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[25/50] [abbrv] git commit: updated refs/heads/pvlan to ce299da

CLOUDSTACK-2287: Tests for the LDAP system

API tests for the LDAP config/remove commands

Signed-off-by: Prasanna Santhanam <>


Branch: refs/heads/pvlan
Commit: 2778486c34427dbc4e66a7f5db0e3b2364cf9f11
Parents: 8986e16
Author: suresh sadhu <>
Authored: Mon May 20 14:48:06 2013 +0530
Committer: Prasanna Santhanam <>
Committed: Mon May 20 17:51:49 2013 +0530

 test/integration/smoke/ | 365 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 365 insertions(+)
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new file mode 100755
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--- /dev/null
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+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+# distributed with this work for additional information
+# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+# specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+""" P1 for LDAP Config
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import marvin
+from marvin import cloudstackTestCase
+from marvin.cloudstackTestCase import *
+import unittest
+import hashlib
+import random
+from marvin.cloudstackAPI import *
+from marvin.cloudstackAPI import login
+from marvin.integration.lib.utils import *
+from marvin.integration.lib.base import *
+from marvin.integration.lib.common import *
+from nose.plugins.attrib import attr
+import urllib
+class Services:
+    """Test LDAP Configuration
+    """
+    def __init__(self):
+ = {
+            "account": {
+                "email": "",
+                "firstname": "test",
+                "lastname": "t",
+                "username": "test",
+                "password": "password",
+                },
+            "ldapCon_1":#valid values&Query filter as email.
+                {
+                    "ldapHostname": "",
+                    "port": "389",
+                    "binddn": "CN=test,CN=Users,DC=hyd-qa,DC=com",
+                    "bindpass": "aaaa_1111",
+                    "queryfilter": "(&(mail=%e))",
+                    "searchbase": "CN=Users,DC=hyd-qa,DC=com",
+                    "ldapusername": "test",
+                    "ldappasswd": "aaaa_1111"
+                },
+            "ldapCon_2": ##valid values&Query filter as displayName.
+                {
+                    "ldapHostname": "",
+                    "port": "389",
+                    "binddn": "CN=test,CN=Users,DC=hyd-qa,DC=com",
+                    "bindpass": "aaaa_1111",
+                    "queryfilter": "(&(displayName=%u))",
+                    "searchbase": "CN=Users,DC=hyd-qa,DC=com",
+                    "ldapusername": "test",
+                    "ldappasswd": "aaaa_1111"
+                },
+            "ldapCon_3": #Configuration with missing parameters value(queryfilter)
+                {
+                    "ldapHostname": "",
+                    "port": "389",
+                    "binddn": "CN=test,CN=Users,DC=hyd-qa,DC=com",
+                    "bindpass": "aaaa_1111",
+                    "queryfilter": "",
+                    "searchbase": "CN=Users,DC=hyd-qa,DC=com",
+                    "ldapusername": "test",
+                    "ldappasswd": "aaaa_1111"
+                },
+            "ldapCon_4": #invalid configuration-wrong query filter
+                {
+                    "ldapHostname": "",
+                    "port": "389",
+                    "binddn": "CN=test,CN=Users,DC=hyd-qa,DC=com",
+                    "bindpass": "aaaa_1111",
+                    "queryfilter": "(&(displayName=%p))",
+                    "searchbase":"CN=Users,DC=hyd-qa,DC=com",
+                    "ldapusername": "test",
+                    "ldappasswd": "aaaa_1111"
+                },
+            "ldapCon_5": #Configuration with invalid ldap credentials
+                {
+                    "ldapHostname": "",
+                    "port": "389",
+                    "binddn": "CN=test,CN=Users,DC=hyd-qa,DC=com",
+                    "bindpass": "aaaa_1111",
+                    "queryfilter": "(&(displayName=%u))",
+                    "searchbase": "CN=Users,DC=hyd-qa,DC=com",
+                    "ldapusername": "test",
+                    "ldappasswd": "aaaa"
+                }
+        }
+class TestLdap(cloudstackTestCase):
+    """
+    This test perform registering ldap configuration details in CS and create a user[ldap user] in CS
+     and  validate user credentials against LDAP server:AD
+    """
+    @classmethod
+    def setUpClass(cls):
+        cls.api_client = super(
+            TestLdap,
+            cls
+        ).getClsTestClient().getApiClient()
+ = Services().services
+        cls.account =["account"]
+        cls._cleanup = []
+    @classmethod
+    def tearDownClass(cls):
+        try:
+            #Cleanup resources used
+            #print "tear down class"
+            cleanup_resources(cls.api_client, cls._cleanup)
+        except Exception as tde:
+            raise Exception("Warning: Exception during cleanup : %s" % tde)
+        return
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.apiclient = self.testClient.getApiClient()
+        self.acct = createAccount.createAccountCmd()
+        self.acct.accounttype = 0 #We need a regular user. admins have accounttype=1
+        self.acct.firstname =["account"]["firstname"]
+        self.acct.lastname =["account"]["lastname"]
+        self.acct.password =["account"]["password"]
+        self.acct.username =["account"]["username"]
+ =["account"]["email"]
+        self.acct.account =["account"]["username"]
+        self.acct.domainid = 1
+        # mapping ldap user  by creating same user in  cloudstack
+        self.acctRes = self.apiclient.createAccount(self.acct)
+        return
+    def tearDown(self):
+        try:
+            #Clean up, terminate the created accounts, domains etc
+            deleteAcct = deleteAccount.deleteAccountCmd()
+   =
+            self.apiclient.deleteAccount(deleteAcct)
+            self.debug("Deleted the the following account name %s:" %acct_name)
+            #delete only if ldapconfig registered  in CS
+            if(self.ldapconfRes):
+                deleteldapconfg=ldapRemove.ldapRemoveCmd()
+                res=self.apiclient.ldapRemove(deleteldapconfg)
+        except Exception as e:
+            raise Exception("Warning: Exception during cleanup : %s" % e)
+        return
+    def test_01_configLDAP(self):
+        '''
+        This test is to verify ldapConfig API  with valid  values.(i.e query fileter as email)
+        '''
+        # 1. This test covers ldapConfig  & login API with valid ldap credentials..
+        # require ldap configuration:ldapCon_1
+        self.debug("start test")
+        self.ldapconfRes=self._testldapConfig(["ldapCon_1"])
+        if(self.ldapconfRes==1):
+            self.debug("configure ldap successful")
+            #validating the user credentials with ldap Server
+            loginRes = self.chkLogin(["ldapCon_1"]["ldapusername"],["ldapCon_1"]["ldappasswd"])
+            self.assertEquals(loginRes,1,"ldap Authentication failed")
+        else:
+            self.debug("LDAP Configuration failed with exception")
+            self.assertEquals(self.ldapconfRes,1,"ldapConfig API failed")
+        self.debug("end test")
+    def test_02_configLDAP(self):
+        '''
+        This test is to verify ldapConfig API  with valid  values.(i.e query fileter as displayName)
+        '''
+        # 1. This test covers ldapConfig  & login API with valid ldap credentials.
+        # 2. require ldap configuration:ldapCon_2
+        self.debug("start test")
+        self.ldapconfRes=self._testldapConfig(["ldapCon_2"])
+        self.assertEquals(self.ldapconfRes,1,"ldapConfig API failed")
+        if(self.ldapconfRes==1):
+            self.debug("configure ldap successful")
+            #validating the user credentials with ldap Server
+            loginRes = self.chkLogin(["ldapCon_2"]["ldapusername"],["ldapCon_2"]["ldappasswd"])
+            self.assertEquals(loginRes,1,"ldap Authentication failed")
+        else:
+            self.debug("LDAP Configuration failed with exception")
+        self.debug("end test")
+    def test_03_configLDAP(self):
+        '''
+        This test is to verify ldapConfig API  with missing config parameters value(i.queryfilter)
+        '''
+        # 1. Issue ldapConfig API with no ldap config parameter value and check behavior
+        # 2. require ldap configuration:ldapCon_3
+        self.debug("start test...")
+        self.ldapconfRes=self._testldapConfig(["ldapCon_3"])
+        self.assertEquals(self.ldapconfRes,0,"LDAP configuration successful with invalid value.API failed")
+        self.debug("end test")
+    def test_04_configLDAP(self):
+        '''
+        This test is to verify ldapConfig API with invalid configuration values(by passing wrong query filter)
+        '''
+        # 1. calling ldapConfig API with invalid query filter value and check behavior
+        # 2. require ldap configuration:ldapCon_4
+        self.debug("start test...")
+        self.ldapconfRes=self._testldapConfig(["ldapCon_4"])
+        self.assertEquals(self.ldapconfRes,0,"API failed")
+    def test_05_configLDAP(self):
+        '''
+        This test is to verify login API functionality by passing wrong ldap credentials
+        '''
+        # 1.This script first  configure the ldap and validates the user credentials using login API
+        # 2. require ldap configuration:ldapCon_5
+        self.debug("start test")
+        self.ldapconfRes=self._testldapConfig(["ldapCon_5"])
+        self.assertEquals(self.ldapconfRes,1,"API failed")
+        #validating the cloudstack user credentials with ldap Server
+        loginRes = self.chkLogin(["ldapCon_5"]["ldapusername"],["ldapCon_5"]["ldappasswd"])
+        self.assertNotEqual(loginRes,1,"login API failed")
+        self.debug("end test")
+    def test_06_removeLDAP(self):
+        '''
+        This test is to verify ldapRemove API functionality
+        '''
+        # 1. This script fist configures ldap and removes the configured ldap values
+        # 2. require ldap configuration:ldapCon_1
+        self.debug("start test")
+        self.ldapconfRes=self._testldapConfig(["ldapCon_1"])
+        if(self.ldapconfRes==1):
+            self.debug("ldap configured successfully")
+            deleteldapconfg=ldapRemove.ldapRemoveCmd()
+            res=self.apiclient.ldapRemove(deleteldapconfg)
+            self.debug("ldap removed successfully")
+            self.ldapconfRes=0
+        else:
+            self.debug("LDAP Configuration failed with exception")
+            self.assertEquals(self.ldapconfRes,0,"ldapconfig API failed")
+        self.debug("end test")
+    def _testldapConfig(self,ldapSrvD):
+        """
+        :param ldapSrvD
+        """
+        #This Method takes dictionary as parameter,
+        # reads the ldap configuration values from the passed dictionary and
+        # register the ldapconfig detail in cloudstack
+        # & return true or false based on ldapconfig API response
+        self.debug("start ldapconfig  test")
+        #creating the  ldapconfig cmd object
+        lpconfig = ldapConfig.ldapConfigCmd()
+        #Config the ldap server by assigning the ldapconfig dict variable values to ldapConfig object
+        lpconfig.hostname = ldapSrvD["ldapHostname"]
+        lpconfig.port = ldapSrvD["port"]
+        lpconfig.binddn = ldapSrvD["binddn"]
+        lpconfig.bindpass = ldapSrvD["bindpass"]
+        lpconfig.searchbase = ldapSrvD["searchbase"]
+        lpconfig.queryfilter = ldapSrvD["queryfilter"]
+        #end of assigning the variables
+        #calling the ldapconfig Api
+        self.debug("calling ldapconfig API")
+        try:
+            lpconfig1 = self.apiclient.ldapConfig(lpconfig)
+            self.debug("ldapconfig API succesfful")
+            return 1
+        except Exception, e:
+            self.debug("ldapconfig API failed %s" %e)
+            return 0
+    def chkLogin(self, username, password):
+        """
+        :param username:
+        :param password:
+        """
+        self.debug("login test")
+        try:
+            login1 = login.loginCmd()
+            login1.username = username
+            login1.password = password
+            loginRes = self.apiclient.login(login1)
+            self.debug("login response %s" % loginRes)
+            if loginRes is None:
+                self.debug("login not successful")
+            else:
+                self.debug("login successful")
+                return 1
+        except Exception, p:
+            self.debug("login operation failed %s" %p)
+        self.debug("end of Login")