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Posted to by Superstring Media <> on 2010/10/02 09:51:38 UTC

Re: [jfxtras-users] Future of the JFXtras Project

Hi Steve,

Yes, people say I have the gift of the pitch, when I believe in something I express it and the converse holds true as well. Seriously, I've been happy lately, my company was slowed down by the tides of JavaFX earlier and has an agenda to finish off our software sooner rather than later.

It was "the night before christmas" (JavaOne 2010) while everything was a hush, when I discovered Pivot. So, in the midst of Oracle scattering the bonds and progress made by the JavaFX and other communities like JCP I was happy and wanted to share the fact that there are still positive things going on. Truthfully, the way JavaFX has been managed at the top for the past years is nothing short of a train wreck. The way things went at JavaOne is both good and bad news, it certainly does leave one shaking their head and a whole new meaning to Jimi's song "Purple Haze".

Moving on, it looks like Visage is a positive step forward as well and I do wish it every success. At the moment our developers understand Java and XML and then later may have to make adjustments when porting to other platforms like tablets, a universal language or script would of course be ideal. I understand and appreciate the differences in syntax but would it not be a lot of trouble interfacing with toolkits like Pivot? Also, what if JavaFX never arrives?

Apologies are not necessary we all want to find our best way forward,


On 2010-10-01, at 11:16 PM, Stephen Chin wrote:

> Thom,
> I hope you don't take this the wrong way for pointing it out...  but your post came across very sales-ish (from the corporate-looking e-mail name to the obvious project selling).
> That said I actually have a lot of respect for the Apache Pivot project and I am reverse sales pitching you with an offer to collaborate on Visage.
> <reverse-sales-pitch>
> The same benefits that the JavaFX Script language (now Visage) had for JavaFX can be applied to Apache Pivot as an alternative to the Apache Pivot WTKX markup language.  For example, rather than writing this:
> <Window title="Hello WTKX!" maximized="true"
>     xmlns:wtkx=""
>     xmlns="org.apache.pivot.wtk">
>     <content>
>         <Label text="Hello WTKX!"
>             styles="{font:'Arial bold 24', color:'#ff0000',
>                 horizontalAlignment:'center', verticalAlignment:'center'}"/>
>     </content>
> </Window>
> You could compile this:
> Window {
>   title: "Hello WTKX!"
>   maximized: true
>   Label {
>     text: "Hello WTKX!"
>     styles: "{font:'Arial bold 24', color:'#ff0000',
>                 horizontalAlignment:'center', verticalAlignment:'center'}"
>   }
> }
> (I kept the styles as CSS for consistency even though I consider CSS string blobs a horrible anti-pattern)
> Some of the advantages of the latter include:
> Concise syntax
> Ability to intermix code with declaration (no script wrappers needed)
> Static compilation with full type checking
> Let me know if you are interested in working with us to be a supported Visage compilation target.  Here are our mailing lists.  ;-) 
> </reverse-sales-pitch>
> Apologies to anyone on the cc'ed lists that finds all this cross-project selling intrusive or distracting (or just doesn't see the irony and humor in all this).
> Cheers,
> --Steve
> On 9/30/2010 3:36 PM, Superstring Media wrote:
>> Exciting developments are happening at Apache Pivot where we just added SVG support this morning via SVGSalamander. Please feel welcome to have a peek at what Pivot has to offer as we are also excited about the possibilities of working with JavaFX 2.0 as it becomes available.
>> Thom
>> On 2010-09-30, at 1:55 PM, Stephen Chin wrote:
>>> In case you haven't caught the news from the presentation Dean and I did last week at JavaOne, here is the summary:
>>> Our mission hasn't changed...  we will continue to provide quality JavaFX add-ons.
>>> Going forward we will migrate non-overlapping functionality to the new Java APIs, and will continue to fill new gaps as they are identified.
>>> The reality is that we have nothing new to work with at this time, so until Oracle releases a public SDK we are blocked.  Hopefully they will be able to do this early and often so we can develop in tandem with the JavaFX 2.0 release.
>>> We are not going to do any significant development (other than bugfixes and patch integration) for the current JFXtras 0.7 codeline.  It simply doesn't make sense to spend a lot of time writing JavaFX code that will have to be ported in a few months.
>>> If you are itching to help out in the meantime, please jump on the new Visage project to keep the JavaFX compiler alive:
>>> Cheers,
>>> -- 
>>> --Steve
>>> blog:
> -- 
> --Steve
> blog:

Re: [jfxtras-users] Future of the JFXtras Project

Posted by Greg Brown <>.
> FYI, you can use Scala to code with Pivot today if that is your preference. 

Here is a concrete example, in case you are interested:

Check out ScalaWindow.scala and scala_window.bxml (as well as and java_window.bxml, for comparison).


Re: [jfxtras-users] Future of the JFXtras Project

Posted by Superstring Media <>.
Eric and all,

FYI, you can use Scala to code with Pivot today if that is your preference. BXML is only an optional way to declaratively construct the UI or any other object graph, suitable where it fits best without forcing itself on you, like JavaFX Script use to. If preferred you can just use Java, Scala or any of the other supported languages without using BXML. 

Pivot 2.0 which is due out in a month or so will go into further detail on using alternate languages.

I still think that it is marvellous that someone (Pivot) had the foresight to develop and provide a solid framework while Oracle just leaves its crew cut-off, starving and having to fend for themselves in the wilderness. Do not fool yourself, Oracle does not only want to make Prism nice for everyone, they want to re-enginner the whole candy-stack so that in the future there will only be one door to come knocking on, theirs for a price if they can help it. Certainly, the face of Java will never be the same and we have to live with the fallout and new regime.



On 2010-10-06, at 10:33 AM, Eric Kolotyluk wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Having also watched the SVJUG stream last night on JavaFX 2.0 I thought I would share some of my feelings, hopes and ambitions...
> I'm very excited about Prism because I think JavaFX will be able to better complete with other platforms that are also able to better leverage GPU and GPGPU hardware. I also like the scene-graph model at the core of JavaFX as it seems to be a more powerful and elegant model overall for rendering graphics. The 3D industry has been using it for years, and it makes sense for this to apply to 2D as well. 
> However, like Thom, I have no immediate need for really rich graphics and animations that make me go - oooh awwe - but I do not fault those who do want that rich blow your socks off experience. I hope JavaFX succeeds there. Rather, I would like to see more rich features built into standard controls - subtle animations on controls to reinforce the user experience. Maybe even fancier animations on bigger controls, like the demos of tables I have seen, with rows that move about during filter and sort operations. Users should get richer UIs both for aesthetic reasons and improved mastery of the UI.
> JavaFX Script and Vistage I am torn over. I really did enjoy writing code in FX Script, it was a new learning experience that really opened my eyes about how much better the UI coding experience can be with the right language. I'm not so keen on Pivot as I loath programming in XML. I have used XAML with Windows Presentation Foundation, and FX Script was a far superior experience.
> However, I do not feel that FX Script/Visage is sustainable. Also, I don't want to have to master yet another language, a domain specific language at that. The fewer languages I have to context-switch between the better. On the other hand I also feel that Java (the language) is dead. We won't have lambda until Java 8, which I feel is completely unacceptable and this will hold back efforts at building better UI APIs. In general, the glacial evolution of Java language features will be an impediment to any real innovation in all API design, especially UI API design.
> The only path which makes sense to me is Scala. Scala is a rich, powerful language that continues to evolve new and powerful language features. It's scalability/extensibility makes it a powerful tool for building elegant APIs, in fact it is common to embed domain specific languages within Scala.
> I recommend people reading Deprecating the Observer Pattern which is based on Scala technology, and has some interesting observations on how we design and implement user interface code.
> There is a project ScalaFX (SFX) that seems to be a follow up to the Fresca work, but there seems to have been no activity there for a year or so. I just hope it is not dead.
> I think the future of UI APIs needs to look at modern concepts like: actors, continuations, reactive programming, data-flow, etc. to make it easier and safer to code the user interface, and maintain and troubleshoot that code.
> I look forward to the SVJUG talk next month on alternate languages, as they promise to comment on Scala.
> Cheers, Eric
> On 2010-10-05 10:16 PM, Superstring Media wrote:
>> Hi Steve,
>> Having just watched the SVJUG stream tonight on JavaFX 2.0 it sounds much like the same message we have heard over and over for the past years. More revamping and more tweaking. Basically, it would seem that the script part of JavaFX was alienating the larger number of Java programmers out there and now the tune has changed to keeping the original flock together instead of going after the designer target market. Even more it seems Swing is very 80s and a fresh boost of power is needed to keep Java on the client relevant.
>> That is all fine except that my project is backed by funders and we are close to getting our significant project done. I've glad the Apache Pivot RIA framework has already moved on from Swing and is available so we can move forward without delay. The infrastructure APIs that the JavaFX slides displayed tonight are all in Pivot now. After looking at Pivot I've realized that there is really nothing I'm missing from JavaFX (maybe video but that can come later) instead it has everything that JavaFX was always promising, right now. Plus it is totally open source and growing fast.
>> As for the super duper Prism graphics engine, great, but its also not needed by 99 percent of applications that need to get built today. The demos of multiple video nodes shown at JavaOne are neat and good as a test but for the most part not relevant to anything but special effects and maybe movie shops. Its like a car, you need a good one to get around but you do not need a drag racer in 99 percent of traveling the streets of our modern cities.
>> I can except having experienced Piccolo, then Scenario then JavaFX as part of a learning curve toward getting my requirements nailed down. My project is on solid ground now and moving along at a fast rate. It does not matter to me if I need to use straight Java or even a XML based DSL like Pivot's excellent BXML. What matters is that I can finally get something accomplished with technology and what matters the most is getting the the software tool, the very thing that is the solution, into the end users hands so they can be more creative, productive and joyous.
>> While adapting Visage to work with Pivot is interesting it has nothing to do with my main goal. The main driver is what my software does for end users and not if there are a few more lines of code to type or not. My main responsibility is to get my excellent software accomplished and to avoid dead-ends and further distractions.
>> No more tears,
>> Thom
>> On 2010-10-03, at 5:22 AM, Stephen Chin wrote:
>>> Thom,
>>> Glad you didn't take my criticism of your first post negatively.  :-) 
>>> I can relate to the feeling of getting yanked around on the JavaFX stuff...  that is why I am pushing Oracle to open-source the technology.
>>> The integration work on Visage/Pivot is not as difficult as it sounds.  We already have a full compiler that emits working Java bytecode and can use Pivot as a library.  All that is needed is some proxy classes that will make declarative object construction, binding, and all the Visage language features work transparently.  I will try to get a prototype together this week and share it with you.
>>> Cheers,
>>> --Steve
>>> On 10/2/2010 12:51 AM, Superstring Media wrote:
>>>> Hi Steve,
>>>> Yes, people say I have the gift of the pitch, when I believe in something I express it and the converse holds true as well. Seriously,                   I've been happy lately, my company was slowed down by the tides of JavaFX earlier and has an agenda to finish off our software sooner rather than later.
>>>> It was "the night before christmas" (JavaOne 2010) while everything was a hush, when I discovered Pivot. So, in the midst of Oracle scattering the bonds and progress made by the JavaFX and other communities like JCP I was happy and wanted to share the fact that there are still positive things going on. Truthfully, the way JavaFX has been managed at the top for the past years is nothing short of a train wreck. The way things went at JavaOne is both good and bad news, it certainly does leave one shaking their head and a whole new meaning to Jimi's song "Purple Haze".
>>>> Moving on, it looks like Visage is a positive step forward as well and I do wish it every success. At the moment our developers understand Java and XML and then later may have to make adjustments when porting to other platforms like tablets, a universal language or script would of course be ideal. I understand and appreciate the differences in syntax but would it not be a lot of trouble interfacing with toolkits like Pivot? Also, what if JavaFX never arrives?
>>>> Apologies are not necessary we all want to find our best way forward,
>>>> Thom
>>>> On 2010-10-01, at 11:16 PM, Stephen Chin wrote:
>>>>> Thom,
>>>>> I hope you don't take this the wrong way for pointing it out...  but your post came across very sales-ish (from the corporate-looking e-mail name to the obvious project selling).
>>>>> That said I actually have a lot of respect for the Apache Pivot project and I am reverse sales pitching you with an offer to collaborate on Visage.
>>>>> <reverse-sales-pitch>
>>>>> The same benefits that the JavaFX Script language (now Visage) had for JavaFX can be applied to Apache Pivot as an alternative to the Apache Pivot WTKX markup language.  For example, rather than writing this:
>>>>> <Window title="Hello WTKX!" maximized="true"
>>>>>     xmlns:wtkx=""
>>>>>     xmlns="org.apache.pivot.wtk">
>>>>>     <content>
>>>>>         <Label text="Hello WTKX!"
>>>>>             styles="{font:'Arial bold 24', color:'#ff0000',
>>>>>                 horizontalAlignment:'center', verticalAlignment:'center'}"/>
>>>>>     </content>
>>>>> </Window>
>>>>> You could compile this:
>>>>> Window {
>>>>>   title: "Hello WTKX!"
>>>>>   maximized: true
>>>>>   Label {
>>>>>     text: "Hello WTKX!"
>>>>>     styles: "{font:'Arial bold 24', color:'#ff0000',
>>>>>                 horizontalAlignment:'center', verticalAlignment:'center'}"
>>>>>   }
>>>>> }
>>>>> (I kept the styles as CSS for consistency even though I consider CSS string blobs a horrible anti-pattern)
>>>>> Some of the advantages of the latter include:
>>>>> Concise syntax
>>>>> Ability to intermix code with declaration (no script wrappers needed)
>>>>> Static compilation with full type checking
>>>>> Let me know if you are interested in working with us to be a supported Visage compilation target.  Here are our mailing lists.  ;-) 
>>>>> </reverse-sales-pitch>
>>>>> Apologies to anyone on the cc'ed lists that finds all this cross-project selling intrusive or distracting (or just doesn't see the irony and humor in all this).
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> --Steve
>>>>> On 9/30/2010 3:36 PM, Superstring Media wrote:
>>>>>> Exciting developments are happening at Apache Pivot where we just added SVG support this morning via SVGSalamander. Please feel welcome to have a peek at what Pivot has to offer as we are also excited about the possibilities of working with JavaFX 2.0 as it becomes available.
>>>>>> Thom
>>>>>> On 2010-09-30, at 1:55 PM, Stephen Chin wrote:
>>>>>>> In case you haven't caught the news from the presentation Dean and I did last week at JavaOne, here is the summary:
>>>>>>> Our mission hasn't changed...  we will continue to provide quality JavaFX add-ons.
>>>>>>> Going forward we will migrate non-overlapping functionality to the new Java APIs, and will continue to fill new gaps as they are identified.
>>>>>>> The reality is that we have nothing new to work with at this time, so until Oracle releases a public SDK we are blocked.  Hopefully they will be able to do this early and often so we can develop in tandem with the JavaFX 2.0 release.
>>>>>>> We are not going to do any significant development (other than bugfixes and patch integration) for the current JFXtras 0.7 codeline.  It simply doesn't make sense to spend a lot of time writing JavaFX code that will have to be ported in a few months.
>>>>>>> If you are itching to help out in the meantime, please jump on the new Visage project to keep the JavaFX compiler alive:
>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>> -- 
>>>>>>> --Steve
>>>>>>> blog:
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> --Steve
>>>>> blog:
>>>> -- 
>>>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "JFXtras Users" group.
>>>> To post to this group, send email to
>>>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>>>> For more options, visit this group at
>>> -- 
>>> --Steve
>>> blog:
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "JFXtras Users" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> For more options, visit this group at
> -- 
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "JFXtras Users" group.
> To post to this group, send email to
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> For more options, visit this group at

Re: [jfxtras-users] Future of the JFXtras Project

Posted by Superstring Media <>.
Hi Steve,

Having just watched the SVJUG stream tonight on JavaFX 2.0 it sounds much like the same message we have heard over and over for the past years. More revamping and more tweaking. Basically, it would seem that the script part of JavaFX was alienating the larger number of Java programmers out there and now the tune has changed to keeping the original flock together instead of going after the designer target market. Even more it seems Swing is very 80s and a fresh boost of power is needed to keep Java on the client relevant.

That is all fine except that my project is backed by funders and we are close to getting our significant project done. I've glad the Apache Pivot RIA framework has already moved on from Swing and is available so we can move forward without delay. The infrastructure APIs that the JavaFX slides displayed tonight are all in Pivot now. After looking at Pivot I've realized that there is really nothing I'm missing from JavaFX (maybe video but that can come later) instead it has everything that JavaFX was always promising, right now. Plus it is totally open source and growing fast.

As for the super duper Prism graphics engine, great, but its also not needed by 99 percent of applications that need to get built today. The demos of multiple video nodes shown at JavaOne are neat and good as a test but for the most part not relevant to anything but special effects and maybe movie shops. Its like a car, you need a good one to get around but you do not need a drag racer in 99 percent of traveling the streets of our modern cities.

I can except having experienced Piccolo, then Scenario then JavaFX as part of a learning curve toward getting my requirements nailed down. My project is on solid ground now and moving along at a fast rate. It does not matter to me if I need to use straight Java or even a XML based DSL like Pivot's excellent BXML. What matters is that I can finally get something accomplished with technology and what matters the most is getting the the software tool, the very thing that is the solution, into the end users hands so they can be more creative, productive and joyous.

While adapting Visage to work with Pivot is interesting it has nothing to do with my main goal. The main driver is what my software does for end users and not if there are a few more lines of code to type or not. My main responsibility is to get my excellent software accomplished and to avoid dead-ends and further distractions.

No more tears,


On 2010-10-03, at 5:22 AM, Stephen Chin wrote:

> Thom,
> Glad you didn't take my criticism of your first post negatively.  :-) 
> I can relate to the feeling of getting yanked around on the JavaFX stuff...  that is why I am pushing Oracle to open-source the technology.
> The integration work on Visage/Pivot is not as difficult as it sounds.  We already have a full compiler that emits working Java bytecode and can use Pivot as a library.  All that is needed is some proxy classes that will make declarative object construction, binding, and all the Visage language features work transparently.  I will try to get a prototype together this week and share it with you.
> Cheers,
> --Steve
> On 10/2/2010 12:51 AM, Superstring Media wrote:
>> Hi Steve,
>> Yes, people say I have the gift of the pitch, when I believe in something I express it and the converse holds true as well. Seriously, I've been happy lately, my company was slowed down by the tides of JavaFX earlier and has an agenda to finish off our software sooner rather than later.
>> It was "the night before christmas" (JavaOne 2010) while everything was a hush, when I discovered Pivot. So, in the midst of Oracle scattering the bonds and progress made by the JavaFX and other communities like JCP I was happy and wanted to share the fact that there are still positive things going on. Truthfully, the way JavaFX has been managed at the top for the past years is nothing short of a train wreck. The way things went at JavaOne is both good and bad news, it certainly does leave one shaking their head and a whole new meaning to Jimi's song "Purple Haze".
>> Moving on, it looks like Visage is a positive step forward as well and I do wish it every success. At the moment our developers understand Java and XML and then later may have to make adjustments when porting to other platforms like tablets, a universal language or script would of course be ideal. I understand and appreciate the differences in syntax but would it not be a lot of trouble interfacing with toolkits like Pivot? Also, what if JavaFX never arrives?
>> Apologies are not necessary we all want to find our best way forward,
>> Thom
>> On 2010-10-01, at 11:16 PM, Stephen Chin wrote:
>>> Thom,
>>> I hope you don't take this the wrong way for pointing it out...  but your post came across very sales-ish (from the corporate-looking e-mail name to the obvious project selling).
>>> That said I actually have a lot of respect for the Apache Pivot project and I am reverse sales pitching you with an offer to collaborate on Visage.
>>> <reverse-sales-pitch>
>>> The same benefits that the JavaFX Script language (now Visage) had for JavaFX can be applied to Apache Pivot as an alternative to the Apache Pivot WTKX markup language.  For example, rather than writing this:
>>> <Window title="Hello WTKX!" maximized="true"
>>>     xmlns:wtkx=""
>>>     xmlns="org.apache.pivot.wtk">
>>>     <content>
>>>         <Label text="Hello WTKX!"
>>>             styles="{font:'Arial bold 24', color:'#ff0000',
>>>                 horizontalAlignment:'center', verticalAlignment:'center'}"/>
>>>     </content>
>>> </Window>
>>> You could compile this:
>>> Window {
>>>   title: "Hello WTKX!"
>>>   maximized: true
>>>   Label {
>>>     text: "Hello WTKX!"
>>>     styles: "{font:'Arial bold 24', color:'#ff0000',
>>>                 horizontalAlignment:'center', verticalAlignment:'center'}"
>>>   }
>>> }
>>> (I kept the styles as CSS for consistency even though I consider CSS string blobs a horrible anti-pattern)
>>> Some of the advantages of the latter include:
>>> Concise syntax
>>> Ability to intermix code with declaration (no script wrappers needed)
>>> Static compilation with full type checking
>>> Let me know if you are interested in working with us to be a supported Visage compilation target.  Here are our mailing lists.  ;-) 
>>> </reverse-sales-pitch>
>>> Apologies to anyone on the cc'ed lists that finds all this cross-project selling intrusive or distracting (or just doesn't see the irony and humor in all this).
>>> Cheers,
>>> --Steve
>>> On 9/30/2010 3:36 PM, Superstring Media wrote:
>>>> Exciting developments are happening at Apache Pivot where we just added SVG support this morning via SVGSalamander. Please feel welcome to have a peek at what Pivot has to offer as we are also excited about the possibilities of working with JavaFX 2.0 as it becomes available.
>>>> Thom
>>>> On 2010-09-30, at 1:55 PM, Stephen Chin wrote:
>>>>> In case you haven't caught the news from the presentation Dean and I did last week at JavaOne, here is the summary:
>>>>> Our mission hasn't changed...  we will continue to provide quality JavaFX add-ons.
>>>>> Going forward we will migrate non-overlapping functionality to the new Java APIs, and will continue to fill new gaps as they are identified.
>>>>> The reality is that we have nothing new to work with at this time, so until Oracle releases a public SDK we are blocked.  Hopefully they will be able to do this early and often so we can develop in tandem with the JavaFX 2.0 release.
>>>>> We are not going to do any significant development (other than bugfixes and patch integration) for the current JFXtras 0.7 codeline.  It simply doesn't make sense to spend a lot of time writing JavaFX code that will have to be ported in a few months.
>>>>> If you are itching to help out in the meantime, please jump on the new Visage project to keep the JavaFX compiler alive:
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> --Steve
>>>>> blog:
>>> -- 
>>> --Steve
>>> blog:
>> -- 
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "JFXtras Users" group.
>> To post to this group, send email to
>> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
>> For more options, visit this group at
> -- 
> --Steve
> blog: