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+      <h1>Apache Flink 1.3.0 Release Announcement</h1>
+      <article>
+        <p>01 Jun 2017 by Robert Metzger (<a href="">@rmetzger_</a>)</p>
+<p>The Apache Flink community is pleased to announce the 1.3.0 release. Over the past 4 months, the Flink community has been working hard to resolve more than 680 issues. See the <a href="/blog/release_1.3.0-changelog.html">complete changelog</a> for more detail.</p>
+<p>This is the fourth major release in the 1.x.y series. It is API compatible with the other 1.x.y releases for APIs annotated with the @Public annotation.</p>
+<p>Users can expect Flink releases now in a 4 month cycle. At the beginning of the 1.3 <a href="">release cycle</a>, the community decided to follow a strict <a href="">time-based release model</a>.</p>
+<p>We encourage everyone to download the release and check out the <a href="">documentation</a>. Feedback through the <a href="">Flink mailing lists</a> is, as always, gladly encouraged!</p>
+<p>You can find the binaries on the updated <a href="">Downloads page</a>. Some highlights of the release are listed below.</p>
+<h1 id="large-state-handlingrecovery">Large State Handling/Recovery</h1>
+  <li>
+    <p><strong>Incremental Checkpointing for RocksDB</strong>: It is now possible to checkpoint only the difference from the previous successful checkpoint, rather than checkpointing the entire application state. This speeds up checkpointing and saves disk space, because the individual checkpoints are smaller. (<a href="">FLINK-5053</a>).</p>
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    <p><strong>Asynchronous snapshots for heap-based state backends</strong>: The filesystem and memory statebackends now also support asynchronous snapshots using a copy-on-write HashMap implementation. Asynchronous snapshotting makes Flink more resilient to slow storage systems and expensive serialization. The time an operator blocks on a snapshot is reduced to a minimum (<a href="">FLINK-6048</a>, <a href="">FLINK-5715</a>).</p>
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    <p><strong>Allow upgrades to state serializers:</strong> Users can now upgrade serializers, while keeping their application state. One use case of this is upgrading custom serializers used for managed operator state/keyed state. Also, registration order for POJO types/Kryo types is now no longer fixed (<a href="">Documentation</a>, <a href="">FLINK-6178</a>).</p>
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    <p><strong>Recover job state at the granularity of operator</strong>: Before Flink 1.3, operator state was bound to Flink’s internal “Task” representation. This made it hard to change a job’s topology while keeping its state around. With this change, users are allowed to do more topology changes (un-chain operators) by restoring state into logical operators instead of “Tasks” (<a href="">FLINK-5892</a>).</p>
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    <p><strong>Fine-grained recovery</strong> (beta): Instead of restarting the complete ExecutionGraph in case of a task failure, Flink is now able to restart only the affected subgraph and thereby significantly decrease recovery time (<a href="">FLINK-4256</a>).</p>
+  </li>
+<h1 id="datastream-api">DataStream API</h1>
+  <li>
+    <p><strong>Side Outputs</strong>: This change allows users to have more than one output stream for an operator. Operator metadata, internal system information (debugging, performance etc.) or rejected/late elements are potential use-cases for this new API feature. <strong>The Window operator is now using this new feature for late window elements</strong> (<a href="">Side Outputs Documentation</a>, <a href="">FLINK-4460</a>).</p>
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    <p><strong>Union Operator State</strong>: Flink 1.2.0 introduced broadcast state functionality, but this had not yet been exposed via a public API. Flink 1.3.0 provides the Union Operator State API for exposing broadcast operator state. The union state will send the entire state across all parallel instances to each instance on restore, giving each operator a full view of the state (<a href="">FLINK-5991</a>).</p>
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    <p><strong>Per-Window State</strong>: Previously, the state that a WindowFunction or ProcessWindowFunction could access was scoped to the key of the window but not the window itself. With this new feature, users can keep window state independent of the key (<a href="">FLINK-5929</a>).</p>
+  </li>
+<h1 id="deployment-and-tooling">Deployment and Tooling</h1>
+  <li>
+    <p><strong>Flink HistoryServer</strong>: Flink’s <a href="">HistoryServer</a> now allows you to query the status and statistics of completed jobs that have been archived by a JobManager (<a href="">FLINK-1579</a>).</p>
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    <p><strong>Watermark Monitoring in Web Front-end</strong>: For easier diagnosis of watermark issues, the Flink JobManager front-end now provides a new tab to track the watermark of each operator (<a href="">FLINK-3427</a>).</p>
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    <p><strong>Datadog HTTP Metrics Reporter</strong>: Datadog is a widely-used metrics system, and Flink now offers a <a href="">Datadog reporter</a> that contacts the Datadog http endpoint directly (<a href="">FLINK-6013</a>).</p>
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    <p><strong>Network Buffer Configuration</strong>: We finally got rid of the tedious network buffer configuration and replaced it with a more generic approach. First of all, you may now follow the idiom “more is better” without any penalty on the latency which could previously occur due to excessive buffering in incoming and outgoing channels. Secondly, instead of defining an absolute number of network buffers, we now use fractions of the available JVM memory (10% by default). This should cover more use cases by default and may also be tweaked by defining a minimum and maximum size.</p>
+  </li>
+<p>→ See <a href="">Configuring the Network Buffers</a> in the Flink documentation.</p>
+<h1 id="table-api--sql">Table API / SQL</h1>
+  <li>
+    <p><strong>Support for Retractions in Table API / SQL</strong>: As part of our endeavor to support continuous queries on <a href="">Dynamic Tables</a>, Retraction is an important building block that will enable a whole range of new applications which require updating previously-emitted results. Examples for such use cases are computation of early results for long-running windows, updates due to late arriving data, or maintaining constantly changing results similar to materialized views in relational database systems. Flink 1.3.0 supports retraction for non-windowed aggregates. Results with updates can be either converted into a DataStream or materialized to external data stores using TableSinks with upsert or retraction support.</p>
+  </li>
+  <li><strong>Extended support for aggregations in Table API / SQL</strong>: With Flink 1.3.0, the Table API and SQL support many more types of aggregations, including
+    <ul>
+      <li>
+        <p>GROUP BY window aggregations in SQL (via the window functions <a href="">TUMBLE, HOP, and SESSION windows</a>) for both batch and streaming.</p>
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <p>SQL OVER window aggregations (only for streaming)</p>
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <p>Non-windowed aggregations (in streaming with retractions).</p>
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <p>User-defined aggregation functions for custom aggregation logic.</p>
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+  <li><strong>External catalog support</strong>: The Table API &amp; SQL allows to register external catalogs. Table API and SQL queries can then have access to table sources and their schema from the external catalogs without register those tables one by one.</li>
+<p>→ See <a href="">the Flink documentation</a> for details about these features.</p>
+<div class="alert alert-warning">
+  The Table API / SQL documentation is currently being reworked. The community plans to publish the updated docs in the week of June 5th.
+<h1 id="connectors">Connectors</h1>
+  <li>
+    <p><strong>ElasticSearch 5.x support</strong>: The ElasticSearch connectors have been restructured to have a common base module and specific modules for ES 1, 2 and 5, similar to how the Kafka connectors are organized. This will make fixes and future improvements available across all ES versions (<a href="">FLINK-4988</a>).</p>
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    <p><strong>Allow rescaling the Kinesis Consumer</strong>: Flink 1.2.0 introduced rescalable state for DataStream programs. With Flink 1.3, the Kinesis Consumer also makes use of that engine feature (<a href="">FLINK-4821</a>).</p>
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    <p><strong>Transparent shard discovery for Kinesis Consumer</strong>: The Kinesis consumer can now discover new shards without failing / restarting jobs when a resharding is happening (<a href="">FLINK-4577</a>).</p>
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    <p><strong>Allow setting custom start positions for the Kafka consumer</strong>: With this change, you can instruct Flink’s Kafka consumer to start reading messages from a specific offset (<a href="">FLINK-3123</a>) or earliest / latest offset (<a href="">FLINK-4280</a>) without respecting committed offsets in Kafka.</p>
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    <p><strong>Allow out-opt from offset committing for the Kafka consumer</strong>: By default, Kafka commits the offsets to the Kafka broker once a checkpoint has been completed. This change allows users to disable this mechanism (<a href="">FLINK-3398</a>).</p>
+  </li>
+<h1 id="cep-library">CEP Library</h1>
+<p>The CEP library has been greatly enhanced and is now able to accommodate more use-cases out-of-the-box (expressivity enhancements), make more efficient use of the available resources, adjust to changing runtime conditions–all without breaking backwards compatibility of operator state.</p>
+<p>Please note that the API of the CEP library has been updated with this release.</p>
+<p>Below are some of the main features of the revamped CEP library:</p>
+  <li>
+    <p><strong>Make CEP operators rescalable</strong>: Flink 1.2.0 introduced rescalable state for DataStream programs. With Flink 1.3, the CEP library also makes use of that engine feature (<a href="">FLINK-5420</a>).</p>
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    <p><strong>State Cleanup and Late element handling</strong>: The CEP library will now output late elements using the newly introduced side outputs (<a href="">FLINK-6205</a>, <a href="">FLINK-5174</a>).</p>
+  </li>
+  <li>
+    <p><strong>New operators for the CEP library</strong>:</p>
+    <ul>
+      <li>
+        <p>Quantifiers (*,+,?) for the pattern API (<a href="">FLINK-3318</a>)</p>
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <p>Support for different continuity requirements (<a href="">FLINK-6208</a>)</p>
+      </li>
+      <li>
+        <p>Support for iterative conditions (<a href="">FLINK-6197</a>)</p>
+      </li>
+    </ul>
+  </li>
+<h1 id="gelly-library">Gelly Library</h1>
+  <li>
+    <p>PageRank algorithm for directed graphs</p>
+  </li>
+  <li>Unified driver for running Gelly examples <a href="">FLINK-4949</a>).</li>
+  <li>PageRank algorithm for directed graphs (<a href="">FLINK-4896</a>).</li>
+  <li>Add Circulant and Echo graph generators (<a href="">FLINK-6393</a>).</li>
+<div class="alert alert-warning">
+  There are two <strong>known issues</strong> in Flink 1.3.0. Both will be addressed in the next <i>1.3.1</i> release.
+  <br />
+  <ul>
+  	<li><a href="">FLINK-6783</a>: Wrongly extracted TypeInformations for <code>WindowedStream::aggregate</code></li>
+  	<li><a href="">FLINK-6783</a>: StateDescriptor cannot be shared by multiple subtasks</li>
+  </ul> 
+<h1 id="list-of-contributors">List of Contributors</h1>
+<p>According to git shortlog, the following 103 people contributed to the 1.3.0 release. Thank you to all contributors!</p>
+<p>Addison Higham, Alexey Diomin, Aljoscha Krettek, Andrea Sella, Andrey Melentyev, Anton Mushin, barcahead, biao.liub, Bowen Li, Chen Qin, Chico Sokol, David Anderson, Dawid Wysakowicz, DmytroShkvyra, Fabian Hueske, Fabian Wollert, fengyelei, Flavio Pompermaier, FlorianFan, Fokko Driesprong, Geoffrey Mon, godfreyhe, gosubpl, Greg Hogan, guowei.mgw, hamstah, Haohui Mai, Hequn Cheng, hequn.chq, heytitle, hongyuhong, Jamie Grier, Jark Wu, jingzhang, Jinkui Shi, Jin Mingjian, Joerg Schad, Joshua Griffith, Jürgen Thomann, kaibozhou, Kathleen Sharp, Ken Geis, kkloudas, Kurt Young, lincoln-lil, lingjinjiang, liuyuzhong7, Lorenz Buehmann, manuzhang, Marc Tremblay, Mauro Cortellazzi, Max Kuklinski, mengji.fy, Mike Dias, mtunique, Nico Kruber, Omar Erminy, Patrick Lucas, paul, phoenixjiangnan, rami-alisawi, Ramkrishna, Rick Cox, Robert Metzger, Rodrigo Bonifacio, rtudoran, Seth Wiesman, Shaoxuan Wang, shijinkui, shuai.xus, Shuyi Chen, spkavuly, Stefano Bortoli, Stefan Richter, Stephan Ewen,
  Stephen Gran, sunjincheng121, tedyu, Till Rohrmann, tonycox, Tony Wei, twalthr, Tzu-Li (Gordon) Tai, Ufuk Celebi, Ventura Del Monte, Vijay Srinivasaraghavan, WangTaoTheTonic, wenlong.lwl, xccui, xiaogang.sxg, Xpray, zcb, zentol, zhangminglei, Zhenghua Gao, Zhijiang, Zhuoluo Yang, zjureel, Zohar Mizrahi, 士远, 槿瑜, 淘江, 金竹</p>
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   -DartifactId=$PACKAGE								\
   -Dversion=0.1										\
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index 95a6ac2..de9fb2a 100755
--- a/content/q/
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@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ PACKAGE=quickstart
 mvn archetype:generate								\
   -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.flink 				\
   -DarchetypeArtifactId=flink-quickstart-scala		\
-  -DarchetypeVersion=1.3-SNAPSHOT					\
+  -DarchetypeVersion=1.4-SNAPSHOT					\
   -DgroupId=org.myorg.quickstart					\
   -DartifactId=$PACKAGE								\
   -Dversion=0.1										\
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index a561efe..8df488a 100755
--- a/content/q/
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@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ PACKAGE=quickstart
 mvn archetype:generate								\
   -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.flink				\
   -DarchetypeArtifactId=flink-quickstart-scala		\
-  -DarchetypeVersion=1.2.0							\
+  -DarchetypeVersion=1.3.0							\
   -DgroupId=org.myorg.quickstart					\
   -DartifactId=$PACKAGE								\
   -Dversion=0.1										\
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index b1322e3..36811da 100755
--- a/content/q/
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 mvn archetype:generate								\
   -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.flink				\
   -DarchetypeArtifactId=flink-quickstart-java		\
-  -DarchetypeVersion=1.2.0							\
+  -DarchetypeVersion=1.3.0							\
   -DgroupId=org.myorg.quickstart					\
   -DartifactId=$PACKAGE								\
   -Dversion=0.1										\
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index 48df995..7f0b6be 100755
--- a/content/q/
+++ b/content/q/
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ defaultProjectName="Flink Project"
 echo "This script creates a Flink project using Scala and SBT."
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index 8551174..b1974a7 100644
--- a/content/slides.html
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-                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.3 (Snapshot) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
+                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.3 (Latest stable release) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
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@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
 <h2 id="slides">Slides</h2>
-<p><strong>Note</strong>: Keep in mind that code examples on slides have a chance of being incomplete or outdated. Always refer to the <a href="">latest documentation</a> for an up to date reference.</p>
+<p><strong>Note</strong>: Keep in mind that code examples on slides have a chance of being incomplete or outdated. Always refer to the <a href="">latest documentation</a> for an up to date reference.</p>
 <h3 id="section">2017</h3>
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-                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.3 (Snapshot) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
+                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.3 (Latest stable release) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
+                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.4 (Snapshot) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
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index 8e31aa7..fb6d655 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -96,6 +96,7 @@ You can add the following dependencies to your `pom.xml` to include Apache Flink
 ## All releases
+- Flink 1.2.1 - 2017-04-26 ([Source](, [Binaries](, [Docs]({{site.DOCS_BASE_URL}}flink-docs-release-1.2/), [Javadocs]({{site.DOCS_BASE_URL}}flink-docs-release-1.2/api/java), [ScalaDocs]({{site.DOCS_BASE_URL}}flink-docs-release-1.2/api/scala/index.html))
 - Flink 1.2.0 - 2017-02-06 ([Source](, [Binaries](, [Docs]({{site.DOCS_BASE_URL}}flink-docs-release-1.2/), [Javadocs]({{site.DOCS_BASE_URL}}flink-docs-release-1.2/api/java), [ScalaDocs]({{site.DOCS_BASE_URL}}flink-docs-release-1.2/api/scala/index.html))
 - Flink 1.1.5 - 2017-03-22 ([Source](, [Binaries](, [Docs]({{site.DOCS_BASE_URL}}flink-docs-release-1.1/), [Javadocs]({{site.DOCS_BASE_URL}}flink-docs-release-1.1/api/java), [ScalaDocs]({{site.DOCS_BASE_URL}}flink-docs-release-1.1/api/scala/index.html))
 - Flink 1.1.4 - 2016-12-21 ([Source](, [Binaries](, [Docs]({{site.DOCS_BASE_URL}}flink-docs-release-1.1/), [Javadocs]({{site.DOCS_BASE_URL}}flink-docs-release-1.1/api/java), [ScalaDocs]({{site.DOCS_BASE_URL}}flink-docs-release-1.1/api/scala/index.html))
diff --git a/q/ b/q/
index 7670328..69dd94e 100755
--- a/q/
+++ b/q/
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ PACKAGE=quickstart
 mvn archetype:generate								\
   -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.flink				\
   -DarchetypeArtifactId=flink-quickstart-java		\
-  -DarchetypeVersion=1.3-SNAPSHOT					\
+  -DarchetypeVersion=1.4-SNAPSHOT					\
   -DgroupId=org.myorg.quickstart 					\
   -DartifactId=$PACKAGE								\
   -Dversion=0.1										\
diff --git a/q/ b/q/
index 95a6ac2..de9fb2a 100755
--- a/q/
+++ b/q/
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ PACKAGE=quickstart
 mvn archetype:generate								\
   -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.flink 				\
   -DarchetypeArtifactId=flink-quickstart-scala		\
-  -DarchetypeVersion=1.3-SNAPSHOT					\
+  -DarchetypeVersion=1.4-SNAPSHOT					\
   -DgroupId=org.myorg.quickstart					\
   -DartifactId=$PACKAGE								\
   -Dversion=0.1										\
diff --git a/q/ b/q/
index a561efe..8df488a 100755
--- a/q/
+++ b/q/
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ PACKAGE=quickstart
 mvn archetype:generate								\
   -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.flink				\
   -DarchetypeArtifactId=flink-quickstart-scala		\
-  -DarchetypeVersion=1.2.0							\
+  -DarchetypeVersion=1.3.0							\
   -DgroupId=org.myorg.quickstart					\
   -DartifactId=$PACKAGE								\
   -Dversion=0.1										\
diff --git a/q/ b/q/
index b1322e3..36811da 100755
--- a/q/
+++ b/q/
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ PACKAGE=quickstart
 mvn archetype:generate								\
   -DarchetypeGroupId=org.apache.flink				\
   -DarchetypeArtifactId=flink-quickstart-java		\
-  -DarchetypeVersion=1.2.0							\
+  -DarchetypeVersion=1.3.0							\
   -DgroupId=org.myorg.quickstart					\
   -DartifactId=$PACKAGE								\
   -Dversion=0.1										\
diff --git a/q/ b/q/
index 48df995..7f0b6be 100755
--- a/q/
+++ b/q/
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ defaultProjectName="Flink Project"
 echo "This script creates a Flink project using Scala and SBT."

[5/7] flink-web git commit: Add Flink 1.3.0 release announcement

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diff --git a/content/blog/feed.xml b/content/blog/feed.xml
index 57b6876..5b37a9a 100644
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 <atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
+<title>Apache Flink 1.3.0 Release Announcement</title>
+<description>&lt;p&gt;The Apache Flink community is pleased to announce the 1.3.0 release. Over the past 4 months, the Flink community has been working hard to resolve more than 680 issues. See the &lt;a href=&quot;/blog/release_1.3.0-changelog.html&quot;&gt;complete changelog&lt;/a&gt; for more detail.&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p&gt;This is the fourth major release in the 1.x.y series. It is API compatible with the other 1.x.y releases for APIs annotated with the @Public annotation.&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p&gt;Users can expect Flink releases now in a 4 month cycle. At the beginning of the 1.3 &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;release cycle&lt;/a&gt;, the community decided to follow a strict &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;time-based release model&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p&gt;We encourage everyone to download the release and check out the &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;documentation&lt;/a&gt;. Feedback through the &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Flink mailing lists&lt;/a&gt; is, as always, gladly encouraged!&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p&gt;You can find the binaries on the updated &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Downloads page&lt;/a&gt;. Some highlights of the release are listed below.&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;h1 id=&quot;large-state-handlingrecovery&quot;&gt;Large State Handling/Recovery&lt;/h1&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;
+    &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Incremental Checkpointing for RocksDB&lt;/strong&gt;: It is now possible to checkpoint only the difference from the previous successful checkpoint, rather than checkpointing the entire application state. This speeds up checkpointing and saves disk space, because the individual checkpoints are smaller. (&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;FLINK-5053&lt;/a&gt;).&lt;/p&gt;
+  &lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;
+    &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Asynchronous snapshots for heap-based state backends&lt;/strong&gt;: The filesystem and memory statebackends now also support asynchronous snapshots using a copy-on-write HashMap implementation. Asynchronous snapshotting makes Flink more resilient to slow storage systems and expensive serialization. The time an operator blocks on a snapshot is reduced to a minimum (&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;FLINK-6048&lt;/a&gt;, &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;FLINK-5715&lt;/a&gt;).&lt;/p&gt;
+  &lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;
+    &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Allow upgrades to state serializers:&lt;/strong&gt; Users can now upgrade serializers, while keeping their application state. One use case of this is upgrading custom serializers used for managed operator state/keyed state. Also, registration order for POJO types/Kryo types is now no longer fixed (&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Documentation&lt;/a&gt;, &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;FLINK-6178&lt;/a&gt;).&lt;/p&gt;
+  &lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;
+    &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Recover job state at the granularity of operator&lt;/strong&gt;: Before Flink 1.3, operator state was bound to Flink’s internal “Task” representation. This made it hard to change a job’s topology while keeping its state around. With this change, users are allowed to do more topology changes (un-chain operators) by restoring state into logical operators instead of “Tasks” (&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;FLINK-5892&lt;/a&gt;).&lt;/p&gt;
+  &lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;
+    &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Fine-grained recovery&lt;/strong&gt; (beta): Instead of restarting the complete ExecutionGraph in case of a task failure, Flink is now able to restart only the affected subgraph and thereby significantly decrease recovery time (&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;FLINK-4256&lt;/a&gt;).&lt;/p&gt;
+  &lt;/li&gt;
+&lt;h1 id=&quot;datastream-api&quot;&gt;DataStream API&lt;/h1&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;
+    &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Side Outputs&lt;/strong&gt;: This change allows users to have more than one output stream for an operator. Operator metadata, internal system information (debugging, performance etc.) or rejected/late elements are potential use-cases for this new API feature. &lt;strong&gt;The Window operator is now using this new feature for late window elements&lt;/strong&gt; (&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Side Outputs Documentation&lt;/a&gt;, &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;FLINK-4460&lt;/a&gt;).&lt;/p&gt;
+  &lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;
+    &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Union Operator State&lt;/strong&gt;: Flink 1.2.0 introduced broadcast state functionality, but this had not yet been exposed via a public API. Flink 1.3.0 provides the Union Operator State API for exposing broadcast operator state. The union state will send the entire state across all parallel instances to each instance on restore, giving each operator a full view of the state (&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;FLINK-5991&lt;/a&gt;).&lt;/p&gt;
+  &lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;
+    &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Per-Window State&lt;/strong&gt;: Previously, the state that a WindowFunction or ProcessWindowFunction could access was scoped to the key of the window but not the window itself. With this new feature, users can keep window state independent of the key (&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;FLINK-5929&lt;/a&gt;).&lt;/p&gt;
+  &lt;/li&gt;
+&lt;h1 id=&quot;deployment-and-tooling&quot;&gt;Deployment and Tooling&lt;/h1&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;
+    &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Flink HistoryServer&lt;/strong&gt;: Flink’s &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;HistoryServer&lt;/a&gt; now allows you to query the status and statistics of completed jobs that have been archived by a JobManager (&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;FLINK-1579&lt;/a&gt;).&lt;/p&gt;
+  &lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;
+    &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Watermark Monitoring in Web Front-end&lt;/strong&gt;: For easier diagnosis of watermark issues, the Flink JobManager front-end now provides a new tab to track the watermark of each operator (&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;FLINK-3427&lt;/a&gt;).&lt;/p&gt;
+  &lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;
+    &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Datadog HTTP Metrics Reporter&lt;/strong&gt;: Datadog is a widely-used metrics system, and Flink now offers a &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Datadog reporter&lt;/a&gt; that contacts the Datadog http endpoint directly (&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;FLINK-6013&lt;/a&gt;).&lt;/p&gt;
+  &lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;
+    &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Network Buffer Configuration&lt;/strong&gt;: We finally got rid of the tedious network buffer configuration and replaced it with a more generic approach. First of all, you may now follow the idiom “more is better” without any penalty on the latency which could previously occur due to excessive buffering in incoming and outgoing channels. Secondly, instead of defining an absolute number of network buffers, we now use fractions of the available JVM memory (10% by default). This should cover more use cases by default and may also be tweaked by defining a minimum and maximum size.&lt;/p&gt;
+  &lt;/li&gt;
+&lt;p&gt;→ See &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Configuring the Network Buffers&lt;/a&gt; in the Flink documentation.&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;h1 id=&quot;table-api--sql&quot;&gt;Table API / SQL&lt;/h1&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;
+    &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Support for Retractions in Table API / SQL&lt;/strong&gt;: As part of our endeavor to support continuous queries on &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Dynamic Tables&lt;/a&gt;, Retraction is an important building block that will enable a whole range of new applications which require updating previously-emitted results. Examples for such use cases are computation of early results for long-running windows, updates due to late arriving data, or maintaining constantly changing results similar to materialized views in relational database systems. Flink 1.3.0 supports retraction for non-windowed aggregates. Results with updates can be either converted into a DataStream or materialized to external data stores using TableSinks with upsert or retraction support.&lt;/p&gt;
+  &lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Extended support for aggregations in Table API / SQL&lt;/strong&gt;: With Flink 1.3.0, the Table API and SQL support many more types of aggregations, including
+    &lt;ul&gt;
+      &lt;li&gt;
+        &lt;p&gt;GROUP BY window aggregations in SQL (via the window functions &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;TUMBLE, HOP, and SESSION windows&lt;/a&gt;) for both batch and streaming.&lt;/p&gt;
+      &lt;/li&gt;
+      &lt;li&gt;
+        &lt;p&gt;SQL OVER window aggregations (only for streaming)&lt;/p&gt;
+      &lt;/li&gt;
+      &lt;li&gt;
+        &lt;p&gt;Non-windowed aggregations (in streaming with retractions).&lt;/p&gt;
+      &lt;/li&gt;
+      &lt;li&gt;
+        &lt;p&gt;User-defined aggregation functions for custom aggregation logic.&lt;/p&gt;
+      &lt;/li&gt;
+    &lt;/ul&gt;
+  &lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;&lt;strong&gt;External catalog support&lt;/strong&gt;: The Table API &amp;amp; SQL allows to register external catalogs. Table API and SQL queries can then have access to table sources and their schema from the external catalogs without register those tables one by one.&lt;/li&gt;
+&lt;p&gt;→ See &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;the Flink documentation&lt;/a&gt; for details about these features.&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;div class=&quot;alert alert-warning&quot;&gt;
+  The Table API / SQL documentation is currently being reworked. The community plans to publish the updated docs in the week of June 5th.
+&lt;h1 id=&quot;connectors&quot;&gt;Connectors&lt;/h1&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;
+    &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;ElasticSearch 5.x support&lt;/strong&gt;: The ElasticSearch connectors have been restructured to have a common base module and specific modules for ES 1, 2 and 5, similar to how the Kafka connectors are organized. This will make fixes and future improvements available across all ES versions (&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;FLINK-4988&lt;/a&gt;).&lt;/p&gt;
+  &lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;
+    &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Allow rescaling the Kinesis Consumer&lt;/strong&gt;: Flink 1.2.0 introduced rescalable state for DataStream programs. With Flink 1.3, the Kinesis Consumer also makes use of that engine feature (&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;FLINK-4821&lt;/a&gt;).&lt;/p&gt;
+  &lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;
+    &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Transparent shard discovery for Kinesis Consumer&lt;/strong&gt;: The Kinesis consumer can now discover new shards without failing / restarting jobs when a resharding is happening (&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;FLINK-4577&lt;/a&gt;).&lt;/p&gt;
+  &lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;
+    &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Allow setting custom start positions for the Kafka consumer&lt;/strong&gt;: With this change, you can instruct Flink’s Kafka consumer to start reading messages from a specific offset (&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;FLINK-3123&lt;/a&gt;) or earliest / latest offset (&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;FLINK-4280&lt;/a&gt;) without respecting committed offsets in Kafka.&lt;/p&gt;
+  &lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;
+    &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Allow out-opt from offset committing for the Kafka consumer&lt;/strong&gt;: By default, Kafka commits the offsets to the Kafka broker once a checkpoint has been completed. This change allows users to disable this mechanism (&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;FLINK-3398&lt;/a&gt;).&lt;/p&gt;
+  &lt;/li&gt;
+&lt;h1 id=&quot;cep-library&quot;&gt;CEP Library&lt;/h1&gt;
+&lt;p&gt;The CEP library has been greatly enhanced and is now able to accommodate more use-cases out-of-the-box (expressivity enhancements), make more efficient use of the available resources, adjust to changing runtime conditions–all without breaking backwards compatibility of operator state.&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p&gt;Please note that the API of the CEP library has been updated with this release.&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p&gt;Below are some of the main features of the revamped CEP library:&lt;/p&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;
+    &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;Make CEP operators rescalable&lt;/strong&gt;: Flink 1.2.0 introduced rescalable state for DataStream programs. With Flink 1.3, the CEP library also makes use of that engine feature (&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;FLINK-5420&lt;/a&gt;).&lt;/p&gt;
+  &lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;
+    &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;State Cleanup and Late element handling&lt;/strong&gt;: The CEP library will now output late elements using the newly introduced side outputs (&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;FLINK-6205&lt;/a&gt;, &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;FLINK-5174&lt;/a&gt;).&lt;/p&gt;
+  &lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;
+    &lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;New operators for the CEP library&lt;/strong&gt;:&lt;/p&gt;
+    &lt;ul&gt;
+      &lt;li&gt;
+        &lt;p&gt;Quantifiers (*,+,?) for the pattern API (&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;FLINK-3318&lt;/a&gt;)&lt;/p&gt;
+      &lt;/li&gt;
+      &lt;li&gt;
+        &lt;p&gt;Support for different continuity requirements (&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;FLINK-6208&lt;/a&gt;)&lt;/p&gt;
+      &lt;/li&gt;
+      &lt;li&gt;
+        &lt;p&gt;Support for iterative conditions (&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;FLINK-6197&lt;/a&gt;)&lt;/p&gt;
+      &lt;/li&gt;
+    &lt;/ul&gt;
+  &lt;/li&gt;
+&lt;h1 id=&quot;gelly-library&quot;&gt;Gelly Library&lt;/h1&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;
+    &lt;p&gt;PageRank algorithm for directed graphs&lt;/p&gt;
+  &lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;Unified driver for running Gelly examples &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;FLINK-4949&lt;/a&gt;).&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;PageRank algorithm for directed graphs (&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;FLINK-4896&lt;/a&gt;).&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;li&gt;Add Circulant and Echo graph generators (&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;FLINK-6393&lt;/a&gt;).&lt;/li&gt;
+&lt;div class=&quot;alert alert-warning&quot;&gt;
+  There are two &lt;strong&gt;known issues&lt;/strong&gt; in Flink 1.3.0. Both will be addressed in the next &lt;i&gt;1.3.1&lt;/i&gt; release.
+  &lt;br /&gt;
+  &lt;ul&gt;
+  	&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;FLINK-6783&lt;/a&gt;: Wrongly extracted TypeInformations for &lt;code&gt;WindowedStream::aggregate&lt;/code&gt;&lt;/li&gt;
+  	&lt;li&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;FLINK-6783&lt;/a&gt;: StateDescriptor cannot be shared by multiple subtasks&lt;/li&gt;
+  &lt;/ul&gt; 
+&lt;h1 id=&quot;list-of-contributors&quot;&gt;List of Contributors&lt;/h1&gt;
+&lt;p&gt;According to git shortlog, the following 103 people contributed to the 1.3.0 release. Thank you to all contributors!&lt;/p&gt;
+&lt;p&gt;Addison Higham, Alexey Diomin, Aljoscha Krettek, Andrea Sella, Andrey Melentyev, Anton Mushin, barcahead, biao.liub, Bowen Li, Chen Qin, Chico Sokol, David Anderson, Dawid Wysakowicz, DmytroShkvyra, Fabian Hueske, Fabian Wollert, fengyelei, Flavio Pompermaier, FlorianFan, Fokko Driesprong, Geoffrey Mon, godfreyhe, gosubpl, Greg Hogan, guowei.mgw, hamstah, Haohui Mai, Hequn Cheng, hequn.chq, heytitle, hongyuhong, Jamie Grier, Jark Wu, jingzhang, Jinkui Shi, Jin Mingjian, Joerg Schad, Joshua Griffith, Jürgen Thomann, kaibozhou, Kathleen Sharp, Ken Geis, kkloudas, Kurt Young, lincoln-lil, lingjinjiang, liuyuzhong7, Lorenz Buehmann, manuzhang, Marc Tremblay, Mauro Cortellazzi, Max Kuklinski, mengji.fy, Mike Dias, mtunique, Nico Kruber, Omar Erminy, Patrick Lucas, paul, phoenixjiangnan, rami-alisawi, Ramkrishna, Rick Cox, Robert Metzger, Rodrigo Bonifacio, rtudoran, Seth Wiesman, Shaoxuan Wang, shijinkui, shuai.xus, Shuyi Chen, spkavuly, Stefano Bortoli, Stefan Richter, Stephan
  Ewen, Stephen Gran, sunjincheng121, tedyu, Till Rohrmann, tonycox, Tony Wei, twalthr, Tzu-Li (Gordon) Tai, Ufuk Celebi, Ventura Del Monte, Vijay Srinivasaraghavan, WangTaoTheTonic, wenlong.lwl, xccui, xiaogang.sxg, Xpray, zcb, zentol, zhangminglei, Zhenghua Gao, Zhijiang, Zhuoluo Yang, zjureel, Zohar Mizrahi, 士远, 槿瑜, 淘江, 金竹&lt;/p&gt;
+<pubDate>Thu, 01 Jun 2017 14:00:00 +0200</pubDate>
+<guid isPermaLink="true">/news/2017/06/01/release-1.3.0.html</guid>
 <title>Introducing Docker Images for Apache Flink</title>
 <description>&lt;p&gt;For some time, the Apache Flink community has provided scripts to build a Docker image to run Flink. Now, starting with version 1.2.1, Flink will have a &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Docker image&lt;/a&gt; on the Docker Hub. This image is maintained by the Flink community and curated by the &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;Docker&lt;/a&gt; team to ensure it meets the quality standards for container images of the Docker community.&lt;/p&gt;
@@ -4193,7 +4373,7 @@ register for the conference.&lt;/p&gt;
 several parts of the system. We suggest all users of Flink to work with this
 latest stable version.&lt;/p&gt;
-&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;/downloads.html&quot;&gt;Download the release&lt;/a&gt; and &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;check out the
+&lt;p&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;/downloads.html&quot;&gt;Download the release&lt;/a&gt; and &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;check out the
 documentation&lt;/a&gt;. Feedback through the Flink mailing lists
 is, as always, very welcome!&lt;/p&gt;
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-                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.2 (Latest stable release) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
-                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.3 (Snapshot) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
+                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.3 (Latest stable release) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
+                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.4 (Snapshot) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
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@@ -142,6 +142,19 @@
     <!-- Blog posts -->
+      <h2 class="blog-title"><a href="/news/2017/06/01/release-1.3.0.html">Apache Flink 1.3.0 Release Announcement</a></h2>
+      <p>01 Jun 2017 by Robert Metzger (<a href="">@rmetzger_</a>)</p>
+      <p><p>The Apache Flink community is pleased to announce the 1.3.0 release. Over the past 4 months, the Flink community has been working hard to resolve more than 680 issues. See the <a href="/blog/release_1.3.0-changelog.html">complete changelog</a> for more detail.</p>
+      <p><a href="/news/2017/06/01/release-1.3.0.html">Continue reading &raquo;</a></p>
+    </article>
+    <hr>
+    <article>
       <h2 class="blog-title"><a href="/news/2017/05/16/official-docker-image.html">Introducing Docker Images for Apache Flink</a></h2>
       <p>16 May 2017 by Patrick Lucas (Data Artisans) and Ismaël Mejía (Talend) (<a href="">@iemejia</a>)</p>
@@ -251,19 +264,6 @@
-    <article>
-      <h2 class="blog-title"><a href="/news/2016/09/05/release-1.1.2.html">Apache Flink 1.1.2 Released</a></h2>
-      <p>05 Sep 2016</p>
-      <p><p>The Apache Flink community released another bugfix version of the Apache Flink 1.1. series.</p>
-      <p><a href="/news/2016/09/05/release-1.1.2.html">Continue reading &raquo;</a></p>
-    </article>
-    <hr>
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@@ -296,6 +296,16 @@
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+      <li><a href="/news/2017/06/01/release-1.3.0.html">Apache Flink 1.3.0 Release Announcement</a></li>
       <li><a href="/news/2017/05/16/official-docker-image.html">Introducing Docker Images for Apache Flink</a></li>
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-                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.2 (Latest stable release) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
-                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.3 (Snapshot) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
+                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.3 (Latest stable release) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
+                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.4 (Snapshot) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
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+              <a href="" target="_blank">Quickstart <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a>
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@@ -142,6 +142,19 @@
     <!-- Blog posts -->
+      <h2 class="blog-title"><a href="/news/2016/09/05/release-1.1.2.html">Apache Flink 1.1.2 Released</a></h2>
+      <p>05 Sep 2016</p>
+      <p><p>The Apache Flink community released another bugfix version of the Apache Flink 1.1. series.</p>
+      <p><a href="/news/2016/09/05/release-1.1.2.html">Continue reading &raquo;</a></p>
+    </article>
+    <hr>
+    <article>
       <h2 class="blog-title"><a href="/news/2016/08/24/ff16-keynotes-panels.html">Flink Forward 2016: Announcing Schedule, Keynotes, and Panel Discussion</a></h2>
       <p>24 Aug 2016</p>
@@ -255,19 +268,6 @@
-    <article>
-      <h2 class="blog-title"><a href="/news/2016/03/08/release-1.0.0.html">Announcing Apache Flink 1.0.0</a></h2>
-      <p>08 Mar 2016</p>
-      <p><p>The Apache Flink community is pleased to announce the availability of the 1.0.0 release. The community put significant effort into improving and extending Apache Flink since the last release, focusing on improving the experience of writing and executing data stream processing pipelines in production.</p>
-      <p><a href="/news/2016/03/08/release-1.0.0.html">Continue reading &raquo;</a></p>
-    </article>
-    <hr>
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@@ -300,6 +300,16 @@
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+      <li><a href="/news/2017/06/01/release-1.3.0.html">Apache Flink 1.3.0 Release Announcement</a></li>
       <li><a href="/news/2017/05/16/official-docker-image.html">Introducing Docker Images for Apache Flink</a></li>
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-                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.2 (Latest stable release) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
-                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.3 (Snapshot) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
+                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.3 (Latest stable release) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
+                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.4 (Snapshot) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
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-              <a href="" target="_blank">Quickstart <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a>
+              <a href="" target="_blank">Quickstart <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a>
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@@ -142,6 +142,19 @@
     <!-- Blog posts -->
+      <h2 class="blog-title"><a href="/news/2016/03/08/release-1.0.0.html">Announcing Apache Flink 1.0.0</a></h2>
+      <p>08 Mar 2016</p>
+      <p><p>The Apache Flink community is pleased to announce the availability of the 1.0.0 release. The community put significant effort into improving and extending Apache Flink since the last release, focusing on improving the experience of writing and executing data stream processing pipelines in production.</p>
+      <p><a href="/news/2016/03/08/release-1.0.0.html">Continue reading &raquo;</a></p>
+    </article>
+    <hr>
+    <article>
       <h2 class="blog-title"><a href="/news/2016/02/11/release-0.10.2.html">Flink 0.10.2 Released</a></h2>
       <p>11 Feb 2016</p>
@@ -256,22 +269,6 @@ Apache Flink started.</p>
-    <article>
-      <h2 class="blog-title"><a href="/news/2015/08/24/introducing-flink-gelly.html">Introducing Gelly: Graph Processing with Apache Flink</a></h2>
-      <p>24 Aug 2015</p>
-      <p><p>This blog post introduces <strong>Gelly</strong>, Apache Flink’s <em>graph-processing API and library</em>. Flink’s native support
-for iterations makes it a suitable platform for large-scale graph analytics.
-By leveraging delta iterations, Gelly is able to map various graph processing models such as
-vertex-centric or gather-sum-apply to Flink dataflows.</p>
-      <p><a href="/news/2015/08/24/introducing-flink-gelly.html">Continue reading &raquo;</a></p>
-    </article>
-    <hr>
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@@ -304,6 +301,16 @@ vertex-centric or gather-sum-apply to Flink dataflows.</p>
     <ul id="markdown-toc">
+      <li><a href="/news/2017/06/01/release-1.3.0.html">Apache Flink 1.3.0 Release Announcement</a></li>
       <li><a href="/news/2017/05/16/official-docker-image.html">Introducing Docker Images for Apache Flink</a></li>
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-                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.2 (Latest stable release) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
-                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.3 (Snapshot) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
+                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.3 (Latest stable release) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
+                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.4 (Snapshot) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
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@@ -142,6 +142,22 @@
     <!-- Blog posts -->
+      <h2 class="blog-title"><a href="/news/2015/08/24/introducing-flink-gelly.html">Introducing Gelly: Graph Processing with Apache Flink</a></h2>
+      <p>24 Aug 2015</p>
+      <p><p>This blog post introduces <strong>Gelly</strong>, Apache Flink’s <em>graph-processing API and library</em>. Flink’s native support
+for iterations makes it a suitable platform for large-scale graph analytics.
+By leveraging delta iterations, Gelly is able to map various graph processing models such as
+vertex-centric or gather-sum-apply to Flink dataflows.</p>
+      <p><a href="/news/2015/08/24/introducing-flink-gelly.html">Continue reading &raquo;</a></p>
+    </article>
+    <hr>
+    <article>
       <h2 class="blog-title"><a href="/news/2015/06/24/announcing-apache-flink-0.9.0-release.html">Announcing Apache Flink 0.9.0</a></h2>
       <p>24 Jun 2015</p>
@@ -265,19 +281,6 @@ and offers a new API including definition of flexible windows.</p>
-    <article>
-      <h2 class="blog-title"><a href="/news/2015/01/21/release-0.8.html">Apache Flink 0.8.0 available</a></h2>
-      <p>21 Jan 2015</p>
-      <p><p>We are pleased to announce the availability of Flink 0.8.0. This release includes new user-facing features as well as performance and bug fixes, extends the support for filesystems and introduces the Scala API and flexible windowing semantics for Flink Streaming. A total of 33 people have contributed to this release, a big thanks to all of them!</p>
-      <p><a href="/news/2015/01/21/release-0.8.html">Continue reading &raquo;</a></p>
-    </article>
-    <hr>
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@@ -310,6 +313,16 @@ and offers a new API including definition of flexible windows.</p>
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+      <li><a href="/news/2017/06/01/release-1.3.0.html">Apache Flink 1.3.0 Release Announcement</a></li>
       <li><a href="/news/2017/05/16/official-docker-image.html">Introducing Docker Images for Apache Flink</a></li>
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-                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.2 (Latest stable release) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
-                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.3 (Snapshot) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
+                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.3 (Latest stable release) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
+                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.4 (Snapshot) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
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@@ -142,6 +142,19 @@
     <!-- Blog posts -->
+      <h2 class="blog-title"><a href="/news/2015/01/21/release-0.8.html">Apache Flink 0.8.0 available</a></h2>
+      <p>21 Jan 2015</p>
+      <p><p>We are pleased to announce the availability of Flink 0.8.0. This release includes new user-facing features as well as performance and bug fixes, extends the support for filesystems and introduces the Scala API and flexible windowing semantics for Flink Streaming. A total of 33 people have contributed to this release, a big thanks to all of them!</p>
+      <p><a href="/news/2015/01/21/release-0.8.html">Continue reading &raquo;</a></p>
+    </article>
+    <hr>
+    <article>
       <h2 class="blog-title"><a href="/news/2015/01/06/december-in-flink.html">December 2014 in the Flink community</a></h2>
       <p>06 Jan 2015</p>
@@ -254,6 +267,16 @@ academic and open source project that Flink originates from.</p>
     <ul id="markdown-toc">
+      <li><a href="/news/2017/06/01/release-1.3.0.html">Apache Flink 1.3.0 Release Announcement</a></li>
       <li><a href="/news/2017/05/16/official-docker-image.html">Introducing Docker Images for Apache Flink</a></li>
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-                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.3 (Snapshot) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
+                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.3 (Latest stable release) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
+                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.4 (Snapshot) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
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-                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.3 (Snapshot) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
+                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.3 (Latest stable release) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
+                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.4 (Snapshot) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
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+                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.3 (Latest stable release) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
+                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.4 (Snapshot) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
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[4/7] flink-web git commit: Add Flink 1.3.0 release announcement

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+    <h1>Release 1.3.0 – Changelog</h1>
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+  <li><a href="#changelog" id="markdown-toc-changelog">Changelog</a></li>
+<h2 id="changelog">Changelog</h2>
+<p>The 1.3.0 release <a href="">resolved 772 JIRA issues</a> in total.</p>
+<h2>        Sub-task
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-3722</a>] -         The divisions in the InMemorySorters&#39; swap/compare methods hurt performance
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-4562</a>] -         table examples make an divided module in flink-examples
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-4692</a>] -         Add tumbling group-windows for batch tables
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-4693</a>] -         Add session group-windows for batch tables	
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-4697</a>] -         Gather more detailed checkpoint stats in CheckpointStatsTracker
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-4698</a>] -         Visualize additional checkpoint information
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-4769</a>] -         Migrate Metrics configuration options
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-4912</a>] -         Introduce RECONCILING state in ExecutionGraph
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-4959</a>] -         Write Documentation for ProcessFunction
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-4994</a>] -         Don&#39;t Clear Trigger State and Merging Window Set When Purging
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5132</a>] -         Introduce the ResourceSpec for grouping different resource factors in API
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5133</a>] -         Support to set resource for operator in DataStream and DataSet
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5134</a>] -         Aggregate ResourceSpec for chained operators when generating job graph
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5135</a>] -         ResourceProfile for slot request should be expanded to correspond with ResourceSpec
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5219</a>] -         Add non-grouped session windows for batch tables
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5239</a>] -         Properly unpack thrown exceptions in RPC methods
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5268</a>] -         Split TableProgramsTestBase into TableProgramsCollectionTestBase and TableProgramsClusterTestBase
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5386</a>] -         Refactoring Window Clause
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5417</a>] -         Fix the wrong config file name 
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5435</a>] -         Cleanup the rules introduced by FLINK-5144 when calcite releases 1.12
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5454</a>] -         Add Documentation about how to tune Checkpointing for large state
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5456</a>] -         Add docs about new state and checkpointing interfaces
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5457</a>] -         Create documentation for Asynchronous I/O
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5458</a>] -         Add documentation how to migrate from Flink 1.1. to Flink 1.2
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5459</a>] -         Add documentation how to debug classloading issues
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5474</a>] -         Extend DC/OS documentation
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5494</a>] -         Improve Mesos documentation
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5501</a>] -         Determine whether the job starts from last JobManager failure
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5529</a>] -         Improve / extends windowing documentation
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5545</a>] -         Remove FlinkAggregateExpandDistinctAggregatesRule when upgrading to Calcite 1.12
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5555</a>] -         Add documentation about debugging watermarks
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5566</a>] -         Introduce structure to hold table and column level statistics
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5567</a>] -         Introduce and migrate current table statistics to FlinkStatistics
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5570</a>] -         Support register external catalog to table environment
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5618</a>] -         Add queryable state documentation
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5640</a>] -         configure the explicit Unit Test file suffix
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5653</a>] -         Add processing time OVER ROWS BETWEEN x PRECEDING aggregation to SQL
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5654</a>] -         Add processing time OVER RANGE BETWEEN x PRECEDING aggregation to SQL
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5655</a>] -         Add event time OVER RANGE BETWEEN x PRECEDING aggregation to SQL
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5656</a>] -         Add processing time OVER ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING aggregation to SQL
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5658</a>] -         Add event time OVER ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING aggregation to SQL
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5693</a>] -         ChecksumHashCode DataSetAnalytic
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5694</a>] -         Collect DataSetAnalytic
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5716</a>] -         Make streaming SourceContexts aware of source idleness
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5723</a>] -         Use &quot;Used&quot; instead of &quot;Initial&quot; to make taskmanager tag more readable
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5729</a>] -         add hostname option in SocketWindowWordCount example to be more convenient
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5767</a>] -         New aggregate function interface and built-in aggregate functions
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5768</a>] -         Apply new aggregation functions for datastream and dataset tables
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5777</a>] -         Pass savepoint information to CheckpointingOperation
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5794</a>] -         update the documentation  about “UDF/UDTF&quot;  support have parameters constructor.
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5795</a>] -         Improve UDF&amp;UDTF to support constructor with parameter
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5798</a>] -         Let the RPCService provide a ScheduledExecutorService
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5799</a>] -         Let RpcService.scheduleRunnable return ScheduledFuture
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5803</a>] -         Add [partitioned] processing time OVER RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING aggregation to SQL
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5804</a>] -         Add [non-partitioned] processing time OVER RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING aggregation to SQL
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5810</a>] -         Harden SlotManager
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5821</a>] -         Create StateBackend root interface
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5822</a>] -         Make Checkpoint Coordinator aware of State Backend
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5825</a>] -         In yarn mode, a small pic can not be loaded
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5845</a>] -         CEP: unify key and non-keyed operators
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5846</a>] -         CEP: make the operators backwards compatible.
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5869</a>] -         ExecutionGraph use FailoverCoordinator to manage the failover of execution vertexes
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5881</a>] -         ScalarFunction(UDF) should support variable types and variable arguments	
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5882</a>] -         TableFunction (UDTF) should support variable types and variable arguments
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5897</a>] -         Untie Checkpoint Externalization from FileSystems
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5903</a>] -         taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots and yarn.containers.vcores did not work well in YARN mode
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5906</a>] -         Add support to register UDAGG in Table and SQL API
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5909</a>] -         Interface for GraphAlgorithm results
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5910</a>] -         Framework for Gelly examples
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5911</a>] -         Command-line parameters
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5912</a>] -         Inputs for CSV and graph generators
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5913</a>] -         Example drivers
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5915</a>] -         Add support for the aggregate on multi fields
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5916</a>] -         make and working in YARN mode
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5927</a>] -         Remove old Aggregate interface and built-in functions
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5956</a>] -         Add retract method into the aggregateFunction
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5963</a>] -         Remove preparation mapper of DataSetAggregate
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5981</a>] -         SSL version and ciper suites cannot be constrained as configured
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5990</a>] -         Add [partitioned] event time OVER ROWS BETWEEN x PRECEDING aggregation to SQL
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6011</a>] -         Support TUMBLE, HOP, SESSION window in streaming SQL
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6012</a>] -         Support WindowStart / WindowEnd functions in streaming SQL
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6020</a>] -         Blob Server cannot handle multiple job submits (with same content) parallelly
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6034</a>] -         Add KeyedStateHandle for the snapshots in keyed streams
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6037</a>] -         the estimateRowCount method of DataSetCalc didn&#39;t work in SQL
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6089</a>] -         Implement decoration phase for rewriting predicated logical plan after volcano optimization phase
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6107</a>] -         Add custom checkstyle for flink-streaming-java
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6117</a>] -         &#39;zookeeper.sasl.disable&#39;  not takes effet when starting CuratorFramework
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6136</a>] -         Separate EmbeddedNonHaServices and NonHaServices
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6149</a>] -         add additional flink logical relation nodes
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6155</a>] -         Allow to specify endpoint names
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6190</a>] -         Write &quot;Serializer Configurations&quot; metainfo along with state
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6191</a>] -         Make non-primitive, internal built-in serializers reconfigurable
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6195</a>] -         Move gelly-examples jar from opt to examples
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6198</a>] -         Update the documentation of the CEP library to include all the new features.
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6200</a>] -         Add event time OVER RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING aggregation to SQL
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6201</a>] -         move python example files from resources to the examples
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6228</a>] -         Integrating the OVER windows in the Table API
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6240</a>] -         codeGen dataStream aggregates that use AggregateAggFunction
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6241</a>] -         codeGen dataStream aggregates that use ProcessFunction
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6242</a>] -         codeGen DataSet Goupingwindow Aggregates
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6257</a>] -         Post-pass OVER windows
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6261</a>] -         Add support for TUMBLE, HOP, SESSION to batch SQL
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6340</a>] -         Introduce a TerminationFuture for Execution
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6361</a>] -         Finalize the AggregateFunction interface and refactoring built-in aggregates
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6367</a>] -         support custom header settings of allow origin
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6392</a>] -         Change the alias of Window from optional to essential.
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6425</a>] -         Integrate serializer reconfiguration into state restore flow to activate serializer upgrades
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6448</a>] -         Web UI TaskManager view: Rename &#39;Free Memory&#39; to &#39;JVM Heap&#39;
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6450</a>] -         Web UI Subtasks view for TaskManagers has a misleading name
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6451</a>] -         Web UI: Rename &#39;Metrics&#39; view to &#39;Task Metrics&#39;
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6470</a>] -         Add a utility to parse memory sizes with units
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6475</a>] -         Incremental snapshots in RocksDB hold lock during async file upload
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6478</a>] -         Add documentation on how to upgrade serializers for managed state
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6504</a>] -         Lack of synchronization on materializedSstFiles in RocksDBKEyedStateBackend
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6527</a>] -         OperatorSubtaskState has empty implementations of (un)/registerSharedStates
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6533</a>] -         Duplicated registration of new shared state when checkpoint confirmations are still pending
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6534</a>] -         SharedStateRegistry is disposing state handles from main thread
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6535</a>] -         JobID should not be part of the registration key to the SharedStateRegistry
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6545</a>] -         Make incremental checkpoints externalizable
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6570</a>] -         QueryableStateClient constructor in documentation doesn&#39;t match actual signature
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6618</a>] -         Fix GroupWindowStringExpressionTest testcase bug
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6632</a>] -         Fix parameter case sensitive error for test passing/rejecting filter API
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6633</a>] -         Register with shared state registry before adding to CompletedCheckpointStore
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6640</a>] -         Ensure registration of shared state happens before externalizing a checkpoint
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6650</a>] -         Fix Non-windowed group-aggregate error when using append-table mode.
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6676</a>] -         API Migration guide: add QueryableStateClient changes
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6677</a>] -         API Migration guide: add Table API changes
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6678</a>] -         API Migration guide: add note about removed log4j default logger from core artefacts
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6679</a>] -         Document HeapStatebackend
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6680</a>] -         App &amp; Flink migration guide: updates for the 1.3 release
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6681</a>] -         Update &quot;Upgrading the Flink Framework Version&quot; section for 1.2 -&gt; 1.3
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6683</a>] -         building with Scala 2.11 no longer uses
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6700</a>] -         Remove &quot;Download and Compile&quot; from quickstart 
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6736</a>] -         Fix UDTF codegen bug when window follow by join( UDTF)
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6737</a>] -         Fix over expression parse String error.
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6782</a>] -         Update savepoint documentation
+<h2>        Bug
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-2067</a>] -         Chained streaming operators should not throw chained exceptions
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-2662</a>] -         CompilerException: &quot;Bug: Plan generation for Unions picked a ship strategy between binary plan operators.&quot;
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-2814</a>] -         DeltaIteration: DualInputPlanNode cannot be cast to SingleInputPlanNode
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-3679</a>] -         Allow Kafka consumer to skip corrupted messages
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-4148</a>] -         incorrect calculation distance in QuadTree
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-4255</a>] -         Unstable test WebRuntimeMonitorITCase.testNoEscape
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-4813</a>] -         Having flink-test-utils as a dependency outside Flink fails the build
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-4848</a>] -         keystoreFilePath should be checked against null in SSLUtils#createSSLServerContext
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-4870</a>] -         ContinuousFileMonitoringFunction does not properly handle absolut Windows paths
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-4890</a>] -         FileInputFormatTest#testExcludeFiles fails on Windows OS
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-4905</a>] -         Kafka test instability IllegalStateException: Client is not started
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5049</a>] -         Instability in QueryableStateITCase.testQueryableStateWithTaskManagerFailure
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5070</a>] -         Unable to use Scala&#39;s BeanProperty with classes
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5101</a>] -         Test CassandraConnectorITCase instable
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5118</a>] -         Inconsistent records sent/received metrics
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5119</a>] -         Last taskmanager heartbeat not showing in web frontend
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5122</a>] -         Elasticsearch Sink loses documents when cluster has high load
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5150</a>] -         WebUI metric-related resource leak
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5165</a>] -         Checkpointing tests using FsStatebackend fail on Windows
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5214</a>] -         Clean up checkpoint files when failing checkpoint operation on TM
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5229</a>] -         Cleanup StreamTaskStates if a checkpoint operation of a subsequent operator fails 
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5247</a>] -         Fix incorrect check in allowedLateness() method. Make it a no-op for non-event time windows.
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5267</a>] -         TaskManager logs not scrollable
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5298</a>] -         TaskManager crashes when TM log not existant
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5321</a>] -         FlinkMiniCluster does not start Jobmanager MetricQueryService
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5323</a>] -         CheckpointNotifier should be removed from docs
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5329</a>] -         Metric list is being cut off in the WebFrontend
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5345</a>] -         IOManager failed to properly clean up temp file directory
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5349</a>] -         Fix code sample for Twitter connector
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5350</a>] -         Don&#39;t overwrite existing Jaas config property
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5353</a>] -         Elasticsearch Sink loses well-formed documents when there are malformed documents
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5359</a>] -         Job Exceptions view doesn&#39;t scroll 
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5361</a>] -         Flink shouldn&#39;t require Kerberos credentials
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5364</a>] -         Rework JAAS configuration to support user-supplied entries
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5365</a>] -         Mesos AppMaster/TaskManager should obey sigterm
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5375</a>] -         Fix watermark documentation
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5379</a>] -         Flink CliFrontend does not return when not logged in with kerberos
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5380</a>] -         Number of outgoing records not reported in web interface
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5381</a>] -         Scrolling in some web interface pages doesn&#39;t work (taskmanager details, jobmanager config)
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5382</a>] -         Taskmanager log download button causes 404
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5383</a>] -         TaskManager fails with SIGBUS when loading RocksDB
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5389</a>] -         Fails #testAnswerFailureWhenSavepointReadFails
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5390</a>] -         input should be closed in finally block in YarnFlinkApplicationMasterRunner#loadJobGraph()
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5392</a>] -         flink-dist build failed when change scala version to 2.11
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5397</a>] -         Fail to deserialize savepoints in v1.1 when there exist missing fields in class serialization descriptors
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5400</a>] -         Add accessor to folding states in RuntimeContext
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5402</a>] -         Fails AkkaRpcServiceTest#testTerminationFuture
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5407</a>] -         Savepoint for iterative Task fails.
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5408</a>] -         RocksDB initialization can fail with an UnsatisfiedLinkError in the presence of multiple classloaders
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5419</a>] -         Taskmanager metrics not accessible via REST
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5427</a>] -         Typo in the event_timestamps_watermarks doc
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5432</a>] -         ContinuousFileMonitoringFunction is not monitoring nested files
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5434</a>] -         Remove unsupported project() transformation from Scala DataStream docs
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5444</a>] -         Flink UI uses absolute URLs.
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5450</a>] -         WindowOperator logs about &quot;re-registering state from an older Flink version&quot; even though its not a restored window
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5464</a>] -         MetricQueryService throws NullPointerException on JobManager
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5467</a>] -         Stateless chained tasks set legacy operator state
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5468</a>] -         Restoring from a semi async rocksdb statebackend (1.1) to 1.2 fails with ClassNotFoundException
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5470</a>] -         Requesting non-existing log/stdout file from TM crashes the TM
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5473</a>] -         setMaxParallelism() higher than 1 is possible on non-parallel operators
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5481</a>] -         Simplify Row creation
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5482</a>] -         QueryableStateClient does not recover from a failed lookup due to a non-running job
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5484</a>] -         Kryo serialization changed between 1.1 and 1.2
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5487</a>] -         Proper at-least-once support for ElasticsearchSink
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5489</a>] -         maven release:prepare fails due to invalid JDOM comments in pom.xml
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5492</a>] -         BootstrapTools log wrong address of started ActorSystem
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5493</a>] -         FlinkDistributionOverlay does not properly display missing environment variables
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5495</a>] -         ZooKeeperMesosWorkerStore cannot be instantiated
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5496</a>] -         ClassCastException when using Mesos HA mode
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5504</a>] - logs to wrong directory
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5518</a>] -         HadoopInputFormat throws NPE when close() is called before open()
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5520</a>] -         Disable outer joins with non-equality predicates
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5530</a>] -         race condition in AbstractRocksDBState#getSerializedValue
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5531</a>] -         SSl code block formatting is broken
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5532</a>] -         Make the marker WindowAssigners for the fast aligned windows non-extendable.
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5553</a>] -         Job fails during deployment with IllegalStateException from subpartition request
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5556</a>] -         BarrierBuffer resets bytes written on spiller roll over
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5560</a>] -         Header in checkpoint stats summary misaligned
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5561</a>] -         DataInputDeserializer#available returns one too few
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5562</a>] -         Driver fixes
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5577</a>] -         Each time application is submitted to yarn, application id increases by two
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5585</a>] -         NullPointer Exception in JobManager.updateAccumulators
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5602</a>] -         Migration with RocksDB job led to NPE for next checkpoint
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5608</a>] -         Cancel button not always visible
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5612</a>] -         GlobPathFilter not-serializable exception
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5613</a>] -         QueryableState: requesting a non-existing key in RocksDBStateBackend is not consistent with the MemoryStateBackend and FsStateBackend
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5616</a>] -         YarnPreConfiguredMasterHaServicesTest fails sometimes
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5617</a>] -         Check new public APIs in 1.2 release
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5623</a>] -         TempBarrier dam has been closed
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5626</a>] -         Improve resource release in RocksDBKeyedStateBackend
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5628</a>] -         CheckpointStatsTracker implements Serializable but isn&#39;t
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5629</a>] -         Unclosed RandomAccessFile in StaticFileServerHandler#respondAsLeader()
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5631</a>] -         [yarn] Support downloading additional jars from non-HDFS paths
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5636</a>] -         IO Metric for StreamTwoInputProcessor
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5637</a>] -         Default Flink configuration contains whitespace characters, causing parser WARNings
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5638</a>] -         Deadlock when closing two chained async I/O operators
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5643</a>] -         StateUtil.discardStateFuture fails when state future contains null value
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5644</a>] -         Task#lastCheckpointSize metric broken
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5645</a>] -         IOMetrics transfer through ExecGraph does not work for failed jobs
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5646</a>] -         REST api documentation missing details on jar upload
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5650</a>] -         Flink-python tests executing cost too long time
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5652</a>] -         Memory leak in AsyncDataStream
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5660</a>] -         Not properly cleaning PendingCheckpoints up
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5662</a>] -         Alias in front of output fails
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5663</a>] -         Checkpoint fails because of closed registry
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5666</a>] -         Blob files are not cleaned up from ZK storage directory
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5667</a>] -         Possible state data loss when task fails while checkpointing
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5669</a>] -         flink-streaming-contrib DataStreamUtils.collect in local environment mode fails when offline
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5670</a>] -         Local RocksDB directories not cleaned up
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5684</a>] -         Add MacOS section to flink-runtime-web README
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5699</a>] -         Cancel with savepoint fails with a NPE if savepoint target directory not set
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5701</a>] -         FlinkKafkaProducer should check asyncException on checkpoints
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5708</a>] -         we should remove duplicated configuration options 
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5712</a>] -         update several deprecated configuration options 
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5739</a>] -         NullPointerException in CliFrontend
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5747</a>] -         Eager Scheduling should deploy all Tasks together
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5749</a>] -             unset HADOOP_HOME and HADOOP_CONF_DIR to avoid env in build machine failing the UT and IT
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5751</a>] -         404 in documentation
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5759</a>] -         Set an UncaughtExceptionHandler for all Thread Pools in JobManager
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5762</a>] -         Protect initializeState() and open() by the same lock.
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5771</a>] -         DelimitedInputFormat does not correctly handle multi-byte delimiters
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5773</a>] -         Cannot cast scala.util.Failure to org.apache.flink.runtime.messages.Acknowledge
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5793</a>] -         Running slot may not be add to AllocatedMap in SlotPool
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5796</a>] -         broken links in the docs
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5797</a>] -         incorrect use of port range selector in BootstrapTool
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5806</a>] -         TaskExecutionState toString format have wrong key
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5811</a>] -         Harden YarnClusterDescriptorTest
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5814</a>] -         flink-dist creates wrong symlink when not used with cleaned before
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5817</a>] -         Fix test concurrent execution failure by test dir conflicts.
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5824</a>] -         Fix String/byte conversions without explicit encoding
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5827</a>] -         Exception when do filter after join a udtf which returns a POJO type
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5828</a>] -         BlobServer create cache dir has concurrency safety problem
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5830</a>] -         OutOfMemoryError during notify final state in TaskExecutor may cause job stuck
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5836</a>] -         Race condition between slot offering and task deployment
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5838</a>] -         Print shell script usage
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5842</a>] -         Wrong &#39;since&#39; version for ElasticSearch 5.x connector
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5849</a>] -         Kafka Consumer checkpointed state may contain undefined offsets
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5864</a>] -         CEP: fix duplicate output patterns problem.
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5871</a>] -         Enforce uniqueness of pattern names in CEP.
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5872</a>] -         WebUI shows &quot;(null)&quot; root-exception even without exception
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5885</a>] -         Java code snippet instead of scala in documentation
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5890</a>] -         GatherSumApply broken when object reuse enabled
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5899</a>] -         Fix the bug in EventTimeTumblingWindow for non-partialMerge aggregate
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5904</a>] -         jobmanager.heap.mb and taskmanager.heap.mb not work in YARN mode
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5907</a>] -         RowCsvInputFormat bug on parsing tsv
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5928</a>] -         Externalized checkpoints overwritting each other
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5932</a>] -         Order of legacy vs new state initialization in the AbstractStreamOperator.
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5933</a>] -         Allow Evictor for merging windows
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5934</a>] -         Scheduler in ExecutionGraph null if failure happens in ExecutionGraph.restoreLatestCheckpointedState
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5937</a>] -         Add documentation about the task lifecycle.
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5940</a>] -         ZooKeeperCompletedCheckpointStore cannot handle broken state handles
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5942</a>] -         Harden ZooKeeperStateHandleStore to deal with corrupted data
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5945</a>] -         Close function in OuterJoinOperatorBase#executeOnCollections
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5948</a>] -         Error in Python zip_with_index documentation
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5949</a>] -         Flink on YARN checks for Kerberos credentials for non-Kerberos authentication methods
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5955</a>] -         Merging a list of buffered records will have problem when ObjectReuse is turned on
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5962</a>] -         Cancel checkpoint canceller tasks in CheckpointCoordinator
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5965</a>] -         Typo on DropWizard wrappers
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5971</a>] -         JobLeaderIdService should time out registered jobs
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5972</a>] -         Don&#39;t allow shrinking merging windows
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5977</a>] -         Rename MAX_ATTEMPTS_HISTORY_SIZE key
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5985</a>] -         Flink treats every task as stateful (making topology changes impossible)
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5994</a>] -         Add Janino to flink-table JAR file
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6000</a>] -         Can not start HA cluster with
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6001</a>] -         NPE on TumblingEventTimeWindows with ContinuousEventTimeTrigger and allowedLateness
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6002</a>] -         Documentation: &#39;MacOS X&#39; under &#39;Download and Start Flink&#39; in Quickstart page is not rendered correctly
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6007</a>] -         ConcurrentModificationException in WatermarkCallbackService
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6010</a>] -         Documentation: correct IntelliJ IDEA Plugins path in &#39;Installing the Scala plugin&#39; section
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6023</a>] -         Fix Scala snippet into Process Function (Low-level Operations) Doc
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6025</a>] -         User code ClassLoader not used when KryoSerializer fallbacks to serialization for copying
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6031</a>] -         Add parameter for per job yarn clusters to control whether the user code jar is included into the system classloader.
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6032</a>] -         CEP-Clean up the operator state when not needed.
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6040</a>] -         DataStreamUserDefinedFunctionITCase occasionally fails
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6044</a>] - doesn&#39;t verify the read buffer length
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6051</a>] -         Wrong metric scope names in documentation
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6059</a>] -         Reject DataSet&lt;Row&gt; and DataStream&lt;Row&gt; without RowTypeInformation
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6061</a>] -         NPE on TypeSerializer.serialize with a RocksDBStateBackend calling entries() on a keyed state in the open() function
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6078</a>] -         ZooKeeper based high availability services should not close the underlying CuratorFramework
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6079</a>] -         Ineffective null check in FlinkKafkaConsumerBase#open()
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6080</a>] -         Unclosed ObjectOutputStream in NFA#serialize()
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6084</a>] -         Cassandra connector does not declare all dependencies
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6103</a>] -         LocalFileSystem rename() uses File.renameTo()
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6104</a>] -         Resource leak in ListViaRangeSpeedMiniBenchmark
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6123</a>] -         Add support for the NOT pattern.
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6129</a>] -         MetricRegistry does not stop query actor
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6133</a>] -         fix build status in
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6143</a>] -         Unprotected access to this.flink in LocalExecutor#endSession()
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6162</a>] -         Fix bug in ByteArrayOutputStreamWithPos#setPosition
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6170</a>] -         Some checkpoint metrics rely on latest stat snapshot
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6172</a>] -         Potentially unclosed RandomAccessFile in HistoryServerStaticFileServerHandler
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6176</a>] -         Add JARs to CLASSPATH deterministically
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6181</a>] -         Zookeeper scripts use invalid regex
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6182</a>] -         Fix possible NPE in SourceStreamTask
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6183</a>] -         TaskMetricGroup may not be cleanup when is never called or exits early
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6194</a>] -         More broken links in docs
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6197</a>] -         Add support for iterative conditions.
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6203</a>] -         DataSet Transformations
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6205</a>] -         Put late elements in side output.
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6207</a>] -         Duplicate type serializers for async snapshots of CopyOnWriteStateTable
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6210</a>] -         RocksDB instance should be closed in ListViaMergeSpeedMiniBenchmark
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6211</a>] -         Validation error in Kinesis Consumer when using AT_TIMESTAMP as start position
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6217</a>] -         ContaineredTaskManagerParameters sets off heap memory size incorrectly
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6246</a>] -         Fix generic type of OutputTag in operator Output
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6256</a>] -         Fix documentation of ProcessFunction.
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6259</a>] -         Fix a small spelling error
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6265</a>] -         Fix consecutive() for times() pattern.
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6271</a>] -         NumericBetweenParametersProvider NullPointer
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6279</a>] -         the digest of VolcanoRuleMatch matched different table sources with same field names may be same
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6282</a>] -         Some words was spelled wrong
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6284</a>] -         Incorrect sorting of completed checkpoints in ZooKeeperCompletedCheckpointStore
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6286</a>] -         hbase command not found error
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6287</a>] -         Flakey JobManagerRegistrationTest
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6290</a>] -         SharedBuffer is improperly released when multiple edges between entries
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6292</a>] -         Travis: not accepting uploads via http:// anymore
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6293</a>] -         Flakey JobManagerITCase
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6295</a>] -         Update suspended ExecutionGraph to lower latency
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6298</a>] -         Local execution is not setting RuntimeContext for RichOutputFormat
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6300</a>] -         PID1 of docker images does not behave correctly
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6311</a>] -         NPE in FlinkKinesisConsumer if source was closed before run
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6312</a>] -         Update curator version to 2.12.0
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6313</a>] -         Some words was spelled wrong and incorrect LOG.error without print
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6317</a>] -         History server - wrong default directory
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6327</a>] -         Bug in CommonCalc&#39;s estimateRowCount() method
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6328</a>] -         Savepoints must not be counted as retained checkpoints
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6330</a>] -         Improve Docker documentation
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6341</a>] -         JobManager can go to definite message sending loop when TaskManager registered
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6342</a>] -         Start ZooKeeperLeaderElectionService under lock to avoid race condition
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6356</a>] -         Make times() eager and enable allowing combinations.
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6368</a>] -         Grouping keys in stream aggregations have wrong order
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6371</a>] -         Return matched patterns as Map&lt;String, List&lt;T&gt;&gt; instead of Map&lt;String, T&gt; 
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6384</a>] -         PythonStreamer does not close python processes
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6386</a>] -         Missing bracket in &#39;Compiler Limitation&#39; section
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6394</a>] -         GroupCombine reuses instances even though object reuse is disabled
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6396</a>] -         FsSavepointStreamFactoryTest fails on Windows
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6397</a>] -         MultipleProgramsTestBase does not reset ContextEnvironment
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6398</a>] -         RowSerializer&#39;s duplicate should always return a new instance
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6400</a>] -         Lack of protection accessing masterHooks in CheckpointCoordinator#triggerCheckpoint
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6401</a>] -         RocksDBPerformanceTest.testRocksDbRangeGetPerformance fails on Travis
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6404</a>] -         Ensure PendingCheckpoint is registered when calling Checkpoint Hooks
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6409</a>] -         TUMBLE/HOP/SESSION_START/END do not resolve time field correctly
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6410</a>] -         build fails after changing Scala to 2.11
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6411</a>] -         YarnApplicationMasterRunner should not interfere with RunningJobsRegistry
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6415</a>] -         Make sure core Flink artifacts have no specific logger dependency
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6416</a>] -         Potential divide by zero issue in InputGateMetrics#refreshAndGetAvg()
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6427</a>] -         BucketingSink does not sync file length in case of cancel
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6435</a>] -         AsyncWaitOperator does not handle exceptions properly
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6436</a>] -         Bug in CommonCorrelate&#39;s generateCollector method when using udtf with udf
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6439</a>] -         Unclosed InputStream in OperatorSnapshotUtil#readStateHandle()
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6440</a>] -         Noisy logs from metric fetcher
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6445</a>] -         Fix NullPointerException in CEP pattern without condition
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6463</a>] -         Throw exception when NOT-NEXT is after OPTIONAL
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6474</a>] -         Potential loss of precision in 32 bit integer multiplication
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6479</a>] -         Fix IndexOutOfBoundsException bug
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6486</a>] -         Pass RowTypeInfo to CodeGenerator instead of CRowTypeInfo 
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6491</a>] -         Add QueryConfig to specify state retention time for streaming queries
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6501</a>] -         Make sure NOTICE files are bundled into shaded JAR files
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6506</a>] -         Some tests in flink-tests exceed the memory resources in containerized Travis builds
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6508</a>] -         Include license files of packaged dependencies
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6509</a>] -         TestingListener might miss JobLeader notifications
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6514</a>] -         Cannot start Flink Cluster in standalone mode
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6515</a>] -         KafkaConsumer checkpointing fails because of ClassLoader issues
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6517</a>] -         Support multiple consecutive windows
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6520</a>] -         FlinkKafkaConsumer09+ does not overwrite props to disable auto commit offsets when commit mode is OffsetCommitMode.ON_CHECKPOINTS
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6530</a>] -         Unclosed Response in DatadogHttpClient#validateApiKey()
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6531</a>] -         Deserialize checkpoint hooks with user classloader
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6536</a>] -         Improve error message in SharedBuffer::put()
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6542</a>] -         Non-keyed, non-windowed aggregation fails
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6548</a>] -         AvroOutputFormatTest fails on Windows
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6561</a>] -         GlobFilePathFilterTest#testExcludeFilenameWithStart fails on Windows
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6562</a>] -         Support implicit table references for nested fields in SQL
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6564</a>] -         Build fails on file systems that do not distinguish between upper and lower case
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6574</a>] -         Support nested catalogs in ExternalCatalog
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6578</a>] -         SharedBuffer creates self-loops when having elements with same value/timestamp.
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6579</a>] -         Add proper support for BasicArrayTypeInfo
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6580</a>] -         Flink on YARN doesnt start with default parameters
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6581</a>] -         Dynamic property parsing broken for YARN
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6582</a>] -         Project from maven archetype is not buildable by default due to ${scala.binary.version}
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6583</a>] -         Enable QueryConfig in count base GroupWindow
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6585</a>] -         Table examples are not runnable in IDE
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6586</a>] -         InputGateMetrics#refreshAndGetMin returns Integer.MAX_VALUE for local channels
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6587</a>] -         Java Table API cannot parse function names starting with keywords
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6593</a>] -         Fix Bug in ProctimeAttribute or RowtimeAttribute with CodeGenerator
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6595</a>] -         Nested SQL queries do not expose proctime / rowtime attributes
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6598</a>] -         Remove useless param rowRelDataType of DataStreamGroupAggregate.
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6604</a>] -         Remove Java Serialization from the CEP library.
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6606</a>] -         Create checkpoint hook with user classloader
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6609</a>] -         Wrong version assignment when multiple TAKEs transitions
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6612</a>] -         ZooKeeperStateHandleStore does not guard against concurrent delete operations
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6614</a>] -         Applying function on window auxiliary function fails
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6628</a>] -         Cannot start taskmanager with cygwin in directory containing spaces
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6629</a>] -         ClusterClient cannot submit jobs to HA cluster if address not set in configuration
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6634</a>] -         NFA serializer does not serialize the ComputationState counter.
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6635</a>] -         ClientConnectionTest is broken because the ClusterClient lazily connects to the JobManager
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6639</a>] -         Java/Scala code tabs broken in CEP docs
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6641</a>] -         HA recovery on YARN: ClusterClient calls HighAvailabilityServices#closeAndCleanupAll
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6644</a>] -         Don&#39;t register HUP unix signal handler on Windows
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6646</a>] -         YARN session doesn&#39;t work with HA
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6651</a>] -         Clearing registeredStates map should be protected in SharedStateRegistry#clear
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6656</a>] -         Migrate CEP PriorityQueue to MapState
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6662</a>] -         ClassNotFoundException: o.a.f.r.j.t.JobSnapshottingSettings recovering job
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6671</a>] -         RocksDBStateBackendTest.testCancelRunningSnapshot unstable
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6702</a>] -         SIGABRT after CEPOperatorTest#testCEPOperatorSerializationWRocksDB() during GC
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6704</a>] -         Cannot disable YARN user jar inclusion
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6714</a>] -         Operator state backend should set user classloader as context classloader when snapshotting
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6753</a>] -         Flaky SqlITCase
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-6780</a>] -         ExternalTableSource should add time attributes in the row type
+<h2>        Improvement
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-2211</a>] -         Generalize ALS API
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-2908</a>] -         Web interface redraw web plan when browser resized
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-3123</a>] -         Allow setting custom start-offsets for the Kafka consumer
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-3150</a>] -         Make YARN container invocation configurable
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-3163</a>] -         Configure Flink for NUMA systems
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-3318</a>] -         Add support for quantifiers to CEP&#39;s pattern API
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-3347</a>] -         TaskManager (or its ActorSystem) need to restart in case they notice quarantine
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-3360</a>] -         Clear up StateBackend, AbstractStateBackend abstractions
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-3398</a>] -         Flink Kafka consumer should support auto-commit opt-outs
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-3427</a>] -         Add watermark monitoring to JobManager web frontend
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-3703</a>] -         Add sequence matching semantics to discard matched events
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-4288</a>] -         Make it possible to unregister tables
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-4326</a>] -         Flink start-up scripts should optionally start services on the foreground
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-4396</a>] -         GraphiteReporter class not found at startup of jobmanager
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-4410</a>] -         Report more information about operator checkpoints
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-4450</a>] -         update storm version to 1.0.0
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-4552</a>] -         Refactor WindowOperator/Trigger Tests
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-4673</a>] -         TypeInfoFactory for Either type
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-4754</a>] -         Make number of retained checkpoints user configurable
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-4917</a>] -         Deprecate &quot;CheckpointedAsynchronously&quot; interface
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-4920</a>] -         Add a Scala Function Gauge
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-4949</a>] -         Refactor Gelly driver inputs
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-4953</a>] -         Allow access to &quot;time&quot; in ProcessWindowFunction.Context
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5059</a>] -         only serialise events once in RecordWriter#broadcastEvent
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5066</a>] -         add more efficient isEvent check to EventSerializer
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5067</a>] -         Make Flink compile with 1.8 Java compiler
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5113</a>] -         Make all Testing Functions implement CheckpointedFunction Interface.
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5129</a>] -         make the BlobServer use a distributed file system
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5153</a>] -         Allow setting custom application tags for Flink on YARN
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5183</a>] -         [py] Support multiple jobs per Python plan file
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5222</a>] -         Rename StateBackend interface to StateBinder
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5237</a>] -         Consolidate and harmonize Window Translation Tests
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5277</a>] -         missing unit test for ensuring ResultPartition#add always recycles buffers
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5280</a>] -         Refactor TableSource
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5306</a>] -         Display checkpointing configuration details in web UI &quot;Configuration&quot; tab
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5331</a>] -         PythonPlanBinderTest idling extremely long
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5348</a>] -         Support custom field names for RowTypeInfo
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5358</a>] -         Support RowTypeInfo extraction in TypeExtractor by Row instance
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5368</a>] -         Let Kafka consumer show something when it fails to read one topic out of topic list
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5377</a>] -         Improve savepoint docs
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5385</a>] -         Add a help function to create Row
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5388</a>] -         Remove private access of edges and vertices of Gelly Graph class
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5395</a>] -         support locally build distribution by script
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5399</a>] -         Add more information to checkpoint result of TriggerSavepointSuccess
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5404</a>] -         Consolidate and update S3 documentation
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5412</a>] -         Enable RocksDB tests on Windows
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5414</a>] -         Bump up Calcite version to 1.11
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5415</a>] -         ContinuousFileProcessingTest failed on travis
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5424</a>] -         Improve Restart Strategy Logging
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5438</a>] -         Typo in JobGraph generator Exception 
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5442</a>] -         Add test to fix ordinals of serialized enum StateDescriptor.Type
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5446</a>] -         System metrics reference incomplete
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5448</a>] -         Fix typo in StateAssignmentOperation Exception
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5451</a>] -         Extend JMX metrics documentation section
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5452</a>] -         Make table unit tests pass under cluster mode
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5461</a>] -         Remove Superflous TypeInformation Declaration
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5466</a>] -         Make production environment default in gulpfile
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5480</a>] -         User-provided hashes for operators
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5485</a>] -         Mark compiled web frontend files as binary when processed by git diff
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5497</a>] -         remove duplicated tests
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5499</a>] -         Try to reuse the resource location of prior execution attempt in allocating slot
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5503</a>] - script could print return value message
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5507</a>] -         remove queryable list state sink
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5508</a>] -         Remove Mesos dynamic class loading
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5515</a>] -         fix unused kvState.getSerializedValue call in KvStateServerHandler
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5516</a>] -         Hardcoded paths in flink-python/.../
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5517</a>] -         Upgrade hbase version to 1.3.0
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5519</a>] -         scala-maven-plugin version all change to 3.2.2
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5521</a>] -         remove unused KvStateRequestSerializer#serializeList
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5522</a>] -         Storm LocalCluster can&#39;t run with powermock
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5524</a>] -         Support early out for code generated conjunctive conditions
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5528</a>] -         tests: reduce the retry delay in QueryableStateITCase
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5543</a>] -         customCommandLine tips in CliFrontend
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5559</a>] -         queryable state: KvStateRequestSerializer#deserializeKeyAndNamespace() throws an IOException without own failure message if deserialisation fails
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5563</a>] -         Add density to vertex metrics
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5574</a>] -         Add checkpoint statistics docs
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5575</a>] -         in old releases, warn users and guide them to the latest stable docs
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5576</a>] -         extend deserialization functions of KvStateRequestSerializer to detect unconsumed bytes
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5581</a>] -         Improve Kerberos security related documentation
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5583</a>] -         Support flexible error handling in the Kafka consumer
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5586</a>] -         Extend TableProgramsTestBase for object reuse modes
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5590</a>] -         Create a proper internal state hierarchy
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5597</a>] -         Improve the LocalClusteringCoefficient documentation
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5598</a>] -         Return jar name when jar is uploaded
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5609</a>] -         Add last update time to docs
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5610</a>] -         Rename Installation and Setup to Project Setup
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5615</a>] -         queryable state: execute the QueryableStateITCase for all three state back-ends
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5624</a>] -         Support tumbling window on streaming tables in the SQL API
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5625</a>] -         Let Date format for timestamp-based start position in Kinesis consumer be configurable.
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5630</a>] -         Followups to AggregationFunction
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5632</a>] -         Typo in StreamGraph
+<li>[<a href="">FLINK-5635</a>] -         Improve Docker tooling to make it easier to build images and launch Flink via Docker tools
+<li>[<a href="https://issues.apache


[6/7] flink-web git commit: Add Flink 1.3.0 release announcement

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+title: "Release 1.3.0 – Changelog"
+* toc
+## Changelog
+The 1.3.0 release [resolved 772 JIRA issues]( in total.
+<h2>        Sub-task
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-3722</a>] -         The divisions in the InMemorySorters&#39; swap/compare methods hurt performance
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-4562</a>] -         table examples make an divided module in flink-examples
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-4692</a>] -         Add tumbling group-windows for batch tables
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-4693</a>] -         Add session group-windows for batch tables	
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-4697</a>] -         Gather more detailed checkpoint stats in CheckpointStatsTracker
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-4698</a>] -         Visualize additional checkpoint information
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-4769</a>] -         Migrate Metrics configuration options
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-4912</a>] -         Introduce RECONCILING state in ExecutionGraph
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-4959</a>] -         Write Documentation for ProcessFunction
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-4994</a>] -         Don&#39;t Clear Trigger State and Merging Window Set When Purging
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5132</a>] -         Introduce the ResourceSpec for grouping different resource factors in API
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5133</a>] -         Support to set resource for operator in DataStream and DataSet
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5134</a>] -         Aggregate ResourceSpec for chained operators when generating job graph
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5135</a>] -         ResourceProfile for slot request should be expanded to correspond with ResourceSpec
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5219</a>] -         Add non-grouped session windows for batch tables
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5239</a>] -         Properly unpack thrown exceptions in RPC methods
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5268</a>] -         Split TableProgramsTestBase into TableProgramsCollectionTestBase and TableProgramsClusterTestBase
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5386</a>] -         Refactoring Window Clause
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5417</a>] -         Fix the wrong config file name 
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5435</a>] -         Cleanup the rules introduced by FLINK-5144 when calcite releases 1.12
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5454</a>] -         Add Documentation about how to tune Checkpointing for large state
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5456</a>] -         Add docs about new state and checkpointing interfaces
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5457</a>] -         Create documentation for Asynchronous I/O
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5458</a>] -         Add documentation how to migrate from Flink 1.1. to Flink 1.2
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5459</a>] -         Add documentation how to debug classloading issues
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5474</a>] -         Extend DC/OS documentation
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5494</a>] -         Improve Mesos documentation
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5501</a>] -         Determine whether the job starts from last JobManager failure
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5529</a>] -         Improve / extends windowing documentation
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5545</a>] -         Remove FlinkAggregateExpandDistinctAggregatesRule when upgrading to Calcite 1.12
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5555</a>] -         Add documentation about debugging watermarks
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5566</a>] -         Introduce structure to hold table and column level statistics
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5567</a>] -         Introduce and migrate current table statistics to FlinkStatistics
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5570</a>] -         Support register external catalog to table environment
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5618</a>] -         Add queryable state documentation
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5640</a>] -         configure the explicit Unit Test file suffix
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5653</a>] -         Add processing time OVER ROWS BETWEEN x PRECEDING aggregation to SQL
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5654</a>] -         Add processing time OVER RANGE BETWEEN x PRECEDING aggregation to SQL
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5655</a>] -         Add event time OVER RANGE BETWEEN x PRECEDING aggregation to SQL
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5656</a>] -         Add processing time OVER ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING aggregation to SQL
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5658</a>] -         Add event time OVER ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING aggregation to SQL
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5693</a>] -         ChecksumHashCode DataSetAnalytic
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5694</a>] -         Collect DataSetAnalytic
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5716</a>] -         Make streaming SourceContexts aware of source idleness
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5723</a>] -         Use &quot;Used&quot; instead of &quot;Initial&quot; to make taskmanager tag more readable
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5729</a>] -         add hostname option in SocketWindowWordCount example to be more convenient
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5767</a>] -         New aggregate function interface and built-in aggregate functions
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5768</a>] -         Apply new aggregation functions for datastream and dataset tables
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5777</a>] -         Pass savepoint information to CheckpointingOperation
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5794</a>] -         update the documentation  about “UDF/UDTF&quot;  support have parameters constructor.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5795</a>] -         Improve UDF&amp;UDTF to support constructor with parameter
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5798</a>] -         Let the RPCService provide a ScheduledExecutorService
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5799</a>] -         Let RpcService.scheduleRunnable return ScheduledFuture
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5803</a>] -         Add [partitioned] processing time OVER RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING aggregation to SQL
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5804</a>] -         Add [non-partitioned] processing time OVER RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING aggregation to SQL
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5810</a>] -         Harden SlotManager
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5821</a>] -         Create StateBackend root interface
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5822</a>] -         Make Checkpoint Coordinator aware of State Backend
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5825</a>] -         In yarn mode, a small pic can not be loaded
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5845</a>] -         CEP: unify key and non-keyed operators
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5846</a>] -         CEP: make the operators backwards compatible.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5869</a>] -         ExecutionGraph use FailoverCoordinator to manage the failover of execution vertexes
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5881</a>] -         ScalarFunction(UDF) should support variable types and variable arguments	
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5882</a>] -         TableFunction (UDTF) should support variable types and variable arguments
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5897</a>] -         Untie Checkpoint Externalization from FileSystems
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5903</a>] -         taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots and yarn.containers.vcores did not work well in YARN mode
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5906</a>] -         Add support to register UDAGG in Table and SQL API
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5909</a>] -         Interface for GraphAlgorithm results
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5910</a>] -         Framework for Gelly examples
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5911</a>] -         Command-line parameters
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5912</a>] -         Inputs for CSV and graph generators
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5913</a>] -         Example drivers
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5915</a>] -         Add support for the aggregate on multi fields
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5916</a>] -         make and working in YARN mode
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5927</a>] -         Remove old Aggregate interface and built-in functions
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5956</a>] -         Add retract method into the aggregateFunction
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5963</a>] -         Remove preparation mapper of DataSetAggregate
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5981</a>] -         SSL version and ciper suites cannot be constrained as configured
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5990</a>] -         Add [partitioned] event time OVER ROWS BETWEEN x PRECEDING aggregation to SQL
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6011</a>] -         Support TUMBLE, HOP, SESSION window in streaming SQL
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6012</a>] -         Support WindowStart / WindowEnd functions in streaming SQL
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6020</a>] -         Blob Server cannot handle multiple job submits (with same content) parallelly
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6034</a>] -         Add KeyedStateHandle for the snapshots in keyed streams
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6037</a>] -         the estimateRowCount method of DataSetCalc didn&#39;t work in SQL
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6089</a>] -         Implement decoration phase for rewriting predicated logical plan after volcano optimization phase
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6107</a>] -         Add custom checkstyle for flink-streaming-java
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6117</a>] -         &#39;zookeeper.sasl.disable&#39;  not takes effet when starting CuratorFramework
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6136</a>] -         Separate EmbeddedNonHaServices and NonHaServices
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6149</a>] -         add additional flink logical relation nodes
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6155</a>] -         Allow to specify endpoint names
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6190</a>] -         Write &quot;Serializer Configurations&quot; metainfo along with state
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6191</a>] -         Make non-primitive, internal built-in serializers reconfigurable
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6195</a>] -         Move gelly-examples jar from opt to examples
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6198</a>] -         Update the documentation of the CEP library to include all the new features.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6200</a>] -         Add event time OVER RANGE BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING aggregation to SQL
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6201</a>] -         move python example files from resources to the examples
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6228</a>] -         Integrating the OVER windows in the Table API
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6240</a>] -         codeGen dataStream aggregates that use AggregateAggFunction
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6241</a>] -         codeGen dataStream aggregates that use ProcessFunction
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6242</a>] -         codeGen DataSet Goupingwindow Aggregates
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6257</a>] -         Post-pass OVER windows
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6261</a>] -         Add support for TUMBLE, HOP, SESSION to batch SQL
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6340</a>] -         Introduce a TerminationFuture for Execution
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6361</a>] -         Finalize the AggregateFunction interface and refactoring built-in aggregates
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6367</a>] -         support custom header settings of allow origin
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6392</a>] -         Change the alias of Window from optional to essential.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6425</a>] -         Integrate serializer reconfiguration into state restore flow to activate serializer upgrades
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6448</a>] -         Web UI TaskManager view: Rename &#39;Free Memory&#39; to &#39;JVM Heap&#39;
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6450</a>] -         Web UI Subtasks view for TaskManagers has a misleading name
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6451</a>] -         Web UI: Rename &#39;Metrics&#39; view to &#39;Task Metrics&#39;
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6470</a>] -         Add a utility to parse memory sizes with units
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6475</a>] -         Incremental snapshots in RocksDB hold lock during async file upload
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6478</a>] -         Add documentation on how to upgrade serializers for managed state
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6504</a>] -         Lack of synchronization on materializedSstFiles in RocksDBKEyedStateBackend
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6527</a>] -         OperatorSubtaskState has empty implementations of (un)/registerSharedStates
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6533</a>] -         Duplicated registration of new shared state when checkpoint confirmations are still pending
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6534</a>] -         SharedStateRegistry is disposing state handles from main thread
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6535</a>] -         JobID should not be part of the registration key to the SharedStateRegistry
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6545</a>] -         Make incremental checkpoints externalizable
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6570</a>] -         QueryableStateClient constructor in documentation doesn&#39;t match actual signature
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6618</a>] -         Fix GroupWindowStringExpressionTest testcase bug
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6632</a>] -         Fix parameter case sensitive error for test passing/rejecting filter API
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6633</a>] -         Register with shared state registry before adding to CompletedCheckpointStore
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6640</a>] -         Ensure registration of shared state happens before externalizing a checkpoint
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6650</a>] -         Fix Non-windowed group-aggregate error when using append-table mode.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6676</a>] -         API Migration guide: add QueryableStateClient changes
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6677</a>] -         API Migration guide: add Table API changes
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6678</a>] -         API Migration guide: add note about removed log4j default logger from core artefacts
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6679</a>] -         Document HeapStatebackend
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6680</a>] -         App &amp; Flink migration guide: updates for the 1.3 release
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6681</a>] -         Update &quot;Upgrading the Flink Framework Version&quot; section for 1.2 -&gt; 1.3
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6683</a>] -         building with Scala 2.11 no longer uses
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6700</a>] -         Remove &quot;Download and Compile&quot; from quickstart 
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6736</a>] -         Fix UDTF codegen bug when window follow by join( UDTF)
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6737</a>] -         Fix over expression parse String error.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6782</a>] -         Update savepoint documentation
+<h2>        Bug
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-2067</a>] -         Chained streaming operators should not throw chained exceptions
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-2662</a>] -         CompilerException: &quot;Bug: Plan generation for Unions picked a ship strategy between binary plan operators.&quot;
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-2814</a>] -         DeltaIteration: DualInputPlanNode cannot be cast to SingleInputPlanNode
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-3679</a>] -         Allow Kafka consumer to skip corrupted messages
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-4148</a>] -         incorrect calculation distance in QuadTree
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-4255</a>] -         Unstable test WebRuntimeMonitorITCase.testNoEscape
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-4813</a>] -         Having flink-test-utils as a dependency outside Flink fails the build
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-4848</a>] -         keystoreFilePath should be checked against null in SSLUtils#createSSLServerContext
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-4870</a>] -         ContinuousFileMonitoringFunction does not properly handle absolut Windows paths
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-4890</a>] -         FileInputFormatTest#testExcludeFiles fails on Windows OS
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-4905</a>] -         Kafka test instability IllegalStateException: Client is not started
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5049</a>] -         Instability in QueryableStateITCase.testQueryableStateWithTaskManagerFailure
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5070</a>] -         Unable to use Scala&#39;s BeanProperty with classes
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5101</a>] -         Test CassandraConnectorITCase instable
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5118</a>] -         Inconsistent records sent/received metrics
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5119</a>] -         Last taskmanager heartbeat not showing in web frontend
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5122</a>] -         Elasticsearch Sink loses documents when cluster has high load
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5150</a>] -         WebUI metric-related resource leak
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5165</a>] -         Checkpointing tests using FsStatebackend fail on Windows
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5214</a>] -         Clean up checkpoint files when failing checkpoint operation on TM
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5229</a>] -         Cleanup StreamTaskStates if a checkpoint operation of a subsequent operator fails 
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5247</a>] -         Fix incorrect check in allowedLateness() method. Make it a no-op for non-event time windows.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5267</a>] -         TaskManager logs not scrollable
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5298</a>] -         TaskManager crashes when TM log not existant
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5321</a>] -         FlinkMiniCluster does not start Jobmanager MetricQueryService
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5323</a>] -         CheckpointNotifier should be removed from docs
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5329</a>] -         Metric list is being cut off in the WebFrontend
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5345</a>] -         IOManager failed to properly clean up temp file directory
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5349</a>] -         Fix code sample for Twitter connector
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5350</a>] -         Don&#39;t overwrite existing Jaas config property
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5353</a>] -         Elasticsearch Sink loses well-formed documents when there are malformed documents
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5359</a>] -         Job Exceptions view doesn&#39;t scroll 
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5361</a>] -         Flink shouldn&#39;t require Kerberos credentials
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5364</a>] -         Rework JAAS configuration to support user-supplied entries
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5365</a>] -         Mesos AppMaster/TaskManager should obey sigterm
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5375</a>] -         Fix watermark documentation
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5379</a>] -         Flink CliFrontend does not return when not logged in with kerberos
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5380</a>] -         Number of outgoing records not reported in web interface
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5381</a>] -         Scrolling in some web interface pages doesn&#39;t work (taskmanager details, jobmanager config)
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5382</a>] -         Taskmanager log download button causes 404
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5383</a>] -         TaskManager fails with SIGBUS when loading RocksDB
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5389</a>] -         Fails #testAnswerFailureWhenSavepointReadFails
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5390</a>] -         input should be closed in finally block in YarnFlinkApplicationMasterRunner#loadJobGraph()
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5392</a>] -         flink-dist build failed when change scala version to 2.11
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5397</a>] -         Fail to deserialize savepoints in v1.1 when there exist missing fields in class serialization descriptors
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5400</a>] -         Add accessor to folding states in RuntimeContext
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5402</a>] -         Fails AkkaRpcServiceTest#testTerminationFuture
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5407</a>] -         Savepoint for iterative Task fails.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5408</a>] -         RocksDB initialization can fail with an UnsatisfiedLinkError in the presence of multiple classloaders
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5419</a>] -         Taskmanager metrics not accessible via REST
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5427</a>] -         Typo in the event_timestamps_watermarks doc
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5432</a>] -         ContinuousFileMonitoringFunction is not monitoring nested files
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5434</a>] -         Remove unsupported project() transformation from Scala DataStream docs
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5444</a>] -         Flink UI uses absolute URLs.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5450</a>] -         WindowOperator logs about &quot;re-registering state from an older Flink version&quot; even though its not a restored window
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5464</a>] -         MetricQueryService throws NullPointerException on JobManager
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5467</a>] -         Stateless chained tasks set legacy operator state
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5468</a>] -         Restoring from a semi async rocksdb statebackend (1.1) to 1.2 fails with ClassNotFoundException
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5470</a>] -         Requesting non-existing log/stdout file from TM crashes the TM
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5473</a>] -         setMaxParallelism() higher than 1 is possible on non-parallel operators
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5481</a>] -         Simplify Row creation
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5482</a>] -         QueryableStateClient does not recover from a failed lookup due to a non-running job
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5484</a>] -         Kryo serialization changed between 1.1 and 1.2
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5487</a>] -         Proper at-least-once support for ElasticsearchSink
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5489</a>] -         maven release:prepare fails due to invalid JDOM comments in pom.xml
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5492</a>] -         BootstrapTools log wrong address of started ActorSystem
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5493</a>] -         FlinkDistributionOverlay does not properly display missing environment variables
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5495</a>] -         ZooKeeperMesosWorkerStore cannot be instantiated
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5496</a>] -         ClassCastException when using Mesos HA mode
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5504</a>] - logs to wrong directory
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5518</a>] -         HadoopInputFormat throws NPE when close() is called before open()
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5520</a>] -         Disable outer joins with non-equality predicates
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5530</a>] -         race condition in AbstractRocksDBState#getSerializedValue
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5531</a>] -         SSl code block formatting is broken
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5532</a>] -         Make the marker WindowAssigners for the fast aligned windows non-extendable.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5553</a>] -         Job fails during deployment with IllegalStateException from subpartition request
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5556</a>] -         BarrierBuffer resets bytes written on spiller roll over
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5560</a>] -         Header in checkpoint stats summary misaligned
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5561</a>] -         DataInputDeserializer#available returns one too few
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5562</a>] -         Driver fixes
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5577</a>] -         Each time application is submitted to yarn, application id increases by two
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5585</a>] -         NullPointer Exception in JobManager.updateAccumulators
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5602</a>] -         Migration with RocksDB job led to NPE for next checkpoint
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5608</a>] -         Cancel button not always visible
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5612</a>] -         GlobPathFilter not-serializable exception
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5613</a>] -         QueryableState: requesting a non-existing key in RocksDBStateBackend is not consistent with the MemoryStateBackend and FsStateBackend
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5616</a>] -         YarnPreConfiguredMasterHaServicesTest fails sometimes
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5617</a>] -         Check new public APIs in 1.2 release
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5623</a>] -         TempBarrier dam has been closed
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5626</a>] -         Improve resource release in RocksDBKeyedStateBackend
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5628</a>] -         CheckpointStatsTracker implements Serializable but isn&#39;t
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5629</a>] -         Unclosed RandomAccessFile in StaticFileServerHandler#respondAsLeader()
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5631</a>] -         [yarn] Support downloading additional jars from non-HDFS paths
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5636</a>] -         IO Metric for StreamTwoInputProcessor
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5637</a>] -         Default Flink configuration contains whitespace characters, causing parser WARNings
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5638</a>] -         Deadlock when closing two chained async I/O operators
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5643</a>] -         StateUtil.discardStateFuture fails when state future contains null value
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5644</a>] -         Task#lastCheckpointSize metric broken
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5645</a>] -         IOMetrics transfer through ExecGraph does not work for failed jobs
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5646</a>] -         REST api documentation missing details on jar upload
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5650</a>] -         Flink-python tests executing cost too long time
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5652</a>] -         Memory leak in AsyncDataStream
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5660</a>] -         Not properly cleaning PendingCheckpoints up
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5662</a>] -         Alias in front of output fails
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5663</a>] -         Checkpoint fails because of closed registry
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5666</a>] -         Blob files are not cleaned up from ZK storage directory
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5667</a>] -         Possible state data loss when task fails while checkpointing
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5669</a>] -         flink-streaming-contrib DataStreamUtils.collect in local environment mode fails when offline
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5670</a>] -         Local RocksDB directories not cleaned up
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5684</a>] -         Add MacOS section to flink-runtime-web README
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5699</a>] -         Cancel with savepoint fails with a NPE if savepoint target directory not set
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5701</a>] -         FlinkKafkaProducer should check asyncException on checkpoints
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5708</a>] -         we should remove duplicated configuration options 
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5712</a>] -         update several deprecated configuration options 
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5739</a>] -         NullPointerException in CliFrontend
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5747</a>] -         Eager Scheduling should deploy all Tasks together
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5749</a>] -             unset HADOOP_HOME and HADOOP_CONF_DIR to avoid env in build machine failing the UT and IT
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5751</a>] -         404 in documentation
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5759</a>] -         Set an UncaughtExceptionHandler for all Thread Pools in JobManager
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5762</a>] -         Protect initializeState() and open() by the same lock.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5771</a>] -         DelimitedInputFormat does not correctly handle multi-byte delimiters
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5773</a>] -         Cannot cast scala.util.Failure to org.apache.flink.runtime.messages.Acknowledge
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5793</a>] -         Running slot may not be add to AllocatedMap in SlotPool
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5796</a>] -         broken links in the docs
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5797</a>] -         incorrect use of port range selector in BootstrapTool
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5806</a>] -         TaskExecutionState toString format have wrong key
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5811</a>] -         Harden YarnClusterDescriptorTest
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5814</a>] -         flink-dist creates wrong symlink when not used with cleaned before
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5817</a>] -         Fix test concurrent execution failure by test dir conflicts.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5824</a>] -         Fix String/byte conversions without explicit encoding
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5827</a>] -         Exception when do filter after join a udtf which returns a POJO type
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5828</a>] -         BlobServer create cache dir has concurrency safety problem
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5830</a>] -         OutOfMemoryError during notify final state in TaskExecutor may cause job stuck
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5836</a>] -         Race condition between slot offering and task deployment
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5838</a>] -         Print shell script usage
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5842</a>] -         Wrong &#39;since&#39; version for ElasticSearch 5.x connector
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5849</a>] -         Kafka Consumer checkpointed state may contain undefined offsets
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5864</a>] -         CEP: fix duplicate output patterns problem.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5871</a>] -         Enforce uniqueness of pattern names in CEP.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5872</a>] -         WebUI shows &quot;(null)&quot; root-exception even without exception
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5885</a>] -         Java code snippet instead of scala in documentation
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5890</a>] -         GatherSumApply broken when object reuse enabled
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5899</a>] -         Fix the bug in EventTimeTumblingWindow for non-partialMerge aggregate
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5904</a>] -         jobmanager.heap.mb and taskmanager.heap.mb not work in YARN mode
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5907</a>] -         RowCsvInputFormat bug on parsing tsv
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5928</a>] -         Externalized checkpoints overwritting each other
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5932</a>] -         Order of legacy vs new state initialization in the AbstractStreamOperator.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5933</a>] -         Allow Evictor for merging windows
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5934</a>] -         Scheduler in ExecutionGraph null if failure happens in ExecutionGraph.restoreLatestCheckpointedState
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5937</a>] -         Add documentation about the task lifecycle.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5940</a>] -         ZooKeeperCompletedCheckpointStore cannot handle broken state handles
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5942</a>] -         Harden ZooKeeperStateHandleStore to deal with corrupted data
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5945</a>] -         Close function in OuterJoinOperatorBase#executeOnCollections
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5948</a>] -         Error in Python zip_with_index documentation
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5949</a>] -         Flink on YARN checks for Kerberos credentials for non-Kerberos authentication methods
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5955</a>] -         Merging a list of buffered records will have problem when ObjectReuse is turned on
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5962</a>] -         Cancel checkpoint canceller tasks in CheckpointCoordinator
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5965</a>] -         Typo on DropWizard wrappers
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5971</a>] -         JobLeaderIdService should time out registered jobs
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5972</a>] -         Don&#39;t allow shrinking merging windows
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5977</a>] -         Rename MAX_ATTEMPTS_HISTORY_SIZE key
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5985</a>] -         Flink treats every task as stateful (making topology changes impossible)
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5994</a>] -         Add Janino to flink-table JAR file
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6000</a>] -         Can not start HA cluster with
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6001</a>] -         NPE on TumblingEventTimeWindows with ContinuousEventTimeTrigger and allowedLateness
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6002</a>] -         Documentation: &#39;MacOS X&#39; under &#39;Download and Start Flink&#39; in Quickstart page is not rendered correctly
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6007</a>] -         ConcurrentModificationException in WatermarkCallbackService
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6010</a>] -         Documentation: correct IntelliJ IDEA Plugins path in &#39;Installing the Scala plugin&#39; section
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6023</a>] -         Fix Scala snippet into Process Function (Low-level Operations) Doc
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6025</a>] -         User code ClassLoader not used when KryoSerializer fallbacks to serialization for copying
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6031</a>] -         Add parameter for per job yarn clusters to control whether the user code jar is included into the system classloader.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6032</a>] -         CEP-Clean up the operator state when not needed.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6040</a>] -         DataStreamUserDefinedFunctionITCase occasionally fails
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6044</a>] - doesn&#39;t verify the read buffer length
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6051</a>] -         Wrong metric scope names in documentation
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6059</a>] -         Reject DataSet&lt;Row&gt; and DataStream&lt;Row&gt; without RowTypeInformation
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6061</a>] -         NPE on TypeSerializer.serialize with a RocksDBStateBackend calling entries() on a keyed state in the open() function
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6078</a>] -         ZooKeeper based high availability services should not close the underlying CuratorFramework
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6079</a>] -         Ineffective null check in FlinkKafkaConsumerBase#open()
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6080</a>] -         Unclosed ObjectOutputStream in NFA#serialize()
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6084</a>] -         Cassandra connector does not declare all dependencies
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6103</a>] -         LocalFileSystem rename() uses File.renameTo()
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6104</a>] -         Resource leak in ListViaRangeSpeedMiniBenchmark
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6123</a>] -         Add support for the NOT pattern.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6129</a>] -         MetricRegistry does not stop query actor
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6133</a>] -         fix build status in
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6143</a>] -         Unprotected access to this.flink in LocalExecutor#endSession()
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6162</a>] -         Fix bug in ByteArrayOutputStreamWithPos#setPosition
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6170</a>] -         Some checkpoint metrics rely on latest stat snapshot
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6172</a>] -         Potentially unclosed RandomAccessFile in HistoryServerStaticFileServerHandler
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6176</a>] -         Add JARs to CLASSPATH deterministically
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6181</a>] -         Zookeeper scripts use invalid regex
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6182</a>] -         Fix possible NPE in SourceStreamTask
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6183</a>] -         TaskMetricGroup may not be cleanup when is never called or exits early
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6194</a>] -         More broken links in docs
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6197</a>] -         Add support for iterative conditions.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6203</a>] -         DataSet Transformations
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6205</a>] -         Put late elements in side output.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6207</a>] -         Duplicate type serializers for async snapshots of CopyOnWriteStateTable
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6210</a>] -         RocksDB instance should be closed in ListViaMergeSpeedMiniBenchmark
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6211</a>] -         Validation error in Kinesis Consumer when using AT_TIMESTAMP as start position
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6217</a>] -         ContaineredTaskManagerParameters sets off heap memory size incorrectly
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6246</a>] -         Fix generic type of OutputTag in operator Output
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6256</a>] -         Fix documentation of ProcessFunction.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6259</a>] -         Fix a small spelling error
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6265</a>] -         Fix consecutive() for times() pattern.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6271</a>] -         NumericBetweenParametersProvider NullPointer
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6279</a>] -         the digest of VolcanoRuleMatch matched different table sources with same field names may be same
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6282</a>] -         Some words was spelled wrong
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6284</a>] -         Incorrect sorting of completed checkpoints in ZooKeeperCompletedCheckpointStore
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6286</a>] -         hbase command not found error
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6287</a>] -         Flakey JobManagerRegistrationTest
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6290</a>] -         SharedBuffer is improperly released when multiple edges between entries
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6292</a>] -         Travis: not accepting uploads via http:// anymore
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6293</a>] -         Flakey JobManagerITCase
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6295</a>] -         Update suspended ExecutionGraph to lower latency
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6298</a>] -         Local execution is not setting RuntimeContext for RichOutputFormat
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6300</a>] -         PID1 of docker images does not behave correctly
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6311</a>] -         NPE in FlinkKinesisConsumer if source was closed before run
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6312</a>] -         Update curator version to 2.12.0
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6313</a>] -         Some words was spelled wrong and incorrect LOG.error without print
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6317</a>] -         History server - wrong default directory
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6327</a>] -         Bug in CommonCalc&#39;s estimateRowCount() method
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6328</a>] -         Savepoints must not be counted as retained checkpoints
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6330</a>] -         Improve Docker documentation
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6341</a>] -         JobManager can go to definite message sending loop when TaskManager registered
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6342</a>] -         Start ZooKeeperLeaderElectionService under lock to avoid race condition
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6356</a>] -         Make times() eager and enable allowing combinations.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6368</a>] -         Grouping keys in stream aggregations have wrong order
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6371</a>] -         Return matched patterns as Map&lt;String, List&lt;T&gt;&gt; instead of Map&lt;String, T&gt; 
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6384</a>] -         PythonStreamer does not close python processes
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6386</a>] -         Missing bracket in &#39;Compiler Limitation&#39; section
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6394</a>] -         GroupCombine reuses instances even though object reuse is disabled
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6396</a>] -         FsSavepointStreamFactoryTest fails on Windows
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6397</a>] -         MultipleProgramsTestBase does not reset ContextEnvironment
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6398</a>] -         RowSerializer&#39;s duplicate should always return a new instance
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6400</a>] -         Lack of protection accessing masterHooks in CheckpointCoordinator#triggerCheckpoint
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6401</a>] -         RocksDBPerformanceTest.testRocksDbRangeGetPerformance fails on Travis
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6404</a>] -         Ensure PendingCheckpoint is registered when calling Checkpoint Hooks
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6409</a>] -         TUMBLE/HOP/SESSION_START/END do not resolve time field correctly
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6410</a>] -         build fails after changing Scala to 2.11
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6411</a>] -         YarnApplicationMasterRunner should not interfere with RunningJobsRegistry
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6415</a>] -         Make sure core Flink artifacts have no specific logger dependency
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6416</a>] -         Potential divide by zero issue in InputGateMetrics#refreshAndGetAvg()
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6427</a>] -         BucketingSink does not sync file length in case of cancel
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6435</a>] -         AsyncWaitOperator does not handle exceptions properly
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6436</a>] -         Bug in CommonCorrelate&#39;s generateCollector method when using udtf with udf
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6439</a>] -         Unclosed InputStream in OperatorSnapshotUtil#readStateHandle()
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6440</a>] -         Noisy logs from metric fetcher
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6445</a>] -         Fix NullPointerException in CEP pattern without condition
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6463</a>] -         Throw exception when NOT-NEXT is after OPTIONAL
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6474</a>] -         Potential loss of precision in 32 bit integer multiplication
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6479</a>] -         Fix IndexOutOfBoundsException bug
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6486</a>] -         Pass RowTypeInfo to CodeGenerator instead of CRowTypeInfo 
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6491</a>] -         Add QueryConfig to specify state retention time for streaming queries
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6501</a>] -         Make sure NOTICE files are bundled into shaded JAR files
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6506</a>] -         Some tests in flink-tests exceed the memory resources in containerized Travis builds
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6508</a>] -         Include license files of packaged dependencies
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6509</a>] -         TestingListener might miss JobLeader notifications
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6514</a>] -         Cannot start Flink Cluster in standalone mode
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6515</a>] -         KafkaConsumer checkpointing fails because of ClassLoader issues
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6517</a>] -         Support multiple consecutive windows
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6520</a>] -         FlinkKafkaConsumer09+ does not overwrite props to disable auto commit offsets when commit mode is OffsetCommitMode.ON_CHECKPOINTS
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6530</a>] -         Unclosed Response in DatadogHttpClient#validateApiKey()
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6531</a>] -         Deserialize checkpoint hooks with user classloader
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6536</a>] -         Improve error message in SharedBuffer::put()
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6542</a>] -         Non-keyed, non-windowed aggregation fails
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6548</a>] -         AvroOutputFormatTest fails on Windows
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6561</a>] -         GlobFilePathFilterTest#testExcludeFilenameWithStart fails on Windows
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6562</a>] -         Support implicit table references for nested fields in SQL
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6564</a>] -         Build fails on file systems that do not distinguish between upper and lower case
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6574</a>] -         Support nested catalogs in ExternalCatalog
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6578</a>] -         SharedBuffer creates self-loops when having elements with same value/timestamp.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6579</a>] -         Add proper support for BasicArrayTypeInfo
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6580</a>] -         Flink on YARN doesnt start with default parameters
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6581</a>] -         Dynamic property parsing broken for YARN
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6582</a>] -         Project from maven archetype is not buildable by default due to ${scala.binary.version}
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6583</a>] -         Enable QueryConfig in count base GroupWindow
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6585</a>] -         Table examples are not runnable in IDE
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6586</a>] -         InputGateMetrics#refreshAndGetMin returns Integer.MAX_VALUE for local channels
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6587</a>] -         Java Table API cannot parse function names starting with keywords
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6593</a>] -         Fix Bug in ProctimeAttribute or RowtimeAttribute with CodeGenerator
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6595</a>] -         Nested SQL queries do not expose proctime / rowtime attributes
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6598</a>] -         Remove useless param rowRelDataType of DataStreamGroupAggregate.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6604</a>] -         Remove Java Serialization from the CEP library.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6606</a>] -         Create checkpoint hook with user classloader
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6609</a>] -         Wrong version assignment when multiple TAKEs transitions
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6612</a>] -         ZooKeeperStateHandleStore does not guard against concurrent delete operations
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6614</a>] -         Applying function on window auxiliary function fails
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6628</a>] -         Cannot start taskmanager with cygwin in directory containing spaces
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6629</a>] -         ClusterClient cannot submit jobs to HA cluster if address not set in configuration
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6634</a>] -         NFA serializer does not serialize the ComputationState counter.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6635</a>] -         ClientConnectionTest is broken because the ClusterClient lazily connects to the JobManager
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6639</a>] -         Java/Scala code tabs broken in CEP docs
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6641</a>] -         HA recovery on YARN: ClusterClient calls HighAvailabilityServices#closeAndCleanupAll
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6644</a>] -         Don&#39;t register HUP unix signal handler on Windows
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6646</a>] -         YARN session doesn&#39;t work with HA
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6651</a>] -         Clearing registeredStates map should be protected in SharedStateRegistry#clear
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6656</a>] -         Migrate CEP PriorityQueue to MapState
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6662</a>] -         ClassNotFoundException: o.a.f.r.j.t.JobSnapshottingSettings recovering job
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6671</a>] -         RocksDBStateBackendTest.testCancelRunningSnapshot unstable
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6702</a>] -         SIGABRT after CEPOperatorTest#testCEPOperatorSerializationWRocksDB() during GC
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6704</a>] -         Cannot disable YARN user jar inclusion
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6714</a>] -         Operator state backend should set user classloader as context classloader when snapshotting
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6753</a>] -         Flaky SqlITCase
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-6780</a>] -         ExternalTableSource should add time attributes in the row type
+<h2>        Improvement
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-2211</a>] -         Generalize ALS API
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-2908</a>] -         Web interface redraw web plan when browser resized
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-3123</a>] -         Allow setting custom start-offsets for the Kafka consumer
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-3150</a>] -         Make YARN container invocation configurable
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-3163</a>] -         Configure Flink for NUMA systems
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-3318</a>] -         Add support for quantifiers to CEP&#39;s pattern API
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-3347</a>] -         TaskManager (or its ActorSystem) need to restart in case they notice quarantine
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-3360</a>] -         Clear up StateBackend, AbstractStateBackend abstractions
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-3398</a>] -         Flink Kafka consumer should support auto-commit opt-outs
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-3427</a>] -         Add watermark monitoring to JobManager web frontend
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-3703</a>] -         Add sequence matching semantics to discard matched events
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-4288</a>] -         Make it possible to unregister tables
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-4326</a>] -         Flink start-up scripts should optionally start services on the foreground
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-4396</a>] -         GraphiteReporter class not found at startup of jobmanager
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-4410</a>] -         Report more information about operator checkpoints
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-4450</a>] -         update storm version to 1.0.0
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-4552</a>] -         Refactor WindowOperator/Trigger Tests
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-4673</a>] -         TypeInfoFactory for Either type
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-4754</a>] -         Make number of retained checkpoints user configurable
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-4917</a>] -         Deprecate &quot;CheckpointedAsynchronously&quot; interface
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-4920</a>] -         Add a Scala Function Gauge
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-4949</a>] -         Refactor Gelly driver inputs
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-4953</a>] -         Allow access to &quot;time&quot; in ProcessWindowFunction.Context
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5059</a>] -         only serialise events once in RecordWriter#broadcastEvent
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5066</a>] -         add more efficient isEvent check to EventSerializer
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5067</a>] -         Make Flink compile with 1.8 Java compiler
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5113</a>] -         Make all Testing Functions implement CheckpointedFunction Interface.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5129</a>] -         make the BlobServer use a distributed file system
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5153</a>] -         Allow setting custom application tags for Flink on YARN
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5183</a>] -         [py] Support multiple jobs per Python plan file
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5222</a>] -         Rename StateBackend interface to StateBinder
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5237</a>] -         Consolidate and harmonize Window Translation Tests
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5277</a>] -         missing unit test for ensuring ResultPartition#add always recycles buffers
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5280</a>] -         Refactor TableSource
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5306</a>] -         Display checkpointing configuration details in web UI &quot;Configuration&quot; tab
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5331</a>] -         PythonPlanBinderTest idling extremely long
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5348</a>] -         Support custom field names for RowTypeInfo
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5358</a>] -         Support RowTypeInfo extraction in TypeExtractor by Row instance
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5368</a>] -         Let Kafka consumer show something when it fails to read one topic out of topic list
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5377</a>] -         Improve savepoint docs
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5385</a>] -         Add a help function to create Row
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5388</a>] -         Remove private access of edges and vertices of Gelly Graph class
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5395</a>] -         support locally build distribution by script
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5399</a>] -         Add more information to checkpoint result of TriggerSavepointSuccess
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5404</a>] -         Consolidate and update S3 documentation
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5412</a>] -         Enable RocksDB tests on Windows
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5414</a>] -         Bump up Calcite version to 1.11
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5415</a>] -         ContinuousFileProcessingTest failed on travis
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5424</a>] -         Improve Restart Strategy Logging
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5438</a>] -         Typo in JobGraph generator Exception 
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5442</a>] -         Add test to fix ordinals of serialized enum StateDescriptor.Type
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5446</a>] -         System metrics reference incomplete
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5448</a>] -         Fix typo in StateAssignmentOperation Exception
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5451</a>] -         Extend JMX metrics documentation section
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5452</a>] -         Make table unit tests pass under cluster mode
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5461</a>] -         Remove Superflous TypeInformation Declaration
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5466</a>] -         Make production environment default in gulpfile
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5480</a>] -         User-provided hashes for operators
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5485</a>] -         Mark compiled web frontend files as binary when processed by git diff
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5497</a>] -         remove duplicated tests
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5499</a>] -         Try to reuse the resource location of prior execution attempt in allocating slot
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5503</a>] - script could print return value message
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5507</a>] -         remove queryable list state sink
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5508</a>] -         Remove Mesos dynamic class loading
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5515</a>] -         fix unused kvState.getSerializedValue call in KvStateServerHandler
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5516</a>] -         Hardcoded paths in flink-python/.../
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5517</a>] -         Upgrade hbase version to 1.3.0
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5519</a>] -         scala-maven-plugin version all change to 3.2.2
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5521</a>] -         remove unused KvStateRequestSerializer#serializeList
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5522</a>] -         Storm LocalCluster can&#39;t run with powermock
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5524</a>] -         Support early out for code generated conjunctive conditions
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5528</a>] -         tests: reduce the retry delay in QueryableStateITCase
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5543</a>] -         customCommandLine tips in CliFrontend
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5559</a>] -         queryable state: KvStateRequestSerializer#deserializeKeyAndNamespace() throws an IOException without own failure message if deserialisation fails
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5563</a>] -         Add density to vertex metrics
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5574</a>] -         Add checkpoint statistics docs
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5575</a>] -         in old releases, warn users and guide them to the latest stable docs
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5576</a>] -         extend deserialization functions of KvStateRequestSerializer to detect unconsumed bytes
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5581</a>] -         Improve Kerberos security related documentation
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5583</a>] -         Support flexible error handling in the Kafka consumer
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5586</a>] -         Extend TableProgramsTestBase for object reuse modes
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5590</a>] -         Create a proper internal state hierarchy
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5597</a>] -         Improve the LocalClusteringCoefficient documentation
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5598</a>] -         Return jar name when jar is uploaded
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5609</a>] -         Add last update time to docs
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5610</a>] -         Rename Installation and Setup to Project Setup
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5615</a>] -         queryable state: execute the QueryableStateITCase for all three state back-ends
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5624</a>] -         Support tumbling window on streaming tables in the SQL API
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5625</a>] -         Let Date format for timestamp-based start position in Kinesis consumer be configurable.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5630</a>] -         Followups to AggregationFunction
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5632</a>] -         Typo in StreamGraph
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5635</a>] -         Improve Docker tooling to make it easier to build images and launch Flink via Docker tools
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5639</a>] -         Clarify License implications of RabbitMQ Connector
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5680</a>] -         Document env.ssh.opts
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5681</a>] -         Make ReaperThread for SafetyNetCloseableRegistry a singleton
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5702</a>] -         Kafka Producer docs should warn if using setLogFailuresOnly, at-least-once is compromised
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5705</a>] -         webmonitor&#39;s request/response use UTF-8 explicitly
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5714</a>] -         Use a builder pattern for creating CsvTableSource
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5718</a>] -         Handle JVM Fatal Exceptions in Tasks
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5720</a>] -         Deprecate &quot;Folding&quot; in all of DataStream API
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5721</a>] -         Add FoldingState to State Documentation
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5722</a>] -         Implement DISTINCT as dedicated operator
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5727</a>] -         Unify some API of batch and stream TableEnvironment
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5741</a>] -         Add tests for window function wrappers with RichFunctions
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5742</a>] -         Breakpoints on documentation website
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5743</a>] -         Mark WindowedStream.aggregate* methods as PublicEvolving
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5745</a>] -         Set uncaught exception handler for Netty threads
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5748</a>] -         Make the ExecutionGraph&#39;s FutureExecutor a ScheduledExecutionService
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5756</a>] -         When there are many values under the same key in ListState, RocksDBStateBackend performances poor
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5766</a>] -         Unify NoAvailableResourceException handling on ExecutionGraph
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5788</a>] -         Document assumptions about File Systems and persistence
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5792</a>] -         Improve “UDF/UDTF&quot; to support constructor with parameter.
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5800</a>] -         Make sure that the CheckpointStreamFactory is instantiated once per operator only
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5805</a>] -         improve docs for ProcessFunction
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5807</a>] -         improved wording for doc home page
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5812</a>] -         Clean up FileSystem
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5819</a>] -         Improve metrics reporting
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5826</a>] -         UDF/UDTF should support variable types and variable arguments
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5837</a>] -         improve readability of the queryable state docs
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5852</a>] -         Move JSON generation code into static methods
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5854</a>] -         Introduce some Flink-specific base Exception types
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5870</a>] -         Make handlers aware of their REST URLs
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5876</a>] -         Mention Scala type fallacies for queryable state client serializers
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5877</a>] -         Fix Scala snippet in Async I/O API doc
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5887</a>] -         Make CheckpointBarrier type immutable
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5894</a>] -         HA docs are misleading re: state backends
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5895</a>] -         Reduce logging aggressiveness of FileSystemSafetyNet
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5917</a>] -         Remove MapState.size()
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5921</a>] -         Adapt time mode indicator functions return custom data types
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5929</a>] -         Allow Access to Per-Window State in ProcessWindowFunction
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5938</a>] -         Replace ExecutionContext by Executor in Scheduler
+<li>[<a href=''>FLINK-5952</a>] -         JobCancellationWithSavepoi


[2/7] flink-web git commit: Add Flink 1.3.0 release announcement

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@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
 several parts of the system. We suggest all users of Flink to work with this
 latest stable version.</p>
-<p><a href="/downloads.html">Download the release</a> and <a href="">check out the
+<p><a href="/downloads.html">Download the release</a> and <a href="">check out the
 documentation</a>. Feedback through the Flink mailing lists
 is, as always, very welcome!</p>
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[3/7] flink-web git commit: Add Flink 1.3.0 release announcement

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@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@
 <h2 id="project-wiki">Project Wiki</h2>
-<p>The Apache Flink <a href="" target="_blank">project wiki</a> contains a range of relevant resources for Flink users. However, some content on the wiki might be out-of-date. When in doubt, please refer to the <a href="" target="_blank">Flink documentation</a>.</p>
+<p>The Apache Flink <a href="" target="_blank">project wiki</a> contains a range of relevant resources for Flink users. However, some content on the wiki might be out-of-date. When in doubt, please refer to the <a href="" target="_blank">Flink documentation</a>.</p>
 <h2 id="flink-forward">Flink Forward</h2>
@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@
 <h1 id="slides">Slides</h1>
-<p><strong>Note</strong>: Keep in mind that code examples on slides have a chance of being incomplete or outdated. Always refer to the <a href="">latest documentation</a> for an up to date reference.</p>
+<p><strong>Note</strong>: Keep in mind that code examples on slides have a chance of being incomplete or outdated. Always refer to the <a href="">latest documentation</a> for an up to date reference.</p>
 <h3 id="section">2016</h3>
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-                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.2 (Latest stable release) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
-                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.3 (Snapshot) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
+                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.3 (Latest stable release) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
+                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.4 (Snapshot) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
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@@ -451,15 +451,15 @@ Note: If you do not have the jar file, you probably did not run the command line
 <h2 id="snapshots-nightly-builds">Snapshots (Nightly Builds)</h2>
-<p>Apache Flink <code>1.3-SNAPSHOT</code> is our latest development version.</p>
+<p>Apache Flink <code>1.4-SNAPSHOT</code> is our latest development version.</p>
 <p>You can download a packaged version of our nightly builds, which include
 the most recent development code. You can use them if you need a feature
 before its release. Only builds that pass all tests are published here.</p>
-  <li><strong>Hadoop 1</strong>: <a href="" class="ga-track" id="download-hadoop1-nightly">flink-1.3-SNAPSHOT-bin-hadoop1.tgz</a></li>
-  <li><strong>Hadoop 2 and YARN</strong>: <a href="" class="ga-track" id="download-hadoop2-nightly">flink-1.3-SNAPSHOT-bin-hadoop2.tgz</a></li>
+  <li><strong>Hadoop 1</strong>: <a href="" class="ga-track" id="download-hadoop1-nightly">flink-1.4-SNAPSHOT-bin-hadoop1.tgz</a></li>
+  <li><strong>Hadoop 2 and YARN</strong>: <a href="" class="ga-track" id="download-hadoop2-nightly">flink-1.4-SNAPSHOT-bin-hadoop2.tgz</a></li>
 <p>Add the <strong>Apache Snapshot repository</strong> to your Maven <code>pom.xml</code>:</p>
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ before its release. Only builds that pass all tests are published here.</p>
   <span class="nt">&lt;/repository&gt;</span>
 <span class="nt">&lt;/repositories&gt;</span></code></pre></div>
-<p>You can now include Apache Flink as a Maven dependency (see above) with version <code>1.3-SNAPSHOT</code> (or <code>1.3-SNAPSHOT-hadoop1</code> for compatibility with old Hadoop 1.x versions).</p>
+<p>You can now include Apache Flink as a Maven dependency (see above) with version <code>1.4-SNAPSHOT</code> (or `` for compatibility with old Hadoop 1.x versions).</p>
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+                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.3 (Latest stable release) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
+                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.4 (Snapshot) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
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+                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.3 (Latest stable release) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
+                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.4 (Snapshot) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
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-                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.3 (Snapshot) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
+                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.3 (Latest stable release) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
+                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.4 (Snapshot) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
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@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ $( document ).ready(function() {
 <div class="page-toc">
 <ul id="markdown-toc">
-  <li><a href="#latest-stable-release-v121" id="markdown-toc-latest-stable-release-v121">Latest stable release (v1.2.1)</a>    <ul>
+  <li><a href="#latest-stable-release-v130" id="markdown-toc-latest-stable-release-v130">Latest stable release (v1.3.0)</a>    <ul>
       <li><a href="#binaries" id="markdown-toc-binaries">Binaries</a></li>
       <li><a href="#source" id="markdown-toc-source">Source</a></li>
@@ -162,9 +162,9 @@ $( document ).ready(function() {
-<h2 id="latest-stable-release-v121">Latest stable release (v1.2.1)</h2>
+<h2 id="latest-stable-release-v130">Latest stable release (v1.3.0)</h2>
-<p>Apache Flink® 1.2.1 is our latest stable release.</p>
+<p>Apache Flink® 1.3.0 is our latest stable release.</p>
 <p>An Apache Hadoop installation is
 <a href="faq.html#do-i-have-to-install-apache-hadoop-to-use-flink">not required</a>
@@ -182,26 +182,26 @@ select the version matching your installed Hadoop version.</p>
     <th>Hadoop® 2.7</th>
-    <td><a href="" class="ga-track" id="download-hadoop27">Download</a></td>
-    <td><a href="" class="ga-track" id="download-hadoop27_211">Download</a></td>
+    <td><a href="" class="ga-track" id="download-hadoop27">Download</a></td>
+    <td><a href="" class="ga-track" id="download-hadoop27_211">Download</a></td>
     <th>Hadoop® 2.6</th>
-    <td><a href="" class="ga-track" id="download-hadoop26">Download</a></td>
-    <td><a href="" class="ga-track" id="download-hadoop26_211">Download</a></td>
+    <td><a href="" class="ga-track" id="download-hadoop26">Download</a></td>
+    <td><a href="" class="ga-track" id="download-hadoop26_211">Download</a></td>
     <th>Hadoop® 2.4</th>
-    <td><a href="" class="ga-track" id="download-hadoop24">Download</a></td>
-    <td><a href="" class="ga-track" id="download-hadoop24_211">Download</a></td>
+    <td><a href="" class="ga-track" id="download-hadoop24">Download</a></td>
+    <td><a href="" class="ga-track" id="download-hadoop24_211">Download</a></td>
     <th>Hadoop® 2.3</th>
-    <td><a href="" class="ga-track" id="download-hadoop2">Download</a></td>
-    <td><a href="" class="ga-track" id="download-hadoop2_211">Download</a></td>
+    <td><a href="" class="ga-track" id="download-hadoop2">Download</a></td>
+    <td><a href="" class="ga-track" id="download-hadoop2_211">Download</a></td>
@@ -210,8 +210,8 @@ select the version matching your installed Hadoop version.</p>
 <div class="list-group">
   <!-- Source -->
-  <a href="" class="list-group-item ga-track" id="download-source">
-    <h4><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-download" aria-hidden="true"></span> <strong>Apache Flink® 1.2.1</strong> Source Release</h4>
+  <a href="" class="list-group-item ga-track" id="download-source">
+    <h4><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-download" aria-hidden="true"></span> <strong>Apache Flink® 1.3.0</strong> Source Release</h4>
     <p>Review the source code or build Flink on your own, using this package</p>
@@ -227,22 +227,23 @@ select the version matching your installed Hadoop version.</p>
 <div class="highlight"><pre><code class="language-xml"><span class="nt">&lt;dependency&gt;</span>
   <span class="nt">&lt;groupId&gt;</span>org.apache.flink<span class="nt">&lt;/groupId&gt;</span>
   <span class="nt">&lt;artifactId&gt;</span>flink-java<span class="nt">&lt;/artifactId&gt;</span>
-  <span class="nt">&lt;version&gt;</span>1.2.1<span class="nt">&lt;/version&gt;</span>
+  <span class="nt">&lt;version&gt;</span>1.3.0<span class="nt">&lt;/version&gt;</span>
 <span class="nt">&lt;/dependency&gt;</span>
 <span class="nt">&lt;dependency&gt;</span>
   <span class="nt">&lt;groupId&gt;</span>org.apache.flink<span class="nt">&lt;/groupId&gt;</span>
   <span class="nt">&lt;artifactId&gt;</span>flink-streaming-java_2.10<span class="nt">&lt;/artifactId&gt;</span>
-  <span class="nt">&lt;version&gt;</span>1.2.1<span class="nt">&lt;/version&gt;</span>
+  <span class="nt">&lt;version&gt;</span>1.3.0<span class="nt">&lt;/version&gt;</span>
 <span class="nt">&lt;/dependency&gt;</span>
 <span class="nt">&lt;dependency&gt;</span>
   <span class="nt">&lt;groupId&gt;</span>org.apache.flink<span class="nt">&lt;/groupId&gt;</span>
   <span class="nt">&lt;artifactId&gt;</span>flink-clients_2.10<span class="nt">&lt;/artifactId&gt;</span>
-  <span class="nt">&lt;version&gt;</span>1.2.1<span class="nt">&lt;/version&gt;</span>
+  <span class="nt">&lt;version&gt;</span>1.3.0<span class="nt">&lt;/version&gt;</span>
 <span class="nt">&lt;/dependency&gt;</span></code></pre></div>
 <h2 id="all-releases">All releases</h2>
+  <li>Flink 1.2.1 - 2017-04-26 (<a href="">Source</a>, <a href="">Binaries</a>, <a href="">Docs</a>, <a href="">Javadocs</a>, <a href="">ScalaDocs</a>)</li>
   <li>Flink 1.2.0 - 2017-02-06 (<a href="">Source</a>, <a href="">Binaries</a>, <a href="">Docs</a>, <a href="">Javadocs</a>, <a href="">ScalaDocs</a>)</li>
   <li>Flink 1.1.5 - 2017-03-22 (<a href="">Source</a>, <a href="">Binaries</a>, <a href="">Docs</a>, <a href="">Javadocs</a>, <a href="">ScalaDocs</a>)</li>
   <li>Flink 1.1.4 - 2016-12-21 (<a href="">Source</a>, <a href="">Binaries</a>, <a href="">Docs</a>, <a href="">Javadocs</a>, <a href="">ScalaDocs</a>)</li>
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+                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.3 (Latest stable release) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
+                  <li><a href="" target="_blank">1.4 (Snapshot) <small><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-new-window"></span></small></a></li>
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@@ -156,15 +156,15 @@ many other data processing projects and frameworks.
 <p>Currently these systems are supported:</p>
-  <li><a href="" target="_blank">Apache Kafka</a> (sink/source)</li>
-  <li><a href="" target="_blank">Elasticsearch</a> (sink)</li>
-  <li><a href="" target="_blank">Elasticsearch 2.x</a> (sink)</li>
-  <li><a href="" target="_blank">HDFS</a> (sink)</li>
-  <li><a href="" target="_blank">RabbitMQ</a> (sink/source)</li>
-  <li><a href="" target="_blank">Amazon Kinesis Streams</a> (sink/source)</li>
-  <li><a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a> (source)</li>
-  <li><a href="" target="_blank">Apache NiFi</a> (sink/source)</li>
-  <li><a href="" target="_blank">Apache Cassandra</a> (sink)</li>
+  <li><a href="" target="_blank">Apache Kafka</a> (sink/source)</li>
+  <li><a href="" target="_blank">Elasticsearch</a> (sink)</li>
+  <li><a href="" target="_blank">Elasticsearch 2.x</a> (sink)</li>
+  <li><a href="" target="_blank">HDFS</a> (sink)</li>
+  <li><a href="" target="_blank">RabbitMQ</a> (sink/source)</li>
+  <li><a href="" target="_blank">Amazon Kinesis Streams</a> (sink/source)</li>
+  <li><a href="" target="_blank">Twitter</a> (source)</li>
+  <li><a href="" target="_blank">Apache NiFi</a> (sink/source)</li>
+  <li><a href="" target="_blank">Apache Cassandra</a> (sink)</li>
   <li><a href="" target="_blank">Redis, Flume, and ActiveMQ (via Apache Bahir)</a> (sink)</li>
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@@ -262,10 +262,10 @@ of the master and the worker where the exception occurred
 <h3 id="how-do-i-debug-flink-programs">How do I debug Flink programs?</h3>
-  <li>When you start a program locally with the <a href="">LocalExecutor</a>,
+  <li>When you start a program locally with the <a href="">LocalExecutor</a>,
 you can place breakpoints in your functions and debug them like normal
 Java/Scala programs.</li>
-  <li>The <a href="">Accumulators</a> are very helpful in
+  <li>The <a href="">Accumulators</a> are very helpful in
 tracking the behavior of the parallel execution. They allow you to gather
 information inside the program’s operations and show them after the program
@@ -289,8 +289,8 @@ parallelism has to be 1 and set it accordingly.</p>
 <p>The parallelism can be set in numerous ways to ensure a fine-grained control
 over the execution of a Flink program. See
-the <a href="">Configuration guide</a> for detailed instructions on how to
-set the parallelism. Also check out <a href="">this figure</a> detailing
+the <a href="">Configuration guide</a> for detailed instructions on how to
+set the parallelism. Also check out <a href="">this figure</a> detailing
 how the processing slots and parallelism are related to each other.</p>
 <h2 id="errors">Errors</h2>
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ This can be achieved by using a context bound:</p>
   <span class="n">input</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">reduceGroup</span><span class="o">(</span> <span class="n">i</span> <span class="k">=&gt;</span> <span class="n">i</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">toSeq</span> <span class="o">)</span>
 <span class="o">}</span></code></pre></div>
-<p>See <a href="">Type Extraction and Serialization</a> for
+<p>See <a href="">Type Extraction and Serialization</a> for
 an in-depth discussion of how Flink handles types.</p>
 <h3 id="i-get-an-error-message-saying-that-not-enough-buffers-are-available-how-do-i-fix-this">I get an error message saying that not enough buffers are available. How do I fix this?</h3>
@@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ you need to adapt the number of network buffers via the config parameter
 As a rule-of-thumb, the number of buffers should be at least
 <code>4 * numberOfTaskManagers * numberOfSlotsPerTaskManager^2</code>. See
-<a href="">Configuration Reference</a> for details.</p>
+<a href="">Configuration Reference</a> for details.</p>
 <h3 id="my-job-fails-early-with-a-javaioeofexception-what-could-be-the-cause">My job fails early with a What could be the cause?</h3>
@@ -464,7 +464,7 @@ destage operations to disk, if necessary. By default, the system reserves around
 70% of the memory. If you frequently run applications that need more memory in
 the user-defined functions, you can reduce that value using the configuration
 entries <code>taskmanager.memory.fraction</code> or <code>taskmanager.memory.size</code>. See the
-<a href="">Configuration Reference</a> for details. This will leave more memory to JVM heap,
+<a href="">Configuration Reference</a> for details. This will leave more memory to JVM heap,
 but may cause data processing tasks to go to disk more often.</p>
@@ -627,18 +627,18 @@ code is blocked.</p>
 <h3 id="what-kind-of-fault-tolerance-does-flink-provide">What kind of fault-tolerance does Flink provide?</h3>
 <p>For streaming programs Flink has a novel approach to draw periodic snapshots of the streaming dataflow state and use those for recovery.
-This mechanism is both efficient and flexible. See the documentation on <a href="">streaming fault tolerance</a> for details.</p>
+This mechanism is both efficient and flexible. See the documentation on <a href="">streaming fault tolerance</a> for details.</p>
 <p>For batch processing programs Flink remembers the program’s sequence of transformations and can restart failed jobs.</p>
 <h3 id="are-hadoop-like-utilities-such-as-counters-and-the-distributedcache-supported">Are Hadoop-like utilities, such as Counters and the DistributedCache supported?</h3>
-<p><a href="">Flink’s Accumulators</a> work very similar like
+<p><a href="">Flink’s Accumulators</a> work very similar like
 Hadoop’s counters, but are more powerful.</p>
 <p>Flink has a <a href="">Distributed Cache</a> that is deeply integrated with the APIs. Please refer to the <a href="">JavaDocs</a> for details on how to use it.</p>
-<p>In order to make data sets available on all tasks, we encourage you to use <a href="">Broadcast Variables</a> instead. They are more efficient and easier to use than the distributed cache.</p>
+<p>In order to make data sets available on all tasks, we encourage you to use <a href="">Broadcast Variables</a> instead. They are more efficient and easier to use than the distributed cache.</p>
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@@ -168,6 +168,11 @@
+        <dt> <a href="/news/2017/06/01/release-1.3.0.html">Apache Flink 1.3.0 Release Announcement</a></dt>
+        <dd><p>The Apache Flink community is pleased to announce the 1.3.0 release. Over the past 4 months, the Flink community has been working hard to resolve more than 680 issues. See the <a href="/blog/release_1.3.0-changelog.html">complete changelog</a> for more detail.</p>
         <dt> <a href="/news/2017/05/16/official-docker-image.html">Introducing Docker Images for Apache Flink</a></dt>
         <dd><p>For some time, the Apache Flink community has provided scripts to build a Docker image to run Flink. Now, starting with version 1.2.1, Flink will have a <a href="">Docker image</a> on the Docker Hub. This image is maintained by the Flink community and curated by the <a href="">Docker</a> team to ensure it meets the quality standards for container images of the Docker community.</p>
@@ -184,11 +189,6 @@
         <dt> <a href="/news/2017/03/29/table-sql-api-update.html">From Streams to Tables and Back Again: An Update on Flink's Table &amp; SQL API</a></dt>
         <dd><p>Broadening the user base and unifying batch &amp; streaming with relational APIs</p></dd>
-        <dt> <a href="/news/2017/03/23/release-1.1.5.html">Apache Flink 1.1.5 Released</a></dt>
-        <dd><p>The Apache Flink community released the next bugfix version of the Apache Flink 1.1 series.</p>
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@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
     <h1>Introduction to Apache Flink®</h1>
 	<p><br />
-Below is a high-level overview of Apache Flink and stream processing. For a more technical introduction, we recommend the <a href="" target="_blank">“Concepts” page</a> in the Flink documentation.
+Below is a high-level overview of Apache Flink and stream processing. For a more technical introduction, we recommend the <a href="" target="_blank">“Concepts” page</a> in the Flink documentation.
 <br /></p>
 <div class="page-toc">
 <ul id="markdown-toc">
@@ -269,14 +269,14 @@ Below is a high-level overview of Apache Flink and stream processing. For a more
 <h3 id="apis">APIs</h3>
-  <li>Flink’s <a href="" target="_blank">DataStream API</a> is for programs that implement transformations on data streams (e.g., filtering, updating state, defining windows, aggregating).</li>
-  <li>The <a href="" target="_blank">DataSet API</a> is for programs that implement transformations on data sets (e.g., filtering, mapping, joining, grouping).</li>
-  <li>The <a href="" target="_blank">Table API</a> is a SQL-like expression language for relational stream and batch processing that can be easily embedded in Flink’s DataSet and DataStream APIs (Java and Scala).</li>
-  <li><a href="" target="_blank">Streaming SQL</a> enables SQL queries to be executed on streaming and batch tables. The syntax is based on <a href="" target="_blank">Apache Calcite™</a>.</li>
+  <li>Flink’s <a href="" target="_blank">DataStream API</a> is for programs that implement transformations on data streams (e.g., filtering, updating state, defining windows, aggregating).</li>
+  <li>The <a href="" target="_blank">DataSet API</a> is for programs that implement transformations on data sets (e.g., filtering, mapping, joining, grouping).</li>
+  <li>The <a href="" target="_blank">Table API</a> is a SQL-like expression language for relational stream and batch processing that can be easily embedded in Flink’s DataSet and DataStream APIs (Java and Scala).</li>
+  <li><a href="" target="_blank">Streaming SQL</a> enables SQL queries to be executed on streaming and batch tables. The syntax is based on <a href="" target="_blank">Apache Calcite™</a>.</li>
 <h3 id="libraries">Libraries</h3>
-<p>Flink also includes special-purpose libraries for <a href="" target="_blank">complex event processing</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">machine learning</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">graph processing</a>, and <a href="" target="_blank">Apache Storm compatibility</a>.</p>
+<p>Flink also includes special-purpose libraries for <a href="" target="_blank">complex event processing</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">machine learning</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">graph processing</a>, and <a href="" target="_blank">Apache Storm compatibility</a>.</p>
 <h2 id="flink-and-other-frameworks">Flink and other frameworks</h2>
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ Below is a high-level overview of Apache Flink and stream processing. For a more
 <h2 id="key-takeaways-and-next-steps">Key Takeaways and Next Steps</h2>
-<p>In summary, Apache Flink is an open-source stream processing framework that eliminates the “performance vs. reliability” tradeoff often associated with open-source streaming engines and performs consistently in both categories. Following this introduction, we recommend you try our <a href="" target="_blank">quickstart</a>, <a href="/downloads.html">download</a> the most recent stable version of Flink, or review the <a href="" target="_blank">documentation</a>.</p>
+<p>In summary, Apache Flink is an open-source stream processing framework that eliminates the “performance vs. reliability” tradeoff often associated with open-source streaming engines and performs consistently in both categories. Following this introduction, we recommend you try our <a href="" target="_blank">quickstart</a>, <a href="/downloads.html">download</a> the most recent stable version of Flink, or review the <a href="" target="_blank">documentation</a>.</p>
 <p>And we encourage you to join the Flink user mailing list and to share your questions with the community. We’re here to help you get the most out of Flink.</p>
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[7/7] flink-web git commit: Add Flink 1.3.0 release announcement

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Add Flink 1.3.0 release announcement

This closes #62


Branch: refs/heads/asf-site
Commit: 4e75b86eb4447bda5c52fbd8d296f00a4f006cd0
Parents: edbd65a
Author: Robert Metzger <>
Authored: Tue May 30 10:56:23 2017 +0200
Committer: Robert Metzger <>
Committed: Thu Jun 1 16:14:20 2017 +0200

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+layout: post
+title:  "Apache Flink 1.3.0 Release Announcement"
+date:   2017-06-01 12:00:00
+author: "Robert Metzger"
+author-twitter: "rmetzger_"
+categories: news
+The Apache Flink community is pleased to announce the 1.3.0 release. Over the past 4 months, the Flink community has been working hard to resolve more than 680 issues. See the [complete changelog]({{ site.baseurl }}/blog/release_1.3.0-changelog.html) for more detail.
+This is the fourth major release in the 1.x.y series. It is API compatible with the other 1.x.y releases for APIs annotated with the @Public annotation.
+Users can expect Flink releases now in a 4 month cycle. At the beginning of the 1.3 [release cycle](, the community decided to follow a strict [time-based release model](
+We encourage everyone to download the release and check out the [documentation]( Feedback through the [Flink mailing lists]( is, as always, gladly encouraged!
+You can find the binaries on the updated [Downloads page]( Some highlights of the release are listed below.
+# Large State Handling/Recovery
+* **Incremental Checkpointing for RocksDB**: It is now possible to checkpoint only the difference from the previous successful checkpoint, rather than checkpointing the entire application state. This speeds up checkpointing and saves disk space, because the individual checkpoints are smaller. ([FLINK-5053](
+* **Asynchronous snapshots for heap-based state backends**: The filesystem and memory statebackends now also support asynchronous snapshots using a copy-on-write HashMap implementation. Asynchronous snapshotting makes Flink more resilient to slow storage systems and expensive serialization. The time an operator blocks on a snapshot is reduced to a minimum ([FLINK-6048](, [FLINK-5715](
+* **Allow upgrades to state serializers:** Users can now upgrade serializers, while keeping their application state. One use case of this is upgrading custom serializers used for managed operator state/keyed state. Also, registration order for POJO types/Kryo types is now no longer fixed ([Documentation](, [FLINK-6178](
+* **Recover job state at the granularity of operator**: Before Flink 1.3, operator state was bound to Flink’s internal "Task" representation. This made it hard to change a job’s topology while keeping its state around. With this change, users are allowed to do more topology changes (un-chain operators) by restoring state into logical operators instead of “Tasks” ([FLINK-5892](
+* **Fine-grained recovery** (beta): Instead of restarting the complete ExecutionGraph in case of a task failure, Flink is now able to restart only the affected subgraph and thereby significantly decrease recovery time ([FLINK-4256](
+# DataStream API
+* **Side Outputs**: This change allows users to have more than one output stream for an operator. Operator metadata, internal system information (debugging, performance etc.) or rejected/late elements are potential use-cases for this new API feature. **The Window operator is now using this new feature for late window elements** ([Side Outputs Documentation](, [FLINK-4460](
+* **Union Operator State**: Flink 1.2.0 introduced broadcast state functionality, but this had not yet been exposed via a public API. Flink 1.3.0 provides the Union Operator State API for exposing broadcast operator state. The union state will send the entire state across all parallel instances to each instance on restore, giving each operator a full view of the state ([FLINK-5991](
+* **Per-Window State**: Previously, the state that a WindowFunction or ProcessWindowFunction could access was scoped to the key of the window but not the window itself. With this new feature, users can keep window state independent of the key ([FLINK-5929](
+# Deployment and Tooling
+* **Flink HistoryServer**: Flink’s [HistoryServer]( now allows you to query the status and statistics of completed jobs that have been archived by a JobManager ([FLINK-1579](
+* **Watermark Monitoring in Web Front-end**: For easier diagnosis of watermark issues, the Flink JobManager front-end now provides a new tab to track the watermark of each operator ([FLINK-3427](
+* **Datadog HTTP Metrics Reporter**: Datadog is a widely-used metrics system, and Flink now offers a [Datadog reporter]( that contacts the Datadog http endpoint directly ([FLINK-6013](
+* **Network Buffer Configuration**: We finally got rid of the tedious network buffer configuration and replaced it with a more generic approach. First of all, you may now follow the idiom "more is better" without any penalty on the latency which could previously occur due to excessive buffering in incoming and outgoing channels. Secondly, instead of defining an absolute number of network buffers, we now use fractions of the available JVM memory (10% by default). This should cover more use cases by default and may also be tweaked by defining a minimum and maximum size.
+→ See [Configuring the Network Buffers]( in the Flink documentation.
+# Table API / SQL
+* **Support for Retractions in Table API / SQL**: As part of our endeavor to support continuous queries on [Dynamic Tables](, Retraction is an important building block that will enable a whole range of new applications which require updating previously-emitted results. Examples for such use cases are computation of early results for long-running windows, updates due to late arriving data, or maintaining constantly changing results similar to materialized views in relational database systems. Flink 1.3.0 supports retraction for non-windowed aggregates. Results with updates can be either converted into a DataStream or materialized to external data stores using TableSinks with upsert or retraction support. 
+* **Extended support for aggregations in Table API / SQL**: With Flink 1.3.0, the Table API and SQL support many more types of aggregations, including
+	* GROUP BY window aggregations in SQL (via the window functions [TUMBLE, HOP, and SESSION windows]( for both batch and streaming.
+	* SQL OVER window aggregations (only for streaming)
+	* Non-windowed aggregations (in streaming with retractions).
+	* User-defined aggregation functions for custom aggregation logic.
+* **External catalog support**: The Table API & SQL allows to register external catalogs. Table API and SQL queries can then have access to table sources and their schema from the external catalogs without register those tables one by one.
+→ See [the Flink documentation]( for details about these features.
+<div class="alert alert-warning">
+  The Table API / SQL documentation is currently being reworked. The community plans to publish the updated docs in the week of June 5th.
+# Connectors
+* **ElasticSearch 5.x support**: The ElasticSearch connectors have been restructured to have a common base module and specific modules for ES 1, 2 and 5, similar to how the Kafka connectors are organized. This will make fixes and future improvements available across all ES versions ([FLINK-4988](
+* **Allow rescaling the Kinesis Consumer**: Flink 1.2.0 introduced rescalable state for DataStream programs. With Flink 1.3, the Kinesis Consumer also makes use of that engine feature ([FLINK-4821](
+* **Transparent shard discovery for Kinesis Consumer**: The Kinesis consumer can now discover new shards without failing / restarting jobs when a resharding is happening ([FLINK-4577](
+* **Allow setting custom start positions for the Kafka consumer**: With this change, you can instruct Flink’s Kafka consumer to start reading messages from a specific offset ([FLINK-3123]( or earliest / latest offset ([FLINK-4280]( without respecting committed offsets in Kafka.
+* **Allow out-opt from offset committing for the Kafka consumer**: By default, Kafka commits the offsets to the Kafka broker once a checkpoint has been completed. This change allows users to disable this mechanism ([FLINK-3398](
+# CEP Library
+The CEP library has been greatly enhanced and is now able to accommodate more use-cases out-of-the-box (expressivity enhancements), make more efficient use of the available resources, adjust to changing runtime conditions--all without breaking backwards compatibility of operator state.
+Please note that the API of the CEP library has been updated with this release. 
+Below are some of the main features of the revamped CEP library:
+* **Make CEP operators rescalable**: Flink 1.2.0 introduced rescalable state for DataStream programs. With Flink 1.3, the CEP library also makes use of that engine feature ([FLINK-5420](
+* **State Cleanup and Late element handling**: The CEP library will now output late elements using the newly introduced side outputs ([FLINK-6205](, [FLINK-5174](
+* **New operators for the CEP library**:
+    * Quantifiers (*,+,?) for the pattern API ([FLINK-3318](
+    * Support for different continuity requirements ([FLINK-6208](
+    * Support for iterative conditions ([FLINK-6197](
+# Gelly Library
+* PageRank algorithm for directed graphs 
+* Unified driver for running Gelly examples [FLINK-4949](
+* PageRank algorithm for directed graphs ([FLINK-4896](
+* Add Circulant and Echo graph generators ([FLINK-6393](
+<div class="alert alert-warning">
+  There are two <strong>known issues</strong> in Flink 1.3.0. Both will be addressed in the next <i>1.3.1</i> release.
+  <br>
+  <ul>
+  	<li><a href="">FLINK-6783</a>: Wrongly extracted TypeInformations for <code>WindowedStream::aggregate</code></li>
+  	<li><a href="">FLINK-6783</a>: StateDescriptor cannot be shared by multiple subtasks</li>
+  </ul> 
+# List of Contributors 
+According to git shortlog, the following 103 people contributed to the 1.3.0 release. Thank you to all contributors!
+Addison Higham, Alexey Diomin, Aljoscha Krettek, Andrea Sella, Andrey Melentyev, Anton Mushin, barcahead, biao.liub, Bowen Li, Chen Qin, Chico Sokol, David Anderson, Dawid Wysakowicz, DmytroShkvyra, Fabian Hueske, Fabian Wollert, fengyelei, Flavio Pompermaier, FlorianFan, Fokko Driesprong, Geoffrey Mon, godfreyhe, gosubpl, Greg Hogan, guowei.mgw, hamstah, Haohui Mai, Hequn Cheng, hequn.chq, heytitle, hongyuhong, Jamie Grier, Jark Wu, jingzhang, Jinkui Shi, Jin Mingjian, Joerg Schad, Joshua Griffith, Jürgen Thomann, kaibozhou, Kathleen Sharp, Ken Geis, kkloudas, Kurt Young, lincoln-lil, lingjinjiang, liuyuzhong7, Lorenz Buehmann, manuzhang, Marc Tremblay, Mauro Cortellazzi, Max Kuklinski, mengji.fy, Mike Dias, mtunique, Nico Kruber, Omar Erminy, Patrick Lucas, paul, phoenixjiangnan, rami-alisawi, Ramkrishna, Rick Cox, Robert Metzger, Rodrigo Bonifacio, rtudoran, Seth Wiesman, Shaoxuan Wang, shijinkui, shuai.xus, Shuyi Chen, spkavuly, Stefano Bortoli, Stefan Richter, Stephan Ewen, St
 ephen Gran, sunjincheng121, tedyu, Till Rohrmann, tonycox, Tony Wei, twalthr, Tzu-Li (Gordon) Tai, Ufuk Celebi, Ventura Del Monte, Vijay Srinivasaraghavan, WangTaoTheTonic, wenlong.lwl, xccui, xiaogang.sxg, Xpray, zcb, zentol, zhangminglei, Zhenghua Gao, Zhijiang, Zhuoluo Yang, zjureel, Zohar Mizrahi, 士远, 槿瑜, 淘江, 金竹