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[11/15] docs commit: Snapshotting dev to 6.x.
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/
deleted file mode 100644
index ad78498..0000000
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,547 +0,0 @@
-edit_link: ''
-permalink: /docs/en/6.x/cordova-plugin-file/index.html
-plugin_name: cordova-plugin-file
-plugin_version: master
-# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#         distributed with this work for additional information
-#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#         under the License.
-[![Build Status](](
-# cordova-plugin-file
-This plugin implements a File API allowing read/write access to files residing on the device.
-This plugin is based on several specs, including :
-The HTML5 File API
-The (now-defunct) Directories and System extensions
-Although most of the plugin code was written when an earlier spec was current:
-It also implements the FileWriter spec :
-For usage, please refer to HTML5 Rocks' excellent [FileSystem article.](
-For an overview of other storage options, refer to Cordova's
-[storage guide](
-This plugin defines global `cordova.file` object.
-Although in the global scope, it is not available until after the `deviceready` event.
-    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
-    function onDeviceReady() {
-        console.log(cordova.file);
-    }
-Report issues on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker](
-## Installation
-    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-file
-## Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- OS X
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8*
-- Windows 8*
-- Windows*
-- Browser
-\* _These platforms do not support `FileReader.readAsArrayBuffer` nor `FileWriter.write(blob)`._
-## Where to Store Files
-As of v1.2.0, URLs to important file-system directories are provided.
-Each URL is in the form _file:///path/to/spot/_, and can be converted to a
-`DirectoryEntry` using `window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL()`.
-* `cordova.file.applicationDirectory` - Read-only directory where the application
-  is installed. (_iOS_, _Android_, _BlackBerry 10_, _OSX_, _windows_)
-* `cordova.file.applicationStorageDirectory` - Root directory of the application's
-  sandbox; on iOS & windows this location is read-only (but specific subdirectories [like
-  `/Documents` on iOS or `/localState` on windows] are read-write). All data contained within
-  is private to the app. (_iOS_, _Android_, _BlackBerry 10_, _OSX_)
-* `cordova.file.dataDirectory` - Persistent and private data storage within the
-  application's sandbox using internal memory (on Android, if you need to use
-  external memory, use `.externalDataDirectory`). On iOS, this directory is not
-  synced with iCloud (use `.syncedDataDirectory`). (_iOS_, _Android_, _BlackBerry 10_, _windows_)
-* `cordova.file.cacheDirectory` -  Directory for cached data files or any files
-  that your app can re-create easily. The OS may delete these files when the device
-  runs low on storage, nevertheless, apps should not rely on the OS to delete files
-  in here. (_iOS_, _Android_, _BlackBerry 10_, _OSX_, _windows_)
-* `cordova.file.externalApplicationStorageDirectory` - Application space on
-  external storage. (_Android_)
-* `cordova.file.externalDataDirectory` - Where to put app-specific data files on
-  external storage. (_Android_)
-* `cordova.file.externalCacheDirectory` - Application cache on external storage.
-  (_Android_)
-* `cordova.file.externalRootDirectory` - External storage (SD card) root. (_Android_, _BlackBerry 10_)
-* `cordova.file.tempDirectory` - Temp directory that the OS can clear at will. Do not
-  rely on the OS to clear this directory; your app should always remove files as
-  applicable. (_iOS_, _OSX_, _windows_)
-* `cordova.file.syncedDataDirectory` - Holds app-specific files that should be synced
-  (e.g. to iCloud). (_iOS_, _windows_)
-* `cordova.file.documentsDirectory` - Files private to the app, but that are meaningful
-  to other application (e.g. Office files). Note that for _OSX_ this is the user's `~/Documents` directory. (_iOS_, _OSX_)
-* `cordova.file.sharedDirectory` - Files globally available to all applications (_BlackBerry 10_)
-## File System Layouts
-Although technically an implementation detail, it can be very useful to know how
-the `cordova.file.*` properties map to physical paths on a real device.
-### iOS File System Layout
-| Device Path                                    | `cordova.file.*`            | `iosExtraFileSystems` | r/w? | persistent? | OS clears | sync | private |
-| `/var/mobile/Applications/<UUID>/`             | applicationStorageDirectory | -                     | r    |     N/A     |     N/A   | N/A  |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;``               | applicationDirectory        | bundle                | r    |     N/A     |     N/A   | N/A  |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`www/`     | -                           | -                     | r    |     N/A     |     N/A   | N/A  |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Documents/`                 | documentsDirectory          | documents             | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    | Yes  |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`NoCloud/` | -                           | documents-nosync      | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    | No   |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Library`                    | -                           | library               | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    | Yes? |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`NoCloud/` | dataDirectory               | library-nosync        | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    | No   |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Cloud/`   | syncedDataDirectory         | -                     | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    | Yes  |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Caches/`  | cacheDirectory              | cache                 | r/w  |     Yes*    |  Yes\*\*\*| No   |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`tmp/`                       | tempDirectory               | -                     | r/w  |     No\*\*  |  Yes\*\*\*| No   |   Yes   |
-  \* Files persist across app restarts and upgrades, but this directory can
-     be cleared whenever the OS desires. Your app should be able to recreate any
-     content that might be deleted.
-\*\* Files may persist across app restarts, but do not rely on this behavior. Files
-     are not guaranteed to persist across updates. Your app should remove files from
-     this directory when it is applicable, as the OS does not guarantee when (or even
-     if) these files are removed.
-\*\*\* The OS may clear the contents of this directory whenever it feels it is
-     necessary, but do not rely on this. You should clear this directory as
-     appropriate for your application.
-### Android File System Layout
-| Device Path                                     | `cordova.file.*`            | `AndroidExtraFileSystems` | r/w? | persistent? | OS clears | private |
-| `file:///android_asset/`                        | applicationDirectory        |                           | r    |     N/A     |     N/A   |   Yes   |
-| `/data/data/<app-id>/`                          | applicationStorageDirectory | -                         | r/w  |     N/A     |     N/A   |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`cache`                       | cacheDirectory              | cache                     | r/w  |     Yes     |     Yes\* |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`files`                       | dataDirectory               | files                     | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Documents` |                             | documents                 | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    |   Yes   |
-| `<sdcard>/`                                     | externalRootDirectory       | sdcard                    | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    |   No    |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Android/data/<app-id>/`      | externalApplicationStorageDirectory | -                 | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    |   No    |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`cache`     | externalCacheDirectry       | cache-external            | r/w  |     Yes     |     No\*\*|   No    |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`files`     | externalDataDirectory       | files-external            | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    |   No    |
-\* The OS may periodically clear this directory, but do not rely on this behavior. Clear
-   the contents of this directory as appropriate for your application. Should a user
-   purge the cache manually, the contents of this directory are removed.
-\*\* The OS does not clear this directory automatically; you are responsible for managing
-     the contents yourself. Should the user purge the cache manually, the contents of the
-     directory are removed.
-**Note**: If external storage can't be mounted, the `cordova.file.external*`
-properties are `null`.
-### BlackBerry 10 File System Layout
-| Device Path                                                  | `cordova.file.*`            | r/w? | persistent? | OS clears | private |
-| `file:///accounts/1000/appdata/<app id>/`                    | applicationStorageDirectory | r    |     N/A     |     N/A   |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`app/native`                               | applicationDirectory        | r    |     N/A     |     N/A   |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`data/webviews/webfs/temporary/local__0`   | cacheDirectory              | r/w  |     No      |     Yes   |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`data/webviews/webfs/persistent/local__0`  | dataDirectory               | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    |   Yes   |
-| `file:///accounts/1000/removable/sdcard`                     | externalRemovableDirectory  | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    |   No    |
-| `file:///accounts/1000/shared`                               | sharedDirectory             | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    |   No    |
-*Note*: When application is deployed to work perimeter, all paths are relative to /accounts/1000-enterprise.
-### OS X File System Layout
-| Device Path                                      | `cordova.file.*`            | `iosExtraFileSystems` | r/w? |  OS clears | private |
-| `/Applications/<appname>.app/`                   | -                           | bundle                | r    |     N/A   |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`Content/Resources/`     | applicationDirectory        | -                     | r    |     N/A   |   Yes   |
-| `~/Library/Application Support/<bundle-id>/`     | applicationStorageDirectory | -                     | r/w  |     No    |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`files/`                 | dataDirectory               | -                     | r/w  |     No    |   Yes   |
-| `~/Documents/`                                   | documentsDirectory          | documents             | r/w  |     No    |    No   |
-| `~/Library/Caches/<bundle-id>/`                  | cacheDirectory              | cache                 | r/w  |     No    |   Yes   |
-| `/tmp/`                                          | tempDirectory               | -                     | r/w  |    Yes\*  |   Yes   |
-| `/`                                              | rootDirectory               | root                  | r/w  |    No\*\* |    No   |
-**Note**: This is the layout for non sandboxed applications. I you enable sandboxing, the `applicationStorageDirectory` will be below ` ~/Library/Containers/<bundle-id>/Data/Library/Application Support`.
-\* Files persist across app restarts and upgrades, but this directory can
-     be cleared whenever the OS desires. Your app should be able to recreate any
-     content that might be deleted. You should clear this directory as
-     appropriate for your application.
-\*\* Allows access to the entire file system. This is only available for non sandboxed apps.
-### Windows File System Layout
-| Device Path                                           | `cordova.file.*`            | r/w? | persistent? | OS clears | private |
-| `ms-appdata:///`                                      | applicationDirectory        | r    |     N/A     |     N/A   |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`local/`                            | dataDirectory               | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`temp/`                             | cacheDirectory              | r/w  |     No      |     Yes\* |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`temp/`                             | tempDirectory               | r/w  |     No      |     Yes\* |   Yes   |
-| &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;`roaming/`                          | syncedDataDirectory         | r/w  |     Yes     |     No    |   Yes   |
-\* The OS may periodically clear this directory
-## Android Quirks
-### Android Persistent storage location
-There are multiple valid locations to store persistent files on an Android
-device. See [this page](
-for an extensive discussion of the various possibilities.
-Previous versions of the plugin would choose the location of the temporary and
-persistent files on startup, based on whether the device claimed that the SD
-Card (or equivalent storage partition) was mounted. If the SD Card was mounted,
-or if a large internal storage partition was available (such as on Nexus
-devices,) then the persistent files would be stored in the root of that space.
-This meant that all Cordova apps could see all of the files available on the
-If the SD card was not available, then previous versions would store data under
-`/data/data/<packageId>`, which isolates apps from each other, but may still
-cause data to be shared between users.
-It is now possible to choose whether to store files in the internal file
-storage location, or using the previous logic, with a preference in your
-application's `config.xml` file. To do this, add one of these two lines to
-    <preference name="AndroidPersistentFileLocation" value="Internal" />
-    <preference name="AndroidPersistentFileLocation" value="Compatibility" />
-Without this line, the File plugin will use `Internal` as the default. If
-a preference tag is present, and is not one of these values, the application
-will not start.
-If your application has previously been shipped to users, using an older (pre-
-3.0.0) version of this plugin, and has stored files in the persistent filesystem,
-then you should set the preference to `Compatibility` if your config.xml does not specify a location for the persistent filesystem. Switching the location to
-"Internal" would mean that existing users who upgrade their application may be
-unable to access their previously-stored files, depending on their device.
-If your application is new, or has never previously stored files in the
-persistent filesystem, then the `Internal` setting is generally recommended.
-### Slow recursive operations for /android_asset
-Listing asset directories is really slow on Android. You can speed it up though, by
-adding `src/android/build-extras.gradle` to the root of your android project (also
-requires cordova-android@4.0.0 or greater).
-## iOS Quirks
-- `cordova.file.applicationStorageDirectory` is read-only; attempting to store
-  files within the root directory will fail. Use one of the other `cordova.file.*`
-  properties defined for iOS (only `applicationDirectory` and `applicationStorageDirectory` are
-  read-only).
-- `FileReader.readAsText(blob, encoding)`
-  - The `encoding` parameter is not supported, and UTF-8 encoding is always in effect.
-### iOS Persistent storage location
-There are two valid locations to store persistent files on an iOS device: the
-Documents directory and the Library directory. Previous versions of the plugin
-only ever stored persistent files in the Documents directory. This had the
-side-effect of making all of an application's files visible in iTunes, which
-was often unintended, especially for applications which handle lots of small
-files, rather than producing complete documents for export, which is the
-intended purpose of the directory.
-It is now possible to choose whether to store files in the documents or library
-directory, with a preference in your application's `config.xml` file. To do this,
-add one of these two lines to `config.xml`:
-    <preference name="iosPersistentFileLocation" value="Library" />
-    <preference name="iosPersistentFileLocation" value="Compatibility" />
-Without this line, the File plugin will use `Compatibility` as the default. If
-a preference tag is present, and is not one of these values, the application
-will not start.
-If your application has previously been shipped to users, using an older (pre-
-1.0) version of this plugin, and has stored files in the persistent filesystem,
-then you should set the preference to `Compatibility`. Switching the location to
-`Library` would mean that existing users who upgrade their application would be
-unable to access their previously-stored files.
-If your application is new, or has never previously stored files in the
-persistent filesystem, then the `Library` setting is generally recommended.
-## Firefox OS Quirks
-The File System API is not natively supported by Firefox OS and is implemented
-as a shim on top of indexedDB.
-* Does not fail when removing non-empty directories
-* Does not support metadata for directories
-* Methods `copyTo` and `moveTo` do not support directories
-The following data paths are supported:
-* `applicationDirectory` - Uses `xhr` to get local files that are packaged with the app.
-* `dataDirectory` - For persistent app-specific data files.
-* `cacheDirectory` - Cached files that should survive app restarts (Apps should not rely
-on the OS to delete files in here).
-## Browser Quirks
-### Common quirks and remarks
-- Each browser uses its own sandboxed filesystem. IE and Firefox use IndexedDB as a base.
-All browsers use forward slash as directory separator in a path.
-- Directory entries have to be created successively.
-For example, the call `fs.root.getDirectory('dir1/dir2', {create:true}, successCallback, errorCallback)`
-will fail if dir1 did not exist.
-- The plugin requests user permission to use persistent storage at the application first start.
-- Plugin supports `cdvfile://localhost` (local resources) only. I.e. external resources are not supported via `cdvfile`.
-- The plugin does not follow ["File System API 8.3 Naming restrictions"](
-- Blob and File' `close` function is not supported.
-- `FileSaver` and `BlobBuilder` are not supported by this plugin and don't have stubs.
-- The plugin does not support `requestAllFileSystems`. This function is also missing in the specifications.
-- Entries in directory will not be removed if you use `create: true` flag for existing directory.
-- Files created via constructor are not supported. You should use entry.file method instead.
-- Each browser uses its own form for blob URL references.
-- `readAsDataURL` function is supported, but the mediatype in Chrome depends on entry name extension,
-mediatype in IE is always empty (which is the same as `text-plain` according the specification),
-the mediatype in Firefox is always `application/octet-stream`.
-For example, if the content is `abcdefg` then Firefox returns `data:application/octet-stream;base64,YWJjZGVmZw==`,
-IE returns `data:;base64,YWJjZGVmZw==`, Chrome returns `data:<mediatype depending on extension of entry name>;base64,YWJjZGVmZw==`.
-- `toInternalURL` returns the path in the form `file:///persistent/path/to/entry` (Firefox, IE).
-Chrome returns the path in the form `cdvfile://localhost/persistent/file`.
-### Chrome quirks
-- Chrome filesystem is not immediately ready after device ready event. As a workaround you can subscribe to `filePluginIsReady` event.
-window.addEventListener('filePluginIsReady', function(){ console.log('File plugin is ready');}, false);
-You can use `window.isFilePluginReadyRaised` function to check whether event was already raised.
-- window.requestFileSystem TEMPORARY and PERSISTENT filesystem quotas are not limited in Chrome.
-- To increase persistent storage in Chrome you need to call `window.initPersistentFileSystem` method. Persistent storage quota is 5 MB by default.
-- Chrome requires `--allow-file-access-from-files` run argument to support API via `file:///` protocol.
-- `File` object will be not changed if you use flag `{create:true}` when getting an existing `Entry`.
-- events `cancelable` property is set to true in Chrome. This is contrary to the [specification](
-- `toURL` function in Chrome returns `filesystem:`-prefixed path depending on application host.
-For example, `filesystem:file:///persistent/somefile.txt`, `filesystem:http://localhost:8080/persistent/somefile.txt`.
-- `toURL` function result does not contain trailing slash in case of directory entry.
-Chrome resolves directories with slash-trailed urls correctly though.
-- `resolveLocalFileSystemURL` method requires the inbound `url` to have `filesystem` prefix. For example, `url` parameter for `resolveLocalFileSystemURL`
-should be in the form `filesystem:file:///persistent/somefile.txt` as opposed to the form `file:///persistent/somefile.txt` in Android.
-- Deprecated `toNativeURL` function is not supported and does not have a stub.
-- `setMetadata` function is not stated in the specifications and not supported.
-- INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR (code: 9) is thrown instead of SYNTAX_ERR(code: 8) on requesting of a non-existant filesystem.
-- INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR (code: 9) is thrown instead of PATH_EXISTS_ERR(code: 12) on trying to exclusively create a file or directory, which already exists.
-- INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR (code: 9) is thrown instead of  NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR(code: 6) on trying to call removeRecursively on the root file system.
-- INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR (code: 9) is thrown instead of NOT_FOUND_ERR(code: 1) on trying to moveTo directory that does not exist.
-### IndexedDB-based impl quirks (Firefox and IE)
-- `.` and `..` are not supported.
-- IE does not support `file:///`-mode; only hosted mode is supported (http://localhost:xxxx).
-- Firefox filesystem size is not limited but each 50MB extension will request a user permission.
-IE10 allows up to 10mb of combined AppCache and IndexedDB used in implementation of filesystem without prompting,
-once you hit that level you will be asked if you want to allow it to be increased up to a max of 250mb per site.
-So `size` parameter for `requestFileSystem` function does not affect filesystem in Firefox and IE.
-- `readAsBinaryString` function is not stated in the Specs and not supported in IE and does not have a stub.
-- `file.type` is always null.
-- You should not create entry using DirectoryEntry instance callback result which was deleted.
-Otherwise, you will get a 'hanging entry'.
-- Before you can read a file, which was just written you need to get a new instance of this file.
-- `setMetadata` function, which is not stated in the Specs supports `modificationTime` field change only.
-- `copyTo` and `moveTo` functions do not support directories.
-- Directories metadata is not supported.
-- Both Entry.remove and directoryEntry.removeRecursively don't fail when removing
-non-empty directories - directories being removed are cleaned along with contents instead.
-- `abort` and `truncate` functions are not supported.
-- progress events are not fired. For example, this handler will be not executed:
-writer.onprogress = function() { /*commands*/ };
-## Upgrading Notes
-In v1.0.0 of this plugin, the `FileEntry` and `DirectoryEntry` structures have changed,
-to be more in line with the published specification.
-Previous (pre-1.0.0) versions of the plugin stored the device-absolute-file-location
-in the `fullPath` property of `Entry` objects. These paths would typically look like
-    /var/mobile/Applications/<application UUID>/Documents/path/to/file  (iOS)
-    /storage/emulated/0/path/to/file                                    (Android)
-These paths were also returned by the `toURL()` method of the `Entry` objects.
-With v1.0.0, the `fullPath` attribute is the path to the file, _relative to the root of
-the HTML filesystem_. So, the above paths would now both be represented by a `FileEntry`
-object with a `fullPath` of
-    /path/to/file
-If your application works with device-absolute-paths, and you previously retrieved those
-paths through the `fullPath` property of `Entry` objects, then you should update your code
-to use `entry.toURL()` instead.
-For backwards compatibility, the `resolveLocalFileSystemURL()` method will accept a
-device-absolute-path, and will return an `Entry` object corresponding to it, as long as that
-file exists within either the `TEMPORARY` or `PERSISTENT` filesystems.
-This has particularly been an issue with the File-Transfer plugin, which previously used
-device-absolute-paths (and can still accept them). It has been updated to work correctly
-with FileSystem URLs, so replacing `entry.fullPath` with `entry.toURL()` should resolve any
-issues getting that plugin to work with files on the device.
-In v1.1.0 the return value of `toURL()` was changed (see [CB-6394](
-to return an absolute 'file://' URL. wherever possible. To ensure a 'cdvfile:'-URL you can use `toInternalURL()` now.
-This method will now return filesystem URLs of the form
-    cdvfile://localhost/persistent/path/to/file
-which can be used to identify the file uniquely.
-## cdvfile protocol
-`cdvfile://localhost/persistent|temporary|another-fs-root*/path/to/file` can be used for platform-independent file paths.
-cdvfile paths are supported by core plugins - for example you can download an mp3 file to cdvfile-path via `cordova-plugin-file-transfer` and play it via `cordova-plugin-media`.
-__*Note__: See [Where to Store Files](#where-to-store-files), [File System Layouts](#file-system-layouts) and [Configuring the Plugin](#configuring-the-plugin-optional) for more details about available fs roots.
-To use `cdvfile` as a tag' `src` you can convert it to native path via `toURL()` method of the resolved fileEntry, which you can get via `resolveLocalFileSystemURL` - see examples below.
-You can also use `cdvfile://` paths directly in the DOM, for example:
-<img src="cdvfile://localhost/persistent/img/logo.png" />
-__Note__: This method requires following Content Security rules updates:
-* Add `cdvfile:` scheme to `Content-Security-Policy` meta tag of the index page, e.g.:
-  - `<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self' data: gap: `**cdvfile:**` 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; media-src *">`
-* Add `<access origin="cdvfile://*" />` to `config.xml`.
-**Converting cdvfile:// to native path**
-resolveLocalFileSystemURL('cdvfile://localhost/temporary/path/to/file.mp4', function(entry) {
-    var nativePath = entry.toURL();
-    console.log('Native URI: ' + nativePath);
-    document.getElementById('video').src = nativePath;
-**Converting native path to cdvfile://**
-resolveLocalFileSystemURL(nativePath, function(entry) {
-    console.log('cdvfile URI: ' + entry.toInternalURL());
-**Using cdvfile in core plugins**
-```javascript, 'cdvfile://localhost/temporary/path/to/file.mp3', function (entry) { ...
-var my_media = new Media('cdvfile://localhost/temporary/path/to/file.mp3', ...);;
-#### cdvfile quirks
-- Using `cdvfile://` paths in the DOM is not supported on Windows platform (a path can be converted to native instead).
-## List of Error Codes and Meanings
-When an error is thrown, one of the following codes will be used.
-| Code | Constant                      |
-|    1 | `NOT_FOUND_ERR`               |
-|    2 | `SECURITY_ERR`                |
-|    3 | `ABORT_ERR`                   |
-|    4 | `NOT_READABLE_ERR`            |
-|    5 | `ENCODING_ERR`                |
-|    7 | `INVALID_STATE_ERR`           |
-|    8 | `SYNTAX_ERR`                  |
-|   10 | `QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR`          |
-|   11 | `TYPE_MISMATCH_ERR`           |
-|   12 | `PATH_EXISTS_ERR`             |
-## Configuring the Plugin (Optional)
-The set of available filesystems can be configured per-platform. Both iOS and
-Android recognize a <preference> tag in `config.xml` which names the
-filesystems to be installed. By default, all file-system roots are enabled.
-    <preference name="iosExtraFilesystems" value="library,library-nosync,documents,documents-nosync,cache,bundle,root" />
-    <preference name="AndroidExtraFilesystems" value="files,files-external,documents,sdcard,cache,cache-external,root" />
-### Android
-* `files`: The application's internal file storage directory
-* `files-external`: The application's external file storage directory
-* `sdcard`: The global external file storage directory (this is the root of the SD card, if one is installed). You must have the `android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE` permission to use this.
-* `cache`: The application's internal cache directory
-* `cache-external`: The application's external cache directory
-* `root`: The entire device filesystem
-Android also supports a special filesystem named "documents", which represents a "/Documents/" subdirectory within the "files" filesystem.
-### iOS
-* `library`: The application's Library directory
-* `documents`: The application's Documents directory
-* `cache`: The application's Cache directory
-* `bundle`: The application's bundle; the location of the app itself on disk (read-only)
-* `root`: The entire device filesystem
-By default, the library and documents directories can be synced to iCloud. You can also request two additional filesystems, `library-nosync` and `documents-nosync`, which represent a special non-synced directory within the `/Library` or `/Documents` filesystem.
diff --git a/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/ b/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/
deleted file mode 100644
index c8fbdb4..0000000
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-edit_link: ''
-permalink: /docs/en/6.x/cordova-plugin-geolocation/index.html
-plugin_name: cordova-plugin-geolocation
-plugin_version: master
-# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#         distributed with this work for additional information
-#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#         under the License.
-[![Build Status](](
-# cordova-plugin-geolocation
-This plugin provides information about the device's location, such as
-latitude and longitude. Common sources of location information include
-Global Positioning System (GPS) and location inferred from network
-signals such as IP address, RFID, WiFi and Bluetooth MAC addresses,
-and GSM/CDMA cell IDs. There is no guarantee that the API returns the
-device's actual location.
-This API is based on the
-[W3C Geolocation API Specification](,
-and only executes on devices that don't already provide an implementation.
-__WARNING__: Collection and use of geolocation data
-raises important privacy issues.  Your app's privacy policy should
-discuss how the app uses geolocation data, whether it is shared with
-any other parties, and the level of precision of the data (for
-example, coarse, fine, ZIP code level, etc.).  Geolocation data is
-generally considered sensitive because it can reveal user's
-whereabouts and, if stored, the history of their travels.
-Therefore, in addition to the app's privacy policy, you should
-strongly consider providing a just-in-time notice before the app
-accesses geolocation data (if the device operating system doesn't do
-so already).  That notice should provide the same information noted
-above, as well as obtaining the user's permission (e.g., by presenting
-choices for __OK__ and __No Thanks__).  For more information, please
-see the [Privacy Guide](
-This plugin defines a global `navigator.geolocation` object (for platforms
-where it is otherwise missing).
-Although the object is in the global scope, features provided by this plugin
-are not available until after the `deviceready` event.
-    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
-    function onDeviceReady() {
-        console.log("navigator.geolocation works well");
-    }
-## Installation
-This requires cordova 5.0+ ( current stable 1.0.0 )
-    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-geolocation
-Older versions of cordova can still install via the deprecated id ( stale 0.3.12 )
-    cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.geolocation
-It is also possible to install via repo url directly ( unstable )
-    cordova plugin add
-## Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Tizen
-- Windows Phone 7 and 8
-- Windows
-## Methods
-- navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition
-- navigator.geolocation.watchPosition
-- navigator.geolocation.clearWatch
-## Objects (Read-Only)
-- Position
-- PositionError
-- Coordinates
-## navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition
-Returns the device's current position to the `geolocationSuccess`
-callback with a `Position` object as the parameter.  If there is an
-error, the `geolocationError` callback is passed a
-`PositionError` object.
-    navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(geolocationSuccess,
-                                             [geolocationError],
-                                             [geolocationOptions]);
-### Parameters
-- __geolocationSuccess__: The callback that is passed the current position.
-- __geolocationError__: _(Optional)_ The callback that executes if an error occurs.
-- __geolocationOptions__: _(Optional)_ The geolocation options.
-### Example
-    // onSuccess Callback
-    // This method accepts a Position object, which contains the
-    // current GPS coordinates
-    //
-    var onSuccess = function(position) {
-        alert('Latitude: '          + position.coords.latitude          + '\n' +
-              'Longitude: '         + position.coords.longitude         + '\n' +
-              'Altitude: '          + position.coords.altitude          + '\n' +
-              'Accuracy: '          + position.coords.accuracy          + '\n' +
-              'Altitude Accuracy: ' + position.coords.altitudeAccuracy  + '\n' +
-              'Heading: '           + position.coords.heading           + '\n' +
-              'Speed: '             + position.coords.speed             + '\n' +
-              'Timestamp: '         + position.timestamp                + '\n');
-    };
-    // onError Callback receives a PositionError object
-    //
-    function onError(error) {
-        alert('code: '    + error.code    + '\n' +
-              'message: ' + error.message + '\n');
-    }
-    navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(onSuccess, onError);
-### Android Quirks
-If Geolocation service is turned off the `onError` callback is invoked after `timeout` interval (if specified).
-If `timeout` parameter is not specified then no callback is called.
-## navigator.geolocation.watchPosition
-Returns the device's current position when a change in position is detected.
-When the device retrieves a new location, the `geolocationSuccess`
-callback executes with a `Position` object as the parameter.  If
-there is an error, the `geolocationError` callback executes with a
-`PositionError` object as the parameter.
-    var watchId = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(geolocationSuccess,
-                                                      [geolocationError],
-                                                      [geolocationOptions]);
-### Parameters
-- __geolocationSuccess__: The callback that is passed the current position.
-- __geolocationError__: (Optional) The callback that executes if an error occurs.
-- __geolocationOptions__: (Optional) The geolocation options.
-### Returns
-- __String__: returns a watch id that references the watch position interval. The watch id should be used with `navigator.geolocation.clearWatch` to stop watching for changes in position.
-### Example
-    // onSuccess Callback
-    //   This method accepts a `Position` object, which contains
-    //   the current GPS coordinates
-    //
-    function onSuccess(position) {
-        var element = document.getElementById('geolocation');
-        element.innerHTML = 'Latitude: '  + position.coords.latitude      + '<br />' +
-                            'Longitude: ' + position.coords.longitude     + '<br />' +
-                            '<hr />'      + element.innerHTML;
-    }
-    // onError Callback receives a PositionError object
-    //
-    function onError(error) {
-        alert('code: '    + error.code    + '\n' +
-              'message: ' + error.message + '\n');
-    }
-    // Options: throw an error if no update is received every 30 seconds.
-    //
-    var watchID = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(onSuccess, onError, { timeout: 30000 });
-## geolocationOptions
-Optional parameters to customize the retrieval of the geolocation
-    { maximumAge: 3000, timeout: 5000, enableHighAccuracy: true };
-### Options
-- __enableHighAccuracy__: Provides a hint that the application needs the best possible results. By default, the device attempts to retrieve a `Position` using network-based methods. Setting this property to `true` tells the framework to use more accurate methods, such as satellite positioning. _(Boolean)_
-- __timeout__: The maximum length of time (milliseconds) that is allowed to pass from the call to `navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition` or `geolocation.watchPosition` until the corresponding `geolocationSuccess` callback executes. If the `geolocationSuccess` callback is not invoked within this time, the `geolocationError` callback is passed a `PositionError.TIMEOUT` error code. (Note that when used in conjunction with `geolocation.watchPosition`, the `geolocationError` callback could be called on an interval every `timeout` milliseconds!) _(Number)_
-- __maximumAge__: Accept a cached position whose age is no greater than the specified time in milliseconds. _(Number)_
-### Android Quirks
-If Geolocation service is turned off the `onError` callback is invoked after `timeout` interval (if specified).
-If `timeout` parameter is not specified then no callback is called.
-## navigator.geolocation.clearWatch
-Stop watching for changes to the device's location referenced by the
-`watchID` parameter.
-    navigator.geolocation.clearWatch(watchID);
-### Parameters
-- __watchID__: The id of the `watchPosition` interval to clear. (String)
-### Example
-    // Options: watch for changes in position, and use the most
-    // accurate position acquisition method available.
-    //
-    var watchID = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(onSuccess, onError, { enableHighAccuracy: true });
-    // ...later on...
-    navigator.geolocation.clearWatch(watchID);
-## Position
-Contains `Position` coordinates and timestamp, created by the geolocation API.
-### Properties
-- __coords__: A set of geographic coordinates. _(Coordinates)_
-- __timestamp__: Creation timestamp for `coords`. _(DOMTimeStamp)_
-## Coordinates
-A `Coordinates` object is attached to a `Position` object that is
-available to callback functions in requests for the current position.
-It contains a set of properties that describe the geographic coordinates of a position.
-### Properties
-* __latitude__: Latitude in decimal degrees. _(Number)_
-* __longitude__: Longitude in decimal degrees. _(Number)_
-* __altitude__: Height of the position in meters above the ellipsoid. _(Number)_
-* __accuracy__: Accuracy level of the latitude and longitude coordinates in meters. _(Number)_
-* __altitudeAccuracy__: Accuracy level of the altitude coordinate in meters. _(Number)_
-* __heading__: Direction of travel, specified in degrees counting clockwise relative to the true north. _(Number)_
-* __speed__: Current ground speed of the device, specified in meters per second. _(Number)_
-###  Amazon Fire OS Quirks
-__altitudeAccuracy__: Not supported by Android devices, returning `null`.
-### Android Quirks
-__altitudeAccuracy__: Not supported by Android devices, returning `null`.
-## PositionError
-The `PositionError` object is passed to the `geolocationError`
-callback function when an error occurs with navigator.geolocation.
-### Properties
-- __code__: One of the predefined error codes listed below.
-- __message__: Error message describing the details of the error encountered.
-### Constants
-- `PositionError.PERMISSION_DENIED`
-  - Returned when users do not allow the app to retrieve position information. This is dependent on the platform.
-  - Returned when the device is unable to retrieve a position. In general, this means the device is not connected to a network or can't get a satellite fix.
-- `PositionError.TIMEOUT`
-  - Returned when the device is unable to retrieve a position within the time specified by the `timeout` included in `geolocationOptions`. When used with `navigator.geolocation.watchPosition`, this error could be repeatedly passed to the `geolocationError` callback every `timeout` milliseconds.
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1500cf8..0000000
--- a/www/docs/en/6.x/gen/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,941 +0,0 @@
-edit_link: ''
-permalink: /docs/en/6.x/cordova-plugin-globalization/index.html
-plugin_name: cordova-plugin-globalization
-plugin_version: master
-# license: Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-#         or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-#         distributed with this work for additional information
-#         regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-#         to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-#         "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-#         with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-#         Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-#         software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-#         KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-#         specific language governing permissions and limitations
-#         under the License.
-[![Build Status](](
-# cordova-plugin-globalization
-This plugin obtains information and performs operations specific to the user's
-locale, language, and timezone. Note the difference between locale and language:
-locale controls how numbers, dates, and times are displayed for a region, while
-language determines what language text appears as, independently of locale settings.
-Often developers use locale to set both settings, but there is no reason a user
-couldn't set her language to "English" but locale to "French", so that text is
-displayed in English but dates, times, etc., are displayed as they are in France.
-Unfortunately, most mobile platforms currently do not make a distinction between
-these settings.
-This plugin defines global `navigator.globalization` object.
-Although in the global scope, it is not available until after the `deviceready` event.
-    document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
-    function onDeviceReady() {
-        console.log(navigator.globalization);
-    }
-Report issues with this plugin on the [Apache Cordova issue tracker](
-## Installation
-    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-globalization
-## Objects
-- GlobalizationError
-## Methods
-- navigator.globalization.getPreferredLanguage
-- navigator.globalization.getLocaleName
-- navigator.globalization.dateToString
-- navigator.globalization.stringToDate
-- navigator.globalization.getDatePattern
-- navigator.globalization.getDateNames
-- navigator.globalization.isDayLightSavingsTime
-- navigator.globalization.getFirstDayOfWeek
-- navigator.globalization.numberToString
-- navigator.globalization.stringToNumber
-- navigator.globalization.getNumberPattern
-- navigator.globalization.getCurrencyPattern
-## navigator.globalization.getPreferredLanguage
-Get the BCP 47 language tag for the client's current language.
-    navigator.globalization.getPreferredLanguage(successCallback, errorCallback);
-### Description
-Returns the BCP-47 compliant language identifier tag to the `successCallback`
-with a `properties` object as a parameter. That object should have a `value`
-property with a `String` value.
-If there is an error getting the language, then the `errorCallback`
-executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a parameter. The
-error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR`.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-- Browser
-### Example
-When the browser is set to the `en-US` language, this should display a
-popup dialog with the text `language: en-US`:
-    navigator.globalization.getPreferredLanguage(
-        function (language) {alert('language: ' + language.value + '\n');},
-        function () {alert('Error getting language\n');}
-    );
-### Android Quirks
-- Returns the ISO 639-1 two-letter language code, upper case ISO 3166-1
-country code and variant separated by hyphens. Examples: "en", "en-US", "US"
-### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
-- Returns the ISO 639-1 two-letter language code and ISO 3166-1 country code
-of the regional variant corresponding to the "Language" setting, separated by
-a hyphen.
-- Note that the regional variant is a property of the "Language" setting and
-not determined by the unrelated "Country/Region" setting on Windows Phone.
-### Windows Quirks
-- Returns the ISO 639-1 two-letter language code and ISO 3166-1 country code
-of the regional variant corresponding to the "Language" setting, separated by
-a hyphen.
-### Browser Quirks
-- Falls back on getLocaleName
-## navigator.globalization.getLocaleName
-Returns the BCP 47 compliant tag for the client's current locale setting.
-    navigator.globalization.getLocaleName(successCallback, errorCallback);
-### Description
-Returns the BCP 47 compliant locale identifier string to the `successCallback`
-with a `properties` object as a parameter. That object should have a `value`
-property with a `String` value. The locale tag will consist of a two-letter lower
-case language code, two-letter upper case country code, and (unspecified) variant
-code, separated by a hyphen.
-If there is an error getting the locale, then the `errorCallback`
-executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a parameter. The
-error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR`.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-- Browser
-### Example
-When the browser is set to the `en-US` locale, this displays a popup
-dialog with the text `locale: en-US`.
-    navigator.globalization.getLocaleName(
-        function (locale) {alert('locale: ' + locale.value + '\n');},
-        function () {alert('Error getting locale\n');}
-    );
-### Android Quirks
-- Java does not distinguish between a set "langauge" and set "locale," so this
-method is essentially the same as `navigator.globalization.getPreferredLanguage()`.
-### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
-- Returns the ISO 639-1 two-letter language code and ISO 3166-1 country code
-of the regional variant corresponding to the "Regional Format" setting, separated
-by a hyphen.
-### Windows Quirks
-- Locale setting can be changed in Control Panel -> Clock, Language and Region
--> Region -> Formats -> Format,
-and in Settings -> Region -> Regional Format on Windows Phone 8.1.
-### Browser Quirks
-- IE returns the locale of operating system. Chrome and Firefox return browser language tag.
-## navigator.globalization.dateToString
-Returns a date formatted as a string according to the client's locale and timezone.
-    navigator.globalization.dateToString(date, successCallback, errorCallback, options);
-### Description
-Returns the formatted date `String` via a `value` property accessible
-from the object passed as a parameter to the `successCallback`.
-The inbound `date` parameter should be of type `Date`.
-If there is an error formatting the date, then the `errorCallback`
-executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a parameter. The
-error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.FORMATTING_ERROR`.
-The `options` parameter is optional, and its default values are:
-    {formatLength:'short', selector:'date and time'}
-The `options.formatLength` can be `short`, `medium`, `long`, or `full`.
-The `options.selector` can be `date`, `time` or `date and time`.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-- Browser
-### Example
-If the browser is set to the `en_US` locale, this displays a popup
-dialog with text similar to `date: 9/25/2012 4:21PM` using the default
-    navigator.globalization.dateToString(
-        new Date(),
-        function (date) { alert('date: ' + date.value + '\n'); },
-        function () { alert('Error getting dateString\n'); },
-        { formatLength: 'short', selector: 'date and time' }
-    );
-### Android Quirks
-- `formatLength` options are a subset of Unicode
-  [UTS #35]( The default option
-  `short` depends on a user selected date format within
-  `Settings -> System -> Date & time -> Choose date format`,
-  which provide a `year` pattern only with 4 digits, not 2 digits.
-  This means that it is not completely aligned with
-  [ICU](
-### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
-- The `formatLength` option supports only `short` and `full` values.
-- The pattern for 'date and time' selector is always a full datetime format.
-- The returned value may be not completely aligned with ICU depending on a user locale.
-### Windows Quirks
-- The `formatLength` option supports only `short` and `full` values.
-- The pattern for 'date and time' selector is always a full datetime format.
-- The returned value may be not completely aligned with ICU depending on a user locale.
-### Browser Quirks
-- Only 79 locales are supported because moment.js is used in this method.
-- The returned value may be not completely aligned with ICU depending on a user locale.
-- `time` selector supports `full` and `short` formatLength only.
-### Firefox OS Quirks
-- `formatLength` is not distinguishing `long` and `full`
-- only one method of displaying date (no `long` or `full` version)
-## navigator.globalization.getCurrencyPattern
-Returns a pattern string to format and parse currency values according
-to the client's user preferences and ISO 4217 currency code.
-     navigator.globalization.getCurrencyPattern(currencyCode, successCallback, errorCallback);
-### Description
-Returns the pattern to the `successCallback` with a `properties` object
-as a parameter. That object should contain the following properties:
-- __pattern__: The currency pattern to format and parse currency values.  The patterns follow [Unicode Technical Standard #35]( _(String)_
-- __code__: The ISO 4217 currency code for the pattern. _(String)_
-- __fraction__: The number of fractional digits to use when parsing and formatting currency. _(Number)_
-- __rounding__: The rounding increment to use when parsing and formatting. _(Number)_
-- __decimal__: The decimal symbol to use for parsing and formatting. _(String)_
-- __grouping__: The grouping symbol to use for parsing and formatting. _(String)_
-The inbound `currencyCode` parameter should be a `String` of one of
-the ISO 4217 currency codes, for example 'USD'.
-If there is an error obtaining the pattern, then the `errorCallback`
-executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a parameter. The
-error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.FORMATTING_ERROR`.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- iOS
-- Windows
-### Example
-When the browser is set to the `en_US` locale and the selected
-currency is United States Dollars, this example displays a popup
-dialog with text similar to the results that follow:
-    navigator.globalization.getCurrencyPattern(
-        'USD',
-        function (pattern) {
-            alert('pattern: '  + pattern.pattern  + '\n' +
-                  'code: '     + pattern.code     + '\n' +
-                  'fraction: ' + pattern.fraction + '\n' +
-                  'rounding: ' + pattern.rounding + '\n' +
-                  'decimal: '  + pattern.decimal  + '\n' +
-                  'grouping: ' + pattern.grouping);
-        },
-        function () { alert('Error getting pattern\n'); }
-    );
-Expected result:
-    pattern: $#,##0.##;($#,##0.##)
-    code: USD
-    fraction: 2
-    rounding: 0
-    decimal: .
-    grouping: ,
-### Windows Quirks
-- Only 'code' and 'fraction' properties are supported
-## navigator.globalization.getDateNames
-Returns an array of the names of the months or days of the week,
-depending on the client's user preferences and calendar.
-    navigator.globalization.getDateNames(successCallback, errorCallback, options);
-### Description
-Returns the array of names to the `successCallback` with a
-`properties` object as a parameter. That object contains a `value`
-property with an `Array` of `String` values. The array features names
-starting from either the first month in the year or the first day of
-the week, depending on the option selected.
-If there is an error obtaining the names, then the `errorCallback`
-executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a parameter. The
-error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR`.
-The `options` parameter is optional, and its default values are:
-    {type:'wide', item:'months'}
-The value of `options.type` can be `narrow` or `wide`.
-The value of `options.item` can be `months` or `days`.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-- Browser
-### Example
-When the browser is set to the `en_US` locale, this example displays
-a series of twelve popup dialogs, one per month, with text similar to
-`month: January`:
-    navigator.globalization.getDateNames(
-        function (names) {
-            for (var i = 0; i < names.value.length; i++) {
-                alert('month: ' + names.value[i] + '\n');
-            }
-        },
-        function () { alert('Error getting names\n'); },
-        { type: 'wide', item: 'months' }
-    );
-### Firefox OS Quirks
-- `options.type` supports a `genitive` value, important for some languages.
-### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
-- The array of months contains 13 elements.
-- The returned array may be not completely aligned with ICU depending on a user locale.
-### Windows Quirks
-- The array of months contains 12 elements.
-- The returned array may be not completely aligned with ICU depending on a user locale.
-### Browser Quirks
-- Date names are not completely aligned with ICU.
-- The array of months contains 12 elements.
-## navigator.globalization.getDatePattern
-Returns a pattern string to format and parse dates according to the
-client's user preferences.
-    navigator.globalization.getDatePattern(successCallback, errorCallback, options);
-### Description
-Returns the pattern to the `successCallback`. The object passed in as
-a parameter contains the following properties:
-- __pattern__: The date and time pattern to format and parse dates. The patterns follow [Unicode Technical Standard #35]( _(String)_
-- __timezone__: The abbreviated name of the time zone on the client. _(String)_
-- __utc_offset__: The current difference in seconds between the client's time zone and coordinated universal time. _(Number)_
-- __dst_offset__: The current daylight saving time offset in seconds between the client's non-daylight saving's time zone and the client's daylight saving's time zone. _(Number)_
-If there is an error obtaining the pattern, the `errorCallback`
-executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a parameter. The
-error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.PATTERN_ERROR`.
-The `options` parameter is optional, and defaults to the following values:
-    {formatLength:'short', selector:'date and time'}
-The `options.formatLength` can be `short`, `medium`, `long`, or
-`full`.  The `options.selector` can be `date`, `time` or `date and
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-- Browser
-### Example
-When the browser is set to the `en_US` locale, this example displays
-a popup dialog with text such as `pattern: M/d/yyyy h:mm a`:
-    function checkDatePattern() {
-        navigator.globalization.getDatePattern(
-            function (date) { alert('pattern: ' + date.pattern + '\n'); },
-            function () { alert('Error getting pattern\n'); },
-            { formatLength: 'short', selector: 'date and time' }
-        );
-    }
-### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
-- The `formatLength` supports only `short` and `full` values.
-- The `pattern` for `date and time` pattern returns only full datetime format.
-- The `timezone` returns the full time zone name.
-- The `dst_offset` property is not supported, and always returns zero.
-- The pattern may be not completely aligned with ICU depending on a user locale.
-### Windows Quirks
-- The `formatLength` supports only `short` and `full` values.
-- The `pattern` for `date and time` pattern returns only full datetime format.
-- The `timezone` returns the full time zone name.
-- The `dst_offset` property is not supported, and always returns zero.
-- The pattern may be not completely aligned with ICU depending on a user locale.
-### Browser Quirks
-- The 'pattern' property is not supported and returns empty string.
-- Only Chrome returns 'timezone' property. Its format is "Part of the world/{City}".
-Other browsers return empty string.
-## navigator.globalization.getFirstDayOfWeek
-Returns the first day of the week according to the client's user
-preferences and calendar.
-    navigator.globalization.getFirstDayOfWeek(successCallback, errorCallback);
-### Description
-The days of the week are numbered starting from 1, where 1 is assumed
-to be Sunday.  Returns the day to the `successCallback` with a
-`properties` object as a parameter. That object should have a `value`
-property with a `Number` value.
-If there is an error obtaining the pattern, then the `errorCallback`
-executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a parameter. The
-error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR`.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-- Browser
-### Example
-When the browser is set to the `en_US` locale, this displays a
-popup dialog with text similar to `day: 1`.
-    navigator.globalization.getFirstDayOfWeek(
-        function (day) {alert('day: ' + day.value + '\n');},
-        function () {alert('Error getting day\n');}
-    );
-###	Windows Quirks
-- On Windows 8.0/8.1 the value depends on user' calendar preferences. On Windows Phone 8.1
-the value depends on current locale.
-### Browser Quirks
-- Only 79 locales are supported because moment.js is used in this method.
-## navigator.globalization.getNumberPattern
-Returns a pattern string to format and parse numbers according to the client's user preferences.
-    navigator.globalization.getNumberPattern(successCallback, errorCallback, options);
-### Description
-Returns the pattern to the `successCallback` with a `properties` object
-as a parameter. That object contains the following properties:
-- __pattern__: The number pattern to format and parse numbers.  The patterns follow [Unicode Technical Standard #35]( _(String)_
-- __symbol__: The symbol to use when formatting and parsing, such as a percent or currency symbol. _(String)_
-- __fraction__: The number of fractional digits to use when parsing and formatting numbers. _(Number)_
-- __rounding__: The rounding increment to use when parsing and formatting. _(Number)_
-- __positive__: The symbol to use for positive numbers when parsing and formatting. _(String)_
-- __negative__: The symbol to use for negative numbers when parsing and formatting. _(String)_
-- __decimal__: The decimal symbol to use for parsing and formatting. _(String)_
-- __grouping__: The grouping symbol to use for parsing and formatting. _(String)_
-If there is an error obtaining the pattern, then the `errorCallback`
-executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a parameter. The
-error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.PATTERN_ERROR`.
-The `options` parameter is optional, and default values are:
-    {type:'decimal'}
-The `options.type` can be `decimal`, `percent`, or `currency`.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-- Browser
-### Example
-When the browser is set to the `en_US` locale, this should display a
-popup dialog with text similar to the results that follow:
-    navigator.globalization.getNumberPattern(
-        function (pattern) {alert('pattern: '  + pattern.pattern  + '\n' +
-                                  'symbol: '   + pattern.symbol   + '\n' +
-                                  'fraction: ' + pattern.fraction + '\n' +
-                                  'rounding: ' + pattern.rounding + '\n' +
-                                  'positive: ' + pattern.positive + '\n' +
-                                  'negative: ' + pattern.negative + '\n' +
-                                  'decimal: '  + pattern.decimal  + '\n' +
-                                  'grouping: ' + pattern.grouping);},
-        function () {alert('Error getting pattern\n');},
-        {type:'decimal'}
-    );
-    pattern: #,##0.###
-    symbol: .
-    fraction: 0
-    rounding: 0
-    positive:
-    negative: -
-    decimal: .
-    grouping: ,
-### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
-- The `pattern` property is not supported, and returns an empty string.
-- The `fraction` property is not supported, and returns zero.
-### Windows Quirks
-- The `pattern` property is not supported, and returns an empty string.
-### Browser Quirks
-- getNumberPattern is supported in Chrome only; the only defined property is `pattern`.
-## navigator.globalization.isDayLightSavingsTime
-Indicates whether daylight savings time is in effect for a given date
-using the client's time zone and calendar.
-    navigator.globalization.isDayLightSavingsTime(date, successCallback, errorCallback);
-### Description
-Indicates whether or not daylight savings time is in effect to the
-`successCallback` with a `properties` object as a parameter. That object
-should have a `dst` property with a `Boolean` value. A `true` value
-indicates that daylight savings time is in effect for the given date,
-and `false` indicates that it is not.
-The inbound parameter `date` should be of type `Date`.
-If there is an error reading the date, then the `errorCallback`
-executes. The error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR`.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-- Browser
-### Example
-During the summer, and if the browser is set to a DST-enabled
-timezone, this should display a popup dialog with text similar to
-`dst: true`:
-    navigator.globalization.isDayLightSavingsTime(
-        new Date(),
-        function (date) {alert('dst: ' + date.dst + '\n');},
-        function () {alert('Error getting names\n');}
-    );
-## navigator.globalization.numberToString
-Returns a number formatted as a string according to the client's user preferences.
-    navigator.globalization.numberToString(number, successCallback, errorCallback, options);
-### Description
-Returns the formatted number string to the `successCallback` with a
-`properties` object as a parameter. That object should have a `value`
-property with a `String` value.
-If there is an error formatting the number, then the `errorCallback`
-executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a parameter. The
-error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.FORMATTING_ERROR`.
-The `options` parameter is optional, and its default values are:
-    {type:'decimal'}
-The `options.type` can be `decimal`, `percent`, or `currency`.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-- Browser
-### Example
-When the browser is set to the `en_US` locale, this displays a popup
-dialog with text similar to `number: 3.142`:
-    navigator.globalization.numberToString(
-        3.1415926,
-        function (number) {alert('number: ' + number.value + '\n');},
-        function () {alert('Error getting number\n');},
-        {type:'decimal'}
-    );
-### Windows Quirks
-- Windows 8.0 does not support number rounding, therefore values will not be rounded automatically.
-- On Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 fractional part is being truncated instead of rounded in case of `percent` number type therefore fractional digits count is set to 0.
-- `percent` numbers are not grouped as they can't be parsed in stringToNumber if grouped.
-### Browser Quirks
-- `currency` type is not supported.
-## navigator.globalization.stringToDate
-Parses a date formatted as a string, according to the client's user
-preferences and calendar using the time zone of the client, and
-returns the corresponding date object.
-    navigator.globalization.stringToDate(dateString, successCallback, errorCallback, options);
-### Description
-Returns the date to the success callback with a `properties` object as
-a parameter. That object should have the following properties:
-- __year__: The four digit year. _(Number)_
-- __month__: The month from (0-11). _(Number)_
-- __day__: The day from (1-31). _(Number)_
-- __hour__: The hour from (0-23). _(Number)_
-- __minute__: The minute from (0-59). _(Number)_
-- __second__: The second from (0-59). _(Number)_
-- __millisecond__: The milliseconds (from 0-999), not available on all platforms. _(Number)_
-The inbound `dateString` parameter should be of type `String`.
-The `options` parameter is optional, and defaults to the following
-    {formatLength:'short', selector:'date and time'}
-The `options.formatLength` can be `short`, `medium`, `long`, or
-`full`.  The `options.selector` can be `date`, `time` or `date and
-If there is an error parsing the date string, then the `errorCallback`
-executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a parameter. The
-error's expected code is `GlobalizationError.PARSING_ERROR`.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-- Browser
-### Example
-When the browser is set to the `en_US` locale, this displays a
-popup dialog with text similar to `month:8 day:25 year:2012`. Note
-that the month integer is one less than the string, as the month
-integer represents an array index.
-    navigator.globalization.stringToDate(
-        '9/25/2012',
-        function (date) {alert('month:' + date.month +
-                               ' day:'  +   +
-                               ' year:' + date.year  + '\n');},
-        function () {alert('Error getting date\n');},
-        {selector: 'date'}
-    );
-### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
-- The `formatLength` option supports only `short` and `full` values.
-- The pattern for 'date and time' selector is always a full datetime format.
-- The inbound `dateString` parameter should be formed in compliance with a pattern returned by getDatePattern.
-This pattern may be not completely aligned with ICU depending on a user locale.
-### Windows Quirks
-- The `formatLength` option supports only `short` and `full` values.
-- The pattern for 'date and time' selector is always a full datetime format.
-- The inbound `dateString` parameter should be formed in compliance with a pattern returned by getDatePattern.
-This pattern may be not completely aligned with ICU depending on a user locale.
-### Browser Quirks
-- Only 79 locales are supported because moment.js is used in this method.
-- Inbound string should be aligned with `dateToString` output format and may not completely aligned with ICU depending on a user locale.
-- `time` selector supports `full` and `short` formatLength only.
-## navigator.globalization.stringToNumber
-Parses a number formatted as a string according to the client's user
-preferences and returns the corresponding number.
-    navigator.globalization.stringToNumber(string, successCallback, errorCallback, options);
-### Description
-Returns the number to the `successCallback` with a `properties` object
-as a parameter. That object should have a `value` property with a
-`Number` value.
-If there is an error parsing the number string, then the
-`errorCallback` executes with a `GlobalizationError` object as a
-parameter. The error's expected code is
-The `options` parameter is optional, and defaults to the following
-    {type:'decimal'}
-The `options.type` can be `decimal`, `percent`, or `currency`.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-### Example
-When the browser is set to the `en_US` locale, this should display a
-popup dialog with text similar to `number: 1234.56`:
-    navigator.globalization.stringToNumber(
-        '1234.56',
-        function (number) {alert('number: ' + number.value + '\n');},
-        function () {alert('Error getting number\n');},
-        {type:'decimal'}
-    );
-### Windows Phone 8 Quirks
-- In case of `percent` type the returned value is not divided by 100.
-### Windows Quirks
-- The string must strictly conform to the locale format. For example, percent symbol should be
-separated by space for 'en-US' locale if the type parameter is 'percent'.
-- `percent` numbers must not be grouped to be parsed correctly.
-## GlobalizationError
-An object representing a error from the Globalization API.
-### Properties
-- __code__:  One of the following codes representing the error type _(Number)_
-  - `GlobalizationError.UNKNOWN_ERROR`: 0
-  - `GlobalizationError.FORMATTING_ERROR`: 1
-  - `GlobalizationError.PARSING_ERROR`: 2
-  - `GlobalizationError.PATTERN_ERROR`: 3
-- __message__:  A text message that includes the error's explanation and/or details. _(String)_
-### Description
-This object is created and populated by Cordova, and returned to a callback in the case of an error.
-### Supported Platforms
-- Amazon Fire OS
-- Android
-- BlackBerry 10
-- Firefox OS
-- iOS
-- Windows Phone 8
-- Windows
-### Example
-When the following error callback executes, it displays a
-popup dialog with the text similar to `code: 3` and `message:`
-    function errorCallback(error) {
-        alert('code: ' + error.code + '\n' +
-              'message: ' + error.message + '\n');
-    };

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