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Posted to by Yuxiang Wei via Apache TVM Discuss <> on 2021/12/27 15:32:37 UTC

[Apache TVM Discuss] [Questions] [TensorIR] Question on the AutoScheduler-style design space generation

Hi community, recently I have been studying TVM's auto-scheduler, both [Ansor]( for TE and [AutoTIR]( for TensorIR. I read the Ansor paper and basically understood its sketch generation algorithm. However, I had some confusion when trying to comprehend its AutoTIR counterpart, as specified in [Section 3.4 of the RFC]( and the implementation of `PostOrderVisit` ([line 96]( For convenience, let me copy the implementation below:

Array<tir::Schedule> GenerateDesignSpace(const IRModule& mod_) final {
  using ScheduleAndUnvisitedBlocks = std::pair<tir::Schedule, Array<tir::BlockRV>>;
  tir::Schedule sch = tir::Schedule::Traced(                          //
    /*mod=*/mod_,                                                   //
    /*rand_state=*/ForkSeed(&this->rand_state_),                    //
    /*debug_mode=*/tir::kVerifySRefTree | tir::kVerifyCachedFlags,  //

  std::vector<ScheduleAndUnvisitedBlocks> stack;
  Array<tir::Schedule> result{sch};
  // Enumerate the schedule rules first because you can
  // always concat multiple schedule rules as one
  Array<tir::BlockRV> all_blocks = BlockCollector::Collect(sch);
  for (ScheduleRule sch_rule : sch_rules_) {
    for (const tir::Schedule& sch : result) {
      stack.emplace_back(sch, all_blocks);

    while (!stack.empty()) {
      // get the
      tir::Schedule sch;
      Array<tir::BlockRV> blocks;
      std::tie(sch, blocks) = stack.back();
      // if all blocks are visited
      if (blocks.empty()) {
      // otherwise, get the last block that is not visited
      tir::BlockRV block_rv = blocks.back();
      if (sch->HasBlock(block_rv)) {
        Array<tir::Schedule> applied = sch_rule->Apply(sch, /*block=*/block_rv);
        for (const tir::Schedule& sch : applied) {
          stack.emplace_back(sch, blocks);
      } else {
        stack.emplace_back(sch, blocks);
  return result;

My main confusion is that in this implementation, if all the `sch_rules_` return only one schedule, the design space size would always be `1`. However, in Ansor, for each iteration, multiple rules can be applied to one state to generate multiple succeeding states.

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