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Posted to by OpenWhisk Team Slack <> on 2019/11/08 09:19:33 UTC

[slack-digest] [2019-11-07] #general

2019-11-07 03:34:22 UTC - chetanm: Yeah I see master branch build also failing in swagger part
2019-11-07 03:35:57 UTC - Tyson Norris: after updating to newer swagger plugin 2.18.1 just got a different variant too, but also in swagger: ```&gt; Task :tests:generateSwaggerCodeJava FAILED

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':tests:generateSwaggerCodeJava'.
&gt; error in opening zip file
2019-11-07 03:46:38 UTC - Tyson Norris: will try a newer swagger-codegen-cli…
2019-11-07 04:30:04 UTC - Tyson Norris: Seems to work better - created a separate PR, hopefully it passes <>
+1 : chetanm
2019-11-07 10:28:06 UTC - Nikhil Pereira: how do I do this?
2019-11-07 10:29:06 UTC - Nikhil Pereira: Hello :slightly_smiling_face:
2019-11-07 10:32:36 UTC - Nikhil Pereira: I am here too! <>
2019-11-07 10:33:24 UTC - Nikhil Pereira: So for which ever language I am using and I have dependency libraries in my code, I have to modify this run time?
2019-11-07 15:24:33 UTC - dan mcweeney: I wonder if that will help the swagger config change I had to make to get java 11 working:  <>
2019-11-07 18:27:57 UTC - Pepi Paraskevoulakou: hello, anyone knows this error?
2019-11-07 19:07:06 UTC - Houman Kamali: Hi everyone!

First, thanks for maintaining an active community here! Second, I'm somewhat new to OpenWhisk, so my questions might have obvious answers!

- I'd like to implement a retry mechanism with backoff and intervals, say starting at 1hr and then increasing by 1hr after each retry; is that possible through OpenWhisk sequences? (My initial understanding is that sequences are actions themselves, so that's not possible, because they would imply an action needs to remain open for the whole duration of the retry)
- Let's say an action with a specific actionId fails; is it possible to grab the serialized inputs i.e. params of that particular activation through command line like `wsk activation get {activationId} params`? Or should I send the parameters through the catch clause of a try/catch sequence to, say, an external REST end point to save them?

2019-11-07 19:19:09 UTC - Pepi Paraskevoulakou: Before 2 days I had a rest api with a sequence of functions which was working perfect today the same rest api doesn’t working and the response message says the response is not yet ready
2019-11-07 20:01:55 UTC - Pepi Paraskevoulakou: actually openwhisk cannot invoke noone action!!! without doing anything!!!