect and set up sub-containers, how to make sure the container
              instance you want is set up instead of the default version, etc. In
              essence, what is needed is <em>meta information</em>. Meta
              information is information about the container heirarchy and the
              components involved. In the future Avalon Container: Merlin ,
              has a proper meta model.
      <section name="Smooth Migration for Component Lookup">
            Due to the fact there are many ways of implementing the "preferred
            practices" for role naming, different components make assumptions
            about their environment.  The chief problem with these assumptions
            is that it reduces the availability for which components can work
            with each other.  Some components expect only one component to be
            mapped, while another component may expect to lookup choices in
            a ServiceSelector, while yet another may expect to find it via a
            stylized entry.  To recap, the supported lookup styles are:
            <li>lookup(MyComponent.ROLE + "Selector").select(hint)</li>
            <li>lookup(MyComponent.ROLE + "/" + hint)</li>
            In the first case, the component that requires an external component
            asks for the mapped component via the role name.  It expects only
            one component to be mapped.  If Fortress has multiple components
            available, it will only return the default version.  The default
            version is the first entry in the configuration file, unless you
            add the magic attribute "default" with the value "true".  The last
            component for the role with that attribute is the default value.
            In the second case, the component expects to be able to select the
            component from a ServiceSelector, mapped to the ROLE + "Selector"
            entry.  Fortress will manufacture a ServiceSelector for you, and
            all will be as expected.
            In the last case, the component expects to be able to look up the
            component based on the ROLE and the hint combined.  The magic
            separator is the "/" character.  Fortress will be able to interpret
            that and skip the ServiceSelector step.
  1.1                  avalon/fortress/new/xdocs/features.xml
  Index: features.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <title>Avalon Fortress - Features</title>
      <author email="">Avalon Documentation Team</author>
      <section name="Features">
          Fortress provides a framework for you to easily create your
          own application specific containers.  We strive to make it
          easy for you to do without sacrificing any power.  Fortress
          allows you to focus on the core issues in your system, without
          worrying about the component management getting in your way.
        <subsection name="Asynchronous Component Management">
            Most component management functions don't take that long to
            perform, but the time they do take can directly affect how
            many requests your system can process at the same time.  For
            that reason, we use the CommandManager from the Event package
            to manage our components.  By moving all the management
            functions to a limited number of background threads, we are
            able to save you time in the critical processing path.
            The CommandManager can be extended to your components as well.
            That way, your components can perform management tasks in the
            background as well.  Fortress will likely be your choice of
            containers if you have strict performance constraints.
        <subsection name="Extensible Lifecycle">
            Fortress has support for an experimental feature that allows
            you to extend your component lifecycle in an application
            specific manner.  If it proves to be a truly useful feature,
            other Avalon containers will adopt it.
        <subsection name="Instrumentation">
            Fortress is integrated with the Instrumentation package so
            you can get a graphical view of the health of your system
            at runtime.  We integrate sampling points for each of the
            component handlers so that you can see how many component
            instances each handler is responsible for.  Using that
            information, you can tune your container more intelligently.
        <subsection name="Attribute Enabled Meta Information">
            Instead of using a "roles" file to keep track of the component
            configuration name, and what kind of lifestyle the component
            has, Fortress provides some tools so that you can keep track
            of that information with your java source code.  You have to
            use the ANT tasks that are defined in the Fortress tools jar.
            It collects all the attributes defined as JavaDoc doc tags
            and generates the meta info files which are then read at
            runtime.  It makes it a whole lot easier to manage critical
            aspects like lifestyle and which classes represent components.
            <a href="using-meta-info.html">You can find out more about it
  1.1                  avalon/fortress/new/xdocs/fortress_logo.gif
  	<<Binary file>>
  1.1                  avalon/fortress/new/xdocs/getting-started.xml
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  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <title>Fortress Getting Started</title>
      <author email="">Avalon Documentation Team</author>
      <section name="Getting Started">
                  This is a brief guide to getting you up and running with fortress.
                  For complex topics like how to decompose a system into individual
                  components, Seperation of Concerns, etc, refer to other documentation.
          <subsection name="Getting your stuff together">
                  <li>If you haven't already, download and install the latest version
                  of <link href="">Apache Ant</link>.</li>
                  <li>Get and install a CVS client (see
                  <link href="">here</link>
                  for information on CVS).</li>
                  <li>Check out the modules avalon, avalon-excalibur,
                  avalon-logkit and jakarta-site</li>
                  <li>Use ant to build the various projects: avalon, logkit, excalibur fortress.
                  If something goes wrong, run ant in verbose mode using the -v option and
                  send the output to the avalon-user mailing list. Someone'll help you out.
              <p>Or, if you hate CVS, get a nightly build.</p>
          <subsection name="Hello, world!">
              <p>You just built fortress, its dependencies, and its examples from cvs in
              the previous step. This enables you to (finally!) run a HelloWorld demo.
              change into the bin directory for the examples and run the
              scripts there ( is a nice one).</p>
          <subsection name="Well, duh! So now what?">
              <p><b>Play with the examples</b></p>
                  <p>After looking at the sources to the examples provided and figuring out
                  what goes on (if you're an IDE person, run the examples in your IDE
                  debugger! If you develop servlets, be sure to try to get the servlet
                  example to run), the real cool but also the hard part begins.</p>
          <subsection name="Converting from ECM">
                  <p>If you're looking at converting an existing avalonized application that
                  uses ECM, well, we want to write a tool that does this all but automatically
                  for you. Not there yet though.</p>
          <subsection name="Convert a non-avalon application">
                  <p>The first thing you want to do is to create a fortress instance inside
                  your applications main loop or bootstrap class. The second thing you want
                  to do is identify the building blocks of your application, and transform
                  them into avalon components (by making them passive, and extending the
                  avalon framework lifecycle interfaces).
                  Then, create the fortress configuration files to tell it about those new
                  components, and transfer control over those components from your bootstrap
                  code to fortress. Done!</p>
                  <p>Okay, so it may not be so simple as it sounds, but that is the general
                  idea. Just get started, and come and talk to us on the mailing list when
                  you get lost.</p>
         <subsection name="Creating a new application">
                  <p>Start with the example that fits your enviroment (console, GUI
                  or embedded), and simply start hacking from there. You'll want to think
                  about the various tasks your app serves, and how to decompose your app
                  into components that fit those tasks. The
                  <link href="">Developing with Avalon</link>
                  paper talks you through this.</p>
          <subsection name="Mastering Fortress">
                  The best way to learn about avalon and its concepts is to build your own
                  container. Try and plug in your own implementations of the different parts
                  of fortress, like a different ComponentHandler. Once you get a hang of it,
                  come and join the avalon folks in their quest for the holy grail of
                  software architecture!
  1.1                  avalon/fortress/new/xdocs/index.xml
  Index: index.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <title>Avalon Fortress - Overview</title>
      <author email="">Avalon Documentation Team</author>
      <section name="Introduction">
          Fortress contains a framework to help you create your own
          avalon containers.  It boasts asynchronous management of your
          component instances, high scalability, easier maintenance of
          your code, and easy embedding into various environments like
          servlet engines.
      <section name="Available Documentation">
              <li>There is some material relating to fortress in the experimental
              <a href="">ApacheWiki</a>, right
              <a href="">here</a>.
              One of the things you can find there is the
              <a href="">FAQ</a>.</li>
              <li>You will probably want to check out the examples that come with fortress;
              they're located in the examples/ dir in cvs, and nightly builds are also
              made available.</li>
              <li>For general information about the avalon project, you will want to read the
              <a href="">Avalon Framework Documentation</a>.
              <a href="">Developing with Avalon</a> is a
              terribly useful resource as well.</li>
  1.1                  avalon/fortress/new/xdocs/lifecycle-extensions.xml
  Index: lifecycle-extensions.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <title>Fortress Getting Started</title>
      <author email="">Avalon Documentation Team</author>
      <section name="What are lifecycle extensions ?">
      Lifecycle extensions are additional stages a component can traverse through during
      it's lifetime. Lifecycle extensions allow a Container to provide extra functionality
      to Components in addition to the standard stages defined by Avalon Framework.
      Avalon Framework defines a set of standard interfaces often termed as Lifecycle
      metainfo which tells the ComponentManager how a particular Component should be treated
      during it's life.
      This metainfo allows the developer to separate the various concerns involved when
      writing a Component, often termed SoC and IoC (Separation of Concerns and Inversion of
      Control) and is one of primary advantages of using Avalon.
      Sometimes it's useful to extend this development paradigm from the framework level
      into the application domain, to create customized lifecycle extensions that are called
      upon in addition to the standard set defined by the Avalon Framework.
      Such custom lifecycle stages can further enable domain specific logic across many,
      perhaps even unrelated components, can reduce code duplication, and allows the developer
      to reuse the same development and thinking paradigm as the standard lifecycle stages.
      For example, you might want to pass a specialized SecurityManager to some of your
      components before they are initialized, or have their internal state persistently cached
      during system shutdown and restored at during startup. You might want to pass user
      dependent decryption keys to your component, or give components the opportunity to
      recycle themselves before being disposed or returned to a pooled component handler.
      The possibilities and number of extensions are only limited by the requirements of your
      particular application domain.
      This document describes how to add new lifecycle extensions using <strong>Fortress</strong>.
      This document assumes a knowledge of what an Avalon lifecycle is, and a basic understanding
      of the standard lifecycle interfaces Avalon Framework defines. References in this document to
      Component and ComponentManager can also be freely interpreted as Service and ServiceManager
      by the reader.
      <note>As at the time of writing, Fortress is the only Avalon container that
      supports lifecycle extensions, which means Components that use this feature will most likely
      only work as expected with Fortress, and not with the other Avalon containers
      (ExcaliburComponentManager, Phoenix, Merlin, Tweety, etc)</note>
      Support for lifecycle extensions in the other Avalon containers is technically possible but
      has not yet been discussed. Please check with the Avalon developer mailing list if you use
      one of these containers and would like to use lifecycle extensions.
    <section name="How do I extend a Component's lifecycle ?">
      Extending a Component's lifecycle is straightforward. An overview of the process
          <li>Define the new component interface<br/>
        Create the new interface defining the operations that should be called upon components
        that implement this interface. Using the previously mentioned examples, this would be
        your <code>SecurityManageable</code>, <code>Cacheable</code>, <code>Decryptable</code>,
        <code>Recycleable</code> interfaces.
       <li>Define an extension object that calls upon the methods defined in the new interface,
       during one or more of the pre-defined phases of component's lifecycle<br/>
        Create a class that implements <code>LifecycleExtension</code>, that tests any given
        component for the above defined interface (and others if applicable), invoking methods
        defined in that interface.
       <li>Register the extension object with Fortress' <code>LifecycleExtensionManager</code><br/>
        Create an instance of the class defined in the previous step, and register it with a
        <code>LifecycleExtensionManager</code>, using either the default manager available inside
        of your container, or an externally created manager that is later given to the container
        to use.
       <li>Implement the new component interface on your component<br/>
        Add the new <code>implements</code> clause to your Component, or Component implementation,
        and write any methods defined in the implemented interface.
        <li><code>lookup()/select()/release()</code> components as normal<br/>
        Proceed as normal. Checking for extensions is done implicitly within Fortress. Once
        lifecycle extensions are registered they will be invoked on any implementing components
        during the 4 phases defined later in this document.
    <section name="When can a Component's lifecycle be extended ?">
      The life of any component can be broken down to the following phases:
        When the Component is actually instantiated.
        When the Component is accessed via a ComponentManager/Selector
        When the Component is released via a ComponentManager/Selector (<code>release()</code>).
        When the Component is decommissioned, ready for garbage collection.
      <p>A Component will go through it's Creation and Destruction phase only once. Since
      <code>ComponentHandler</code> classes can implement different handling strategies
      (Poolable, ThreadSafe, etc), the access and release phases of a component can be
      done multiple times.</p>
      Lifecycle extensions can be added to any of the above defined phases. This allows
      you to choose when your particular extension will be executed.
      For example, thread or user dependent extensions would be added at the access and release
      levels (ie. when the component is retrieved and returned to the ComponentManager) as they
      depend on runtime data not available until they are actually used.
      More static, or global extensions would be added at the creation or destruction level, since
      they do not depend on any external data that change during runtime, nor are they particular
      to any one context of use.
    <section name="Which interfaces and classes do I need to use ?">
      Support for lifecycle extensions in Fortress is done using the following classes/interfaces.
    <subsection name="The Component Extension Interface">
      This interface specifies the business particular extension components will be tested for.
      It defines the new interface that components will implement to receive additional
      There is no particular base interface the developer needs to extend, and the interface
      can be kept separate from the Container itself.
    <subsection name="The LifecycleExtension Interface">
      Component extensions are invoked via a Lifecycle extension object. Lifecycle extension
      objects are managed via a <code>LifecycleExtensionManager</code> class and essentially
      test for a particular Component extension interface, and appropriately call methods defined
      in that interface.
      All Lifecycle extension objects must implement the <code>LifecycleExtension</code> interface.
      The <code>LifecycleExtension</code> interface defines 4 methods that are called upon to allow
      an implementor to extend a component's lifecycle.
      The 4 methods (<code>create</code>, <code>destroy</code>, <code>access</code> and
      <code>release</code>) are invoked by a manager class from inside Fortress. Each method
      accepts 2 parameters, the particular Component instance being extended, and the container
      The container <code>Context</code> is passed as a parameter to provide access to any
      miscellaneous objects that might be needed during extension code (to make use of this feature
      the container Context will need to be initialized with references and passed to the
      <code>FortressConfig</code> during Fortress' startup sequence).
      Each method may throw an exception to indicate an error, which will be logged, but will
      not terminate other extensions from being executed on that Component.
        * LifecycleExtension interface. This interface defines the methods that
        * a LifecycleExtensionManager can call on a particular concrete
        * LifecycleExtensionMarker class.
       public interface LifecycleExtension
            * Create, called when the given component is being
            * instantiated.
            * @param component a Component instance
            * @param context a Context instance
            * @exception Exception if an error occurs
           void create( Object component, Context context )
               throws Exception;
            * Destroy, called when the given component is being
            * decommissioned.
            * @param component a Component instance
            * @param context a Context instance
            * @exception Exception if an error occurs
           void destroy( Object component, Context context )
               throws Exception;
            * Access, called when the given component is being
            * accessed (ie. via lookup() or select()).
            * @param component a Component instance
            * @param context a Context instance
            * @exception Exception if an error occurs
           void access( Object component, Context context )
               throws Exception;
            * Release, called when the given component is being
            * released (ie. by a CM or CS).
            * @param component a Component instance
            * @param context a Context instance
            * @exception Exception if an error occurs
           void release( Object component, Context context )
               throws Exception;
      Many extensions will not require implementation of every method defined in the
      above interface, for that reason, there's a <code>AbstractLifecycleExtension</code>
      convenience class available which provides default (empty) implementations of each
      method which you can extend from. This allows you to implement only the methods
      necessary for your particular extension.
    <subsection name="The LifecycleExtensionManager class">
      The <code>LifecycleExtensionManager</code> class provides default management of
      extension implementations and an API which ComponentManager/Selector's can call
      upon to execute them.
      The LifecycleExtensionManager class API is too big to list here, instead please look at
      the following <link href="">link</link>. It essentially defines
      4 methods for executing extension objects at the various phases of a component's lifecycle,
      and several methods for registering extension objects with the manager.
      The <code>LifecycleExtensionManager</code> class will operate safely in multithreaded
      environments, and allows you to add/remove extensions to a running system.
      By default, all Fortress based containers will be initialized with a default
      <code>LifecycleExtensionManager</code> that contains no extensions. You can alternatively
      provide a pre-configured LifecycleExtensionManager to your Container via the
      FortressConfig class (<code>ContainerConstants.EXTENSION_MANAGER</code> key) if you like.
      To add a new lifecycle extension object to the manager simply call the method
      <code>LifecycleExtensionManager.addExtension()</code>. Methods also exist for removing
      and iterating through the currently available extensions.
    <subsection name="FortressComponentManager/FortressComponentSelector">
      Fortress' inbuilt Component Manager/Selector/Factory code will automatically call
      upon the LifecycleExtensionManager class at each phase in a Component's life at the
      following predefined times:
        Called inside the ComponentManager, after the component has been retrieved
        from it's handler, but before it's returned to the invoker of
        Called inside the ComponentManager, before the component is passed back to
        it's handler to be disposed/pooled/etc.
        Called inside the ComponentFactory, before <code>initialize()</code>.
        Called inside the ComponentFactory, after <code>dispose()</code>.
      <note>, components created via Fortress' ComponentHandler classes directly
      will bypass the logic for <code>access</code> and <code>release</code> extensions. This is
      because the code performing this logic is located in the ComponentManager/Selector classes
      (independent from all handlers).</note>
    <section name="An Example">
      Let's look at a simple example. The following is also available as a working sample
      in Fortress' examples directory.
      Our example implements a Lifecycle extension for passing a <code>SecurityManager</code> to
      Components. We'll call it the <code>SecurityManageable</code> interface.
    <subsection name="Define the component extension interface">
      First we define the new Component extension interface.
      * Simple custom lifecycle extension interface for supplying a component
      * with a security manager.
     public interface SecurityManageable
          * Pass a SecurityManager object to the component
          * @param manager a SecurityManager value
         void secure( SecurityManager manager )
             throws SecurityException;
    <subsection name="Create the lifecycle extensions class">
      Next we define the actual extension implementation which invokes the <code>secure()</code>
      method. We extend from <code>AbstractLifecycleExtension</code> since we only want
      <code>secure()</code> to be invoked upon each access (ie. lookup()) to the component, and
      don't need to implement the other 3 LifecycleExtension methods (create, release, and
      * Some custom extensions for this container's components.
     public class Extensions
         extends AbstractLifecycleExtension
          * Access, called when the given component is being
          * accessed (ie. via lookup() or select()).
          * @param component a Component instance
          * @param context a Context instance
          * @exception Exception if an error occurs
         public void access( Object component, Context context )
             throws Exception
             if ( component instanceof SecurityManageable )
                 // pass in a simple security manager, a real system might want to pass
                 // in specialized/custom security managers
                 ( ( SecurityManageable ) component ).secure( new SecurityManager() );
      <p>An extension class may run components through any given number of
      extensions, and are not limited to just one.</p>
    <section name="Register the lifecycle extensions class">
      We then inform our container about the extension. This could be done in several different
      ways, for simplicity we'll extend <code>initialize()</code> and add it to the
      <code>LifecycleExtensionManager</code> there.
      (an alternative might be to initialize a LifecycleExtensionManager before creating the
      container and pass it in via the <code>FortressConfig.setExtensionManager()</code> method,
      or to create a LifecycleExtensionManager subclass that includes the extension preset)
      * Simple container that includes custom lifecycle extensions.
     public final class ExtendedContainer
         extends AbstractContainer
         public void initialize()
             throws Exception
             m_extManager.addExtension( new Extensions() );
    <section name="Use the new component interface">
      To use the new SecurityManageable lifecycle extension, we simply implement
      SecurityManageable just as we do with any other Avalon lifecycle interfaces
      (assuming a predefined Component interface <code>ExtendedComponent</code>).
      * ExtendedComponentImpl, demonstrating the use of a custom
      * lifecycle stage SecurityManageable. This code does
      * a simple access check for several files on the file system and logs
      * the results accordingly.
     public class ExtendedComponentImpl
         extends AbstractLogEnabled
         implements ExtendedComponent, SecurityManageable
          * Pass a SecurityManager object to the component
          * @param manager a SecurityManager value
         public void secure( final SecurityManager manager )
             throws SecurityException
             getLogger().info( "Received SecurityManager instance: " + manager );
             final String[] files = { "/tmp", "/vmlinuz", "/usr/lib/libc.a" };
             for ( int i = 0; i &lt; files.length; ++i )
                     manager.checkRead( files[ i ] );
                     getLogger().info( "Thread can read " + files[ i ] );
                 catch ( SecurityException e )
                     getLogger().info( "Thread can not read " + files[ i ] );
    <section name="Need more information?">
      If you have any particular questions, comments, etc, please send an email to the Avalon
      developer mailing <link href="">list</link>.
  1.1                  avalon/fortress/new/xdocs/navigation.xml
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  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <project href="" 
           name="Avalon Fortress">
   <title>Avalon Fortress</title>
        <item name="Apache" href=""/>
        <item name="Avalon" href=""/>
        <item name="Framework" href=""/>
        <item name="Containers" href=""/>
        <item name="Components" href=""/>
      <menu name="About Fortress">
          <item name="Overview" href="/index.html"/>
          <item name="Features Oriented" href="/features.html"/>
          <item name="Getting Started" href="/getting-started.html"/>
          <item name="Using Meta Info" href="/using-meta-info.html"/>
          <item name="Download" href=""/>
      <menu name="Environment">
          <item name="CLI" href="/cli.html"/>
          <item name="Swing" href="/swing.html"/>
          <item name="Servlet" href="/servlet.html"/>
      <menu name="Resources">
          <item name="API" href="/api/index.html"/>
          <item name="Lifecycle Extensions" href="/lifecycle-extensions.html"/>
          <item name="Design Notes" href="/design-notes.html"/>
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  Index: servlet.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <title>Fortress Getting Started</title>
      <author email="">Avalon Documentation Team</author>
      <section name="Servlet Based Applications">
          Servlet based applications are viewed on the web.  Examples of these
          types of Java projects are Jakarta Turbine, and Apache Cocoon.
          Servlets have their own lifecycle, so it is rather easy to tie the
          life of a container to the life of a servlet.
          Servlet based applications can either tie the Avalon container to
          a Servlet or bind it to JNDI.  The advantage of binding it to JNDI is
          better resource management because the container is not being torn
          down and rebuilt periodically.  The disadvantage is that there is no
          standard way of doing it in your Servlet container.  Most of the time
          we bind the container to a Servlet like the following code:
  public class MyAvalonServlet implements HttpServlet
      private static final String ROOT = 
      private static final String XCONF = 
        ROOT + ServletContainer.xconf";
      private static final String XLOG = 
        ROOT + ServletContainer.xlog";
      private static final String ROLES = 
        ROOT + ServletContainer.roles";
      private MyServletContainer m_container;
      private ContainerManager m_containerManager;
       * Initializes Servlet and creates a <code>ServletContainer</code> instance
       * NOTE: this is the servlet init code.
       * @exception ServletException if an error occurs
      public void init()
          throws ServletException
              final FortressConfig config = new FortressConfig();
                "org.apache.avalon.fortress.examples.servlet.ServletContainer" );
              config.setContextDirectory( "./" );
              config.setWorkDirectory( "./" );
              config.setContainerConfiguration( XCONF );
              config.setLoggerManagerConfiguration( XLOG );
              config.setRoleManagerConfiguration( ROLES );
              m_containerManager = 
                new DefaultContainerManager( config.getContext() );
              m_container = 
          catch( Exception e )
              throw new ServletException( "Error during initialization", e );
       * Pass all servlet requests through to container to be handled. In a more
       * complex system, there could be multiple containers that handle different
       * requests, or a main controlling container with subcontainers for different
       * requests.
       * @param request a <code>ServletRequest</code> instance
       * @param response a <code>ServletResponse</code> instance
       * @exception IOException if an IO error occurs
       * @exception ServletException if a servlet error occurs
      public void service( ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response )
          throws IOException, ServletException
          m_container.handleRequest( request, response );
       * Disposes of container manager and container instance.
       * NOTE: This is the Servlet destruction callback
      public void destroy()
  1.1                  avalon/fortress/new/xdocs/swing.xml
  Index: swing.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <title>Fortress Getting Started</title>
      <author email="">Avalon Documentation Team</author>
      <section name="Swing Based Applications">
          Swing applications are those applications that have a lovely graphical
          interface for you to interact with.  When you are done with the
          application, you close it and are done with it.  Some examples of a
          Swing based application include Apache JMeter, JEdit, and Avalon
          Instrument Client.
          Swing applications are very similar to CLI based applications in the
          way they are set up and torn down.  What differs is that the GUI runs
          in a different set of threads, so the main routine has to wait until
          the GUI is done.  There are two strategies to do that.  The first is
          to extend the DefaultContainer and use that to enclose your Swing
          based JFrame and implement the Runnable interface.  The second is to
          manage the Swing GUI separately, but give your container or its
          ServiceManager to the Swing code to interact with.
        <subsection name="Extending DefaultContainer">
            If we extend the DefaultContainer, our main method will look pretty
            much the same:
  public int main(String [] args)
      // You would have to implement the referenced method here...
      FortressConfig config = configWithArgs( args );
      ContainerManager cm = new DefaultContainerManager( config.getContext() );
      ContainerUtil.initialize( cm );
      // Get the root container and use it
      ((MySwingContainer) cm.getContainer()).run();
      // Clean up after ourselves
      ContainerUtil.dispose( cm );
            The extensions to DefaultContainer that you do are different for
            each application.  However, they will have some common elements.
            Here is an excerpt from both the Swing example and the Viewer
            example included in CVS.
  public class MySwingContainer extends DefaultContainer implements Runnable
       JFrame m_frame = new JFrame();
       // skipping non relevant parts
       public void run()
           while ( m_frame.isVisible() )
               catch (InterruptedException ie)
                   // you can either ignore the exception or you can
                   // close the application.  Remove the next line
                   // if you don't want to end the application:
                   m_frame.setVisible( false );
  1.1                  avalon/fortress/new/xdocs/using-meta-info.xml
  Index: using-meta-info.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <title>Excalibur Fortress - Using Meta Info</title>
      <author email="">Avalon Documentation Team</author>
          <section name="What is Meta Information?">
                  Meta Information is information about your components.  The information that
                  Fortress needs to properly manage your components is fairly small.  It needs to
                  know which classes are components, which services that component implements, what
                  its dependencies are, and what type of lifestyle the component was designed for.
                  Using this information, Fortress can determine if there are some circular
                  dependencies as well as manage other aspects of your component.
                  Your container has to find the meta information in some way.  If you are used
                  to the Excalibur Component Manager (ECM), then you supplied the meta information
                  based on a "roles" file and certain marker interfaces that your component
                  implemented.  There are several drawbacks to this approach, some of which include
                  inheritance of conflicting meta information and having to manage your information
                  in separate files.
                  Fortress has adopted a practice that is available in both Phoenix and Merlin to
                  make managing meta information a breeze.  It is the use of JavaDoc tags to mark the
                  meta information right with the source code itself.  This scheme works much better,
                  and unlocks some features to you.  One of them is for Fortress to tell you that you
                  have a circular dependency (some components that require each other to work) at
                  initialization time instead of at run time.
          <section name="How does the Meta Info Tags Look?">
                  The best way to demonstrate how these tags look and behave is to show some sample
                  code.  Fortress follows the AMTAGS proposal on the WIKI, and also supports a couple
                  extra tags.  Specifically, the set of tags that Fortress supports are
                  "avalon.dependency", "avalon.service", "", "",
                  "avalon.component", "", "fortress.handler".  The two Fortress specific
                  tags are recognized, but are not encouraged for routine use.
                  Everything except for the "avalon.dependency" must be specified in the component's
                  class JavaDoc.  Below is a snippet:
   * My component implementation.
   * @avalon.component
   * @avalon.service type="RoleInterface"
   * name="my-component"
   * type="pooled"
  public class MyComponent implements RoleInterface
      // ....
                  The "avalon.component" is a marker tag, and it is required to mark a class as a
                  component.  You must have one or more "avalon.service" tags (one per interface
                  type).  The value in the "type" attribute must be a resolvable class name.  If the
                  type of "RoleInterface" is in the same package, or in one of the imports, then all
                  is well.  The "" tag is used to provide a configuration name for the
                  component.  In this case, the configuration name is "my-component".  If you do not
                  supply this tag, Fortress will create one for you based on the class name of the
                  component.  It is best if you supply your own.  The "" tag is
                  used to choose how this component is managed.
                  Dependencies are declared in the <code>service()</code> method for the component.
                  The component needs to implement the Serviceable interface.  Fortress knows how
                  to look at the code hierarchy to collect all the dependencies as long as you have
                  all your source code available.  The dependency declarations look like this:
   * Get all the dependencies.
   * @avalon.dependency type="OtherService"
   * @avalon.dependency type="Foo"
  public void service( ServiceManager manager )
      // ...
                  All the "avalon.dependency" entries are collected by the same rules as the
                  "avalon.service" entries.  In other words, the "type" attribute is evaluated
                  based on the same rules as your Java compiler evaluates them.  Fortress will
                  take care of resolving them properly.
          <section name="Collecting the Meta Information">
                  Fortress provides an ANT task to collect all your meta information and generate
                  the extra files that your JAR files need to have for Fortress to use the meta
                  information at run time.  You include the ANT task in your build.xml file like
    <!-- ... -->
    <taskdef name="collect-metainfo"
      <classpath refid="tools.class.path"/>
    <target name="compile" depends="jar-tools" description="Compiles the source code">
      <mkdir dir="${build.classes}"/>
      <!-- Compile all classes excluding the tests. -->
      <javac srcdir="${java.dir}"
          <path refid="tools.class.path"/>
          <pathelement location="${loader.classes}"/>
        <include name="**/*.java"/>
      <collect-metainfo destdir="${build.classes}">
        <fileset dir="${java.dir}"/>
    <!-- ... -->
                  Once you include all the generated files in your JAR for the components, you
                  don't have to do anything more than include the JAR in your classpath for Fortress.
                  Everything else is taken care of.
          <section name="The Tag">
                  The "" tag needs a little further explanation.  It can have one
                  of four values in the "type" attribute:
                  <li><strong>singleton</strong> One instance of the component shared with all clients.</li>
                  <li><strong>thread</strong> One instance of the component per thread of execution.</li>
                  <li><strong>pooled</strong> One instance of the component per request, with instances reused from a pool.</li>
                  <li><strong>transient</strong> One instance of the component per request, with instances destroyed on release.</li>

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