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Posted to by on 2020/01/31 23:25:09 UTC

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #572

See <>


[greg.dove] Quick fix for swf build of Jewel

[greg.dove] Avoid error in IE11 with CSSStyleSheet.insertRule non-optional second

[carlosrovira] addDynamicSelector: fix for IE11, also remove from CheckBoxView

[...truncated 5.13 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131233 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 10.016 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 26.7385874 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66432 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 19.733 seconds
    [mxmlc] Jan 31, 2020 11:22:28 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 71.2857131 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 159.9963489 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 31 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Jenkins build is back to normal : Royale_ASDoc_Example #648

Posted by
See <>

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #647

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 5.15 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131244 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 8.193 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 22.7833904 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66503 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 7.439 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 19, 2020 7:56:39 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 44.190563 seconds




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 136.5685375 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 26 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #646

Posted by
See <>


[carlosrovira] jewel-button: recover multiline buttons that was removed by mistake in a

[...truncated 5.15 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131245 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 17.839 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 33.4781386 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66501 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 6.996 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 19, 2020 6:12:53 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 63.1378599 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 145.8722253 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 6 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #645

Posted by
See <>


[yishayjobs] We need this method in spectrum

[...truncated 5.14 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131246 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 19.255 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 34.7863933 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66503 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 11.636 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 19, 2020 4:26:53 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 57.4102108 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 149.5528601 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 5 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #644

Posted by
See <>


[carlosrovira] jewel-buttonbar: fix IE11 issue in layout

[...truncated 6.38 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131245 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 15.061 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 34.8767824 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66493 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 8.676 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 19, 2020 3:09:13 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 67.7658204 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] 183.9781219 seconds
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 50 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #643

Posted by
See <>


[carlosrovira] jewel-datagrid: fix datagrid layout when there's no dataprovider or is

[...truncated 5.17 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131249 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 16.287 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 29.7853141 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66465 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 16.126 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 19, 2020 12:53:53 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 70.5946809 seconds




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 174.0396938 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 37 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #642

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 5.88 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131247 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 9.242 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 22.496813 seconds


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66504 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 6.548 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 19, 2020 5:36:18 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 44.0142694 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 146.0216465 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 35 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #641

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 5.24 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131245 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 18.787 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 32.5459627 seconds


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66504 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 8.689 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 19, 2020 3:50:05 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 51.7810661 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 131.8532941 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 39 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #640

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 6.52 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131245 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 10.050 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 23.1947494 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66504 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 7.377 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 18, 2020 1:25:57 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 34.357656 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 160.728223 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 41 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #639

Posted by
See <>


[greg.dove] Fix for currentState bindings not working. It is either this fix, or

[...truncated 5.25 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131246 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 10.618 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 29.9576657 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66493 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 7.471 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 18, 2020 7:51:31 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 51.7942321 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 152.6455468 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 57 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #638

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 5.76 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131233 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 10.093 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 21.2847025 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66479 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 8.789 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 18, 2020 5:52:36 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 41.7193548 seconds




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 159.6813 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 46 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #637

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 5.12 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131232 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 6.826 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 20.0730336 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66481 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 7.006 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 18, 2020 3:51:23 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 45.6485283 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 164.0920874 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 53 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #636

Posted by
See <>


[carlosrovira] crux: quick start example cleaning and updates

[carlosrovira] jewel-themes: update all themes with new DrawerFooter styles

[...truncated 5.13 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131232 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 17.506 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 31.3638797 seconds


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66479 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 17.232 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 18, 2020 1:50:27 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 80.4205346 seconds




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 152.0367061 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 27 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #635

Posted by
See <>


[carlosrovira] jewel-drawer: New DrawerFooter component

[carlosrovira] tour-de-jewel: DrawerFooter example

[...truncated 5.10 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131232 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 15.791 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 34.9055277 seconds


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66465 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 18.209 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 17, 2020 10:50:52 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 55.0829775 seconds




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] 155.7873047 seconds
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 9 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #634

Posted by
See <>


[yishayjobs] Renamed Moonshine proj file

[carlosrovira] jewel-presentation-models: add dispatch of binding events for some

[carlosrovira] crux: added AMFStorageBean

[carlosrovira] todomvc-crux: use new AMFStorageBean instead of plain AMFStorage

[carlosrovira] crux: clean and organize imports

[carlosrovira] crux: fix asconfig.json to work on VSCode

[carlosrovira] jewel: some cleaning and organization of imports

[carlosrovira] jewel-drawer: fix a bug generated from an older refactor where drawer

[greg.dove] quick build fixes for ant, missing import

[...truncated 5.11 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131232 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 18.746 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 33.6063823 seconds


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66477 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 10.095 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 17, 2020 7:48:59 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 72.4534727 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 171.2640006 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 41 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #633

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 5.73 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131235 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 15.201 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 32.4140391 seconds


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66478 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 24.258 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 17, 2020 5:41:41 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 72.980225801 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 149.4243581 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 17 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #632

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 5.09 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131233 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 10.524 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 27.6558361 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66478 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 7.325 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 17, 2020 3:50:57 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 50.6229302 seconds




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] 153.4757914 seconds
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 54 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #631

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 5.09 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131232 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 15.268 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 34.3655864 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66481 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 23.490 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 17, 2020 12:37:56 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 71.9812767 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 177.7628746 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 47 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #630

Posted by
See <>


[greg.dove] minor reflection improvements - explicit class inclusion, and reflection

[greg.dove] Fix for possible application startup issues with class aliases.

[carlosrovira] todotodomvc: latest fixes

[...truncated 5.09 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131232 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 11.245 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 30.4132639 seconds


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66478 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 15.869 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 16, 2020 11:16:01 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 73.8544944 seconds




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] 187.9832579 seconds
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 55 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #629

Posted by
See <>


[yishayjobs] FileReference example

[...truncated 5.09 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131233 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 14.837 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 30.3978462 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66449 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 17.240 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 16, 2020 6:50:37 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 77.9483787 seconds




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 157.6748968 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 28 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #628

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 6.37 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131232 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 8.304 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 25.7603795 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66478 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 9.993 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 16, 2020 1:24:43 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 55.8360718 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 151.6935475 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 56 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #627

Posted by
See <>


[carlosrovira] jewel:  fix some cohercions

[carlosrovira] todomvc-crux: remove test code

[...truncated 5.10 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131233 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 15.992 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 32.0725879 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66546 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 14.980 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 16, 2020 10:49:54 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 83.3598397 seconds




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] 153.3741239 seconds
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 32 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #626

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 5.79 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131233 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 9.064 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 23.4063392 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66548 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 8.668 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 16, 2020 6:18:18 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 38.4261201 seconds




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] 158.2184709 secondsC:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 43 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #625

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 5.15 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131231 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 8.708 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 22.8135414 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66329 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 9.825 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 16, 2020 4:33:48 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 41.8133044 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 171.2104573 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 59 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #624

Posted by
See <>


[aharui] Need an MX-specific fix that uses SystemManager because host.height is

[...truncated 5.16 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131232 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 9.995 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 25.4651652 seconds


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66479 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 7.519 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 16, 2020 3:13:53 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 45.2230876 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 200.5392108 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 34 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #623

Posted by
See <>


[aharui] first attempt at menus that don't end up off-screen.  Should fix #716

[...truncated 5.77 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131233 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 8.753 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 21.6603384 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66553 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 7.548 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 15, 2020 6:33:08 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 56.9695687 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] 157.8974267 seconds
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 0 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #622

Posted by
See <>


[aharui] mx radiobuttongroup was having a similar problem

[aharui] support precision in NumberFormatter.  Fix for #713

[...truncated 5.12 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131232 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 7.614 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 25.9873875 seconds


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66481 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 6.906 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 15, 2020 5:15:24 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 38.1375267 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 178.6261536 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 6 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #621

Posted by
See <>


[aharui] update selectedItem on delete

[...truncated 5.10 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131233 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 10.275 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 26.3348353 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66478 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 5.324 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 15, 2020 1:47:40 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 35.3821528 seconds




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 153.8266778 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 38 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #620

Posted by
See <>


[noreply] Added default value for monthNamesShortOverride and

[aharui] initial support for TitleWindowSkin.  Alpha gradient entries are not

[aharui] handle group update when programmatically setting selection on

[greg.dove] Added some diagnostic logging for debug builds in AMF deserialization.

[carlosrovira] examples: fix all examples that was failing to build due to required

[carlosrovira] todomvc: little changes

[...truncated 5.09 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131232 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 7.141 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 22.0915237 seconds


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66481 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 7.489 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 14, 2020 8:45:23 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 38.75994 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 141.950972 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 25 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #619

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 5.13 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131232 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 11.244 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 29.7337033 seconds


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66478 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 11.399 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 13, 2020 9:48:57 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 62.3684364 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 144.9565746 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 0 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #618

Posted by
See <>


[aharui] radiobutton wasn't autogenerating RadioButtonGroups correctly.  Should

[carlosrovira] todomvc-crux: refactor name

[carlosrovira] tour-de-jewel: show example for ComboBox rowHeight and rowCount

[...truncated 5.13 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131232 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 15.603 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 33.5389195 seconds


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66442 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 9.494 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 13, 2020 8:25:36 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 59.6241075 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] 186.5899084 seconds
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 44 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #617

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 6.42 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131233 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 8.837 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 21.6416738 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66487 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 6.590 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 13, 2020 1:30:51 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 38.7912531 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 142.9995702 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 26 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #616

Posted by
See <>


[carlosrovira] todomvc: relocate bindable

[carlosrovira] todomvc-crux:  some cleaning

[yishayjobs] Started emulating file reference.

[...truncated 6.42 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131232 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 8.913 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 22.3012708 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66478 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 8.376 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 13, 2020 10:32:57 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 42.6191623 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 142.1278036 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 31 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #615

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 5.09 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131234 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 7.625 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 26.1423273 seconds


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66430 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 11.927 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 13, 2020 3:53:44 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 73.5709558 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 158.157042 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 24 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #614

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 7.56 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131235 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 10.936 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 25.0796404 seconds


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66480 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 15.528 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 13, 2020 12:56:56 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 65.8665924 seconds




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 136.7777007 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 51 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #613

Posted by
See <>


[harbs] bead stubs

[harbs] More stubs

[harbs] Theoretically works Still need path routing

[harbs] added to manifest

[harbs] added default route

[harbs] work on states

[harbs] Fixed router bugs

[harbs] Should work but the states of the buttons are messed up

[harbs] Added conversion to and from json

[harbs] items should be contextually correct

[carlosrovira] todomvc-jewel: add missing dependency Storage to pom.xml

[carlosrovira] todomvc-jewel: add missing "?" to ternary operator

[carlosrovira] todomvc-jewel: fix togglebuttons selected state, it needs to have a set

[harbs] Router changes

[harbs] Added AMFStorage

[aharui] get Spark RadioButton to set selected state on click instead of the

[aharui] have to change group selection as well on click.  Should fix #711

[noreply] Added Default value for _dayNamesShort and _monthNamesShort in

[noreply] Replace SkinnableContainerView with SparkContainerView in

[carlosrovira] moonshine: exclude generated files from rat license check

[carlosrovira] jewel-wizard: remove [Bindable] class level tag, since it interfire with

[carlosrovira] Storage: add Network dependency to pom

[carlosrovira] todomvc: bindable is not needed in cotroller

[greg.dove] Quick fix for ant build: NetworkJS depends on XMLJS, so XML comes first.

[harbs] Fixed RouteToComponent

[harbs] Fixed Router lifecycle for MXML

[harbs] Enable more defaults

[carlosrovira] todomvc: remove MXRoyale dependency in pom.xml, comment VO JSON methods,

[carlosrovira] todomvc: more simplifications and comments

[carlosrovira] todomvc-crux: New Crux version of the TodoMVC

[carlosrovira] todomvc-crux: Dispatcher is not needed in this case

[harbs] Only change valid states

[...truncated 6.18 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131234 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 8.691 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 24.9546498 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66479 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 10.431 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 12, 2020 11:07:02 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 51.6856104 seconds




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] 163.5164921 seconds
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 4 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #612

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 6.44 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131232 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 12.589 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 31.687488601 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66482 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 10.416 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 11, 2020 1:33:22 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 56.8981327 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 198.2148367 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 50 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #611

Posted by
See <>


[carlosrovira] jewel-themes: update all themes with label changes

[carlosrovira] virtual-layout: fix an issue in Jewel where going directly to first item

[carlosrovira] tour-de-jewel: fix some little issues when selecting and showing item

[...truncated 5.16 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131231 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 21.855 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 37.4010714 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66486 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 6.897 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 54.675717599 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 10, 2020 6:56:56 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 187.1585648 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 43 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #610

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 5.72 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131233 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 8.463 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 26.187961 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66478 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 9.099 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 10, 2020 6:00:31 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 54.0044293 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 183.532180101 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 27 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #609

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 5.08 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131232 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 14.979 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 30.3391512 seconds


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66486 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 9.176 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 59.3646037 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 10, 2020 3:58:03 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 179.596498 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 33 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #608

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 6.36 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131231 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 11.841 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 29.9744495 seconds


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66512 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 8.555 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 09, 2020 1:33:18 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 37.312877301 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 179.9824869 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 10 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #607

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 5.08 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131231 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 10.124 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 27.3510218 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66500 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 9.559 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 09, 2020 3:57:59 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 43.9197143 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] 191.3303214 seconds
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 26 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #606

Posted by
See <>


[carlosrovira] jewel-combobox: make possible item renderers in combobox popup list

[carlosrovira] jewel-label: refactor styles to be more flexible

[carlosrovira] tour-de-jewel: add icons to the virtual combobox example

[carlosrovira] add missing import

[...truncated 5.09 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131231 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 8.174 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 25.0759187 seconds


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66512 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 7.525 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 08, 2020 7:57:11 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 39.8497376 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 188.0554674 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 17 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #605

Posted by
See <>


[carlosrovira] jewel: add combobox presentation model that brings "rowCount"  to

[carlosrovira] jewel-combobox: use rowCount and rowHeight in popup list

[carlosrovira] jewel-itemrenderer: default rowHeight to 34px (as $item-min-height in

[carlosrovira] jewel-combobox: fix list size not updating to match the component's

[...truncated 5.17 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131230 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 10.525 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 27.7385269 seconds


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66512 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 6.540 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 08, 2020 11:27:50 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 49.8533692 seconds




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 183.3697995 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 24 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #604

Posted by
See <>


[carlosrovira] jewel.virtual: some fixes

[...truncated 5.73 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131232 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 12.133 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 31.9317538 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66513 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 7.216 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 47.5032644 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 08, 2020 5:23:08 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 180.6041476 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 23 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #603

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 6.36 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131231 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 7.691 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 24.8511896 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66695 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 7.976 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 07, 2020 1:25:09 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 45.7046489 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] 143.67854 seconds
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 37 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #602

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 5.72 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131231 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 17.025 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 31.8957554 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66707 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 7.349 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 07, 2020 5:40:31 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 43.1176447 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] 147.931746 seconds
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 46 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #601

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 5.08 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131232 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 10.088 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 23.8000553 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66512 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 8.159 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 07, 2020 3:53:18 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 55.2206691 seconds




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 144.287829 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 46 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #600

Posted by
See <>


[carlosrovira] jewel: Add VirtualList for performant lists that need to recycle

[carlosrovira] jewel: Add VirtualComboBox for combos that need performance in the popup

[carlosrovira] jewel-virtualcombox: fix popup reference

[carlosrovira] tour-de-jewel: add virtual lists pane with VirtualList and

[carlosrovira] some missing imports

[...truncated 5.09 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131231 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 13.674 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 33.4149681 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66695 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 9.582 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 07, 2020 12:55:24 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 62.2544992 seconds




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] 169.3841397 seconds
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 28 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #599

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 5.19 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131232 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 19.118 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 35.0291127 seconds


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66695 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 17.274 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 06, 2020 4:29:48 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 57.9370467 seconds




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] 131.2267061 seconds
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 46 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #598

Posted by
See <>


[yishayjobs] Adding another model to network, can be convenient for displaying

[...truncated 6.43 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131232 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 8.384 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 24.7764009 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66584 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 11.748 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 06, 2020 1:25:00 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 42.1290173 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] 122.8967908 seconds
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 12 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #597

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 5.23 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131231 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 6.353 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 21.1308792 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66696 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 9.606 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 06, 2020 3:49:44 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 42.6716375 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] 133.1420323 seconds
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 19 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #596

Posted by
See <>


[joshtynjala] frameworks: all libraries are checked for tests to run

[carlosrovira] maven-distribution: fix compilation for Moonshine IDE (and still works

[carlosrovira] maven-distribution: remove commented execution

[carlosrovira] maven-distribution: with a clean repo distribution was still trying to

[...truncated 5.23 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131230 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 10.047 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 25.8252088 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66675 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 5.682 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 06, 2020 1:14:04 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 67.4297509 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] 164.2933966 seconds
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 21 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #595

Posted by
See <>


[carlosrovira] jewel-listcontroller: simplify all code to extend the basic one and left

[...truncated 5.16 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131232 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 11.534 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 27.367955 seconds


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66696 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 7.910 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 05, 2020 8:49:21 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 48.2131702 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 133.2251914 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 31 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #594

Posted by
See <>


[carlosrovira] jewel: little fixes and clenaning

[...truncated 5.10 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131231 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 8.043 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 23.5441027 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66698 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 18.379 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 05, 2020 4:49:08 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 54.0360814 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] 121.7528751 seconds
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 21 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #593

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 5.76 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131234 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 18.334 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 29.5176082 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66694 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 25.993 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 05, 2020 6:59:49 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 70.0074578 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] 144.4981815 seconds
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 6 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #592

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 5.12 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131231 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 9.191 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 25.6860837 seconds


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66695 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 8.645 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 05, 2020 3:55:02 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 39.2677495 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 137.2580053 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 25 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #591

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 6.40 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131232 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 8.797 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 20.8762464 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66706 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 7.651 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 04, 2020 2:55:55 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 38.9872977 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 123.3458161 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 5 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #590

Posted by
See <>


[christofer.dutz] - Implemented a js-only distribution

[carlosrovira] maven-distribution: make js-only maven sdk to work on IDEs too

[...truncated 5.13 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131231 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 7.843 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 24.7126188 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66696 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 20.560 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 04, 2020 11:49:28 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 67.4752269 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 125.3145045 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 39 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #589

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 5.75 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131231 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 11.461 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 25.1579817 seconds


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66745 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 5.581 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 04, 2020 5:12:44 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 44.3188648 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] 146.4737757 seconds
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 38 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #588

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 6.39 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131231 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 9.719 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 25.8252081 seconds


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66695 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 7.473 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 03, 2020 1:24:38 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 33.832208 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 121.273182 seconds
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 3 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #587

Posted by
See <>


[aharui] rudimentary support for lineargradient

[aharui] support 'justify' in VerticalLayout

[aharui] support custom skins in Spark Containers

[aharui] refactor disabledChangeCheck to its own interface

[...truncated 5.11 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131230 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 13.602 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 30.1776898 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66465 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 14.545 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 03, 2020 6:06:35 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 71.7065008 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] 148.4934406 seconds
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 13 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #586

Posted by
See <>


[carlosrovira] todomvc-jewel: use itemUpdated in controller

[carlosrovira] todomvc-jewel: updates to match some little rendering diferences in 

[greg.dove] Swap to Collection renderer as default for Express DataGrid, aligning

[...truncated 5.14 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131231 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 11.602 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 26.6218112 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66695 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 12.284 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 03, 2020 3:14:26 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 59.6342337 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 152.5738268 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 1 second
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #585

Posted by
See <>


[carlosrovira] jewel-iinputbutton: refactor CheckButtonSize to InputButtonSize to

[...truncated 5.19 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131231 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 7.707 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 19.3781394 seconds


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66695 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 12.207 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 02, 2020 8:46:50 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 53.8321068 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 124.6654399 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 21 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #584

Posted by
See <>


[carlosrovira] jewel-checkbox: move the size of the check part to an optional

[...truncated 5.24 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131229 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 9.984 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 25.3306769 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66695 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 7.430 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 02, 2020 5:07:02 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 37.1563355 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 142.5966361 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 28 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #583

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 6.37 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131231 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 8.991 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 26.364222 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66469 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 10.158 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 02, 2020 2:11:32 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 38.0330563 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] 124.8602473 seconds
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 11 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #582

Posted by
See <>


[yishayjobs] package declaration was accidentally omitted

[carlosrovira] todomvc-jewel: add missing license to

[noreply] Rename to readme.txt

[carlosrovira] Revert "Rename to readme.txt"

[noreply] License header for .md files

[...truncated 5.12 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131232 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 10.710 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 24.5830022 seconds


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66505 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 8.977 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 02, 2020 11:10:44 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 37.2197069 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 127.7752165 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 12 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #581

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 5.81 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131231 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 8.620 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 25.5705127 seconds


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66509 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 19.579 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 02, 2020 8:16:46 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 46.316888 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] 136.9286137 seconds
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 31 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #580

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 5.17 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131231 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 9.661 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 26.8247464 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66695 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 7.141 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 02, 2020 5:46:03 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 39.7370154 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 153.3151352 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 42 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #579

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 6.46 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131231 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 7.562 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 20.0954813 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66557 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 5.766 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 02, 2020 2:22:55 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 37.8875531 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] 115.3896919 seconds
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 2 minutes 56 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #578

Posted by
See <>


[carlosrovira] todomvc-jewel: fix a bug where click outside was not working on sibling

[...truncated 5.18 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131231 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 7.465 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 19.5875428 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66693 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 7.685 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 01, 2020 5:47:53 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 37.4464391 seconds




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] 131.4464964 seconds
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 11 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #577

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 6.36 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131231 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 9.756 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 21.1056148 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66695 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 18.746 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 01, 2020 2:50:11 PM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 63.1436433 seconds




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] 140.8620369 seconds
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 47 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #576

Posted by
See <>


[noreply] TodoMVC

[noreply] Update

[...truncated 5.09 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131231 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 8.324 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 23.2915967 seconds


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66695 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 19.164 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 01, 2020 11:47:37 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 53.1956595 seconds




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 132.6228684 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 31 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #575

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 5.39 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131232 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 9.116 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 28.8790898 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66514 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 23.845 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 01, 2020 8:09:58 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 52.480761 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 144.5788081 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 3 minutes 50 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #574

Posted by
See <>


[...truncated 5.45 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131230 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 7.742 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 24.3480944 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66513 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 8.030 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 01, 2020 5:25:38 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 61.2948086 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] 185.4055704 seconds
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 34 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful

Build failed in Jenkins: Royale_ASDoc_Example #573

Posted by
See <>


[carlosrovira] tour-de-jewel: latest fixes. - Jewel CheckBox look change to mimic

[...truncated 5.45 KB...]
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 131232 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-debug\ASDoc.swf in 10.365 seconds
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled.
    [mxmlc] 30.7668914 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>
     [copy] Copied 1 empty directory to 1 empty directory under <>
     [copy] Copying 2 files to <>


     [copy] Copying 1 file to <>

    [mxmlc] MXMLJSC
    [mxmlc] -load-config+=<>
    [mxmlc] -js-dynamic-access-unknown-members=true
    [mxmlc] +playerglobal.version=11.7
    [mxmlc] +env.PLAYERGLOBAL_HOME=C:\adobe\flash
    [mxmlc] -compiler.debug=false
    [mxmlc] +royalelib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/frameworks/
    [mxmlc] -closure-lib=C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js/lib/google/closure-library
    [mxmlc] +configname=royale
    [mxmlc] -swf-version
    [mxmlc] 14
    [mxmlc] -output=<>
    [mxmlc] --
    [mxmlc] <>
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\royale-config.xml
    [mxmlc] Loading configuration: <>
    [mxmlc] 66513 bytes written to C:\jenkins\workspace\Royale_ASDoc_Example\examples\royale\ASDoc\bin-release\ASDoc.swf in 5.886 seconds
    [mxmlc] Feb 01, 2020 2:25:18 AM printSummary
    [mxmlc] INFO: 0 error(s), 0 warning(s), 97.3% typed
    [mxmlc] The project 'ASDoc' has been successfully compiled and optimized.
    [mxmlc] 66.7064389 seconds
    [mxmlc] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g




     [echo] ROYALE_COMPILER_HOME: C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs/js
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 12 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				return this[privateProp];
     [java] 				       ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Core\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\object\ col: 5 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				this[privateProp] = val;
     [java] 				^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\GoogleMaps\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\maps\google\beads\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 				(this['mapView'] as GoogleMapView).finishInitialization();
     [java] 				 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 13 Definition org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView could not be found.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	           ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Jewel\src\main\royale\ col: 63 Access of possibly undefined property CheckBoxView.
     [java] 	    import org.apache.royale.jewel.beads.views.CheckBoxView; CheckBoxView;
     [java] 	                                                             ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (leftOperand instanceof rightOperand)
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Language\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\utils\ col: 36 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var ret:Boolean = base &&  v[Language.SYNTH_TAG_FIELD] instanceof langSynthType['_types'][typeName];
     [java]                                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.areaFill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 21 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java]                     this.fill = fill;
     [java]                     ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.boxStroke = boxStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.declineFill = declineFill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.closeTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.openTickStroke = tickStroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.hlocColor = stroke.color;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineStroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.stroke = stroke;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.lineSegmentRenderer = new ClassFactory(LineRenderer);
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.fill = fill;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.itemRenderer = skin;
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\ col: 22 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 	                    this.radius = radius
     [java] 	                    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.fill =  defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaFill = defaultFill;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.areaStroke =  emptyStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\charts\styles\ col: 6 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] 					this.lineStroke =  defaultStroke;
     [java] 					^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 34 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                  ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 58 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]                         isDict = value instanceof Map || value instanceof WeakMap;
     [java]                                                          ^
     [java] 153.8636655 seconds
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 32 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 54 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]         var isDict:Boolean  = (obj instanceof Map || obj instanceof WeakMap);
     [java]                                                      ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\MXRoyale\src\main\royale\mx\utils\ col: 17 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java]             if (obj instanceof WeakMap) throw new Error('WeakMap cannot be enumerated, use Map instead');
     [java]                 ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Network\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\net\remoting\amf\ col: 7 Use of the instanceof operator.  The instanceof operator is deprecated, use the is operator instead.
     [java] 		if (value instanceof Function) {
     [java] 		    ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 30 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'x'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                              ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\SparkRoyale\src\main\royale\spark\skins\spark\FormItemSkin.mxml(169): col: 83 Data binding will not be able to detect assignments to 'y'.
     [java]     <s:Group x="{contentGroup.x + contentGroup.contentWidth + 4}" y="{contentGroup.y}"
     [java]                                                                                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\file\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 				                   ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] C:\jenkins\workspace\royale-asjs\frameworks\projects\Storage\src\main\royale\org\apache\royale\storage\providers\ col: 24 Encountered this keyword within closure. Value of this will not be the same as enclosing scope.
     [java] = this.result;
     [java] 							                ^
     [java] Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
     [java] Java Result: 3

<>:49: The following error occurred while executing this line:
<>:109: condition satisfied

Total time: 4 minutes 15 seconds
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Xms384m -Xmx2g
Build step 'Invoke Ant' marked build as failure
Skipped archiving because build is not successful