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svn commit: r1709208 - /incubator/zeppelin/site/docs/interpreter/flink.html

Author: moon
Date: Sat Oct 17 19:05:12 2015
New Revision: 1709208

Add flink.html


Added: incubator/zeppelin/site/docs/interpreter/flink.html
--- incubator/zeppelin/site/docs/interpreter/flink.html (added)
+++ incubator/zeppelin/site/docs/interpreter/flink.html Sat Oct 17 19:05:12 2015
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
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+  <h1></h1>
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+    <h2>Flink interpreter for Apache Zeppelin</h2>
+<p><a href="">Apache Flink</a> is an open source platform for distributed stream and batch data processing.</p>
+<h3>How to start local Flink cluster, to test the interpreter</h3>
+<p>Zeppelin comes with pre-configured flink-local interpreter, which starts Flink in a local mode on your machine, so you do not need to install anything.</p>
+<h3>How to configure interpreter to point to Flink cluster</h3>
+<p>At the &quot;Interpreters&quot; menu, you have to create a new Flink interpreter and provide next properties:</p>
+<p>property | value    | Description
+host     | local    | host name of running JobManager. &#39;local&#39; runs flink in local mode (default)
+port     | 6123     | port of running JobManager
+xxx    | yyy      | anything else from <a href="">Flink Configuration</a></p>
+<h3>How to test it&#39;s working</h3>
+<p>In example, by using the <a href="">Zeppelin notebook</a> is from <a href="">Till Rohrmann&#39;s presentation</a> &quot;Interactive data analysis with Apache Flink&quot; for Apache Flink Meetup.</p>
+<div class="highlight"><pre><code class="text language-text" data-lang="text">%sh
+rm 10.txt.utf-8
+</code></pre></div><div class="highlight"><pre><code class="text language-text" data-lang="text">%flink
+case class WordCount(word: String, frequency: Int)
+val bible:DataSet[String] = env.readTextFile(&quot;10.txt.utf-8&quot;)
+val partialCounts: DataSet[WordCount] = bible.flatMap{
+    line =&gt;
+        &quot;&quot;&quot;\b\w+\b&quot;&quot;&quot;.r.findAllIn(line).map(word =&gt; WordCount(word, 1))
+//        line.split(&quot; &quot;).map(word =&gt; WordCount(word, 1))
+val wordCounts = partialCounts.groupBy(&quot;word&quot;).reduce{
+    (left, right) =&gt; WordCount(left.word, left.frequency + right.frequency)
+val result10 = wordCounts.first(10).collect()
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