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Posted to by on 2012/03/23 23:01:16 UTC

[3/17] Cleaning out the asssets/www directory. This should house mobile-spec
diff --git a/test/assets/www/autotest/tests/file.tests.js b/test/assets/www/autotest/tests/file.tests.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 57f93c9..0000000
--- a/test/assets/www/autotest/tests/file.tests.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2664 +0,0 @@
- * Retrieves root file system entries once, so they don't have to be 
- * repeated for every test (file system shouldn't change during test run). 
- */ 
-var getFileSystemRoot = (function() {
-    // private
-    var temp_root, persistent_root;
-    var onError = function(error) {
-        console.log('unable to retrieve file system: ' + error.code);
-    };
-    // one-time retrieval of the root file system entry
-    var init = function() {
-        window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0,
-                function(fileSystem) {
-                    persistent_root = fileSystem.root;
-                }, onError);
-        window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.TEMPORARY, 0,
-                function(fileSystem) {
-                    temp_root = fileSystem.root;
-                }, onError);
-    };
-    document.addEventListener("deviceready", init, true); 
-    // public function returns private root entry
-    return function() {
-        // When testing, it is a good idea to run the test suite once for each
-        // file system type.  Just change the return value from this function.  
-        //return temp_root;
-        return persistent_root;
-    };
-}()); // execute immediately
-Tests.prototype.FileTests = function() {
-    module('FileError interface');
-    test("FileError constants should be defined", function() {
-        expect(12);
-        equal(FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR, 1, "FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR should be defined");
-        equal(FileError.SECURITY_ERR, 2, "FileError.SECURITY_ERR should be defined");
-        equal(FileError.ABORT_ERR, 3, "FileError.ABORT should be defined");
-        equal(FileError.NOT_READABLE_ERR, 4, "FileError.NOT_READABLE_ERR should be defined");
-        equal(FileError.ENCODING_ERR, 5, "FileError.ENCODING_ERR should be defined");
-        equal(FileError.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, 6, "FileError.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR should be defined");
-        equal(FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR, 7, "FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR should be defined");
-        equal(FileError.SYNTAX_ERR, 8, "FileError.SYNTAX_ERR should be defined");
-        equal(FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR, 9, "FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR should be defined");
-        equal(FileError.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR, 10, "FileError.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR should be defined");
-        equal(FileError.TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR, 11, "FileError.TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR should be defined");
-        equal(FileError.PATH_EXISTS_ERR, 12, "FileError.PATH_EXISTS_ERR should be defined");
-    });
-    module('LocalFileSystem interface');
-    test("window.requestFileSystem function should be defined", function() {
-        expect(1);
-        ok(typeof window.requestFileSystem === 'function', "window.requestFileSystem should be a function.");
-    });
-    test("window.resolveLocalFileSystemURI function should be defined", function() {
-        expect(1);
-        ok(typeof window.resolveLocalFileSystemURI === 'function', "window.resolveLocalFileSystemURI should be a function.");
-    });
-    test("File system types should be defined", function() {
-        expect(2);
-        equal(LocalFileSystem.TEMPORARY, 0, "LocalFileSystem.TEMPORARY should be defined");
-        equal(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 1, "LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT should be defined");
-    });
-    test("retrieve PERSISTENT file system", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(4);
-        var testPersistent = function(fileSystem) {
-            ok(typeof fileSystem !== 'undefined' && fileSystem !== null, "window.requestFileSystem should return an object.");
-            ok(typeof !== 'undefined' && !== null, "filesystem should include a 'name' property.");
-            equal(, "persistent", "file system 'name' attribute should be set properly");
-            ok(typeof fileSystem.root !== 'undefined' && fileSystem.root !== null, "filesystem should include a 'root' property.");
-            QUnit.start();
-        };
-        // retrieve PERSISTENT file system
-        window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, testPersistent, 
-                function(error) {
-                    console.log('error retrieving file system: ' + error.code);
-                });            
-    });
-    test("retrieve TEMPORARY file system", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(4);
-        var testTemporary = function(fileSystem) {
-            ok(typeof fileSystem !== 'undefined' && fileSystem !== null, "window.requestFileSystem should return an object.");
-            ok(typeof !== 'undefined' && !== null, "filesystem should include a 'name' property.");
-            equal(, "temporary", "file system 'name' attribute should be set properly");
-            ok(typeof fileSystem.root !== 'undefined' && fileSystem.root !== null, "filesystem should include a 'root' property.");
-            QUnit.start();
-        };
-        // Request the file system
-        window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.TEMPORARY, 0, testTemporary, 
-                function(error) {
-                    console.log('error retrieving file system: ' + error.code);
-                });            
-    });
-    test("request a file system that is too large", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(2);
-        var failFS = function(error) {
-            ok(error !== null, "error should not be null.");
-            equal(error.code, FileError.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR, "Shoud receive error code FileError.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR");
-            QUnit.start();
-        };
-        // Request the file system
-        window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.TEMPORARY, 1000000000000000, null, failFS);
-    });
-    test("request a file system that does not exist", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(2);
-        var failFS = function(error) {
-            ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "error should not be null.");
-            equal(error.code, FileError.SYNTAX_ERR, "Shoud receive error code FileError.SYNTAX_ERR");
-            QUnit.start();
-        };
-        // Request the file system
-        window.requestFileSystem(-1, 0, null, failFS);
-    });
-    test("resolve invalid file name", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(2);
-        var failURI = function(error) {
-            ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "error should not be null.");
-            equal(error.code, FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR, "Shoud receive error code FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR");
-            QUnit.start();
-        };
-        // lookup file system entry
-        window.resolveLocalFileSystemURI("file:///", null, failURI);
-    });
-    test("resolve invalid URI", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(2);
-        var failURI = function(error) {
-            ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "error should not be null.");
-            equal(error.code, FileError.ENCODING_ERR, "Shoud receive an error code FileError.ENCODING_ERR");
-            QUnit.start();
-        };
-        // lookup file system entry
-        window.resolveLocalFileSystemURI("/", null, failURI);
-    });
-    module('Metadata interface');
-    test("Metadata constructor should exist", function() {
-        expect(2);
-        var metadata = new Metadata();
-        ok(metadata !== null, "Metadata object should not be null.");
-        ok(typeof metadata.modificationTime !== 'undefined', "Metadata object should have a 'modificationTime' property.");
-    });
-    module('Flags interface');
-    test("Flags constructor should exist", function() {
-        expect(5);
-        var flags = new Flags(false, true);
-        ok(flags !== null, "Flags object should not be null.");
-        ok(typeof flags.create !== 'undefined' && flags.create !== null, "Flags object should have a 'create' property.");
-        equal(flags.create, false, "Flags.create should be set properly");
-        ok(typeof flags.exclusive !== 'undefined' && flags.exclusive !== null, "Flags object should have an 'exclusive' property.");
-        equal(flags.exclusive, true, "flags.exclusive should be set properly")
-    });
-    module('FileSystem interface');
-    test("FileSystem root should be a DirectoryEntry", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(15);
-        var root = getFileSystemRoot(),
-            testFSRoot = function(entry) {
-                ok(typeof entry !== 'undefined' && entry !== null, "entry should be non-null");
-                equal(entry.isFile, false, "entry.isFile should be false");
-                equal(entry.isDirectory, true, "entry.isDirectory should be true");
-                ok(typeof !== 'undefined' && !== null, "entry should include a 'name' property.");
-                ok(typeof entry.fullPath !== 'undefined' && entry.fullPath !== null, "entry should include a 'fullPath' property.");
-                ok(typeof entry.getMetadata === 'function', "entry object should have a 'getMetadata' function.");
-                ok(typeof entry.moveTo === 'function', "entry object should have a 'moveTo' function.");
-                ok(typeof entry.copyTo === 'function', "entry object should have a 'copyTo' function.");
-                ok(typeof entry.toURI === 'function', "entry object should have a 'toURI' function.");
-                ok(typeof entry.remove === 'function', "entry object should have a 'remove' function.");
-                ok(typeof entry.getParent === 'function', "entry object should have a 'getParent' function.");
-                ok(typeof entry.createReader === 'function', "entry object should have a 'createReader' function.");
-                ok(typeof entry.getFile === 'function', "entry object should have a 'getFile' function.");
-                ok(typeof entry.getDirectory === 'function', "entry object should have a 'getDirectory' function.");
-                ok(typeof entry.removeRecursively === 'function', "entry object should have a 'removeRecursively' function.");
-                QUnit.start();
-		 };
-		window.resolveLocalFileSystemURI(root.toURI(), testFSRoot, null);
-    });
-    module('DirectoryEntry interface', {
-        // setup function will run before each test
-        setup: function() {
-            this.root = getFileSystemRoot();
-   = function(error) {
-                console.log('file error: ' + error.code);
-            };
-		   this.unexpectedSuccess = function() {
-				console.log('!!! success function called when not expected !!!');
-		   };
-        }
-    });
-    test("DirectoryEntry.getFile: get Entry for file that does not exist", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(2);
-        var fileName = "",
-            filePath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + fileName,
-            that = this,
-            testFile = function(error) {
-                ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "retrieving a file that does not exist is an error");
-                equal(error.code, FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR, "error code should be FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR");
-                // cleanup
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create:false, exclusive:false, file does not exist
-        this.root.getFile(fileName, {create:false}, null, testFile); 
-    });
-    test("DirectoryEntry.getFile: create new file", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(5);
-        var fileName = "de.create.file",
-            filePath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + fileName,
-            that = this,
-            testFile = function(entry) {
-                ok(typeof entry !== 'undefined' && entry !== null, "file entry should not be null");
-                equal(entry.isFile, true, "entry 'isFile' attribute should be true");
-                equal(entry.isDirectory, false, "entry 'isDirectory' attribute should be false");
-                equal(, fileName, "entry 'name' attribute should be set");
-                equal(entry.fullPath, filePath, "entry 'fullPath' attribute should be set");
-                // cleanup
-                entry.remove(null,;
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create:true, exclusive:false, file does not exist
-        this.root.getFile(fileName, {create: true}, testFile,; 
-    });
-    test("DirectoryEntry.getFile: create new file (exclusive)", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(5);
-        var fileName = "de.create.exclusive.file",
-            filePath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + fileName,
-            that = this,
-            testFile = function(entry) {
-                ok(typeof entry !== 'undefined' && entry !== null, "file entry should not be null");
-                equal(entry.isFile, true, "entry 'isFile' attribute should be true");
-                equal(entry.isDirectory, false, "entry 'isDirectory' attribute should be false");
-                equal(, fileName, "entry 'name' attribute should be set");
-                equal(entry.fullPath, filePath, "entry 'fullPath' attribute should be set");
-                // cleanup
-                entry.remove(null,;
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create:true, exclusive:true, file does not exist
-        this.root.getFile(fileName, {create: true, exclusive:true}, testFile,; 
-    });
-    test("DirectoryEntry.getFile: create file that already exists", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(5);
-        var fileName = "de.create.existing.file",
-            filePath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + fileName,
-            that = this,
-            getFile = function(file) {
-                // create:true, exclusive:false, file exists
-                that.root.getFile(fileName, {create:true}, testFile,;             
-            },
-            testFile = function(entry) {
-                ok(typeof entry !== 'undefined' && entry !== null, "file entry should not be null");
-                equal(entry.isFile, true, "entry 'isFile' attribute should be true");
-                equal(entry.isDirectory, false, "entry 'isDirectory' attribute should be false");
-                equal(, fileName, "entry 'name' attribute should be set");
-                equal(entry.fullPath, filePath, "entry 'fullPath' attribute should be set");
-                // cleanup
-                entry.remove(null,;
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create file to kick off test
-        this.root.getFile(fileName, {create:true}, getFile,; 
-    });
-    test("DirectoryEntry.getFile: create file that already exists (exclusive)", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(2);
-        var fileName = "de.create.exclusive.existing.file",
-            filePath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + fileName,
-            that = this,
-            existingFile,
-            getFile = function(file) {
-                existingFile = file;
-                // create:true, exclusive:true, file exists
-                that.root.getFile(fileName, {create:true, exclusive:true}, null, testFile);             
-            },
-            testFile = function(error) {
-                ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "creating exclusive file that already exists is an error");
-                equal(error.code, FileError.PATH_EXISTS_ERR, "error code should be FileError.PATH_EXISTS_ERR");
-                // cleanup
-                existingFile.remove(null,;
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create file to kick off test
-        this.root.getFile(fileName, {create:true}, getFile,; 
-    });
-    test("DirectoryEntry.getFile: get Entry for existing file", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(5);
-        var fileName = "de.get.file",
-            filePath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + fileName,
-            that = this,
-            getFile = function(file) {
-                // create:false, exclusive:false, file exists
-                that.root.getFile(fileName, {create:false}, testFile,;             
-            },
-            testFile = function(entry) {
-                ok(typeof entry !== 'undefined' && entry !== null, "file entry should not be null");
-                equal(entry.isFile, true, "entry 'isFile' attribute should be true");
-                equal(entry.isDirectory, false, "entry 'isDirectory' attribute should be false");
-                equal(, fileName, "entry 'name' attribute should be set");
-                equal(entry.fullPath, filePath, "entry 'fullPath' attribute should be set");
-				// cleanup
-                entry.remove(null,;
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create file to kick off test
-        this.root.getFile(fileName, {create:true}, getFile,; 
-    });
-    test("DirectoryEntry.getFile: get FileEntry for invalid path", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(2);
-        var fileName = "de:invalid:path",
-            that = this,
-            testFile = function(error) {
-                ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "retrieving a file using an invalid path is an error");
-                equal(error.code, FileError.ENCODING_ERR, "error code should be FileError.ENCODING_ERR");
-                // cleanup
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create:false, exclusive:false, invalid path
-        this.root.getFile(fileName, {create:false}, null, testFile); 
-    });
-    test("DirectoryEntry.getDirectory: get Entry for directory that does not exist", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(2);
-        var dirName = "",
-            dirPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + dirName,
-            that = this,
-            testDir = function(error) {
-                ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "retrieving a directory that does not exist is an error");
-                equal(error.code, FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR, "error code should be FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR");
-                // cleanup
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create:false, exclusive:false, directory does not exist
-        this.root.getDirectory(dirName, {create:false}, null, testDir); 
-    });
-    test("DirectoryEntry.getDirectory: create new dir with space then resolveFileSystemURI", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(5);
-        var dirName = "de create dir",
-        dirPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + dirName,
-        that = this,
-        getDir = function(dirEntry) {
-            var dirURI = dirEntry.toURI();
-            // now encode URI and try to resolve
-            window.resolveLocalFileSystemURI(dirURI, testDirFromURI,;
-        },
-        testDirFromURI = function(directory) {
-            ok(typeof directory !== 'undefined' && directory !== null, "directory entry should not be null");
-            equal(directory.isFile, false, "directory 'isFile' attribute should be false");
-            equal(directory.isDirectory, true, "directory 'isDirectory' attribute should be true");
-            equal(, dirName, "directory 'name' attribute should be set");
-            equal(directory.fullPath, dirPath, "directory 'fullPath' attribute should be set");
-            // cleanup
-            directory.remove(null,;
-            QUnit.start();
-        };
-        // create:true, exclusive:false, directory does not exist
-        this.root.getDirectory(dirName, {create: true}, getDir,; 
-    });
-    test("DirectoryEntry.getDirectory: create new dir with space resolveFileSystemURI with encoded URI", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(5);
-        var dirName = "de create dir",
-        dirPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + dirName,
-        that = this,
-        getDir = function(dirEntry) {
-            var dirURI = dirEntry.toURI();
-            // now encode URI and try to resolve
-            window.resolveLocalFileSystemURI(encodeURI(dirURI), testDirFromURI,;
-        },
-        testDirFromURI = function(directory) {
-            ok(typeof directory !== 'undefined' && directory !== null, "directory entry should not be null");
-            equal(directory.isFile, false, "directory 'isFile' attribute should be false");
-            equal(directory.isDirectory, true, "directory 'isDirectory' attribute should be true");
-            equal(, dirName, "directory 'name' attribute should be set");
-            equal(directory.fullPath, dirPath, "directory 'fullPath' attribute should be set");
-            // cleanup
-            directory.remove(null,;
-            QUnit.start();
-        };
-        // create:true, exclusive:false, directory does not exist
-        this.root.getDirectory(dirName, {create: true}, getDir,; 
-    });
-    test("DirectoryEntry.getDirectory: create new directory", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(5);
-        var dirName = "de.create.dir",
-            dirPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + dirName,
-            that = this,
-            testDir = function(directory) {
-                ok(typeof directory !== 'undefined' && directory !== null, "directory entry should not be null");
-                equal(directory.isFile, false, "directory 'isFile' attribute should be false");
-                equal(directory.isDirectory, true, "directory 'isDirectory' attribute should be true");
-                equal(, dirName, "directory 'name' attribute should be set");
-                equal(directory.fullPath, dirPath, "directory 'fullPath' attribute should be set");
-                // cleanup
-                directory.remove(null,;
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create:true, exclusive:false, directory does not exist
-        this.root.getDirectory(dirName, {create: true}, testDir,; 
-    });
-    test("DirectoryEntry.getDirectory: create new directory (exclusive)", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(5);
-        var dirName = "de.create.exclusive.dir",
-            dirPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + dirName,
-            that = this,
-            testDir = function(directory) {
-                ok(typeof directory !== 'undefined' && directory !== null, "directory entry should not be null");
-                equal(directory.isFile, false, "directory 'isFile' attribute should be false");
-                equal(directory.isDirectory, true, "directory 'isDirectory' attribute should be true");
-                equal(, dirName, "directory 'name' attribute should be set");
-                equal(directory.fullPath, dirPath, "directory 'fullPath' attribute should be set");
-                // cleanup
-                directory.remove(null,;
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create:true, exclusive:true, directory does not exist
-        this.root.getDirectory(dirName, {create: true, exclusive:true}, testDir,; 
-    });
-    test("DirectoryEntry.getDirectory: create directory that already exists", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(5);
-        var dirName = "de.create.existing.dir",
-            dirPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + dirName,
-            that = this,
-            getDir = function(directory) {
-                // create:true, exclusive:false, directory exists
-                that.root.getDirectory(dirName, {create:true}, testDir,;             
-            },
-            testDir = function(directory) {
-                ok(typeof directory !== 'undefined' && directory !== null, "directory entry should not be null");
-                equal(directory.isFile, false, "directory 'isFile' attribute should be false");
-                equal(directory.isDirectory, true, "directory 'isDirectory' attribute should be true");
-                equal(, dirName, "directory 'name' attribute should be set");
-                equal(directory.fullPath, dirPath, "directory 'fullPath' attribute should be set");
-                // cleanup
-                directory.remove(null,;
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create directory to kick off test
-        this.root.getDirectory(dirName, {create:true}, getDir,; 
-    });
-    test("DirectoryEntry.getDirectory: create directory that already exists (exclusive)", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(2);
-        var dirName = "de.create.exclusive.existing.dir",
-            dirPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + dirName,
-            that = this,
-            existingDir,
-            getDir = function(directory) {
-                existingDir = directory;
-                // create:true, exclusive:true, directory exists
-                that.root.getDirectory(dirName, {create:true, exclusive:true}, null, testDir);             
-            },
-            testDir = function(error) {
-                ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "creating exclusive directory that already exists is an error");
-                equal(error.code, FileError.PATH_EXISTS_ERR, "error code should be FileError.PATH_EXISTS_ERR");
-                // cleanup
-                existingDir.remove(null,;
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create directory to kick off test
-        this.root.getDirectory(dirName, {create:true}, getDir,; 
-    });
-    test("DirectoryEntry.getDirectory: get Entry for existing directory", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(5);
-        var dirName = "de.get.dir",
-            dirPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + dirName,
-            that = this,
-            getDir = function(directory) {
-                // create:false, exclusive:false, directory exists
-                that.root.getDirectory(dirName, {create:false}, testDir,;             
-            },
-            testDir = function(directory) {
-                ok(typeof directory !== 'undefined' && directory !== null, "directory entry should not be null");
-                equal(directory.isFile, false, "directory 'isFile' attribute should be false");
-                equal(directory.isDirectory, true, "directory 'isDirectory' attribute should be true");
-                equal(, dirName, "directory 'name' attribute should be set");
-                equal(directory.fullPath, dirPath, "directory 'fullPath' attribute should be set");
-                // cleanup
-                directory.remove(null,;
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create directory to kick off test
-        this.root.getDirectory(dirName, {create:true}, getDir,; 
-    });
-    test("DirectoryEntry.getDirectory: get DirectoryEntry for invalid path", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(2);
-        var dirName = "de:invalid:path",
-            that = this,
-            testDir = function(error) {
-                ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "retrieving a directory using an invalid path is an error");
-                equal(error.code, FileError.ENCODING_ERR, "error code should be FileError.ENCODING_ERR");
-                // cleanup
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create:false, exclusive:false, invalid path
-        this.root.getDirectory(dirName, {create:false}, null, testDir); 
-    });
-    test("DirectoryEntry.getDirectory: get DirectoryEntry for existing file", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(2);
-        var fileName = "de.existing.file",
-            existingFile,
-            filePath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + fileName,
-            that = this,
-            getDir = function(file) {
-                existingFile = file;
-                // create:false, exclusive:false, existing file
-                that.root.getDirectory(fileName, {create:false}, null, testDir);             
-            },
-            testDir = function(error) {
-                ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "retrieving directory for existing file is an error");
-                equal(error.code, FileError.TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR, "error code should be FileError.TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR");
-                // cleanup
-                existingFile.remove(null,;
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create file to kick off test
-        this.root.getFile(fileName, {create:true}, getDir,; 
-    });
-    test("DirectoryEntry.getFile: get FileEntry for existing directory", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(2);
-        var dirName = "de.existing.dir",
-            existingDir,
-            dirPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + dirName,
-            that = this,
-            getFile = function(directory) {
-                existingDir = directory;
-                // create:false, exclusive:false, existing directory
-                that.root.getFile(dirName, {create:false}, null, testFile);             
-            },
-            testFile = function(error) {
-                ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "retrieving file for existing directory is an error");
-                equal(error.code, FileError.TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR, "error code should be FileError.TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR");
-                // cleanup
-                existingDir.remove(null,;
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create directory to kick off test
-        this.root.getDirectory(dirName, {create:true}, getFile,; 
-    });
-    test("DirectoryEntry.removeRecursively on directory", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(2);
-        var dirName = "de.removeRecursively",
-            subDirName = "dir",
-            dirPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + dirName,
-            //subDirPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + subDirName,
-			subDirPath = dirPath + '/' + subDirName,
-            that = this,
-            entryCallback = function(entry) {
-                // delete directory
-				var deleteDirectory = function(directory) {
-                    entry.removeRecursively(testRemove,;  
-                }; 
-                // create a sub-directory within directory
-                entry.getDirectory(subDirName, {create: true}, deleteDirectory,;
-				},
-				testRemove = function() {
-					// test that removed directory no longer exists
-					that.root.getDirectory(dirName, {create:false}, null, testDirExists);
-				},
-				testDirExists = function(error){
-					ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "removed directory should not exist");
-					equal(error.code, FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR, "error code should be FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR");
-					QUnit.start();
-				};
-        // create a new directory entry to kick off test
-        this.root.getDirectory(dirName, {create:true}, entryCallback,;
-    });
-    test("DirectoryEntry.createReader: create reader on existing directory", function() {
-        expect(2);
-        // create reader for root directory 
-        var reader = this.root.createReader();
-        ok(typeof reader !== 'undefined' && reader !== null, "reader object should not be null");
-        ok(typeof reader.readEntries === 'function', "reader object should have a 'readEntries' method");
-    });
-    module('DirectoryReader interface', {
-        // setup function will run before each test
-        setup: function() {
-            this.root = getFileSystemRoot();
-   = function(error) {
-                console.log('file error: ' + error.code);
-            };   
-        }
-    });
-    test("DirectoryReader.readEntries: read contents of existing directory", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(4);
-        var reader,
-		 testEntries = function(entries) {
-                ok(typeof entries !== 'undefined' && entries !== null, "directory entries should not be null");
-                ok(entries.constructor === Array, "readEntries should return an array of entries");
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create reader for root directory 
-        reader = this.root.createReader();
-        ok(typeof reader !== 'undefined' && reader !== null, "reader object should not be null");
-        ok(typeof reader.readEntries === 'function', "reader object should have a 'readEntries' method");
-        // read entries
-        reader.readEntries(testEntries,;
-    });
-    test("DirectoryReader.readEntries: read contents of directory that has been removed", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(4);
-        var dirName = "de.createReader.notfound",
-            dirPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + dirName,
-            that = this,
-            entryCallback = function(directory) {
-                // read entries
-                var readEntries = function() {
-                    var reader = directory.createReader();
-                    reader.readEntries(null, testReader);
-                };
-                // delete directory
-                directory.removeRecursively(readEntries,;  
-            },
-            testReader = function(error) {
-				var testDirectoryExists = function(error) {
-					ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "reading entries on a directory that does not exist is an error")
-					equal(error.code, FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR, "removed directory should not exist");
-					QUnit.start();
-				};
-                ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "reading entries on a directory that does not exist is an error")
-                equal(error.code, FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR, "error code should be FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR");
-				that.root.getDirectory(dirName, {create:false}, null, testDirectoryExists);
-            };
-        // create a new directory entry to kick off test
-        this.root.getDirectory(dirName, {create:true}, entryCallback,;
-    });
-    test("DirectoryEntry.removeRecursively on root file system", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(2);
-        var testRemove = function(error) {
-                ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "removing root file system should generate an error");
-                equal(error.code, FileError.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, "error code should be FileError.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR");
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // remove root file system
-        this.root.removeRecursively(null, testRemove);
-    });
-    module('File interface');
-    test("File constructor should be defined", function() {
-        expect(1);
-        ok(typeof File === 'function', "File constructor should be a function.");
-    });
-    test("File attributes should be defined", function() {
-        expect(5);
-        var file = new File();
-        ok(typeof !== 'undefined', "File object should have a 'name' attribute");
-        ok(typeof file.fullPath !== 'undefined', "File object should have a 'fullPath' attribute");
-        ok(typeof file.type !== 'undefined', "File object should have a 'type' attribute");
-        ok(typeof file.lastModifiedDate !== 'undefined', "File object should have a 'lastModifiedDate' attribute");
-        ok(typeof file.size !== 'undefined', "File object should have a 'size' attribute");
-    });
-    module('FileEntry interface', {
-        // setup function will run before each test
-        setup: function() {
-            this.root = getFileSystemRoot();
-   = function(error) {
-                console.log('file error: ' + error.code);
-            };   
-        }
-    });
-    test("FileEntry methods should be defined", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(3);
-        var fileName = "fe.methods",
-            that = this,
-            testFileEntry = function(fileEntry) {
-                ok(typeof fileEntry !== 'undefined' && fileEntry !== null, "FileEntry should not be null");
-                ok(typeof fileEntry.createWriter === 'function', "FileEntry should have a 'createWriter' method");
-                ok(typeof fileEntry.file === 'function', "FileEntry should have a 'file' method");
-                // cleanup 
-                fileEntry.remove(null,;
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create a new file entry to kick off test
-        this.root.getFile(fileName, {create:true}, testFileEntry,;
-    });
-    test("FileEntry.createWriter should return a FileWriter object", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(2);
-        var fileName = "fe.createWriter",
-            that = this,
-            testFile,
-            entryCallback = function(fileEntry) {
-                testFile = fileEntry;
-                fileEntry.createWriter(testWriter,;
-            },
-            testWriter = function(writer) {
-                ok(typeof writer !== 'undefined' && writer !== null, "FileWriter object should not be null");
-                ok(writer.constructor === FileWriter, "writer should be a FileWriter object");
-                // cleanup 
-                testFile.remove(null,;
-                QUnit.start();                
-            };
-        // create a new file entry to kick off test
-        this.root.getFile(fileName, {create:true}, entryCallback,;
-    });
-    test("FileEntry.file should return a File object", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(2);
-        var fileName = "fe.file",
-            that = this,
-            newFile,
-            entryCallback = function(fileEntry) {
-                newFile = fileEntry;
-                fileEntry.file(testFile,;
-            },
-            testFile = function(file) {
-                ok(typeof file !== 'undefined' && file !== null, "File object should not be null");
-                ok(file.constructor === File, "File object should be a File");
-                // cleanup 
-                newFile.remove(null,;
-                QUnit.start();                
-            };
-        // create a new file entry to kick off test
-        this.root.getFile(fileName, {create:true}, entryCallback,;
-    });
-    test("FileEntry.file: on File that has been removed", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(2);
-        var fileName = "",
-            that = this,
-            entryCallback = function(fileEntry) {
-                // create File object
-                var getFile = function() {
-                    fileEntry.file(null, testFile);
-                };
-                // delete file
-                fileEntry.remove(getFile,;
-            },
-            testFile = function(error) {
-                ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "invoking FileEntry.file on a file that does not exist is an error");
-                equal(error.code, FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR, "error code should be FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR");
-                QUnit.start();                
-            };
-        // create a new file entry to kick off test
-        this.root.getFile(fileName, {create:true}, entryCallback,;
-    });
-    module('Entry interface', {
-        // setup function will run before each test
-        setup: function() {
-            var that = this;
-            this.root = getFileSystemRoot();
-   = function(error) {
-                console.log('file error: ' + error.code);
-            };
-			this.unexpectedSuccess = function() {
-				console.log('!!! success function called when not expected !!!');
-			};
-            // deletes specified file or directory
-            this.deleteEntry = function(name, success, error) {
-                // deletes entry, if it exists
-                window.resolveLocalFileSystemURI(that.root.toURI() + '/' + name, 
-                        function(entry) {
-                            console.log('Deleting: ' + entry.fullPath);
-                            if (entry.isDirectory === true) {
-                                entry.removeRecursively(success, error); 
-                            }
-                            else {
-                                entry.remove(success, error);
-                            }
-                        }, 
-                        // doesn't exist
-                        success);
-            };
-            // deletes and re-creates the specified file
-            this.createFile = function(fileName, success, error) {
-                that.deleteEntry(fileName, function() {
-                    console.log('Creating file: ' + that.root.fullPath + '/' + fileName);
-                    that.root.getFile(fileName, {create: true}, success, error);                
-                }, error);
-            };
-            // deletes and re-creates the specified directory
-            this.createDirectory = function(dirName, success, error) {
-                that.deleteEntry(dirName, function() {
-                   console.log('Creating directory: ' + that.root.fullPath + '/' + dirName);
-                   that.root.getDirectory(dirName, {create: true}, success, error); 
-                }, error);
-            };
-        }
-    });
-    test("Entry object", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(13);
-        var fileName = "entry",
-            that = this,
-            fullPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + fileName,
-            testEntry = function(entry) {
-                ok(typeof entry !== 'undefined' && entry !== null, "entry should not be null.");
-                equal(entry.isFile, true, "entry.isFile should be true");
-                equal(entry.isDirectory, false, "entry.isDirectory should be false");
-                equal(, fileName, "entry object 'name' property should be set");
-                equal(entry.fullPath, fullPath, "entry object 'fullPath' property should be set");
-                ok(typeof entry.getMetadata === 'function', "entry object should have a 'getMetadata' function.");
-                ok(typeof entry.moveTo === 'function', "entry object should have a 'moveTo' function.");
-                ok(typeof entry.copyTo === 'function', "entry object should have a 'copyTo' function.");
-                ok(typeof entry.toURI === 'function', "entry object should have a 'toURI' function.");
-                ok(typeof entry.remove === 'function', "entry object should have a 'remove' function.");
-                ok(typeof entry.getParent === 'function', "entry object should have a 'getParent' function.");
-                ok(typeof entry.createWriter === 'function', "entry object should have a 'createWriter' function.");
-                ok(typeof entry.file === 'function', "entry object should have a 'file' function.");
-                // cleanup
-                that.deleteEntry(fileName);
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create a new file entry
-        this.createFile(fileName, testEntry,;
-    });
-    test("Entry.getMetadata on file", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(2);
-        var fileName = "entry.metadata.file",
-            that = this,
-            entryCallback = function(entry) {
-                entry.getMetadata(testMetadata,;
-            },
-            testMetadata = function(metadata) {
-                ok(typeof metadata !== 'undefined' && metadata !== null, "metadata should not be null.");
-                ok(metadata.modificationTime instanceof Date, "metadata.modificationTime should be Date object");
-                // cleanup
-                that.deleteEntry(fileName);
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create a new file entry
-        this.createFile(fileName, entryCallback,;
-    });
-    test("Entry.getMetadata on directory", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(2);
-        var dirName = "entry.metadata.dir",
-            that = this,
-            entryCallback = function(entry) {
-                entry.getMetadata(testMetadata,;
-            },
-            testMetadata = function(metadata) {
-                ok(typeof metadata !== 'undefined' && metadata !== null, "metadata should not be null.");
-                ok(metadata.modificationTime instanceof Date, "metadata.modificationTime should be Date object");
-                // cleanup
-                that.deleteEntry(dirName);
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create a new directory entry
-        this.createDirectory(dirName, entryCallback,;
-    });
-    test("Entry.getParent on file in root file system", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(2);
-        var fileName = "entry.parent.file",
-            that = this,
-            rootPath = this.root.fullPath,
-            entryCallback = function(entry) {
-                entry.getParent(testParent,;
-            },
-            testParent = function(parent) {
-                ok(typeof parent !== 'undefined' && parent !== null, "parent directory should not be null.");
-                equal(parent.fullPath, rootPath, "parent fullPath should be root file system");
-                // cleanup
-                that.deleteEntry(fileName);
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create a new file entry
-        this.createFile(fileName, entryCallback,;
-    });
-    test("Entry.getParent on directory in root file system", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(2);
-        var dirName = "entry.parent.dir",
-            that = this,
-            rootPath = this.root.fullPath,
-            entryCallback = function(entry) {
-                entry.getParent(testParent,;
-            },
-            testParent = function(parent) {
-                ok(typeof parent !== 'undefined' && parent !== null, "parent directory should not be null.");
-                equal(parent.fullPath, rootPath, "parent fullPath should be root file system");
-                // cleanup
-                that.deleteEntry(dirName);
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create a new directory entry
-        this.createDirectory(dirName, entryCallback,;
-    });
-    test("Entry.getParent on root file system", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(2);
-        var rootPath = this.root.fullPath,
-		 testParent = function(parent) {
-                ok(typeof parent !== 'undefined' && parent !== null, "parent directory should not be null.");
-                equal(parent.fullPath, rootPath, "parent fullPath should be root file system");
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create a new directory entry
-        this.root.getParent(testParent,;
-    });
-    test("Entry.toURI on file", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(2);
-        var fileName = "entry.uri.file",
-            that = this,
-            rootPath = this.root.fullPath,
-            testURI = function(entry) {
-                var uri = entry.toURI();
-                ok(typeof uri !== 'undefined' && uri !== null, "URI should not be null.");
-                ok(uri.indexOf(rootPath) !== -1, "URI should contain root file system path");
-                // cleanup
-                that.deleteEntry(fileName);
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create a new file entry
-        this.createFile(fileName, testURI,;
-    });
-    test("Entry.toURI on directory", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(2);
-        var dirName = "entry.uri.dir",
-            that = this,
-            rootPath = this.root.fullPath,
-            testURI = function(entry) {
-                var uri = entry.toURI();
-                ok(typeof uri !== 'undefined' && uri !== null, "URI should not be null.");
-                ok(uri.indexOf(rootPath) !== -1, "URI should contain root file system path");
-                // cleanup
-                that.deleteEntry(dirName);
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create a new directory entry
-        this.createDirectory(dirName, testURI,;
-    });
-    test("Entry.remove on file", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(3);
-        var fileName = "entry.rm.file",
-            that = this,
-            fullPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + fileName,
-		 entryCallback = function(entry) {
-				var checkRemove = function() {
-					that.root.getFile(fileName, null, that.unexpectedSuccess, testRemove);  
-				};
-                ok(typeof entry !== 'undefined' && entry !== null, "entry should not be null.");
-                entry.remove(checkRemove,;
-            },
-			testRemove = function(error) {
-				ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "file should not exist");
-				equal(error.code, FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR, "error code should be FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR"); 
-                // cleanup
-                that.deleteEntry(fileName);
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create a new file entry
-        this.createFile(fileName, entryCallback,;
-    });
-    test("Entry.remove on empty directory", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(3);
-        var dirName = "entry.rm.dir",
-            that = this,
-            fullPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + dirName,
-            entryCallback = function(entry) {
-				var checkRemove = function() {
-					that.root.getDirectory(dirName, null, that.unexpectedSuccess, testRemove);  
-				};
-                ok(typeof entry !== 'undefined' && entry !== null, "entry should not be null.");
-                entry.remove(checkRemove,;
-            },
-            testRemove = function(error) {
-				ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "directory should not exist");
-				equal(error.code, FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR, "error code should be FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR"); 
-                // cleanup
-                that.deleteEntry(dirName);                
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create a new directory entry
-        this.createDirectory(dirName, entryCallback,;
-    });
-    test("Entry.remove on non-empty directory", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(4);
-        var dirName = "entry.rm.dir.not.empty",
-            that = this,
-            fullPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + dirName,
-            fileName = "remove.txt",
-            entryCallback = function(entry) {
-				var checkFile = function(error) {
-					ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "removing non-empty directory should generate an error");
-					equal(error.code, FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR, "error code should be FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR");
-					// verify that dir still exists
-					that.root.getDirectory(dirName, null, testRemove,;  
-				};
-                // delete directory
-                var deleteDirectory = function(fileEntry) {
-                    entry.remove(that.unexpectedSuccess, checkFile);  
-                }; 
-                // create a file within directory, then try to delete directory
-                entry.getFile(fileName, {create: true}, deleteDirectory,;
-            },
-			testRemove = function(entry) {
-				ok(typeof entry !== 'undefined' && entry !== null, "entry should not be null.");
-				equal(entry.fullPath, fullPath, "dir entry should still exisit");
-                // cleanup
-                that.deleteEntry(dirName);
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create a new directory entry
-        this.createDirectory(dirName, entryCallback,;
-    });
-    test("Entry.remove on root file system", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(2);
-        var testRemove = function(error) {
-                ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "removing root file system should generate an error");
-                equal(error.code, FileError.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR, "error code should be FileError.NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR");
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // remove entry that doesn't exist
-        this.root.remove(null, testRemove);
-    });
-    test("Entry.copyTo: file", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(10);
-        var file1 = "entry.copy.file1",
-            file2 = "entry.copy.file2",
-            that = this,
-            fullPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + file2,
-            entryCallback = function(entry) {
-                // copy file1 to file2
-                entry.copyTo(that.root, file2, testCopy,;
-            },
-			testCopy = function(entry) {
-				ok(typeof entry !== 'undefined' && entry !== null, "copied file entry should not be null");
-				equals(entry.isFile, true, "entry 'isFile' attribute should be set to true");
-				equals(entry.isDirectory, false, "entry 'isDirectory' attribute should be set to false");
-				equals(entry.fullPath, fullPath, "entry 'fullPath' should be set correctly");
-				equals(, file2, "entry 'name' attribute should be set correctly");
-				that.root.getFile(file2, {create:false}, testFileExists, null);							  
-            },
-			testFileExists = function(entry2) {
-				// a bit redundant since copy returned this entry already
-				ok(typeof entry2 !== 'undefined' && entry2 !== null, "copied file entry should not be null");
-				equals(entry2.isFile, true, "entry 'isFile' attribute should be set to true");
-				equals(entry2.isDirectory, false, "entry 'isDirectory' attribute should be set to false");
-				equals(entry2.fullPath, fullPath, "entry 'fullPath' should be set correctly");
-				equals(, file2, "entry 'name' attribute should be set correctly");
-				// cleanup
-				that.deleteEntry(file1);
-				that.deleteEntry(file2);
-				QUnit.start();
-			};
-        // create a new file entry to kick off test
-        this.createFile(file1, entryCallback,;
-    });
-    test("Entry.copyTo: file onto itself", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(2);
-        var file1 = "entry.copy.fos.file1",
-            that = this,
-            entryCallback = function(entry) {
-                // copy file1 onto itself
-                entry.copyTo(that.root, null, null, testCopy);
-            },
-		 testCopy = function(error) {
-                ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "it is an error to copy an entry into its parent if a different name is not specified");
-                equal(error.code, FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR, "error code should be FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR");
-                // cleanup
-                that.deleteEntry(file1);
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create a new file entry to kick off test
-        this.createFile(file1, entryCallback,;
-    });
-    test("Entry.copyTo: directory", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(15);
-        var file1 = "file1",
-            srcDir = "entry.copy.srcDir",
-            dstDir = "entry.copy.dstDir",
-            dstPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + dstDir,
-            filePath = dstPath + '/' + file1,
-            that = this,
-            entryCallback = function(directory) {
-                var copyDir = function(fileEntry) {
-                    // copy srcDir to dstDir
-                    directory.copyTo(that.root, dstDir, testCopy,;                    
-                };
-              // create a file within new directory
-              directory.getFile(file1, {create: true}, copyDir,;
-            },
-            testCopy = function(directory) {
-                ok(typeof directory !== 'undefined' && directory !== null, "copied directory entry should not be null");
-                equals(directory.isFile, false, "entry 'isFile' attribute should be false");
-                equals(directory.isDirectory, true, "entry 'isDirectory' attribute should be true");
-                equals(directory.fullPath, dstPath, "entry 'fullPath' should be set correctly");
-                equals(, dstDir, "entry 'name' attribute should be set correctly");
-                that.root.getDirectory(dstDir, {create:false}, testDirExists,;
-           },
-            testDirExists = function(dirEntry) {
-                 ok(typeof dirEntry !== 'undefined' && dirEntry !== null, "copied directory entry should not be null");
-                 equals(dirEntry.isFile, false, "entry 'isFile' attribute should be false");
-                 equals(dirEntry.isDirectory, true, "entry 'isDirectory' attribute should be true");
-                 equals(dirEntry.fullPath, dstPath, "entry 'fullPath' should be set correctly");
-                 equals(, dstDir, "entry 'name' attribute should be set correctly");
-                 dirEntry.getFile(file1, {create:false}, testFileExists,;
-         };
-            testFileExists = function(fileEntry) {
-                ok(typeof fileEntry !== 'undefined' && fileEntry !== null, "copied directory entry should not be null");
-                equals(fileEntry.isFile, true, "entry 'isFile' attribute should be true");
-                equals(fileEntry.isDirectory, false, "entry 'isDirectory' attribute should be false");
-                equals(fileEntry.fullPath, filePath, "entry 'fullPath' should be set correctly");
-                equals(, file1, "entry 'name' attribute should be set correctly");
-                // cleanup
-                that.deleteEntry(srcDir);
-                that.deleteEntry(dstDir);
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create a new directory entry to kick off test
-        this.createDirectory(srcDir, entryCallback,;
-    });
-    test("Entry.copyTo: directory to backup at same root directory", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(15);
-        var file1 = "file1",
-            srcDir = "entry.copy.srcDir",
-            dstDir = "entry.copy.srcDir-backup",
-            dstPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + dstDir,
-            filePath = dstPath + '/' + file1,
-            that = this,
-            entryCallback = function(directory) {
-                var copyDir = function(fileEntry) {
-                    // copy srcDir to dstDir
-                    directory.copyTo(that.root, dstDir, testCopy,;                    
-                };
-              // create a file within new directory
-              directory.getFile(file1, {create: true}, copyDir,;
-            },
-            testCopy = function(directory) {
-                ok(typeof directory !== 'undefined' && directory !== null, "copied directory entry should not be null");
-                equals(directory.isFile, false, "entry 'isFile' attribute should be false");
-                equals(directory.isDirectory, true, "entry 'isDirectory' attribute should be true");
-                equals(directory.fullPath, dstPath, "entry 'fullPath' should be set correctly");
-                equals(, dstDir, "entry 'name' attribute should be set correctly");
-                that.root.getDirectory(dstDir, {create:false}, testDirExists,;
-           },
-            testDirExists = function(dirEntry) {
-                 ok(typeof dirEntry !== 'undefined' && dirEntry !== null, "copied directory entry should not be null");
-                 equals(dirEntry.isFile, false, "entry 'isFile' attribute should be false");
-                 equals(dirEntry.isDirectory, true, "entry 'isDirectory' attribute should be true");
-                 equals(dirEntry.fullPath, dstPath, "entry 'fullPath' should be set correctly");
-                 equals(, dstDir, "entry 'name' attribute should be set correctly");
-                 dirEntry.getFile(file1, {create:false}, testFileExists,;
-         };
-            testFileExists = function(fileEntry) {
-                ok(typeof fileEntry !== 'undefined' && fileEntry !== null, "copied directory entry should not be null");
-                equals(fileEntry.isFile, true, "entry 'isFile' attribute should be true");
-                equals(fileEntry.isDirectory, false, "entry 'isDirectory' attribute should be false");
-                equals(fileEntry.fullPath, filePath, "entry 'fullPath' should be set correctly");
-                equals(, file1, "entry 'name' attribute should be set correctly");
-                // cleanup
-                that.deleteEntry(srcDir);
-                that.deleteEntry(dstDir);
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create a new directory entry to kick off test
-        this.createDirectory(srcDir, entryCallback,;
-    });
-    test("Entry.copyTo: directory onto itself", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(6);
-        var file1 = "file1",
-            srcDir = "entry.copy.dos.srcDir",
-            srcPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + srcDir,
-            filePath = srcPath + '/' + file1,
-            that = this,
-            entryCallback = function(directory) {
-                var copyDir = function(fileEntry) {
-                    // copy srcDir onto itself
-                    directory.copyTo(that.root, null, null, testCopy);                    
-                };
-              // create a file within new directory
-              directory.getFile(file1, {create: true}, copyDir,;
-            },
-            testCopy = function(error) {
-                ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "it is an error to copy an entry into its parent if a different name is not specified");
-                equal(error.code, FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR, "error code should be FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR");
-				that.root.getDirectory(srcDir, {create:false}, testDirectoryExists, null);
-			},
-			 testDirectoryExists = function(dirEntry) {
-				// returning confirms existence so just check fullPath entry
-				ok(typeof dirEntry !== 'undefined' && dirEntry !== null, "original directory should exist.");
-				equals(dirEntry.fullPath, srcPath, "entry 'fullPath' should be set correctly");
-				dirEntry.getFile(file1, {create:false}, testFileExists, null);
-			 },
-			testFileExists = function(fileEntry) {
-				ok(typeof fileEntry !== 'undefined' && fileEntry !== null, "original directory contents should exist.");
-				equals(fileEntry.fullPath, filePath, "entry 'fullPath' should be set correctly");
-                // cleanup
-                that.deleteEntry(srcDir);
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create a new directory entry to kick off test
-        this.createDirectory(srcDir, entryCallback,;
-    });
-    test("Entry.copyTo: directory into itself", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(4);
-        var srcDir = "entry.copy.dis.srcDir",
-            dstDir = "entry.copy.dis.dstDir",
-            srcPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + srcDir,
-            that = this,
-            entryCallback = function(directory) {
-                // copy source directory into itself
-                directory.copyTo(directory, dstDir, null, testCopy);                    
-            },
-            testCopy = function(error) {
-                ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "it is an error to copy a directory into itself");
-                equal(error.code, FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR, "error code should be FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR");
-				that.root.getDirectory(srcDir, {create:false}, testDirectoryExists, null);
-			},
-			testDirectoryExists = function(dirEntry) {
-				// returning confirms existence so just check fullPath entry
-				ok(typeof dirEntry !== 'undefined' && dirEntry !== null, "original directory should exist.");
-				equals(dirEntry.fullPath, srcPath, "entry 'fullPath' should be set correctly");
-                // cleanup
-                that.deleteEntry(srcDir);
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create a new directory entry to kick off test
-        this.createDirectory(srcDir, entryCallback,;
-    });
-    test("Entry.copyTo: directory that does not exist", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(4);
-        var file1 = "entry.copy.dnf.file1", 
-            dstDir = "entry.copy.dnf.dstDir",
-            filePath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + file1,
-            dstPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + dstDir,
-            that = this,
-            entryCallback = function(entry) {
-                // copy file to target directory that does not exist
-                directory = new DirectoryEntry();
-				directory.fullPath = dstPath;
-                entry.copyTo(directory, null, null, testCopy);                 
-            },
-            testCopy = function(error) {
-                ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "it is an error to copy to a directory that does not exist");
-                equal(error.code, FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR, "error code should be FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR");
-				that.root.getFile(file1, {create: false}, testFileExists, null);
-			},
-			testFileExists = function(fileEntry) {
-				ok(typeof fileEntry !== 'undefined' && fileEntry !== null, "original file should exist");
-				equals(fileEntry.fullPath, filePath, "entry 'fullPath' should be set correctly");
-                // cleanup
-                that.deleteEntry(file1);
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create a new file entry to kick off test
-        this.createFile(file1, entryCallback,;
-    });
-    test("Entry.copyTo: invalid target name", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(2);
-        var file1 = "entry.copy.itn.file1",
-            file2 = "bad:file:name",
-            that = this,
-            filePath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + file1,
-            entryCallback = function(entry) {
-                // copy file1 to file2
-                entry.copyTo(that.root, file2, null, testCopy);
-            },
-            testCopy = function(error) {
-                ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "invalid file name should result in error");
-                equal(error.code, FileError.ENCODING_ERR, "error code should be FileError.ENCODING_ERR");
-                // cleanup
-                that.deleteEntry(file1);
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create a new file entry
-        this.createFile(file1, entryCallback,;
-    });
-    test("Entry.moveTo: file to same parent", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(9);
-        var file1 = "entry.move.fsp.file1",
-            file2 = "entry.move.fsp.file2",
-            that = this,
-            srcPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + file1,
-            dstPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + file2,
-            entryCallback = function(entry) {
-                // move file1 to file2
-                entry.moveTo(that.root, file2, testMove,;
-            },
-            testMove = function(entry) {
-                ok(typeof entry !== 'undefined' && entry !== null, "file entry should not be null");
-                equals(entry.isFile, true, "entry 'isFile' attribute should be set to true");
-                equals(entry.isDirectory, false, "entry 'isDirectory' attribute should be set to false");
-                equals(entry.fullPath, dstPath, "entry 'fullPath' should be set correctly");
-                equals(, file2, "entry 'name' attribute should be set correctly");
-				that.root.getFile(file2, {create:false}, testMovedExists, null);
-			},
-			testMovedExists = function(fileEntry) {
-				ok(typeof fileEntry !== 'undefined' && fileEntry !== null, "moved file should exist");
-				equals(fileEntry.fullPath, dstPath, "entry 'fullPath' should be set correctly");
-				that.root.getFile(file1, {create:false}, null, testOrig);
-			},
-			testOrig = function(error) {
-                //ok(navigator.fileMgr.testFileExists(srcPath) === false, "original file should not exist.");
-				ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "it is an error if original file exists after a move");
-				equal(error.code, FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR, "error code should be FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR");
-                // cleanup
-                that.deleteEntry(file1);
-                that.deleteEntry(file2);
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create a new file entry to kick off test
-        this.createFile(file1, entryCallback,;
-    });
-    test("Entry.moveTo: file to new parent", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(9);
-        var file1 = "entry.move.fnp.file1",
-            dir = "entry.move.fnp.dir",
-            that = this,
-            srcPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + file1,
-            dstPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + dir + '/' + file1,
-            entryCallback = function(entry) {
-                // move file1 to new directory
-                var moveFile = function(directory) {
-					var testMove = function(entry) {
-						ok(typeof entry !== 'undefined' && entry !== null, "file entry should not be null");
-						equals(entry.isFile, true, "entry 'isFile' attribute should be set to true");
-						equals(entry.isDirectory, false, "entry 'isDirectory' attribute should be set to false");
-						equals(entry.fullPath, dstPath, "entry 'fullPath' should be set correctly");
-						equals(, file1, "entry 'name' attribute should be set correctly");
-						// test the moved file exists
-						directory.getFile(file1, {create:false}, testMovedExists, null);
-					};
-					// move the file
-					entry.moveTo(directory, null, testMove,;
-				};
-                // create a parent directory to move file to
-                that.root.getDirectory(dir, {create: true}, moveFile,;
-            },
-			testMovedExists = function(fileEntry) {
-				ok(typeof fileEntry !== 'undefined' && fileEntry !== null, "moved file should exist");
-				equals(fileEntry.fullPath, dstPath, "entry 'fullPath' should be set correctly");
-				that.root.getFile(file1, {create:false}, null, testOrig);
-			},
-			testOrig = function(error) {
-				ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "it is an error if original file exists after a move");
-				equal(error.code, FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR, "error code should be FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR");
-				// cleanup
-                that.deleteEntry(file1);
-                that.deleteEntry(dir);
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // ensure destination directory is cleaned up before test
-        this.deleteEntry(dir, function() {
-            // create a new file entry to kick off test
-            that.createFile(file1, entryCallback,;            
-        },;
-    });
-    test("Entry.moveTo: directory to same parent", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(9);
-        var file1 = "file1",
-            srcDir = "entry.move.dsp.srcDir",
-            dstDir = "entry.move.dsp.dstDir",
-            srcPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + srcDir,
-            dstPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + dstDir,
-            filePath = dstPath + '/' + file1,
-            that = this,
-            entryCallback = function(directory) {
-                var moveDir = function(fileEntry) {
-                    // move srcDir to dstDir
-                    directory.moveTo(that.root, dstDir, testMove,;                    
-                };
-              // create a file within directory
-              directory.getFile(file1, {create: true}, moveDir,;
-            },
-            testMove = function(directory) {
-                ok(typeof directory !== 'undefined' && directory !== null, "new directory entry should not be null");
-                equals(directory.isFile, false, "entry 'isFile' attribute should be false");
-                equals(directory.isDirectory, true, "entry 'isDirectory' attribute should be true");
-                equals(directory.fullPath, dstPath, "entry 'fullPath' should be set correctly");
-                equals(, dstDir, "entry 'name' attribute should be set correctly");
-                // test that moved file exists in destination dir
-                directory.getFile(file1, {create:false}, testMovedExists, null);
-            },
-            testMovedExists = function(fileEntry) {
-                ok(typeof fileEntry !== 'undefined' && fileEntry !== null, "moved file should exist within moved directory");
-                equals(fileEntry.fullPath, filePath, "entry 'fullPath' should be set correctly");
-                // test that the moved file no longer exists in original dir
-                that.root.getFile(file1, {create:false}, null, testOrig);
-            },
-            testOrig = function(error) {
-                ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "it is an error if original file exists after a move");
-                equal(error.code, FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR, "error code should be FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR");
-                // cleanup
-                that.deleteEntry(srcDir);
-                that.deleteEntry(dstDir);
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // ensure destination directory is cleaned up before test
-        this.deleteEntry(dstDir, function() {
-            // create a new directory entry to kick off test
-            that.createDirectory(srcDir, entryCallback,;
-        },;
-    });
-    test("Entry.moveTo: directory to same parent with same name", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(9);
-        var file1 = "file1",
-            srcDir = "entry.move.dsp.srcDir",
-            dstDir = "entry.move.dsp.srcDir-backup",
-            srcPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + srcDir,
-            dstPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + dstDir,
-            filePath = dstPath + '/' + file1,
-            that = this,
-            entryCallback = function(directory) {
-                var moveDir = function(fileEntry) {
-                    // move srcDir to dstDir
-                    directory.moveTo(that.root, dstDir, testMove,;                    
-                };
-              // create a file within directory
-              directory.getFile(file1, {create: true}, moveDir,;
-            },
-            testMove = function(directory) {
-                ok(typeof directory !== 'undefined' && directory !== null, "new directory entry should not be null");
-                equals(directory.isFile, false, "entry 'isFile' attribute should be false");
-                equals(directory.isDirectory, true, "entry 'isDirectory' attribute should be true");
-                equals(directory.fullPath, dstPath, "entry 'fullPath' should be set correctly");
-                equals(, dstDir, "entry 'name' attribute should be set correctly");
-                // test that moved file exists in destination dir
-                directory.getFile(file1, {create:false}, testMovedExists, null);
-            },
-            testMovedExists = function(fileEntry) {
-                ok(typeof fileEntry !== 'undefined' && fileEntry !== null, "moved file should exist within moved directory");
-                equals(fileEntry.fullPath, filePath, "entry 'fullPath' should be set correctly");
-                // test that the moved file no longer exists in original dir
-                that.root.getFile(file1, {create:false}, null, testOrig);
-            },
-            testOrig = function(error) {
-                ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "it is an error if original file exists after a move");
-                equal(error.code, FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR, "error code should be FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR");
-                // cleanup
-                that.deleteEntry(srcDir);
-                that.deleteEntry(dstDir);
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // ensure destination directory is cleaned up before test
-        this.deleteEntry(dstDir, function() {
-            // create a new directory entry to kick off test
-            that.createDirectory(srcDir, entryCallback,;
-        },;
-    });
-    test("Entry.moveTo: directory to new parent", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(9);
-        var file1 = "file1",
-            srcDir = "",
-            dstDir = "",
-            srcPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + srcDir,
-            dstPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + dstDir,
-            filePath = dstPath + '/' + file1,
-            that = this,
-            entryCallback = function(directory) {
-                var moveDir = function(fileEntry) {
-                    // move srcDir to dstDir
-                    directory.moveTo(that.root, dstDir, testMove,;                    
-                };
-              // create a file within directory
-              directory.getFile(file1, {create: true}, moveDir,;
-            },
-            testMove = function(directory) {
-                ok(typeof directory !== 'undefined' && directory !== null, "new directory entry should not be null");
-                equals(directory.isFile, false, "entry 'isFile' attribute should be false");
-                equals(directory.isDirectory, true, "entry 'isDirectory' attribute should be true");
-                equals(directory.fullPath, dstPath, "entry 'fullPath' should be set correctly");
-                equals(, dstDir, "entry 'name' attribute should be set correctly");
-				// test that moved file exists in destination dir
-				directory.getFile(file1, {create:false}, testMovedExists, null);
-			},
-			testMovedExists = function(fileEntry) {
-				ok(typeof fileEntry !== 'undefined' && fileEntry !== null, "moved file should exist within moved directory");
-				equals(fileEntry.fullPath, filePath, "entry 'fullPath' should be set correctly");
-				// test that the moved file no longer exists in original dir
-				that.root.getFile(file1, {create:false}, null, testOrig);
-			},
-			testOrig = function(error) {
-				ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "it is an error if original file exists after a move");
-				equal(error.code, FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR, "error code should be FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR");
-				// cleanup
-                that.deleteEntry(srcDir);
-                that.deleteEntry(dstDir);
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // ensure destination directory is cleaned up before test
-        this.deleteEntry(dstDir, function() {
-            // create a new directory entry to kick off test
-            that.createDirectory(srcDir, entryCallback,;
-        },;
-    });
-    test("Entry.moveTo: directory onto itself", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(6);
-        var file1 = "file1",
-            srcDir = "entry.move.dos.srcDir",
-            srcPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + srcDir,
-            filePath = srcPath + '/' + file1,
-            that = this,
-            entryCallback = function(directory) {
-                var moveDir = function(fileEntry) {
-                    // move srcDir onto itself
-                    directory.moveTo(that.root, null, null, testMove);                    
-                };
-              // create a file within new directory
-              directory.getFile(file1, {create: true}, moveDir,;
-            },
-            testMove = function(error) {
-                ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "it is an error to move an entry into its parent if a different name is not specified");
-                equal(error.code, FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR, "error code should be FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR");
-				// test that original dir still exists
-				that.root.getDirectory(srcDir, {create:false}, testDirectoryExists, null);
-			},
-			testDirectoryExists = function(dirEntry) {
-				// returning confirms existence so just check fullPath entry
-				ok(typeof dirEntry !== 'undefined' && dirEntry !== null, "original directory should exist.");
-				equals(dirEntry.fullPath, srcPath, "entry 'fullPath' should be set correctly");
-				dirEntry.getFile(file1, {create:false}, testFileExists, null);
-			},
-			testFileExists = function(fileEntry) {
-				ok(typeof fileEntry !== 'undefined' && fileEntry !== null, "original directory contents should exist.");
-				equals(fileEntry.fullPath, filePath, "entry 'fullPath' should be set correctly");
-				// cleanup
-                that.deleteEntry(srcDir);
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create a new directory entry to kick off test
-        this.createDirectory(srcDir, entryCallback,;
-    });
-    test("Entry.moveTo: directory into itself", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(4);
-        var srcDir = "entry.move.dis.srcDir",
-            dstDir = "entry.move.dis.dstDir",
-            srcPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + srcDir,
-            that = this,
-            entryCallback = function(directory) {
-                // move source directory into itself
-                directory.moveTo(directory, dstDir, null, testMove);                    
-            },
-            testMove = function(error) {
-                ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "it is an error to move a directory into itself");
-                equal(error.code, FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR, "error code should be FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR");
-				// make sure original directory still exists
-				that.root.getDirectory(srcDir, {create:false}, testDirectoryExists, null);
-			},
-			testDirectoryExists = function(entry) {
-				ok(typeof entry !== 'undefined' && entry !== null, "original directory should exist.");
-				equals(entry.fullPath, srcPath, "entry 'fullPath' should be set correctly");
-				// cleanup
-                that.deleteEntry(srcDir);
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create a new directory entry to kick off test
-        this.createDirectory(srcDir, entryCallback,;
-    });
-    test("Entry.moveTo: file onto itself", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(4);
-        var file1 = "entry.move.fos.file1",
-            filePath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + file1,
-            that = this,
-            entryCallback = function(entry) {
-                // move file1 onto itself
-                entry.moveTo(that.root, null, null, testMove);
-            },
-            testMove = function(error) {
-                ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "it is an error to move an entry into its parent if a different name is not specified");
-                equal(error.code, FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR, "error code should be FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR");
-				//test that original file still exists
-				that.root.getFile(file1, {create:false}, testFileExists, null);
-			},
-			testFileExists = function(fileEntry) {
-				ok(typeof fileEntry !== 'undefined' && fileEntry !== null, "original directory contents should exist.");
-				equals(fileEntry.fullPath, filePath, "entry 'fullPath' should be set correctly");
-                // cleanup
-                that.deleteEntry(file1);
-                QUnit.start();
-            };
-        // create a new file entry to kick off test
-        this.createFile(file1, entryCallback,;
-    });
-    test("Entry.moveTo: file onto existing directory", function() {
-        QUnit.stop(Tests.TEST_TIMEOUT);
-        expect(6);
-        var file1 = "entry.move.fod.file1",
-            dstDir = "entry.move.fod.dstDir",
-            subDir = "subDir",
-            dirPath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + dstDir + '/' + subDir,
-            filePath = this.root.fullPath + '/' + file1,
-            that = this,
-            entryCallback = function(entry) {
-                var createSubDirectory = function(directory) {
-                    var moveFile = function(subDirectory) {
-						var testMove = function(error) {
-							ok(typeof error !== 'undefined' && error !== null, "it is an error to move a file onto an existing directory");
-							equal(error.code, FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR, "error code should be FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR");
-							// test that original dir still exists
-							directory.getDirectory(subDir, {create:false}, testDirectoryExists, null);
-						};
-                        // move file1 onto sub-directory
-                        entry.moveTo(directory, subDir, null, testMove);                    
-                    };
-                    // create sub-directory 
-                    directory.getDirectory(subDir, {create: true}, moveFile,;                    
-                };
-                // create top level directory 
-                that.root.getDirectory(dstDir, {create: true}, createSubDirectory,;
-            },
-			testDirectoryExists = function(dirEnt