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Posted to by Rich & Jen <> on 2003/11/17 23:48:59 UTC

log4j initialization and Torque


*help*  I have taken to drinking over this one and could really
use some basic help here.

I've read the log4j short manual about how log4j is initialized,
and I don't get how this interacts with Torque:

It looks like there is a static variable initializer somewhere in
the Torque code.  Log4j says that Logger will initialize Log4j
in these cases before a user has the chance to call their own
initialzation routines.

According to log4j's manual, I should just be able to set the
system to the file with my settings.
No dice.  It doesn't work, and I'm not convinced that this is
the only way something like log4j can work.

How can I initialize Torque with my own log file, and how can
I get other systems that use Torque to initialize Log4j under
my control, like Ant?

When I run ant, no matter what settings I put in my own file, the Torque-generation tasks all run as
if Log4j was set to DEBUG.  I get TONS of pages of (to me)
useless debugging information which makes the ant output
completely frustrating.  I've taken to scripting each ant run
so I can page through the dozens of pages of debug statements
looking for errors...

  - Rich

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