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Posted to by "zsxwing (via GitHub)" <> on 2023/03/03 09:09:14 UTC

[GitHub] [spark] zsxwing commented on a diff in pull request #39931: [SPARK-42376][SS] Introduce watermark propagation among operators

zsxwing commented on code in PR #39931:

@@ -216,63 +222,140 @@ class IncrementalExecution(
-          eventTimeWatermarkForLateEvents = Some(eventTimeWatermarkForLateEvents),
-          eventTimeWatermarkForEviction = Some(eventTimeWatermarkForEviction))
+          eventTimeWatermarkForLateEvents = None,
+          eventTimeWatermarkForEviction = None)
       case m: FlatMapGroupsWithStateExec =>
         // We set this to true only for the first batch of the streaming query.
         val hasInitialState = (currentBatchId == 0L && m.hasInitialState)
           stateInfo = Some(nextStatefulOperationStateInfo),
           batchTimestampMs = Some(offsetSeqMetadata.batchTimestampMs),
-          eventTimeWatermarkForLateEvents = Some(eventTimeWatermarkForLateEvents),
-          eventTimeWatermarkForEviction = Some(eventTimeWatermarkForEviction),
+          eventTimeWatermarkForLateEvents = None,
+          eventTimeWatermarkForEviction = None,
           hasInitialState = hasInitialState
       case m: FlatMapGroupsInPandasWithStateExec =>
           stateInfo = Some(nextStatefulOperationStateInfo),
           batchTimestampMs = Some(offsetSeqMetadata.batchTimestampMs),
-          eventTimeWatermarkForLateEvents = Some(eventTimeWatermarkForLateEvents),
-          eventTimeWatermarkForEviction = Some(eventTimeWatermarkForEviction)
+          eventTimeWatermarkForLateEvents = None,
+          eventTimeWatermarkForEviction = None
       case j: StreamingSymmetricHashJoinExec =>
           stateInfo = Some(nextStatefulOperationStateInfo),
-          eventTimeWatermarkForLateEvents = Some(eventTimeWatermarkForLateEvents),
-          eventTimeWatermarkForEviction = Some(eventTimeWatermarkForEviction),
-          stateWatermarkPredicates =
-            StreamingSymmetricHashJoinHelper.getStateWatermarkPredicates(
-              j.left.output, j.right.output, j.leftKeys, j.rightKeys, j.condition.full,
-              Some(eventTimeWatermarkForEviction)))
+          eventTimeWatermarkForLateEvents = None,
+          eventTimeWatermarkForEviction = None
+        )
       case l: StreamingGlobalLimitExec =>
           stateInfo = Some(nextStatefulOperationStateInfo),
           outputMode = Some(outputMode))
+    }
+  }
-      case StreamingLocalLimitExec(limit, child) if hasNoStatefulOp(child) =>
-        // Optimize limit execution by replacing StreamingLocalLimitExec (consumes the iterator
-        // completely) to LocalLimitExec (does not consume the iterator) when the child plan has
-        // no stateful operator (i.e., consuming the iterator is not needed).
-        LocalLimitExec(limit, child)
+  val watermarkPropagationRule = new Rule[SparkPlan] {
+    private def simulateWatermarkPropagation(plan: SparkPlan): Unit = {
+      val watermarkForPrevBatch =
+      val watermarkForCurrBatch = offsetSeqMetadata.batchWatermarkMs
+      // This is to simulate watermark propagation for late events.
+      watermarkPropagator.propagate(currentBatchId - 1, plan, watermarkForPrevBatch)
+      // This is to simulate watermark propagation for eviction.
+      watermarkPropagator.propagate(currentBatchId, plan, watermarkForCurrBatch)
+    }
+    private def inputWatermarkForLateEvents(stateInfo: StatefulOperatorStateInfo): Option[Long] = {
+      Some(watermarkPropagator.getInputWatermarkForLateEvents(currentBatchId,
+        stateInfo.operatorId))
+    }
+    private def inputWatermarkForEviction(stateInfo: StatefulOperatorStateInfo): Option[Long] = {
+      Some(watermarkPropagator.getInputWatermarkForEviction(currentBatchId, stateInfo.operatorId))
+    }
+    override def apply(plan: SparkPlan): SparkPlan = {
+      simulateWatermarkPropagation(plan)
+      plan transform {
+        case s: StateStoreSaveExec if s.stateInfo.isDefined =>
+          s.copy(
+            eventTimeWatermarkForLateEvents = inputWatermarkForLateEvents(s.stateInfo.get),
+            eventTimeWatermarkForEviction = inputWatermarkForEviction(s.stateInfo.get)
+          )
+        case s: SessionWindowStateStoreSaveExec if s.stateInfo.isDefined =>
+          s.copy(
+            eventTimeWatermarkForLateEvents = inputWatermarkForLateEvents(s.stateInfo.get),
+            eventTimeWatermarkForEviction = inputWatermarkForEviction(s.stateInfo.get)
+          )
+        case s: SessionWindowStateStoreRestoreExec if s.stateInfo.isDefined =>
+          s.copy(
+            eventTimeWatermarkForLateEvents = inputWatermarkForLateEvents(s.stateInfo.get),
+            eventTimeWatermarkForEviction = inputWatermarkForEviction(s.stateInfo.get)
+          )
+        case s: StreamingDeduplicateExec if s.stateInfo.isDefined =>
+          s.copy(
+            eventTimeWatermarkForLateEvents = inputWatermarkForLateEvents(s.stateInfo.get),
+            eventTimeWatermarkForEviction = inputWatermarkForEviction(s.stateInfo.get)
+          )
+        case m: FlatMapGroupsWithStateExec if m.stateInfo.isDefined =>
+          m.copy(
+            eventTimeWatermarkForLateEvents = inputWatermarkForLateEvents(m.stateInfo.get),
+            eventTimeWatermarkForEviction = inputWatermarkForEviction(m.stateInfo.get)
+          )
+        case m: FlatMapGroupsInPandasWithStateExec if m.stateInfo.isDefined =>
+          m.copy(
+            eventTimeWatermarkForLateEvents = inputWatermarkForLateEvents(m.stateInfo.get),
+            eventTimeWatermarkForEviction = inputWatermarkForEviction(m.stateInfo.get)
+          )
+        case j: StreamingSymmetricHashJoinExec =>
+          val iwLateEvents = inputWatermarkForLateEvents(j.stateInfo.get)
+          val iwEviction = inputWatermarkForEviction(j.stateInfo.get)
+          j.copy(
+            eventTimeWatermarkForLateEvents = iwLateEvents,
+            eventTimeWatermarkForEviction = iwEviction,
+            stateWatermarkPredicates =
+              StreamingSymmetricHashJoinHelper.getStateWatermarkPredicates(
+                j.left.output, j.right.output, j.leftKeys, j.rightKeys, j.condition.full,
+                iwEviction, !allowMultipleStatefulOperators)
+          )
+      }
-  override def preparations: Seq[Rule[SparkPlan]] = state +: super.preparations
+  override def preparations: Seq[Rule[SparkPlan]] = Seq(
+    shufflePartitionsRule,

Review Comment:
   Is splitting rules just to improve readability? This would traverse the plan tree for 3 more passes. This is probably okay as people usually don't write complicated streaming queries.
   Batch queries are using a cheap API [transformUpWithPruning]( to traverse tree. Would be great to keep this in mind and consider doing this in future if we need to add more rules.

@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming
+import java.{util => jutil}
+import scala.collection.mutable
+import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
+import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException
+import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.SparkPlan
+import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
+import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
+ * Interface for propagating watermark. The implementation is not required to be thread-safe,
+ * as all methods are expected to be called from the query execution thread.
+ * (The guarantee may change on further improvements on Structured Streaming - update
+ * implementations if we change the guarantee.)
+ */
+sealed trait WatermarkPropagator {
+  /**
+   * Request to propagate watermark among operators based on origin watermark value. The result
+   * should be input watermark per stateful operator, which Spark will request the value by calling
+   * getInputWatermarkXXX with operator ID.
+   *
+   * It is recommended for implementation to cache the result, as Spark can request the propagation
+   * multiple times with the same batch ID and origin watermark value.
+   */
+  def propagate(batchId: Long, plan: SparkPlan, originWatermark: Long): Unit
+  /** Provide the calculated input watermark for late events for given stateful operator. */
+  def getInputWatermarkForLateEvents(batchId: Long, stateOpId: Long): Long
+  /** Provide the calculated input watermark for eviction for given stateful operator. */
+  def getInputWatermarkForEviction(batchId: Long, stateOpId: Long): Long
+  /**
+   * Request to clean up cached result on propagation. Spark will call this method when the given
+   * batch ID will be likely to be not re-executed.
+   */
+  def purge(batchId: Long): Unit
+ * Do nothing. This is dummy implementation to help creating a dummy IncrementalExecution instance.
+ */
+object NoOpWatermarkPropagator extends WatermarkPropagator {
+  def propagate(batchId: Long, plan: SparkPlan, originWatermark: Long): Unit = {}
+  def getInputWatermarkForLateEvents(batchId: Long, stateOpId: Long): Long = Long.MinValue
+  def getInputWatermarkForEviction(batchId: Long, stateOpId: Long): Long = Long.MinValue
+  def purge(batchId: Long): Unit = {}
+ * This implementation uses a single global watermark for late events and eviction.
+ *
+ * This implementation provides the behavior before Structured Streaming supports multiple stateful
+ * operators. (prior to SPARK-40925) This is only used for compatibility mode.
+ */
+class UseSingleWatermarkPropagator extends WatermarkPropagator {
+  // We use treemap to sort the key (batchID) and evict old batch IDs efficiently.
+  private val batchIdToWatermark: jutil.TreeMap[Long, Long] = new jutil.TreeMap[Long, Long]()
+  private def isInitialized(batchId: Long): Boolean = batchIdToWatermark.containsKey(batchId)
+  override def propagate(batchId: Long, plan: SparkPlan, originWatermark: Long): Unit = {
+    if (batchId < 0) {
+      // no-op
+    } else if (isInitialized(batchId)) {
+      val cached = batchIdToWatermark.get(batchId)
+      assert(cached == originWatermark,
+        s"Watermark has been changed for the same batch ID! Batch ID: $batchId, " +
+          s"Value in cache: $cached, value given: $originWatermark")
+    } else {
+      batchIdToWatermark.put(batchId, originWatermark)
+    }
+  }
+  private def getInputWatermark(batchId: Long, stateOpId: Long): Long = {
+    if (batchId < 0) {
+      0
+    } else {
+      assert(isInitialized(batchId), s"Watermark for batch ID $batchId is not yet set!")
+      batchIdToWatermark.get(batchId)
+    }
+  }
+  def getInputWatermarkForLateEvents(batchId: Long, stateOpId: Long): Long =
+    getInputWatermark(batchId, stateOpId)
+  def getInputWatermarkForEviction(batchId: Long, stateOpId: Long): Long =
+    getInputWatermark(batchId, stateOpId)
+  override def purge(batchId: Long): Unit = {
+    val keyIter = batchIdToWatermark.keySet().iterator()
+    var stopIter = false
+    while (keyIter.hasNext && !stopIter) {
+      val currKey =
+      if (currKey <= batchId) {
+        keyIter.remove()
+      } else {
+        stopIter = true
+      }
+    }
+  }
+ * This implementation simulates propagation of watermark among operators.
+ *
+ * The simulation algorithm traverses the physical plan tree via post-order (children first) to
+ * calculate (input watermark, output watermark) for all nodes.
+ *
+ * For each node, below logic is applied:
+ *
+ * - Input watermark for specific node is decided by `min(input watermarks from all children)`.
+ *   -- Children providing no input watermark (DEFAULT_WATERMARK_MS) are excluded.
+ *   -- If there is no valid input watermark from children, input watermark = DEFAULT_WATERMARK_MS.
+ * - Output watermark for specific node is decided as following:
+ *   -- watermark nodes: origin watermark value
+ *      This could be individual origin watermark value, but we decide to retain global watermark
+ *      to keep the watermark model be simple.
+ *   -- stateless nodes: same as input watermark
+ *   -- stateful nodes: the return value of `op.produceOutputWatermark(input watermark)`.
+ *
+ *      @see [[StateStoreWriter.produceOutputWatermark]]
+ *
+ * Note that this implementation will throw an exception if watermark node sees a valid input
+ * watermark from children, meaning that we do not support re-definition of watermark.
+ *
+ * Once the algorithm traverses the physical plan tree, the association between stateful operator
+ * and input watermark will be constructed. Spark will request the input watermark for specific
+ * stateful operator, which this implementation will give the value from the association.
+ */
+class PropagateWatermarkSimulator extends WatermarkPropagator with Logging {
+  // We use treemap to sort the key (batchID) and evict old batch IDs efficiently.
+  private val batchIdToWatermark: jutil.TreeMap[Long, Long] = new jutil.TreeMap[Long, Long]()
+  // contains the association for batchId -> (stateful operator ID -> input watermark)
+  private val inputWatermarks: mutable.Map[Long, Map[Long, Option[Long]]] =
+    mutable.Map[Long, Map[Long, Option[Long]]]()
+  private def isInitialized(batchId: Long): Boolean = batchIdToWatermark.containsKey(batchId)
+  /**
+   * Retrieve the available input watermarks for specific node in the plan. Every child will
+   * produce an output watermark, which we capture as input watermark. If the child provides
+   * default watermark value (no watermark info), it is excluded.
+   */
+  private def getInputWatermarks(
+      node: SparkPlan,
+      nodeToOutputWatermark: mutable.Map[Int, Option[Long]]): Seq[Long] = {
+    node.children.flatMap { child =>
+      nodeToOutputWatermark.getOrElse(, {
+        throw new IllegalStateException(
+          s"watermark for the node ${} should be registered")
+      })
+      // Since we use flatMap here, this will exclude children from watermark calculation
+      // which don't have watermark information.
+    }
+  }
+  private def doSimulate(batchId: Long, plan: SparkPlan, originWatermark: Long): Unit = {

Review Comment:
   Can we skip this heavy work if the query doesn't define a watermark? Most streaming queries are in this case, and don't need to run this in each micro batch.

@@ -212,6 +212,8 @@ class MicroBatchExecution(
     logInfo(s"Query $prettyIdString was stopped")
+  private val watermarkPropagator = WatermarkPropagator(sparkSession.sessionState.conf)

Review Comment:
   How do we recover `WatermarkPropagator` for a query restart?

@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming
+import java.{util => jutil}
+import scala.collection.mutable
+import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
+import org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException
+import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.SparkPlan
+import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
+import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
+ * Interface for propagating watermark. The implementation is not required to be thread-safe,
+ * as all methods are expected to be called from the query execution thread.
+ * (The guarantee may change on further improvements on Structured Streaming - update
+ * implementations if we change the guarantee.)
+ */
+sealed trait WatermarkPropagator {
+  /**
+   * Request to propagate watermark among operators based on origin watermark value. The result
+   * should be input watermark per stateful operator, which Spark will request the value by calling
+   * getInputWatermarkXXX with operator ID.
+   *
+   * It is recommended for implementation to cache the result, as Spark can request the propagation
+   * multiple times with the same batch ID and origin watermark value.
+   */
+  def propagate(batchId: Long, plan: SparkPlan, originWatermark: Long): Unit
+  /** Provide the calculated input watermark for late events for given stateful operator. */
+  def getInputWatermarkForLateEvents(batchId: Long, stateOpId: Long): Long
+  /** Provide the calculated input watermark for eviction for given stateful operator. */
+  def getInputWatermarkForEviction(batchId: Long, stateOpId: Long): Long
+  /**
+   * Request to clean up cached result on propagation. Spark will call this method when the given
+   * batch ID will be likely to be not re-executed.
+   */
+  def purge(batchId: Long): Unit
+ * Do nothing. This is dummy implementation to help creating a dummy IncrementalExecution instance.
+ */
+object NoOpWatermarkPropagator extends WatermarkPropagator {
+  def propagate(batchId: Long, plan: SparkPlan, originWatermark: Long): Unit = {}
+  def getInputWatermarkForLateEvents(batchId: Long, stateOpId: Long): Long = Long.MinValue
+  def getInputWatermarkForEviction(batchId: Long, stateOpId: Long): Long = Long.MinValue
+  def purge(batchId: Long): Unit = {}
+ * This implementation uses a single global watermark for late events and eviction.
+ *
+ * This implementation provides the behavior before Structured Streaming supports multiple stateful
+ * operators. (prior to SPARK-40925) This is only used for compatibility mode.
+ */
+class UseSingleWatermarkPropagator extends WatermarkPropagator {
+  // We use treemap to sort the key (batchID) and evict old batch IDs efficiently.
+  private val batchIdToWatermark: jutil.TreeMap[Long, Long] = new jutil.TreeMap[Long, Long]()
+  private def isInitialized(batchId: Long): Boolean = batchIdToWatermark.containsKey(batchId)
+  override def propagate(batchId: Long, plan: SparkPlan, originWatermark: Long): Unit = {
+    if (batchId < 0) {
+      // no-op
+    } else if (isInitialized(batchId)) {
+      val cached = batchIdToWatermark.get(batchId)
+      assert(cached == originWatermark,
+        s"Watermark has been changed for the same batch ID! Batch ID: $batchId, " +
+          s"Value in cache: $cached, value given: $originWatermark")
+    } else {
+      batchIdToWatermark.put(batchId, originWatermark)
+    }
+  }
+  private def getInputWatermark(batchId: Long, stateOpId: Long): Long = {
+    if (batchId < 0) {
+      0
+    } else {
+      assert(isInitialized(batchId), s"Watermark for batch ID $batchId is not yet set!")
+      batchIdToWatermark.get(batchId)
+    }
+  }
+  def getInputWatermarkForLateEvents(batchId: Long, stateOpId: Long): Long =
+    getInputWatermark(batchId, stateOpId)
+  def getInputWatermarkForEviction(batchId: Long, stateOpId: Long): Long =
+    getInputWatermark(batchId, stateOpId)
+  override def purge(batchId: Long): Unit = {
+    val keyIter = batchIdToWatermark.keySet().iterator()
+    var stopIter = false
+    while (keyIter.hasNext && !stopIter) {
+      val currKey =
+      if (currKey <= batchId) {
+        keyIter.remove()
+      } else {
+        stopIter = true
+      }
+    }
+  }
+ * This implementation simulates propagation of watermark among operators.
+ *
+ * The simulation algorithm traverses the physical plan tree via post-order (children first) to
+ * calculate (input watermark, output watermark) for all nodes.
+ *
+ * For each node, below logic is applied:
+ *
+ * - Input watermark for specific node is decided by `min(input watermarks from all children)`.
+ *   -- Children providing no input watermark (DEFAULT_WATERMARK_MS) are excluded.
+ *   -- If there is no valid input watermark from children, input watermark = DEFAULT_WATERMARK_MS.
+ * - Output watermark for specific node is decided as following:
+ *   -- watermark nodes: origin watermark value
+ *      This could be individual origin watermark value, but we decide to retain global watermark
+ *      to keep the watermark model be simple.
+ *   -- stateless nodes: same as input watermark
+ *   -- stateful nodes: the return value of `op.produceOutputWatermark(input watermark)`.
+ *
+ *      @see [[StateStoreWriter.produceOutputWatermark]]
+ *
+ * Note that this implementation will throw an exception if watermark node sees a valid input
+ * watermark from children, meaning that we do not support re-definition of watermark.
+ *
+ * Once the algorithm traverses the physical plan tree, the association between stateful operator
+ * and input watermark will be constructed. Spark will request the input watermark for specific
+ * stateful operator, which this implementation will give the value from the association.
+ */
+class PropagateWatermarkSimulator extends WatermarkPropagator with Logging {
+  // We use treemap to sort the key (batchID) and evict old batch IDs efficiently.
+  private val batchIdToWatermark: jutil.TreeMap[Long, Long] = new jutil.TreeMap[Long, Long]()
+  // contains the association for batchId -> (stateful operator ID -> input watermark)
+  private val inputWatermarks: mutable.Map[Long, Map[Long, Option[Long]]] =
+    mutable.Map[Long, Map[Long, Option[Long]]]()
+  private def isInitialized(batchId: Long): Boolean = batchIdToWatermark.containsKey(batchId)
+  /**
+   * Retrieve the available input watermarks for specific node in the plan. Every child will
+   * produce an output watermark, which we capture as input watermark. If the child provides
+   * default watermark value (no watermark info), it is excluded.
+   */
+  private def getInputWatermarks(
+      node: SparkPlan,
+      nodeToOutputWatermark: mutable.Map[Int, Option[Long]]): Seq[Long] = {
+    node.children.flatMap { child =>
+      nodeToOutputWatermark.getOrElse(, {
+        throw new IllegalStateException(
+          s"watermark for the node ${} should be registered")
+      })
+      // Since we use flatMap here, this will exclude children from watermark calculation
+      // which don't have watermark information.
+    }
+  }
+  private def doSimulate(batchId: Long, plan: SparkPlan, originWatermark: Long): Unit = {
+    val statefulOperatorIdToNodeId = mutable.HashMap[Long, Int]()
+    val nodeToOutputWatermark = mutable.HashMap[Int, Option[Long]]()

Review Comment:
   If we are doing a batch-streaming join, do we still calculate watermarks for the batch side even if they are always empty?

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