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[GitHub] [cloudstack-primate] rhtyd commented on a change in pull request #298: Quota UI

rhtyd commented on a change in pull request #298:

File path: src/components/view/ListView.vue
@@ -16,220 +16,272 @@
 // under the License.
-  <a-table
-    size="small"
-    :loading="loading"
-    :columns="columns"
-    :dataSource="items"
-    :rowKey="record => ||"
-    :pagination="false"
-    :rowSelection="['vm-tbd', 'event-tbd', 'alert-tbd'].includes($ ? {selectedRowKeys: selectedRowKeys, onChange: onSelectChange} : null"
-    :rowClassName="getRowClassName"
-    style="overflow-y: auto"
-  >
-    <template slot="footer">
-      <span v-if="hasSelected">
-        {{ `Selected ${selectedRowKeys.length} items` }}
-      </span>
-    </template>
-    <!--
-    <div slot="expandedRowRender" slot-scope="resource">
-      <info-card :resource="resource" style="margin-left: 0px; width: 50%">
-        <div slot="actions" style="padding-top: 12px">
-          <a-tooltip
-            v-for="(action, actionIndex) in $route.meta.actions"
-            :key="actionIndex"
-            placement="bottom">
-            <template slot="title">
-              {{ $t(action.label) }}
-            </template>
-            <a-button
-              v-if="action.api in $store.getters.apis && action.dataView &&
-                ('show' in action ?, $store.getters.userInfo) : true)"
-              :icon="action.icon"
-              :type="action.icon === 'delete' ? 'danger' : (action.icon === 'plus' ? 'primary' : 'default')"
-              shape="circle"
-              style="margin-right: 5px; margin-top: 12px"
-              @click="$parent.execAction(action)"
-            >
-            </a-button>
-          </a-tooltip>
-        </div>
-      </info-card>
-    </div>
-    -->
-    <span slot="name" slot-scope="text, record">
-      <div style="min-width: 120px">
-        <span v-if="$route.path.startsWith('/project')" style="margin-right: 5px">
-          <a-button type="dashed" size="small" shape="circle" icon="login" @click="changeProject(record)" />
+  <div>
+    <a-table
+      size="small"
+      :loading="loading"
+      :columns="columns"
+      :dataSource="items"
+      :rowKey="record => || || record.usageType"
+      :pagination="false"
+      :rowSelection="['vm-tbd', 'event-tbd', 'alert-tbd'].includes($ ? {selectedRowKeys: selectedRowKeys, onChange: onSelectChange} : null"
+      :rowClassName="getRowClassName"
+      style="overflow-y: auto"
+    >
+      <template slot="footer">
+        <span v-if="hasSelected">
+          {{ `Selected ${selectedRowKeys.length} items` }}
-        <os-logo v-if="record.ostypename" :osName="record.ostypename" size="1x" style="margin-right: 5px" />
-        <console :resource="record" size="small" style="margin-right: 5px" />
+      </template>
-        <span v-if="$route.path.startsWith('/globalsetting')">{{ text }}</span>
-        <span v-else>
-          <router-link :to="{ path: $route.path + '/' + }" v-if="">{{ text }}</router-link>
-          <router-link :to="{ path: $route.path + '/' + }" v-else>{{ text }}</router-link>
-        </span>
+      <!--
+      <div slot="expandedRowRender" slot-scope="resource">
+        <info-card :resource="resource" style="margin-left: 0px; width: 50%">
+          <div slot="actions" style="padding-top: 12px">
+            <a-tooltip
+              v-for="(action, actionIndex) in $route.meta.actions"
+              :key="actionIndex"
+              placement="bottom">
+              <template slot="title">
+                {{ $t(action.label) }}
+              </template>
+              <a-button
+                v-if="action.api in $store.getters.apis && action.dataView &&
+                  ('show' in action ?, $store.getters.userInfo) : true)"
+                :icon="action.icon"
+                :type="action.icon === 'delete' ? 'danger' : (action.icon === 'plus' ? 'primary' : 'default')"
+                shape="circle"
+                style="margin-right: 5px; margin-top: 12px"
+                @click="$parent.execAction(action)"
+              >
+              </a-button>
+            </a-tooltip>
+          </div>
+        </info-card>
-    </span>
-    <a slot="displayname" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
-      <router-link :to="{ path: $route.path + '/' + }">{{ text }}</router-link>
-    </a>
-    <a slot="username" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
-      <router-link :to="{ path: $route.path + '/' + }">{{ text }}</router-link>
-    </a>
-    <a slot="ipaddress" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
-      <router-link :to="{ path: $route.path + '/' + }">{{ text }}</router-link>
-      <span v-if="record.issourcenat">
-        &nbsp;
-        <a-tag>source-nat</a-tag>
+      -->
+      <span slot="name" slot-scope="text, record">
+        <div style="min-width: 120px">
+          <span v-if="$route.path.startsWith('/project')" style="margin-right: 5px">
+            <a-button type="dashed" size="small" shape="circle" icon="login" @click="changeProject(record)" />
+          </span>
+          <os-logo v-if="record.ostypename" :osName="record.ostypename" size="1x" style="margin-right: 5px" />
+          <console :resource="record" size="small" style="margin-right: 5px" />
+          <span v-if="$route.path.startsWith('/globalsetting')">{{ text }}</span>
+          <span v-else>
+            <router-link :to="{ path: $route.path + '/' + }" v-if="">{{ text }}</router-link>
+            <router-link :to="{ path: $route.path + '/' + }" v-else>{{ text }}</router-link>
+          </span>
+        </div>
-    </a>
-    <a slot="publicip" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
-      <router-link :to="{ path: $route.path + '/' + }">{{ text }}</router-link>
-    </a>
-    <a slot="traffictype" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
-      <router-link :to="{ path: $route.path + '/' + + '?physicalnetworkid=' + record.physicalnetworkid }">{{ text }}</router-link>
-    </a>
-    <a slot="vmname" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
-      <router-link :to="{ path: '/vm/' + record.virtualmachineid }">{{ text }}</router-link>
-    </a>
-    <span slot="hypervisor" slot-scope="text, record">
-      <span v-if="$ === 'hypervisorcapability'">
+      <a slot="templatetype" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
+        <router-link :to="{ path: $route.path + '/' + record.templatetype }">{{ text }}</router-link>
+      </a>
+      <a slot="displayname" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
+        <router-link :to="{ path: $route.path + '/' + }">{{ text }}</router-link>
+      </a>
+      <a slot="username" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
+        <router-link :to="{ path: $route.path + '/' + }">{{ text }}</router-link>
+      </a>
+      <a slot="ipaddress" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
         <router-link :to="{ path: $route.path + '/' + }">{{ text }}</router-link>
+        <span v-if="record.issourcenat">
+          &nbsp;
+          <a-tag>source-nat</a-tag>
+        </span>
+      </a>
+      <a slot="publicip" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
+        <router-link :to="{ path: $route.path + '/' + }">{{ text }}</router-link>
+      </a>
+      <a slot="traffictype" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
+        <router-link :to="{ path: $route.path + '/' + + '?physicalnetworkid=' + record.physicalnetworkid }">{{ text }}</router-link>
+      </a>
+      <a slot="vmname" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
+        <router-link :to="{ path: '/vm/' + record.virtualmachineid }">{{ text }}</router-link>
+      </a>
+      <span slot="hypervisor" slot-scope="text, record">
+        <span v-if="$ === 'hypervisorcapability'">
+          <router-link :to="{ path: $route.path + '/' + }">{{ text }}</router-link>
+        </span>
+        <span v-else>{{ text }}</span>
+      </span>
+      <template slot="state" slot-scope="text">
+        <status :text="text ? text : ''" displayText />
+      </template>
+      <template slot="allocationstate" slot-scope="text">
+        <status :text="text ? text : ''" displayText />
+      </template>
+      <template slot="resourcestate" slot-scope="text">
+        <status :text="text ? text : ''" displayText />
+      </template>
+      <template slot="powerstate" slot-scope="text">
+        <status :text="text ? text : ''" displayText />
+      </template>
+      <template slot="agentstate" slot-scope="text">
+        <status :text="text ? text : ''" displayText />
+      </template>
+      <a slot="guestnetworkname" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
+        <router-link :to="{ path: '/guestnetwork/' + record.guestnetworkid }">{{ text }}</router-link>
+      </a>
+      <a slot="vpcname" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
+        <router-link :to="{ path: '/vpc/' + record.vpcid }">{{ text }}</router-link>
+      </a>
+      <a slot="hostname" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
+        <router-link v-if="record.hostid" :to="{ path: '/host/' + record.hostid }">{{ text }}</router-link>
+        <router-link v-else-if="record.hostname" :to="{ path: $route.path + '/' + }">{{ text }}</router-link>
+        <span v-else>{{ text }}</span>
+      </a>
+      <a slot="storage" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
+        <router-link v-if="record.storageid" :to="{ path: '/storagepool/' + record.storageid }">{{ text }}</router-link>
+        <span v-else>{{ text }}</span>
+      </a>
+      <a slot="clustername" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
+        <router-link :to="{ path: '/cluster/' + record.clusterid }">{{ text }}</router-link>
+      </a>
+      <a slot="podname" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
+        <router-link :to="{ path: '/pod/' + record.podid }">{{ text }}</router-link>
+      </a>
+      <a slot="account" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
+        <router-link
+          :to="{ path: `${$route.path}/${record.account}`, query: { account: record.account, domainid: record.domainid, quota: true } }"
+          v-if="record.accountid && 'quota' in record">{{ text }}</router-link>
+        <router-link :to="{ path: '/account/' + record.accountid }" v-else-if="record.accountid">{{ text }}</router-link>
+        <router-link :to="{ path: '/account', query: { name: record.account, domainid: record.domainid } }" v-else>{{ text }}</router-link>
+      </a>
+      <span slot="domain" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
+        <router-link v-if="record.domainid && !record.domainid.toString().includes(',') && $router.resolve('/domain/' + record.domainid) !== '404'" :to="{ path: '/domain/' + record.domainid }">{{ text }}</router-link>
+        <span v-else>{{ text }}</span>
+      </span>
+      <span slot="domainpath" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
+        <router-link v-if="record.domainid && !record.domainid.includes(',') && $router.resolve('/domain/' + record.domainid) !== '404'" :to="{ path: '/domain/' + record.domainid }">{{ text }}</router-link>
+        <span v-else>{{ text }}</span>
+      </span>
+      <a slot="zone" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
+        <router-link v-if="record.zoneid && !record.zoneid.includes(',') && $router.resolve('/zone/' + record.zoneid) !== '404'" :to="{ path: '/zone/' + record.zoneid }">{{ text }}</router-link>
+        <span v-else>{{ text }}</span>
+      </a>
+      <span slot="zonename" slot-scope="text, record">
+        <router-link v-if="$router.resolve('/zone/' + record.zoneid) !== '404'" :to="{ path: '/zone/' + record.zoneid }">{{ text }}</router-link>
+        <span v-else>{{ text }}</span>
-      <span v-else>{{ text }}</span>
-    </span>
-    <template slot="state" slot-scope="text">
-      <status :text="text ? text : ''" displayText />
-    </template>
-    <template slot="allocationstate" slot-scope="text">
-      <status :text="text ? text : ''" displayText />
-    </template>
-    <template slot="resourcestate" slot-scope="text">
-      <status :text="text ? text : ''" displayText />
-    </template>
-    <template slot="powerstate" slot-scope="text">
-      <status :text="text ? text : ''" displayText />
-    </template>
-    <template slot="agentstate" slot-scope="text">
-      <status :text="text ? text : ''" displayText />
-    </template>
-    <a slot="guestnetworkname" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
-      <router-link :to="{ path: '/guestnetwork/' + record.guestnetworkid }">{{ text }}</router-link>
-    </a>
-    <a slot="vpcname" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
-      <router-link :to="{ path: '/vpc/' + record.vpcid }">{{ text }}</router-link>
-    </a>
-    <a slot="hostname" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
-      <router-link v-if="record.hostid" :to="{ path: '/host/' + record.hostid }">{{ text }}</router-link>
-      <router-link v-else-if="record.hostname" :to="{ path: $route.path + '/' + }">{{ text }}</router-link>
-      <span v-else>{{ text }}</span>
-    </a>
-    <a slot="storage" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
-      <router-link v-if="record.storageid" :to="{ path: '/storagepool/' + record.storageid }">{{ text }}</router-link>
-      <span v-else>{{ text }}</span>
-    </a>
-    <a slot="clustername" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
-      <router-link :to="{ path: '/cluster/' + record.clusterid }">{{ text }}</router-link>
-    </a>
-    <a slot="podname" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
-      <router-link :to="{ path: '/pod/' + record.podid }">{{ text }}</router-link>
-    </a>
-    <a slot="account" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
-      <router-link :to="{ path: '/account/' + record.accountid }" v-if="record.accountid">{{ text }}</router-link>
-      <router-link :to="{ path: '/account', query: { name: record.account, domainid: record.domainid } }" v-else>{{ text }}</router-link>
-    </a>
-    <span slot="domain" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
-      <router-link v-if="record.domainid && !record.domainid.includes(',') && $router.resolve('/domain/' + record.domainid) !== '404'" :to="{ path: '/domain/' + record.domainid }">{{ text }}</router-link>
-      <span v-else>{{ text }}</span>
-    </span>
-    <span slot="domainpath" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
-      <router-link v-if="record.domainid && !record.domainid.includes(',') && $router.resolve('/domain/' + record.domainid) !== '404'" :to="{ path: '/domain/' + record.domainid }">{{ text }}</router-link>
-      <span v-else>{{ text }}</span>
-    </span>
-    <a slot="zone" slot-scope="text, record" href="javascript:;">
-      <router-link v-if="record.zoneid && !record.zoneid.includes(',') && $router.resolve('/zone/' + record.zoneid) !== '404'" :to="{ path: '/zone/' + record.zoneid }">{{ text }}</router-link>
-      <span v-else>{{ text }}</span>
-    </a>
-    <span slot="zonename" slot-scope="text, record">
-      <router-link v-if="$router.resolve('/zone/' + record.zoneid) !== '404'" :to="{ path: '/zone/' + record.zoneid }">{{ text }}</router-link>
-      <span v-else>{{ text }}</span>
-    </span>
+      <div slot="order" slot-scope="text, record" class="shift-btns">
+        <a-tooltip placement="top">
+          <template slot="title">Move to top</template>
+          <a-button
+            shape="round"
+            @click="moveItemTop(record)"
+            class="shift-btn">
+            <a-icon type="double-left" class="shift-btn shift-btn--rotated" />
+          </a-button>
+        </a-tooltip>
+        <a-tooltip placement="top">
+          <template slot="title">Move to bottom</template>
+          <a-button
+            shape="round"
+            @click="moveItemBottom(record)"
+            class="shift-btn">
+            <a-icon type="double-right" class="shift-btn shift-btn--rotated" />
+          </a-button>
+        </a-tooltip>
+        <a-tooltip placement="top">
+          <template slot="title">Move up one row</template>
+          <a-button shape="round" @click="moveItemUp(record)" class="shift-btn">
+            <a-icon type="caret-up" class="shift-btn" />
+          </a-button>
+        </a-tooltip>
+        <a-tooltip placement="top">
+          <template slot="title">Move down one row</template>
+          <a-button shape="round" @click="moveItemDown(record)" class="shift-btn">
+            <a-icon type="caret-down" class="shift-btn" />
+          </a-button>
+        </a-tooltip>
+      </div>
-    <div slot="order" slot-scope="text, record" class="shift-btns">
-      <a-tooltip placement="top">
-        <template slot="title">Move to top</template>
+      <template slot="value" slot-scope="text, record">
+        <a-input
+          v-if="editableValueKey === record.key"
+          :defaultValue="record.value"
+          :disabled="!('updateConfiguration' in $store.getters.apis)"
+          v-model="editableValue"
+          @keydown.esc="editableValueKey = null"
+          @pressEnter="saveValue(record)">
+        </a-input>
+        <div v-else style="width: 200px; word-break: break-all">
+          {{ text }}
+        </div>
+      </template>
+      <template slot="actions" slot-scope="text, record">
-          shape="round"
-          @click="moveItemTop(record)"
-          class="shift-btn">
-          <a-icon type="double-left" class="shift-btn shift-btn--rotated" />
-        </a-button>
-      </a-tooltip>
-      <a-tooltip placement="top">
-        <template slot="title">Move to bottom</template>
+          shape="circle"
+          :disabled="!('updateConfiguration' in $store.getters.apis)"
+          v-if="editableValueKey !== record.key"
+          icon="edit"
+          @click="editValue(record)" />
-          shape="round"
-          @click="moveItemBottom(record)"
-          class="shift-btn">
-          <a-icon type="double-right" class="shift-btn shift-btn--rotated" />
+          shape="circle"
+          :disabled="!('updateConfiguration' in $store.getters.apis)"
+          @click="saveValue(record)"
+          v-if="editableValueKey === record.key" >
+          <a-icon type="check-circle" theme="twoTone" twoToneColor="#52c41a" />
-      </a-tooltip>
-      <a-tooltip placement="top">
-        <template slot="title">Move up one row</template>
-        <a-button shape="round" @click="moveItemUp(record)" class="shift-btn">
-          <a-icon type="caret-up" class="shift-btn" />
-        </a-button>
-      </a-tooltip>
-      <a-tooltip placement="top">
-        <template slot="title">Move down one row</template>
-        <a-button shape="round" @click="moveItemDown(record)" class="shift-btn">
-          <a-icon type="caret-down" class="shift-btn" />
+        <a-button
+          shape="circle"
+          size="default"
+          @click="editableValueKey = null"
+          v-if="editableValueKey === record.key" >
+          <a-icon type="close-circle" theme="twoTone" twoToneColor="#f5222d" />
-      </a-tooltip>
-    </div>
-    <template slot="value" slot-scope="text, record">
-      <a-input
-        v-if="editableValueKey === record.key"
-        :defaultValue="record.value"
-        :disabled="!('updateConfiguration' in $store.getters.apis)"
-        v-model="editableValue"
-        @keydown.esc="editableValueKey = null"
-        @pressEnter="saveValue(record)">
-      </a-input>
-      <div v-else style="width: 200px; word-break: break-all">
-        {{ text }}
-      </div>
-    </template>
-    <template slot="actions" slot-scope="text, record">
-      <a-button
-        shape="circle"
-        :disabled="!('updateConfiguration' in $store.getters.apis)"
-        v-if="editableValueKey !== record.key"
-        icon="edit"
-        @click="editValue(record)" />
-      <a-button
-        shape="circle"
-        :disabled="!('updateConfiguration' in $store.getters.apis)"
-        @click="saveValue(record)"
-        v-if="editableValueKey === record.key" >
-        <a-icon type="check-circle" theme="twoTone" twoToneColor="#52c41a" />
-      </a-button>
-      <a-button
-        shape="circle"
-        size="default"
-        @click="editableValueKey = null"
-        v-if="editableValueKey === record.key" >
-        <a-icon type="close-circle" theme="twoTone" twoToneColor="#f5222d" />
-      </a-button>
-    </template>
-  </a-table>
+      </template>
+      <template slot="tariffActions" slot-scope="text, record">
+        <a-button
+          shape="circle"
+          v-if="editableValueKey !== record.key"
+          icon="edit"
+          @click="editTariffValue(record)" />
+      </template>
+    </a-table>
+    <a-modal
+      :visible="showTariffAction"
+      :closable="true"
+      :title="$t('label.quota.configuration')"
+      :confirmLoading="actionLoading"
+      style="top: 20px;"
+      @ok="submitTariff"
+      @cancel="() => { this.showTariffAction = false }"
+      centered
+    >
+      <a-form

Review comment:
       @utchoang can you undo changes in this component; instead any additional things could to pushed into it using slots (see other examples using `<slot ...`

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