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[49/51] [partial] incubator-juneau-website git commit: Clean up javadocs
diff --git a/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/BeanMap.html b/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/BeanMap.html
index 58d77ba..af2c805 100644
--- a/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/BeanMap.html
+++ b/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/BeanMap.html
@@ -132,25 +132,25 @@ implements <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Delegate.html" title="interface i
  <h5 class='section'>Description:</h5>
-   A wrapper that wraps Java bean instances inside of a <a href="" title="class or interface in java.util"><code>Map</code></a> interface that allows
+ A wrapper that wraps Java bean instances inside of a <a href="" title="class or interface in java.util"><code>Map</code></a> interface that allows
    properties on the wrapped object can be accessed using the <a href="" title="class or interface in java.util"><code>get()</code></a> and <a href="" title="class or interface in java.util"><code>put()</code></a> methods.
-   Use the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanContext.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>BeanContext</code></a> class to create instances of this class.
+ Use the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanContext.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>BeanContext</code></a> class to create instances of this class.
  <h6 class='topic'>Bean property order</h6>
-   The order of the properties returned by the <a href="" title="class or interface in java.util"><code>keySet()</code></a> and <a href="" title="class or interface in java.util"><code>entrySet()</code></a> methods are as follows:
-   <ul class='spaced-list'>
-      <li>If <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/annotation/Bean.html" title="annotation in org.apache.juneau.annotation"><code>@Bean</code></a> annotation is specified on class, then the order is the same as the list of properties in the annotation.
-      <li>If <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/annotation/Bean.html" title="annotation in org.apache.juneau.annotation"><code>@Bean</code></a> annotation is not specified on the class, then the order is the same as that returned
-         by the <a href="" title="class or interface in java.beans"><code>BeanInfo</code></a> class (i.e. ordered by definition in the class).
-   </ul>
-   <br>
-   The order can also be overridden through the use of a <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/transform/BeanFilter.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau.transform"><code>BeanFilter</code></a>.
+ The order of the properties returned by the <a href="" title="class or interface in java.util"><code>keySet()</code></a> and <a href="" title="class or interface in java.util"><code>entrySet()</code></a> methods are as follows:
+ <ul class='spaced-list'>
+   <li>If <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/annotation/Bean.html" title="annotation in org.apache.juneau.annotation"><code>@Bean</code></a> annotation is specified on class, then the order is the same as the list of properties in the annotation.
+   <li>If <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/annotation/Bean.html" title="annotation in org.apache.juneau.annotation"><code>@Bean</code></a> annotation is not specified on the class, then the order is the same as that returned
+      by the <a href="" title="class or interface in java.beans"><code>BeanInfo</code></a> class (i.e. ordered by definition in the class).
+ </ul>
+ <br>
+ The order can also be overridden through the use of a <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/transform/BeanFilter.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau.transform"><code>BeanFilter</code></a>.
  <h6 class='topic'>POJO swaps</h6>
-   If <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/transform/PojoSwap.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau.transform"><code>PojoSwaps</code></a> are defined on the class types of the properties of this bean or the bean properties themselves, the
+ If <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/transform/PojoSwap.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau.transform"><code>PojoSwaps</code></a> are defined on the class types of the properties of this bean or the bean properties themselves, the
    <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanMap.html#get-java.lang.Object-"><code>get(Object)</code></a> and <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanMap.html#put-java.lang.String-java.lang.Object-"><code>put(String, Object)</code></a> methods will automatically
    transform the property value to and from the serialized form.</div>
@@ -531,7 +531,7 @@ implements <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Delegate.html" title="interface i
    defined by the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/annotation/BeanConstructor.html" title="annotation in org.apache.juneau.annotation"><code>BeanConstructor</code></a> annotation.
  This method does NOT always return the bean in it's final state.
-   Array properties temporary stored as ArrayLists are not finalized
+ Array properties temporary stored as ArrayLists are not finalized
    until the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanMap.html#getBean--"><code>getBean()</code></a> method is called.</div>
 <dt><span class="paramLabel">Parameters:</span></dt>
@@ -582,14 +582,14 @@ implements <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Delegate.html" title="interface i
 <dd><code>value</code> - The value to set the property to.</dd>
 <dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
 <dd>If the bean context setting <code>beanMapPutReturnsOldValue</code> is <jk>true</jk>, then the old value of the property is returned.
-      Otherwise, this method always returns <jk>null</jk>.</dd>
+ Otherwise, this method always returns <jk>null</jk>.</dd>
 <dt><span class="throwsLabel">Throws:</span></dt>
 <dd><code><a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">RuntimeException</a></code> - if any of the following occur.
-   <ul class='spaced-list'>
-      <li>BeanMapEntry does not exist on the underlying object.
-      <li>Security settings prevent access to the underlying object setter method.
-      <li>An exception occurred inside the setter method.
-   </ul></dd>
+ <ul class='spaced-list'>
+   <li>BeanMapEntry does not exist on the underlying object.
+   <li>Security settings prevent access to the underlying object setter method.
+   <li>An exception occurred inside the setter method.
+ </ul></dd>
@@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ implements <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Delegate.html" title="interface i
                 <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">Object</a>&nbsp;value)</pre>
 <div class="block">Add a value to a collection or array property.
-   As a general rule, adding to arrays is not recommended since the array must be recreate each time
+ As a general rule, adding to arrays is not recommended since the array must be recreate each time
    this method is called.</div>
 <dt><span class="paramLabel">Parameters:</span></dt>
@@ -670,7 +670,7 @@ implements <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Delegate.html" title="interface i
                 throws <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/parser/ParseException.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau.parser">ParseException</a></pre>
 <div class="block">Convenience method for setting multiple property values by passing in JSON (or other) text.
-   Typically the input is going to be JSON, although the actual data type
+ Typically the input is going to be JSON, although the actual data type
    depends on the default parser specified by the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanContext.html#BEAN_defaultParser"><code>BeanContext.BEAN_defaultParser</code></a> property
    value on the config that created the context that created this map.
@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ implements <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Delegate.html" title="interface i
 <pre>public&nbsp;<a href="" title="class or interface in java.util">Set</a>&lt;<a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">String</a>&gt;&nbsp;<a href="../../../src-html/org/apache/juneau/BeanMap.html#line.336">keySet</a>()</pre>
 <div class="block">Returns the names of all properties associated with the bean.
-   The returned set is unmodifiable.</div>
+ The returned set is unmodifiable.</div>
 <dt><span class="overrideSpecifyLabel">Specified by:</span></dt>
 <dd><code><a href="" title="class or interface in java.util">keySet</a></code>&nbsp;in interface&nbsp;<code><a href="" title="class or interface in java.util">Map</a>&lt;<a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">String</a>,<a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">Object</a>&gt;</code></dd>
@@ -756,11 +756,11 @@ implements <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Delegate.html" title="interface i
 <pre>public&nbsp;<a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanMapEntry.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau">BeanMapEntry</a>&nbsp;<a href="../../../src-html/org/apache/juneau/BeanMap.html#line.353">getProperty</a>(<a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">String</a>&nbsp;propertyName)</pre>
 <div class="block">Returns the specified property on this bean map.
-   Allows you to get and set an individual property on a bean without having a
+ Allows you to get and set an individual property on a bean without having a
    handle to the bean itself by using the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanMapEntry.html#getValue--"><code>BeanMapEntry.getValue()</code></a>
    and <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanMapEntry.html#setValue-java.lang.Object-"><code>BeanMapEntry.setValue(Object)</code></a> methods.
-   This method can also be used to get metadata on a property by
+ This method can also be used to get metadata on a property by
    calling the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanMapEntry.html#getMeta--"><code>BeanMapEntry.getMeta()</code></a> method.</div>
 <dt><span class="paramLabel">Parameters:</span></dt>
@@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ implements <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Delegate.html" title="interface i
 <dt><span class="paramLabel">Parameters:</span></dt>
 <dd><code>ignoreNulls</code> - Don't return properties whose values are null.</dd>
 <dd><code>prependVals</code> - Additional bean property values to prepended to this list.
-   Any <jk>null</jk> values in this list will be ignored.</dd>
+ Any <jk>null</jk> values in this list will be ignored.</dd>
 <dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
 <dd>The list of all bean property values.</dd>
diff --git a/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/BeanMapEntry.html b/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/BeanMapEntry.html
index 87f7a0d..9014692 100644
--- a/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/BeanMapEntry.html
+++ b/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/BeanMapEntry.html
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ extends <a href="
 implements <a href="" title="class or interface in java.util">Map.Entry</a>&lt;<a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">String</a>,<a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">Object</a>&gt;</pre>
 <div class="block">Represents a single entry in a bean map.
-   This class can be used to get and set property values on a bean, or to get metadata on a property.
+ This class can be used to get and set property values on a bean, or to get metadata on a property.
  <h5 class='section'>Example:</h5>
  <p class='bcode'>
diff --git a/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/BeanMeta.html b/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/BeanMeta.html
index 43c6632..3dd7f46 100644
--- a/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/BeanMeta.html
+++ b/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/BeanMeta.html
@@ -122,25 +122,25 @@ extends <a href="
  <h5 class='section'>Description:</h5>
-   Uses introspection to find all the properties associated with this class.  If the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/annotation/Bean.html" title="annotation in org.apache.juneau.annotation"><code>@Bean</code></a> annotation
+ Uses introspection to find all the properties associated with this class.  If the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/annotation/Bean.html" title="annotation in org.apache.juneau.annotation"><code>@Bean</code></a> annotation
    is present on the class, or the class has a <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/transform/BeanFilter.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau.transform"><code>BeanFilter</code></a> registered with it in the bean context,
    then that information is used to determine the properties on the class.
-   Otherwise, the <code>BeanInfo</code> functionality in Java is used to determine the properties on the class.
+ Otherwise, the <code>BeanInfo</code> functionality in Java is used to determine the properties on the class.
  <h6 class='topic'>Bean property ordering</h6>
-   The order of the properties are as follows:
-   <ul class='spaced-list'>
-      <li>If <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/annotation/Bean.html" title="annotation in org.apache.juneau.annotation"><code>@Bean</code></a> annotation is specified on class, then the order is the same as the list of properties in the annotation.
-      <li>If <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/annotation/Bean.html" title="annotation in org.apache.juneau.annotation"><code>@Bean</code></a> annotation is not specified on the class, then the order is based on the following.
-         <ul>
-            <li>Public fields (same order as <code>Class.getFields()</code>).
-            <li>Properties returned by <code>BeanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors()</code>.
-            <li>Non-standard getters/setters with <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/annotation/BeanProperty.html" title="annotation in org.apache.juneau.annotation"><code>@BeanProperty</code></a> annotation defined on them.
-         </ul>
-   </ul>
-   <br>
-   The order can also be overridden through the use of an <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/transform/BeanFilter.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau.transform"><code>BeanFilter</code></a>.</div>
+ The order of the properties are as follows:
+ <ul class='spaced-list'>
+   <li>If <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/annotation/Bean.html" title="annotation in org.apache.juneau.annotation"><code>@Bean</code></a> annotation is specified on class, then the order is the same as the list of properties in the annotation.
+   <li>If <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/annotation/Bean.html" title="annotation in org.apache.juneau.annotation"><code>@Bean</code></a> annotation is not specified on the class, then the order is based on the following.
+      <ul>
+         <li>Public fields (same order as <code>Class.getFields()</code>).
+         <li>Properties returned by <code>BeanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors()</code>.
+         <li>Non-standard getters/setters with <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/annotation/BeanProperty.html" title="annotation in org.apache.juneau.annotation"><code>@BeanProperty</code></a> annotation defined on them.
+      </ul>
+ </ul>
+ <br>
+ The order can also be overridden through the use of an <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/transform/BeanFilter.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau.transform"><code>BeanFilter</code></a>.</div>
diff --git a/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/BeanPropertyMeta.html b/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/BeanPropertyMeta.html
index ac2d250..9566697 100644
--- a/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/BeanPropertyMeta.html
+++ b/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/BeanPropertyMeta.html
@@ -112,10 +112,10 @@ var activeTableTab = "activeTableTab";
 extends <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">Object</a></pre>
 <div class="block">Contains metadata about a bean property.
-   Contains information such as type of property (e.g. field/getter/setter), class type of property value,
+ Contains information such as type of property (e.g. field/getter/setter), class type of property value,
    and whether any transforms are associated with this property.
-   Developers will typically not need access to this class.  The information provided by it is already
+ Developers will typically not need access to this class.  The information provided by it is already
    exposed through several methods on the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanMap.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>BeanMap</code></a> API.</div>
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ extends <a href="
 <td class="colFirst"><code><a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">String</a>[]</code></td>
 <td class="colLast"><code><span class="memberNameLink"><a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanPropertyMeta.html#getProperties--">getProperties</a></span>()</code>
 <div class="block">Returns the override list of properties defined through a <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/annotation/BeanProperty.html#properties--"><code></code></a> annotation
-  on this property.</div>
+ on this property.</div>
 <tr id="i12" class="altColor">
@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ public&nbsp;<a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanMeta.html" title="class in o
 <pre>public&nbsp;<a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">String</a>[]&nbsp;<a href="../../../src-html/org/apache/juneau/BeanPropertyMeta.html#line.346">getProperties</a>()</pre>
 <div class="block">Returns the override list of properties defined through a <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/annotation/BeanProperty.html#properties--"><code></code></a> annotation
-  on this property.</div>
+ on this property.</div>
 <dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
 <dd>The list of override properties, or <jk>null</jk> if annotation not specified.</dd>
diff --git a/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/BeanProxyInvocationHandler.html b/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/BeanProxyInvocationHandler.html
index ffd2e90..303ddae 100644
--- a/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/BeanProxyInvocationHandler.html
+++ b/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/BeanProxyInvocationHandler.html
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ extends <a href="
 implements <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang.reflect">InvocationHandler</a></pre>
 <div class="block">Provides an <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang.reflect"><code>InvocationHandler</code></a> for creating beans from bean interfaces.
-   If the <code>useInterfaceProxies</code> setting is enabled in <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanContext.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>BeanContext</code></a>, this
+ If the <code>useInterfaceProxies</code> setting is enabled in <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanContext.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>BeanContext</code></a>, this
    is the class that creates instances of beans from interfaces.</div>
diff --git a/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/BeanRegistry.html b/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/BeanRegistry.html
index 287d51f..4120c93 100644
--- a/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/BeanRegistry.html
+++ b/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/BeanRegistry.html
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ extends <a href="
 <dt><span class="paramLabel">Parameters:</span></dt>
 <dd><code>typeName</code> - The bean type name as defined by <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/annotation/Bean.html#typeName--"><code>Bean.typeName()</code></a>.
-   Can include multi-dimensional array type names (e.g. <js>"X^^"</js>).</dd>
+ Can include multi-dimensional array type names (e.g. <js>"X^^"</js>).</dd>
 <dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
 <dd>The class metadata for the bean.</dd>
diff --git a/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/BeanSession.html b/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/BeanSession.html
index 15994f1..a48a522 100644
--- a/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/BeanSession.html
+++ b/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/BeanSession.html
@@ -425,13 +425,13 @@ extends <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Session.html" title="class in org.ap
 <dt><span class="paramLabel">Parameters:</span></dt>
 <dd><code>op</code> - The override properties.
-   These override any context properties defined in the context.</dd>
+ These override any context properties defined in the context.</dd>
 <dd><code>ctx</code> - The context creating this session object.
-   The context contains all the configuration settings for this object.</dd>
+ The context contains all the configuration settings for this object.</dd>
 <dd><code>locale</code> - The session locale.
-   If <jk>null</jk>, then the locale defined on the context is used.</dd>
+ If <jk>null</jk>, then the locale defined on the context is used.</dd>
 <dd><code>timeZone</code> - The session timezone.
-   If <jk>null</jk>, then the timezone defined on the context is used.</dd>
+ If <jk>null</jk>, then the timezone defined on the context is used.</dd>
 <dd><code>mediaType</code> - The session media type (e.g. <js>"application/json"</js>).</dd>
@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ extends <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Session.html" title="class in org.ap
                           throws <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/InvalidDataConversionException.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau">InvalidDataConversionException</a></pre>
 <div class="block">Converts the specified value to the specified class type.
-   See <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanSession.html#convertToType-java.lang.Object-org.apache.juneau.ClassMeta-"><code>convertToType(Object, ClassMeta)</code></a> for the list of valid conversions.</div>
+ See <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanSession.html#convertToType-java.lang.Object-org.apache.juneau.ClassMeta-"><code>convertToType(Object, ClassMeta)</code></a> for the list of valid conversions.</div>
 <dt><span class="paramLabel">Type Parameters:</span></dt>
 <dd><code>T</code> - The class type to convert the value to.</dd>
@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ extends <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Session.html" title="class in org.ap
 <dd><code>T</code> - The class type to convert the value to.</dd>
 <dt><span class="paramLabel">Parameters:</span></dt>
 <dd><code>outer</code> - If class is a member class, this is the instance of the containing class.
-   Should be <jk>null</jk> if not a member class.</dd>
+ Should be <jk>null</jk> if not a member class.</dd>
 <dd><code>value</code> - The value to convert.</dd>
 <dd><code>type</code> - The class type to convert the value to.</dd>
 <dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
@@ -578,10 +578,10 @@ extends <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Session.html" title="class in org.ap
                           throws <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/InvalidDataConversionException.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau">InvalidDataConversionException</a></pre>
 <div class="block">Casts the specified value into the specified type.
-   If the value isn't an instance of the specified type, then converts
+ If the value isn't an instance of the specified type, then converts
    the value if possible.<br>
-   The following conversions are valid:
+ The following conversions are valid:
    <table class='styled'>
       <tr><th>Convert to type</th><th>Valid input value types</th><th>Notes</th></tr>
@@ -731,7 +731,7 @@ extends <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Session.html" title="class in org.ap
 <dd><code>T</code> - The class type to convert the value to.</dd>
 <dt><span class="paramLabel">Parameters:</span></dt>
 <dd><code>outer</code> - If class is a member class, this is the instance of the containing class.
-   Should be <jk>null</jk> if not a member class.</dd>
+ Should be <jk>null</jk> if not a member class.</dd>
 <dd><code>value</code> - The value to convert.</dd>
 <dd><code>type</code> - The class type to convert the value to.</dd>
 <dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
@@ -751,9 +751,9 @@ extends <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Session.html" title="class in org.ap
                             <a href="" title="class or interface in java.util">Collection</a>&lt;?&gt;&nbsp;list)</pre>
 <div class="block">Converts the contents of the specified list into an array.
-   Works on both object and primitive arrays.
+ Works on both object and primitive arrays.
-   In the case of multi-dimensional arrays, the incoming list must
+ In the case of multi-dimensional arrays, the incoming list must
    contain elements of type n-1 dimension.  i.e. if <code>type</code> is <code><jk>int</jk>[][]</code>
    then <code>list</code> must have entries of type <code><jk>int</jk>[]</code>.</div>
@@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ extends <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Session.html" title="class in org.ap
 <pre>public final&nbsp;&lt;T&gt;&nbsp;<a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanMap.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau">BeanMap</a>&lt;T&gt;&nbsp;<a href="../../../src-html/org/apache/juneau/BeanSession.html#line.636">toBeanMap</a>(T&nbsp;o)</pre>
 <div class="block">Wraps an object inside a <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanMap.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>BeanMap</code></a> object (i.e. a modifiable <a href="" title="class or interface in java.util"><code>Map</code></a>).
-   If object is not a true bean, then throws a <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanRuntimeException.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>BeanRuntimeException</code></a> with an explanation of why it's not a bean.
+ If object is not a true bean, then throws a <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanRuntimeException.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>BeanRuntimeException</code></a> with an explanation of why it's not a bean.
  <h5 class='section'>Example:</h5>
  <p class='bcode'>
@@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ extends <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Session.html" title="class in org.ap
 <div class="block">Wraps an object inside a <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanMap.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>BeanMap</code></a> object (i.e.: a modifiable <a href="" title="class or interface in java.util"><code>Map</code></a>)
  defined as a bean for one of its class, a super class, or an implemented interface.
-   If object is not a true bean, throws a <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanRuntimeException.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>BeanRuntimeException</code></a> with an explanation of why it's not a bean.
+ If object is not a true bean, throws a <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanRuntimeException.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>BeanRuntimeException</code></a> with an explanation of why it's not a bean.
  <h5 class='section'>Example:</h5>
  <p class='bcode'>
@@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ extends <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Session.html" title="class in org.ap
 <pre>public final&nbsp;&lt;T&gt;&nbsp;<a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanMap.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau">BeanMap</a>&lt;T&gt;&nbsp;<a href="../../../src-html/org/apache/juneau/BeanSession.html#line.716">newBeanMap</a>(<a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">Class</a>&lt;T&gt;&nbsp;c)</pre>
 <div class="block">Creates a new <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanMap.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>BeanMap</code></a> object (i.e. a modifiable <a href="" title="class or interface in java.util"><code>Map</code></a>) of the given class with uninitialized property values.
-   If object is not a true bean, then throws a <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanRuntimeException.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>BeanRuntimeException</code></a> with an explanation of why it's not a bean.
+ If object is not a true bean, then throws a <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanRuntimeException.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>BeanRuntimeException</code></a> with an explanation of why it's not a bean.
  <h5 class='section'>Example:</h5>
  <p class='bcode'>
@@ -907,7 +907,7 @@ extends <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Session.html" title="class in org.ap
 <dt><span class="paramLabel">Parameters:</span></dt>
 <dd><code>c</code> - The name of the class to create a new instance of.</dd>
 <dd><code>outer</code> - If class is a member class, this is the instance of the containing class.
-   Should be <jk>null</jk> if not a member class.</dd>
+ Should be <jk>null</jk> if not a member class.</dd>
 <dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
 <dd>A new instance of the class.</dd>
@@ -958,7 +958,7 @@ extends <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Session.html" title="class in org.ap
 <dt><span class="paramLabel">Parameters:</span></dt>
 <dd><code>c</code> - The class type of the bean being created.</dd>
 <dd><code>outer</code> - If class is a member class, this is the instance of the containing class.
-   Should be <jk>null</jk> if not a member class.</dd>
+ Should be <jk>null</jk> if not a member class.</dd>
 <dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
 <dd>A new bean object.</dd>
 <dt><span class="throwsLabel">Throws:</span></dt>
diff --git a/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/ClassMeta.html b/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/ClassMeta.html
index 385a11e..dc40999 100644
--- a/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/ClassMeta.html
+++ b/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/ClassMeta.html
@@ -124,16 +124,16 @@ implements <a href="
  about that class.
-   Instances of this class can be created through the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanContext.html#getClassMeta-java.lang.Class-"><code>BeanContext.getClassMeta(Class)</code></a> method.
+ Instances of this class can be created through the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanContext.html#getClassMeta-java.lang.Class-"><code>BeanContext.getClassMeta(Class)</code></a> method.
-   The <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanContext.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>BeanContext</code></a> class will cache and reuse instances of this class except for the following class types:
+ The <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanContext.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>BeanContext</code></a> class will cache and reuse instances of this class except for the following class types:
    <li>Maps with non-Object key/values.
    <li>Collections with non-Object key/values.
-   This class is tied to the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanContext.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>BeanContext</code></a> class because it's that class that makes the determination
+ This class is tied to the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanContext.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>BeanContext</code></a> class because it's that class that makes the determination
    of what is a bean.</div>
@@ -651,7 +651,7 @@ implements <a href="
 <div class="block">Returns the resolved bean dictionary name associated with this class.
  Unlike <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ClassMeta.html#getDictionaryName--"><code>getDictionaryName()</code></a>, this method automatically resolves multidimensional arrays
-  (e.g. <js>"X^^"</js> and returns array class metas accordingly if the base class has a type name.</div>
+ (e.g. <js>"X^^"</js> and returns array class metas accordingly if the base class has a type name.</div>
 <dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
 <dd>The type name associated with this bean class, or <jk>null</jk> if there is no type name defined or this isn't a bean.</dd>
@@ -1197,7 +1197,7 @@ public&nbsp;<a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ClassMeta.html" title="class in
 <pre>public&nbsp;boolean&nbsp;<a href="../../../src-html/org/apache/juneau/ClassMeta.html#line.1034">isNullable</a>()</pre>
 <div class="block">Returns <jk>true</jk> if instance of this object can be <jk>null</jk>.
-   Objects can be <jk>null</jk>, but primitives cannot, except for chars which can be represented
+ Objects can be <jk>null</jk>, but primitives cannot, except for chars which can be represented
    by <code>(<jk>char</jk>)0</code>.</div>
 <dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
diff --git a/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/Context.html b/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/Context.html
index 7f4e537..8fd367c 100644
--- a/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/Context.html
+++ b/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/Context.html
@@ -116,12 +116,12 @@ var activeTableTab = "activeTableTab";
 extends <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">Object</a></pre>
 <div class="block">A reusable stateless thread-safe read-only configuration, typically used for creating one-time use <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Session.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>Session</code></a> objects.
-   Contexts are created through the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#getContext-java.lang.Class-"><code>ContextFactory.getContext(Class)</code></a> method.
+ Contexts are created through the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#getContext-java.lang.Class-"><code>ContextFactory.getContext(Class)</code></a> method.
-   Subclasses MUST implement a constructor method that takes in a <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>ContextFactory</code></a> parameter.
-   Besides that restriction, a context object can do anything you desire.  However, it MUST
-      be thread-safe and all fields should be declared final to prevent modification.
-   It should NOT be used for storing temporary or state information.</div>
+ Subclasses MUST implement a constructor method that takes in a <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>ContextFactory</code></a> parameter.
+ Besides that restriction, a context object can do anything you desire.  However, it MUST
+   be thread-safe and all fields should be declared final to prevent modification.
+ It should NOT be used for storing temporary or state information.</div>
 <dt><span class="seeLabel">See Also:</span></dt>
 <dd><a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>ContextFactory</code></a></dd>
diff --git a/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.PropertyMap.html b/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.PropertyMap.html
index 014c90d..2670abd 100644
--- a/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.PropertyMap.html
+++ b/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.PropertyMap.html
@@ -116,9 +116,9 @@ var activeTableTab = "activeTableTab";
 extends <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">Object</a></pre>
 <div class="block">Contains all the properties for a particular property prefix (e.g. <js>'BeanContext'</js>)
-   Instances of this map are immutable from outside this class.
+ Instances of this map are immutable from outside this class.
-   The <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.PropertyMap.html#hashCode--"><code>hashCode()</code></a> and <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.PropertyMap.html#equals-java.lang.Object-"><code>equals(Object)</code></a> methods
+ The <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.PropertyMap.html#hashCode--"><code>hashCode()</code></a> and <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.PropertyMap.html#equals-java.lang.Object-"><code>equals(Object)</code></a> methods
    can be used to compare with other property maps.</div>
diff --git a/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html b/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html
index 104007e..cb6dcab 100644
--- a/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html
+++ b/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html
@@ -121,94 +121,94 @@ var activeTableTab = "activeTableTab";
 extends <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Lockable.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau">Lockable</a></pre>
 <div class="block">A factory for instantiating <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Context.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>Context</code></a> objects.
-   The hierarchy of these objects are...
-   <ul class='spaced-list'>
-      <li><a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>ContextFactory</code></a> - A thread-safe, modifiable context property store.<br>
-         Used to create <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Context.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>Context</code></a> objects.
-      <li><a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Context.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>Context</code></a> - A reusable, cachable, thread-safe, read-only context with configuration properties copied from the factory.<br>
-         Often used to create <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Session.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>Session</code></a> objects.
-         <li><a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Session.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>Session</code></a> - A one-time-use non-thread-safe object.<br>
-            Used by serializers and parsers to retrieve context properties and to be used as scratchpads.
-   </ul>
+ The hierarchy of these objects are...
+ <ul class='spaced-list'>
+   <li><a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>ContextFactory</code></a> - A thread-safe, modifiable context property store.<br>
+      Used to create <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Context.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>Context</code></a> objects.
+   <li><a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Context.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>Context</code></a> - A reusable, cachable, thread-safe, read-only context with configuration properties copied from the factory.<br>
+      Often used to create <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Session.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>Session</code></a> objects.
+   <li><a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Session.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>Session</code></a> - A one-time-use non-thread-safe object.<br>
+      Used by serializers and parsers to retrieve context properties and to be used as scratchpads.
+ </ul>
  <h6 class='topic'>ContextFactory objects</h6>
-   Context factories can be thought of as consisting of the following:
-   <ul class='spaced-list'>
-      <li>A <code>Map&lt;String,Object&gt;</code> of context properties.
-      <li>A <code>Map&lt;Class,Context&gt;</code> of context instances.
-   </ul>
+ Context factories can be thought of as consisting of the following:
+ <ul class='spaced-list'>
+   <li>A <code>Map&lt;String,Object&gt;</code> of context properties.
+   <li>A <code>Map&lt;Class,Context&gt;</code> of context instances.
+ </ul>
-   Context factories are used to create and cache <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Context.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>Context</code></a> objects using the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#getContext-java.lang.Class-"><code>getContext(Class)</code></a> method.
+ Context factories are used to create and cache <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Context.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>Context</code></a> objects using the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#getContext-java.lang.Class-"><code>getContext(Class)</code></a> method.
-   As a general rule, <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>ContextFactory</code></a> objects are 'slow'.<br>
-   Setting and retrieving properties on a factory can involve relatively slow data conversion and synchronization.<br>
-   However, the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#getContext-java.lang.Class-"><code>getContext(Class)</code></a> method is fast, and will return cached context objects if the context properties have not changed.
+ As a general rule, <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>ContextFactory</code></a> objects are 'slow'.<br>
+ Setting and retrieving properties on a factory can involve relatively slow data conversion and synchronization.<br>
+ However, the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#getContext-java.lang.Class-"><code>getContext(Class)</code></a> method is fast, and will return cached context objects if the context properties have not changed.
-   Context factories can be used to store context properties for a variety of contexts.<br>
-   For example, a single factory can store context properties for the JSON serializer, XML serializer, HTML serializer
+ Context factories can be used to store context properties for a variety of contexts.<br>
+ For example, a single factory can store context properties for the JSON serializer, XML serializer, HTML serializer
    etc... and can thus be used to retrieve context objects for those serializers.<br>
-   Other notes:
-   <ul class='spaced-list'>
-      <li>Context factories can be locked using the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Lockable.html#lock--"><code>Lockable.lock()</code></a> method.<br>
-         This prevents the context properties from being further modified.
-      <li>Context factories can be cloned using the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#clone--"><code>clone()</code></a> method.<br>
-         This will return a new unlocked factory with the same context properties.
-      </ul>
+ Other notes:
+ <ul class='spaced-list'>
+   <li>Context factories can be locked using the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Lockable.html#lock--"><code>Lockable.lock()</code></a> method.<br>
+      This prevents the context properties from being further modified.
+   <li>Context factories can be cloned using the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#clone--"><code>clone()</code></a> method.<br>
+      This will return a new unlocked factory with the same context properties.
+ </ul>
  <h6 class='topic'>Context properties</h6>
-   Context properties are 'settings' for serializers and parsers.<br>
-   For example, the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanContext.html#BEAN_sortProperties"><code>BeanContext.BEAN_sortProperties</code></a> context property defines whether
+ Context properties are 'settings' for serializers and parsers.<br>
+ For example, the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanContext.html#BEAN_sortProperties"><code>BeanContext.BEAN_sortProperties</code></a> context property defines whether
    bean properties should be serialized in alphabetical order.
-   Each <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Context.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>Context</code></a> object should contain the context properties that apply to it as static
+ Each <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Context.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>Context</code></a> object should contain the context properties that apply to it as static
    fields (e.g <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanContext.html#BEAN_sortProperties"><code>BeanContext.BEAN_sortProperties</code></a>).
-   Context properties can be of the following types:
-   <ul class='spaced-list'>
-      <li><l>SIMPLE</l> - A simple property.<br>
-         Examples include:  booleans, integers, Strings, Classes, etc...<br>
-         <br>
-         An example of this would be the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanContext.html#BEAN_sortProperties"><code>BeanContext.BEAN_sortProperties</code></a> property.<br>
-         It's name is simply <js>"BeanContext.sortProperties"</js>.
+ Context properties can be of the following types:
+ <ul class='spaced-list'>
+   <li><l>SIMPLE</l> - A simple property.<br>
+      Examples include:  booleans, integers, Strings, Classes, etc...<br>
+      <br>
+      An example of this would be the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanContext.html#BEAN_sortProperties"><code>BeanContext.BEAN_sortProperties</code></a> property.<br>
+      It's name is simply <js>"BeanContext.sortProperties"</js>.
+   <li><l>SET</l> - A sorted set of objects.<br>
+   These are denoted by appending <js>".set"</js> to the property name.<br>
+      Objects can be of any type, even complex types.<br>
+      Sorted sets use tree sets to maintain the value in alphabetical order.<br>
+      <br>
+      For example, the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanContext.html#BEAN_notBeanClasses"><code>BeanContext.BEAN_notBeanClasses</code></a> property is used to store classes that should not be treated like beans.<br>
+      It's name is <js>"BeanContext.notBeanClasses.set"</js>.
-      <li><l>SET</l> - A sorted set of objects.<br>
-         These are denoted by appending <js>".set"</js> to the property name.<br>
-         Objects can be of any type, even complex types.<br>
-         Sorted sets use tree sets to maintain the value in alphabetical order.<br>
-         <br>
-         For example, the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanContext.html#BEAN_notBeanClasses"><code>BeanContext.BEAN_notBeanClasses</code></a> property is used to store classes that should not be treated like beans.<br>
-         It's name is <js>"BeanContext.notBeanClasses.set"</js>.
+   <li><l>LIST</l> - A list of unique objects.<br>
+      These are denoted by appending <js>".list"</js> to the property name.<br>
+      Objects can be of any type, even complex types.<br>
+      Use lists if the ordering of the values in the set is important (similar to how the order of entries in a classpath is important).<br>
+      <br>
+      For example, the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanContext.html#BEAN_beanFilters"><code>BeanContext.BEAN_beanFilters</code></a> property is used to store bean filters.<br>
+      It's name is <js>"BeanContext.transforms.list"</js>.
-      <li><l>LIST</l> - A list of unique objects.<br>
-         These are denoted by appending <js>".list"</js> to the property name.<br>
-         Objects can be of any type, even complex types.<br>
-         Use lists if the ordering of the values in the set is important (similar to how the order of entries in a classpath is important).<br>
-         <br>
-         For example, the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanContext.html#BEAN_beanFilters"><code>BeanContext.BEAN_beanFilters</code></a> property is used to store bean filters.<br>
-         It's name is <js>"BeanContext.transforms.list"</js>.
-      <li><l>MAP</l> - A sorted map of key-value pairs.<br>
-         These are denoted by appending <js>".map"</js> to the property name.<br>
-         Keys can be any type directly convertable to and from Strings.
-         Values can be of any type, even complex types.<br>
-         <br>
-         For example, the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanContext.html#BEAN_implClasses"><code>BeanContext.BEAN_implClasses</code></a> property is used to specify the names of implementation classes for interfaces.<br>
-         It's name is <js>""</js>.<br>
-   </ul>
+   <li><l>MAP</l> - A sorted map of key-value pairs.<br>
+      These are denoted by appending <js>".map"</js> to the property name.<br>
+      Keys can be any type directly convertable to and from Strings.
+      Values can be of any type, even complex types.<br>
+      <br>
+      For example, the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanContext.html#BEAN_implClasses"><code>BeanContext.BEAN_implClasses</code></a> property is used to specify the names of implementation classes for interfaces.<br>
+      It's name is <js>""</js>.<br>
+ </ul>
-   All context properties are set using the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#setProperty-java.lang.String-java.lang.Object-"><code>setProperty(String, Object)</code></a> method.
+ All context properties are set using the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#setProperty-java.lang.String-java.lang.Object-"><code>setProperty(String, Object)</code></a> method.
-   Default values for context properties can be specified globally as system properties.<br>
-   Example: <code>System.<jsm>setProperty</jsm>(<jsf>BEAN_sortProperties</jsf>, <jk>true</jk>);</code>
+ Default values for context properties can be specified globally as system properties.<br>
+ Example: <code>System.<jsm>setProperty</jsm>(<jsf>BEAN_sortProperties</jsf>, <jk>true</jk>);</code>
-   SET and LIST properties can be added to using the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#addToProperty-java.lang.String-java.lang.Object-"><code>addToProperty(String, Object)</code></a> method and removed from using the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#removeFromProperty-java.lang.String-java.lang.Object-"><code>removeFromProperty(String, Object)</code></a> method.
+ SET and LIST properties can be added to using the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#addToProperty-java.lang.String-java.lang.Object-"><code>addToProperty(String, Object)</code></a> method and removed from using the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#removeFromProperty-java.lang.String-java.lang.Object-"><code>removeFromProperty(String, Object)</code></a> method.
-   SET and LIST properties can also be added to and removed from by appending <js>".add"</js> or <js>".remove"</js> to the property name and using the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#setProperty-java.lang.String-java.lang.Object-"><code>setProperty(String, Object)</code></a> method.
+ SET and LIST properties can also be added to and removed from by appending <js>".add"</js> or <js>".remove"</js> to the property name and using the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#setProperty-java.lang.String-java.lang.Object-"><code>setProperty(String, Object)</code></a> method.
-   The following shows the two different ways to append to a set or list property:
+ The following shows the two different ways to append to a set or list property:
  <p class='bcode'>
    Config config = <jk>new</jk> Config().set(<js>"BeanContext.notBeanClasses.set"</js>, Collections.<jsm>emptySet</jsm>());
@@ -219,10 +219,10 @@ extends <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Lockable.html" title="class in org.a
    config.set(<js>"BeanContext.notBeanClasses.set.add"</js>, MyNotBeanClass.<jk>class</jk>);
-   Lists are appended to the beginning of the set so that behavior can be overridden.<br>
+ Lists are appended to the beginning of the set so that behavior can be overridden.<br>
-   For sample, the following code shows the order in which POJO swaps are applied.<br>
-   In this case, we want F3 and F4 to appear at the beginning of the set so that they
+ For sample, the following code shows the order in which POJO swaps are applied.<br>
+ In this case, we want F3 and F4 to appear at the beginning of the set so that they
    take precedence over F1 and F2....
  <p class='bcode'>
    <jc>// Result will be F3,F4,F1,F2</jc>
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ extends <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Lockable.html" title="class in org.a
    config.addTo(<js>"BeanContext.transforms.list"</js>, Arrays.<jsm>asList</jsm>(F3.<jk>class</jk>,F4.<jk>class</jk>));
-   SET and LIST properties can also be set and manipulated using JSON strings.
+ SET and LIST properties can also be set and manipulated using JSON strings.
  <p class='bcode'>
    ContextFactory f = ContextFactory.<jsm>create</jsm>();
@@ -247,11 +247,11 @@ extends <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Lockable.html" title="class in org.a
    f.removeFrom(<js>"BeanContext.notBeanClasses.set"</js>, <js>"['']"</js>);
-   MAP properties can be added to using the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#putToProperty-java.lang.String-java.lang.Object-java.lang.Object-"><code>putToProperty(String, Object, Object)</code></a> and <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#putToProperty-java.lang.String-java.lang.Object-"><code>putToProperty(String, Object)</code></a> methods.<br>
-   MAP property entries can be removed by setting the value to <jk>null</jk> (e.g. <code>config.putTo(<js>"BEAN_implClasses"</js>, MyNotBeanClass.<jk>class</jk>, <jk>null</jk>);</code>.<br>
-   MAP properties can also be added to by appending <js>".put"</js> to the property name and using the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#setProperty-java.lang.String-java.lang.Object-"><code>setProperty(String, Object)</code></a> method.<br>
+ MAP properties can be added to using the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#putToProperty-java.lang.String-java.lang.Object-java.lang.Object-"><code>putToProperty(String, Object, Object)</code></a> and <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#putToProperty-java.lang.String-java.lang.Object-"><code>putToProperty(String, Object)</code></a> methods.<br>
+ MAP property entries can be removed by setting the value to <jk>null</jk> (e.g. <code>config.putTo(<js>"BEAN_implClasses"</js>, MyNotBeanClass.<jk>class</jk>, <jk>null</jk>);</code>.<br>
+ MAP properties can also be added to by appending <js>".put"</js> to the property name and using the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#setProperty-java.lang.String-java.lang.Object-"><code>setProperty(String, Object)</code></a> method.<br>
-   The following shows the two different ways to append to a set property:
+ The following shows the two different ways to append to a set property:
  <p class='bcode'>
    ContextFactory f = ContextFactory.<jsm>create</jsm>().set(<js>""</js>, Collections.<jsm>emptyMap</jsm>());
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ extends <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Lockable.html" title="class in org.a
    f.set(<js>""</js>, m);
-   MAP properties can also be set and manipulated using JSON strings.
+ MAP properties can also be set and manipulated using JSON strings.
  <p class='bcode'>
    ContextFactory f = ContextFactory.<jsm>create</jsm>();
@@ -277,23 +277,23 @@ extends <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Lockable.html" title="class in org.a
    f.putTo(<js>""</js>, <js>"{'':null}"</js>);
-   Context properties are retrieved from this factory using the following 3 methods:
-   <ul class='spaced-list'>
-      <li><a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#getProperty-java.lang.String-java.lang.Class-T-"><code>getProperty(String, Class, Object)</code></a> - Retrieve a SIMPLE or SET property converted to the specified class type.
-      <li><a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#getMap-java.lang.String-java.lang.Class-java.lang.Class-java.util.Map-"><code>getMap(String, Class, Class, Map)</code></a> - Retrieve a MAP property with keys/values converted to the specified class types.
-      <li><a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#getPropertyMap-java.lang.String-"><code>getPropertyMap(String)</code></a> - Retrieve a map of all context properties with the specified prefix (e.g. <js>"BeanContext"</js> for <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanContext.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>BeanContext</code></a> properties).
-   </ul>
+ Context properties are retrieved from this factory using the following 3 methods:
+ <ul class='spaced-list'>
+   <li><a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#getProperty-java.lang.String-java.lang.Class-T-"><code>getProperty(String, Class, Object)</code></a> - Retrieve a SIMPLE or SET property converted to the specified class type.
+   <li><a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#getMap-java.lang.String-java.lang.Class-java.lang.Class-java.util.Map-"><code>getMap(String, Class, Class, Map)</code></a> - Retrieve a MAP property with keys/values converted to the specified class types.
+   <li><a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#getPropertyMap-java.lang.String-"><code>getPropertyMap(String)</code></a> - Retrieve a map of all context properties with the specified prefix (e.g. <js>"BeanContext"</js> for <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanContext.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>BeanContext</code></a> properties).
+ </ul>
-   As a general rule, only <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Context.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>Context</code></a> objects will use these read methods.
+ As a general rule, only <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Context.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>Context</code></a> objects will use these read methods.
  <h6 class='topic'>Context objects</h6>
-   A Context object can be thought of as unmodifiable snapshot of a factory.<br>
-   They should be 'fast' by avoiding synchronization by using final fields whenever possible.<br>
-   However, they MUST be thread safe.
+ A Context object can be thought of as unmodifiable snapshot of a factory.<br>
+ They should be 'fast' by avoiding synchronization by using final fields whenever possible.<br>
+ However, they MUST be thread safe.
-   Context objects are created using the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#getContext-java.lang.Class-"><code>getContext(Class)</code></a> method.<br>
-   As long as the properties on a factory have not been modified, the factory will return a cached copy
+ Context objects are created using the <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#getContext-java.lang.Class-"><code>getContext(Class)</code></a> method.<br>
+ As long as the properties on a factory have not been modified, the factory will return a cached copy
    of a context.
  <p class='bcode'>
    ContextFactory f = ContextFactory.<jsm>create</jsm>();
@@ -315,12 +315,12 @@ extends <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Lockable.html" title="class in org.a
  <h6 class='topic'>Session objects</h6>
-   Session objects are created through <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Context.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>Context</code></a> objects, typically through a <code>createContext()</code> method.<br>
-   Unlike context objects, they are NOT reusable and NOT thread safe.<br>
-   They are meant to be used one time and then thrown away.<br>
-   They should NEVER need to use synchronization.
+ Session objects are created through <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Context.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>Context</code></a> objects, typically through a <code>createContext()</code> method.<br>
+ Unlike context objects, they are NOT reusable and NOT thread safe.<br>
+ They are meant to be used one time and then thrown away.<br>
+ They should NEVER need to use synchronization.
-   Session objects are also often used as scratchpads for information such as keeping track of call stack
+ Session objects are also often used as scratchpads for information such as keeping track of call stack
    information to detect recursive loops when serializing beans.</div>
@@ -641,13 +641,13 @@ extends <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Lockable.html" title="class in org.a
                                   <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">Object</a>&nbsp;value)</pre>
 <div class="block">Sets a configuration property value on this object.
-   A typical usage is to set or overwrite configuration values like so...
+ A typical usage is to set or overwrite configuration values like so...
  <p class='bcode'>
    ContextFactory g = ContextFactory.<jsm>create</jsm>();
    f.setProperty(<jsf>BEAN_sortProperties</jsf>, <jk>true</jk>);
-   The possible class types of the value depend on the property type:
+ The possible class types of the value depend on the property type:
  <table class='styled'>
@@ -684,15 +684,15 @@ extends <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Lockable.html" title="class in org.a
 <dt><span class="paramLabel">Parameters:</span></dt>
 <dd><code>name</code> - The configuration property name.<br>
-   If name ends with <l>.add</l>, then the specified value is added to the
-      existing property value as an entry in a SET or LIST property.<br>
-   If name ends with <l>.put</l>, then the specified value is added to the
-      existing property value as a key/value pair in a MAP property.<br>
-   If name ends with <l>.remove</l>, then the specified value is removed from the
-      existing property property value in a SET or LIST property.<br></dd>
+ If name ends with <l>.add</l>, then the specified value is added to the
+   existing property value as an entry in a SET or LIST property.<br>
+ If name ends with <l>.put</l>, then the specified value is added to the
+   existing property value as a key/value pair in a MAP property.<br>
+ If name ends with <l>.remove</l>, then the specified value is removed from the
+   existing property property value in a SET or LIST property.<br></dd>
 <dd><code>value</code> - The new value.
-   If <jk>null</jk>, the property value is deleted.<br>
-   In general, the value type can be anything.<br></dd>
+ If <jk>null</jk>, the property value is deleted.<br>
+ In general, the value type can be anything.<br></dd>
 <dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
 <dd>This object (for method chaining).</dd>
@@ -808,10 +808,10 @@ extends <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Lockable.html" title="class in org.a
 <div class="block">Returns an instance of the specified context initialized with the properties
    in this config.
-   Multiple calls to this method for the same config class will return the same
+ Multiple calls to this method for the same config class will return the same
    cached value as long as the config properties on this config are not touched.
-   As soon as any properties are modified on this config, all cached entries
+ As soon as any properties are modified on this config, all cached entries
    are discarded and recreated as needed.</div>
 <dt><span class="paramLabel">Parameters:</span></dt>
@@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ extends <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Lockable.html" title="class in org.a
 <pre>public&nbsp;<a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.PropertyMap.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau">ContextFactory.PropertyMap</a>&nbsp;<a href="../../../src-html/org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#line.574">getPropertyMap</a>(<a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">String</a>&nbsp;prefix)</pre>
 <div class="block">Returns the configuration properties with the specified prefix.
-   For example, if <l>prefix</l> is <js>"BeanContext"</js>, then retrieves
+ For example, if <l>prefix</l> is <js>"BeanContext"</js>, then retrieves
    all configuration properties that are prefixed with <js>"BeanContext."</js>.</div>
 <dt><span class="paramLabel">Parameters:</span></dt>
@@ -849,10 +849,10 @@ extends <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Lockable.html" title="class in org.a
 <pre>public&nbsp;<a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau">ContextFactory</a>&nbsp;<a href="../../../src-html/org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#line.596">setClassLoader</a>(<a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">ClassLoader</a>&nbsp;classLoader)</pre>
 <div class="block">Specifies the classloader to use when resolving classes from strings.
-   Can be used for resolving class names when the classes being created are in a different
+ Can be used for resolving class names when the classes being created are in a different
    classloader from the Juneau code.
-   If <jk>null</jk>, the system classloader will be used to resolve classes.</div>
+ If <jk>null</jk>, the system classloader will be used to resolve classes.</div>
 <dt><span class="paramLabel">Parameters:</span></dt>
 <dd><code>classLoader</code> - The new classloader.</dd>
@@ -872,7 +872,7 @@ extends <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/Lockable.html" title="class in org.a
 <pre>public&nbsp;<a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau">ContextFactory</a>&nbsp;<a href="../../../src-html/org/apache/juneau/ContextFactory.html#line.611">setDefaultParser</a>(<a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/parser/ReaderParser.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau.parser">ReaderParser</a>&nbsp;defaultParser)</pre>
 <div class="block">Specifies the parser to use to convert Strings to POJOs.
-   If <jk>null</jk>, <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/json/JsonParser.html#DEFAULT"><code>JsonParser.DEFAULT</code></a> will be used.</div>
+ If <jk>null</jk>, <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/json/JsonParser.html#DEFAULT"><code>JsonParser.DEFAULT</code></a> will be used.</div>
 <dt><span class="paramLabel">Parameters:</span></dt>
 <dd><code>defaultParser</code> - The new defaultParser.</dd>
diff --git a/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/Delegate.html b/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/Delegate.html
index 899d7bb..a984c7a 100644
--- a/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/Delegate.html
+++ b/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/Delegate.html
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ var activeTableTab = "activeTableTab";
  <b>*** Internal Interface - Not intended for external use ***</b>
-   For example, <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanMap.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>BeanMap</code></a> is a map representation of a bean.</div>
+ For example, <a href="../../../org/apache/juneau/BeanMap.html" title="class in org.apache.juneau"><code>BeanMap</code></a> is a map representation of a bean.</div>
diff --git a/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/InvalidDataConversionException.html b/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/InvalidDataConversionException.html
index 76c99ae..7bc864f 100644
--- a/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/InvalidDataConversionException.html
+++ b/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/InvalidDataConversionException.html
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
 extends <a href="" title="class or interface in java.lang">RuntimeException</a></pre>
 <div class="block">General invalid conversion exception.
-   Exception that gets thrown if you try to perform an invalid conversion, such as when calling <code>ObjectMap.getInt(...)</code> on a non-numeric <code>String</code>.</div>
+ Exception that gets thrown if you try to perform an invalid conversion, such as when calling <code>ObjectMap.getInt(...)</code> on a non-numeric <code>String</code>.</div>
 <dt><span class="seeLabel">See Also:</span></dt>
 <dd><a href="../../../serialized-form.html#org.apache.juneau.InvalidDataConversionException">Serialized Form</a></dd>
diff --git a/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/MediaRange.html b/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/MediaRange.html
index 401dc64..0573e9c 100644
--- a/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/MediaRange.html
+++ b/content/site/apidocs/org/apache/juneau/MediaRange.html
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ implements <a href="
 <dd><code>value</code> - The value to parse.  If <jk>null</jk> or empty, returns a single <code>MediaRange</code> is returned that represents all types.</dd>
 <dt><span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span></dt>
 <dd>The media ranges described by the string.
-   The ranges are sorted such that the most acceptable media is available at ordinal position <js>'0'</js>, and the least acceptable at position n-1.</dd>
+ The ranges are sorted such that the most acceptable media is available at ordinal position <js>'0'</js>, and the least acceptable at position n-1.</dd>