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[1/3] incubator-hawq git commit: HAWQ-158. Remove legacy command line tools and help.

Repository: incubator-hawq
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master cfeba473a -> 3691f2367
diff --git a/tools/sbin/ b/tools/sbin/
deleted file mode 100755
index 9653c68..0000000
--- a/tools/sbin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) Greenplum Inc 2010. All Rights Reserved.
-# import mainUtils FIRST to get python version check
-from gppylib.mainUtils import *
-from gppylib.gplog import *
-from gppylib.commands import unix
-import pickle, base64
-from gppylib import gparray
-from gppylib.gpparseopts import OptChecker,OptParser,OptParser
-from gppylib.operations.buildMirrorSegments import gDatabaseDirectories, gDatabaseFiles
-logger = get_default_logger()
-class GpCleanSegmentDirectoryProgram:
-    """
-    Clean up segment directories on a single host
-    The caller should have already stopped the segments before calling this.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, options):
-        self.__options = options
-    def run(self):
-        if self.__options.pickledArguments is None:
-            raise ProgramArgumentValidationException("-p argument is missing")
-        segments = pickle.loads(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(self.__options.pickledArguments))
-"Cleaning main data directories")
-        for segment in segments:
-            dir = segment.getSegmentDataDirectory()
-  "Cleaning %s" % dir)
-            for toClean in gDatabaseDirectories:
-                if toClean != "pg_log":
-                    unix.RemoveFiles('clean segment', os.path.join(dir, toClean)).run( validateAfter=True )
-            for toClean in gDatabaseFiles:
-                unix.RemoveFiles('clean segment', os.path.join(dir, toClean)).run( validateAfter=True )
-        for segment in segments:
-            for filespaceOid, dir in segment.getSegmentFilespaces().iteritems():
-                if filespaceOid != gparray.SYSTEM_FILESPACE:
-                    #
-                    # delete entire filespace directory -- filerep code on server will recreate it
-                    #
-                    unix.RemoveFiles('clean segment filespace dir', dir ).run( validateAfter=True )
-    def cleanup(self):
-        pass
-    #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    @staticmethod
-    def createParser():
-        description = ("""
-        Clean segment directories.
-        """)
-        help = ["""
-          To be used internally only.
-        """]
-        parser = OptParser(option_class=OptChecker,
-                    description=' '.join(description.split()),
-                    version='%prog version $Revision: #1 $')
-        parser.setHelp(help)
-        addStandardLoggingAndHelpOptions(parser, True)
-        addTo = OptionGroup(parser, "Clean Segment Options")
-        parser.add_option_group(addTo)
-        addTo.add_option('-p', None, dest="pickledArguments",
-                         type='string', default=None, metavar="<pickledArguments>",
-                       help="The arguments passed from the original script")
-        parser.set_defaults()
-        return parser
-    @staticmethod
-    def createProgram(options, args):
-        if len(args) > 0 :
-            raise ProgramArgumentValidationException("too many arguments: only options may be specified")
-        return GpCleanSegmentDirectoryProgram(options)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    mainOptions = { 'setNonuserOnToolLogger': True}
-    simple_main( GpCleanSegmentDirectoryProgram.createParser, GpCleanSegmentDirectoryProgram.createProgram, mainOptions)
diff --git a/tools/sbin/ b/tools/sbin/
deleted file mode 100755
index 46aae6f..0000000
--- a/tools/sbin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) Greenplum Inc 2010. All Rights Reserved. 
-# import mainUtils FIRST to get python version check
-from gppylib.mainUtils import *
-import os, sys
-import pickle, base64, figleaf
-from optparse import Option, OptionGroup, OptionParser, OptionValueError
-from gppylib.gpparseopts import OptParser, OptChecker
-from gppylib import gplog, gparray, pgconf
-from gppylib.commands import base, gp, pg, unix
-from gppylib.db import catalog, dbconn
-from gppylib.utils import parseKeyColonValueLines
-logger = gplog.get_default_logger()
-# todo: the file containing this should be renamed since it gets more status than just from transition
-class GpSegStatusProgram:
-    """
-    Program to fetch status from the a segment(s).
-    Multiple pieces of status information can be fetched in a single request by
-         passing in multiple status request options on the command line
-    """
-    def __init__(self, options):
-        self.__options = options
-        self.__pool = None
-    def getStatusUsingTransition(self, seg, statusRequest, currentPMPidData):
-        """
-        The data as from GpSegStatusProgram.getPidRunningStatus
-        """
-        if currentPMPidData is not None and \
-            (currentPMPidData['pidValue'] == 0 or not currentPMPidData['lockFileExists'] or not currentPMPidData['netstatPortActive']):
-            logger.warn("Error getting data from segment %s; it is not running" % seg.getSegmentDataDirectory())
-            return None
-        cmd = gp.SendFilerepTransitionStatusMessage("Check Status", statusRequest, seg.getSegmentDataDirectory(),
-                                                seg.getSegmentPort())
-        return cmd.unpackSuccessLine()
-    def getPidStatus(self, seg, pidRunningStatus):
-        """
-        returns a dict containing "pid" and "error" fields.  Note that
-           the "error" field may be non-None even when pid is non-zero (pid if zero indicates
-           unable to determine the pid).  This can happen if the pid is there in the
-           lock file but not active on the port.
-        The caller can rely on this to try to differentiate between an active pid and an inactive one
-        """
-        lockFileExists = pidRunningStatus['lockFileExists']
-        netstatPortActive = pidRunningStatus['netstatPortActive']
-        pidValue = pidRunningStatus['pidValue']
-        lockFileName = gp.get_lockfile_name(seg.getSegmentPort())
-        error = None
-        if not lockFileExists and not netstatPortActive:
-            error = "No socket connection or lock file (%s) found for port %s" % (lockFileName, seg.getSegmentPort())
-        elif not lockFileExists and netstatPortActive:
-            error = "No lock file %s but process running on port %s" % (lockFileName, seg.getSegmentPort())
-        elif lockFileExists and not netstatPortActive:
-            error = "Have lock file %s but no process running on port %s" % (lockFileName, seg.getSegmentPort())
-        else:
-            if pidValue == 0:
-                error = "Have lock file and process is active, but did not get a pid value" # this could be an assert?
-        res = {}
-        res['pid'] = pidValue
-        res['error'] = error
-        return res
-    def getPidRunningStatus(self, seg):
-        """
-        Get an object containing various information about the postmaster pid's status
-        """
-        (postmasterPidFileExists, tempFileExists, lockFileExists, netstatPortActive, pidValue) = \
-                    gp.chk_local_db_running(seg.getSegmentDataDirectory(), seg.getSegmentPort())
-        return {
-            'postmasterPidFileExists' : postmasterPidFileExists,
-            'tempFileExists' : tempFileExists,
-            'lockFileExists' : lockFileExists,
-            'netstatPortActive' : netstatPortActive,
-            'pidValue' : pidValue
-        }
-    def __processMirrorStatusOutput(self, str):
-        data = parseKeyColonValueLines(str)
-        if data is None:
-            return data
-        # verify that all expected ones are there
-        for expected in ["mode","segmentState","dataState", "postmasterState", "databaseStatus", "isFullResync", \
-                            "resyncNumCompleted","resyncTotalToComplete","estimatedCompletionTimeSecondsSinceEpoch", \
-                            "changeTrackingBytesUsed","verificationStatus","verificationMode", 
-                            "verificationStartTimeSecondsSinceEpoch", "verificationCompletedCount", "verificationTotalCount",
-                            "estimatedCompletionVerificationTimeSecondsSinceEpoch"]:
-            if expected not in data:
-                logger.warn("Missing data key %s from str %s" % (expected, str))
-                return None
-        # convert some to long integers
-        for toConvert in ["resyncNumCompleted","resyncTotalToComplete","estimatedCompletionTimeSecondsSinceEpoch", \
-                            "changeTrackingBytesUsed"]:
-            value = data[toConvert]
-            try:
-                data[toConvert] = long(value)
-            except ValueError:
-                logger.warn("Invalid integer value %s from str %s" % (value, str))
-                return None
-        # convert some to booleans
-        for toConvert in ["isFullResync"]:
-            if data[toConvert] != "1" and data[toConvert] != "0":
-                logger.warn("Invalid boolean str %s" % (str))
-                return None
-            data[toConvert] = (data[toConvert] == "1")
-        return data
-    def run(self):
-        if self.__options.statusQueryRequests is None:
-            raise ProgramArgumentValidationException("-s argument not specified")
-        if self.__options.dirList is None:
-            raise ProgramArgumentValidationException("-D argument not specified")
-        toFetch = self.__options.statusQueryRequests.split(":")
-        segments = map(gparray.GpDB.initFromString, self.__options.dirList)
-        output = {}
-        for seg in segments:
-            pidRunningStatus = self.getPidRunningStatus(seg)
-            outputThisSeg = output[seg.getSegmentDbId()] = {}
-            for statusRequest in toFetch:
-                data = None
-                if statusRequest == gp.SEGMENT_STATUS__GET_VERSION:
-                    data = self.getStatusUsingTransition(seg, statusRequest, pidRunningStatus)
-                    if data is not None:
-                        data = data.rstrip()
-                elif statusRequest == gp.SEGMENT_STATUS__GET_MIRROR_STATUS:
-                    data = self.getStatusUsingTransition(seg, statusRequest, pidRunningStatus)
-                    if data is not None:
-                        data = self.__processMirrorStatusOutput(data)
-                elif statusRequest == gp.SEGMENT_STATUS__GET_PID:
-                    data = self.getPidStatus(seg, pidRunningStatus)
-                elif statusRequest == gp.SEGMENT_STATUS__HAS_POSTMASTER_PID_FILE:
-                    data = pidRunningStatus['postmasterPidFileExists']
-                elif statusRequest == gp.SEGMENT_STATUS__HAS_LOCKFILE:
-                    data = pidRunningStatus['lockFileExists']
-                else:
-                    raise Exception("Invalid status request %s" % statusRequest )
-                outputThisSeg[statusRequest] = data
-        status = '\nSTATUS_RESULTS:' + base64.urlsafe_b64encode(pickle.dumps(output))
-    def cleanup(self):
-        if self.__pool:
-            self.__pool.haltWork()
-    @staticmethod
-    def createParser():
-        parser = OptParser(option_class=OptChecker,
-                           description="Gets status from segments on a single host "
-                                            "using a transition message.  Internal-use only.",
-                           version='%prog version $Revision: #1 $')
-        parser.setHelp([])
-        addStandardLoggingAndHelpOptions(parser, True)
-        addTo = parser
-        addTo.add_option("-s", None, type="string",
-                         dest="statusQueryRequests",
-                         metavar="<statusQueryRequests>",
-                         help="Status Query Message")
-        addTo.add_option("-D", "--dblist", type="string", action="append",
-                         dest="dirList",
-                         metavar="<dirList>",
-                         help="Directory List")
-        parser.set_defaults()
-        return parser
-    @staticmethod
-    def createProgram(options, args):
-        if len(args) > 0 :
-            raise ProgramArgumentValidationException(\
-                            "too many arguments: only options may be specified", True)
-        return GpSegStatusProgram(options)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    mainOptions = { 'setNonuserOnToolLogger':True}
-    simple_main( GpSegStatusProgram.createParser, GpSegStatusProgram.createProgram, mainOptions)
diff --git a/tools/sbin/ b/tools/sbin/
deleted file mode 100755
index 9fcb99f..0000000
--- a/tools/sbin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import sys
-import pickle
-import traceback 
-class NullDevice():
-    def write(self, s):
-        pass
-# Prevent use of stdout, as it disrupts pickling mechanism
-old_stdout = sys.stdout
-sys.stdout = NullDevice()
-# log initialization must be done only AFTER rerouting stdout
-from gppylib import gplog
-from gppylib.mainUtils import getProgramName
-from gppylib.commands import unix
-hostname = unix.getLocalHostname()
-username = unix.getUserName()
-execname = pickle.load(sys.stdin)
-gplog.setup_tool_logging(execname, hostname, username)
-logger = gplog.get_default_logger()
-operation = pickle.load(sys.stdin)
-from gppylib.gpcoverage import GpCoverage
-coverage = GpCoverage()
-    ret =
-except Exception, e:
-    exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
-    tb_list = traceback.extract_tb(exc_traceback)
-    try:
-        # TODO: Build an ExceptionCapsule that can return the traceback
-        # to RemoteOperation as well. See Pyro.
-        # logger.exception(e)               # logging 'e' could be necessary for traceback
-        pickled_ret = pickle.dumps(e)       # Pickle exception for stdout transmission
-    except Exception, f:
-        # logger.exception(f)               # 'f' is not important to us, except for debugging perhaps
-        # No hope of pickling a precise Exception back to RemoteOperation.
-        # So, provide meaningful trace as text and provide a non-zero return code
-        # to signal to RemoteOperation that its Command invocation of has failed.
-        pretty_trace = str(e) + "\n"
-        pretty_trace += 'Traceback (most recent call last):\n'
-        pretty_trace += ''.join(traceback.format_list(tb_list))
-        logger.critical(pretty_trace)
-        print >> sys.stderr, pretty_trace
-        sys.exit(2)                         # signal that has hit unexpected error
-    pickled_ret = pickle.dumps(ret)         # Pickle return data for stdout transmission
-    coverage.stop()
-    coverage.generate_report()
-sys.stdout = old_stdout
-print pickled_ret
diff --git a/tools/sbin/ b/tools/sbin/
deleted file mode 100755
index 3c44a0e..0000000
--- a/tools/sbin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Copyright (c) Greenplum Inc 2010. All Rights Reserved. 
-This is a private script called by the Greenplum Management scripts.
-With the script you can create the gp_dbid file within a segment's data
-This script does NOT modify the configuration information stored within
-the database.
-import os
-from optparse            import OptionGroup
-from gppylib.gp_dbid     import writeGpDbidFile
-from gppylib.mainUtils   import *
-from gppylib.gpparseopts import OptParser, OptChecker
-from gppylib.gplog       import get_logger_if_verbose
-__help__ = [""]
-#------------------------------- GpSetDBId --------------------------------
-class GpSetDBId:
-    """
-    Setup a gp_dbid file for a specified directory.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, options):
-        self.__directory =
-        self.__dbid      = options.dbid
-    def run(self):
-        writeGpDbidFile(self.__directory, self.__dbid, logger=get_logger_if_verbose())
-    def cleanup(self):
-        pass
-    #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    @staticmethod
-    def createParser():
-        """
-        Constructs and returns an option parser.
-        Called by simple_main()
-        """
-        parser = OptParser(option_class=OptChecker,
-                           version='%prog version $Revision: $')
-        parser.setHelp(__help__)
-        addStandardLoggingAndHelpOptions(parser, False)
-        opts = OptionGroup(parser, "Required Options")
-        opts.add_option('-d', '--directory', type='string')
-        opts.add_option('-i', '--dbid', type='int')
-        parser.add_option_group(opts)
-        parser.set_defaults()
-        return parser
-    #-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    @staticmethod
-    def createProgram(options, args):
-        """
-        Construct and returns a GpSetDBId object.
-        Called by simple_main()
-        """
-        # sanity check
-        if len(args) > 0 :
-            raise ProgramArgumentValidationException(
-                "too many arguments: only options may be specified")
-        if not
-            raise ProgramArgumentValidationException("--directory is required")
-        if not options.dbid:
-            raise ProgramArgumentValidationException("--dbid is required")
-        return GpSetDBId(options)
-#------------------------------- Mainline --------------------------------
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    mainOptions = {
-        'suppressStartupLogMessage': True,
-        'useHelperToolLogging': True
-        }
-    simple_main(GpSetDBId.createParser,
-                GpSetDBId.createProgram,
-                mainOptions)
diff --git a/tools/sbin/ b/tools/sbin/
deleted file mode 100755
index a4285b1..0000000
--- a/tools/sbin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Line too long - pylint: disable=C0301
-# Invalid name  - pylint: disable=C0103
-  Copyright (c) EMC/Greenplum Inc 2011. All Rights Reserved.
-  Check actual contents and process state of syncmaster
-  in order to properly return accurate information back to 
-  gpinitstandby via gpstart.
-import os
-import sys
-import glob
-import time
-from gppylib.gplog    import setup_tool_logging, get_default_logger
-from gppylib.commands import gp, unix
-def matching_files(pglogdir, ignore=None, setlimit=False):
-    """
-    Generate a series of file names corresponding to files
-    in 'pglogdir' which are not in the specified 'ignore' map.
-    Note that startup.log is always returned if present.
-    If 'setlimit' is not false, files whose modification time
-    exceeds the ctime of startup.log will also be ignored.
-    """
-    mlimit = None
-    pattern = os.path.join(pglogdir, 'startup.log')
-    for path in glob.glob(pattern):
-        if setlimit:
-            mlimit = os.stat(path).st_ctime
-        yield path
-    pattern = os.path.join(pglogdir, '*.csv')
-    for path in glob.glob(pattern):
-        if ignore is not None and path in ignore:
-            continue
-        if mlimit is not None and os.stat(path).st_mtime >= mlimit:
-            continue
-        yield path
-def updated_files(pglogdir, ignore, prev):
-    """
-    Generate a series of (time, path) tuples corresponding to files
-    in 'pglogdir' and not in 'ignore' which were also modified
-    after 'prev' (or all files if 'prev' is None).
-    """
-    for path in matching_files(pglogdir, ignore):
-        ts = os.stat(path).st_mtime
-        if prev is None or prev < ts:
-            yield (ts, path)
-def updated_handles(pglogdir, ignore, prev, handles):
-    """
-    Generate a series of (time, handle) tuples corresponding to files
-    in 'pglogdir' and not in 'ignore' modified after 'prev'
-    (or all files if 'prev' is None).
-    """
-    for ts, path in updated_files(pglogdir, ignore, prev):
-        h = handles.get(path, None)
-        if h is None:
-            h = open(path, 'r')
-            handles[path] = h
-        yield (ts, h)
-class SyncmasterWatcher:
-    """
-    Watch changes to files in the pg_log directory recorded by the gpsyncmaster.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, datadir):
-        """
-        Build a map containing the existing contents of the pg_log
-        directory so that we can avoid getting confused by them
-        after we start the syncmaster.
-        """
-        self.datadir         = datadir
-        self.pglogdir        = os.path.join(self.datadir, 'pg_log')
-        # note use of setlimit=True here to prevent any files created
-        # after startup.log from becoming ignored.
-        self.ignore          = {}
-        for path in matching_files( self.pglogdir, setlimit=True ):
-            self.ignore[path] = True
-        self.handles         = {}
-        self.maxlines        = 1000
-        self.timelimit       = 10
-        self.delay           = 0.1
-    def tail_briefly(self):
-        """
-        Generate lines recently added to log files in the pg_log directory
-        updated after our __init__ constructor was called.
-        """
-        start   = time.time()                       # starting time
-        elapsed = 0                                 # time elapsed so far
-        count   = 0                                 # number of lines we've seen
-        tp      = None
-        # until we're out of time or have returned enough lines
-        while elapsed < self.timelimit and count < self.maxlines:
-            # for each file modified since we last checked
-            tn = None
-            for ts, h in updated_handles(self.pglogdir, self.ignore, tp, self.handles):
-                # track the last file modification time
-                if tn is None or tn < ts:
-                    tn = ts
-                # yield the new lines to the caller
-                while count < self.maxlines:
-                    line = h.readline()
-                    if not line:
-                        break
-                    yield line
-                    count += 1
-            # update the elapsed time
-            elapsed = time.time() - start
-            # if any new lines, update prev and keep checking for more
-            if tn is not None:
-                tp = tn
-                continue
-            # if we get here it means none of the files were updated in
-            # our last iteration. sleep a moment before checking for
-            # more updates
-            time.sleep(self.delay)
-    def monitor_logs(self):
-        """
-        Read the syncmaster log files for a few seconds, looking for 
-        potential problems.
-        Returns 0 if no problems were seen or or 1 if the startup log
-        contained an error or if the gpsyncmaster process exited before 
-        we were done watching.
-        """
-"Monitoring logs")
-        # now scan some of the syncmaster output for a moment
-        for line in self.tail_briefly():
-            if line.startswith('Traceback'):        # gpsyncmaster traceback recorded
-                logger.warning(line)
-                return 1
-            # MPP-13212 - since the syncmaster reports rejected client connections
-            #   as 'FATAL' errors, the presence of a 'FATAL' error need not indicate
-            #   a problem in the syncmaster so we comment out the following logic:
-            #
-            # if line.find('FATAL') >= 0:             # fatal error recorded
-            #     logger.warning(line)
-            #     return 1
-            #
-            # This is especially important for health monitoring clients which may
-            # rely on the difference between a rejected connection and a TCP failure.
-            if line.find('could not bind IPv4 socket') >= 0: # syncmaster used IPv6 by mistake
-                logger.warning(line)
-                return 1
-            if line.find('QDSYNC: scan forward') >= 0: # syncmaster appears to be working
-                break
-"checking if syncmaster is running")
-        pid = gp.getSyncmasterPID('localhost', self.datadir)
-        if not pid > 0:
-            logger.warning("syncmaster not running")
-            return 1
-        # syncmaster is running and there are no obvious errors in the log
-"syncmaster appears ok, pid %s" % pid)
-        return 0
-    def close(self):
-        """
-        Closes all handles to the logs we're watching.
-        """
-        for h in self.handles.values():
-            h.close()
-        self.handles = {}
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    # setup gpAdminLogs logging
-    execname = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[-1]
-    hostname = unix.getLocalHostname()
-    username = unix.getUserName()
-    setup_tool_logging(execname, hostname, username)
-    logger = get_default_logger()
-    # watch syncmaster logs
-    watcher = SyncmasterWatcher( sys.argv[1] )
-    rc = watcher.monitor_logs()
-    watcher.close()
-    # report final status
-"exiting with %s" % rc)
-    sys.exit( rc )

[2/3] incubator-hawq git commit: HAWQ-158. Remove legacy command line tools and help.

Posted by
diff --git a/tools/doc/gp_dump_help b/tools/doc/gp_dump_help
deleted file mode 100755
index d622ffc..0000000
--- a/tools/doc/gp_dump_help
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,316 +0,0 @@
-COMMAND NAME: gp_dump
-Writes out a Greenplum database to SQL script files, which can 
-then be used to restore the database using gp_restore.
-gp_dump [-a | -s] [-c] [-d] [-D] [-n <schema>] [-o] [-O] 
-[-t <table_name>] [-T table_name] 
-[-x] [-h <hostname>] 
-[-p <port>] [-U <username>] [-W] [-i] [-v] 
-[--gp-c] [--gp-d=<backup_directory>] 
-[--gp-r=<reportfile>] [--gp-s=<dbid>] <database_name> 
-gp_dump -? | --help
-gp_dump --version
-The gp_dump utility dumps the contents of a Greenplum database 
-into SQL script files, which can then be used to restore the database 
-schema and user data at a later time using gp_restore. During a dump 
-operation, users will still have full access to the database. 
-The functionality of gp_dump is analogous to PostgreSQLs pg_dump utility, 
-which writes out (or dumps) the content of a database into a script file. 
-The script file contains SQL commands that can be used to restore the 
-databases, data, and global objects such as users, groups, and access 
-The functionality of gp_dump is modified to accommodate the 
-distributed nature of a Greenplum database. Keep in mind that a database 
-in Greenplum Database is actually comprised of several PostgreSQL instances 
-(the master and all segments), each of which must be dumped individually. 
-The gp_dump utility takes care of dumping all of the individual instances 
-across the system.
-The gp_dump utility performs the following actions and produces the 
-following dump files by default:
-* Dumps CREATE DATABASE SQL statements into a file in the master data 
-  directory. The default naming convention of this file is 
-  gp_cdatabase_1_<dbid>_<timestamp>. This can be run on 
-  the master instance to recreate the user database(s).
-* Dumps the user database schema(s) into a SQL file in the master 
-  data directory. The default naming convention of this file is 
-  gp_dump_1_<dbid>_<timestamp>. This file is used by gp_restore 
-  to recreate the database schema(s).
-* Creates a dump file in the master data directory named 
-  gp_dump_1_<dbid>_<timestamp>_post_data that contains commands to 
-  rebuild objects associated with the tables.
-  When the database is restored with gp_restore, first the schema 
-  and data are restored, then the dump file is used to rebuilt 
-  the other objects associated with the tables.
-* Creates a log file in the master data directory named 
-  gp_dump_status_1_<dbid>_<timestamp>.
-* gp_dump launches a gp_dump_agent for each segment instance to be 
-  backed up. gp_dump_agent processes run on the segment hosts and report 
-  status back to the gp_dump process running on the master host. 
-* Dumps the user data for each segment instance into a SQL file in the segment 
-  instances data directory. By default, only primary (or active) segment 
-  instances are backed up. The default naming convention of this file is 
-  gp_dump_0_<dbid>_<timestamp>. This file is used by gp_restore to recreate 
-  that particular segment of user data.
-* Creates a log file in each segment instances data directory named 
-  gp_dump_status_0_<dbid>_<timestamp>. 
-Note that the 14 digit timestamp is the number that uniquely identifies the 
-backup job, and is part of the filename for each dump file created by a
-gp_dump operation. This timestamp must be passed to the gp_restore utility 
-when restoring a Greenplum database.
-Dump only the data, not the schema (data definitions).
-Dump only the object definitions (schema), not data.
-Output commands to clean (drop) database objects prior to (the commands for) 
-creating them.
-Dump data as INSERT commands (rather than COPY). This will make restoration 
-very slow; it is mainly useful for making dumps that can be loaded into 
-non-PostgreSQL based databases. Note that the restore may fail altogether 
-if you have rearranged column order. The -D option is safer, though slower. 
-Dump data as INSERT commands with explicit column names 
-(INSERT INTO table (column, ...) VALUES ...). This will make restoration 
-very slow; it is mainly useful for making dumps that can be loaded into 
-non-PostgreSQL based databases.
--n <schema>
-Dumps the contents of the named schema only. If this option is not 
-specified, all non-system schemas in the target database will be dumped.
-Caution: In this mode, gp_dump makes no attempt to dump any other 
-database objects that objects in the selected schema may depend upon. 
-Therefore, there is no guarantee that the results of a single-schema 
-dump can be successfully restored by themselves into a clean database.
-You cannot backup system catalog schemas (such as pg_catalog) with gp_dump.
-Dump object identifiers (OIDs) as part of the data for every table. 
-Use of OIDs is not recommended in Greenplum, so this option should 
-not be used if restoring data to another Greenplum Database installation.
-Do not output commands to set ownership of objects to match the 
-original database. By default, gp_dump issues ALTER OWNER or 
-SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION statements to set ownership of created 
-database objects. These statements will fail when the script is 
-run unless it is started by a superuser (or the same user that 
-owns all of the objects in the script). To make a script that can 
-be restored by any user, but will give that user ownership of all 
-the objects, specify -O.
--t table | --table=table
-Dump only tables (or views or sequences) matching the table pattern. 
-Multiple tables can be selected by writing multiple -t switches. 
-Also, the table parameter is interpreted as a pattern according to the 
-same rules used by psql�s \d commands, so multiple tables can also be 
-selected by writing wildcard characters in the pattern. When using 
-wildcards, be careful to quote the pattern if needed to prevent the 
-shell from expanding the wildcards. The -n and -N switches have no 
-effect when -t is used, because tables selected by -t will be dumped 
-regardless of those switches, and non-table objects will not be dumped.
-Note: When -t is specified, pg_dump makes no attempt to dump any other 
-database objects that the selected table(s) may depend upon. 
-Therefore, there is no guarantee that the results of a specific-table 
-dump can be successfully restored by themselves into a clean database.
-Note: -t cannot be used to specify a child table partition. To dump a 
-partitioned table, you must specify the parent table name.
--T table | --exclude-table=table
-Do not dump any tables matching the table pattern. The pattern is 
-interpreted according to the same rules as for -t. -T can be given 
-more than once to exclude tables matching any of several patterns. 
-When both -t and -T are given, the behavior is to dump just the tables 
-that match at least one -t switch but no -T switches. If -T appears 
-without -t, then tables matching -T are excluded from what is otherwise 
-a normal dump.
-Prevents the dumping of access privileges (GRANT/REVOKE commands).
--h <hostname>
-The host name of the master host. If not provided, the value of 
-$PGHOST or the local host is used.
--p <port>
-The master port. If not provided, the value of $PGPORT or the 
-port number provided at compile time is used.
--U <username>
-The database super user account name, for example bgadmin. 
-If not provided, the value of $PGUSER or the current OS 
-user name is used.
-Forces a password prompt. This will happen automatically if 
-the server requires password authentication.
-Ignores a version mismatch between gp_dump and the database server.
-Specifies verbose mode. This will cause gp_dump to output detailed 
-object comments and start/stop times to the dump file, and progress 
-messages to standard error.
-Use gzip for inline compression.
-Specifies the relative or absolute path where the backup files 
-will be placed on each host. If this is a relative path, it is 
-considered to be relative to the data directory. If the path does 
-not exist, it will be created, if possible. If not specified, 
-defaults to the data directory of each instance to be backed up. 
-Using this option may be desirable if each segment host has multiple 
-segment instances  it will create the dump files in a centralized location.
-Specifies the full path name where the backup job report file will be 
-placed on the master host. If not specified, defaults to the master 
-data directory or the current directory if running remotely.
---gp-s=<dbid> (backup certain segments)
-Specifies the set of active segment instances to back up with a 
-comma-separated list of the segments dbid. The default is to 
-backup all active segment instances.
-Required. The name of the database you want to dump. If not specified, 
-the value of $PGDATABASE will be used. The database name must be 
-stated last after all other options have been specified.
--? | --help
-Displays the online help.
-Displays the version of this script.
-Back up a database:
-gp_dump gpdb
-Back up a database, and create dump files in a centralized 
-location on all hosts:
-gp_dump --gp-d=/home/gpadmin/backups gpdb
-Back up the specified schema only:
-gp_dump -n myschema mydatabase
-gp_restore, gprebuildsystem, gprebuildseg
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index 2081d09..0000000
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-COMMAND NAME: gp_restore
-Restores Greenplum Database databases that were backed up using gp_dump.
-gp_restore --gp-k=<timestamp_key> -d <database_name> [-a | -s] [-i] 
-[-v] [-c] [-h <hostname>] [-p <port>] [-U <username>] [-W] 
-[--gp-c] [--gp-i] [--gp-d=<directoryname>] [--gp-r=<reportfile>] 
-gp_restore -? | -h | --help 
-gp_restore --version
-The gp_restore utility recreates the data definitions (schema) and 
-user data in a Greenplum Database database using the script files created 
-by an gp_dump operation. The use of this script assumes:
-1. You have backup files created by an gp_dump operation.
-2. Your Greenplum Database system up and running.
-3. Your Greenplum Database system has the exact same number of segment 
-   instances as the system that was backed up using gp_dump. 
-4. (optional) The gp_restore script uses the information in 
-   the Greenplum system catalog tables to determine the hosts, ports, 
-   and data directories for the segment instances it is restoring. If 
-   you want to change any of this information (for example, move the 
-   system to a different array of hosts) you must use the gprebuildsystem 
-   and gprebuildseg scripts to reconfigure your array before restoring.
-5. The databases you are restoring have been created in the system.
-The functionality of gp_restore is analogous to PostgreSQL pg_restore 
-utility, which restores a database from files created by the database 
-backup process. It issues the commands necessary to reconstruct the database 
-to the state it was in at the time it was saved.
-The functionality of gp_restore is modified to accommodate the
-distributed nature of a Greenplum Database database, and to use files 
-created by an gp_dump operation. Keep in mind that a database in 
-Greenplum is actually comprised of several PostgreSQL instances (the master 
-and all segments), each of which must be restored individually. 
-The gp_restore utility takes care of populating each segment in the 
-system with its own distinct portion of data.
-The gp_restore utility performs the following actions:
-* Creates the user database schema(s) using the 
-  gp_dump_1_<dbid>_<timestamp> SQL file created by gp_dump.
-* Creates a log file in the master data directory named 
-  gp_restore_status_1_<dbid>_<timestamp>.
-* gp_restore launches a gp_restore_agent for each segment instance 
-  to be restored. gp_restore_agent processes run on the segment hosts 
-  and report status back to the gp_restore process running on the 
-  master host. 
-* Restores the user data for each segment instance using the 
-  gp_dump_0_<dbid>_<timestamp> files created by gp_dump. Each 
-  segment instance on a host (primary and mirror instances) are restored.
-* Creates a log file for each segment instance named 
-  gp_restore_status_0_<dbid>_<timestamp>.
-Note that the 14 digit timestamp is the number that uniquely identifies 
-the backup job to be restored, and is part of the filename for each 
-dump file created by a gp_dump operation. This timestamp must be passed 
-to the gp_restore utility when restoring a Greenplum Database database.
-Required. The 14 digit timestamp key that uniquely identifies the 
-backup set of data to restore. This timestamp can be found in the gp_dump 
-log file output, as well as at the end of the dump files created by a 
-gp_dump operation. It is of the form YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.
--d <database_name>
-Required. The name of the database to connect to in order to restore 
-the user data. The database(s) you are restoring must exist, gp_restore 
-does not create the database.
-Ignores a version mismatch between gp_restore and the database server.
-Specifies verbose mode.
-Restore only the data, not the schema (data definitions).
-Clean (drop) database objects before recreating them.
-Restores only the schema (data definitions), no user data is restored.
--h <hostname>
-The host name of the master host. If not provided, the value of PGHOST 
-or the local host is used.
--p <port>
-The master port. If not provided, the value of PGPORT or 
-the port number provided at compile time is used.
--U <username>
-The database super user account name, for example bgadmin. If not 
-provided, the value of PGUSER or the current OS user name is used.
-Forces a password prompt. This will happen automatically if the 
-server requires password authentication.
-Use gunzip for inline decompression.
-Specifies that processing should ignore any errors that occur. Use 
-this option to continue restore processing on errors.
-Specifies the relative or absolute path to backup files on the hosts. 
-If this is a relative path, it is considered to be relative to the data 
-directory. If not specified, defaults to the data directory of each instance 
-being restored. Use this option if you created your backup files in an 
-alternate location when running gp_dump.
-Specifies the full path name where the restore job report file will 
-be placed on the master host. If not specified, defaults to the 
-master data directory.
-Specifies whether to check for backup files on (a)ll segment instances 
-or only on (p)rimary segment instances. The default is to check for 
-primary segment backup files only, and then recreate the corresponding 
-Restore a Greenplum database using backup files created by gp_dump:
-gp_restore --gp-k=2005103112453 -d gpdb
-gp_dump, gprebuildsystem, gprebuildseg
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index 5ee2089..0000000
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-COMMAND NAME: gpaddmirrors
-Adds mirror segments to a Greenplum Database system that was 
-initially configured without mirroring.
-gpaddmirrors [-p <port_offset>] [-m <datadir_config_file> [-a]] [-s] 
-             [-d <master_data_directory>] [-B <parallel_processes>] 
-             [-l <logfile_directory>] [-v]
-gpaddmirrors -i <mirror_config_file> [-s] [-a] 
-             [-d <master_data_directory>] [-B <parallel_processes>] 
-             [-l <logfile_directory>] [-v]
-gpaddmirrors -o <output_sample_mirror_config> [-m <datadir_config_file>]
-gpaddmirrors -? 
-gpaddmirrors --version
-The gpaddmirrors utility configures mirror segment instances for an 
-existing Greenplum Database system that was initially configured with 
-primary segment instances only. The utility will create the mirror 
-instances and begin the online replication process between the primary 
-and mirror segment instances. Once all mirrors are synchronized with 
-their primaries, your Greenplum Database system is fully data redundant.
-By default, the utility will prompt you for the file system location(s) 
-where it will create the mirror segment data directories. If you do not 
-want to be prompted, you can pass in a file containing the file system 
-locations using the -m option.
-The mirror locations and ports must be different than your primary 
-segment data locations and ports. If you have created additional filespaces, 
-you will also be prompted for mirror locations for each of your filespaces.
-The utility will create a unique data directory for each mirror segment 
-instance in the specified location using the predefined naming convention. 
-There must be the same number of file system locations declared for mirror 
-segment instances as for primary segment instances. It is OK to specify 
-the same directory name multiple times if you want your mirror data 
-directories created in the same location, or you can enter a different 
-data location for each mirror. Enter the absolute path. For example:
-Enter mirror segment data directory location 1 of 2 > /gpdb/mirror
-Enter mirror segment data directory location 2 of 2 > /gpdb/mirror
-Enter mirror segment data directory location 1 of 2 > /gpdb/m1
-Enter mirror segment data directory location 2 of 2 > /gpdb/m2
-Alternatively, you can run the gpaddmirrors utility and supply a 
-detailed configuration file using the -i option. This is useful if 
-you want your mirror segments on a completely different set of hosts 
-than your primary segments. The format of the mirror configuration file is:
-For example (if you do not have additional filespaces configured 
-besides the default pg_system filespace):
-The gp_segment_configuration, pg_filespace, and pg_filespace_entry 
-system catalog tables can help you determine your current primary 
-segment configuration so that you can plan your mirror segment 
-configuration. For example, run the following query:
-=# SELECT dbid, content, address as host_address, port, 
-   replication_port, fselocation as datadir 
-   FROM gp_segment_configuration, pg_filespace_entry 
-   WHERE dbid=fsedbid 
-   ORDER BY dbid;
-If creating your mirrors on alternate mirror hosts, the new 
-mirror segment hosts must be pre-installed with the Greenplum 
-Database software and configured exactly the same as the 
-existing primary segment hosts. 
-You must make sure that the user who runs gpaddmirrors (the 
-gpadmin user) has permissions to write to the data directory 
-locations specified. You may want to create these directories 
-on the segment hosts and chown them to the appropriate user 
-before running gpaddmirrors.
--a (do not prompt)
- Run in quiet mode - do not prompt for information. Must supply 
- a configuration file with either -m or -i if this option is used.
--B <parallel_processes>
- The number of mirror setup processes to start in parallel. If 
- not specified, the utility will start up to 10 parallel processes 
- depending on how many mirror segment instances it needs to set up.
--d <master_data_directory>
- The master data directory. If not specified, the value set for 
- $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY will be used.
--i <mirror_config_file>
- A configuration file containing one line for each mirror segment 
- you want to create. You must have one mirror segment listed for 
- each primary segment in the system. The format of this file is as 
- follows (as per attributes in the gp_segment_configuration, 
- pg_filespace, and pg_filespace_entry catalog tables):
-   filespaceOrder=[<filespace1_fsname>[:<filespace2_fsname>:...]
-   mirror<content>=<content>:<address>:<port>:<mir_replication_port>:<pri_replication_port>:<fselocation>[:<fselocation>:...]
- Note that you only need to specify a name for filespaceOrder if 
- your system has multiple filespaces configured. If your system does 
- not have additional filespaces configured besides the default pg_system 
- filespace, this file will only have one location per segment (for 
- the default data directory filespace, pg_system). pg_system does 
- not need to be listed in the filespaceOrder line. It will always be 
- the first <fselocation> listed after <replication_port>.
--l <logfile_directory>
- The directory to write the log file. Defaults to ~/gpAdminLogs.
--m <datadir_config_file>
- A configuration file containing a list of file system locations where 
- the mirror data directories will be created. If not supplied, the 
- utility will prompt you for locations. Each line in the file specifies 
- a mirror data directory location. For example:
-   /gpdata/m1
-   /gpdata/m2
-   /gpdata/m3
-   /gpdata/m4
- If your system has additional filespaces configured in addition to the 
- default pg_system filespace, you must also list file system locations 
- for each filespace as follows:
-    filespace filespace1
-    /gpfs1/m1
-    /gpfs1/m2
-    /gpfs1/m3
-    /gpfs1/m4
--o <output_sample_mirror_config>
- If you are not sure how to lay out the mirror configuration file 
- used by the -i option, you can run gpaddmirrors with this option 
- to generate a sample mirror configuration file based on your 
- primary segment configuration. The utility will prompt you for 
- your mirror segment data directory locations (unless you provide 
- these in a file using -m). You can then edit this file to change 
- the host names to alternate mirror hosts if necessary.
--p <port_offset>
- Optional. This number is used to calculate the database ports 
- and replication ports used for mirror segments. The default offset 
- is 1000. Mirror port assignments are calculated as follows: 
-	primary port + offset = mirror database port
-	primary port + (2 * offset) = mirror replication port
-	primary port + (3 * offset) = primary replication port
- For example, if a primary segment has port 50001, then its mirror 
- will use a database port of 51001, a mirror replication port of 
- 52001, and a primary replication port of 53001 by default.
--s (spread mirrors)
- Spreads the mirror segments across the available hosts. The 
- default is to group a set of mirror segments together on an 
- alternate host from their primary segment set. Mirror spreading 
- will place each mirror on a different host within the Greenplum 
- Database array. Spreading is only allowed if there is a sufficient 
- number of hosts in the array (number of hosts is greater than 
- or equal to the number of segment instances per host).
--v (verbose)
- Sets logging output to verbose.
---version (show utility version)
- Displays the version of this utility.
--? (help)
- Displays the online help.
-Add mirroring to an existing Greenplum Database system using 
-the same set of hosts as your primary data. Calculate the mirror 
-database and replication ports by adding 100 to the current 
-primary segment port numbers:
-  $ gpaddmirrors -p 100
-Add mirroring to an existing Greenplum Database system using a 
-different set of hosts from your primary data:
-$ gpaddmirrors -i mirror_config_file
-Where the mirror_config_file looks something like this (if you do not 
-have additional filespaces configured besides the default pg_system 
-Output a sample mirror configuration file to use with gpaddmirrors -i:
-  $ gpaddmirrors -o /home/gpadmin/sample_mirror_config
-gpinitsystem, gpinitstandby, gpactivatestandby
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-COMMAND NAME: gpbitmapreindex
-Rebuilds bitmap indexes after a 3.3.x to 4.0.x upgrade.
-gpbitmapreindex -m { r | d | {l [-o <output_sql_file>]} }
-                [-h <master_host>] [-p <master_port>] 
-                [-n <number_of_processes>] [-v]
-gpmigrator --version
-gpmigrator --help | -?
-The on-disk format of bitmap indexes has changed from release 
-3.3.x to 4.0.x. Users who upgrade must rebuild all bitmap indexes 
-after upgrading to 4.0. The gpbitmapreindex utility facilitates the 
-upgrade of bitmap indexes by either running the REINDEX command to 
-reindex them, or running the DROP INDEX command to simply remove them. 
-If you decide to drop your bitmap indexes rather than reindex, 
-run gpbitmapreindex in list --outfile mode first to output a SQL file 
-that you can use to recreate the indexes later. You must be the 
-Greenplum Database superuser (gpadmin) in order to run gpbitmapreindex.
--h <host> | --host <host>
-Specifies the host name of the machine on which the Greenplum 
-master database server is running. If not specified, reads from 
-the environment variable PGHOST or defaults to localhost.
--m {r|d|l} | --mode {reindex|drop|list}
-Required. The bitmap index upgrade mode: either reindex, drop, 
-or list all bitmap indexes in the system.
--n <number_of_processes> | --parallel <number_of_processes>
-The number of bitmap indexes to reindex or drop in parallel. 
-Valid values are 1-16. The default is 1.
--o <output_sql_file> | --outfile <output_sql_file>
-When used with list mode, outputs a SQL file that can be 
-used to recreate the bitmap indexes.
--p <port> | --port <port>
-Specifies the TCP port on which the Greenplum master database 
-server is listening for connections. If not specified, reads from 
-the environment variable PGPORT or defaults to 5432.
--v | --verbose
-Show verbose output.
-Displays the version of this utility. 
--? | --help
-Displays the online help.
-Reindex all bitmap indexes:
-     gpbitmapreindex -m r
-Output a file of SQL commands that can be used to recreate all 
-bitmap indexes:
-     gpbitmapreindex -m list --outfile /home/gpadmin/bmp_ix.sql
-Drop all bitmap indexes and run in verbose mode:
-     gpbitmapreindex -m d -v
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-<?xml version="1.0"?>
- 	<sysctlConf>
-        	<param>net.ipv4.ip_forward</param>
-        	<value>0</value>
- 	</sysctlConf>
- 	<sysctlConf>
-		<param>net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle</param>
-        	<value>1</value>
- 	</sysctlConf>
- 	<sysctlConf>
-		<param>kernel.sem</param>
-        	<value>250  64000  100  512</value>
- 	</sysctlConf>
- 	<sysctlConf>
-		<param>kernel.shmall</param>
-        	<value>4000000000</value>
- 	</sysctlConf>
- 	<sysctlConf>
-		<param>kernel.shmmni</param>
-        	<value>4096</value>
- 	</sysctlConf>
- 	<sysctlConf>
-		<param>kernel.shmmax</param>
-		<value>500000000</value>
- 	</sysctlConf>
- 	<sysctlConf>
-		<param>kernel.msgmax</param>
-		<value>65536</value>
- 	</sysctlConf>
- 	<sysctlConf>
-	  	<param>kernel.msgmnb</param>
-		<value>65536</value>
- 	</sysctlConf>
- 	<sysctlConf>
-		<param>net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies</param>
-        	<value>1</value>
- 	</sysctlConf>
- 	<sysctlConf>
-		<param>kernel.core_uses_pid</param>
-        	<value>1</value>
- 	</sysctlConf>
- 	<sysctlConf>
-        	<param>net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route</param>
-        	<value>0</value>
- 	</sysctlConf>
-		<param>net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog</param>
-        	<value>1</value>
- 	<sysctlConf>
-		<param>net.core.netdev_max_backlog</param>
-        	<value>10000</value>
- 	</sysctlConf>
- 	<sysctlConf>
-		<param>vm.overcommit_memory</param>
-        	<value>2</value>
- 	</sysctlConf>
- 	<sysctlConf>
-		<param>kernel.sysrq</param>
-        	<value>0</value>
- 	</sysctlConf>
-        <limitsConf>
- 		<limit>nofile</limit>
-		<softValue>* soft nofile 65536</softValue>
-		<hardValue>* hard  nofile 65536</hardValue>
-	</limitsConf>
-        <limitsConf>
- 		<limit>nproc</limit>
-		<softValue>* soft  nproc 131072</softValue>
-		<hardValue>* hard  nproc 131072</hardValue>
-	</limitsConf>
-        <blockDev>
-            	<target>/dev/sd?</target> 
-                <operation>setra</operation>
-		<opValue>16384</opValue>
-        </blockDev>
-        <grub>
- 		<appendValue>elevator=deadline</appendValue>
-        </grub>
-  	<Dell>
-             <model>PowerEdge R710</model>
-  	</Dell>
-  	<hp>
-             <model>ProLiant DL185</model>
-             <ctrlUtil>/usr/sbin/hpacucli</ctrlUtil>
-  	</hp>
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-COMMAND NAME: gpcheckos
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index f3bf009..0000000
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-COMMAND NAME: gpcrondump
-A wrapper utility for gp_dump, which can be called directly or 
-from a crontab entry.
-gpcrondump -x <database_name> 
-     [-s <schema> | -t <schema>.<table> | -T <schema>.<table>] 
-     [--table-file="<filename>" | --exclude-table-file="<filename>"] 
-     [-u <backup_directory>] [-R <post_dump_script>] 
-     [-c] [-z] [-r] [-f <free_space_percent>] [-b] [-h] [-j | -k] 
-     [-g] [-G] [-C] [-d <master_data_directory>] [-B <parallel_processes>] 
-     [-a] [-q] [-y <reportfile>] [-l <logfile_directory>] [-v]
-     { [-E <encoding>] [--inserts | --column-inserts] [--oids] 
-       [--no-owner | --use-set-session-authorization] 
-       [--no-privileges] [--rsyncable]
-gpcrondump -o
-gpcrondump -? 
-gpcrondump --version
-gpcrondump is a wrapper utility for gp_dump. By default, dump files are 
-created in their respective master and segment data directories in a 
-directory named db_dumps/YYYYMMDD. The data dump files are compressed 
-by default using gzip.
-gpcrondump allows you to schedule routine backups of a Greenplum database 
-using cron (a scheduling utility for UNIX operating systems). Cron jobs 
-that call gpcrondump should be scheduled on the master host.
-gpcrondump is used to schedule Data Domain Boost backup and restore 
-operations. gpcrondump is also used to set or remove one-time 
-credentials for Data Domain Boost.
-Return Codes
-The following is a list of the codes that gpcrondump returns.
-   0 - Dump completed with no problems
-   1 - Dump completed, but one or more warnings were generated
-   2 - Dump failed with a fatal error
-To have gpcrondump send out status email notifications, you must place 
-a file named mail_contacts in the home directory of the Greenplum 
-superuser (gpadmin) or in the same directory as the gpcrondump utility 
-($GPHOME/bin). This file should contain one email address per line. 
-gpcrondump will issue a warning if it cannot locate a mail_contacts file 
-in either location. If both locations have a mail_contacts file, then 
-the one in $HOME takes precedence.
--a (do not prompt)
- Do not prompt the user for confirmation.
--b (bypass disk space check)
- Bypass disk space check. The default is to check for available disk space.
- Note: Bypassing the disk space check generates a warning message. 
- With a warning message, the return code for gpcrondump is 1 if the 
- dump is successful. (If the dump fails, the return code is 2, in all cases.)
--B <parallel_processes>
- The number of segments to check in parallel for pre/post-dump validation. 
- If not specified, the utility will start up to 60 parallel processes 
- depending on how many segment instances it needs to dump.
--c (clear old dump files first)
- Clear out old dump files before doing the dump. The default is not to 
- clear out old dump files. This will remove all old dump directories in 
- the db_dumps directory, except for the dump directory of the current date.
--C (clean old catalog dumps)
- Clean out old catalog schema dump files prior to create.
- Dump data as INSERT commands with column names.
--d <master_data_directory>
- The master host data directory. If not specified, the value 
- set for $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY will be used.
--E encoding
- Character set encoding of dumped data. Defaults to the encoding of 
- the database being dumped.
--f <free_space_percent>
- When doing the check to ensure that there is enough free disk space to 
- create the dump files, specifies a percentage of free disk space that 
- should remain after the dump completes. The default is 10 percent.
--g (copy config files)
- Secure a copy of the master and segment configuration files 
- postgresql.conf, pg_ident.conf, and pg_hba.conf. These 
- configuration files are dumped in the master or segment data 
- directory to db_dumps/YYYYMMDD/config_files_<timestamp>.tar
--G (dump global objects)
- Use pg_dumpall to dump global objects such as roles and tablespaces. 
- Global objects are dumped in the master data directory to 
- db_dumps/YYYYMMDD/gp_global_1_1_<timestamp>.
--h (record dump details)
-  Record details of database dump in database table
-  public.gpcrondump_history in database supplied via 
-  -x option. Utility will create table if it does not
-  currently exist.
- Dump data as INSERT, rather than COPY commands.
--j (vacuum before dump)
- Run VACUUM before the dump starts.
--k (vacuum after dump)
- Run VACUUM after the dump has completed successfully.
--l <logfile_directory>
- The directory to write the log file. Defaults to ~/gpAdminLogs.
- Do not output commands to set object ownership.
- Do not output commands to set object privileges (GRANT/REVOKE commands).
--o (clear old dump files only)
- Clear out old dump files only, but do not run a dump. This will remove 
- the oldest dump directory except the current date's dump directory. 
- All dump sets within that directory will be removed.
- Include object identifiers (oid) in dump data.
--q (no screen output)
- Run in quiet mode. Command output is not displayed on the screen, 
- but is still written to the log file.
--r (rollback on failure)
- Rollback the dump files (delete a partial dump) if a failure 
- is detected. The default is to not rollback.
--R <post_dump_script>
- The absolute path of a script to run after a successful dump operation. 
- For example, you might want a script that moves completed dump files 
- to a backup host. This script must reside in the same location on 
- the master and all segment hosts.
- Passes the --rsyncable flag to the gpzip utility to synchronize
- the output occasionally, based on the input during compression.
- This synchronization increases the file size by less than 1% in
- most cases. When this flag is passed, the rsync(1) program can
- synchronize compressed files much more efficiently. The gunzip
- utility cannot differentiate between a compressed file created
- with this option, and one created without it.  
--s <schema_name>
- Dump only the named schema in the named database.
--t <schema>.<table_name>
- Dump only the named table in this database.
- The -t option can be specified multiple times.
--T <schema>.<table_name>
- A table name to exclude from the database dump. 
- The -T option can be specified multiple times.
-  Exclude all tables listed in <filename> from the 
-  database dump. The file <filename> contains any 
-  number of tables, listed one per line.
-  Dump only the tables listed in <filename>.
-  The file <filename> contains any 
-  number of tables, listed one per line.
--u <backup_directory>
- Specifies the absolute path where the backup files will be 
- placed on each host. If the path does not exist, it will be 
- created, if possible. If not specified, defaults to the data 
- directory of each instance to be backed up. Using this option 
- may be desirable if each segment host has multiple segment 
- instances as it will create the dump files in a centralized 
- location rather than the segment data directories.
- commands to set object ownership.
--v | --verbose
- Specifies verbose mode.
---version (show utility version)
- Displays the version of this utility.
--x <database_name>
- Required. The name of the Greenplum database to dump.
- Multiple databases can be specified in a comma-separated list.
--y <reportfile>
- Specifies the full path name where the backup job log file will 
- be placed on the master host. If not specified, defaults to the 
- master data directory or if running remotely, the current working 
- directory.
--z (no compression)
- Do not use compression. Default is to compress the dump files 
- using gzip.
- We recommend using this option for NFS and Data Dommain 
- Boost backups.
--? (help)
- Displays the online help.
-Call gpcrondump directly and dump mydatabase (and global objects):
-  gpcrondump -x mydatabase -c -g -G
-A crontab entry that runs a backup of the sales database 
-(and global objects) nightly at one past midnight:
-  01 0 * * * /home/gpadmin/ >> gpdump.log
-The content of dump script is:
-  #!/bin/bash
-  export GPHOME=/usr/local/greenplum-db
-  export MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY=/data/gpdb_p1/gp-1
-  . $GPHOME/  
-  gpcrondump -x sales -c -g -G -a -q 
-gp_dump, gpdbrestore
diff --git a/tools/doc/gpdbrestore_help b/tools/doc/gpdbrestore_help
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cfd7d1..0000000
--- a/tools/doc/gpdbrestore_help
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-COMMAND NAME: gpdbrestore
-A wrapper utility around gp_restore. Restores a database from 
-a set of dump files generated by gpcrondump.
-gpdbrestore { -t <timestamp_key> [-L] 
-              | -b YYYYMMDD 
-              | -R <hostname>:<path_to_dumpset> 
-              | -s <database_name> } 
-     [-T <schema>.<table> [,...]] [-e] [-G] [-B <parallel_processes>] 
-     [-d <master_data_directory>] [-a] [-q] [-l <logfile_directory>] 
-     [-v]
-gpdbrestore -? 
-gpdbrestore --version
-gpdbrestore is a wrapper around gp_restore, which provides some 
-convenience and flexibility in restoring from a set of backup 
-files created by gpcrondump. This utility provides the following 
-additional functionality on top of gp_restore:
-* Automatically reconfigures for compression. 
-* Validates the number of dump files are correct (For primary 
-  only, mirror only, primary and mirror, or a subset consisting 
-  of some mirror and primary segment dump files). 
-* If a failed segment is detected, restores to active segment instances.
-* Do not need to know the complete timestamp key (-t) of the backup 
-  set to restore. Additional options are provided to instead give 
-  just a date (-b), backup set directory location (-R), or 
-  database name (-s) to restore.
-* The -R option allows the ability to restore from a backup set 
-  located on a host outside of the Greenplum Database array 
-  (archive host). Ensures that the correct dump file goes to the 
-  correct segment instance.
-* Identifies the database name automatically from the backup set.
-* Allows you to restore particular tables only (-T option) instead 
-  of the entire database. Note that single tables are not automatically 
-  dropped or truncated prior to restore.
-* Can restore global objects such as roles and tablespaces (-G option).
-* Detects if the backup set is primary segments only or primary 
-  and mirror segments and passes the appropriate options to gp_restore.
-* Allows you to drop the target database before a restore in a 
-  single operation. 
-Error Reporting
-gpdbrestore does not report errors automatically. After the restore 
-is completed, check the report status files to verify that there 
-are no errors. The restore status files are stored in the 
-db_dumps/<date>/ directory by default. 
--a (do not prompt)
- Do not prompt the user for confirmation.
- Looks for dump files in the segment data directories on the 
- Greenplum Database array of hosts in db_dumps/YYYYMMDD.
--B <parallel_processes>
- The number of segments to check in parallel for pre/post-restore 
- validation. If not specified, the utility will start up to 60 
- parallel processes depending on how many segment instances it 
- needs to restore.
--d <master_data_directory>
- Optional. The master host data directory. If not specified, the 
- value set for $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY will be used.
--e (drop target database before restore)
- Drops the target database before doing the restore and then recreates it.
--G (restore global objects)
- Restores global objects such as roles and tablespaces if the global 
- object dump file db_dumps/<date>/gp_global_1_1_<timestamp> is found 
- in the master data directory.
--l <logfile_directory>
- The directory to write the log file. Defaults to ~/gpAdminLogs.
--L (list tablenames in backup set)
- When used with the -t option, lists the table names that exist in 
- the named backup set and exits. Does not do a restore.
--q (no screen output)
- Run in quiet mode. Command output is not displayed on the screen, 
- but is still written to the log file.
--R <hostname>:<path_to_dumpset>
- Allows you to provide a hostname and full path to a set of dump 
- files. The host does not have to be in the Greenplum Database array 
- of hosts, but must be accessible from the Greenplum master.
--s <database_name>
- Looks for latest set of dump files for the given database name in 
- the segment data directories db_dumps directory on the Greenplum 
- Database array of hosts.
--t <timestamp_key>
- The 14 digit timestamp key that uniquely identifies a backup set 
- of data to restore. It is of the form YYYYMMDDHHMMSS. Looks for 
- dump files matching this timestamp key in the segment data 
- directories db_dumps directory on the Greenplum Database array of hosts.
--T <schema>.<table_name>
- A comma-separated list of specific table names to restore. The 
- named table(s) must exist in the backup set of the database being 
- restored. Existing tables are not automatically truncated before 
- data is restored from backup. If your intention is to replace 
- existing data in the table from backup, truncate the table prior 
- to running gpdbrestore -T.
--v | --verbose
-  Specifies verbose mode.
---version (show utility version)
- Displays the version of this utility.
--? (help)
- Displays the online help.
-Restore the sales database from the latest backup files generated 
-by gpcrondump (assumes backup files are in the segment data 
-directories in db_dumps):
-  gpdbrestore -s sales
-Restore a database from backup files that reside on an archive 
-host outside the Greenplum Database array (command issued on the 
-Greenplum master host):
-  gpdbrestore -R archivehostname:/data_p1/db_dumps/20080214
-Restore global objects only (roles and tablespaces):
-  gpdbrestore -G
-gpcrondump, gp_restore
diff --git a/tools/doc/gpdeletesystem_help b/tools/doc/gpdeletesystem_help
deleted file mode 100755
index afb19ad..0000000
--- a/tools/doc/gpdeletesystem_help
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-COMMAND NAME: gpdeletesystem
-Deletes a Greenplum Database system that was initialized 
-using gpinitsystem.
-gpdeletesystem -d <master_data_directory> [-B <parallel_processes>] 
-[-f] [-l <logfile_directory>] [-D] 
-gpdeletesystem -? 
-gpdeletesystem -v
-The gpdeletesystem script will perform the following actions:
-* Stop all postmaster processes (the segment instances and master instance).
-* Delete all data directories.
-Before runing this script, you should move any backup files 
-(created by gp_dump) out of the master and segment data directories.
-This script will not uninstall the Greenplum Database software.
--d <master_data_directory>
-Required. The master host data directory.
--B <parallel_processes>
-The number of segments to delete in parallel. If not specified, the 
-script will start up to 60 parallel processes depending on how many 
-segment instances it needs to delete.
--f (force)
-Force a delete even if backup files are found in the data directories. 
-The default is to not delete Greenplum Database instances if backup 
-files (created by gp_dump) are present.
--l <logfile_directory>
-The directory to write the log file. Defaults to ~/gpAdminLogs.
--D (debug)
-Sets logging level to debug.
--? (help)
-Displays the online help.
--v (show script version)
-Displays the version, status, last updated date, and check sum of this script.
-Delete a Greenplum Database system:
-gpdeletesystem -d /gpdata/gp-1
-Delete a Greenplum Database system even if backup files are present:
-gpdeletesystem -d /gpdata/gp-1 -f
-gpinitsystem, gp_dump
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deleted file mode 100644
index 2b8b2f9..0000000
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-COMMAND NAME: gpdetective
-Collects diagnostic information from a running HAWQ system.
-gpdetective [-h <hostname>] [-p <port>] [-U <username>] [-P <password>] 
-            [--start_date <number_of_days> | <YYYY-MM-DD>] 
-            [--end_date <YYYY-MM-DD>]
-            [--diagnostics a|n|s|o|c] 
-            [--logs a|n|<dbid>[,<dbid>,... | -<dbid>]] 
-            [--cores t|f]
-            [--pg_dumpall t|f] [--pg_dump_options <option>[,...]] 
-            [--tempdir <temp_dir>] 
-            [--connect t|f]
-gpdetective -?
-gpdetective -v
-The gpdetective utility collects information from a running HAWQ 
-system and creates a bzip2-compressed tar output file. This 
-output file can then be sent to Greenplum Customer Support to help with 
-the diagnosis of HAWQ errors or system failures. The 
-gpdetective utility runs the following diagnostic tests:
-  * gpstate to check the system status
-  * gpcheckos to verify the recommended OS settings on all hosts
-  * gpcheckcat and gpcheckdb to check the system catalog tables 
-    for inconsistencies
-gpdetective captures the following files and HAWQ system information:
-  * postgresql.conf configuration files
-  * log files (master and segments)
-  * HAWQ system configuration information
-  * (optional) Core files
-  * (optional) Schema DDL dumps for all databases and global objects 
-A bzip2-compressed tar output file containing this information is created 
-in the current directory with a file name of gpdetective<timestamp>.tar.bz2.
---connect t|f
-  Specifies if gpdetective should connect to the database to obtain 
-  system information. The default is true (t). If false (f), 
-  gpdetective only gathers information it can obtain without making 
-  a connection to the database. This information includes (from the
-  master host):
-  * Log files
-  * The <master_data_directory>/postgresql.conf file
-  * The ~/gpAdminLogs directory
-  * gpcheckos output
-  * Core files
---cores t|f 
-  Determines whether or not the utility retrieves core files. The 
-  default is true (t).
---diagnostics a|n|s|o|c
-  Specifies the diagnostic tests to run: all (a), none (n), 
-  operating system (o) diagnostics, or catalog (c) diagnostics. 
-  The default is all (a).
---end_date YYYY-MM-DD
-  Sets the end date for the diagnostic information collected. The 
-  collected information ends at 00:00:00 of the specified date. 
--h hostname
-  The host name of the machine on which the HAWQ master 
-  database server is running. If not specified, reads from the 
-  environment variable PGHOST or defaults to localhost.
---logs a|n|dbid_list
-  Specifies which log file(s) to retrieve: all (a), none (n), a 
-  comma separated list of segment dbid numbers, or a range of dbid 
-  numbers divided by a dash (-) (for example, 3-6 retrieves logs 
-  from segments 3, 4, 5, and 6). The default is all (a).
--P password
-  If HAWQ is configured to use password authentication, 
-  you must also supply the database superuser password. If not specified, 
-  reads from ~/.pgpass if it exists.
---pg_dumpall t|f
-  Determines whether or not the utility runs pg_dumpall to collect 
-  schema DDL for all databases and global objects. The default is true (t).
---pg_dump_options option[,...]
-  If --pg_dumpall is true, specifies a comma separated list of dump 
-  options to use when the pg_dumpall utility is called. See pg_dumpall 
-  for a valid list of dump options.
--p port
-  The TCP port on which the HAWQ master server is listening 
-  for connections. If not specified, reads from the environment variable 
-  PGPORT or defaults to 5432.
---start_date number_of_days | YYYY-MM-DD
-  Sets the start date for the diagnostic information collected. Specify 
-  either the number of days prior, or an explicit past date.
---tempdir temp_dir
-  Specifies the temporary directory used by gpdetective. The default 
-  value is determined by the $TEMP, $TMP and $TMPDIR environment variables.
--U gp_superuser
-  The HAWQ superuser role name to connect as (typically gpadmin). 
-  If not specified, reads from the environment variable PGUSER or 
-  defaults to the current system user name.
--v (show utility version)
-  Displays the version of this utility.
--? (help)
-  Displays the utility usage and syntax.
-Collect all diagnostic information for a HAWQ system 
-and supply the required connection information for the master host:
-  gpdetective -h mdw -p 54320 -U gpadmin -P mypassword
-Run diagnostics and collect all logs and system information for the 
-past two days:
-  gpdetective --start_date 2
-To collect the log files of the master and segment without 
-diagnostic tests or schema dumps:
-  gpdetective --diagnostics n --logs -1,3 --pg_dumpall f
-gpstate, gpcheckos, pg_dumpall
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index 739e0fb..0000000
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@@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
-COMMAND NAME: gpinitstandby
-Adds and/or initializes a standby master host for a Greenplum Database system.
-gpinitstandby { -s <standby_hostname> | -r | -n } 
-              [-M smart | -M fast] [-a] [-q] [-D] [-L]
-              [-l <logfile_directory>]
-gpinitstandby -? | -v
-The gpinitstandby utility adds a backup master host to your 
-Greenplum Database system. If your system has an existing backup 
-master host configured, use the -r option to remove it before adding 
-the new standby master host. 
-Before running this utility, make sure 
-that the Greenplum Database software is installed on the backup master 
-host and that you have exchanged SSH keys between hosts. Also make sure 
-that the master port is set to the same port number on the master host 
-and the backup master host. This utility should be run on the currently 
-active primary master host.
-The utility will perform the following steps:
-* Shutdown your Greenplum Database system
-* Update the Greenplum Database system catalog to remove the 
-  existing backup master host information (if the -r option is supplied) 
-* Update the Greenplum Database system catalog to add the new backup 
-  master host information (use the -n option to skip this step)
-* Edit the pg_hba.conf files of the segment instances to allow access 
-  from the newly added standby master.
-* Setup the backup master instance on the alternate master host
-* Start the synchronization process
-* Restart your Greenplum Database system
-A backup master host serves as a 'warm standby' in the event of the 
-primary master host becoming unoperational. The backup master is kept 
-up to date by a transaction log replication process (gpsyncagent), 
-which runs on the backup master host and keeps the data between the 
-primary and backup master hosts synchronized. If the primary master 
-fails, the log replication process is shutdown, and the backup master 
-can be activated in its place by using the gpactivatestandby utility. 
-Upon activation of the backup master, the replicated logs are used to 
-reconstruct the state of the master host at the time of the last 
-successfully committed transaction.
--s <standby_hostname>
-The host name of the standby master host.
--r (remove standby master)
-Removes the currently configured standby master host from your 
-Greenplum Database system.
--n (resynchronize)
-Use this option if you already have a standby master configured, 
-and just want to resynchronize the data between the primary and 
-backup master host. The Greenplum system catalog tables will not 
-be updated.
--M fast (fast shutdown - rollback)
-Use fast shut down when stopping Greenplum Database at the beginning
-of the standby initialization process. Any transactions in progress 
-are interrupted and rolled back.
--M smart (smart shutdown - warn)
-Use smart shut down when stopping Greenplum Database at the beginning
-of the standby initialization process. If there are active connections, 
-this command fails with a warning. This is the default shutdown mode.
--L (leave database stopped)
-Leave Greenplum Database in a stopped state after removing the warm 
-standby master.
--a (do not prompt)
-Do not prompt the user for confirmation.
--q (no screen output)
-Run in quiet mode. Command output is not displayed on the screen, 
-but is still written to the log file.
--l <logfile_directory>
-The directory to write the log file. Defaults to ~/gpAdminLogs.
--D (debug)
-Sets logging level to debug.
--? (help)
-Displays the online help.
--v (show script version)
-Displays the version of this utility.
-Add a backup master host to your Greenplum Database system and 
-start the synchronization process:
-gpinitstandby -s host09
-Remove the existing backup master from your Greenplum system configuration:
-gpinitstandby -r
-Start an existing backup master host and synchronize the data 
-with the primary master host - do not add a new Greenplum backup 
-master host to the system catalog:
-gpinitstandby -n
-Note: Do not specify the -n and -s options in the same command.
-gpinitsystem, gpaddmirrors, gpactivatestandby
diff --git a/tools/doc/gpkill_help b/tools/doc/gpkill_help
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-Checks or terminates a Greenplum Database process. 
-Users other than the superuser can only use gpkill 
-to terminate their own processes.
-gpkill [options] pid
-gpkill --version
-gpkill -? | -h | --help
-This utility checks or terminates a Greenplum process. 
-If the process is a critical Greenplum Database process 
-or a system process that is not part of Greenplum, gpkill 
-does not terminate it.
-After gpkill verifies that the specified process can be 
-terminated safely, it prompts for confirmation. Prior to 
-terminating a process, gpkill attempts to capture 
-troubleshooting information, if the user has appropriate 
-operating system priviliges.
-* The troubleshooting information is captured, even if 
-  the user does not confirm killing the process.
-* Failure to capture troubleshooting information does not 
-  stop gpkill from proceeding.
-The process ID to check or terminate.
-Checks the specified process ID to verify that it is a 
-Greenplum process and can safely be killed, but does not 
-erminate it. 
-Displays verbose debugging information. 
-Enables quiet mode. Informational messages are suppressed.
-NOTE: Choosing both the -v and -q options sends the verbose 
-debugging information to the system log, but does not display 
-informational messages on stdout.
--? | -h | --help (help)
-Displays the online help.
-Kill process 27893
-     gpkill 27893
-Check process 27893 to see if it can be killed. Send 
-debugging information to the system log, but do not 
-display informational messages.
-     gpkill -q -v --check 27893
\ No newline at end of file
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index 225b2ff..de62428 100644
--- a/tools/doc/gpload_help
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@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ OPTIONS
 -l log_file
   Specifies where to write the log file. Defaults to 
-  ~/gpAdminLogs/hawq_load_YYYYMMDD. 
+  ~/hawqAdminLogs/hawq_load_YYYYMMDD. 
 -v (verbose mode)
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-COMMAND NAME: gpperfmon_install
-Installs the gpperfmon database and optionally enables the data 
-collection agents.
-      [--enable --password <gpmon_password> --port <gpdb_port>] 
-      [--pgpass <path_to_file>] 
-      [--verbose]
-gpperfmon_install --help | -h | -?
-The gpperfmon_install utility automates the steps required 
-to enable the performance monitor data collection agents. You 
-must be the Greenplum Database administrative user (gpadmin) 
-in order to run this utility. If using the --enable option, 
-Greenplum Database must be restarted after the utility completes.
-When run without any options, the utility will just create the 
-gpperfmon database (the database used to store performance monitor 
-data). When run with the --enable option, the utility will also 
-run the following additional tasks necessary to enable the 
-performance monitor data collection agents:
-1. Creates the gpmon superuser role in Greenplum Database. 
-   The performance monitor data collection agents require this 
-   role to connect to the database and write their data. The 
-   gpmon superuser role uses MD5-encrypted password authentication 
-   by default. Use the --password option to set the gpmon superuser�s 
-   password. Use the --port option to supply the port of the 
-   Greenplum Database master instance.
-2. Updates the $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/pg_hba.conf file. The 
-   utility will add the following line to the host-based 
-   authentication file (pg_hba.conf). This allows the gpmon 
-   user to locally connect to any database using MD5-encrypted 
-   password authentication:
-        local     all    gpmon    md5
-3. Updates the password file (.pgpass). In order to allow the 
-   data collection agents to connect as the gpmon role without 
-   a password prompt, you must have a password file that has an 
-   entry for the gpmon user. The utility add the following entry 
-   to your password file (if the file does not exist, the utility 
-   will create it):
-         *:5432:gpperfmon:gpmon:gpmon_password
-   If your password file is not located in the default location 
-   (~/.pgpass), use the --pgpass option to specify the file location.
-4. Sets the server configuration parameters for performance monitor. 
-   The following parameters must be enabled in order for the data 
-   collection agents to begin collecting data. The utility will set 
-   the following parameters in the Greenplum Database postgresql.conf 
-   configuration files:
-      gp_enable_gpperfmon=on (in all postgresql.conf files)
-      gpperfmon_port=8888 (in the master postgresql.conf file)
-      gp_external_enable_exec=on (in the master postgresql.conf file)
-  In addition to creating the gpperfmon database, performs the 
-  additional steps required to enable the performance monitor 
-  data collection agents. When --enable is specified the utility 
-  will also create and configure the gpmon superuser account and 
-  set the performance monitor server configuration parameters in 
-  the postgresql.conf files.
---password <gpmon_password>
-  Required if --enable is specified. Sets the password of the 
-  gpmon superuser.
---port <gpdb_port>
-  Required if --enable is specified. Specifies the connection port 
-  of the Greenplum Database master.
---pgpass <path_to_file>
-  Optional if --enable is specified. If the password file is not 
-  in the default location of ~/.pgpass, specifies the location of 
-  the password file.
-  Sets the logging level to verbose.
---help | -h | -?
-  Displays the online help.
-Create the gpperfmon database only:
-  $ su - gpadmin
-  $ gpperfmon_install
-Create the gpperfmon database, create the gpmon superuser, 
-and enable the performance monitor agents:
-  $ su - gpadmin
-  $ gpperfmon_install --enable --password p@$$word --port 5432
-  $ gpstop -r
diff --git a/tools/doc/gpsnmpd_help b/tools/doc/gpsnmpd_help
deleted file mode 100644
index 2043d55..0000000
--- a/tools/doc/gpsnmpd_help
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-COMMAND NAME: gpsnmpd
-Reports on the health and state of a Greenplum Database system 
-through SNMP.
-gpsnmpd -s -C connect_string [-b] [-g] [-m MIB:...] 
-	[-M directory:...]
-gpsnmpd -c FILE -C connect_string [-x address:port] [-b] [-g] 
-	[-m MIB:...] [-M directory:...]
-gpsnmpd -?
-gpsnmpd --version
-Greenplum�s gpsnmpd agent is an SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) 
-daemon that reports on the health and state of a Greenplum Database 
-system by using a set of MIBs (Management Information Bases). MIBs are a 
-collection of objects that describe an SNMP-manageable entity; in this 
-case, a Greenplum Database system. In a typical environment, gpsnmpd is 
-polled by a network monitor and returns information on a Greenplum 
-Database system. It currently supports the generic RDBMS MIB and 
-typically operates on the master host.
-gpsnmpd works in conjunction with the SNMP support that (normally) 
-already exists on the Greenplum Database system. gpsnmpd does not 
-replace the system snmpd agent that monitors items such as hardware, 
-processor, memory, and network functions. However, you can run the 
-Greenplum SNMP agent as a stand-alone agent if required.
-As a standalone SNMP agent, gpsnmpd listens (on a network socket) for 
-SNMP queries, and requires the same extensive configuration as the 
-system SNMP agent. 
-Greenplum recommends that you run gpsnmpd as a sub-agent to the system 
-agent. When it starts, the gpsnmpd sub-agent registers itself with the 
-system-level SNMP agent, and communicates to the system agent the parts 
-of the MIB of which it is aware. The system agent communicates with the 
-SNMP client/network monitoring application and forwards requests for 
-particular sections of the MIB to the gpsnmpd sub-agent. Note that the 
-gpsnmpd sub-agent communicates with the system agent through UNIX sockets; 
-it does not listen on network sockets when used as a sub-agent.
--s (sub-agent)
-Run gpsnmpd as an AgentX sub-agent to the system snmpd process. You do not 
-need to use the -x option when using this option.
--b (background)
-Run gpsnmpd as a background process.
--c (configuration file)
-Specify the SNMP configuration file to use when starting gpsnmpd as a 
-stand-alone agent. Note that you can specify any configuration file to 
-run gpsnmpd as a stand-alone agent; you do not have to use the 
-/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file (/etc/sma/snmp/ on Solaris platforms). The 
-configuration file you use must include a value for rocommunity.
--g (use syslog)
-Logs gpsnmpd error messages to syslog
--C (libpq connection string) 
-The libpq connection string to connect to Greenplum Database. Note that 
-you can run gpsnmpd from a remote system. Depending on your network 
-configuration, the gpsnmpd agent can establish a connection and monitor 
-a remote Greenplum Database database instance. The configuration string 
-can contain the database name, the host name, the port number, the 
-username, the password, and other information if required. 
-Greenplum recommends using the postgres database in the connection string 
-(dbname=postgres). This is the default database if you do not use the �C 
--x (address:port of a network interface)
-Specify an IP address for a network interface card on the host system, 
-and specify a port other than the default SNMP port of 161. This enables 
-you to run gpsnmpd without root permissions (you must have root permissions 
-to use ports 1024 and lower).
-You do not need to specify this option if you are running gpsnmpd as an 
-AgentX sub-agent (-s).
--m (MIB:...) 
-Loads one or more MIBs when starting gpsnmpd. Use a colon (:) to separate 
-the MIBs. Enter ALL to load all MIBs. If you do not enter -m in the gpsnmpd 
-command, a default set of MIBs are loaded by default.
--M (directory:...) 
-Loads all MIBs from one or more directories when starting gpsnmpd. Use a 
-colon (:) to separate the each directory. Enter the full path to each 
-directory you specify for this option. If you do not enter -M in the gpsnmpd 
-command, a default set of MIBs are loaded by default.
--? (help)
-Displays the online help.
-Displays the version of this utility.
-Start gpsnmpd as an agentx subagent:
-# gpsnmpd -s -b -m ALL -C "host=gpmaster dbname=template1 \ user=gpadmin 
-	password=secret"
-Start gpsnmpd as a stand-alone agent:
-# gpsnmpd -b -c /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf -x \ 
-	-M /usr/mibs/mymibs -C "host=gpmaster \ dbname=template1 user=gpadmin 
-	password=secret"
diff --git a/tools/doc/gpsuspend_help b/tools/doc/gpsuspend_help
deleted file mode 100644
index cf67ff6..0000000
--- a/tools/doc/gpsuspend_help
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-COMMAND NAME:  gpsuspend
-Pause and resume a running Greenplum Database
-gpsuspend --pause [--batchsize batchsize] [--noninteractive]
-gpsuspend --resume --pausefile pausefile_name [--batchsize batchsize]
-gpsuspend -? | -h | --help
-* You are logged in as the Greenplum Database superuser (gpadmin).
-* You are on the machine that is running the master database
-* You are not running --pause on an already paused database
-The gpsuspend utility can pause a running instance of Greenplum Database.
-The utility is first run in 'pause' mode which will pause the database.
-In 'pause' mode, the successful output of the command will print the 
-location of a generated pausefile which can be used to restore the
-system state.
-In 'resume' mode you must pass the location of the pause file which describes
-the list of segment hosts in a Greenplum database and can be used to resume
-the paused system
-By default the utility is run in interactive mode.  In interactive mode
-The utitility will stop after pausing the database and wait for user entry.
-At this point the database is paused.  When the administrator is ready to 
-resume the database they can use the prompt to enter 'resume' and the database
-will be resumed. To disable interactive mode and run 'pause' and 'resume' 
-independtly use the --noninteractive option with --pause.
-The utility pauses the database using unix signals STOP and CONT.  If you want
-to confirm that the database is paused you can use gpssh and enter the command
-ps ax | grep postgres | grep -v grep.  This will list all postgres processes
-on your cluster and the run state.  All processes should be in a STOP state.
-Also note, the order in which the processes are paused and resumed is important.
-First the master postgres instance is paused and then the segments.  Also within
-a postgres instance, first the postmaster process is paused and then its children.
--h (help)
-Displays the online help.
-Sets the utility into 'pause' mode
-Sets the utility into 'resume' mode
---pausefile <pausefilename>
-This option is used in 'resume' mode for the utility to know the 
-location of the segments while the database is paused and inaccessible.
-The file is generated to the GPHOME directory during 'pause' mode.
-This option will disable the default interactive mode.
--B <batch_size>
-The number of worker threads for connecting to segment hosts.
-By making this number higher, more parallel ssh connections will be
-made in order to complete the job faster.
---verbose | -v (verbose) 
-Verbose debugging output.
--? | h (help)
-Displays the online help.
-Pause a running Greenplum database:
-$ gpsuspend --pause --noninteractive
-Resume a running Greenplum database using a pausefile:
-$ gpsuspend --resume --pausefile /home/gpadmin/greenplum-db/./gp_pause.20091113.2158.dat
-Running in interactive mode:
-$ gpsuspend --pause
-Database is paused. When you are ready, type a command below to resume or quit.
- quit|resume (default=quit):
-$ resume
-gpstart, gpstop
diff --git a/tools/sbin/ b/tools/sbin/
deleted file mode 100755
index 5811291..0000000
--- a/tools/sbin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) Greenplum Inc 2009. All Rights Reserved. 
-# This is a private script to be called by gpaddconfig
-# The script is executed on a single machine and gets a list of data directories to modify from STDIN
-# With the script you can either change the value of a setting (and comment out all other entries for that setting)
-# or you can do remove only, to comment out all entries of a setting and not add an entry.
-    import sys, os
-    from optparse import Option, OptionParser
-    from gppylib.gpparseopts import OptParser, OptChecker
-    from gppylib.gparray import *
-    from import *
-    from gppylib.db import dbconn
-    from gppylib.gpcoverage import GpCoverage
-except ImportError, e:    
-    sys.exit('Cannot import modules.  Please check that you have sourced  Detail: ' + str(e))
-_help = [""""""
-def parseargs():
-    parser = OptParser(option_class=OptChecker)
-    parser.setHelp(_help)
-    parser.remove_option('-h')
-    parser.add_option('-h', '-?', '--help', action='help', help='show this help message and exit')
-    parser.add_option('--entry', type='string')
-    parser.add_option('--value', type='string')
-    parser.add_option('--removeonly', action='store_true')
-    parser.set_defaults(removeonly=False)
-    # Parse the command line arguments
-    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-    # sanity check 
-    if not options.entry:
-        print "--entry is required"
-        sys.exit(1)
-    if (not options.value) and (not options.removeonly):
-        print "Select either --value or --removeonly"
-        sys.exit(1)
-    return options
-#------------------------------- Mainline --------------------------------
-coverage = GpCoverage()
-    options = parseargs()
-    files = list()
-    # get the files to edit from STDIN
-    line = sys.stdin.readline()
-    while line:
-        directory = line.rstrip()
-        filename = directory + "/postgresql.conf"
-        if not os.path.exists( filename ):
-            raise Exception("path does not exist" + filename)
-        files.append(filename)
-        line = sys.stdin.readline()
-    fromString = "(^\s*" + options.entry + "\s*=.*$)"
-    toString="#$1"
-    name = "mycmd"
-    # update all the files
-    for f in files:
-        # comment out any existing entries for this setting
-        cmd=InlinePerlReplace(name, fromString, toString, f)
-        if options.removeonly:
-            continue
-        cmd = GpAppendGucToFile(name, f, options.entry, options.value)
-    coverage.stop()
-    coverage.generate_report()
diff --git a/tools/sbin/gpchangeuserpassword b/tools/sbin/gpchangeuserpassword
deleted file mode 100755
index 0279330..0000000
--- a/tools/sbin/gpchangeuserpassword
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-USAGE:  gpchangeuserpassword --user USER --password PASSWORD
-        where USER is the user for whom the password is being changed
-        where PASSWORD is the new password
-import os, sys, getpass, crypt
-from subprocess import Popen
-sys.path.append(sys.path[0] + '/../bin/lib')
-    import pexpect
-    from optparse import Option, OptionParser 
-    from gppylib.gpparseopts import OptParser, OptChecker
-    from gppylib.commands.unix import SYSTEM
-except ImportError, e:    
-    sys.exit('Cannot import modules.  Please check that you have sourced  Detail: ' + str(e))
-options = None
-parser = OptParser(option_class=OptChecker)
-parser.add_option('-h', '-?', '--help', action='store_true')
-parser.add_option('-u', '--user', type='string')
-parser.add_option('-p', '--password', type='string')
-(options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-global gphome
-gphome = os.environ.get('GPHOME')
-if not gphome:
-    sys.stderr.write("GPHOME not set\n")
-    sys.exit(1)
-    sys.stderr.write(__doc__)
-    sys.exit(0)
-if not options.user:
-    sys.stderr.write("--user must be specified\n")
-    sys.exit(1)
-if not options.password:
-    sys.stderr.write("--password must be specified\n")
-    sys.exit(1)
-if options.user == "root":
-    sys.stderr.write("root password can not be changed with this utility\n")
-    sys.exit(1)
-if getpass.getuser() != "root":
-    sys.stderr.write("this utility must be run as root\n")
-    sys.exit(1)
-if SYSTEM.getName() == "linux":
-    cmdstr = 'usermod -p "%s" %s' % (crypt.crypt(options.password, options.password), options.user)
-    p = Popen(cmdstr, shell=True, executable="/bin/bash")
-    sts = os.waitpid(, 0)[1]
-    if sts:
-        sys.stderr.write("error on cmd: %s\n" % cmdstr)
-        sys.exit(1)
-    else:
-        sys.exit(0)
-if SYSTEM.getName() != "sunos":
-    sys.stderr.write("linux and solaris are the only operating systems supported by this utility\n")
-    sys.exit(1)
-# SOLARIS password change
-# New Password:
-# Re-enter new Password:
-# passwd: They don't match.
-# passwd: password successfully changed for ivanfoo
-done = False
-child = None
-    cmdstr = "passwd %s" % options.user
-    child = pexpect.spawn(cmdstr)
-    index = 0
-    while 1:
-        index = child.expect(["match", "success", "Password", pexpect.EOF, pexpect.TIMEOUT])
-        if index == 0:
-            sys.stderr.write("passwords did not match\n")
-            sys.exit(1)
-        elif index == 1:
-            child.close
-            sys.exit(0)
-        elif index == 2:
-            child.sendline(options.password)
-            continue
-        elif index == 3:
-            sys.stderr.write("error calling passwd\n")
-            sys.exit(1)
-        elif index == 4:
-            sys.stderr.write("timeout calling passwd\n")
-            sys.exit(1)
-        else:
-            sys.stderr.write("error2 calling passwd\n")
-            sys.exit(1)
-except Exception, e:
-    sys.stderr.write("Exception running cmd: %s\n" % cmdstr)
-    sys.stderr.write("%s\n" % e.__str__())
-    sys.exit(1)

[3/3] incubator-hawq git commit: HAWQ-158. Remove legacy command line tools and help.

Posted by
HAWQ-158. Remove legacy command line tools and help.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 3691f2367371001b1ac56156affb587d07459c56
Parents: cfeba47
Author: rlei <>
Authored: Sat Nov 14 11:18:41 2015 +0800
Committer: rlei <>
Committed: Sat Nov 14 15:41:01 2015 +0800

 tools/Makefile                           |    6 -
 tools/bin/Makefile                       |    2 +-
 tools/bin/gpchecksubnetcfg               |  325 -------
 tools/bin/gpdebug                        |  382 --------
 tools/bin/gpdetective                    | 1288 -------------------------
 tools/bin/gpfaultinjector                |   17 -
 tools/bin/                      |    4 +-
 tools/bin/gppylib/               |    8 +-
 tools/bin/gpverify                       |    8 -
 tools/bin/lib/       |    2 +-
 tools/doc/gp_dump_help                   |  316 ------
 tools/doc/gp_restore_help                |  218 -----
 tools/doc/gpaddmirrors_help              |  253 -----
 tools/doc/gpbitmapreindex_help           |  111 ---
 tools/doc/gpcheckos.xml                  |   91 --
 tools/doc/gpcheckos_help                 |    3 -
 tools/doc/gpcrondump_help                |  330 -------
 tools/doc/gpdbrestore_help               |  203 ----
 tools/doc/gpdeletesystem_help            |   97 --
 tools/doc/gpdetective_help               |  187 ----
 tools/doc/gpinitstandby_help             |  160 ---
 tools/doc/gpkill_help                    |   77 --
 tools/doc/gpload_help                    |    2 +-
 tools/doc/gpperfmon_install_help         |  147 ---
 tools/doc/gpsnmpd_help                   |  147 ---
 tools/doc/gpsuspend_help                 |  123 ---
 tools/sbin/                |   98 --
 tools/sbin/gpchangeuserpassword          |  110 ---
 tools/sbin/          |   96 --
 tools/sbin/ |  221 -----
 tools/sbin/                |   62 --
 tools/sbin/                  |   91 --
 tools/sbin/             |  220 -----
 33 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 5396 deletions(-)
diff --git a/tools/Makefile b/tools/Makefile
index bc2d5bd..21d806f 100644
--- a/tools/Makefile
+++ b/tools/Makefile
@@ -38,13 +38,7 @@ SET_VERSION_SCRIPTS = \
 	bin/gpssh-exkeys \
 	bin/gpsys1 \
 	bin/lib/gpcheckcat \
-	sbin/ \
-	sbin/gpchangeuserpassword \
 	sbin/gpcheck_hostdump \
-	sbin/ \
-	sbin/gpfixuserlimts \
-	sbin/ \
-	sbin/ \
 	lib/python/gppylib/programs/ \
 	lib/python/gppylib/programs/ \
 	lib/python/gppylib/programs/ \
diff --git a/tools/bin/Makefile b/tools/bin/Makefile
index f675567..afc7b93 100644
--- a/tools/bin/Makefile
+++ b/tools/bin/Makefile
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ clean :
 distclean: clean
 	rm -rf $(NETPERF_DIR)    
 install: all
 	${INSTALL_SCRIPT} -d ${bindir}
 	for files in `find * -maxdepth 0 -type f | grep -x -v -E "${SKIP_INSTALL}"`; do ${INSTALL_SCRIPT} $${files} ${bindir}; done
diff --git a/tools/bin/gpchecksubnetcfg b/tools/bin/gpchecksubnetcfg
deleted file mode 100755
index 0f40044..0000000
--- a/tools/bin/gpchecksubnetcfg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Copyright (c) Greenplum Inc 2010. All Rights Reserved. 
-import os
-# import GPDB modules
-    from gppylib.gpparseopts import *
-    from gppylib.gplog import *
-    from gppylib.gparray import GpArray
-    from gppylib.db import dbconn
-    from gppylib.commands.base import WorkerPool, Command, LOCAL, REMOTE
-except ImportError, e:
-    sys.exit('ERROR: Cannot import modules.  Please check that you '
-             'have sourced  Detail: ' + str(e))
-EXECNAME = os.path.split(__file__)[-1]
-FIX_SUBNET_DESC="Updated address for dbid %s to fix primary/mirror subnet conflict."
-# SQL Queries
-#Segment count per hostname
-    SELECT hostname, count(*) 
-        FROM gp_segment_configuration 
-        WHERE content > -1 GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2
-    SELECT distinct(hostname) from gp_segment_configuration
-# Primary segments on same subnet as it's mirror segment
-    SELECT  p.dbid AS primary_dbid, m.dbid AS mirror_dbid, 
-            p.hostname AS primary_hostname, m.hostname AS mirror_hostname,
-            p.address AS primary_addr, m.address AS mirror_addr 
-        FROM gp_segment_configuration p JOIN gp_segment_configuration m 
-        ON p.content = m.content WHERE p.role = 'p' AND m.role = 'm' AND p.content > -1 
-            AND substr(p.address, strpos(p.address, '-') + 1) = substr(m.address, strpos(m.address, '-') + 1)
-        ORDER BY 1
-    SELECT * 
-        FROM gp_segment_configuration
-        WHERE role <> preferred_role OR status = 'd' OR mode <> 's'
-class GetApplianceVersion(Command):
-    DCA_VERSION_FILE='/etc/gpdb-appliance-version'
-    def __init__(self, name,ctxt=LOCAL, remoteHost=None):
-        cmdStr = 'cat %s' % GetApplianceVersion.DCA_VERSION_FILE
-        Command.__init__(self,name,cmdStr,ctxt,remoteHost)
-    def get_version(self):
-        try:
-            res = self.get_results()
-            (major, minor, subminor, subsubminor) = res.stdout.strip().split('.')
-        except Exception, ex:
-            major=0
-            minor=0
-            subminor=0
-            subsubminor=0
-        return (int(major), int(minor), int(subminor), int(subsubminor))
-def parseargs():
-    """parses and validates command line args."""
-    parser = OptParser(option_class=OptChecker,
-                       version='%prog version $Revision: #1 $')
-    parser.setHelp([])
-    parser.remove_option('-h')
-    # General options section
-    optgrp = OptionGroup(parser, 'General options')
-    optgrp.add_option('-?', '--help', dest='help', action='store_true',
-                      help='display this help message and exit')
-    optgrp.add_option('-v', dest='version', action='store_true',
-                      help='display version information and exit')
-    parser.add_option_group(optgrp)
-    # Logging options section
-    optgrp = OptionGroup(parser, 'Logging options')
-    optgrp.add_option('-q', '--quiet', action='store_true',
-                      help='quiet mode, do not log progress to screen')
-    optgrp.add_option('-D', '--debug', action='store_true', default=False,
-                      help='enable debug logging')
-    parser.add_option_group(optgrp)
-    # SQL generation options
-    optgrp = OptionGroup(parser, 'Output options')
-    optgrp.add_option('-o', '--out-file', type='string', dest='out_file',
-                      help='Filename to output fix SQL')
-    optgrp.add_option('-c', '--check-only', action='store_true', dest='check_only',
-                      help='Only validate configuration. Do not generate SQL.')
-    parser.add_option_group(optgrp)
-    # Parse the command line arguments
-    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
-    if
-        parser.print_help()
-        parser.exit(0, None)
-    if options.version:
-        parser.print_version()
-        parser.exit(0, None)
-    if options.out_file and options.check_only:
-        logger.error("-c and -o cannot be specified together.")
-        parser.exit(1, None)
-    if not options.out_file and not options.check_only:
-        logger.error("Option -c or -o must be specified.")
-        parser.exit(1, None)
-    return (options, args)
-def db_to_str(db):
-    return "%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s:%s" % (db.content,
-                                                db.dbid,
-                                                db.role,
-                                                db.preferred_role,
-                                                db.mode,
-                                                db.status,
-                                                db.hostname,
-                                                db.address,
-                                                db.port,
-                                                db.datadir,
-                                                db.replicationPort)
-def seg_count_per_host_is_valid(conn):
-    curr = dbconn.execSQL(conn, SEG_COUNT_PER_HOST_SQL)
-    res = curr.fetchall()
-    curr.close()
-    return res[0][1] == res[-1][1]
-def get_wrong_subnet_segments(conn):
-    res = []
-    curr = dbconn.execSQL(conn, PRIMARY_MIRROR_SAME_SUBNET_SQL)
-    for r in curr:
-        res.append(r)
-    curr.close()
-    return res
-def generate_fix_sql(filename, gparray, wrong_subnet_segs):
-    fp = None
-    us_dict = {}
-    for us in wrong_subnet_segs:
-        us_dict[us[1]] = True
-    try:
-        fp = open(filename, 'w')
-"Writing update SQL to %s" % filename)
-        fp.write("-- content, dbid, role, preferred_role, mode, status, hostname, address, port, datadir, replicationPort\n")
-        fp.write("-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n")
-        for db in gparray.getDbList():
-            if us_dict.has_key(db.dbid):
-                fp.write("-- *** %s\n" % db_to_str(db))
-            else:
-                fp.write("-- %s\n" % db_to_str(db))
-        fp.write("\n")    
-        for us in wrong_subnet_segs:
-            (host,interface) = us[5].split('-')
-            if interface == '1':
-                new_address = '%s-%s' % (host, '2')
-            else:
-                new_address = '%s-%s' % (host, '1')
-            fp.write("UPDATE gp_segment_configuration SET address = '%s' WHERE dbid = %s;\n" % (new_address, us[1]))
-            fp.write("INSERT INTO gp_configuration_history VALUES (now(), %s, '%s');\n" % (us[1], FIX_SUBNET_DESC % us[1]))
-            fp.write("\n")
-    except:
-        raise
-    finally:
-        if fp:
-            fp.close()
-def validate_appliance_version(conn):
-    res = True
-    curr = dbconn.execSQL(conn, UNIQUE_HOSTNAMES_SQL)
-    hosts = curr.fetchall()
-    curr.close()
-    try:
-        pool = WorkerPool()
-        for h in hosts:
-            cmd = GetApplianceVersion('Appliance ver on %s' % h[0], ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=h[0])
-            pool.addCommand(cmd)
-        pool.wait_and_printdots(len(hosts))
-        for cmd in pool.getCompletedItems():
-            (major, minor, subminor, subsubminor) = cmd.get_version()
-            if major != 1 or minor > 0:
-                res = False
-    except Exception, ex:
-        res = False
-        logger.exception(ex)
-    finally:
-        pool.haltWork()
-        pool.joinWorkers()
-    return res
-def is_in_fault(conn):
-    curr = dbconn.execSQL(conn, IN_FAULT_OR_RECOVERY_SQL)
-    segs_in_fault = curr.rowcount
-    curr.close()
-    return segs_in_fault != 0
-# Main
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    url = None
-    conn = None
-    gparray = None
-    incorrect_subnet_cfg = False
-    logger = get_default_logger()
-    try:
-        (options, args) = parseargs()
-        # Turn on debug logging if needed
-        if options.debug:
-            enable_verbose_logging()
-        elif options.quiet:
-            quiet_stdout_logging()
-        url = dbconn.DbURL()
-"Connecting to %s@%s:%s..." % (url.pguser, url.pghost, url.pgport))
-        conn = dbconn.connect(url, verbose=options.debug)
-"Checking appliance version...")
-        if not validate_appliance_version(conn):
-            logger.error('One or more hosts in the array are running an appliance version')
-            logger.error('later than  This utility is not designed for hardware')
-            logger.error('used by this version.')
-            sys.exit(1)
-"Checking segment state...")
-        if is_in_fault(conn):
-            logger.error("Currently there are segments that are not in their preferred role")
-            logger.error("or are in the process of resyncronizing.  This utility cannot validate")
-            logger.error("the segment configuration while the database is in this state.")
-            logger.error("Please rerun this utility after segment recovery has completed.")
-            sys.exit(1)
-"Checking segment configuration...")
-        if not seg_count_per_host_is_valid(conn):
-            logger.error("The check of segment configuration found that some hosts")
-            logger.error("have more segments than others.  This utility cannot handle")
-            logger.error("this configuration.  Please contact EMC/Greenplum support for")
-            logger.error("assistance with your configuration.")
-            sys.exit(3)
-"Retrieving array configuration...")
-        gparray = GpArray.initFromCatalog(url)
-"Checking for mirror segments on incorrect subnet...")
-        wrong_subnet_segs = get_wrong_subnet_segments(conn)
-        if len(wrong_subnet_segs) > 0:
-            incorrect_subnet_cfg = True
-            if options.out_file:
-                generate_fix_sql(options.out_file, gparray, wrong_subnet_segs)
-      "You should verify the generated SQL file with EMC/Greenplum")
-      "support prior to executing it.")
-            else:
-      "%s mirror segments were found to be on the same subnet" % len(wrong_subnet_segs))
-      "as their associated primary segment.")
-      "You can run %s with the -o option to generate a SQL" % EXECNAME)
-      "file that will correct this configuration issue.")
-        else:
-  "Primary and mirror segments appear to be on the")
-  "correct subnets already.")
-        if incorrect_subnet_cfg:
-            sys.exit(2)
-    except KeyboardInterrupt:
-"User canceled")
-        sys.exit(4)    
-    except Exception, ex:
-        logger.exception(ex)
-        sys.exit(5)
-    finally:
-        if conn:
-            conn.close()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/bin/gpdebug b/tools/bin/gpdebug
deleted file mode 100755
index e5e1d4a..0000000
--- a/tools/bin/gpdebug
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,382 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Line too long - pylint: disable=C0301
-# Invalid name  - pylint: disable=C0103
-  gpdebug
-  Copyright (c) EMC/Greenplum Inc 2011. All Rights Reserved. 
-import os, signal, time
-from psi import AttrInsufficientPrivsError
-from psi.process import Process, ProcessTable, NoSuchProcessError
-from gppylib import gplog, pgconf
-from gppylib.db import dbconn
-from gppylib.gparray import get_segment_hosts, get_session_ids
-from gppylib.mainUtils import YamlMain, Exit
-from gppylib.commands import gp
-from gppylib.commands.unix import check_pid
-from gppylib.commands.base import run_remote_commands, Command
-from gppylib.gp_era import read_era
-from gppylib.util.ssh_utils import get_hosts
-from gppylib.utils import TableLogger
-class GpDebugMain(YamlMain):
-    """
-    Main class for the gpdebug utility.  The yaml document below specifies
-    * how command line options are parsed
-    * expected execution scenarios
-    * expected error conditions and messages
-    %YAML 1.1
-    ---
-    #
-    # arguments
-    #
-    Usage: 'usage: %prog [options]'
-    Description: Investigate processes
-    Options:
-      Groups:
-      - Help Options
-      - Logging Options
-      - Connection Options
-      - Troubleshooting Options
-      - Orphan Options
-      Help Options:
-        -h,-?,--help,--usage:
-          help: Show help message and exit.
-          action: help
-      Logging Options:
-        -q: Quiet Mode - only show problems on stdout
-        -v: Verbose Mode - include verbose debugging information
-      Connection Options:
-        -d,--master_data_directory:
-          type: string
-          dest: masterDataDirectory
-          metavar: 'MASTERDATADIR'
-          help: |
-            Optional. The master host data directory. 
-            If not specified, the value set for $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY will be used.
-      Troubleshooting Options:
-        --pid:
-          help: Capture Troubleshooting information for specified process.
-          action: store_const
-          dest: scenario
-          const: Capture Troubleshooting Information
-      Orphan Options:
-        -f:
-          help: Hosts file
-          type: string
-          dest: hostsfile
-        -o:
-          help: Output file with details and gpkill commands
-          type: string
-          dest: outputfile
-        --orphans:
-          help: Search cluster for orphan processes
-          action: store_const
-          dest: scenario
-          const: Check Cluster For Orphans
-        --all:
-          help: Count system processes as orphans
-          action: store_true
-        --detailed:
-          help: Report orphan details
-          action: store_true
-        # gpdebug --orphans remotely executes gpdebug --orphans-host
-        # on each segment host with additional --era and --datadir parameters.
-        # note that --datadir may occur multiple times
-        --orphans-host:
-          help: hidden - Check host for orphan processes
-          action: store_const
-          dest: scenario
-          const: Check Host For Orphans
-        --host:
-          help: hidden - Current host
-          type: string
-          dest: host
-        --era:
-          help: hidden - Current master era (or None)
-          type: string
-          dest: era
-        --datadir:
-          help: hidden - segment data directory
-          type: string
-          action: append
-          dest: dirlist
-        --sessid:
-          help: hidden - session id
-          type: string
-          action: append
-          dest: sessionids
-    #
-    # scenarios
-    #
-    Default Scenario: Capture Troubleshooting Information
-    Scenarios:
-      Capture Troubleshooting Information:
-      - 1. On Current Host:
-        - 1.1. Validate PID
-        - 1.2. Troubleshoot Process
-      Check Cluster For Orphans:
-      - 1. On Current Host:
-        - 1.1. Identify Master
-        - 1.2. Identify Segments
-        - 1.3. Identify Sessions
-        - 1.4. Identify Current Era
-        - 1.5. Search for Orphans
-        - 1.6. Report Results
-        - 1.7. Generate Output File
-      Check Host For Orphans:
-      - 1. On Current Host:
-        - 1.1. Identify Orphans
-        - 1.2. Return Orphan Details
-    Errors:
-      nopid:             'no pid specified, consider --help'
-      badpid:            'invalid pid: %(pid)s'
-      get_segment_hosts: 'Unable to read hosts from master. Please investigate or consider -f hostfile option.'
-    """
-    # GpDebugMain constructor
-    #
-    def __init__(self):
-        "Here we go..."
-        YamlMain.__init__(self)
-        # generic state set by we also set here mainly to make code clearer
-        #
-        self.scenario_name    = None # what we call what we're doing, e.g. 'Examine Process'
-        self.plan             = None # plan object built from the yaml above
-        self.logger           = None # helpful logger object reference
-        self.errmsg           = None # helpful errmsg function reference
-        # additional state we update during execution
-              = None # pid
-        # Orphans (master host)
-        self.master_datadir   = None # master data directory
-        self.master_port      = None # master port
-        self.host_list        = None # list of hosts
-        self.era              = None # master era
-        self.results          = None # execution results
-        # Orphans (segment)
-        self.orphans          = None
-    #
-    # Scenario: Capture Troubleshooting Information
-    #
-    def validate_pid(self):
-        ""
-        # user has to give us an argument
-        if len(self.args) != 1:
-            raise Exit(1, 'nopid')
-        # the argument had better be a valid integer
-        pid = self.args[0]
-        try:
-   = int(pid)
-        except (ValueError), e:
-            raise Exit(1,'badpid')
-    def troubleshoot_process(self):
-        ""
-        # use glider to capture the stack of the target process.
-        # we run it from a shell with an explicit ulimit to prevent
-        # this from taking too long (occasionally observed on osx).
-        #
-        pid     =
-        shcmd   = 'ulimit -t 4; $GPHOME/sbin/glider %(pid)s' % locals()
-        command = Command('Troubleshooting', shcmd)
- = False)
-        # log whatever output we get, stderr as error and stdout as info
-        #
-        for line in command.get_stderr_lines():
-        for line in command.get_stdout_lines():
-    #
-    # Scenario: Check Cluster For Orphans (master host)
-    #
-    def identify_master(self):
-        ""
-        self.master_datadir = self.options.masterDataDirectory or gp.get_masterdatadir()
-        self.master_port    = gp.get_masterport(self.master_datadir)
-    def identify_segments(self):
-        ""
-        if self.options.hostsfile:
-            self.hosts_list = get_hosts(self.options.hostsfile)
-        else:
-            self.hosts_list = get_segment_hosts(self.master_port)
-    def identify_sessions(self):
-        ""
-        if self.options.hostsfile:
-            self.session_ids = set()
-        else:
-            self.session_ids = get_session_ids(self.master_port)
-        for sess_id in self.session_ids:
-  'session id: %s' % sess_id)
-    def identify_current_era(self):
-        ""
-        self.era = read_era(self.master_datadir, self.logger)
-    def search_for_orphans(self):
-        ""
-        commands = {}
-        for host in self.hosts_list:
-            cmdlist = [
-                '$GPHOME/bin/gpdebug', 
-                '-q',
-                '--orphans-host',
-                '--era', str(self.era),
-                '--host', str(host)
-            ]
-            if self.options.all: 
-                cmdlist.append('--all')
-            if self.options.detailed: 
-                cmdlist.append('--detailed')
-            for s in self.session_ids:
-                cmdlist.append('--sessid')
-                cmdlist.append(str(s))
-            commands[host] = " ".join(cmdlist)
-        cmds = run_remote_commands('Search for Orphans', commands)
-        self.results = {}
-        for host, cmd in cmds.items():
-            self.results[host] = cmd.get_stdout_lines()
-    def report_results(self):
-        ""
-        for host, lines in self.results.items():
-            if len(lines) < 1:
-      'no orphans observed on %s' % host)
-                continue
-  'found %d orphans on %s' % (len(lines), host))
-        # --detailed output
-        #
-        if self.options.detailed:
-            tabLog = None
-            for host, lines in self.results.items():
-                prev = None
-                for line in lines:
-                    host2, era, sessid, pid, detail = line.split('|')
-                    assert host == host2
-                    if era != prev:
-                        if tabLog:
-                  "Era: %s" % prev)
-                            tabLog.outputTable()
-              "--------------------------------------------")
-                        tabLog = TableLogger()
-              ["Host","SessId","Pid","Detail"])
-                        prev = era
-          [host, sessid, pid, detail])
-            if tabLog:
-      "Era: %s" % prev)
-                tabLog.outputTable()
-  "--------------------------------------------")
-    def generate_output_file(self):
-        ""
-        if self.options.outputfile is None:
-            return
-'writing gpkill script to %s' % self.options.outputfile)
-        with open(self.options.outputfile, 'w') as f:
-            for host, lines in self.results.items():
-                prev = None
-                for line in lines:
-                    host2, era, sessid, pid, detail = line.split('|')
-                    assert host == host2
-                    if era != prev:
-                        f.write('# era %s\n' % era)
-                        prev = era
-                    f.write('# sessid %s\n' % sessid)
-                    f.write('# %s\n' % detail)
-                    f.write('gpssh -h %s gpkill %s\n\n' % (host, pid))
-    #
-    # Scenario: Check Host For Orphans (segment hosts, via search for orphans)
-    #
-    def identify_orphans(self):
-        ""
-"Era: %s" % self.options.era)
-        self.orphans = []
-        for p in ProcessTable().values():
-            try:
-                d = dict(p.env)                
-            except AttrInsufficientPrivsError:
-                continue
-            e = d.get('GPERA')
-            s = d.get('GPSESSID')
-            # look for processes from another era
-            if e is None:
-                continue
-            if e != self.options.era:
-                self.orphans.append((e, s, str(, p.command.strip()))
-                continue
-            # look for process in same era with a session id not in
-            # the list of session ids known to the master
-            if s is None:
-                continue
-            s = str(int(s)) # convert 0000000024 -> 24
-            # report all processes when --all is specified
-            # otherwise only show nonzero sessions not known at the master
-            #
-            if not self.options.all:
-                if s == '0' or s in (self.options.sessionids or []):
-                    continue
-            self.orphans.append((e, s, str(, p.command.strip()))
-    def return_orphan_details(self):
-        ""
-        for era, sessid, pid, command in self.orphans:
-            result = "|".join([, era, sessid, pid, command ])
-            print result
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    GpDebugMain().simple()
diff --git a/tools/bin/gpdetective b/tools/bin/gpdetective
deleted file mode 100755
index d336391..0000000
--- a/tools/bin/gpdetective
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1288 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-Usage: gpdetective <option> [dbname]
-    -?         : Print usage and exit
-    -v         : Print version and exit
-    -h host    : DB host name
-    -p port    : DB port number
-    -P passwd  : DB password
-    -U uname   : DB User Name
-    --start_date=number       : Log start date (number of days ago)
-    --start_date="YYYY-MM-DD" : Log start date (explicit date)
-    --end_date="YYYY-MM-DD"   : Log end date (ends at 00:00:00 on end_date)
-    --diagnostics=a[ll],n[one],s[tate],o[s],c[atalog] 
-         : Defines which diagnostics to run (default is "all")
-    --logs=a[ll],n[none,<list> 
-         : Defines the list of segment log file dbid's to retrieve 
-             a[ll]  = all segments and mirrors  (the default) 
-             n[one] = no segments and mirrors
-             <list> = [n | n-m[,n | n-m]...] where n and m are integers. (e.g. 0,1-4,8,11)
-    --pg_changetracking_logs=a[ll],n[none,<list> 
-         : Defines the list of segment pg_changetracking log file dbid's to retrieve 
-             a[ll]  = all segments and mirrors
-             n[one] = no segments and mirrors (the default)
-             <list> = [n | n-m[,n | n-m]...] where n and m are integers. (e.g. 0,1-4,8,11)
-    --core=t[rue]|f[alse]
-         : Determines whether or not core files are retrieved (default is true).
-    --pg_dumpall=t[rue]|f[alse]  
-         : Option to run pg_dumpall (default is true)
-    --pg_dump_options="<options>"
-         : A list of valid pg_dump options (e.g. "-t public.table1 database1")
-    --tempdir="temp dir"      
-         : Temporary directory used by gpdetective 
-           The default is determined by the $TEMP, $TMP and $TMPDIR environment variables.
-    --connect=t[rue]|f[alse]  
-         : If connect is false, then retrieve only information that can be 
-           obtained without making a connection to the database (default is true).
-import sys, os, tempfile, subprocess, re, getopt, types, traceback, datetime
-from gppylib.gpcoverage import GpCoverage
-libdir = sys.path[0] + '/lib'
-    from pygresql import pg
-except Exception, e:
-    sys.exit('Error: unable to import the PyGreSQL Python module module: ' + str(e))
-def pretty_version(v):
-    '''
-    Turns the RCS revision number into a prettier format
-    '''
-    m = re.compile('Revision: #(\d+)').search(v)
-    if m: return str((float(
-    else: return str(v)
-__version__ = pretty_version('$Revision$')
-def usage(exitarg = None):
-    '''
-    Print usage information and exit
-    '''
-    print cli_help() or __doc__
-    sys.exit(exitarg)
-def cli_help():
-    progname=os.path.split(__file__)[-1]
-    help_path = os.path.join(sys.path[0], '..', 'docs', 'cli_help', progname + '_help');
-    f = None
-    try:
-        try:
-            f = open(help_path);
-            return
-        except:
-            return ''
-    finally:
-        if f: f.close()
-def which (filename):
-    if not os.environ.has_key('PATH') or os.environ['PATH'] == '':
-        p = os.defpath
-    else:
-        p = os.environ['PATH']
-    pathlist = p.split (os.pathsep)
-    for path in pathlist:
-        f = os.path.join(path, filename)
-        if os.access(f, os.X_OK):
-            return f
-    return None
-def truth (option, val):
-    if val.lower() == 't' or val.lower() == 'true':
-        return True
-    elif val.lower() == 'f' or val.lower() == 'false':
-        return False
-    else:
-        usage('Error: Invalid option for %s: %s' % (option, val))
-class GPDetective:
-    '''
-    GPDetecive main class
-    '''
-    opt    = {}         # Command line options
-    db     = 'postgres' # Default database
-    master = None       # Database connection to master
-    olddir = None       # Directory script was executed from
-    logdir = None       # Temporary directory
-    errlog = None       # Error log
-    tardir = None       # name of the produced tarball
-    error  = None
-    start_date      = None
-    end_date        = None
-    log_list                   = []    # [] implies all segments (the default)
-    pg_changetracking_log_list = None  # None implies no segments (the default)
-    pg_dump_options = None
-    rungpstate    = True
-    runpg_dumpall = True
-    rungpcheckos  = True
-    rungpcheckcat = True
-    runcore       = True
-    runconnected  = True
-    # Configuration information
-    tempdir   = None    # Temporary directory for gathering information
-    masterdir = None    # Master Directory, assumed on this host
-    backupmasterhostdir   = None    # backup (mirror) Master Directory
-    backupmasterhostname  = None    # backup (mirror) Master host name
-    hosts     = []      # list of all segment hosts
-    segments  = []      # list of all segments (tuple with "dbid" and "hostname:datadir")  
-    mirrors   = []      # list of all mirror segments (tuple with "dbid" and "hostname:datadir")
-    databases = []      # list of all databases (except template)
-    #------------------------------------------------------------
-    def __init__(self): 
-        '''
-        Initialize the Greenplum Detective
-          1) Extract command line arguments
-          2) Establish connection to master database
-          3) Create Logging Directory
-          4) Create error file
-        '''
-        self.olddir = os.getcwd()
-        if not os.access('.', os.W_OK):
-            sys.exit("No write permission to current directory")
-        # Get default option values from enviornment
-        self.opt = {
-            '-h': os.environ.get('PGHOST') or 'localhost',
-            '-P': os.environ.get('PGPASSWORD'),
-            '-U': os.environ.get('USER'),
-            '-p': os.environ.get('PGPORT'),
-            }
-        # Override defaults based on command line options
-        try:
-            (options, args) = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 
-                                            '?h:p:P:U:vV',
-                                            [ 'version'
-                                            , 'start_date='
-                                            , 'end_date='
-                                            , 'connect='
-                                            , 'pg_dump_options='
-                                            , 'tempdir='
-                                            , 'diagnostics='
-                                            , 'logs='
-                                            , 'pg_changetracking_logs='
-                                            , 'pg_dumpall='
-                                            , 'cores='
-                                            ])
-            for (switch, val) in options:
-                if   switch == '-?':       usage(0)
-                if   switch[1] in 'vV' or switch == '--version':
-                    print 'gpdetective ' + __version__
-                    sys.exit(0)
-                elif switch == '--connect':
-                    self.runconnected = truth(switch, val)
-                elif switch == '--start_date':
-                    self.start_date = val
-                elif switch == '--end_date':
-                    self.end_date = val
-                elif switch == '--pg_dump_options':
-                    self.pg_dump_options = val
-                elif switch == '--tempdir':
-                    self.tempdir = val
-                elif switch == '--diagnostics':
-                    self.handleDiagnosticParameterList(val)
-                elif switch == '--logs':
-                    self.log_list = self.handleSegmentParameterList(val)
-                elif switch == '--pg_changetracking_logs':
-                    self.pg_changetracking_log_list = self.handleSegmentParameterList(val)
-                elif switch == '--pg_dumpall':
-                    self.runpg_dumpall = truth(switch, val)
-                elif switch == '--cores':
-                    self.runcore = truth(switch, val)
-                elif switch[1] in 'hpPU':
-                    self.opt[switch] = val
-        except Exception, e:
-            usage('Error: ' + str(e))
-        # Before we go calling psql, we should check the path to ensure
-        # that we have everything we need.
-        self.checkPath();
-        # If still no default port, resort to other methods
-        if not self.opt['-p']:
-            psql = subprocess.Popen(['psql', '-?'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-            port = subprocess.Popen(['grep', 'PORT'], stdin=psql.stdout,
-                                    stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-            line = port.communicate()[0]
-            port_re = re.compile('default: "(\d+)"')
-            m =
-            if not m: exit('Error: Could not determine PORT')
-            self.opt['-p'] =
-        # Make sure port is actually an integer
-        try: self.opt['-p'] = int(self.opt['-p'])
-        except ValueError: exit('Error: Could not determine PORT')
-        # Connect to master
-        if self.runconnected == True:
-          try:
-              self.master = self.connect(db=self.db, utility=True)
-          except:
-              print "Error: Could not connect to the master database:",
-              print " %s@%s:%s" % (self.opt['-U'], self.opt['-h'], self.opt['-p'])
-              print "Please specify the correct host or start the master in admin mode."
-              print "You may also run gpdetective in un-connected mode (i.e. --connect=false)."
-              exit(1)
-        # Setup the log directory
-        self.mklogdir()
-        self.errlog = open('error.log', 'w')
-        self.errlog.write('gpdetective version ' + __version__ + '\n')
-        self.errlog.flush()
-        print 'Collecting information'
-        self.getConfiguration()
-    #------------------------------------------------------------
-    def finishup(self):
-        '''
-        Cleanup open connections and remove temporary files
-        '''
-        if self.logdir:
-            try: self.makeTar()
-            except Exception, e: print str(e)
-        if self.olddir: os.chdir(self.olddir)
-        if self.master: self.master.close()
-        if self.errlog: self.errlog.close()
-        if self.logdir:['rm', '-rf', self.logdir])
-        if self.error:
-            try:
-                raise self.error
-            except Exception, e:
-                print "Internal error: " + str(e)
-                print "  details: %s" % traceback.format_exc()
-                print "Aborting"
-        else:
-            print "Done"
-    #------------------------------------------------------------
-    def handleDiagnosticParameterList(self, diagnostics):
-        '''
-        All diagnostics are done by default. 
-        If the user specifies option(s), then all diagnostic options are set 
-        to false (i.e. not done), and individual diagnostics are are set to
-        true (i.e. turned on) if the user specified their corresponding option. 
-        '''
-        if diagnostics == None:
-           usage('Error: Missing diagnostic options.')           
-        diagnosticsNoSpaces = diagnostics.replace(' ', '')
-        diagList = diagnosticsNoSpaces.split(',')
-        if len(diagList) == 1: 
-           if diagList[0] == 'a' or diagList[0] == 'all':
-              # One diagnostic 'all' implies all diagnostics (the defalut)
-              return
-           elif diagList[0] == 'n' or diagList[0] == 'none':
-              # One diagnostic 'none' implies turn off everyting.
-              self.rungpstate    = False
-              self.rungpcheckos  = False
-              self.rungpcheckcat = False
-              return
-        # If we got this far, turn everything off.
-        self.rungpstate    = False
-        self.rungpcheckos  = False
-        self.rungpcheckcat = False
-        # Go through the list, and selectively turn on the corresponding diagnostic
-        for diag in diagList:
-            if diag == 'a' or diag == 'all' or diag == 'n' or diag == 'none':
-               usage('Error: "%s" must be only diagnostics option.' % diag) 
-            elif diag == 's' or diag == 'state':
-               self.rungpstate = True
-            elif diag == 'o' or diag == 'os':
-               self.rungpcheckos = True
-            elif diag == 'c' or diag == 'catalog':
-               self.rungpcheckcat = True
-            else:
-               usage('Error: Unrecognized diagnostic option: %s' % diag)
-    #------------------------------------------------------------
-    def handleSegmentParameterList(self, segs):
-        '''
-        The segs parameter is of the form 
-           a[ll]
-           n[one]
-           [n | n-m[,n | n-m]...] where n and m are integers.
-          return 
-            []     implies all segments
-            None   implies no segments
-            A list of integers that correspond to the list of entries in segs.
-            (e.g. segs = "1, 2, 5-10, 14". Return [1,2,5,6,7,8,9,10,14])
-            If segs contains no segment numbers, then None
-        '''
-        returnValueList  = None
-        segsNoSpaces = ""
-        inRange = False
-        done = False
-        if segs == None:
-           usage('Error: Missing segs options.')
-        segsNoSpaces = segs.replace(" ", "")
-        segList = segsNoSpaces.split(',')
-        if len(segList) == 1:
-           if segList[0] == 'a' or segList[0] == 'all':
-              returnValueList = []
-              done = True
-           elif segList[0] == 'n' or segList[0] == 'none':
-              returnValueList = None
-              done = True
-        if done == False:
-           returnValueList = []
-           try:
-              for element in segList:
-                 if element.isdigit() == True:
-                    returnValueList.append(int(element))
-                 else:
-                     subRange = element.split('-')
-                     for i in range(int(subRange[0]) , int(subRange[1]) + 1): 
-                        returnValueList.append(i)
-           except Exception, e:
-              print 'Error in segment dbid list: ' + str(e)
-              raise e
-        return returnValueList
-    #------------------------------------------------------------
-    def checkPath(self):
-        '''
-        Ensures that we can find all the needed utilities used by
-        the script.
-        '''
-        def cmdExists(cmd):
-            if (not self.runCmd(['which', cmd])):
-                sys.exit("Error: Could not find %s in path" % cmd)
-        cmds = ['psql', 'ssh', 'scp', 'uname', 'ls', 'date', 'tar']
-        map(cmdExists, cmds)
-    #------------------------------------------------------------
-    def connect(self, user=None, password=None, host=None, port=None, db=None, utility=False):
-        '''
-        Establish a connection to the Greenplum database
-        '''
-        user     = user     or self.opt['-U']
-        password = password or self.opt['-P']
-        host     = host     or self.opt['-h']
-        port     = port     or self.opt['-p']
-        db       = db       or self.opt['-U']
-        if utility:
-            options = '-c gp_session_role=utility'
-        else:
-            options = ''
-        return pg.DB( dbname=db
-                    , host=host
-                    , port=port
-                    , user=user
-                    , passwd=password
-                    , opt=options
-                    )
-    #------------------------------------------------------------
-    def writeCmd(self, filename, cmd, childenv=None):
-        '''
-        Execute a shell command and dumps the results to the
-        specified file.
-        "cmd" can be a list or string.
-        '''
-        self.errlog.write('localhost$ ')
-        for i in cmd: self.errlog.write(str(i) + ' ')
-        self.errlog.write("\n")
-        self.errlog.flush()
-        if filename:
-            file = open(filename, 'w')
-            file.write('localhost$ ')
-            if isinstance(cmd, str):
-               file.write(cmd)
-            else:
-               for i in cmd: file.write(str(i) + ' ')
-            file.write("\n")
-            file.flush()
-        else:
-            file = self.errlog
-        try:
-            if isinstance(cmd, str):
-               p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=file, shell=True, stderr=self.errlog, env=childenv)
-               p.wait()
-            else:
-     , stdout=file, stderr=self.errlog, env=childenv)
-        except Exception, e:
-            self.errlog.write("Error: " + str(e) + "\n");
-            self.errlog.flush()
-        if filename: 
-            file.close()
-    #------------------------------------------------------------
-    def writeSelect(self, filename, queryStr):
-        '''
-        Execute a sql query and dump the results to the specified file.
-        For formatting purposes it materializes the entire query in
-        memory, so don't get out of hand!
-        '''
-        self.errlog.write('SQL: ' + queryStr + "\n")
-        self.errlog.flush()
-        results = None
-        try:
-            resultObject = self.master.query(queryStr)
-        except Exception, e:
-            self.errlog.write("Error: " + str(e) + "\n");
-            self.errlog.flush()
-            return
-        d = resultObject.listfields()
-        file = open(filename, 'w')
-        file.write('SQL: ' + queryStr + "\n")
-        file.flush()
-        # In order to produce formatted output we need to scan through
-        # all the data first before we output anything.
-        width = map(lambda(x): len(x), d)
-        data  = []
-        results = resultObject.getresult()
-        for tuple in results:
-            data.append(tuple)
-            for column in d:
-                index = resultObject.fieldnum(column)
-                item = str(tuple[index])
-                width[index] = max(width[index], len(item))
-        # Now that we have calculated the width, output the result
-        for column in d:
-            index = resultObject.fieldnum(column)
-            file.write(column.ljust(width[index]) + ' | ')
-        file.write("\n")
-        for column in d:
-            index = resultObject.fieldnum(column)
-            if (index > 0): 
-                file.write('-')
-            file.write('-' * width[index] + '-+')
-        file.write("\n")
-        for tuple in data:
-            for column in d:
-                index = resultObject.fieldnum(column)
-                file.write(str(tuple[index]).ljust(width[index]) + ' | ')
-            file.write("\n")
-        file.close()
-   #------------------------------------------------------------  
-    def writeArray(self, filename, itemlist):
-        '''
-        Writes an array to a specified file
-        '''
-        file = open(filename, 'w')
-        for item in itemlist:
-            file.write(str(item) + "\n")
-        file.close()
-    #------------------------------------------------------------  
-    def select(self, queryStr):
-        '''
-        Execute a SQL query and return an array of result rows
-           + Single columns will be returned as an array of values
-           + Multiple columns will be returned as an array of tuples
-        '''
-        self.errlog.write('SQL: ' + queryStr + "\n")
-        self.errlog.flush()
-        rows = []
-        resultObject = self.master.query(queryStr)
-        results = resultObject.getresult()
-        for tuple in results:
-            if len(tuple) == 1: 
-                rows.append(tuple[0])
-            else: 
-                rows.append(tuple)
-        return rows
-    #------------------------------------------------------------  
-    def runCmd(self, cmd, host=None):
-        '''
-        Execute a shell command and returns the results
-        '''
-        if not host:
-            host = 'localhost'
-        # For logging purposes get the string version of the command
-        if isinstance(cmd, list):
-            cmdstr = ''
-            for c in cmd: cmdstr += c + ' '
-        else:
-            cmdstr = str(cmd)
-        if (self.errlog):
-            self.errlog.write('%s$ %s\n' % (host, cmdstr))
-            self.errlog.flush()
-        try:
-            cmd = cmd.split(' ')
-        except: pass
-        if host != 'localhost':
-            cmd.insert(0, 'ssh')
-            cmd.insert(1, host)
-        # A stupid hack to ignore unmatched globs in 'ls'
-        if (cmd[0] == 'ls'):
-            x = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
-        else:            
-            x = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=self.errlog)
-        return str(x.communicate()[0].strip())
-    #------------------------------------------------------------
-    def log(self, test):
-        '''
-        Logs the start of a test
-        '''
-        print '  + ' + test
-        if (self.errlog):
-            self.errlog.write('\nTEST: ' + test + '\n')
-            self.errlog.flush()
-    #------------------------------------------------------------  
-    def getConfiguration(self):
-        '''
-        Collect configuration information
-        '''
-        self.log('getConfiguration')
-        os.mkdir('master')
-        if self.runconnected == False:
-           # Assume we are running on the master,
-           # and try to get the location of the master directory
-           self.opt['-h'] = self.runCmd('uname -n') 
-           self.masterdir = os.environ.get('MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY')
-           return
-        os.mkdir('backupmaster')
-        # Master directory
-        rows =
-        '''
-           SELECT hostname, fselocation 
-           FROM   gp_segment_configuration
-           INNER JOIN pg_filespace_entry on (fsedbid=dbid)
-           INNER JOIN pg_filespace fs on (fs.oid = fsefsoid and fsname = 'pg_system')
-           WHERE  content = -1  AND preferred_role = 'p'
-        ''')
-        self.opt['h']  = rows[0][0]
-        self.masterdir = rows[0][1]
-        # Backup (mirror) Master directory
-        rows =
-        '''
-           SELECT hostname, fselocation
-           FROM   gp_segment_configuration
-           INNER JOIN pg_filespace_entry on (fsedbid=dbid)
-           INNER JOIN pg_filespace fs on (fs.oid = fsefsoid and fsname = 'pg_system')
-           WHERE  content < 0 AND preferred_role != 'p'
-        ''')
-        if len(rows) > 0:
-           self.backupmasterhostname  = rows[0][0]
-           self.backupmasterhostdir   = rows[0][1]
-        # List of hosts
-        self.hosts =
-        '''
-           SELECT distinct hostname
-           FROM   gp_segment_configuration
-           WHERE  content >= 0
-        ''')
-        # list of segments
-        self.segments =
-        '''
-           SELECT dbid, hostname || ':' || fselocation
-           FROM   gp_segment_configuration
-           INNER JOIN pg_filespace_entry on (fsedbid=dbid)
-           INNER JOIN pg_filespace fs on (fs.oid = fsefsoid and fsname = 'pg_system')
-           WHERE  content >= 0  AND  preferred_role = 'p'
-        ''')
-        # list of mirrors
-        self.mirrors =
-        '''
-           SELECT dbid, hostname || ':' || fselocation
-           FROM   gp_segment_configuration
-           INNER JOIN pg_filespace_entry on (fsedbid=dbid)
-           INNER JOIN pg_filespace fs on (fs.oid = fsefsoid and fsname = 'pg_system')
-           WHERE  content >= 0  AND  preferred_role != 'p'
-        ''')
-        # list of databases
-        self.databases =
-        '''
-           SELECT datname FROM pg_database
-           WHERE  datname not in ('template0', 'template1')
-        ''')
-        self.writeArray('hosts', self.hosts)
-        for host in self.hosts:
-           os.mkdir(host)
-        self.writeSelect('config.log', 
-        '''
-           SELECT * from gp_segment_configuration
-        ''')
-        self.writeSelect('config_history.log',
-        '''
-           SELECT * from gp_configuration_history
-        ''')
-        self.writeSelect('config_history.log', 
-        '''
-            SELECT * FROM gp_configuration_history
-        ''')
-        self.writeSelect('resqueue.log',
-        '''
-            SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_resqueue
-        ''')
-        self.writeSelect('mastermirror.log',
-        '''
-            SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.gp_master_mirroring
-        ''')
-        self.writeSelect('version_at_initdb.log',
-        '''
-            SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.gp_version_at_initdb
-        ''')
-        self.writeSelect('interfaces.log',
-        '''
-            SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.gp_interfaces
-        ''')
-        self.writeSelect('db_interfaces.log',
-        '''
-            SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.gp_db_interfaces
-        ''')
-        self.writeSelect('autovacuum.log',
-        '''
-            SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_autovacuum
-        ''')
-        self.writeSelect('pgdatabase.log',
-        '''
-            SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.gp_pgdatabase
-        ''')
-        self.writeSelect('dbsizes.log',
-        '''
-            SELECT datname,pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size( datname )) 
-            FROM ( SELECT datname 
-                   FROM pg_database 
-                   WHERE datname NOT IN ('template0', 'postgres')) d
-        ''')
-        self.writeSelect('pg_stat_resqueue.log',
-        '''
-            SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_resqueue_status            
-        ''')
-        self.writeSelect('pg_stat_database.log',
-        '''
-            SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_stat_database            
-        ''')
-        self.writeSelect('pg_roles.log',
-        '''
-            SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_roles
-        ''')
-        self.writeSelect('pg_filespace.log',
-        '''
-            SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_filespace
-        ''')
-        self.writeSelect('pg_filespace_entry.log',
-        '''
-            SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_filespace_entry
-        ''')
-    #------------------------------------------------------------
-    def get_timeopt(self):
-        opt = ''
-        if self.start_date:
-            if self.start_date.find('-') == -1:
-                start = - datetime.timedelta(days=int(self.start_date))
-                opt = '--begin %s' % str(start)
-            else:
-                opt = '--begin %s' % self.start_date
-        if self.end_date:
-            opt = opt + ' --end %s' % self.end_date
-        return opt
-    #------------------------------------------------------------
-    def grabMasterLog(self,masterlog,dst_file,time_opt):
-        myfile = open(dst_file, 'w')        
-        cmd = '%s/gplogfilter --quiet %s %s' % (sys.path[0],time_opt,masterlog)
-        p=subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=myfile,shell=True)
-        p.wait()
-        myfile.close() 
-        if p.returncode == 0:
-            return True
-        else:
-            return False
-   #------------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                    
-    def grabLog(self, hostname, loglocation, dst_file, time_opt):
-        myfile = open(dst_file, 'w')
-        try:
-            cmdstr = "gplogfilter --quiet %s %s 2>&1" % (time_opt,loglocation)
-            cmd="ssh %s \"%s %s\" " % (hostname,SRC_GPPATH,cmdstr)
-            p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=myfile,shell=True)
-            p.wait()
-            if p.returncode == 0:
-                found = True
-            else:
-                self.log('could not find the log on host: %s in dir: %s' % (hostname,loglocation))
-                myfile.close()
-                f = open(dst_file,'r')
-                str=f.readlines()
-                self.log('command returned: %s' % str)
-                f.close()
-                found = False
-        except OSError, e:
-            self.log('' + str(e))
-            found = False
-        myfile.close()
-        return found
-    #------------------------------------------------------------
-    def copyLogs(self):
-        '''
-        1. Copy logfiles from master and all segments
-        2. Copy postgresql.conf from master and all segments
-        3. Copy ~/gpAdminLogs from master.
-        '''
-        self.log('copyLogs')
-        # Grab master log and postgresql.conf
-        #
-        path_re = re.compile('/([^/]*)$')
-        m =
-        time_opt=self.get_timeopt()
-        logfile= self.masterdir + '/pg_log/*'
-        dst_file = 'master/%s_rotated.log' % hostname
-        if not self.grabMasterLog(logfile,dst_file,time_opt):
-           os.remove(dst_file)
-        self.log('    get master logs')        
-        self.runCmd(['scp', '%s/postgresql.conf' % self.masterdir,
-                     'master/postgresql.conf'])
-        self.runCmd(['scp', '%s/global/pg_database' % self.masterdir,
-                     'master/pg_database'])
-        self.runCmd(['scp', '%s/global/pg_auth' % self.masterdir,
-                     'master/pg_pgauth'])
-        # Grab backup master log and postgresql.conf
-        #                    host  : fullpath / filename
-        host_rx = re.compile('(.*)/([^/]*)')
-        if self.runconnected == True and self.backupmasterhostdir != None and self.backupmasterhostname != None:
-           m =
-           backupmaster_out_name='backupmaster/%s_rotated.log' %
-           backupmasterlog = "%s/%s/pg_log/*" %,2)
-           if not self.grabLog( self.backupmasterhostname
-                              , backupmasterlog
-                              , backupmaster_out_name
-                              , time_opt
-                              ):
-               os.remove(backupmaster_out_name)
-           self.log('    get backup master logs')
-           self.runCmd(['scp', '-q',
-                        '%s/postgresql.conf' % str(self.backupmasterhostname + ':' + self.backupmasterhostdir),
-                        'backupmaster/postgresql_%s.conf' %])
-        # Grab segment logs and postgresql.conf
-        #                    host  : fullpath / filename
-        host_rx = re.compile('(.*)\:(.*)/([^/]*)')
-        if self.log_list != None and self.runconnected == True:
-           self.log('    get primary segment logs')
-           for seg in self.segments:
-               if self.log_list != [] and int(seg[0]) not in self.log_list:
-                  continue
-               m =[1])
-               hostname =            
-               out_name='%s/%s_rotated.log' % (,3))            
-               seglog = "%s/%s/pg_log/*" %,3)
-               if not self.grabLog(hostname,seglog,out_name,time_opt):
-                   os.remove(out_name)
-               self.runCmd(['scp', '-q',
-                            '%s/postgresql.conf' % seg[1],
-                            '%s/postgresql_%s.conf' %,3)])
-        # Grab backup (mirror) segment logs and postgresql.conf
-        #                    host  : fullpath / filename
-        host_rx = re.compile('(.*)\:(.*)/([^/]*)')
-        if self.log_list != None and self.runconnected == True and len(self.mirrors) > 0:
-           self.log('    get mirror segment logs')
-           for mir in self.mirrors:
-               if self.log_list != [] and int(mir[0]) not in self.log_list:
-                     continue
-               m =[1])
-               hostname =
-               out_name = '%s/%s_rotated_mirror.log' % (,3))
-               mirlog   = "%s/%s/pg_log/*" %,3)
-               if not self.grabLog(hostname,mirlog,out_name,time_opt):
-                   os.remove(out_name)
-               self.runCmd(['scp', '-q',
-                            '%s/postgresql.conf' % mir[1],
-                            '%s/postgresql_%s_mirror.conf' %,3)])
-        #3 grab gpAdminLogs
-        adminLogsDir=os.path.expanduser("~") + "/gpAdminLogs/"
-        self.log('    get gpAdminLogs')
-        self.runCmd(['cp', '-R', adminLogsDir , 'master/gpAdminLogs'])
-        # Grab segment pg_changetracking logs
-        #                    host  : fullpath / filename
-        host_rx = re.compile('(.*)\:(.*)/([^/]*)')
-        if self.pg_changetracking_log_list != None and self.runconnected == True:
-           self.log('    get primary segment pg_changetracking logs')
-           for seg in self.segments:
-               if self.pg_changetracking_log_list != [] and int(seg[0]) not in self.pg_changetracking_log_list:
-                  continue
-               m =[1])
-               hostname =
-               tempStr = self.runCmd(['scp', '-qr',
-                            '%s/pg_changetracking' % seg[1],
-                            '%s/pg_changetracking_%s' %,3)])
-        elif self.runconnected == True:
-           # We still want to get some of the log files.
-           self.log('    get primary segment pg_changetracking FILEREP_CONFIG_LOG and FILEREP_LOG  logs')
-           for seg in self.segments:
-               m =[1])
-               hostname =
-               tempStr = self.runCmd(['mkdir', '%s/pg_changetracking_%s' %,3)])
-               tempStr = self.runCmd(['scp', '-qr',
-                            '%s/pg_changetracking/FILEREP_CONFIG_LOG' % seg[1],
-                            '%s/pg_changetracking_%s/FILEREP_CONFIG_LOG' %,3)])
-               tempStr = self.runCmd(['scp', '-qr',
-                            '%s/pg_changetracking/FILEREP_LOG' % seg[1],
-                            '%s/pg_changetracking_%s/FILEREP_LOG' %,3)])
-        # Grab backup (mirror) pg_changetracking logs
-        #                    host  : fullpath / filename
-        host_rx = re.compile('(.*)\:(.*)/([^/]*)')
-        if self.pg_changetracking_log_list != None and self.runconnected == True and len(self.mirrors) > 0:
-           self.log('    get mirror segment pg_changetracking logs')
-           for mir in self.mirrors:
-               if self.pg_changetracking_log_list != [] and int(mir[0]) not in self.pg_changetracking_log_list:
-                  continue
-               m =[1])
-               hostname =
-               tempStr = self.runCmd(['scp', '-qr',
-                            '%s/pg_changetracking' % mir[1],
-                            '%s/pg_changetracking_%s_mirror' %,3)])
-        elif self.runconnected == True:
-           # We still want to get some of the log files.
-           self.log('    get mirror segment pg_changetracking FILEREP_CONFIG_LOG and FILEREP_LOG  logs')
-           for mir in self.mirrors:
-               m =[1])
-               hostname =
-               tempStr = self.runCmd(['mkdir', '%s/pg_changetracking_%s_mirror' %,3)])
-               tempStr = self.runCmd(['scp', '-qr',
-                            '%s/pg_changetracking/FILEREP_CONFIG_LOG' % mir[1],
-                            '%s/pg_changetracking_%s_mirror/FILEREP_CONFIG_LOG' %,3)])
-               tempStr = self.runCmd(['scp', '-qr',
-                            '%s/pg_changetracking/FILEREP_LOG' % mir[1],
-                            '%s/pg_changetracking_%s_mirror/FILEREP_LOG' %,3)])
-    #------------------------------------------------------------
-    def filespaceFlatFiles(self):
-        """
-        Copy the flat files for temporary/transaction filespaces
-        from all the segments, master and standby.
-        """
-        #Copy files from primaries
-        host_rx = re.compile('(.*)\:(.*)/([^/]*)')
-        for seg in self.segments:
-            m =[1])
-            tempStr = self.runCmd(['scp', '-qr',
-                                   '%s/%s' % (seg[1], GP_TRANSACTION_FILES_FILESPACE), 
-                                   '%s/pg_changetracking_%s/%s' % (,, GP_TRANSACTION_FILES_FILESPACE)])
-            tempStr = self.runCmd(['scp', '-qr',
-                                   '%s/%s' % (seg[1], GP_TEMPORARY_FILES_FILESPACE), 
-                                   '%s/pg_changetracking_%s/%s' % (,, GP_TEMPORARY_FILES_FILESPACE)])
-        #Copy files from mirrors
-        for seg in self.mirrors: 
-            m =[1])
-            tempStr = self.runCmd(['scp', '-qr',
-                                   '%s/%s' % (seg[1], GP_TRANSACTION_FILES_FILESPACE), 
-                                   '%s/pg_changetracking_%s_mirror/%s' % (,, GP_TRANSACTION_FILES_FILESPACE)])
-            tempStr = self.runCmd(['scp', '-qr',
-                                   '%s/%s' % (seg[1], GP_TEMPORARY_FILES_FILESPACE), 
-                                   '%s/pg_changetracking_%s_mirror/%s' % (,, GP_TEMPORARY_FILES_FILESPACE)])
-        #Copy files from backupmaster
-        host_rx = re.compile('(.*)/([^/]*)')
-        if self.backupmasterhostdir is not None and self.backupmasterhostname is not None:
-            m =
-            tempStr = self.runCmd(['scp', '-q',
-                                   '%s/%s' % (self.backupmasterhostname + ':' + self.backupmasterhostdir, 
-                                              GP_TRANSACTION_FILES_FILESPACE),
-                                   '%s/%s' % (, GP_TRANSACTION_FILES_FILESPACE)])
-            tempStr = self.runCmd(['scp', '-q',
-                                   '%s/%s' % (self.backupmasterhostname + ':' + self.backupmasterhostdir, 
-                                              GP_TEMPORARY_FILES_FILESPACE),
-                                   '%s/%s' % (, GP_TEMPORARY_FILES_FILESPACE)])
-        #Copy files from the master
-        tempStr = self.runCmd(['cp', '%s/%s' % (self.masterdir, GP_TRANSACTION_FILES_FILESPACE), 
-                                     'master/%s' % (GP_TRANSACTION_FILES_FILESPACE)])
-        tempStr = self.runCmd(['cp', '%s/%s' % (self.masterdir, GP_TEMPORARY_FILES_FILESPACE), 
-                                     'master/%s' % (GP_TEMPORARY_FILES_FILESPACE)])
-    #------------------------------------------------------------
-    def systemInfo(self):
-        '''
-        1. Run gpstate
-        2. Run gpcheckos
-        '''
-        self.log('systemInfo')
-        if self.rungpstate == True and self.runconnected == True:
-           self.writeCmd('gpstate_mirrors.log',        ['gpstate', '-m'])
-           self.writeCmd('gpstate_standby_master.log', ['gpstate', '-f'])
-#        self.writeCmd('gpstate_master.log',         
-#                      ['gpstate', '-d', self.masterdir])
-        if self.rungpcheckos == True:
-           self.writeCmd('gpcheckos_master.log',   
-                         ['gpcheckos', '-vm', '-h', self.opt['-h']])
-           if self.runconnected == True:
-              self.writeCmd('gpcheckos_segments.log', 
-                            ['gpcheckos', '-vf', 'hosts'])
-    #------------------------------------------------------------
-    def checkCatalog(self):
-        '''
-        1. Run gpcheckcat
-        2. pg_dump all databases or pg_dump using command specified in pg_dump_options
-        3. Run other catalog queries
-        '''
-        self.log('checkCatalog')
-        checkcat = [libdir + '/gpcheckcat'] 
-        if self.opt['-h']: checkcat.extend(['-h', str(self.opt['-h'])])
-        if self.opt['-p']: checkcat.extend(['-p', str(self.opt['-p'])])
-        if self.opt['-U']: checkcat.extend(['-U', str(self.opt['-U'])])
-        if self.opt['-P']: checkcat.extend(['-P', str(self.opt['-P'])])
-        if self.rungpcheckcat == True:
-           for db in self.databases:
-              checkcat.append(db)
-              self.writeCmd('gpcheckcat_' + db + '.log', checkcat)
-              checkcat.pop()
-        conOpts = ""
-        if self.opt['-h']:
-           conOpts = conOpts + ' -h ' + str(self.opt['-h'])
-        if self.opt['-p']:
-           conOpts = conOpts + ' -p ' + str(self.opt['-p'])
-        if self.opt['-U']:
-           conOpts = conOpts + ' -U ' + str(self.opt['-U'])
-        # if -P specified, put password into PGPASSWORD environment
-        # for child pg_dumpall/pg_dump processes.
-        childenv = None
-        if self.opt['-P']:
-            childenv = dict(os.environ)
-            childenv['PGPASSWORD'] = self.opt['-P']
-        if self.runpg_dumpall == True and self.pg_dump_options == None:
-            self.log('pg_dumpall')
-            self.writeCmd( 'pg_dumpall.log', 
-                           'pg_dumpall' + ' --schema-only' + ' --gp-syntax' + conOpts,
-                           childenv
-                         );
-        if self.pg_dump_options != None:
-            self.log('pd_dump')
-            self.writeCmd( 'pg_dump.log'
-                         , 'pg_dump' + ' --schema-only' + ' --gp-syntax ' + self.pg_dump_options + conOpts
-                         , childenv
-                         );
-        self.writeSelect('catalog_q1.log', 
-        '''
-           SELECT 
-             nspname || '.' || relname, 
-             attname, 
-             starelid,
-             staattnum,
-             stanullfrac,
-             stawidth,
-             stadistinct,
-             stakind1,
-             stakind2,
-             stakind3,
-             stakind4,
-             staop1,
-             staop2,
-             staop3,
-             staop4,
-             array_to_string(stanumbers1, ','),
-             array_to_string(stanumbers2, ','),
-             array_to_string(stanumbers3, ','),
-             array_to_string(stanumbers4, ','),
-             array_to_string(stavalues1, ','),
-             array_to_string(stavalues2, ','),
-             array_to_string(stavalues3, ','),
-             array_to_string(stavalues4, ',')
-           FROM   pg_class c, 
-                  pg_namespace n, 
-                  pg_attribute a, 
-                  pg_statistic s 
-           WHERE  n.oid = c.relnamespace 
-             AND  c.oid = a.attrelid 
-             AND  c.oid = s.starelid 
-             AND  a.attnum = s.staattnum 
-          ORDER BY 1, 2
-        ''')
-    #------------------------------------------------------------
-    def crashReport(self):
-        '''
-        Find core files and extract useful information
-           + Stack Traces
-           + Local variables of current stack frame
-           + Offending statement
-        '''
-        self.log('crashReport')
-        path_re = re.compile('(.*/)?([^/]*)')
-        core_re = re.compile('^Core was generated by .*postgres')
-        # If master isn't in the list of hosts, add it in
-        hosts = set(self.hosts).union([self.opt['-h']])        
-        for host in hosts:
-            print "    + " + host
-            system = self.runCmd('uname', host)
-            cores  = [];
-            if system == 'Darwin':
-                # For OSX copy the CrashReporter files, these should exist even
-                # if no core files were generated; this assumes we are running 
-                # as the user that started postgres.
-                cr = host + ':~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/postgres*'
-                crlogs = self.runCmd(['scp', cr, host])
-                core_pattern = self.runCmd(['/usr/sbin/sysctl', '-n', 
-                                            'kern.corefile'], host)
-            elif system == 'Linux':
-                core_pattern  = self.runCmd(['/sbin/sysctl', '-n', 
-                                            'kernel.core_pattern'], host)
-                if self.runCmd(['/sbin/sysctl', '-n', 
-                                'kernel.core_uses_pid'], host):
-                    core_pattern = core_pattern + '*'
-            elif system == 'SunOS':
-                init_pattern = self.runCmd(['grep', 'COREADM_INIT_PATTERN',
-                                            '/etc/coreadm.conf'], host)
-                core_pattern = init_pattern.split('=')[1]
-            else:
-                self.log('Crash Report - Unknown System: ' + system)
-                self.writeArray('crash_report.log', 
-                                ['Unknown system: ' + system])
-                continue
-            # Make replacements in core_pattern            
-            m =
-            core_path    = or ''
-            core_pattern =
-            core_pattern = re.sub(re.compile('\%[hH]'), host, 
-                                  core_pattern)
-            core_pattern = re.sub(re.compile('\%[eE]'), 'postgres', 
-                                  core_pattern)
-            core_pattern = re.sub(re.compile('\%.'), '*', core_pattern)
-            # If the pattern is a full path then all the core files are
-            # conviently in one place for this host.  Otherwise we need
-            # to go searching
-            if len(core_path) > 0:
-                cores = self.runCmd('ls -1 ' + core_path + core_pattern, host)
-                cores = cores.split('\n')
-                # If there are no cores, we end up with a list with one empty item. Remove it.
-                if '' in cores:
-                    cores.remove('')
-            else:
-                # cores inconvienently dumped into process directory,
-                # so go look in the relevant locations
-                dir = ''
-                if host == self.opt['-h']:
-                    dir = '%s %s/%s' % (dir, self.masterdir, core_pattern)
-                for seg in self.segments:
-                    (shost, sdir) = seg[1].split(':')
-                    if shost == host:
-                        dir = '%s %s/%s' % (dir, sdir, core_pattern)
-                for seg in self.mirrors:
-                    (shost, sdir) = seg[1].split(':')
-                    if shost == host:
-                        dir = '%s %s/%s' % (dir, sdir, core_pattern)
-                cores = self.runCmd('ls -1 ' + dir, host)
-                cores = cores.split('\n')
-                # If there are no cores, we end up with a list with one empty item. Remove it.
-                if '' in cores:
-                    cores.remove('')
-            gdb = which('gdb');
-            if (gdb == None):
-                self.log('  No debugger found');
-                self.writeArray('  Core files: ', cores)
-                return
-            def is_pgcore(c):
-                corecheck = self.runCmd('%s -batch -n -c %s' 
-                                        % (gdb, str(c)), 
-                                        host)
-                return
-            cores = filter(is_pgcore, cores)
-            for corefile in cores:
-                name = re.sub('/', '_', corefile)
-                dbgout = self.runCmd([gdb, '--batch', '-n', '-c', corefile,
-                                      '-x', libdir + '/crashreport.gdb',
-                                      sys.path[0] + '/postgres'], host)
-                if host in self.hosts:
-                    self.writeArray('%s/core%s' % (host, name), [dbgout])
-                else:
-                    self.writeArray('master/core%s' % name, [dbgout])
-    #------------------------------------------------------------
-    def mklogdir(self):
-        '''
-        Creates the temporary directory and cds to that location
-        '''
-        self.logdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.tempdir)
-        os.chdir(self.logdir)
-        timestamp = self.runCmd('date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
-        self.tardir = 'gpdetective' + timestamp.strip()
-        os.mkdir(self.tardir)
-        os.chdir(self.tardir)
-    #------------------------------------------------------------
-    def makeTar(self):
-        '''
-        Creates a tar archive from the files in the temporary logdir
-        '''
-        self.log('makeTar')
-        self.errlog.close();
-        self.errlog = None
-        os.chdir(self.logdir)
-        # because solaris tar can't gzip we do the tar and gzip as 
-        # separate steps.
-        tarfile = self.tardir + '.tar'
-        tarcmd = ['tar', '-cf', tarfile];
-        tarcmd.extend(os.listdir('.'))
-        self.runCmd(tarcmd)
-        try:
-            self.runCmd(['bzip2', tarfile])
-            tarfile = tarfile + '.bz2';
-        except:
-            pass
-        self.runCmd(['cp', tarfile, self.olddir])
-        os.chdir(self.tardir)
-coverage = GpCoverage()
-    d = GPDetective()
-    try:    
-        d.copyLogs()
-        d.filespaceFlatFiles()
-        d.systemInfo()
-        if d.runconnected == True:
-           d.checkCatalog()
-        if d.runcore == True:
-           d.crashReport()
-        d.finishup()
-    except Exception, e:
-        print 'ERROR: %s' % e
-        print "  details: %s" % traceback.format_exc()        
-        d.error = e
-        d.finishup()
-        exit(1)
-except Exception, e:
-    print "ERROR:"
-    print "   Unhandled internal error:" + str(e)
-    print traceback.format_exc()
-    exit(1)
-    coverage.stop()
-    coverage.generate_report()
diff --git a/tools/bin/gpfaultinjector b/tools/bin/gpfaultinjector
deleted file mode 100755
index afb7cda..0000000
--- a/tools/bin/gpfaultinjector
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Copyright (c) Greenplum Inc 2010. All Rights Reserved.
-# import mainUtils FIRST to get python version check
-from gppylib.mainUtils import *
-# now reset of imports
-from gppylib.programs.clsInjectFault import *
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    simple_main( GpInjectFaultProgram.createParser, GpInjectFaultProgram.createProgram)
diff --git a/tools/bin/ b/tools/bin/
index 46de4dd..1b1fe70 100755
--- a/tools/bin/
+++ b/tools/bin/
@@ -1115,8 +1115,8 @@ class gpload:
         seenv = False
         seenq = False
-        # default to gpAdminLogs for a log file, may be overwritten
-        self.options.l = os.path.join(os.environ.get('HOME', '.'),'gpAdminLogs')
+        # default to hawqAdminLogs for a log file, may be overwritten
+        self.options.l = os.path.join(os.environ.get('HOME', '.'),'hawqAdminLogs')
         if not os.path.isdir(self.options.l):
diff --git a/tools/bin/gppylib/ b/tools/bin/gppylib/
index 110fc83..b8cf62a 100644
--- a/tools/bin/gppylib/
+++ b/tools/bin/gppylib/
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ def setup_hawq_tool_logging(appName,hostname,userName,logdir=None,nonuser=False)
     Returns a singleton logger for standard Greenplum tools:
       - Logs output to stdout
-      - Logs output to a file, typically in ~/gpAdminLogs
+      - Logs output to a file, typically in ~/hawqAdminLogs
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ def setup_tool_logging(appName,hostname,userName,logdir=None,nonuser=False):
     Returns a singleton logger for standard Greenplum tools:
       - Logs output to stdout
-      - Logs output to a file, typically in ~/gpAdminLogs
+      - Logs output to a file, typically in ~/hawqAdminLogs
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ def _get_literal_formatter():
 def _enable_hawqadmin_logging(name,logdir=None):
     Sets up the file output handler for the default logger.
-      - if logdir is not specified it uses ~/gpAdminLogs
+      - if logdir is not specified it uses ~/hawqAdminLogs
       - the file is constructed as appended with "<logdir>/<name>_<date>.log"
     NOTE: internal use only
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ def _enable_hawqadmin_logging(name,logdir=None):
 def _enable_gpadmin_logging(name,logdir=None):
     Sets up the file output handler for the default logger.
-      - if logdir is not specified it uses ~/gpAdminLogs
+      - if logdir is not specified it uses ~/hawqAdminLogs
       - the file is constructed as appended with "<logdir>/<name>_<date>.log"
     NOTE: internal use only
diff --git a/tools/bin/gpverify b/tools/bin/gpverify
deleted file mode 100755
index e176c46..0000000
--- a/tools/bin/gpverify
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-from gppylib.mainUtils import simple_main
-from gppylib.programs.verify import GpVerifyProgram
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    simple_main(GpVerifyProgram.createParser, GpVerifyProgram)
diff --git a/tools/bin/lib/ b/tools/bin/lib/
index 182591a..6376108 100755
--- a/tools/bin/lib/
+++ b/tools/bin/lib/
@@ -1970,7 +1970,7 @@ UPDATE_MPP () {
 # Setup logging directory
 CUR_DATE=`$DATE +%Y%m%d`
 if [ ! -d $DEFLOGDIR ]; then
 		mkdir $DEFLOGDIR