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Posted to by Paul Lynch <> on 2006/03/15 20:17:47 UTC

FunctionQuery example request


I have implemented the DistanceComparatorSource
example from Lucene In Action (my Bible) and it works
great. We are now in the situation where we have
nearly a million documents in our index and the
performance of this implementation has degraded.

I have downloaded and am trying to understand the classes created by Mr
Seeley but must admit to being a little bit out of my
league with all the different elements involved. I
have read through various threads which make reference
to using the FunctionQuery class for different means
but I am struggling to fully understand the steps I
need to take.

Can someone please spare a couple of minutes to give
me an example of how I would implement a FunctionQuery
to score each of the documents matched in my boolean


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Re: FunctionQuery example request

Posted by Brian Riddle <>.
Hej Paul,

I have implemented the DistanceComparatorSource
> example from Lucene In Action (my Bible) and it works
> great. We are now in the situation where we have
> nearly a million documents in our index and the
> performance of this implementation has degraded.

I have had the same problem with DistanceComparatorSource from Lucene In
Action.  After doing some profiling
found that if you do not implement equals and hashcode in at least class
that implments SortComparatorSort
a memory leak is created.

The sorting api in lucene keeps a cache of SortComparators in
This cache is based on 3 things
1) IndexReader
2) Field you are sorting
3) Compartor you are using

If your compartor does not implement equals and hashcode your are getting
penalized twice as the int[] you are using is being created *everytime* the
sort is used and the internal cache in FieldCacheImpl grows overtime.

We had a similar degradation when using lucene until we implemented a equals
and hascode in out SortComparatorSort.

We were using lucene-1.4.3 at the time and tried different combinations of
versions of java(1.4.2 compared to 1.5) and lucene. In our environment we
found that the best increase was by upgrading to lucene-1.9.1.
A little more info can be found here


Re: FunctionQuery example request

Posted by Chris Hostetter <>.
: I have implemented the DistanceComparatorSource
: example from Lucene In Action (my Bible) and it works
: great. We are now in the situation where we have
: nearly a million documents in our index and the
: performance of this implementation has degraded.

: Can someone please spare a couple of minutes to give
: me an example of how I would implement a FunctionQuery
: to score each of the documents matched in my boolean
: query?

First off...

I'm not sure if replacing your DistanceComparatorSource with a
FunctionQuery that conputes the distance will result in a performance
improvment -- either way you'r computing the distance for every match.
Where using a FunctionQuery has it's greatest benefits is when you want
the order of results to be based not just on an equation (like you can
impliment with a SortComparatorSource) but by a score that is heavily
influenced using that equation.

That said, one approach using FunctionQuery that should improve the
performance over a SortComparatorSource that performs the same function,
would be to determine a "bounding box" and wrap your FunctionQuery
in a BooleanQuery with ConstantScoreRangeQueries that would enfoce this
bounding box -- that way your Function will only be asked to perform it's
computation on the items that are "near by" and you wont spend a lot of
time computing the distance on the less important (farther out) results.

For example, if you had a DistanceFunctionQuery, instead of using it like
this (psuedocode)

  Query mainQuery = ...
  BooleanQuery wrapper = new BooleanQuery()
  wrapper.add(mainQuery, MANDATORY)
  wrapper.add(new FunctionQuery(...), OPTIONAL)

...use something like this...

  Query mainQuery = ...
  BooleanQuery wrapper = new BooleanQuery()
  wrapper.add(mainQuery, MANDATORY)
  BooleanQuery sub = new BooleanQuery()
  sub.add(new FunctionQuery(...), OPTIONAL)
  sub.add(new ConstantScoreRangeQuery(lonField, currentLon-buf, currentLon+buf))
  sub.add(new ConstantScoreRangeQuery(latField, currentLat-buf, currentLat+buf))
  wrapper.add(sub, OPTIONAL)

Okay .. all of that said, the best way to understand how to impliment your
own function, is to start by looking at an existing Function that does
some numeric calculation. I would suggest starting with

FunctionQueries work by dealing with ValueSources that determine the value
for a document.  LinearFloatFunction is a type of ValueSource that works
by computing a simple calculation on the results of another ValueSource.
ValueSources could be nested pretty much indefinitely, but eventually you
want to deal with acctaul data from the index -- which is where
IntFieldSource or FloatFieldSource come in -- they are very simple
ValueSource implimentations that just returns the value of an indexed
numeric field using the FieldCache.

If you look at the source for LinearFloatFunction. you'll see that it
takes one ValueSource in it's constructor, and then in it's
getValues(IndexReader) method it uses the values from that ValueSource in
a linear equation.

to achieve similar results with a distance equation, you would want your
DistanceFunction to take in two ValueSources (one for the longitude field,
and one for the latitude field) and your range.  then just override the
getValues(IndexReader) function to do the calculation you want.

you would then use it soemthing like this...

   FunctionQuery fq = new FunctionQuery(
          new DistanceFunction(
             new FloatFieldSource("latFieldName"),
             new FloatFieldSource("lonFieldName"),


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