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Posted to by Martin POESCHL <> on 2000/07/28 11:03:59 UTC


I use the XMLSerializer to generate a XML-String which is stored in my database.
Therefore I must convert 'german umlaute' an other characters (ascii-code > 128)
into something like &#254;

If I do so, XMLSerializer generates &amp;#254;   and If I read from the Database
I get &#254; instead of the character...

The problem is that XMLSerializer converts & to &amp;

Is there any solution??
I tried to subclass XMLSerilizer and overwrite the getEntityRef( char ch ) -
method ... but it's final

What I need is that getEntitiyRef also converts chars with an ascii-code > 128

should i write this functionality and post it to the list?? or exists the
functionality and I haven't found it??

thank you

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