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Posted to by David Provencher <> on 2002/03/22 20:45:54 UTC

Tomcat 3.2 and JDOM -b8

  Anybody manage to use JDOM-b8 with tomcat 3.2? Here the layout of what I'm

I have a pakage toolkit that have 2 class in it: XMLManipulator and
	- XMLManipulator import jdom pakage
	- Communicator use XMLManipulator and never use jdom.

Then I have a JSP page that call Communicator, who create a XMLManipulator,
create a XML, and return the XML in the form of a String with the
XMLOutputter class of JDOM.

Then Communicator send it to a server with a socket. The server (Which use
the same class XMLManipulator) receive the XML, change it and send it back
through the same socket.

Now when Communicator receive the XML from the Socket it put it in a String
Buffer. I then convert it to a String and call Up XMLManipulator that take
the string and call SAXBuilder build function to create the XML.

Here what wrong.

The Server that use the same class XMLManipulator (word for word excep the
pakage statement, did a diff) wich is started on the command line work fine.
It create the XML from the String with no problem.

The JSP that call Coummunicator who call XMLManipulator (under tomcat) work
fine for creating the XML string, however when the SAXBuilder build method
is called I get the following error:
	-> Error in building: SAX2 driver class org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser
not found: org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser

Now here the message I get when starting tomcat (the classpath)
	Starting tomcat: Using classpath:

Now I know the problem is with the library version. here what I tried:
	- Playing with the so that the classpath start with xerces.jar
jdom.jar -> same error

	- starting the server with with the command :
		java -classpath
ar:/usr/javalib/xerces.jar MarchandListener
		-> (with the same classpath use by tomcat) and the Server work (remember
it use the same file as the Communicator).

If anybody know what to do, I would really appreciated it.


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