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Posted to by Deepal Jayasinghe <> on 2005/09/21 11:26:42 UTC

[Axis2]Context serialization

 Hi all;
Chamikara has done a great job to serialize Axis2 context hierarchy form top to bottom (ConfigurationConetxt , ServiceGroupContexts , ServiceContexts , OperationContext , MessageContext). All the persistence properties will be saved when you serialize the system and will be there as it is when it restart again. I integrate that to Axis2. 

How do we serializes the system

any one can serialize the system at any time , only requirement is to have AxisEngine object (new AxisEngine(ConfigurationContext)),then just call 


It will serialize to the location specified in Axis2.xml ( <parameter name="seralizeLocation" locked="false">.</parameter>) , if the parameter is not there it will serialize to the working directory. 

When the deployment get start up it will check for the serialized file in the loaction specified by Axis2.xml if it is there ConfigurationContext will be created by de-serializing serialized file , if the file is not there empty Config_Context will be created.

~Future is Open~