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[2/3] geode git commit: GEODE-2670: Update pulse endpoint interceptors
diff --git a/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/dataBrowser.html b/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/dataBrowser.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dac5a4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/dataBrowser.html
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
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+	              <div class="right aboutText">The Pulse tool monitors Apache Geode system in real time. It provides health information, detailed operational and configuration data, system alerts, throughput performance and statistics for system members and connected clients.</div>
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+						<li class="left widthfull-100per"><label
+							class="width-40 display-inline-block">Build Id:</label> <label
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diff --git a/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/index.html b/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/index.html
index 74b8954..3b2c9ec 100644
--- a/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/index.html
+++ b/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/index.html
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
       // redirect user on Login Page 
-      window.location.href = "Login.html";
+      window.location.href = "login.html";
diff --git a/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/login.html b/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/login.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f093e38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/login.html
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18a5eac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/memberDetails.html
@@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
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+                 <div class="left termsBlock">&nbsp;<a id="pulseVersionDetailsLink" href="#dialog1" class="display-none" >Version Details</a></div>
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+              </div>
+              <div data-prod-custom="pulse-about-custom" class="right aboutText">The Pulse tool monitors Apache Geode system in real time. It provides health information, detailed operational and configuration data, system alerts, throughput performance and statistics for system members and connected clients.</div>
+            </div>
+			  <div class="left widthfull-100per copyright">
+				  <p>Apache Geode<br>
+					  Copyright 2016 The Apache Software Foundation.</p>
+				  <p>&nbsp;</p>
+				  <p>This product includes software developed at
+					  The Apache Software Foundation (</p>
+			  </div>
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+				<img src="images/apache_geode_logo.png"/><a href="#.">[LOGO]</a>
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+				<li><a href="#."  onclick="openDataBrowser();">Data Browser</a></li>
+				<!-- Hide Query Statistics tab for gemfire -->
+				<li id="subTabQueryStatistics"><a href="#." onclick="openQueryStatistics();">Query Statistics</a></li>
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+				</div> -->
+				<div class="left position-relative membersNameTopMargin" data-role="widget" data-widgetid="MembersList" data-active ="yes" data-timeline="5000">
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+					 <span id="memberName" class="member_txt">Member Name</span>
+				  </a>
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+								id="filterMembersBox" >
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+						<div id="clusterMembersList" class="jsonSuggestScrollFilter">
+						  <div id="clusterMembersContainer"> </div>
+						</div>  
+					</div>
+				</div>
+			</div>
+			<!--Middle Block 1-->
+			<div class="left leftBlockCanvas">
+				<!-- Status Block-->
+				<div class="statusmasterBlock left" data-role="widget" data-widgetid="MemberDetails" data-active ="yes" data-timeline="5000">
+					<!--Status Block Normal-->
+					<div class="statusFirstBlock left">
+						<div class="statusMasterBlock" id="memberStatusIcon">
+							<div id="memberStatus" class="textbold"> </div>
+							<div class="labeltext">Member Status</div>
+						</div>
+					</div>
+					<!-- Deails B1-->
+					<!-- <div class="borderRightDarkBlue detailsBlock">
+						<div id="memberDiskStorageUsed" class="color-d2d5d7 font-size23"> </div>
+						<span class="labeltext">Disk Storage Used</span>
+					</div> -->
+					<!-- Deails B2-->
+					<div class=" detailsBlock">
+						<div id="memberRegionsCount" class="color-d2d5d7 font-size23"> </div>
+						<span data-prod-custom="pulse-regionstableCaps-custom" class="labeltext">Regions</span>
+					</div>
+					<!-- Deails B3-->
+					<div class=" detailsBlock">
+						<div id="threads" class="color-d2d5d7 font-size23"></div>
+						<span class="labeltext">Threads</span>
+					</div>
+					<!-- Deails B4-->
+					<div class=" detailsBlock">
+						<div id="sockets" class="color-d2d5d7 font-size23"></div>
+						<span class="labeltext">Sockets</span>
+					</div>
+					<!-- Deails B5-->
+					<div class=" detailsBlock">
+						<div id="loadAverage" class="color-d2d5d7 font-size23"></div>
+						<span class="labeltext">Load Avg.</span>
+					</div>
+					<!-- Deails B6-->
+					<div class=" detailsBlock display-none">
+					  <div id="offHeapFreeSize" class="color-d2d5d7 font-size23"></div>
+					  <span class="labeltext">Off-Heap Free Size</span>
+					</div>
+					<!-- Deails B7-->
+					<div class=" detailsBlock display-none">
+					  <div id="offHeapUsedSize" class="color-d2d5d7 font-size23"></div>
+					  <span class="labeltext">Off-Heap Used Size</span>
+					</div>
+					<!-- Deails B8-->
+					<div class=" detailsBlock">
+					  <div id="numClients" class="color-d2d5d7 font-size23"></div>
+					  <span class="labeltext">Clients</span>
+					</div>
+				</div>
+				<div class="clear"></div>
+				<div>
+					<div class="middleTopologyBlock">
+						<!-- Large Block-->
+						<div class="canvasBlockLarge marginBR10-11 left">
+							<div class="left widthfull-100per canvasBlockInnerBlock">
+								<span data-prod-custom="pulse-memberRegionsTables-custom" class="left marginL10 canvasHeading">Member Regions</span>
+								<a id="btnLargeBlock_1" class="minusIcon borderLeftToggleBlock" onClick="toggleDiv('LargeBlock_1');"></a>
+								<a id="btngridIcon" class="gridIcon " onClick="tabGridNew('gview_memberRegionsList');"></a>
+								<a id="btnchartIcon" class="chartIconActive " onClick="tabChart();"></a>
+							</div>
+							<div class="left canvasInnerBlock" id="LargeBlock_1">
+							<div class="left widthfull-100per canvasBlockInnerBlock regionHeading">
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+							       <input type="button" class="searchButton">
+							       <input type="text" placeholder="Search"
+							         onkeyup="applyFilterOnMemberRegions();" class="searchBox"
+							         id="filterMemberRegionsBox">
+							     </div>
+							   </div>
+							</div>
+								<!--Grid  Block-->
+								<div class="gridBlocksPanel left display-none canvasBlockLargeGridContent"
+									id="gridBlocks_Panel">
+									<div class="left widthfull-100per">
+										<table id="memberRegionsList">
+										</table>
+									</div>
+								</div>
+								<!--chart  Block-->
+								<div class="chartBlocksPanel left canvasBlockLargeContent membersTreeViewHeight" id="chartBlocks_Panel">
+									<div class="left widthfull-100per" >
+										<div class="marginB11 left widthfull-100per" >
+											<!-- <div class="left marginL10">
+												<span class="left colorCodeBlock managerCode"></span><span
+													class="left marginL10">Managers</span>
+											</div>
+											<div class="left marginL10">
+												<span class="left colorCodeBlock colorCode-ffae00"></span><span
+													class="left marginL10">Locators</span>
+											</div> -->
+										<!-- 	<div class="searchBlockMaster">
+												<input type="button" class="searchButton"> <input
+													type="text" class="searchBox" id="searchRegionName" 
+													placeholder="Search" onKeydown="Javascript: if (event.keyCode==13) searchName();">
+											</div>-->
+										</div>
+										<div class="treeViewGraph position-relative" data-role="widget" data-widgetid="MemberRegionSummary" data-active ="yes" data-timeline="5000">
+											<!-- tree view Control-->
+											<div id="center-containerTree">
+ 												<!-- <div id="TreeMap"></div> -->
+												<div id="memberRegionSummary" style="width:100%; height:410px; overflow:hidden;"></div>
+											</div>
+										</div>
+									</div>
+								</div>
+							</div>
+						</div>
+						<!-- Member Clients -->
+						<div class="canvasBlockLarge marginBR10-11 left" id="memberClientsWidget" data-role="widget" data-widgetid="MemberClients" data-active ="yes" data-timeline="5000">
+              <div class="left widthfull-100per canvasBlockInnerBlock">
+                <span class="left marginL10 canvasHeading">Member Clients</span>
+                <a id="btnLargeBlock_2" class="minusIcon borderLeftToggleBlock" onClick="toggleDiv('LargeBlock_2');"></a>
+              </div>
+              <div
+                class="left canvasInnerBlock canvasBlockLargeGridContent"
+                id="LargeBlock_2" >
+                <!--Grid  Block-->
+                <div class="gridBlocksPanel left"
+                  id="gridBlocks_Panel" >
+                  <div class="left widthfull-100per" >
+                    <table id="memberClientsList">
+                    </table>
+                  </div>
+                </div>
+              </div>
+            </div>
+						<!-- Block 4-->
+						<div class="canvasBlockKeyStats marginBR10-11 left" data-role="widget" data-widgetid="MemberKeyStatistics" data-active ="yes" data-timeline="5000">
+							<div class="left width495 canvasBlockInnerBlock" >
+								<span class="left marginL10 canvasHeading">Key Statistics</span><a
+									id="btnSmallBlock_4" class="minusIcon"
+									onClick="toggleDiv('SmallBlock_4');"></a>
+							</div>
+							<div class="left canvasInnerBlock canvasContentBlockKeyStats"
+								id="SmallBlock_4" >
+								<div class="graphBlocksContent left" >
+									<span class="marginB11 left widthfull-100per">Last 15
+										Minutes</span>
+									<!--Line 1-->
+									<div class="left widthfull-100per marginB10" >
+										<span id="memberCPUUsageSparkLine" class="left lineGraphKeyStats"> </span>
+										<span id="memberCPUUsageValue" class="color-d2d5d7 font-size23"> </span>
+										<span class="paddingL5">% CPU Usage</span>
+									</div>
+                  <!--Line 2-->
+                  <!-- <div class="left widthfull-100per ">
+                    <span id="memberMemoryUsageSparkLine" class="left lineGraphKeyStats"> </span>
+                    <span id="memberMemoryUsageValue" class="color-d2d5d7 font-size23"> </span>
+                    <span class="paddingL5">MB</span>
+                  </div> -->
+									<!--Line 3-->
+									<div class="left widthfull-100per marginB10" >
+										<span id="memberGetsPerSecSparkLine" class="left lineGraphKeyStats"> </span>
+										<span id="memberGetsPerSecValue" class="color-d2d5d7 font-size23">345.12</span>
+										<span data-prod-custom="pulse-readgetpersec-custom" class="paddingL5">Read/Sec</span>
+									</div>
+									<!--Line 4-->
+									<div class="left widthfull-100per marginB10" >
+										<span id="memberPutsPerSecSparkLineBar" class="left lineGraphKeyStats"> </span>
+										<span id="memberPutsPerSecValue" class="color-d2d5d7 font-size23">678.34</span>
+										<span data-prod-custom="pulse-writeputpersec-custom" class="paddingL5">Write/Sec</span>
+									</div>
+								</div>
+							</div>
+						</div>
+						<!-- Block 5-->
+						<!-- <div class="canvasBlock marginBR10-11 left">
+							<div class="left width242 canvasBlockInnerBlock">
+								<span class="left marginL10 canvasHeading">Memory Usage</span><a
+									id="btnSmallBlock_5" class="minusIcon"
+									onClick="toggleDiv('SmallBlock_5');"></a>
+							</div>
+							<div class="left canvasInnerBlock canvasContentBlock"
+								id="SmallBlock_5">
+								<div class="graphBlocksContent">
+									<div id="memberHeapUsageAvg" class="color-d2d5d7 font-size40"> </div>
+									<span>Last 15 Minutes</span>
+								</div>
+								<div class="left graphChart">
+									<span class="left lineGraph" id="memberHeapUsage"></span>
+								</div>
+							</div>
+						</div>-->
+						<!-- Block 6-->
+						<div class="canvasBlock marginBR10-11 left" data-role="widget" data-widgetid="MemberGCPauses" data-active ="yes" data-timeline="5000">
+							<div class="left width242 canvasBlockInnerBlock">
+								<span class="left marginL10 canvasHeading">No. of JVM
+									pauses</span><a id="btnSmallBlock_6" class="minusIcon"
+									onClick="toggleDiv('SmallBlock_6');"></a>
+							</div>
+							<div class="left canvasInnerBlock canvasContentBlock"
+								id="SmallBlock_6">
+								<div class="graphBlocksContent">
+									<div id="memberGcPausesAvg" class="color-d2d5d7 font-size40"> </div>
+									<span>Last 15 Minutes</span>
+								</div>
+								<div class="left graphChart">
+									<span class="left lineGraph" id="memberGCPauses"></span>
+								</div>
+							</div>
+						</div>
+					</div>
+					<!-- Right Block-->
+					<div class="rightBlockCanvas">
+						<!-- Block 1-->
+						<div id="MemberGatewayHubWidget" class="canvasBlock marginB10 left " 
+						  data-role="widget" data-widgetid="MemberGatewayHub" data-active ="yes" data-timeline="5000">
+							<div class="left width242 canvasBlockInnerBlock">
+								<span class="left marginL10 canvasHeading">Gateway Receiver</span><a
+									id="btnSmallBlock_1" class="minusIcon"
+									onClick="toggleDiv('SmallBlock_1');"></a>
+							</div>
+							<div class="left canvasInnerBlock canvasContentBlock"
+								id="SmallBlock_1">
+								<div class="graphBlocksContent">
+									<div class="detailsBlock-member firstPaddingLeftZero">
+										<div id="receiverListeningPort" class="color-d2d5d7 font-size20"> </div>
+										<span class="labeltext">Listening Port</span>
+									</div>
+									<div class="detailsBlock-member">
+										<div id="receiverLinkThroughput" class="color-d2d5d7 font-size20"> </div>
+										<span class="labeltext">Link Throughput</span>
+									</div>
+									<div class="detailsBlock-member lastPaddingLeftZero">
+										<div id="receiverAvgBatchLatency" class="color-d2d5d7 font-size20"> </div>
+										<span class="labeltext">AVG Batch Latency</span>
+									</div>
+								</div>
+								<!-- End Point Master-->
+								<div class="left endPointMasterBlock">
+									<!--End point-->
+									<div class="pointHeading">
+										<label class="pointTextHeading">Gateway Senders</label>
+									</div>
+									<div class="pointGridHeading">
+										<span class="pointHeadingPadding pointC1">ID</span><span
+											class="pointHeadingPadding pointC2">Queue Size</span><span
+											class="pointHeadingPadding pointC3">Status</span>
+									</div>
+									<div class="pointGridData">
+									  <div id="gatewaySendersList" > </div>
+									</div>
+								</div>
+								<div class="clearButton">
+									<a id="idGatewaySenderMoreDetailsLink" class="right linkButton" onclick="showGatewaySenderPopup(this)" href="#">More Details</a>
+								</div>
+								<!-- Regions Involved-->
+								<div class="left endPointMasterBlock">
+									<!--Regions Involved-->
+									<img src="images/spacer.png" height="1" border="0"
+										class="pointHeading">
+									<div class="pointGridHeading">
+										<span data-prod-custom="pulse-regionstableInvolved-custom" class="pointHeadingPadding textUpper">Regions
+											Involved</span>
+									</div>
+									<div class="pointGridData" >
+									  <div id="regionInvolvedList"></div>
+									</div>
+								</div>
+							</div>
+						</div>
+						<div class="clear"></div>
+            <!-- Block 2-->
+            <div id="MemberAsynchEventQueuesWidget" class="canvasBlock marginB10 left " 
+              data-role="widget" data-widgetid="MemberAsynchEventQueues" data-active ="yes" data-timeline="5000">
+              <div class="left width242 canvasBlockInnerBlock">
+                <span class="left marginL10 canvasHeading">Asynch Event Queues</span>
+                <a id="btnSmallBlock_2" class="minusIcon" onClick="toggleDiv('SmallBlock_2');"></a>
+              </div>
+              <div class="left canvasInnerBlock canvasContentBlock" id="SmallBlock_2">
+                <div class="left endPointMasterBlock">
+                <!-- asynch event queue -->
+                  <div class="pointGridHeading">
+                    <span class="pointHeadingPadding pointC1">ID</span>
+                    <span class="pointHeadingPadding pointC2">Queue Size</span>
+                    <span class="pointHeadingPadding pointC3">Type</span>
+                  </div>
+                  <div class="pointGridData">
+                    <div id="asynchList"> </div>
+                  </div>
+                </div>
+                <div class="clearButton">
+                  <a id="idAsynchMoreDetailsLink" class="right linkButton" onclick="showAsyncEventQueuePopup(this)" href="#">More Details</a>
+                </div>
+              </div>
+            </div>
+            <div class="clear"></div>
+						<!-- Block 5-->
+						<div class="canvasBlock marginBR10-11 left" data-role="widget" data-widgetid="MemberHeapUsage" data-active ="yes" data-timeline="5000">
+							<div class="left width242 canvasBlockInnerBlock" >
+								<span class="left marginL10 canvasHeading">Memory Usage</span><a
+									id="btnSmallBlock_5" class="minusIcon"
+									onClick="toggleDiv('SmallBlock_5');"></a>
+							</div>
+							<div class="left canvasInnerBlock canvasContentBlock"
+								id="SmallBlock_5" >
+								<div class="graphBlocksContent" >
+									<div id="memberHeapUsageAvg" class="color-d2d5d7 font-size40">
+									</div>
+									<span>Last 15 Minutes</span>
+								</div>
+								<div class="left graphChart" >
+									<span class="left lineGraph" id="memberHeapUsage"></span>
+								</div>
+							</div>
+						</div>
+						<!-- Block 3-->
+						<div class="canvasBlock marginB10 left" data-role="widget" data-widgetid="MemberDiskThroughput" data-active ="yes" data-timeline="5000">
+							<div class="left width242 canvasBlockInnerBlock">
+								<span class="left marginL10 canvasHeading">Disk Throughput</span>
+								<a id="btnSmallBlock_3" class="minusIcon"
+									onClick="toggleDiv('SmallBlock_3');"></a>
+							</div>
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+								id="SmallBlock_3">
+								<div class="graphBlocksContent marginB11 left">
+									<div class="left">
+										<span class="left">Last 15 Minutes</span>
+									</div>
+									<div class="right marginL10">
+										<span data-prod-custom="pulse-reads-custom" class="left">Reads</span> <span
+											class="left marginL10 colorCodeBlock diskReadsCode"></span>
+									</div>
+									<div class="right marginL10">
+										<span data-prod-custom="pulse-writes-custom" class="left">Writes</span> <span
+											class="left marginL10 colorCodeBlock diskWritesCode"></span>
+									</div>
+								</div>
+								<div class="graphBlocksContent width91Per left">
+									<div class="color-d2d5d7 font-size20">
+										<span id="diskReadsThroughput"></span>
+									</div>
+									<div class="width100Per left">
+										<span class="left">Reads</span> <span class="right"
+											id="currentDiskReadsThroughput"></span>
+									</div>
+								</div>
+								<div class="left graphChart marginB11">
+									<span class="left lineGraph" id="diskReadsThroughputTrend"></span>
+								</div>
+								<div class="graphBlocksContent width91Per left">
+									<div class="color-d2d5d7 font-size20">
+										<span id="diskWritesThroughput"></span>
+									</div>
+									<div class="width100Per left">
+										<span class="left">Writes</span> <span class="right"
+											id="currentDiskWritesThroughput"></span>
+									</div>
+								</div>
+								<div class="left graphChart">
+									<span class="left lineGraph" id="diskWritesThroughputTrend"></span>
+								</div>
+							</div>
+						</div>
+					</div>
+				</div>
+			</div>
+		</div>
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+	<script>
+    $('input[placeholder], textarea[placeholder]').placeholder();
+  </script>
+<!--Popups Block-->
+<div id="boxes"> 
+  <!-- Version Details popup-->
+ <div id="dialog1" class="window width345" data-role="widget" data-widgetid="PulseVersionDetails" data-active ="yes" data-timeline="5000">
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+      <div class="popup-innerblock">
+        <ul class="widthfull-100per left">
+          <li class="left widthfull-100per">
+            <label class="width-40 display-inline-block">Pulse Version:</label>
+            <label class="width-58 display-inline-block" id="pulseVer"></label>
+          </li>
+          <li class="left widthfull-100per">
+            <label class="width-40 display-inline-block">Build Id:</label>
+            <label class="width-58 display-inline-block" id="buildId"></label>
+          </li>
+          <li class="left widthfull-100per">
+            <label class="width-40 display-inline-block">Build Date:</label>
+            <label class="width-58 display-inline-block" id="buildDate"></label>
+          </li>
+          <li class="left widthfull-100per">
+            <label class="width-40 display-inline-block">Source Date:</label>
+            <label class="width-58 display-inline-block" id="sourceDate"></label>
+          </li>
+          <li class="left widthfull-100per">
+            <label class="width-40 display-inline-block">Source Revision:</label>
+            <label class="width-58 display-inline-block" id="sourceRevision"></label>
+          </li>
+          <li class="left widthfull-100per">
+            <label class="width-40 display-inline-block">Source Repository:</label>
+            <label class="width-58 display-inline-block" id="sourceRepository"></label>
+          </li>
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+$('input[placeholder], textarea[placeholder]').placeholder();
diff --git a/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/queryStatistics.html b/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/queryStatistics.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b0e3e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/queryStatistics.html
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
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+								<div data-prod-custom="pulse-about-custom"
+									class="right aboutText">The Pulse tool monitors
+									Pivotal&#0153; GemFire&#0169; system in real time. It provides
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+									data, system alerts, throughput performance and statistics for
+									system members and connected clients.</div>
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+								<p>Apache Geode<br>
+									Copyright 2016 The Apache Software Foundation.</p>
+								<p>&nbsp;</p>
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+		<div class="subHeader">
+			<ul>
+				<li><a href="#." onclick="openClusterDetail();">Cluster
+						View</a></li>
+				<!-- Hide Data Browser tab for gemfirexd (Pulse-Cheetah Release) -->
+				<!-- <li><a href="#."  onclick="openDataBrowser();">Data Browser</a></li> -->
+				<li><a href="#." onclick="openQueryStatistics();" class="active">Query Statistics</a></li>
+			</ul>
+			<div class="clear"></div>
+		</div>
+		<!-- Middle block-->
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+				<div class="left leftBlockCanvas">
+					<!-- to be replaced with grid -->
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+					<div class="statusmasterBlock">
+						<div
+							class="left widthfull-100per canvasBlockInnerBlock backgroundQueryStats">
+							<!-- Search-->
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+										type="text" placeholder="Search Query Definition"
+										onkeyup="applyFilterOnQueryStatistics();"
+										class="searchBoxQueryStatistics" id="filterQueryStatisticsBox">
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+									<select id="columnsSelect" name="columnsSelect"
+										multiple="multiple" size="20"></select>
+								</div>
+							</div>
+							<div data-role="widget" data-widgetid="QueryStatistics"
+								data-active="yes" data-timeline="30000">
+								<div
+									class="left widthfull-100per canvasInnerBlock backgroundQueryStats">
+									<!--Grid  Block-->
+									<div class="gridBlocksPanel left" id="gridBlocks_Panel">
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+											<table id="queryStatisticsList"></table>
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+							</div>
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+					</div>
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+	<div id="boxes">
+		<!-- Version Details popup-->
+		<!-- Version Details popup-->
+		<div id="dialog1" class="window width345" data-role="widget"
+			data-widgetid="PulseVersionDetails" data-active="yes"
+			data-timeline="5000">
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+				<span>Version Details</span><a href="#" class="closePopup">&nbsp;</a>
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+				<div class="popup-innerblock">
+					<ul class="widthfull-100per left">
+						<li class="left widthfull-100per"><label
+							class="width-40 display-inline-block">Pulse Version:</label> <label
+							class="width-58 display-inline-block" id="pulseVer"></label></li>
+						<li class="left widthfull-100per"><label
+							class="width-40 display-inline-block">Build Id:</label> <label
+							class="width-58 display-inline-block" id="buildId"></label></li>
+						<li class="left widthfull-100per"><label
+							class="width-40 display-inline-block">Build Date:</label> <label
+							class="width-58 display-inline-block" id="buildDate"></label></li>
+						<li class="left widthfull-100per"><label
+							class="width-40 display-inline-block">Source Date:</label> <label
+							class="width-58 display-inline-block" id="sourceDate"></label></li>
+						<li class="left widthfull-100per"><label
+							class="width-40 display-inline-block">Source Revision:</label>
+							<label class="width-58 display-inline-block" id="sourceRevision"></label>
+						</li>
+						<li class="left widthfull-100per"><label
+							class="width-40 display-inline-block">Source
+								Repository:</label> <label class="width-58 display-inline-block"
+							id="sourceRepository"></label></li>
+					</ul>
+					<div class="clear"></div>
+				</div>
+			</div>
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+		<div id="gridPopup" class="window width700">
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+	<div id="tooltip" class="tooltip"></div>
+	<!-- Placeholder-->
+	<script>
+    $('input[placeholder], textarea[placeholder]').placeholder();
+  </script>
diff --git a/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/lib/common.js b/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/lib/common.js
index 0c58922..39109c1 100644
--- a/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/lib/common.js
+++ b/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/lib/common.js
@@ -440,14 +440,14 @@ function openDataView() {
  * function used for opening Data Browser
 function openDataBrowser() {
-	location.href = 'DataBrowser.html';
+	location.href = 'dataBrowser.html';
  * function used for opening Query statistics
 function openQueryStatistics() {
-  location.href = 'QueryStatistics.html';
+  location.href = 'queryStatistics.html';
 function destroyScrollPane(scrollPaneParentId) {
diff --git a/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/MemberDetails.js b/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/MemberDetails.js
index 650f30d..2c5f538 100644
--- a/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/MemberDetails.js
+++ b/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/MemberDetails.js
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ function generateMemberListHTML(membersList) {
   var htmlMemberList = '';
   for ( var i = 0; i < membersList.length; i++) {
     htmlMemberList += '<div class="resultItemFilter">'
-        + '<a href="MemberDetails.html?member=' + membersList[i].memberId
+        + '<a href="memberDetails.html?member=' + membersList[i].memberId
         + '&memberName=' + membersList[i].name + '">' + membersList[i].name
         + '</a></div>';
diff --git a/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/PulseCallbacks.js b/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/PulseCallbacks.js
index e19ddf4..bc75202 100644
--- a/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/PulseCallbacks.js
+++ b/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/PulseCallbacks.js
@@ -1414,7 +1414,7 @@ var applyFilterOnMembersList = function() {
 // the member names list.
 var openMemberDetails = function(divId) {
   var member = divId.split("&");
-  location.href = 'MemberDetails.html?member=' + member[0] + '&memberName='
+  location.href = 'memberDetails.html?member=' + member[0] + '&memberName='
       + member[1];
diff --git a/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/clusterDetail.js b/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/clusterDetail.js
index 3fe49eb..687422f 100644
--- a/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/clusterDetail.js
+++ b/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/clusterDetail.js
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ function createMembersTreeMapDefault() {
           onClick : function(node) {
             if (! {
-              location.href = 'MemberDetails.html?member=' +
+              location.href = 'memberDetails.html?member=' +
                   + '&memberName=' +;
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ function createMembersTreeMapSG(){
                 } else if(node._depth == 2 && (!{
-                  location.href = 'MemberDetails.html?member=' +
+                  location.href = 'memberDetails.html?member=' +
                   + '&memberName=' +;
@@ -503,7 +503,7 @@ function createMembersTreeMapRZ(){
                 } else if(node._depth == 2 && (!{
-                  location.href = 'MemberDetails.html?member=' +
+                  location.href = 'memberDetails.html?member=' +
                   + '&memberName=' +;
@@ -866,7 +866,7 @@ function createMemberGridDefault() {
         onSelectRow : function(rowid, status, event) {
           if (!event || event.which == 1) { // mouse left button click
             var member = rowid.split("&");
-            location.href = 'MemberDetails.html?member=' + member[0]
+            location.href = 'memberDetails.html?member=' + member[0]
                 + '&memberName=' + member[1];
@@ -1050,7 +1050,7 @@ function createMemberGridSG() {
         onSelectRow : function(rowid, status, event) {
           if (!event || event.which == 1) { // mouse left button click
             var member = rowid.split("&");
-            location.href = 'MemberDetails.html?member=' + member[0]
+            location.href = 'memberDetails.html?member=' + member[0]
                 + '&memberName=' + member[1];
@@ -1234,7 +1234,7 @@ function createMemberGridRZ() {
         onSelectRow : function(rowid, status, event) {
           if (!event || event.which == 1) { // mouse left button click
             var member = rowid.split("&");
-            location.href = 'MemberDetails.html?member=' + member[0]
+            location.href = 'memberDetails.html?member=' + member[0]
                 + '&memberName=' + member[1];
diff --git a/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/clusterRGraphMembers.js b/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/clusterRGraphMembers.js
index 94b0538..7cdf589 100644
--- a/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/clusterRGraphMembers.js
+++ b/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/clusterRGraphMembers.js
@@ -1345,7 +1345,7 @@ function createClusteRGraph() {
           // it's an edge
         } else {
           if (node._depth == 2)
-            location.href = 'MemberDetails.html?member=' +
+            location.href = 'memberDetails.html?member=' +
                 + '&memberName=' +;
@@ -1392,12 +1392,12 @@ function createClusteRGraph() {
               } else {
-                location.href = 'MemberDetails.html?member=' +
+                location.href = 'memberDetails.html?member=' +
                     + '&memberName=' +;
             } else {
               if (node._depth == 2) {
-                location.href = 'MemberDetails.html?member=' +
+                location.href = 'memberDetails.html?member=' +
                     + '&memberName=' +;
diff --git a/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/common.js b/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/common.js
index 550af7c..23e262b 100644
--- a/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/common.js
+++ b/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/common.js
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ function repsonseErrorHandler(data) {
   // Check for unauthorized access
   if (data.status == 401) {
     // redirect user on Login Page
-    window.location.href = "Login.html?error=HTTP Error 401 : Unauthorized Access..";
+    window.location.href = "login.html?error=HTTP Error 401 : Unauthorized Access..";
diff --git a/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/pages/DataBrowser.js b/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/pages/DataBrowser.js
index 5bbcd75..a1fc6d2 100644
--- a/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/pages/DataBrowser.js
+++ b/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/pages/DataBrowser.js
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
     // return isUserLoggedIn
       // redirect user on Login Page 
-      window.location.href = "Login.html";
+      window.location.href = "login.html";
diff --git a/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/pages/DataBrowserQuery.js b/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/pages/DataBrowserQuery.js
index 534f5c8..9ef656a 100644
--- a/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/pages/DataBrowserQuery.js
+++ b/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/pages/DataBrowserQuery.js
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ function resErrHandler(data){
   // Check for unauthorized access
   if (data.status == 401) {
     // redirect user on Login Page
-    window.location.href = "Login.html?error=UNAUTH_ACCESS";
+    window.location.href = "login.html?error=UNAUTH_ACCESS";
diff --git a/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/pages/DataBrowserQueryHistory.js b/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/pages/DataBrowserQueryHistory.js
index 77f939e..1c6000b 100644
--- a/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/pages/DataBrowserQueryHistory.js
+++ b/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/pages/DataBrowserQueryHistory.js
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ function resErrHandler(data){
   // Check for unauthorized access
   if (data.status == 401) {
     // redirect user on Login Page
-    window.location.href = "Login.html?error=UNAUTH_ACCESS";
+    window.location.href = "login.html?error=UNAUTH_ACCESS";
diff --git a/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/regionView.js b/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/regionView.js
index 5ce6300..892187d 100644
--- a/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/regionView.js
+++ b/geode-pulse/src/main/webapp/scripts/pulsescript/regionView.js
@@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ function createMemberTreeMap() {
             onClick : function(node) {
               if ( != "root") {
-                location.href ='MemberDetails.html?member=' + + "&memberName=" +;
+                location.href ='memberDetails.html?member=' + + "&memberName=" +;
@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@ jQuery("#memberList").jqGrid(
    onSelectRow : function(rowid) {
      var member = rowid.split("&");
-     location.href = 'MemberDetails.html?member=' + member[0]
+     location.href = 'memberDetails.html?member=' + member[0]
      + '&memberName=' + member[1];
    resizeStop : function(width, index) {
diff --git a/geode-pulse/src/test/java/org/apache/geode/tools/pulse/tests/rules/ b/geode-pulse/src/test/java/org/apache/geode/tools/pulse/tests/rules/
index ca4646b..61bf171 100644
--- a/geode-pulse/src/test/java/org/apache/geode/tools/pulse/tests/rules/
+++ b/geode-pulse/src/test/java/org/apache/geode/tools/pulse/tests/rules/
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ package;
 import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
 import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
-import org.junit.Rule;
 import org.junit.rules.ExternalResource;
 import org.openqa.selenium.By;
 import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
@@ -59,7 +58,7 @@ public class WebDriverRule extends ExternalResource {
   public void before() throws Throwable {
-    driver.get(getPulseURL() + "Login.html");
+    driver.get(getPulseURL() + "login.html");
     if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(username) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(password)) {
diff --git a/geode-pulse/src/test/java/org/apache/geode/tools/pulse/tests/ui/ b/geode-pulse/src/test/java/org/apache/geode/tools/pulse/tests/ui/
index b37551b..b72b666b 100644
--- a/geode-pulse/src/test/java/org/apache/geode/tools/pulse/tests/ui/
+++ b/geode-pulse/src/test/java/org/apache/geode/tools/pulse/tests/ui/
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public class PulseAnonymousUserTest {
   public void userCanGetToPulseLoginPage() {
-    webDriverRule.getDriver().get(serverRule.getPulseURL() + "Login.html");
+    webDriverRule.getDriver().get(serverRule.getPulseURL() + "login.html");
     WebElement userNameElement = webDriverRule.getDriver().findElement("user_name"));
     WebElement passwordElement = webDriverRule.getDriver().findElement("user_password"));